Science topic
Cyperus - Science topic
A plant genus of the family CYPERACEAE. SESQUITERPENES are found in some of the species.
Questions related to Cyperus
I want to discuss on the chemical controls for controlling the sedges in cotton. The priority is on selective methods which can be used in cotton. I have some suggestions like glyphosate, halosulfuron methyl etc.
I have a demonstration-scale horizontal flow constructed wetland treating nitrified domestic effluent. The factor affecting denitrification is high DO (greater than 1.5 mg/L) within the bed and measured in the HFCW effluent. The CW is impounded to improve the hydraulic retention time in the bed. However, this has resulted in temporal surface water accumulation during high loadings. I suspected that the high DO could have been due to loosely packed gravel media within the CW but could the temporal flooding result in diffusion of atmospheric oxygen into the bed thus promoting natural aeration? The CW is fully planted Typha capensis and Cyperus sexangularis.
Sugarcane crop remains in the same field for 2-3 years. Cynodon dactylon and Cyperus rotundus are the main weed of sugarcane based cropping system. Kindly suggest any non chemical weed control measures for control of these weeds. Hoeing is generally recommended but regrowth take place within 2-3 days.
what is the reason for decrease of carotenoids in Cyperus leave, which is treated by 100 mg/L Heavy metal solution for about 26 days? It was almost 49 percent. if there is any article which could help me would be great.
I would appreciate in advance for your advice.
Is there any post emergence weedicide to control nutsedges (Cyperus rotundus) in cotton without using any shield or perventive nozel? Any weedicide which can kill nutsedge but doesnt harm cotton crop?
Green gram is sown in spring (March) as well as rainy season (August). Cyperus species is serious problem in both the seasons. During spring season green gram fits into Rice- Potato- Green gram or Sugarcane ratoon-green gram- paddy or Rice-wheat-green gram rotations. Kindly suggest the herbicide being safe to the succeeding crop also.
Weed scientists and professors working on integrated weed management.
When kharif maize-wheat cropping system is followed the population of cyperus rotundus in maize decreases significantly. Is this due to allelopathic effct of wheat crop????
cyperus rotundus are problematic weeds in fields and house gardens. It is quit difficult to eliminate it by pulling in gardens usually which could cause breakage of roots, leaving tubers in the soil from which new plants emerge quickly.