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Data Logging - Science topic

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Questions related to Data Logging
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
I've to learn about how a digital pH meter work. For example, if I have a -400 + 400 mV ph meter and a -50 +50mV data logger, can I collect full range pH with less detail. Or do I just collect the range of -50mV and +50mV equivalent.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
6 answers
I am running a comparitively large simulation, with sampling time of 1e-6s.
I am not logging any data, however using many scopes.
Although simultion completes 100%, however, while "Terminating" (written on left bottom corner), it takes more time then the actual simulation time. Is there any way to cope with this issue?
Thanks in Advance!
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Dear Safdar:
I agree with previous answers view of point, and i confirm that issue is related to specifications of the work platform you used, represented by the processor and GPU.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
10 answers
We want to conduct a boat survey and need to track the trajectory and need to register the location and time of animal sightings. The logger should have a decent battery life, at least for 3 or more days.
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Thank you for your constant help Hayder Dibs . Garmin GPS will be costlier for us, because we want to deploy those on fishing vessels and there is hardly any network out in the sea, so I doubt how effectively will cellphone GPS work.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
A casting plant with three identical aging furnaces is operating 24/7 using certain energy consumption and peak demand with data logging logging on 10 minute interval. I am trying to study whether its operating patterns can be deduced. I have used cluter algorithm on the data segregated by peak (8am to 10pm) and non-peak period (10pm to 8am). However, elbow curve showed 2 to 4 variables. However, there were only 2 cluster patterns with the rest having no correlation. The energy consumption is quite steady with small peaks. I am wondering whether there are any other algoritms could be used to deduce the processes.
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Thank you but sorry for the late response, Dudley. I will update the timestamp and the furnace performance. Wll update you soon on the results.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
6 answers
I hope you can advise me on the choice of a proper statistical test to assess the difference significance between the groups.
I analyze the data from an animal model experiment. I have one control group and three different treatments and one parameter. Unfortunately, there is a large dispersion within the groups and the groups are small. The data do not have a normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test). As a result, even if the differences of the means are large by eye (like "Treatment 3" gives twice the value of "Control" and triple the value of the "Treatment 1"), the Kruskal-Wallis test does not indicate the statistical significance of the differences.
The means +/- SD are as follows:
Control: n=6 5659 +/- 5257
Tr1: n=4 3875 +/- 2866
Tr2: n=8 6111 +/- 5823
Tr3: n=7 13413 +/- 7809
BTW. Would the data log transformation help in this case? How do you think about excluding the outliers from the analysis?
Best regards,
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If the normal distribution is a bad model for the response, is there a more approprioate model? If so, then you should use the more approriate model.
What such model could be depends on what your response variable is (you did not mention this - but this is the MOST IMPORTANT information about your experiment!). If these are counts (e.g. cell counts), you should use a negative binomial model, if these are concentrations or intensity measures, you should use a log-normal or a gamma model.
But still it may be that the variances are too large to see systematic differences in such relatively small samples.
Excluding outliers because they don't suit your hopes is a no-go. Checking for outliers just helps to identify *possible* problems with samples, so that you can go back and find a reason why there samples might not be trusted. If you don't find such reasons, the outlier provides the very same information like any other value and is possibly the one important observation telling you that the rest is a bit biased.
Often, outliers seem problematic just because you have a particlar (and possibly wery wrong) intuition about how the distribution should look like. Changing your distributional assumptions may make these values way less suspicipous (there is a phrase: "I am not an outlier! - I just haven't found my distribution yet.")
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
I am working with a data-set that is not normally distributed (when tested by normality test) but appears to be normally distributed (when observing the histograms).
I wish to compare performance of two methods against each other, where there is no gold standard. My problem is, that whether I am working with the normal data or the log transformed data, I am still getting a non-normal distribution of the differences (as seen in the attachments).
1. I am confused as to whether I should follow the normal data, since the histogram of differences in that one looks slightly better than the log transformed one.
2. I read a few threads where people say the distribution does not really matter for the plot but rather the LOA. Does this mean I can use the same bias line from the normal data plot? Also if I am to assume non-normal distribution for the LOA, how do I calculate these limits? Is there a specific method/suggestion for non-parametric data?
