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DFT Calculations - Science topic

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Questions related to DFT Calculations
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
I would like to know if I need to form the .xyz file of the twisted bilayer first and then do the relaxation or I can just use the monolayer input file and add a twist angle in the input file to do the calculations. It would be helpful if anyone could provide me with the input file for the twisted bilayer of graphene for relaxation or scf calculations.
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Hello friends, I am new in this field, and I want to ask you for help on what I can do so that my system converges, I have already considered everything I could but nothing, I am doing doping with rare earth ions instead of V in my VOCl2 system 2d, and my vc-relax does not converge in QE, any suggestions please, it is for my thesis work, I leave you my input file for some observations that may help me, thank you very much in advance.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
Hi, folks!
I am studying the hyperpolarizability of a crystal using DFT calculations. I learned that Gaussian code is able to do that with POLAR keyword in the input file. As Gaussian is not professional at dealing with periodic structures, I abandoned the crystal box and took out the coordinates of its unit cell as well as 1*1*2,1*2*1, 2*1*1, 1*1*3 supercells for input structures of Gaussian. The calculations are performed at CAM-B3LYP/6-311++g(d,p) level. Below are some results of total beta in the unit of 10^-30 esu.
1*1*1: 33
1*1*2: 97
1*2*1: 78
2*1*1: 53
1*1*3: 199
As can been see, these values diff largely and do show any convergence. What is the correct way to simulate the crystal? How large size of crystal structure should be used?
Thank you very much in advance!
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Dear Yin Li,
The functional choices depends of your system. If you are working with a complex system, hybrid functional will have expensive computational cost. But, if is possible to work with it, you can use.
You can perform a geometry optimization using pure (GGA or LDA) functionals or hybrid (HSE06/PBE0) and calculate NLO properties. CASTEP have a specific keyword for this. You can you on the fly pseudopotentials, because it is more precise than conventional pseudopotentials.
You can contact me trhough my email and we can discuss in more detailed way
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
How can I apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in MATLAB for aeroelastic analysis of wind turbines? Specifically, I am looking for guidance on using DFT to analyze wind turbine structural response data (e.g., vibrations, loads) in the frequency domain. Any advice on MATLAB code, libraries, or methodologies for incorporating DFT into aeroelastic simulations would be greatly appreciated!
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Matlab interfaces to FFTW for Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). The relevant documentation and examples are here:
Note: you should remove the tag "Density Functional Theory" from your question (this is something completely different) and I recommend you add the tag "Fast Fourier Transform".
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
Hello everyone, I am performing a BSSE (Basis Set Superposition Error) calculation using the Counterpoise=2 option to calculate the hydrogen bonding energy between two small molecules with gaussian 16.
For this purpose, I first performed Opt and Freq calculations using the following input:
# OPT(MaxCycle=200) Freq MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ NoSymm pop=npa geom=AllCheckpoint
Then, I conducted the BSSE calculation with the following input:
# SP MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ Counterpoise=2 NoSymm pop=npa
I have two questions regarding this process:
1. Is it generally correct to include the Counterpoise=2 option only in the SP calculation, as shown above? Should the BSSE option also be included in the Opt and Freq calculations?
2. I would like to obtain the partial charge information of the atoms from the BSSE calculation results. However, while the BSSE calculation converges, an error occurs during the NPA (Natural Population Analysis) process. Is it not possible to use the pop=npa option in BSSE calculations? If so, are there any alternative methods to obtain the partial charges aside from NPA?
If anyone has answers to these two questions, I would greatly appreciate your input.
Thank you very much!
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Hallo, Kim!
1. You can use the keyword Counterpoise=2 with Opt and Freq. In such case the BSSE corrected energy is minimized.
2. The BSSE correction is related to the energy only and not to the el. structure. The population analysis can be done without BSSE correction only for the BSSE optimized structure.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Dear all,
I'm trying to run EFG calculations for LiK molecules using Gaussian16 software. As far as I'm aware the TD keyword produces excited state calculations using TDDFT. However if I then want to use the excited states for other property calculations such as EFGs or other hyperfine constants, I'm not quite sure what to do.
Choosing different roots in the TD option seems to give the same values of the EFG tensor, which makes me suspect that it calculates the ground state values instead of the excited state.
Can anyone give me any pointers on how to make it do hyperfine constant calculations for excited states specifically? Is it in the definition of the molecule or can I simply use some keyword?
Thank you!
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The electric field is shown in the output under 'Electric Field'.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
Hi RG Community,
While running wannier90.x to compute the MLWFs, I encountered the following error:
Cycle: 1
wann_main: ZHEEV in internal_new_u_and_m failed, info= 151
trying Schur decomposition instead
wann_main: SCHUR failed, info= 152
wann_main: problem computing schur form 1
I have already performed the sequence: SCF, NSCF, wannier90.x -pp, and pw2wannier90.x. The problem arises during the wannier90.x calculation.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Gabriel Vinicius
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I would try
1) Ask the manager of the cluster to run the Wannier90/3.1.0 test suite to check if the compilation/installation went fine.
2) Try to run the same calculation on a different node or with different parallelization options (for example on a smaller number of processor).
3) Try to recompile the Wannier90 yourself — it is usually not a difficult task or ask help from the cluster manager to do it.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I need the last version of P4V, all of the links in and are expired.
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I think no recent update on P4vasp however it is working well till now for some functions. if you need exe file for windows. The link is attached below.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I'm trying to do geometry optimization of KAgO3 perovskite material in the material studio using CASTEP by setting cutoff energy 500 ev and various k points 888,999,101010,121212. but every time it fails showing the messages mentioned in the pictures. What is the possible reason and solution for successful optimization?
need an explanation from experts. Thank you.
#Material_studio #Geometry_optimization #Failure
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Obaidullah Bhuiyan Welcome. There is no way to select this. You have to optimize them by putting different values. Try to start with lower values and find where the total energy is minimum. To get an idea about the cutoff energy and k-point values to start with you can take help on any published paper about the material or the materials in the same group. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I need to do DFT calculations and theoretical studies on the sensing of my carbon dots. Can I use DFT method for getting HOMO LUMO energy levels of the carbon dots? some papers used Cyclic volametric studies for that.
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Dear Priya, yes you can.
However, since CQDs usually are not crystalline, you must have a good model to represent the moluecar structure, wich may be challenging yet molecular dynamics can help. Also, a huge advantage would be having XRD data.
Best, Pablo
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
This the deal , when I try to run siesta, e.g.:
mpirun -np 4 /home/guilherme/siesta-3.2/Obj/siesta < AlFeO3.fdf | tee saida.out
appeared the mensage:
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 17811 on node guilherme-Inspiron-N5010 exited on signal 6 (Aborted).
And when I change -np 4 to -np 1 like:
mpirun -np 1 /home/guilherme/siesta-3.2/Obj/siesta < AlFeO3.fdf | tee saida.out
it's ok... but this way it's a normal way... without parallel mode!!
Anyone know what is going on?!
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  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
Hi everyone,
I have been working on obtaining a transition state for the deprotonation of a carbocation by histidine, where I froze the bond lengths between the histidine nitrogen and the proton, as well as between the proton and the methyl group being deprotonated. This resulted in a single imaginary frequency of over -1000, and the transition state was confirmed through IRC calculations.
