Science topics: DNA Replication
Science topic
DNA Replication - Science topic
DNA Replication is the process by which a DNA molecule is duplicated.
Questions related to DNA Replication
The real way of synthesis of simplest living matter from minerals under natural and laboratory conditions is described in the fundamental review paper: Kadyshevich E.A., Ostrovskii V.E. From minerals to simplest living matter: Life Origination Hydrate Theory. Acta Biotheoretica. 71 (2023) article 13 (pp. 1–67);
This paper represents generalization of the research works published over the period from 2000 to 2023 in several tens of publications and presented at about 30 international scientific conferences in about 20 countries in the form of lectures and oral presentations. All publications relating to the problem of living matter origination are available at the ResearchGate site in the Victor Ostrovskii's and Elena Kadyshevich's pages.
Greetings, dear colleagues!
Our team conducts research on newly discovered SIRC elements in plant genomes ( , which are thought to be MITE transposons losing inverted repeats products, which could influence genome regulation) using bioinformatics, and we plan to conduct experimental molecular biology studies to elucidate the functions of SIRC. The problem is - our team is specialized in molecular bology experiments aiming to reveal the functions of genes, not non-coding DNA elements. That's why I want to ask your expert opinion - what experimental techniques would help to reveal the functions of abundant DNA elements of repetitive nature?
What comes to mind is the creation of mutant lines without several of these elements, but such experiments are too large-scale and can last for years, which is too complicated at the moment.
Another technique that comes to mind is the amplification of certain sequences and examination using circular dichroism spectroscopy to reveal whether given elements have unusual secondary structure like G-quadruplex of triplex DNA etc that could influence processes of genome transcription or replication.
And one more - we thought it could be possible to capture and identify plant proteins that specifically recognize SIRC via some modification of EMSA (electroforetic mobility shift assay) method. Unfortunatelly, up to date we didn't find any mentions of EMSA variant that uses not single purified protein, but whole DNA-free nuclear lysate, with subsequent identification of binding proteins via MALDI-TOF.
What other in vitro experiments could be useful?
I've read that template-switching can create duplications, but those duplications are inverted (aka TIDs - tandem inverted duplications).
Can template-switching result in a non-inverted duplication as well? If so please pass reference to me. Thanks!
Hi, I just label the cells with EdU in order to have a look at the DNA replication. I used the EdU click-IT imaging kit from ThermoFisher. From the images, I find there are different patterns of these EdU signal, for example, punctual structure or diffused distribution. I know this is normal, but I don't know what's the meaning of different patterns in DNA replication. Does it mean different state of DNA replication?
I have been reading about vectors and strategies used in engineering insect cell lines. PiggyBac being a very promising system, is not supplied with a autonomously replicating transposase helper plasmid. Does any one know if there's a technical or commercial reason behind this?
Is there are strong indication that plastic pollution leads to DNA damage and mutation? DNA damage and mutation are two groups of errors that occur in DNA. Environmental factors, and certain compounds can cause DNA damage, mutations occurs as a result of errors in DNA replication and recombination.
I expect a 70 bp amplicon which shows up only with 2% (or higher) DMSO in the PCR. But with DMSO, the size of this amplicon goes from 70 bp to ~110b bp on 3% agarose gel. Same happens when a positive control PCR is done using same primers. In the positive control too, the size goes from 70 bp to ~110 bp when done with 2%DMSO. Is this size shift common if DMSO is added in to PCR?
Hi all.
I am investigating the impact different medication has on the gut microbiota in a range of samples. From what I understand, a qPCR would be an appropriate method followed by quantification. What method of quantification would be best for this study?
Would using gel electrophoresis be best, or using a fluorometer, or something completely different?
Or would a ddPCR be a more suitable method to quantify and compare gut microbiota concentrations?
Why do reagents like the ones below induce lytic replication of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)?
What's the biochemical explanation?
Is this something specific to EBV?
* 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)
* 5-aza-deoxycytidine (5-aza)
* Calcium ionophore
* Sodium butyrate
* Tetracycline derivative doxycycline (Dox)
DNA replication is one of the main processes underlying biological evolution and the very origin of life. It must be simple enough to occur in the early stages of biochemical evolution. On the other hand, we now see a surprisingly complex system of enzymes, and it is not clear how it was possible to do without it before. Therefore, it can be assumed that some generally accepted ideas are erroneous.