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This is how I interpret your results.
1. The distribution of errors, with and without log transformation, is not normal. The histograms are usually misleading as what appears to be normal may turn out to be non-normal if we change the number of bins used to plot the histogram. Similarly, the tests for normality are also misleading as they are usually significant if the dataset is large enough. The QQ-plots are a good way to check the normality.
2. I would argue not to log transform the data simply because then you have to live in the log world and the units of measurement become log-units. If they have intuitive interpretation in your case, go ahead and log transform otherwise not.
3. From the Altman plots, a few conclusions can be drawn. There is a systematic bias in your measurement method 1 compared to 2, or the way around as you don't have a gold standard. This is, however, not the end of the road. This systematic bias can be accounted for by regression analysis which is reported as "y(differences) = -0.027 x(means) + -0.35" in the non-transformed data report. This can be interpreted as the systematic difference between the two methods at a measured value (means stand in for the true score).
4. As the errors are not distributed normally around the systematic trend (or the expected value of the differences), the assumption that there is a constant LOA around the systematic difference is null and void. LOA is computed as bias + 1.96 (z-score from standard normal distribution) * standard deviations of differences. The violation of this assumption implies that in a practical situation, you may expect smaller random error at smaller measured values and larger random errors in larger measured values, once the systematic error in the instrument has been accounted for. You still need to interpret the size of the error based on the application of the measurement methods.
My conclusion is that the reliability of the methods seems to be less than desirable. The methods may still be applicable with a mechanism to account for systematic errors and the random error is expected to be large for larger measurements.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
Hi everybody,
could someone suggest me how long i should incubate cells with h202 and at which concentration to obtain positive controls? Moreover i don't understand how should i perform statystical analysis of resuts obtained (tail lenght , tail moment , percentage of dna after treatment with increasing concentrations of a drug) in view of the fact that the means of each conditions are not omogeneous. Is it a good strategy to transform my data in log scale? what is the right post hoc analysis and graphical representation?
many thanks
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thankyou very much!
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
5 answers
I was purchasing a data logger for temperature recording. When i informed the manufacturer that it would be operated under vacuum conditions, they mentioned that there are certain sensors that might malfunction under vacuum. Can anyone recommend a suitable logging device (stand alone/battery operated as i dont want holes in my vacuum chamber to get the power cord out) that can work fine under vacuum?
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If you use just a classical thermocouple, you can easily get out the cable using specified feedthroughs, e.g. (but check for cheaper competitors, of course). Then you can just wire it to any cheap multimeter and read in the values via an RS232 that every decent computer should have. Then you don't have to drill extra holes and you don't have to worry about tools not working inside vacuum. I've actually never seen anyone put the logger itself into vacuum.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
2 answers
I want to design a data logger for pressure transducer, used to log the output voltage of pressure transducer ...input range 0-3.34volts
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We recently used PXM409
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
2 answers
Hi there,
I am trying to model GPP and Reco from NEE and PAR data derived using an acrylic chamber in combination with an IRGA (no automated data-logging) in R using the 'flux'package.
However, I am basically moving from error message to error message (even though following the authors data-format) and wonder if there is another (maybe easier) way to model and plot NEE, GPP and Reco using R? Has anyone any suggestions?
Cheers, Claudia
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Hi Vytas, Yes indeed, it was that package I've been talking about. However, since this is an old question, I managed to solve the problem - even though probably not in the most straight forward way due to a bunch of error messages I needed to bypass.
Hence unfortunately, I can't provide any good explanations in how I did for others experiencing the same issues.
But cheers for the script, I will let some data run through it.
Cheers, Claudia
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
20 answers
I am conducting an experiment that I want to log the data from PV panel (Watt). All I have is a red wire (Positive point) and a black wire (Negative point).
My field is Chemical Engineering and have not any related knowledge to give a solution to this.
As it should be a low cost experiment, it would be kind of you to introduce your solutions for log the data for at least 3 months.
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More cost effective solution would be __any__ two (current + voltage) digital multimeters equipped with a digital interface. The ranges of such meters should meet mesuring PV system constraints. The cost of such measurment system development would be in this case moved towards a time spent to manage the process of acqisition (and storge) the measurements results onto a PC via a digital interface.