My question is: is such a transition state acceptable and publishable given that the bond lengths were frozen? I attempted to release the constraints and recalculate the transition state (including using key words like calcfc, calcall, scf=qc, IOP(1/8=1),, each besides this level of theory # opt=(ts,noeigen) freq mpw1pw91/6-31+g(d,p)), but the structure did not converge. Can I rely on the optimized transition state with frozen bonds, or should I keep trying to achieve a fully unconstrained optimization?
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In your "free postoptimization", have you tried playing with the convergence criteria, both for the SCF and the geometry? Eventually, that may be helpful.
A transition state which has been calculated with fewer constraints will surely find more acceptance than a constrained one.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I am currently working on obtaining the transition state for the deprotonation of a carbocation by histidine. Initially, I froze the bond lengths between the histidine nitrogen and the proton, as well as between the proton and the methyl group being deprotonated. This approach resulted in a single imaginary frequency of over -1000 cm⁻¹ (please see the attached files: 1_input and 1_output).
I then attempted to release these constraints and recalculate the transition state. I have tried various keyword combinations, including calcfc, calcall, scf=qc, and IOP(1/8=1) in conjunction with the level of theory # opt=(ts,noeigen) freq mpw1pw91/6-31+g(d,p). However, the structure did not converge. The energy oscillates uniformly without reaching a minimum (attached is a graph showing this behavior).
Could you provide any suggestions on how to address this issue ?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
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The method you use to calculate a TS is correct, Opt=(TS,calcfc,noeigen). However, it is important to have a good approximation to the TS. You should first perform a scanning of how energy changes when methyl is deprotonated (see attached). To do that, do a scan job:
# opt=modredundant plus other keywords
B 1 2 S 10 0.10
This is only an example, replace 1 and 2 with the atom label of your molecule, S means scan type job, 10 -0.10 means ten steps with an increase of 0.10 angstroms. You need to adjust these parameters to your problem.
After the scan finishes, select the highest point and run TS optimization.
Hope this is helpful.
Best, Pablo
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I have synthesized a series of organic compounds that can bind with anions. I have the single crystal of the ligand. now, the obstacle is that my synthesized ligand is neutral and it can bind with an anion. Now, if I want to optimize the structure of the compound after binding with anion then how should I consider the charge of the compound? precisely, for an example, during DFT calculation for a metal complex, if the complex is neutral we give the charge o as input for our complex, and if the complex has an uncoordinated anion to neutralize the overall charge and we aim to optimize the complex only in that case we put +1 charge as input.
My question is, what will be the charge in the input file for my compound after binding with anion/s? Should I consider the whole molecule as a neutral or—ve-charged species?
Respected Sir/Madam, please help me to figure out this problem
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Pavan Gutti Thank you so much for your kind information. After your suggestion, my doubts have now been resolved. Once again thank you so much
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I want to calculate the magnitude of k point(in Brillouin zone) of graphene which has a hexagonal unit cell. The lattice parameters of graphene are given below:
&CONTROL calculation = 'scf' / &SYSTEM ibrav = 4 a = 2.46639 c = 18 ATOMIC_SPECIES C 12.0107 C.upf ATOMIC_POSITIONS (crystal) C 0.333333333 0.666666666 0.000000000 C 0.666666666 0.333333333 0.000000000 K_POINTS (automatic) 35 35 1 0 0 0
ibrav 4 has the following lattice vectors.
📷 (check attachment)
If I open the scf.out and choose a k point (as follows)
cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat k( 44) = ( 0.3000000 0.5773503 0.0000000), wk = 0.0300000
How can I calculate the magnitude of the |k| in the hexagonal reciprocal unit cell? considering that I know the value of (kx, ky, 0). The lattice is a parallelogram so that |k| does NOT simply equal to sqrt(kx^2+ky^2), right?
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This changes things obviously. In your question, the k point is reported in cartesian coordinates, and thus the simple formula applies. In the case of Yambo, if the q vectors are reported in non-orthogonal coordinates you need to change something. In this case, assume you have q= a v1+ b v2 then
|q|^2 = a^2 v1^2 + b^2 v^2 + 2 a b v1.v2
where v1.v2 is the scalar product of these two vectors. As i said, there is nothing magical here, you simply need to apply a little geometry and algebra. Clearly, if v1.v2 is small this |q| would be close to the value obtained by neglecting it.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I want to plot the phonon dispersion of Au. I successfully ran pw.x and ph.x. (I am sharing the input files as follows). However, while running q2r.x, I have found the error " nc already filled: wrong q grid or wrong nr". Would you please see the inputs where I have made any mistakes?
&CONTROL   calculation = 'scf'   outdir = './out/'   prefix = 'Au'   pseudo_dir = './' / &SYSTEM   degauss =  0.01   ecutwfc =   100   ibrav = 0   nat = 1   ntyp = 1   occupations = 'smearing'   smearing = 'mp'   nosym = .TRUE.   noinv = .TRUE. / &ELECTRONS   diagonalization='cg'   conv_thr =   1.0e-10   mixing_beta =   0.4 / ATOMIC_SPECIES Au     196.966569 Au_ONCV_PBEsol-1.0.upf ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal Au           0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000 K_POINTS automatic 15 15 15 0 0 0 CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom    0.000000235   2.037568691   2.037568574    2.037568691   0.000000117   2.037568574    2.037568691   2.037568574   0.000000000
&inputph     amass(1) = 196.966569,     prefix = 'Au',     outdir = './out',     ldisp = .true.,     fildyn = 'Au.dyn',     tr2_ph = 1.0d-14,     nq1 = 4,     nq2 = 4,     nq3 = 4 /
&input fildyn = 'Au.dyn' zasr = 'crystal' flfrc = 'Au.fc' /
The error message while running q2r.x is:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%      task #        36     from init : error #         1        nc already filled: wrong q grid or wrong nr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%      nc already filled: wrong q grid or wrong nr Thank you in advance for your time.
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I did it, but I admittedly don’t see the problem there, it is simple algebra…
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
I am currently new to DFT calculations in QE. I am particularly interested in calculating the ground state magnetic moment of FeTiO3. I've noticed that most of the published papers used VASP but when we used QE the results were quite different than VASP. Could you please guide me on the steps I should follow to calculate the AFM and FM magnetic states? I plan to use the DFT + U method for these calculations.
I would greatly appreciate any clarification you can provide.
Thank you very much for your assistance!
#QuantumEspresso #DFT #AFM #FM
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1) Use nspin = 2 in the &system section to enable spin polarization.
2) Define the initial magnetic moments using starting_magnetization(i) for Fe and Ti atoms.
3) Assign the same spin direction (e.g., positive starting magnetization) for the FM state, while assigning alternating spin directions (positive and negative starting magnetizations) for the AFM state
4) Regarding the DFT+U, follow the format to describe Hubbard input syntax as in the website. NOTE- his new input format replaces the old one from version 7.1 onwards.
I hope this is helpful to you.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I am using MedeA VASP for DFT calculations but do not have the MT module, which helps generate distorted structures for stiffness tensor calculations. Could anyone suggest GNU software or provide a tutorial for manually generating distorted structures to calculate mechanical properties?
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Got it. You can apply strain by manually modifying the lattice vectors 'a' and 'b' by a certain percentage, say 1%. Then, you can automate the rest by writing a script to relax the 'c' lattice vector (similar to what's done in the Fcc Si example*) and find the optimal 'c' for your modified 'a' and 'b' lattice vectors. After determining the optimal 'c' for the strained structure, you can proceed to the next steps to calculate the desired properties.