In my opinion, the first mistake is the wrong model of the DNA molecule in the form of a double helix. I have proposed another model called the ribbon helix, in which the two chains are not intertwined, but run in parallel.
It is clear that the replication process in the case of such a model is radically simplified. And yet, difficulties remain -- due to the fact that, according to conventional wisdom, the two strands are anti-parallel. So, the need for Okazaki fragments remains.
That's why I want to ask: Maybe the two chains are actually pointing in the same direction?
There are so many DNA polymerase and they have many activities like polymerase activity, gap filling, proof reading activity, and DNA repair activities. Which one DNA polymerase does not have DNA repair activity?
It is well known that Mg ions bind PPi moieties (pyrophosphates) during DNA amplification such as PCR, LAMP or RCA. I assume they should do the same during DNA replication in vivo, i.e. inside cells, can anybody confirm it here?
Now, there are commercially available enzymes, pyrophosphotases, which digest pyrophosphates, such as EIPP (from E.Coli).
So are there any pyrophosphates present in a procaryotic cell and what could be their role?
Dear Sirs,
I did not find this material on the internet. There are only mechanical models of some aspects of self-replication. Full mechanical model is absent. Of course it is enourmous problem if one precisely build it. But maybe there are simple and simultaneously more complete mechanical models? I prefer purely mechanical self-replicating machine but self-replicating robots are also good.
I am trying to better understand the scope of DNA replication and sequencing errors, e.g.
1. I have seen similar error rates of 10e4 to 10e5 for cell & instrumental DNA replication, correct?
2. Is the way DNA sequencers adjust for errors by picking the majority of "reads"?
3. If the DNA is mixed with a small group of mutated cells, could that mutation be called error?
4. How does one distinguish mutations on opposite alleles vs. in different cells?
5. In DNA from a mixture of cells, how to tell if two mutations are in the same or different cells?
6. Is there a reference that discusses such potential pitfalls?
7. Have there been any recent papers (<5 years) on errors in large genetic databases?
Thanks for your help.
Hi, my question is;
Some chromosome abnormalities (particularly chromosome number related ones) can overcome cell cycle regulation and checkpoints (such as Trisomy 21) when cell cycle and chromosomal normalcy is such strictly controlled in various steps; but many abnormalities can not overcome said checkpoints/controllers of the cell cycle. What makes the difference in this specific topic? How does those abnormalities overcome the cell cycle regulation, but many can not/results in death? Does anyone have any idea or knowledge on this topic/can refer me research work related to this?
Thank you in advance.
DNA Replication and its components are common targets in discovering new drugs as antimicrobial therapeutic agents especially while dealing with antibiotic-resistant species and other diseases that are related with the disfunction in DNA Replication. Are there any methods or interventions to identify changes in DNA Replication Complex as a result of drug exposure ? Are there isolated total DNA Replication Complex to see consequences of interaction of drugs with the its components in big picture?
I am looking at the f1 origin of replication. Why is it so long (about 300 nt)? Where is the specificity for the start of duplication?
I have read this in a book that DNA polymerase can discriminate between ribo and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate bcoz of steric exclusion of rNTPs from the DNA polymerase active site, as the nucleotide binding pocket of DNA polymerase is too small to allow the presence of a 2'OH on the incoming nucleotide. But DNA polymerase require primer to initiate the replication. Primer is short RNA sequence of 5-10 bp. So how RNA polymerase is able to attach to the primer but not the ribonucleoside?
How polymerase reads ori site where it is already methylated in GATC sequence ?
I would like to know if anybody use a dose of UVA (3J/cm2 )to irradiate some cell and study the impact of that radiation on the cell cycle and DNA replication.
Thanks in advance
A primer is a short single-stranded nucleic acid utilized by all living organisms in the initiation of DNA synthesis. The enzymes responsible for DNA replication, DNA polymerases, are only capable of adding nucleotides to the 3’-end of an existing nucleic acid, requiring a primer be bound to the template before DNA polymerase can begin a complementary strand. Living organisms use solely RNA primers, while laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology that require in vitro DNA synthesis (such as DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reaction) usually use DNA primers, since they are more temperature stable.
