Science topic
Customer Value - Science topic
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Questions related to Customer Value
I am interested in any published papers that analyze the impact of COVID on NPS, especially in the B2B space.
Bill Lycette
I am preparing a dissertation on the factors affecting the customer's lifetime value. I came across a question: Should I use the dimensions of the RFM model (recency-frequency-monetary) to calculate the dependent variable (CLV), or could these dimensions be among the factors affecting CLV?
Good morning,
I have to do a work for college and I don't know how to do it. I have to capture and create customer value. I don't know how to start or the structure to do it. If someone can help me, I would appreciate it.
Thank you
Hi Professionals,
I am doing the project for academic purpose and there are no right or wrong assumptions but in business if your assumptions have to based on solid ground of data and predictions.
What are the assumptions that would work of aviation industry in the next till 2050?
How should one approach business and customer value proposition in turbulences and very pierce competition and rising costs ?
please do share your ideas and help me
Thanks and regards,
I would like to colour a protein structure in heatmap-like colour scheme. I have a list of values for each residue and would like to represent on the protein structure (eg. more positive = blue, more negative = red), however I don't know which software to use or if this is possible, does anyone have any suggestions? Packages in R or Python would also work?
Public/ User participation and its importance in public infrastructure projects is being understood more and more nowadays leading to increased public/ user engagement in development of such infrastructure assets. The view of 'uninformed project user' is going away with availability of better technologies for information dissemination whether it be project specific or local area information. The inevitability of understanding/ assessing local needs to the fullest and efforts for improved transparency in the project delivery system supplement these.
Is it getting established that views of the local users have the maximum utility in enhancing the project value / bringing out maximum benefits out of the asset?
We in village we don't have problem of production but we are facing a lot of problem related with market how technological advancement will support the small handler farmers🤔
When developing machine learning projects is expected that the investment creates value for an organization. How can we measure the ROI of an investment in a machine learning project? For example, when we measure the dropout, should we consider the total cost of dropout and estimate gains, reducing it, for example, 5% to justify the investment and measure somehow the ROI?
Is there any approach to consider to estimate the ROI? Research addressing this the investment in the context of machine learning and the expected value generation to an organization?
What is the value perceived by the customer in strategic marketing?
Any recommendations for some good CRM case studies for an undergraduate course in Customer Value and Relationship Marketing? I'm looking for cases that are current (2016 or later), short (6-12 pages) and non-Indian (I have two of those already). I have already checked HBS site. Thank you.
Practical setting in a company. Would like to develop a model to predict future value of customers to the company.
Important is to be able to make a distinction between customer characteristics and product characteristics.
What method is best to use, what CLV method or Customer Equity, CVT (customer valuation theory) etc.?
Anyone that is willing to share some tips with me for implementing such a model into an organization?
What is academic value of self published e-books on Amazon self Publishing or any other self publishing channel? E-books as reliable citation source?
I have been working with both practitioners and academicians since last 7 years. I worked in corporate sector in strategy, customer experience, customer value management and analytics section.
As a corporate trainer, I am conducting training's on customer advocacy and customer value management. So far I have worked with more than more 100 companies as an independent consultant.
With academicians I have co-authored more than 20 papers and working on many more.
Throughout these seven years, I recorded almost everyday in my journal. I learned many things.
I would like to share all this in such a way that it should be interesting for all three segments. In this context I think the e-Book is something which everyone can easily read. However, I am also concerned about value of E-book in eyes of academicians? In terms of citations and profile of researcher/writer?
Customer Value Proposition Any proven/established model?
do you know about any research that divided customers to low- and high- value ones?
If so, could you, please, provide any suggestions?
Thank you.
All the best,
The importance of services in business in terms of knowledge creation process for customer value is increasingly well-understood by typical companies. Typical companies are trying to innovate service as solution through restructuring their business model by adding the service concept that is necessary to make customer value co-creation process. Generating new knowledge is a core factor in the implementation of this notion in the practical field. Therefore, the typical company must have a favourable infrastructure (i.e., workplace design) to make highly motivated employees and idea generation environment. In addition, the company has to be with a platform to integrate both of internal and external issues for beneficial relationship with the involvement and interaction between company and consumers, thereby exercising together in every part of the business system in order to generate new knowledge, focusing on service-based solution.
I need this part from the journal
The journal name :
Services innovation impact to customer satisfaction and customer
value enhancement in airport.
Author : James K.C. Chen*, Amrita Batchuluun, Javkhuu Batnasan
Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
I need this part from the journal (page 223)
(5 questions for service innovation SI1eSI5, respectively as Appendix Table 1. A pre - test of the questionnaire was done to verify the reliability of the scale items).
Are numbers from quantitative studies more relevant than these from fewer qualitative data? If there is a a play of our arguments, that matters in our scientific reasoning, should numbers or some scarce, even though important, evidence (from eg. some few in - depth interviews) play a major role? How can we value it then?
Is statistics the only tool that helps? Aren't we loosing some point by leaving behind some "minor, irrelevant, a bit blurred, not easy too explain" correlations? Maybe not...
I would appreciate your thoughts about it....
best, Beata
Dear researchers, could you give any recommendations on literature about co-design or co-production with customer in online service? Specifically related with user innovativeness or purchase behavior. Thank you
The topic is improvement of customer relationship to ensure we gain customer loyalty & sustainable relationships are established.
We want to create a Model which output information based on customer experience. We have data related to customers(claims, orders, complains)
The modern trend for value creation in the industry to involve the customers in the process. What are the strategies that are available that are used for customer value co-creation in cyber-physical product-service systems and industry 4.0?
I will be grateful for your help
Dr Kumar Procedure If any one calculated before this
I am researching in the areas of customer loyalty and switching behaviors for e-commerce stores. I would need help in the literature reviews related to the concepts and the gradual model developments and studies conducted by the researchers.
I am trying to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty, mediated by percived corporate image
For example, in the "gets-gives" conceptualization of customer value, the "gets" has been broadened from product/service quality to cover relationship or experience, and the "gives" has been broadened from cost/price to cover other non-monetary customer resources such as time, effort, emotion, etc.
I clustered 3900 customers of an e-shop based on RFM (recency, frequency and monetary) data which was retrieved from company database into 13 groups using a fuzzy c-means algorithm. We ranked clusters based on Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). I should validate the results by using a questionnaire in the real word of the company in order to determine whether clusters could be used to distinguish the sample customers(statistically significant). What would be the statistical test? I really appreciate if you help me on this.