Science topic

Dancing - Science topic

Rhythmic and patterned body movements which are usually performed to music.
Questions related to Dancing
  • asked a question related to Dancing
9 answers
I isolate PBMCs from whole blood using BD CPT tubes. After I wash the cells and put them in a flask I see a lot of the cells look like they are moving. Basically, in the picture I attached, all the smaller cells look like they are moving. I've repeated the experiment and see it every time. What are these cells and why do they look like they are dancing in my flask?
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Could they be residual red blood cells? How to tell if they are RBCs or platelets? I see a similar feature in my human PBMC cultures.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
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I am currently working on a project on cotton in benin and a came across a reference mentionning your paper entitled "Compétitivité et durabilité de cinq systèmes culturaux cotonniers dans le cadre de la filière". please share a copy of your paper with me.
romain houssa
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here it a draft of 2019, sorry for the delay
  • asked a question related to Dancing
118 answers
Activeness or amount of activeness depends on each and every person. Some may become active by studying or playing or dancing or chatting or walking etc. In this context, How can you make yourself active? What could be the advantage?
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Have a very long - relaxing sleep - then you will feel - it's the time to do something
  • asked a question related to Dancing
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It had cited in
Hassan M.K., Karim M.F., Karim M.S. (2019) Experiences and Lessons of Cash Waqf in Bangladesh and Other Countries. In: Ali K., Hassan M., Ali A. (eds) Revitalization of Waqf for Socio-Economic Development, Volume I. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Salmah Said, Andi Muhammad Ali Amiruddin, WAKAF TUNAI DAN PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT, AL-MASHRAFIYAH: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan, dan Perbankan Syariah ISSN (p): 2597-4904 ISSN (e) : 2620-5661 Volume 3, Nomor 1, April (2019), h. 43-55
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this many not answer your question - for one thing the link you added is dead, but go to this link,5 which shows you the various mentions your papers have got. it may be that some of your work is referred to in one of the citations
  • asked a question related to Dancing
5 answers
les travailleurs dans le secteur minier manipulation quotidiennement les produits chimiques pendant la l'aménagement et la construction d'un site minier; Alors j'aimerai faire une liste des produits chimiques et leurs fiches de données de sécurités en lien avec les maladies professionnelles.
workers in the mining sector daily handling chemicals during the development and construction of a mine site; So I would like to make a list of chemicals and their safety data sheets related to occupational diseases.
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Les produits chimiques utilisés dans l'extraction et le traitement des minéraux contaminent la terre, l'eau et l'air, causant des problèmes de santé aux travailleurs et aux personnes vivant à proximité des mines. Les produits chimiques toxiques utilisés dans les mines comprennent:
cyanure, acide sulfurique et solvants pour séparer les minéraux du minerai
acide nitrique
Nitrate d'ammonium et fioul (ANFO) utilisés dans les tunnels de sautage
Métaux lourds tels que le mercure, l'uranium et le plomb
essence, gazole et gaz d'échappement des véhicules et de l'équipement
Acétylène pour le soudage et le brasage.
Le cyanure est utilisé pour séparer l'or du minerai.
L'acide sulfurique est un produit chimique toxique utilisé dans les mines de cuivre. C'est également un sous-produit de nombreux types d'exploitation minière, mélangés à de l'eau et à des métaux lourds pour former un drainage minier acide.
Risque chimique spécifique:
silice cristalline,
poussière de charbon,
composés de nickel
et plusieurs autres minerais métalliques (plomb, cadmium, manganèse, platine et cobalt)
Deux problèmes spécifiques peuvent être soulevés
L'acide fluorhydrique (HF) est utilisé dans l'analyse des échantillons de carottes prélevés lors de forages d'exploration.
La fusion des minerais sulfurés produit du dioxyde de soufre gazeux (SO2), capturé et transformé en acide sulfurique (H2SO4), qui est ensuite utilisé dans le processus d'extraction.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
7 answers
Je n'arrive pas à donner une nom a cette plante trouvé dans îles Canaries. Merci d'avance.
Jaime Gil
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Bravo Filip, It's great!
  • asked a question related to Dancing
1 answer
saya mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang ingin mencari project penelitian untuk tugas akhir , saya adalah mahasiswa fisika saya tertarik dengan remote sensing pemetaan dan tomografi, mungkin jika berkenan dan terkait dengan area topik di atas saya ingin bergabung menjadi tim penelitian ini
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unfortunately, this research is over. However, you could be collaborate with others who having same topic right this one. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Dancing
38 answers
The phenomenon of gray matter leakage or the intelligentsia in emerging or in way of development is a real threat for their countries of origin.
Quelles sont les raisons susceptibles d'inciter la fuite des cerveaux de leurs pays d'origine?
Le phénomène de fuite de la matière grise ou l'intelligentsia dans les pays émergents ou en voie de développement est une véritable menace pour leurs pays d'origines.
