Science topic
DNA Repair-Deficiency Disorders - Science topic
DNA Repair-Deficiency Disorders are disorders resulting from defective DNA REPAIR processes or the associated cellular responses to DNA DAMAGE.
Questions related to DNA Repair-Deficiency Disorders
I doube digested pET29C with Ndel and Kpnl-HF from NEB. However, after gel purificartion, runing the agarose gel gave me just a single band.
I expected to see three bands represnting the isolate peice of vector around 54 pb and 5373bp which is uncut vector and 5318bp band representing the cut one. But only a single band around 5373 or 5318!!!
Can it be a true result? I mean is it possibly include uncut and cut vectors? Or my sigestion work propely and all vectors are cut?
Tnx in advance,
I found two commercial enzymes I used gave nearly same result, can't completely (100%) hydrolyze first PCR product. I have adjust the digestion condition and total volume as recommended by the manufacture but it is still not 100%
I am trying to describe the structure of a compound and I have trouble giving a general name to the fragment attached below. I have come up with the name cyclohexane-pyranone rings when referring to this fragment but I am not too sure if it's appropriate.