I hope you will consider this direction useful.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
1 answer
Once failure or breakdown occurs, it is important that equipement is recoverd as soon as possible.An effective way to define the problem and root cause is needed for that.
At the same time, when similar failures/breakdowns occure on a regular basis, it is very important to have a structured way to find/investigate the root cause. A proper process for data collection (not only hard data, but for sure also data (experience) provided by people), data logging and data analyses is required.
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Its is really depending on the production line.
The most important procedure to prevent constantly break downs is by doing the periodic or predictive maintenance...when you do that you could prevent better the sudden brake downs.
Second thing is the quality inspection at each production step ... this will let you know when the error starts....the measuring of these errors is due to products.
Searching for the problem start on different levels:
- Problems in power supplies
-change of the rough material (defects is raw material)
-small Details in the Product Design may cause brake downs after certain time of Production.
-Cooling or heating operations during Production maybe a big deal.
-and obviously malfunction of the equipments this one can easily find.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
I have data that's being logged into 2 loops in separate xlsx files. I want to combined the data of these 2 files into one file with the colums next to each other. One file has the data from an GPS recever with (longitude, lattittude and alltitude) and the other has the average power of an power sensor ? is there anyway to do this?
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Use the build matrix function together with the write to spreadsheet file VI.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
1 answer
Hello dear all,
I need help how to connect the differential pressure transmitter (Model:YGX-PTS802,Range:0-1KPa ,output:4-20mA,supply:24VDC) to a DT80 series data logger.I have connected the parts according to the circuit attached below .At the end,I get false reading for the current value(I think the range of the readings should lie between 4-20mA as set by the manufacturer .).The readings comes  far bigger than that range,like 167,182,177.  etc..randomly changing big number.I would highly appreciate if anyone working in the related area could give some help.
     Kind Regards,
     Tarikayehu A.
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It looks as though your hardware is set up correctly: At least you have a resistor across the data logger inputs, which effectively converts the 4-20 mA current to a voltage, which is what the data logger expects. Check your DT80's settings: It may be reporting an integer number of millivolts or something similar. Data loggers do not necessarily report readings in "engineering units" (e.g., PSI, volts, etc.) if you don't tell them what to do. The DT80 may be doing exactly what it should be doing, though I presume you can program it to convert inputs into engineering units using linear math functions (I'm not familiar with the DT80's details). How do the numbers change as you apply pressure to the pressure sensor? It is likely that your numbers are varying because you're seeing natural "noise" around a small signal (your three numbers enable us to calculate that the standard deviation is only ~4% of the mean; not bad for a signal near the noise floor). If you see your numbers increasing with increasing pressure (1 kPa is not very much- don't apply too much pressure!), everything may be well. You may have to develop a regression between data logger readings in millivolts and pressure in kPa.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
I have a 2x2 repeated measures design with accuracy as the DV (yes/no response). Is there a preferred analysis method between these 2 approaches?
(1) I can do a repeated measures ANOVA on d' data, this shows an interaction effect which I can then sensibly follow up with ttests.
(2) I can also do logistic regression on the proportion correct data and there I also find the interaction. But I'm stuck as to how to follow this interaction up. Can I just split the IVs and do further log regressions on the comparisons of interest?
But I read that log regression is not that suitable for a repeated measures design. I would like then to use d' as opposed to some more complex modelling eg generalised linear mixed effects (as recommended by Dixon, 2008).
Does anyone have some good advice on this and/or any other (readable) papers I should read on this?
[PS, I find exactly the same results if I apply a rep-meas ANOVA to proportion  correct data, or to d' data, and in the log reg analysis.]
Many thanks
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Update: To explore an interaction in logistic regression I have seen recommended a simple chi square test, splitting the data of one IV to examine the effect of the other IV. I have done this and it all makes sense.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
5 answers
Its main use will be to gather weather parameters for wildlife research. I would need to leave it for at least 3 months in desertic and temperate environments. I can have access to it quite often so data retrieval or batteries should not be a problem.