Gabriel Vinicius
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I am performing relax calculation using DFT, on Quantum espresso. I have accidentally deleted the out directory (temp folder). My calculations are still running without that folder. Are those calculations considered as valid?
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The fact that the calculation didn't stop suggests that the deleted files weren't immediately needed for the current step. However, you may have deleted important files that QE relies on for later stages, or files you were expecting to have from this run. I regret to say it’s best to stop the calculation and start over
Gabriel Vinicius
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I would like to calculate the dielectric function in the EUV region (photon energy = 92 eV) for a cluster-type material using VASP. When I added the LOPTICS tag in the INCAR file and performed the calculation, the dielectric function was only computed up to around 30 eV, and I am not getting results for higher energy ranges. I am wondering how I can modify my calculation to obtain the dielectric function in the 92 eV region. Since this is my first time calculating the dielectric function, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide. Thank you in advance!
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Thank you for your excellent response. It was very helpful. As per your advice, increasing the NBANDS value allowed me to obtain results for the dielectric function at higher energy levels. Although I did not use a hybrid functional in my previous calculations, I will consider using one as you suggested. However, I have one question: is the reason you recommend using a hybrid functional because it is more suitable for dealing with calculations at high energy regions (~92 eV)?
Thank you in advance.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I am interested in DFT calculation and liquid electrolytes.
I want to make some kind of my own data base of electrolytes, and I want to add dielectric constant information in it.
So, is it possible to calculate dielectric constant with gaussian 16 DFT calculation?
I want to know how to calculate it with DFT, conceptual DFT(CDFT) or other way.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
First, do the polar calculation to obtain the polarizability matrix.
Second, apply the Clausius-Mossotti relation.
This is only for low dielectric constant liquid and gas. For electrolyte, I would say it is hard. Maybe you can try dynamic simulation.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
When doing catalytic DFT calculation, there are W,Nb elements, DFT+U. How much should this U value be added? Could you please provide relevant literature? Thank you
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For a specific material, you can
  • either determine the U value empirically by comparing the material properties of interest to relevant values (like e.g. in [Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 184430])
  • or calculate the U value from first principles as described in [Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018) 085127] and implemented in some DFT codes.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
Hello Researchers,
Can anyone please answer, how to optimize the Nickel complex using gaussian 16 software. It was showing convergence error in Maximum displacement RMS displacement while optimizing the Ni complex. How to resolve this?
"Gradient too large for Newton-Raphson -- use scaled steepest descent instead.
Restarting incremental Fock formation.
Gradient too large for Newton-Raphson -- use scaled steepest descent instead.
Convergence failure."
below i have attached the required file.
With regards,
Maithra N.
Research Scholar
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You can advance the calculations by adding the keyword 'opt=tight'.
Note that this calculation requires high RAM. If you need a server to perform calculations, you can get help from the MolQube team. Their email address:
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
How does no. of k-points affect DFT calculations and how many k-points are generally required for calculation of magnetic susceptiility in DFT+eDMFT framework?
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The number of k-points affects the accuracy of the calculated electronic structure. More k-points improve precision, but it comes with computational cost. As for DFT+eDMFT, the number of k-points typically depends on system size and complexity, but for accurate magnetic susceptibility, a dense k-point mesh, say 12x12x12 or higher (be mindful of the use of odd and even k-grids, depending on your system's symmetry and what you aim to calculate), is often required to converge properties related to electron correlations and magnetism.
Gabriel Vinicius
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I am interested in calculation dielectric function of bulk materials. I have seen there are many ways to do that e.g, DFT epsilon.x, yambo Independent Particle: Random Phase Approximation, yambo BSE. Would someone please explain me the basic difference among the ways to calculate dielectric function?
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Jasurbek Gulomov Thank you for your answer. Actually, I am more interested to know the theoretical differences among those.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I've been working on the TiO2 anatase and rutile. the bandgap value is always less by 1 even when I apply hubbard correction.
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"All about DFT+U Hubbard Correction || Dr. Gaurav Jhaa"
Follow this tutorial of mine Esraa Elzeneny .
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
In the attachment, $S(\omega)$ is a transmission function, $\epsilon_1$ and $\epsilon_2$ are real and imaginary dielectric functions respectively. If we notice the equation carefully, we need $\epsilon (q, \omega)$ since the summation includes all the q points in the 1st BZ.
Normally if I do DFT using Quantum Espresso, I would get the dielectric function ($\epsilon$) over frequency ($\omega$) ranges. Are there anyway I would get dielectric function $\epsilon(\omega)$ at each q point?
The link of the paper related to the equation (9) (
Thank you in advance for your time.
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Most welcome, Dear Prof. Md. Jahid Hasan Sagor
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
6 answers
Hello dear researchers
Please I have a problem with pdos using qe
I have calculated dos, and I get it, but when I calculated pdos using projwfc.x, I got 0 values for all orbitals!!!!
I used paw pps and I don't know why this happen?
Please if someone can help me or met this problem before!?
I put some files attached here:, and some orbitals files (all pdos files are set to 0, you can see that all the columns are 0)!!
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Thanks Professor Merve Özcan
I am working on vanadate materials, I think they are so complex, they take a lot of time in calculations
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I am running a DFT calculation on a cationic molecule that was optimized in the gas phase, and I am trying to calculate frequencies in a solvent. My problem is that my calculation stops almost immediately without any error message. I tried both increasing and lowering the %mem and %nprocshared, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference. It also doesn’t seem to be a problem of free memory. I will add the start of the input file and the output file.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The input file:
# freq geom=connectivity scrf=(cpcm,solvent=chloroform) bp86 def2svp empiricaldispersion=gd3 scf=xqc
Title card required
1 1
The outputfile (log) ends in:
Error on total polarization charges = 0.01698
SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -1697.90030406 A.U. after 18 cycles
NFock= 18 Conv=0.22D-08 -V/T= 2.0122
QCSCF skips out because SCF is already converged.
Range of M.O.s used for correlation: 1 778
NBasis= 778 NAE= 139 NBE= 139 NFC= 0 NFV= 0
NROrb= 778 NOA= 139 NOB= 139 NVA= 639 NVB= 639
Number of processors reduced to 2 by ecpmxn.
Symmetrizing basis deriv contribution to polar:
IMax=3 JMax=2 DiffMx= 0.00D+00
G2DrvN: will do 82 centers at a time, making 1 passes.
Calling FoFCou, ICntrl= 3507 FMM=T I1Cent= 0 AccDes= 0.00D+00.
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Hi Itay,
I would try first "%nprocshared=1".
Second -I would check where are your chk files stored - maybe you have a permission problem with the path to the chk-files.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I am using Materials Studio and the CASTEP software package. I would like to apply Hubbard U corrections to a model that includes transition metals. Should I directly adjust the Hubbard U values for the atoms in the "Electronic Configuration" section, and do I need to enable the LDA+U option during the calculations?
If I don't use LDA+U, will the system be unable to recognize the Hubbard U correction values?