DNA replication in living organisms need RNA primers to initiate. How long are these primers and what kind of other characteristics do these primers have? Where and how are they produced? Are they randomly distributed through DNA if they are shorter ones? Thank you for an answer or recommendations of references. Dan
I am considering between these 2 topics for graduation thesis. DNA mismatch repair verus DNA replication. Which direction do you think that has more potential to research in the future?
Hello everyone,
Right away: This is a question I am struggling with, and it is asked for a PhD program that I want to get into. So maybe I am too stupid and shouldn’t participate since I can’t answer this question. However, I will ask the community anyway since I am always eager to learn more and I want to solve this puzzle. If this is considered cheating in any way, I would like to ask the authorities to delete this post, and I’m sorry. If not, I would like to communicate, especially if I can learn and talk with people that are more experienced than me and I hope that someone can help me and would start a discussion with me.
So here is the question:
I have a protein of interest that has acetyltransferase activity and binds to promoters of actively transcribed genes. The knock-out shows no phenotype in mammalian cells. However “an inhibitor of its catalytic activity caused impaired DNA replication and transcription.”
My task is it to interpret the results and suggest further experiments to validate my hypothesis. Well, I am struggling with the theory already. The main problem that is puzzling me is the fact that I have no phenotype in the knock-out but with a present but catalytically inactive protein. Suggesting, that the protein of interest is not essential (or the right condition for the phenotype to emerge hasn’t been tested yet). However, the inactive form causes some problems.
During the reading, I got stuck with the idea that this protein might be somehow involved in the p53 pathway or alternatively causes problems on the chromatin itself when expressed but inhibited. However, I do not find a lot of information about acetylation besides Histones and N-Terminal regions of newly translated proteins (which are a lot I’m assuming, but I don’t have the time to study all the possible proteins modified by acetyltransferases and their effect).
1) Since one of the prerequisites of p53 function is the acetylation of p53, I thought it might bind to p53 but is unable to modify it and therefore is kind of titrating the p53 away. Therefore, p53 can’t support DNA replication, can’t promote Mdm2 transcription (that also seems to support DNA replication according to a paper I read) and influences also the stress response upon, e.g. DNA damage.
2) Alternatively, the protein with inhibited catalytic activity might bind to Histones but remains stuck which leads to problems, since these proteins will accumulate and block the Histones for “reader” proteins? This, in turn, leads to aberrant transcription since TFs don’t receive the massage to get activated.
BUT, if the hypothesis above were true why does, the knock-out doesn’t show a phenotype. Might the protein just be sufficient by enhancing some processes like transcription by further opening chromatin through acetylation of histones or p53, but is not necessary for these processes since the knock-out obviously doesn’t show a phenotype? Or does this protein might have some moonlighting effect and might bind/regulate some entirely different proteins/pathways? If so, how can I know?
I would really appreciate tips, help or constructive criticism that would help me understand the problem here.
All the best!
This question is addressed both to those researchers who only read already-written opinions and to those ones who “look before and after“, having in their mind the thoughts still virgin for everybody's reading. It is necessary to take into consideration that the living cells are located in a media (super-cytoplasm) that contains all essential ingredients.
Finding of the professional answer to this question is of importance by no means for understanding the problems of parasitology only but also for understanding the species diversity and a number of related subjects. If the origin of new DNAs is possible, this, apparently, means that formation of foreign cells and living issues is also possible.
A start of discussion about a related question is available by the address:
I am totally new for Hansenula polymorpha. But the first thing interested me is "non-homologous integration". Is this like transposon in bacteria?
Some paper says this is related with Autonomously Replicating Sequence (ARS). But what is the detail mechnism?
In the course of discussions of the question: «A funny question: bacteria in the brain; do they migrate thereto or originate therein?» at the RG pages ( ), it was first noted that, when considering the causes of the appearance of the microorganisms in brain, the possibility of their formation within the brain cells should not be excluded. The logic of this sentence was as follows. Because the formation of new neurons and, consequently, new DNAs in the brain cells is, at present, a well-known fact, free nucleotides and nucleosides occur within cells; therewith, side processes of formation of rather short foreign DNA-like molecules and their subsequent replication, seemingly, cannot be completely excluded. Such a sentence doesn't contradict the context of the Mitosis and Replication Hydrate Theory (MRH-Theory) developed by us.