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The brain drain to the most industrialized countries because of the search for new perspectives and opportunities. But what should their countries of origin do to remedy this brain drain?
  • asked a question related to Dancing
2 answers
One year ago I made a micronutrient stock solution for MS medium and the solution appeared colorless. Yesterday I made the solution with the same composition but the solution turned yellowish. What caused it ?
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Check all components you add. It may be some mistake in concentration. Solution must be colorless.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
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Desde tu experiencia califica ¿Cuál es la importancia que las empresas de tu ciudad le dan a la calidad de sus productos y servicios? Siendo 1 Nula y 5 Mucha.
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3 ..
  • asked a question related to Dancing
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Quels mécanismes permettent l'insertion dans l'économie de la connaissance?
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Merci beaucoup
  • asked a question related to Dancing
3 answers
Il y a des anthropologues en Inde, en Algérie, au Maroc et dans des pays latino-américains, qui pensent et pratiquent l'anthropologie sociale et culturelle selon le principe de l' Anthropologue at home (être anthropologue chez soi). Ce point de vue. Ce point de vue, bien sûr, n'est pas partagé par tout le monde mais il gagne du terrain.
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Bonjour professeur
J'assisté au colloque de Biskra en avril 2017, et aussi au débat entre vous et prof nadir marouf dans lesquels vous avez discuté cet objet, j'ai aussi lit ton article paru dans le numéro 3 de la revue mentionnée, et je suis totalement de votre avis, on peut pratiquer l'anthropologie "at home", je dirais même qu'il est préférable qu'on se concentre sur l'étude de notre société au lieu d'aller étudier les sociétés d'autrui, car nous avons beaucoup de problèmes a résoudre.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
1 answer
Saya sedang meneliti kinerja keuangan koperasi simpan pinjam di jawa timur
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Mr. Gede Arimbawa ,Untuk mengukur kinerja keuangan koperasi di Indonesia dapat dilakukan menggunakan analisa rasio keuangan. Titik berat rasio adalah pada pasio Kas dan Rasio Pinjaman. Secara keseluruhan indikator kinerja keuangan koperasi adalah : aspek permodalan, aspek aktiva, aspek efisiensi, dan aspek likuiditas. Maaf jika ada yang kurang.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
8 answers
j'aimerai bien savoir la raison d'augmentation du taux des polyphénols dans l'huile extraite des graine torréfiée alors que les phénols s'oxydes par exposition au température ??
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Imad Mennai c quoi DMS
  • asked a question related to Dancing
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In our studies, we used ultrasonography to measure unchanged fascicle length of gastrocnemius medialis following 24 weeks of stretching, but longer fascicles of gastrocnemius medialis in professional ballet dancers (24 years of ballet training) compared to matched controls. Is there other research out there, using better methods, with more conclusive answers?
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I would be very much interested to know whether long time of practice would induce to such alteration in series sarcomere . I have heard of some a new technique to measure sarcomere number (and its length, I think) using an insert needle, but I`m not aware of any research that has already used it, will try to find out.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
4 answers
We are partnering with a ballet school to develop a strategy for eating disorder prevention. Currently, the school has a policy of excluding students from pointe classes based on both fitness/strenght and BMI. Is there any evidence that pointe work becomes unsafe over a certain weight/BMI? What would be other useful indicators?
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Dear Ina,
Ballet dancers with eating disorders seem to have higher levels of anxiety as well (Diogo et al. 2016, Liu et al. 2016), so maybe monitoring with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-T-6 might be useful.
Diogo MA, Ribas GG, Skare TL. Frequency of pain and eating disorders among professional and amateur dancers. Sao Paulo Med J. 2016 Sep 26:0. doi: 10.1590/1516-3180.2016.0077310516. [Epub ahead of print].
Liu CY, Tseng MC, Chang CH, Fang D, Lee MB. Comorbid psychiatric diagnosis and psychological correlates of eating disorders in dance students. J Formos Med Assoc 2016;115(2):113-20.
Best wishes from Munich,
  • asked a question related to Dancing
2 answers
Bonjour , je cherche de l'aide pour comprendre l'effet du coating (PVD) qui ne reste pas sur les endmill dans l'usinage de l'inconel 718 , merci
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je crois que la combinaison des proprietés mechaniques elevés et la mauvaise dissipation de la chaleur de Inconel 718 puisse causer un chauffage et stress mechanique de l'outil qui est très dangereux pour l'adherence des couches PVD (meme les produits conseillès pour les temperatures elevees).
Je vous suggere à refroidir de plus pendant l'usinage ou utiliser des outil en diamant.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
3 answers
Ce sera avec plaisir
J'ai un numéro thématique qui s'en vient dans Psychology and Society. Voici un premier jet de l'éditorial. Je t'enverrai le numéro thématique complet lorsque publié.