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You must enable the LDA+U option during the calculations. This is because the Hubbard 𝑈 correction is specifically applied within the LDA+U (or GGA+U) framework. Without enabling LDA+U, the system will not recognize or apply the Hubbard 𝑈 values you have set. The LDA+U method modifies the exchange-correlation functional to account for the on-site Coulomb interactions for localized 𝑑 or 𝑓 electrons, which is crucial for transition metals.
After enabling LDA+U, you should indeed adjust the Hubbard 𝑈 values in the Electronic Configuration section of CASTEP. This is where you specify the 𝑈 parameters for the specific orbitals of the transition metal atoms in your system. These values are typically determined from literature or by fitting to experimental data.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I'm currently working on a project where I need to plot the atom-projected band structure using GPAW.
I've been able to calculate the band structure for my material, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to separate and visualize the contributions from different atomic species.
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Dear Jhon W. González simple question, Do you think, we're made of mechanics atoms? I do not think I'm!
Did you ever read fine print of CERN or any others?
CERN is following standard modeling of atom. Yet after seven decades everything is in stage of theory of outcome. Nothing is for definite.
Up this date nothing inside of atom ( proton/neutron, electron/positron, quarks, Higgs) never been observed or proves of mechanical atoms phenomenon.
Sadly, our science connecting mechanical physics to nature that it is not working mechanically, unfortunately some one like you accepting one-dimension static mathematic for three-dimension of nature that it is changing constantly.
At end of day, I don't think you know anything about atom or nature of our universe.
prove it, you know!
Reading of last century ago, and accepting modeling, prediction, postulation is not science, yet you follow.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
Hello dear colleagues and professors
Please what is the recommended type of pseudopotentials for QE? ultrasoft or norm conserving??
And from where get all types of pseudos (us, nc, pbe, pbesol,......)
Tanks in advance
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1. pseudopotentials - Quantum Espresso (
You can use various types of pseudopotentials according to your compound and research. Use different potentials and perform test calculations. Then try to compare the results with reference papers.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
I am trying to calculate the sumatriptan molecule, but it has been counting for five days and it does not stop. It seems to me that it is too long and I am doing something wrong. Please tell me what could be the problem?
# avogadro generated ORCA input file
# Basic Mode
! BP RI OPT FREQ def2-TZVP def2/J MORead
%moinp "sum.gbw"
* xyz 0 1
N -1.99683 -0.61751 0.56068
C -3.38421 -1.05078 0.53663
S -1.46076 0.59672 -0.38865
O -0.60439 1.41760 0.41204
H -4.06231 -0.32173 0.98125
H -3.45379 -1.98810 1.08542
H -3.70087 -1.22880 -0.48731
H -1.53765 -0.61339 1.45140
C -0.46185 -0.19150 -1.64040
C 0.72017 -0.96656 -1.11643
C 0.68937 -2.35779 -1.09780
C 1.77154 -3.09770 -0.62587
C 2.88728 -2.42792 -0.16698
C 2.92766 -1.02970 -0.17915
C 1.85318 -0.29474 -0.65060
H -0.18968 -2.87637 -1.45847
H 1.87232 0.78581 -0.64740
H 1.72750 -4.17956 -0.62422
C 4.23502 -0.58695 0.36624
C 4.93830 -1.67431 0.69163
C 4.18600 -2.94746 0.39508
H 5.93031 -1.67976 1.11862
H 4.03032 -3.54919 1.29574
H 4.71826 -3.58102 -0.32107
H -1.14698 -0.81816 -2.20688
H -0.16123 0.63830 -2.28024
O -2.58377 1.16383 -1.07227
C 4.56722 0.87357 0.52634
C 6.00389 1.26215 0.89652
H 3.89398 1.26473 1.29479
H 4.30255 1.40727 -0.38913
N 6.84232 1.59565 -0.23722
C 8.04565 2.28579 0.15422
C 7.10642 0.51320 -1.15266
H 7.66638 0.88911 -2.00983
H 6.17908 0.08687 -1.52887
H 7.69254 -0.30320 -0.70096
H 8.59085 2.61615 -0.73072
H 8.72882 1.66328 0.75482
H 7.79999 3.17177 0.74083
H 6.46026 0.48850 1.53323
H 5.94667 2.15757 1.51494
Relevant answer
Aleksandr A. Chamkin
thank you very much! I really appreciate you spending so much time on my question!
Pablo Mtz I see, thank you for your advice!
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
I am doing adsorption calculations on different surfaces of a metal using DFT, calculating work functions and adsorption energies. Is it Possible that a certain surface of a metal has higher work function as compare to other surfaces but certain elements are adsorbed easily on the same high work function surface as compared to other surfaces. I have attached the picture for a reference to look. the adsorption energy shows easier adsorption as compare to other surfaces, but the same surface has the highest work function as compare to other surfaces. I will be really thankful, if someone can explain it.
Relevant answer
1) The work function is dependent on the surface orientation, so that is normal.
2) Different surface orientations provide multiple different adsorption sites, each of which has a characteristic energy.
How good chemisorption happens, depends
scenario A: on the relative energies of conduction band and adsorbate HOMO -> bond is formed by electron transfer from the adsorbate to the surface
scenario B: on the relative energies of valence band and adsorbate LUMO ->bond is formed by electron transfer from the surface to the adsorbate
So, of course the work function plays a role here, but since the match of orbital/band pairs is the central quantity here, you will probably observe a trend for most metals, but there is no explicit law stating "high work function=low adsorption energy" or vice versa.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I'm trying to study the effects of introducing vacancy defects in my material. If I optimize my structure and find the lattice parameter before introducing vacancy, should I again optimize my structure after creating the vacancy?
Kindly give your thoughts!
Relevant answer
If you want your defect to retain its properties but optimize the rest of the system, most quantum chemical packages allow you to freeze the coordinates of entities required for the defect to retain its characteristics and launch an optimization of everything else.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Hello dear colleagues and professors
Please what is the recommended type of pseudopotentials for QE? ultrasoft or norm conserving??
And from where get all types of pseudos (us, nc, pbe, pbesol,......)
Tanks in advance
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Pramod Gawal Thank you so much sir for your response
I will use them and compare
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
I am trying for the structure optimization via Gaussian16 DFT calculation, for a system consisting of C,H, N, O and Ce atoms. Where I am using B3LYP/ 6,311G(d,p) C, H, N and O and B3LYP/SDD for Ce. I am having error termination Error termination via Lnk1e in /share/apps/gaussian/g16/l502.exe
Any suggestion for normal termination?
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Copying an answer I wrote a couple days ago to another question:
"Error in L502 means that the SCF failed to converge for a geometry. It happens because the default settings for gaussian is to do at maximum 128 SCF cycles, if your convergence requires more than that the job will fail at the 129th."
Also, considering your system has Ce, you will, most likely, need to employ a vshift, damping and maxcycles > 500 for your SCF to converge. Also, I'd employ more modern basis sets than 6-311G(d,p), since Pople's basis sets are not fit for lanthanides. And lastly, please employ relativistic corrections, they are necessary for, lets say, Z > 38.
Hope I was of any help.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
8 answers
Hello dear researchers, I hope you are doing well.
I want to ask you a question. I have a unit cell with 24 atoms (4 A, 4 B and 16 X) and I want to substitute X atom by another atom (for example changing one X by other element).
My question is, can I substitute it within the unit cell without making supercell?? or should I make a supercell??