If similar processes are really inherent in Nature, they would be of great importance for the general biology, medicine, and species diversity history.
I require differences of DNA replication and repair between prokaryotes and eukaryotes mutually exclusive in both
Hello there,
My question is about gene clusters of some viruses. We know that late genes need the DNA replication in viral life cycle. Also, we know that intermediate genes do not need the DNA replication step to be transcribed. So, why some genes can only be transcribed after DNA replication by using the new synthesized DNA template and some genes can be transcribed by using the first DNA as a template??
Is there anybody who has some ideas about this situation?
When I was studying about the enzymes who participate in DNA replication like topoisomerase, DNA ligase, or etc., I wondered their activities in another condition.
They may be suitable for physiological temperature, right? Then, if we transfer the enzymes to a certain system that has high temperature(not denaturation, they are still active), how can the activity of each enzymes change according to time?
I did a experiment in which i downregulates a DNA Replication gene (eg- any X gene) then i found many gene down-regulated RNA as well as protein level. so i did not get what is the reason behind it. please suggest experiment
Thank you
I am working on a meiotic cell division using Xenopus oocyte. I have taken some genomic DNA and after shearing it through a needle, coated a 100 nm beads to act as chromosome to see what would happen if I have extra chromosome in oocyte.
when coated beads are injected into germinal vesicle of oocyte, and activate oocyte with progesterone, oocyte does not enter M phase. While, if I had uncoated beads, oocyte could go to M phase.
1-I want to know what is going on by drawing the pathway.?
2-what I may do to allow entering to M phase in case of coated beads?
Plurality verses Singularity?
A recent report on DNA replication with new evidence and actual video of the DNA replication fork obscures scientists visions of single unique branches along the emerging path of living things.
"Scientists filmed DNA replication for the first time, and the results could cause a 'paradigm shift'"
"Independent and Stochastic Action of DNA Polymerases in the Replisome"
The new evidence suggests a singularity (e.g. emergence from a single event for which there is no event horizon) that is the net effect (the opposing stands of DNA ultimately wind up with identical information with respect to the bases of the genetic code) of other than a single unique path of emergence, but the consequence of plural, distinct and distinguishable paths of emergence; replication from the 3' end, the reverse direction, starts and stops erradically as replication at the 5' ends occurs in a smooth and continuous manner. Though it is hard to imagine emergence of the long DNA molecules ubiquitously existing, requiring an excessive number of steps and logic that approaches incoherency, it is also possible that double stranded DNA is the consequence of single stranded DNA that is folded back upon itself. Previous interpretation (with added conjecture opposite to existing assumption that double stranded DNA is composed of two distinct single strands), involving the synthesis and joining of Okasaki fragments on the reverse direction strand along with the new observation intuitively resembles such an inpausibly conceived mechanism for the existence of a single unique strand for each double stranded molecule.
Remaing to question is the concept of unity. Unless it is conjectured that all strands of DNA are the product of temporal disparity that produces witnessible diversity over, relative to the short life time of species, vast time periods and re-encounter, the DNA of humans and other species might be construed to all be the 'children' of a single unique strand for which an event horizon is precluded to exist, unless one is able to account simultaneously for the passage of time in his own and other frames of reference, i.e. to assume that the passages of time in history are rationally orderable rather than found occurences.
DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most majors threat for the genome integrity. It has been shown that collision between replication fork and transcription can lead to the formation of DNA DSBs. Knowing that chances are high for the replication fork to meet with the transcription process (RNAP) when the transcription is carried out on the lagging strand, the answer to this question will help estimate the chances of observing RNA:DNA hybrid during the cell cycle at the same time the chances of observing DNA DSBs.
I am searching the literature and i can't find any paper with WB images of POLQ. So before i order one, your help would be greatly appreciated.
I am intending to purify genomic DNA from yeast. The idea is to purify ongoing replicating strands of DNA also, which can be very short fragments. In a gDNA purification kit that we use in our lab, it mentions that the purified DNA size range will be between 20kb to 100kb. 20kb is too big for my purpose. Is there any other kit/method that can purify shorter fragments of DNA?
