Science topics: Customer Relationship Management
Science topic
Customer Relationship Management - Science topic
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Questions related to Customer Relationship Management
We are excited to announce that the upcoming book, "Performance Optimization in Aviation: A Digital Approach," is nearing completion. The chapters we have received so far provide a strong foundation for understanding how digital transformation is reshaping the aviation industry. However, to ensure comprehensive coverage, we are inviting additional chapters that focus on management-oriented topics related to aviation.
The book is intended for business and aviation management professionals, and we are particularly looking for chapters that explore strategic, operational, and managerial aspects of aviation in the digital era.
Proposed Management-Focused Chapter Ideas
Here are some suggested topics to inspire potential contributions. These topics align closely with management areas while maintaining relevance to the central theme of digital transformation:
- Change Management in Digital Transformation for AirlinesStrategies for overcoming resistance and ensuring successful adoption of new technologies in aviation operations.
- Leadership in the Era of Digital AviationHow aviation leaders can foster innovation, manage cross-functional teams, and drive digital transformation effectively.
- Strategic Decision-Making with Data Analytics in Aviation ManagementLeveraging big data and predictive analytics to make informed business decisions in fleet management, route planning, and customer engagement.
- Supply Chain Resilience in AviationManaging disruptions and enhancing supply chain efficiency using digital technologies like blockchain and IoT.
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in AviationExploring how CRM systems can improve customer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction in a digitally connected aviation ecosystem.
- Human Resource Management in the Digital Aviation EraRecruitment, training, and retention strategies to build a digitally skilled aviation workforce.
- Crisis Management in Aviation: A Strategic PerspectiveDeveloping frameworks to handle crises, such as cybersecurity breaches, operational disruptions, and natural disasters.
- Sustainability and Green Management in AviationIntegrating digital tools to enhance sustainability efforts, such as reducing carbon emissions and optimizing energy usage.
- Cost Optimization Through Digital InnovationsIdentifying opportunities to reduce costs in maintenance, fuel management, and operations through advanced technologies.
- The Role of Digital Marketing in Airline Revenue ManagementHow digital marketing strategies and analytics can enhance revenue management and customer engagement.
- Global Regulatory Compliance in Digital Aviation ManagementManaging international regulations and standards for data privacy, safety, and digital operations in aviation.
- Cultural Challenges in Aviation Management: A Digital PerspectiveAddressing cultural diversity and inclusion in multinational aviation teams using digital collaboration tools. Submission Timeline
To maintain the book’s timeline, we kindly request new chapters be submitted by January 15, 2025.
Why Contribute?
This book offers an unparalleled opportunity to:
- Present your expertise to a global audience of business and aviation management professionals.
- Contribute to a valuable resource that bridges the gap between technology and management in aviation.
Hello all,
I am interested in know how Customer experience Management is different that customer relationship management. What is the future trends we could see in customer experience?
Designing business information systems refers to the process of creating, developing and implementing information technology solutions to support the operations and management of an organization. This involves identifying business requirements, selecting and integrating appropriate hardware and software components, and creating systems to support key business processes such as financial management, human resources management, customer relationship management, and supply chain management. The importance of designing business information systems lies in their ability to support and improve key business operations and decision-making processes. A well-designed information system can provide an organization with real-time information about its operations, enabling it to respond quickly and effectively to changing business conditions. Information systems can also automate manual processes, reducing the risk of errors and increasing efficiency. By integrating data from various departments, an information system can provide a centralized and up-to-date view of the organization, helping management make informed decisions. In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, having an effective and efficient information system is critical for organizations to remain competitive and achieve their goals. A well-designed information system can give organizations a strategic advantage by providing real-time information, automating processes, and enabling faster and more informed decision-making.
I am preparing a dissertation on the factors affecting the customer's lifetime value. I came across a question: Should I use the dimensions of the RFM model (recency-frequency-monetary) to calculate the dependent variable (CLV), or could these dimensions be among the factors affecting CLV?
I am writing my BA thesis about the impact of CRM on the financial performance of tourism industry companies. Therefore I am looking for literature in this field, specifically about the use of CRM within the marketing mix, different financial KPIs and also about measurements which can be taken to increase the financial performance.
I am very thankful for any literature recommendations.
Thank you in advance.
with reference to management and customer relationship management
dear Community, can we build a costumer relationship management (crm) using python , for workflow automations? if it's possible , any sources would be helpful thank you.
best regards
Currently researching the literature for drafting the topic.
I want to carry out a research on Machine learning impacts on Customer relationship management, however, i am finding it hard to get relevant previous researches so as to enable me develop my research questions.
I have used web of science and scopus to search on this.
Has anyone got ideas on this as it would help me go a long way in developing my research questions.