Relevant answer
A novel variable into game theory could indeed be a valuable contribution to the field, potentially offering new insights or enhancing existing models. Here’s how you might conceptualize and present such a "present" to science:
Conceptualizing a Novel Variable in Game Theory
  1. Identify a Gap or Enhancement Opportunity:Review existing game theory models and literature to identify areas where a new variable could provide deeper insights or improve predictive accuracy. Consider aspects such as behavioral psychology, environmental factors, or dynamic variables that current models may not fully capture.
  2. Define the Novel Variable:Clearly define the new variable and its potential impact on decision-making within game scenarios. Examples could include introducing time-dependent variables, emotional states, resource constraints, or adaptive learning capabilities of players.
  3. Integration with Existing Models:Demonstrate how the novel variable can be integrated into existing game theory frameworks (e.g., Nash equilibrium, evolutionary game theory) to refine predictions or outcomes. Illustrate through mathematical formulations or simulations how the variable interacts with traditional game theory concepts.
Presenting Your Contribution
  1. Research Paper or Article:Write a research paper detailing the rationale, methodology, and findings related to introducing the novel variable. Structure the paper to include background on game theory, a clear description of the variable, its theoretical implications, and practical applications.
  2. Simulation or Case Study:Conduct simulations or case studies to illustrate the impact of the novel variable in various game scenarios. Provide quantitative results and qualitative insights to support your theoretical propositions.
  3. Discussion and Implications:Discuss how the novel variable addresses existing limitations in game theory and enhances the understanding of decision-making processes. Explore potential real-world applications and policy implications based on your findings.
  4. Peer Review and Publication:Submit your paper to peer-reviewed journals specializing in game theory, economics, or behavioral sciences. Respond to reviewer feedback to strengthen the rigor and relevance of your contribution.
  5. Presentation and Dissemination:Present your findings at academic conferences, workshops, or seminars to solicit feedback and engage with other researchers in the field. Consider creating visual aids or demonstrations to effectively communicate the novelty and impact of your variable.
Example Scenario: Introducing Emotional State as a Variable
  • Variable Definition: Introduce emotional state (e.g., happiness, stress) as a dynamic variable influencing decision-making in game interactions.
  • Model Integration: Modify traditional game theory models to incorporate emotional states as parameters affecting strategy choices and outcomes.
  • Applications: Explore how emotional variability among players affects cooperation, competition, and equilibrium states in social dilemmas or economic negotiations.
By presenting a novel variable in game theory, you contribute not only to theoretical advancements but also potentially to practical applications in fields ranging from economics to social sciences. Your "present" to science could pave the way for deeper insights into human behavior and decision-making dynamics.
Doping/Substitution of an element in QE
In the context of quantum mechanics and materials science, "QE" typically refers to Quantum Espresso, which is an integrated suite of open-source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling. Doping or substitution of an element within Quantum Espresso involves simulating the introduction of foreign atoms (dopants) into a material to study its electronic and structural properties. Here’s how this process is generally approached:
Doping/Substitution in Quantum Espresso (QE)
  1. Setup and Structure Initialization:Input File Preparation: Define the crystal structure of the material of interest using Quantum Espresso's input format (typically based on atomic positions and unit cell parameters). Specify Dopant Positions: Identify the specific sites where dopant atoms will replace or occupy lattice positions within the crystal structure.
  2. Electronic Structure Calculation:Density Functional Theory (DFT): Utilize DFT calculations to compute the electronic structure and ground-state properties of the doped material. Exchange-Correlation Functional: Choose an appropriate functional (e.g., LDA, GGA) to describe the electron exchange and correlation interactions accurately. Pseudopotentials: Select suitable pseudopotentials for the elements involved to approximate the atomic cores and reduce computational complexity.
  3. Simulation Parameters and Convergence:K-Points and Energy Cutoff: Define the Brillouin zone sampling (k-points) and energy cutoff for plane-wave expansions to achieve converged results. Relaxation and Optimization: Optionally, perform structural relaxation to minimize atomic forces and optimize the lattice parameters around the doped atoms.
  4. Analysis and Visualization:Electronic Properties: Analyze the band structure, density of states (DOS), and charge distribution to understand how doping affects the material's electronic properties. Structural Properties: Evaluate changes in lattice parameters, bond lengths, and atomic positions due to doping.
  5. Interpretation and Applications:Dopant Effects: Assess how the introduced dopants alter the material's behavior, such as its conductivity, magnetic properties, or catalytic activity. Comparison with Experimental Data: Validate computational findings against experimental observations to refine theoretical models and predictions.
Example Scenario: Doping Silicon with Phosphorus
  • Objective: Study the effects of phosphorus doping on silicon's electronic properties using Quantum Espresso.
  • Steps:Prepare the crystal structure of silicon (Si) and specify the substitutional positions for phosphorus (P) atoms. Perform DFT calculations with appropriate pseudopotentials and exchange-correlation functionals. Calculate the band structure and DOS to analyze how P doping modifies Si's electronic bandgap and carrier concentration. Compare results with experimental data on doped silicon to validate computational predictions and insights.
Doping or substitution of elements within Quantum Espresso allows researchers to explore how the introduction of foreign atoms influences the electronic and structural characteristics of materials. This approach is fundamental in materials science for understanding doping mechanisms, predicting material behaviors, and designing novel materials with tailored properties for various applications.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I want to perform DFT calculations for a triple cation mixed crystal. Which software is preferable and free?
Relevant answer
Dear Krishnamoorthy Sivaramasundaram,
There are a lot of DFT codes for free. I recommend to use from Quantum Espresso. It has plenty of tools for post processing in addition to calculation. Jasurbek Gulomov
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
Dear RG Members,
Does anyone know about a software/package/utility for finding out all the possible interstitial sites for doping in any crystal structure provided depending upon dopant radii or some other parameter?
This is in regard to the first-principle DFT calculations of interstitially doped systems.
Also please share your experiences in this regard!
Thank you
Relevant answer
Hello Dr. I would like to ask, how you overcome thiis issue and which software was easy to do this task. if you have any post processing tool/script.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
9 answers
I have seen during DFT calculation some authors comment that LDA/GGA functional overestimates/underestimates the band gap/lattice constant of some materials. Before going to the main calculation, it is recommended that we can plot phonon dispersion plot (say) to verify results with literature data so that future calculations goes well.
For example: my intention is to calculate optical properties (say dielectric function) of a material (say GaAs). And I am using a GGA functional which underestimate the band gap from experimental value. At that position, what should I do? Should I use that pseudopotential to run the necessary executables (scf, nscf, epsilon etc)? Or I have to improve the band gap first and make it close to experimental value and after that I should run the executables (scf, nscf, epsilon etc) to find out optical properties?
Relevant answer
I am sorry, but there is some confusion in your question and how you are facing the problem. For example, I do not really understand why you need phonon band structure. That would serve to understand if your system is thermodynamically stable.
On the other hand, people often report that the exchange-correlation potentials underestimate the band gap of a material. This fact has a clear physical origin, that is, the xc potentials we have depends on the density, thus tends to delocalise electrons, which in turn reduces the band gap. The only way you have to address this problem is to change the xc-potential. Attempts have been made, for example, via either GW corrections or hybrid xc-correlation functional. Both of these methods are way more computationally expensive than standard LDA/GGA calculations.