I am trying to design allele specific primers for a mouse locus with SNP's from B6.Cast. Does anybody have an expertise in designing such primers?.
I am planning an experiments to pulse-label cells with EdU followed by Click reaction and analysis by flow cytometry.
When I performed similar experiments previously, I used to finish the Click reaction in the same day, and kept the cells in the fridge for further analysis.
This time, I need to treat the cells with some drugs for a few hours before EdU labelling, and I am looking for a pausing point.
At the moment, I am thinking of keeping the cells in the fridge after the fixation step (in BSA/PBS).
Alternatively, I may permeabilise the cells and keep in the permeabilisation buffer.
Do you have any comments which is better, or other pausing points that could be better than these two possibilities?
Why DNA polymerase can not start DNA synthesis without free 3'-OH, but RNA polymerase can do this? What structural difference(s) have made this possible?
I'd like to stain for DNA replication in the nucleus and I'm not sure how to do that in the filamentous ascomycete fungus Neurospora crassa. I know people use BrdU, but I haven't seen much use of this stain in my organism.
Also, I'd like to stain for ROS in the mitochondria. Could you please point me in the right direction?
The background information of our study is that I need to compare the proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC’s) in two groups of samples, namely, with antigen (PHA – 50µg) and without antigen. Again each of these two experimental groups had two different concentrations of initial cells (10,000 and 100,000, respectively). The antigen challenge was given for 48 hrs. BrdU was incorporated in the last 2 hrs of challenge. But there was hardly any difference in the absorbance values with antigen and without antigen. I am unable to infer anything from the obtained results. Please suggest, if I need to increase the concentration of the antigen or time duration of the challenge? Kindly help me to get a solution in experimental design a well as analysis of the data, thereof.
I am attaching the image of plate and the data obtained.
Experimental Design
1. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC’s) were isolated from human blood using Hisep 1077 by density gradient centrifugation method.
2. Viable Lymphocytes were counted using Haemocytometer.
3. Cells were placed in a concentration of 10000 and 100000 with and without antigen.
4. The antigen used was Phytohaemoglutinin (PHA) at a concentration of 50µg.
Wells with Antigen
Wells: A2, A3 and A4 – Blank (150µl media + 50 µl PHA)
Wells: B2, B3, B4, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3 and D4 – 10000 cells/well in 150µl media + 50µl PHA
Wells: E2, E3, E4, F2, F3, F4, G2, G3 and G4 - 100000 cells/well in 150µl media + 50µl PHA
Wells without Antigen
Wells: A7, A8 and A9 – Blank (200µl media)
Wells: B7, B8, B9, C7, C8, C9, D7, D8 and D9 – 10000 cells/well in 200µl media
Wells: E7, E8, E9, F7, F8, F9, G7, G8 and G9 - 100000 cells/well in 200µl media
6. After 48 hrs. of antigen challenge the plate was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 20 mins. and 100µl of media was removed following the addition of 10µl of 10x BrdU labeling reagent to each well, mixing and incubating for 2 hrs.
7. After the completion of incubation the plate was again centrifuged at 1800 rpm for 20 mins. and the media was discarded carefully.
8. Plate was dried for 15-20 mins. using a blower, till all the media was dried up.
9. 200µl/well of fixing/denaturing solution was added and the plate was incubated at 25ºC for 30 mins.
10. The solution was discarded with wrist flick and the plate was tapped on an absorbant paper.
11. 50µl/well primary antibody was added to each well and the plate was incubated for 1 hr. at 25ºC.
12. Removed primary antibody and 5 washings as per the protocol.
13. 50µl/well secondary antibody was added to the wells of columns 3, 4, 8 and 9 (wells of column 2 and 7 were added with 50µl/well triple distilled water).
14. Plate incubated for 1 hr. at 25ºc.
15. Removed primary antibody and 5 washings as per the protocol.
16. Last wash with 300µl/well with 1X PBS. Removed with wrist flick and tapped onto absorbent paper.
17. 50µl/well substrate reagent was added to the wells of columns 2, 4, 7 and 9 (wells of column 3 and 8 were added with 50µl/well triple distilled water).