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I used 4 Lascar dataloggers ,(  in the humid montane forest of the Andes. However, two of them were dropped in a ravine and got ruined because they were covered with water. They measured temperature and humidity every hour for 6 months. However, they can't measure precipitation. I do not know of any datalogger that can measure that.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
Any expiriences with this logger please? Interesting feature for me is User-replaceable battery. Is it easy replace it in the field? Any leaking possible? Is it apropriate to use it for measuring in-snow temperature? What is the price in your country? Thanks!
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You might also check out Onset Hobo data loggers. The old versions several decades ago were very inexpensive, and needed to be contained in a water proof capsule.  To save funds, extra protection was added with plastic whirl-pak bags as very inexpensive. The new data loggers are likely better and more expensive, and some issues with people finding and damaging, so se started to include a note on who to contact, what the temperature recorders were doing to help identifymand improve fish habitat.  I have had good results with them (Hobos) as long as not damaged,,stolen or taking on water.  The technology has improved in the last 20 years.  I have not used Tinytag, but in an earlier researchgate question, some individuals found them reliable.  I made sure we secured them in sections of plastic pipe that were cabled to strong roots or other relatively immovable oblects, hand burying cable under rocks if available to obscure detection.  It is important to provide map and description of location if the person installing will not be servicing the data loggers, perhaps even capture a picture of site.  If stream is likely to be intermittent, you may want to locate in pool, but I usually preferred sections with more velocity to avoid sediment burial if evident.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
I am looking for transmitting the data from Intel Edison board and sent to data logging station .I mean I need o sent to cloud can anyone tell me detail about how do I do that?/
1) what is procedure??
2) what way will be easy to transmit the data from Intel Edison to cloud.
3)At cloud I have to display my data either in graph or something GUI.?
I don't know full procedure can u guide me properly..?
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OK, so you might want to have a bluetooth connection between Edison and the mobile. And some WiFi or xG from the mobile to the 'cloud'.
So you cold implement an HTTP server on Edison which would be polled by the client part of the mobile app.
The 'cloud' side is trickier: as  most likely you will not find a 'cloud client' polling your mobile app. Thus you will have to find out how to actively transmit the data from the mobile app to some receiving service in the 'cloud'.
'cloud dashboard' ? What's that ?
Don't you have some colleague eventually showing you what's already available (in terms of concepts, not necessarily 'implementation') ?
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
I am interested in organizational stress research and thus far I have mainly found studies which investigated user behavior by offering proprietary environments (e.g., simulated real-world applications based on Visual Basic) within a laboratory setting to continously track user behavior and triangulate specific events / actions with bio-signals (e.g., heart rate). Yet, I would be interested in any past research that managed to use client-based tracking software or server logs to this end and at the same time achieved a sufficient compliance rate / low drop-out rate (by individuals and/or involved organizations). Thanks in advance for any insights!
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There is some work that has been used in classroom environments. This work has relied on log files, human observation, web-cams, other sensors, or some combination of these inputs to detect student affect. 
Pardos, Z. A., Baker, R. S. J. D., San Pedro, M. O. C. Z., Gowda, S. M., & Gowda, S. M. (2013). Affective states and state tests: investigating how affect throughout the school year predicts end of year learning outcomes (p. 117). ACM Press.
Bosch, N., D’Mello, S., Baker, R., Ocumpaugh, J., Shute, V., Ventura, M., … Zhao, W. (2015). Automatic Detection of Learning-Centered Affective States in the Wild. In IUI 2015 (pp. 379–388). Atlanta, Georgia, USA: ACM Press.
A self-reporting method called experience sampling can also be used and combined with other data collection methods to reduce participant burden or build affect detectors so that you can reduce or remove your dependence on self-reporting:
Clayton Epp, Michael Lippold, and Regan L. Mandryk. 2011. Identifying emotional states using keystroke dynamics. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 715-724. DOI=
Carrie Demmans Epp. 2016. English language learner experiences of formal and informal learning environments. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 231-235. DOI=
When I used experience sampling, 11 of my 12 participants submitted enough reports for me to use the data. The bigger challenge with this approach is getting people to start the study. If you go the self-reporting route then I would recommend combining it with another sensor or data collection method. There has been discussion about using smartwatches or fitbits to support affect detection but I haven't seen any papers on that yet.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
Does anyone have any experience using HOBO Pendant Temp/Light loggers to measure LUX within aquatic environments? Are they reliable if cleaned regularly?