Coming back to your physical problem, yes the steps to calculate the dielectric functions are those you said. In my experience, however, there is no way in epsilon.x to adjust the band gap to reduce the impact of the xc-correlation functional.
If you want to obtain a better dielectric and optical response, you need to look at other methods, for example, the solution of the Bethe-Saltpeter equation via, e.g., Yambo that is interfaced with Quantum Espresso.
I hope this helps,
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Hi Collegues,
To calculate entropy (T*S) and Gibbs (G) free energy of electroreductions using computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) model (according to this equation, G = E + ZPE - TS + U), can we use vaspkit after frequency calculation by VASP? I have attached some examples they mentioned on the vaspkit.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
yep. You can use vaspkit to output ZPE and entropy. But you first need to compute vibrational frequency (you can search setup in INCAR to calculate this one), then get freq from OUTCAR.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Dear Researchers,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am currently working on research involving DFT calculations to study the mechanism of CO2 reduction using a catalyst with water as the reactant. I am utilizing Gaussian software for this purpose. However, I am encountering difficulties in setting up and running the reaction mechanism within Gaussian.
I am reaching out to see if anyone with experience in this area could provide some guidance or advice on how to proceed. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Relevant answer
The electrochemical reduction of CO2 is a promising way to store renewable energy in fuels or other chemicals. The catalytic conversion of CO2 to C2 products through the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) offers the possibility of preparing carbon-based fuels and valuable chemicals in a sustainable wayThe CO2 reduction process having following steps
1. Adsorption of light and creation of charge,
2. Separation of charges and
3. Redox reactions at the surface of the catalyst.
The photocatalytic CO2 reduction is a thermodynamic uphill reaction. Thus, this reaction occurs at a more negative potential of CO2 (−1.90 V vs NHE) than the CB potential of semiconductor.The density functional theory (DFT) the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on cobalt porphyrin. The CO2– anion adduct is demonstrated to be the key intermediate formed only when the cobalt center of the complex is in the Co oxidation state. The formic acid can be produced as minor product through a [Co(P)–(OCHO)] intermediate, while CO is the main product through a decoupled proton–electron transfer.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
6 answers
I have intel iris xe graphic card. i want to run dft calculation in gaussian using a gpu. what are the necessary modifications to the input file? my input file read like this:
# opt b3lyp/6-311+g(d,p) geom=connectivity
i tried increasing processor and memory but the program terminate
Relevant answer
You can get help from MolQube in this matter. They provide you powerful gpu and cpu servers. Email them. Email address:
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Would anyone please guide me stepwise how can I find lattice parameters of a material, for example: Si, GaAs, at a finite temperature using Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD)?
Thank you
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Natalia Koval OK, thank you for your suggestion
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
When I optimize the structure, there is a difference in energy with and without LORBIT tags under exactly the same conditions.
Does anyone know why there is this difference?
Relevant answer
In the case with LORBIT set to true, you'll add an additional term to the total Hamiltonian. This term couples the spin and lattice (angular momentum operator), and causes the energy differences you've observed.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
I am trying to run geometry optimization and MD for Li3Sb strucutre but GFN2-xTB doesn't converge. I tweaked max iterations, fmax, scf accuracy and mixer damping etc. values as much as possible but no success at all. Same parameters work for GFN1-xTB.
I am using TBLite with ASE. Tried BFGS and FIRE optimizers until now.
Using Langevin for MD calculation.
Is it possible to somehow make it work?
You can see the .xyz file attached.
Here are the parameters which work for GFN1-xTB:
--method GFN1-xTB --task opt --structure data/ \ --pbc --cell 13.118 13.118 13.118 --fmax 0.15 --steps 5000 \ --maxstep 0.05 --mixer_damping 1 --scf_accuracy 1 --max_iterations 5000 \ --optimizer FIRE --verbosity 1 \ # --charge 0 --multiplicity 1 \
Relevant answer
I also have had problems with XTB, in my case, for calculations with Ti atoms. The structure would converge for unrealistic bond lenghts that would render the optimization impossible (something already known in the community for early transition metals). I don't know if there are similar problems for Li and Sb, but it might be possible.
I had more success using semi-empirical methods based on the Neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) for systems were DFT or Post-HF were not options.
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
Hello dear researchers, I hope you are doing well.
I want to ask you a question. I have a unit cell with 24 atoms (4 A, 4 B and 16 X) and I want to substitute X atom by another atom (for example changing one X by other element).
My question is, can I substitute it within the unit cell without making supercell?? or should I make a supercell??
Relevant answer
Hello! When substituting an atom within a unit cell in quantum espresso (QE), whether you need to create a supercell depends on various factors, including the size of the substituted atom compared to the original X atom and the specific properties you're investigating.
In general, if the substituted atom significantly alters the unit cell's dimensions or introduces strain, creating a supercell may be necessary to maintain the system's integrity. Additionally, if the substitution leads to a change in the system's symmetry, a supercell may be required to accommodate these changes.
However, if the substituted atom is of a similar size and chemical nature as the original X atom, and the substitution does not significantly affect the unit cell's properties, you may be able to perform the substitution within the existing unit cell without creating a supercell.
It's essential to consider the specific requirements of your simulation and the desired accuracy of your results when deciding whether to use a supercell or perform the substitution within the unit cell. Experimentation and careful analysis of the system's behavior can help guide your decision-making process.
Ultimately, the best approach may vary depending on the specific characteristics of your system and the goals of your research. Feel free to provide more details if you need further assistance!
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
Hi, I am using VASP to simulate interface of 2 block material slabs. After bringing them together I can get the stress tensor for the whole simulation box from OUTCAR. However, is there any way to calculate local stress tensors for these 2 sides of the interface separately?
Relevant answer
In VASP, it's not straightforward to calculate the local stress tensor for individual sides of an interface directly from the output files like OUTCAR. However, there are some approaches you can consider to estimate the stress tensor locally at the interface:
  1. Strain Mapping:Calculate the strain tensor for the entire simulation box using VASP output files or post-processing tools. Use the calculated strain tensor to estimate the stress tensor locally at the interface using continuum mechanics principles, assuming linear elasticity. This approach may require additional assumptions, such as uniform elastic properties across the interface region.
  2. Finite Element Method (FEM):Use finite element analysis software or libraries to perform local stress calculations based on the atomic positions and forces obtained from VASP simulations. Convert the atomic positions and forces into a mesh representation and solve the finite element equations to obtain the local stress tensor at the interface. This approach allows for more accurate and localized stress calculations but requires additional software and expertise in finite element analysis.
  3. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations:Perform DFT calculations with a focus on the interface region to directly obtain the local stress tensor. This approach involves setting up a supercell containing the interface region and performing DFT calculations to compute the stress tensor within this region. While computationally expensive, this method provides accurate and detailed information about the local stress distribution at the interface.
  4. Machine Learning Models:Train machine learning models using data from VASP simulations to predict the local stress tensor at the interface based on features such as atomic positions, forces, and strain. This approach may require a large dataset of VASP simulation results for training the models and may not provide the same level of accuracy as DFT calculations but can be computationally efficient.
  5. Post-Processing Tools:Utilize post-processing tools specifically designed for analyzing interfaces and local properties in materials simulations. These tools may offer functionalities for calculating local stress tensors based on atomic positions and forces obtained from VASP simulations.