18. Plate was incubated for 15 mins. at 25°C
19. After completion of incubation 50µl/well stop solution was added to each well.
20. The absorbance was measured at 450/540 nm, 450/550 nm and 450/595 nm using an automated ELISA reader.
I am attaching the images of ELISA plate and the data carrying the absorbance values at the required wavelengths.
Points of discussion:
As according to the manual it is a comparative analysis checking the proliferation of the cells with and without antigen but there is hardly any difference in the values even after 48 hrs. of antigen challenge.
Do I need to make any changes in the protocol to get some appropriate difference?
BrdU is an analog of thymidine which is incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells (during the S phase of the cell cycle). I need a clarification that there is any way to assess the amount of proliferation by colorimetric method (Fluorescent spectrophotometry) other than using ICC or ELISA kit. We have a facility of Fluorescent spectrophotometry, So Kindly discover your solutions.
While it is very well defined when, during the cell cycle, the genomic content doubles do we really know when transcription doubles? Possible options are 1) expression doubles as soon as the DNA is replicated, 2) increases during S/G2/M or 3) straight after return into interphase (M-phase resetting expression levels).
When examining drug sensitivities across a panel of cell lines, I am not sure that a fixed-time measure is appropriate (e.g. live cell count after 48 hours with increasing doses of the drug). In particular, drugs that affect DNA replication (e.g. Topoisomerase inhibitors) will obviously affect slow-cycling cells less as they will have a smaller population going through S phase in 48 hours. Thus, slow cycling cells tend to appear more resistant to the drug. But are they really?
I thought of reporting the survival at a time when untreated cells have increased e.g. 4-fold (an average of 2 cell cycles), which would happen at different times for different lines.
Can anyone offer opinions about the validity of either approach or offer a third alternative?
If the DNA's replication goes wrong, mutation occur. Why does an organism have up to 3 mutations only?
Thanks! I want to conjugate (with Ecoli as donor) plasmids between species, plasmids that can replicate in other species that are not E.coli. I am a little confused about the functionality of R6K, RK2 and RP4 and so I wanted to make sure which of these I need in order to conjugate a plasmid that can express in the acceptor organism.
Dear Researchers,
Please, can someone help me in given me more similarities of in vivo and PCR DNA replication apart from these two. i.e. Nucleotides are needed for elongation, and DNA serves as template for new strand in both in vivo and PCR DNA replication?
Does any one know how long it takes for Thymidine analogues to be uptaken from media until being incorporated into newly synthesized DNA? I work with S. pombe and I would like to do a double pulse labeling of DNA. But its tricky to know how long in advance add the second analogue. Is it taken into cell instantly or does it take some time?
We know the ter sequence in the terminus region of E.coli chromosome play a key role in arrest the DNA replication fork.Is there some similar sites in plasmid pet22b and how does plasmid pet22b arrest its replication in E.coli?
I am aware this is a rather general question in the first place as it certainly depends on pulsing time, concentration of EdU as well as on the cell line. I was digging into literature, however I only couldn't find quantification of EdU incorporation as I found for other thymidine-mimics (e.g., BrdU, trifluorouridine, 5-dihydroxyboryl-2'deoxyuridine).
I would be grateful for your information.
I want to label DNA with EdU in order to use it for DNA combing experiments. What is the minimum time that I have to grow my cultured cells in the presence of EdU in order to be able to detect it?
How do the cells protect their genome from damaging during the S-phase when the nucleus membrane is supposed to be degraded for division?
Internal primers complementary sequences forming loop in LAMP assay, then internal primer and its complementary sequences are annealing then loop would not form. So, what are the factors are influencing and avoiding this incident in LAMP assay to increase the sensitivity.
Explanation figure is attached below for better understanding.
Hi! I am trying to reversibly inhibit DNA replication of my mouse cells. I read that a lot of inhibitors actually cause DNA crosslinking and eventually lead to apoptosis, which I don't want.
I am actually looking for an inhibitor that keeps the cells as healthy as possible, while arresting them at the begining of the S phase. I tried with excess of Thymidine (1.25 mM for 14 hs). While it works in arresting the cells at the begining of the S phase, I also get a considerable amount of cell death.
For PCR application. I am happy to make my own, but would need input from a Chemist.
It is possible to have 51 nucleotide deletion in ITS?