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Hi Daniel,
It all depends on which type of habitat you want to use them and how long you want them to be in place.
We have used many of them recently in rivers for recording temperature and lgiht during a whole year. Great for temperature, not so good for light (lux) as the case can get eroded (suspended sediments), you get biofilm growth, or you can lose the whole thing because of floods. In our case we attached them to bedrock on the stream banks with steel cable and a weight so that they would stay in the benthos. Our recovery rate was high (up to 90% of them), however some of them were out of the water when we collected them (less than 5%).
In other aquatic systems like ponds, lakes or other lentic habitats or really stable streams (spring-fed) this might not be an issue, however vandalism might be another problem!!
I think the greatest challenge is to keep them measuring light always in the same angle and position. If you are really interested on measuring light in different seasons you might need to leave them for short periods when the flow is stable and devise a way (e.g., attach them to a heavy flat tile which is fixed to a bedrock or big boulder with steel wire) to place them always in the shame location and position. This would apply for lentic and lotic habitats, I believe.. Another thing you might need to think of is the position of the sensor within the aquatic habitat, as light intensity could be spatially heterogeneous. Replicated locations might be an option..
Cleaning them will defenitively be a must if you leave them for a long period!!
If you get all that going I think the sensors are of reasonable good quality for their price. We also use them when we measure river metabolism for short stable periods and they correlate quite well with other more precise light sensors.
I hope this helps!
Good luck!!
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
We are starting a new research project, and will be looking into a lot of different ways to observe and assess properties of play and playful learning. Part of this will feed into equipping and advising an all new physical labfor studying play and playful products. 
Coming from a game studies background, I have a lot of experience when it comes to experiments and observations with gaming, but less when we are talking about play in a broader sense.
I am asking a very open question at this point, as we are still trying to hone in on as many interesting approaches as possible. We are committed to covering (but not exclusively): 
  • Qualitative observations and schemes
  • Quantitative measures, including instruments and experimental setups
  • Physiological measures and other ways of collecting data from/with technologies -  from brain based approaches to mobile sensors and native data
  • And of course approaches that transcend and combine the above.
Any and all inspiration will be welcomed - including words of warning and insights into failed approaches. What we are mainly looking for is tools and methods, as well as the theories behind them. 
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Hi Andreas, I am interested in the interaction between play and emotions myself. The current focus is gamification rather than "real" games, but still the attached paper might provide a few hints.
We used facial recognition to get a more objective view on a person's emotions than the usual questionnaire can provide. However, I feel that this is just a starting point. Multiple sensors are required to consolidate this kind of physiological research. I also got the impression that current systems (like the SHORE-kit for facial recognition we used) have been developed for lab conditions and are often difficult to use in the field.
Maybe we can work together on this topic. I'll soon start a new project on measuring emotions in the context of (gamified) learning processes.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
9 answers
In short, I'm looking to power an EC-5 soil moisture sensor (Decagon Devices) on an Arduino (e.g., Uno or Mega). I've been looking into how to produce excitation voltage (10 ms excitation between 2.5 to 3.3 V at 10 mA). 
At first, I tried using the 5V digital pin (set to output) and used a voltage divider to get the desired voltage and current. I ended up with unexpected and inconsistent readings (due to slow leak of voltage from the digital pin?). Now I'm trying PNP and NPN transistors, but I'm not sure how the circuit should look or the logic (code) for the sensor excite and read. Do you read during (at the end of) excitation or some time after excitation? Thanks for any assistance.
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Arduino is easily capable of delivering 10mA directly, as single pin can draw/sink 20mA. the problem lays in proper voltage level. If you have 3.3V at your board - use it as power to your sensor!
The other issue is reference voltage. If you use Arduino Mega, you can use internal 2.56V reference with analogReference(INTERNAL2V56) command (please take a look on
This will give you readout values :
0% - ~131
100% - ~530
However, if you are interested in even higher resolution, you may use analogReference(INTERNAL1V1), which will clip your measurement range down to 76%, but you will get resolution like:
0% - ~307
76% - 1023
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
1 answer
When my mechanical assembly operates,on finding a pilferage, the circuit having odometer will break open and after sometime the circuit will get completed again. I want this time lag to be visible in my graph. i.e. when the circuit breaks, the clock of the logger should not stop but data recording should cease until the circuit is alive again
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I do not understand 6the quastion even
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
6 answers
I want to use an electronic odometer to sense speed of my instrument & that gets recorded into a data logger. I want to test that if I cut the power supply of odometer for sometime, but power supply to data logger is continued, would I see a blank/zero reading when data is retrieved from the logger?