It's essential to consider the trade-offs between accuracy and computational cost when choosing an approach for calculating local stress tensors at the interface. Depending on your specific research goals and computational resources, you may need to experiment with different methods or combine multiple approaches to obtain meaningful insights into the interface properties.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
I'm a fresh research scholar working on DFT, where i used Gaussian for computational method. Currently, i'm working on water-silver complex. But i cannot run the program as it shows error which is given below. Please help me out!
QPErr --- A syntax error was detected in the input line.
Last state="Top"
TCursr= 1082 LCursr= 0
Error reading general basis specification
Relevant answer
It looks like there's a syntax error in your Gaussian input file related to the basis set specification. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and fix this issue:
1. Check the Input File Structure: Ensure your input file follows the correct Gaussian input file format. A basic structure looks like this:
perlCopy code%NProcShared=4 %Mem=8GB #P B3LYP/6-31G(d) Opt Title Section: Water-Silver Complex Optimization 0 1 O 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 H 0.75700 0.58600 0.00000 H -0.75700 0.58600 0.00000 Ag 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Header Section: Specifies computational resources and method. Title Section: Brief description of the calculation. Charge and Multiplicity: Followed by the molecular coordinates. Geometry Section: Atom types and coordinates.
2. Verify Basis Set Specification:The error message suggests a problem with the basis set specification. Ensure you have specified a valid basis set correctly. For example:
scssCopy code#P B3LYP/6-31G(d) Opt
Alternatively, if using a custom basis set, ensure the basis set block is correctly formatted and complete.
3. Common Issues to Look For:Missing or extra spaces. Incorrect line breaks. Incorrect atom labels or coordinates. Ensure no additional characters or missing values in the coordinates section.
4. Example Input File for Water-Silver Complex:Here’s an example input file for a water-silver complex: perlCopy code%NProcShared=4 %Mem=8GB #P B3LYP/6-31G(d) Opt Water-Silver Complex Optimization 0 1 O 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 H 0.75700 0.58600 0.00000 H -0.75700 0.58600 0.00000 Ag 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
5. Detailed Error Check:If the error persists, please share the exact content of your input file. This will help to identify the specific syntax issue.
By following these steps and ensuring the correct format and basis set specification, you should be able to resolve the syntax error and successfully run your DFT calculations in Gaussian.
Feel free to share more details if you need further assistance.
Best regards,
Sandeep Jaiswal
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
I attempted calculations for hydrogen adsorption on transition metal-doped g-C3N4.
I want to know if it is possible to perform geometry optimization without enabling spin polarization, and then enable spin polarization for a second calculation with the optimized structure. Will the results obtained this way be correct?
Relevant answer
A priori I would say that you would need to optimise again the structure. While you might get something better than the initial configuration you might need to optimise again your structure. Indeed, this comes from the fact that the forces are evaluated starting from the electronic ground state.
The presence of a spin-polarisation changes that ground state and the occupation of the atomic orbitals thus producing forces different from the un-polarised case. (This would be a problem with any optimisation step, irregardless if you are using a DFT or more sophisticated methods.)
If you calculation is particularly heavy, you might try and evaluate the forces again when you perform the polarised calculation. Clearly, the assumption is that the relaxed structure you have obtained from the un-polarised case is close enough to the polarised case and that they belong somehow to similar structures.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I want to learn about high-throughput DFT calculations, but I have no idea so far where to start or what tools to use. I want to learn it from scratch. Any suggestions (papers, tools, website, YouTube video) would be really helpful for a beginner like me.
Relevant answer
Materials Design (the people behind MedeA) have some webinars on high throughput computations using their proprietary (and expensive) tools:
"High throughput" is usually the ability to schedule and execute a large number of calculations with minimal effort, followed by analysis. We have managed to do this using Python scripts, which is a poor man's solution, without the power of the professionally developed tools.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
Hello everybody !
I am working on a medium size organic molecule (around 40 atoms) and I try to check the presence of a conical intersection between S1 and S0. I used DFT and TD-DFT to compute the PES of S0 and S1 in my molecule along different modes and motions but for now no conical intersection was identified.
Do you think it would be a possible and interesting approach to use TD-DFT/MD simulation to start from the S1 optimized geometry and apply temperature to check the evolution of the geometry in the S1 state of the molecule in time ? Will it go back to the S0 optimized geometry in the case of an easy accessible conical intersection ?
Thank you for any help you may provide and for your interesting comments about it.
Relevant answer
Yes, using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) combined with Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations can be a viable approach to find conical intersections.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I hope this message finds you well. I have just started to learn gaussian software. While running NLO calculations I used the keyword:
#p b3lyp/6-31g(d,p) geom=connectivity gfinput polar=(DCSHG, Cubic) CPHF=RdFreq 
Later I came to know the common keyword used for NLO is:
# b3lyp 6-31G(d,p) Polar=(DCSHG,Cubic) CPHF=RdFreq.
Which is the most apt set of keyowrds. And what is the difference between # and #p.
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Since Sunwoo Kang already explained the difference between # and #P, I'll remember that you can check the keywords and how they work using the documentation in gaussian's web page. for example.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
6 answers
The structure of hydroxyurea has been mentioned in different papers as a and b (attached figure). However, when I try to optimize the structure without restriction (at different theoretical levels), the resulting output is c. why does it happen?
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Aren't the same structures, but at 3 different orientations?
To me these look the same when mentally rotating them.
Rotation operations reach each other, right?
Maybe you may mean when OH is trans to C=O, not cis as in the 3 structures in the image.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
There are various types of antiferromagnetic states,of which A-,C- and G- type are of my interest.These types depend upon the configuration of spins.
When the (magnetic) atoms are at corners, it is easy to assign spin orientation to each to get the three states.However,when they are face-centered and edge-centered, i face issues in assigning the orientations.Kindly, help me out.,which to keep up and which down.
Relevant answer
I would probably proceed in this way -- take your unit cell and double it in any direction. Then shift it by half a unit vector -- you should have displaced some of the Mn atoms back to the corners. Construct your anti-ferromagnetic states and then revert to your unit cell. Does this give you back the same structures for A and G?
On the other hand, it is possible that with your reduced symmetry the two antiferromagnetic configurations are the same.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
Dear Siesta users,
I'm new using Siesta. I read some tutorials and the manual, but I don't understand how to set the Electronic Temperature properly. It is a smearing function, that is quite useful for metallic systems, with the default value of 300 K.
However, how can I know it is the best value? I'll work with crystal structures that usually show a bandgap between 3-6 eV... Is it ok to use 300K or should I change it?
Finally, during my convergence test (meshcutoff and k-points), ETot and FreeEng are different.. Which one should I use to plot the Energy x mesh/kpoints curves?
Thank you for your help
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If your system is a semiconductor, you don't need to use electronic temperature. You use electronic temperature to help you avoid some oscillations of the energy levels during the SCF repetitions, which will not allow the SCF calculations to converge.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I am a beginner in the field of computational chemistry, and my interests are primarily focused on the calculation of magnetic states and exchange interactions for 3d- and 4f-block metal coordination compounds. In particular, I am interested in the broken-symmetry DFT calculation for a binuclear Gd(III) complex using ORCA 5 software. The overall procedure seems clear to me, yet the following issue arises.