As we all know, with a linear chromosome, on the lagging strand (template 5'->3') of DNA replication, when the last piece of RNA primer at the 3' end is removed, the DNA cannot be extended and this creates the end replication problem.
My question is, on the leading strand (template 3'->5'), we also need a primer at the 3' end of the template to initiate the replication as it provides the free 3'-OH group for DNA pol to extend. If this primer is somewhere within the DNA, then its fine because it will eventually be filled by DNA pol coming from the leading strand of the previous replication fork. But if the primer is at the very end, when this primer is removed, how is the cell going to extend this bit of DNA? There is no 3'-OH to extend. and after each cycle, this will be shortened and just the same as the lagging strand, the leading strand should also suffer from the end replication problem as well. But people usually say only the lagging strand.
Thank you very much.
what mechanism? or Do occur at the same time?
I know that a point mutation happens at DNA replication, when the DNA double-strands is separated into two single parental strands ready for synthesizing the daughter strands.
My question is if a point mutation occurs, is it occurring on the new daughter strands or the parental strands?
During replication of DNA scientist shown that stemm cell retain their own copy of DNA and avoid mutation in genome ,but how it can be possible ,and is it possible in other cell type
Many intracellular processes, such as DNA replication, repair, cell cycle transitions, nucleus and spindle assembly etc., can be recapitulated and studied in a cell-free setting, e.g. in Xenopus egg extracts. Does anyone know whether oxygen concentration or light spectrum have an effect on any of the above or other processes modeled in cell-free systems?
Thank you.
Which type of stain is required for the polytene chromosomes?
We all know that cancer is mostly caused by rare genetic mutations of a specific gene. We also know that DNA polymerase III repairs mismatches of base pairs during DNA replication or recombination processes.
As DNA polymerase III is always responsible for this proofreading or correction, why does DNA olymerase III can’t repair the base pair mismatches that cause cancer?
When the replication fork progression impairs, it leads to generation of replication stress in cell, which further collapse into DNA Double strand breaks but is it always true? How do you define replication stress? Is there a way where you can check it in cell?
In my study I am using one drug which has known target for topoisomerase II for the purpose of seeing reduction in multinucleated state of cell which we get following the radiation. Following the introduction of drug in irradiated cell we observe the 50% reduction in multinucleated state.Following the radiation we observe DNA damage biomarker gamma H2AX but in drug given cell or drug + irradiated cells we are not observing DNA damage biomarker? How one can actually explain the theory?
Drug is known to target topo II, when drug and topo II complex forms, as a result it halts the replication, now when replication is halted what are the possible things that can happen? How would you explain and link the stalled replication fork, replication stress and DNA damage ( Double or single strand breaks)? any discussion or input will be of great significance. Thanks
We know that maternal pronucleus in mouse zygote undergoes passive demethylation coupled with DNA replication after fertilization. Does anyone have any idea that why DNA are passively demethylated while Dnmt1 is still there? Or is there any papers about this issue?
Any suggestion or paper guidance will be appreciated.
We want to express more than one protein in yeast. We want to try a one plasmid or two plasmid system. Does anybody know anything about the two plasmid system?
I am trying to optimize my real time PCR using DNA as template from four different species. I have serious problems in replicating the results. I have attached two images where you can see the results of two different trials using the same samples (with the same dilution of course) under the same PCR conditions. The endogene 18s rRNA was amplified. As you can see in image 1 I had a good amplification and replication of the results in both samples, while in image 2 in the same sample (two replicates) the amplification starts at really low Ct. Does anybody have any idea why I have such different results for the same samples in two different reactions? I use KAPA SYBR FAST ABI Prism qPCR Kit.
We have some data for a role in replication fork stalling and would like to know if anyone has ruled out that possibility
I am doing an experiment with HU and the first label is longer when compared to control after 2 Hours HU treatment (without IdU). It should be the same like the control.
I would like to measure mtDNA replication in post-mitotic tissue of adult Drosophila. It would be nice to stay away from the older radiation-based techniques.
Many successful cancer therapies impact replication with the result that cancer cells enter mitosis with unreplicated DNA and die by mitotic catastrophe. How much is known about this in terms of mechanisms of cell death? What is the mechanism for this type of cell death or does it involve combined mechanisms?