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you've still gotten some work to do :)
the problem is that I know nothing about YOUR odometer and especially its speed sensor. Typically 2 types of speed sensors are 'standard': tacho generator (primarily delivering an AC voltage whose amplitude is proportional to the speed) and 'pulses' - meaning that you get 1 or more pulses per round.
Theses pulses may come from a simple reed switch (as with bicycle odometers) or from some kind of electronic sensor (normally a an inductive sensor or a hall sensor or something alike if talking about odometers from cars). Talking about cars the odometer may not even attach to the sensor itself - simply processing a signal generated nowadays by the ABS unit and delivered via CAN.
So, the first thing is to find out which type of speed sensor you've got. This means tapping the sensor interface (preferably with an oscilloscope) and monitoring the system during normal operation. Talking about pulse output sensors you may find out that the signal looks somehow 'disturbed' - meaning that the signal is missing pulses on a regular basis. This is normal for a lot of automotive sensors.
Not to handle too many alternatives in this reply: please come back when it's clear which type of speed sensor you've got - preferably with some kind of schematics and measurement plots. (If you can get documentation for the odometer this would also help.) Then it will be easier to assess how to proceed.
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
4 answers
Actually in my project i need to fit a small wheel with an electronic odometer. My requirement is that as my device(vehicle) moves, the reading of the odometer should be recorded via data logger with sensitivity in milliseconds. Now I would disconnect the supply of odometer, but data logger supply is uncut. after some time the supply of odometer is restored. I believe when I retrieve data from the data logger, i will see that distance reading doesn't increase for sometime. OK?
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I do not know the odometer system, but as long as it can send out an electric signal then it is possible to log the signal inside the data logger. I had an experience to log solar irradiation into a computer by means of ATMega8. Take a look at the attachment.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
3 answers
I am conducting a few experiments in which i need to record data in robust way as signals are not only very weak but valuse change robustly. What i need to measure is the electrical resistance in a nanocomposite sample as result of change in current  or due to change of temperature.
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Of course. First off, you need to know what communication protocol the instrument talks to the computer. If you wanna use the Matlab code you need to connect the instrument using ethernet cable. If it is GPIB or Serial COM you would have to change the code accordingly, depending on what VISA resource that is. Second, the code is just simply a function, you have to type in your command into the terminal to be able to read stuff from it. This function applies voltage sweep from one channel and forcing the voltage to be zero from the other channel and measure the current from that exact channel. If you want to do some stuff other than this, you have to modify this code accordingly as well.
Personally I have never worked with Thurlby multimeter. And I can't seem to find Keithley 1906 (I don't think they sell this....)check 2400 maybe?
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
5 answers
The cheapest I have been able to find, commercially, is the $299 HOBO, but I'm sure a cheaper one can be built with the right sensors, housing, and microcontroller, provided one has the knowledge. Does anyone either know of a cheaper option or had success with a custom apparatus?
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For a one or two unit system, definitely an arduino based logger. 
If you need a *bunch* of sensors, it is probably worth doing a custom board and having the whole thing fabbed overseas. 
I'm looking at a project that needs 10k individual sensor/logger units, and with those kind of numbers, you can get per unit cost (~8 gb per-unit storage) down to around $40 a pop. They're not the worlds greatest loggers, but not terrible. At all. 
  • asked a question related to Data Logging
8 answers
I would like to record wind speed and direction with a small/medium sized portable wind data logger (possible to carry in a backpack). I would like to hear your experience with portable wind loggers and will be happy to get recommendations of different types.
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Hello Ronny, I usually prefer to log sensors on a logger, but if you look for a really portable, handy instrument to deploy in few minutes, the Kestrel 4500 Weather Meter is outstanding:
Not cheap, but sturdy, reliable and rich in many features.
'Hope it helps.
Best, Andrea