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sorry no, good luck
  • asked a question related to Dancing
3 answers
  • Comment avez vous procédé?
  • Les difficultes rencontrées ?
  • les succès ?
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Parfait. Merci pour votre intérêt.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
2 answers
hard Drugs addiction are begin to take over our youths along with other substance abuse ,as politicians are frustrating youths of this generation,therefore they turn unto this abuse for solace .what model can we take to curb this public health issue in developing countries
Suggesstion;Build emergency rehabilitation youth friendly centers with hostels ,drugs free ,taken care by Corps and Military personnel,career counselors and Psychologist who are pre-tested to be drug free.The GOVERNMENT should start.but the rehabilitated youth should give consent to go through the process.There should be wide farm land for youth to practice farming and other hand works ,which would be sold to the public and the money kept for each rehabilitatant accounts but freeze from spending and record monitored by each owner.Part of the money put into coffer of the center for maintenance and appreciation of staff in the center.Programme duly monitored by Government officials.Structure should have farm lands,game center,craft center ,and exam center for enrollment to external exams,games village,mechanic center,masonry ,and carpentry,bakery and cooking unit and religious unit,music unit,Artistic unit and also dancing units .When all this Unit are in a Large rehabilitation Unit .You will see what a Addict would be like after three month of affection and empathy. Finally the government should pass emergency legislation to support this center with stipulation of the roles for all players in the center.
this is urgent for the world if the youth energy should be directed away from drugs ,substance abuse,insurgency,kidnapping ,militancy,arm robbery,and terrorism.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
8 answers
I am basically using MAX/MSP/Jitter for analysis, will be appreciated if someone would give some information based on experience. : thank you ! 
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I believe that the best software for motion analysis is Visual 3D from CMotion. For Motion Capture (MoCap) on a lab, the ideal is to use Qualisys or Vicon. Inertial sensors like X-Sense will be fantastic for field assessment.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
3 answers
Dear all,
Researcher: Jack Gilbert
Dissertation Supervisor: Dr Prithvi Perepa
My name is Jack Gilbert. I am a final year student studying BA Special Educational Needs and Inclusion student at the University of Northampton. For my dissertation, I wish to conduct research on whether dance and movement can be an intervention for children with autism with the focus on developing their social-communication skills. The research is going to be conducted under the supervision of Dr Prithvi Perepa who can be contacted on
The questionnaire is based around the field of dance/movement and autism and your own experiences of working within the field. The questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Your confidentially and anonymity will be protected throughout the research and your data will be securely stored in accordance to the university ethical guidelines. You also have the right to withdraw from taking part within this research by the 1st April 2016. The information will be stored on an external hard drive which will be protected and secured in a safe place. However please note that Google may store this information on their system.The findings of the research could possibly be published and will be used for my dissertation, which will be submitted to the University.
The link to the questionnaire can be accessed here:
If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be contacted on I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider taking part within my research.
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Gilbert
The University of Northampton
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Done, inclusion is the way forward gives a new dimension to dance
  • asked a question related to Dancing
5 answers
Soon I am going to India, I would like to take photos and interviews from Kathakali dancers. Can you recommend me a contact to get in touch with?
Thank you very much.
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Dear Bella Volen,
Unfortunately I have no information.
Best regards,
Nikola Benrin
  • asked a question related to Dancing
6 answers
I am looking for references to dancing, and possible changing attitudes towards dancing in Scotland during 1914-1919 period around World War 1. The war reduced the number of tradition bearers in music, song and dance greatly but also attitudes towards dance seems to have shifted during the war years. Any references are welcome.
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Have you found this reference, Mats:
Casciani, E. 1994. Oh, How We Danced! Edinburgh: Mercat Press.
It's predominantly about ballroom dancing in Scotland, but there's a chapter which covers 1910-1920.
  • asked a question related to Dancing
7 answers
I am writing an article about cultural influences of the Metropoli in XVII-XVIII centuries in Latin America. The current topic I am writing about is music, and I have not enough idea about it.
I found a book which talks about Cuba and its sounds (Cuba y sus sones, by Natalio Galán). In the introduction, it explains a bit the origins of American music, and why are more important Brazilian and Cuban rythms than others.
But I need to learn more about that field, and to know other points of view. I was wondering if some of you could help me with your opinion.
I will be very grateful.
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Dear Victoria,
even though you are concentrating on South America,you also have to look to Europe in order to understand the origin of central ideas, some of which might have made an impact on the other continent either soon or perhaps also only later. Therefore have a look at the standard account of the theory of music in the early modern period:
H. Floris Cohen: Quantifying Music: The Science of Music at the First Stage of Scientific Revolution 1580-1650, Springer 1984, 332 pages, ISBN 90-277-1637-4
I you spot dependencies or flows of ideas, you would also have to frame that in terms of the center-periphery models and literature about this issue.
Best regards, Klaus Hentschel, Stuttgart