First of all, I generate a "fragmented" initial guess orbitals via separate DFT calculations for gadolinium centers and organic ligands, and then combine them together through the orga_mergefrag routine. Nevertheless, when I use this guess for the further DFT calculation of the overall molecule (no matter, HS or BS state), the SCF convergence exhibits a sudden increase in energy (ca. 0.0006 Eh) after resetting KDIIS, and eventually, the SCF converges to a higher energy than one could expect.
I use DKH approximation with the appropriate basis sets (DKH-DEF2-SVP and SARC2-DKH-QZVP for organic ligands and Gd, respectively) and PBE0 functional. Additionally, the RIJ-COSX approximation was implied.
Which set of ORCA parameters would be appropriate in my case to achieve a stable and reliable SCF convergence for binuclear gadolinium complexes? Perhaps I should use !SlowSCF or !defgrid3 instructions?
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How you achieve that depends in too many factors: computing time available, hardware involved, OS involved, even the point at the universe where you are located. Try by example, to run your calculation using Jaguar and an octocore Mac Pro ("trash can") model as regerence or standard. If you have an AppleSeed cluster, that time will be decresed following the Moore laws. If you have a Beowulf cluster, that time will be increased or viceversa. Hope this long reasoning could help you!!!
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Hi all,
I encountered an error while running SCF with SOC+U using Quantum Espresso 7.3.
Here is the error%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Error in routine c_bands (1):
too many bands are not converged
How to solve this error?
Relevant answer
Bruno Cucco I will try with "CG". Let me see.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
7 answers
Log(output) file preview is as below:
Search did not lower the energy significantly.
No lower point found -- run aborted.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /opt/g16/l508.exe
Job cpu time: 0 days 14 hours 4 minutes 28.9 seconds.
Elapsed time: 0 days 2 hours 54 minutes 57.4 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 138 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
Relevant answer
This error occurs when SCF not converged when QC method was used.
To solve this problem, this action is necessary: Delete keywords like SCF=QC, SCF=XQC, SCF=YQC and submit to calculation again.
Note that calculations may be time-consuming and require powerful systems. I recommend the services of They provide you with as many cores and RAM as you need. You do not get involved in software installation. They help you in creating input and extracting data. You can contact them by email:
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
I was trying to relax my monoclinic structure, but after the calculation in the output file the lattice vectors are written instead of lattice parameters for next scf calculation. From the lattice vectors I have calculated the lattice parameters but somehow I am getting wrong
Relevant answer
There is no problem with ibrav. The ibrav flag is used for you to tell QE the symmetry of your system. If you use ibrav=0 and define the lattice vectors directly at the CELL_PARAMETERS section, the code will try to figure out the symmetry by itself. Not always it will find all the symmetries of your system because your atoms or lattice vectors might be slightly shifted in relation to the symmetric cell. In order to use an ibrav different of zero you have to express your lattice vectors accordingly to the way that is defined on the pw.x input documentation. For ibrav=-12 you have:
-12 Monoclinic P, unique axis b celldm(2)=b/a celldm(3)=c/a, celldm(5)=cos(ac) v1 = (a,0,0), v2 = (0,b,0), v3 = (c*cos(beta),0,c*sin(beta)) where beta is the angle between axis a and c
You HAVE to be able to express your lattice vectors as v1, v2 and v3 above if you want to use the ibrav=-12 feature. If your vectors are not like that, you will have to transform your cell to the convention above. Once you do that, the lattice parameter is automatically defined, that is, celldm(1) = a (in alat). The output of QE should have the form above, assuming that your first calculation had this convention.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
What are the efficient online sources to self-learn DFT calculations useful for students with chemistry background ?
Relevant answer
There is no easy answer to this question, and actually I do not think that self-learning can lead you very far. This having been said, self-learning the application of DFT to chemical problems requires facing two different types of knowledge, one on theoretical chemistry, and one on the implementation of the theory in a computational software suite.
So, first I would go to books & manuals. For a start, the books from Jensen and Cramer might be very useful. As for the second problem, studying the manuals is mandatory. Many software suite, for example Gaussian, have very complete official on-line resources. Only after a deep study you might start using the software. A help on practical issues can came from any of the many fora on computational chemistry, including RG and the Telegram group on computational and quantum chemistry.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
I am calculation for optimization of TS of an aromatic molecule and a hydroxyl radical. In this DFT calculation, I am using the functional B3lyp/6-311+G(d,p) in the Gaussian16. The charge and multiplicity was ensured as 0, 2. But at the end it gives the following error message:
Error on total polarization charges = 0.05019
SCF Done: E(UM062X) = -323.942120576 A.U. after 401 cycles
NFock=400 Conv=0.36D-03 -V/T= 2.0041
<Sx>= 0.0000 <Sy>= 0.0000 <Sz>= 0.5000 <S**2>= 0.7612 S= 0.5056
<L.S>= 0.000000000000E+00
SMD-CDS (non-electrostatic) energy (kcal/mol) = 2.33
(included in total energy above)
Annihilation of the first spin contaminant:
S**2 before annihilation 0.7612, after 0.7501
Convergence failure -- run terminated.
Relevant answer
1) Did you specify in the runfile that you perform a restricted or unrestricted calculation? It may be quite well that only one of them converges.
2) DFT is a single-reference method, so you may be lucky and a radical calculation delivers a somewhat OK result, but there's absolutely no guarantee that happens, so DFT may simply be a bad method in your case.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
4 answers
Hello. I was trying to simulate the hydrated Nickel cation [Ni(H2O)6]2+ and my calculation setup is not working.
For that, I used the aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets for H and O; and Lanl2DZ for Ni. Attached are my code and two figures.
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In addition to mentioning multiplicity 3, your basis set for Nickel is incomplete. You used LANL2DZ for Ni but didn't mention the pseudo-potential as well as pseudo=read.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
1 answer
As I know for there should be inversion symmetry breaking.For gold layer this symmetry has broken.But how can I implement this symmetry broken in quantum espresso ?
By just taking the slab model and turn on the lspinorb or I have to applied an external field using tefield to break the symmetry ?
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As I can see, you want to disturb the structure to produce this effect... is it? If it is, disturbance in QE in done by cell relaxation, which you can do in many different ways. If you want to break the symmetry, you don't need to maintain the initial set of symmetry. This can be done by letting QE vary your cell without concerning about symmetry. If you don't know how to do it, please let me know, and I will try to help you with it.
Best regards,
Ricardo Tadeu
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
2 answers
I did a branch of the DFT calculation to find the stable cell parameter (a) .
I didn't get the smooth curve for energy(E) v.s a. There is some point out of concave curve that I had to repeat calculation for them to get the best energy.
Now I doubt about the result and I look for techniques to test the stability of wave function like like something in GAUSSIAN code.
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Dear Roberto D'Agosta.
Thanks for your good recommend. I'll try it. Hope it works
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations
3 answers
does increasing or decreasing size of supercells affect these in DFT calculation?
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Usually, if you increase the K-point mesh the calculation becomes more accurate but becomes more and more expensive. The same is true for cut-off energy. One should test and converge the K-point and cut-off energy with respect to the total energy of the system.
The size of the supercell depends on the user's choice of what kind of cell dimension with which the user wants to start the calculation. In the periodic boundary condition anyway, the periodicity will be maintained according to Bloch's formula. A large supercell with a smaller K-point calculation is equivalent to a small supercell with a large K-point calculation.
  • asked a question related to DFT Calculations