Service quality
Customer satisfaction
customer loyalty
customer relationship management
service quality
customer satisfaction
customer loyalty
customer relationship management
In current Customer Relationship Management, there are four important drivers
Big Data
According to Gartner, ‘Internet of Things’ is going to be the fifth driver after these four.
Practical setting in a company. Would like to develop a model to predict future value of customers to the company.
Important is to be able to make a distinction between customer characteristics and product characteristics.
What method is best to use, what CLV method or Customer Equity, CVT (customer valuation theory) etc.?
Anyone that is willing to share some tips with me for implementing such a model into an organization?
Hi, now I'm looking for existing literatures to apply Cox Proportional Hazards Model as survival analysis to customer churn predictions in marketing field.
Customer churn prediction is important in terms of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and can be applied to following fields:
- Continuous service (such as )
- Continuous product (such as mobile apps)
- E-Commerce (such as Amazon, e-bay)
- Retailers (such as supermarket)
Do you have any suggestion?
CRM studies have been done mostly in other fields, esp. industry. I'm looking for models for implementing CRM in health care organizations- clinics, health stations, general hospitals, specialized hospitals and Primary Health Care (PHC) settings.
How has this role changed as a result of emerging technology and new trends in the marketplace?
I am in the search of role of training in building employees relationship and helping in customer relationship management. kindly suggest some literature related to this subject.
Are there any possibilities to measure the Customer satisfaction or Loyalty through secondary data specially extracted from the annual report of the company itself?
I noticed that customer experience is built nowadays not only through traditional channels (website, phone calls, live chat) but also through the use of new channels like social media, text and other burgeoning communication mediums through which clients can engage with companies. So I think managing the customer experience becomes a challenge for every company that wants to survive on the market.
I am particularly interested in technical assistance provided by a federally funded TA Center to private sector businesses.
I will be grateful for your help
Apart from Quality Function Deployment what other tools we can use which translate the customer requirements into design specifications ?
Hello everyone, I look for data sets on E-CRM. I want to test my framework for improving data quality on E-CRM.
If yes, could you please attach any resources.
After forming the clusters of customers of Banks, using various algorithms like - kmeans and decision tree. What are the ways we can validate the clusters formed by our method.
What the the strengths and weaknesses of the case studies you currently use? I'm particularly interested in Harvard-style longer case studies that develop insight into the managerial aspects of CRM.Thanks for your help!
Looking for validated survey instruments that link social responsibility to long term consumer relationships.
Many studies have conceptualized CRM as an important tool to generate value to the organization, the stakeholders and to the environment. These studies are purely based on marketing principles (viewing the monetary performance). Value creation is a goal for both for-profit and non-profit businesses (sectors). Most bliterature seem to use the term "CMR" interchangeably for both sectors.
CRM (Customer relationship management) is become mandatory for having a smart client relationship but it request some changes. So what's that impact on enterprise culture.
I want to know whether small medium enterprise can retain their customers by providing satisfaction to their customer or not. In my research, I decide to measure their customer satisfaction first, but is suitable if I use the indicator of Servqual as the indicator? But in my opinion, it has no different either in small business or the large one. Does anyone have suggestion?
I would like to have a report on finding on different countries especially with homogeneous and heterogeneous culture compared with China, to see the impact of the Guanxi
Firms around the world, particularly those in the clothes, food-nonfood and electrical sectors need to work on their supply chain policy and processes which says a lot about the kind of company they are and the values they hold. 2013 Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh is just one example of the risk that firms face when their suppliers don’t meet acceptable standards of socially responsible behavior.
Today with aggravated outsourcing and high dependency on supplier, it’s pivotal that companies find the right supply chain configuration enabling them to create a network that is sustainable and effective in meeting customer expectations without sacrificing too much on profits.
CRM is most effectively reached consumers in the case of traditional retailers due to one-to-one contact. Organisations are investing heavily on CRM. But have they effectively reached the consumers of organised retail. What is your opinion?
qualitative, quantitative and conceptual papers are highly appreciated.
Best regards, Doreén
I am looking for articles that give insights into what drives a successful transition from a free on-line service to a for a fee (payable) service.
I am trying to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty, mediated by percived corporate image
I'm trying to apply a SWOT analysis on my case. I want to know the steps and the procedure. If it be in the field of industry-university collaboration that'll be great. Thanks a lot.
I am looking for some references about the relationship between student participation behavior and student citizenship behavior in marketing or higher education literature. I look at these behaviors outside the classroom setting. References about the relationship between these two constructs in other services contexts would be also helpful. Thanks
For example, in the "gets-gives" conceptualization of customer value, the "gets" has been broadened from product/service quality to cover relationship or experience, and the "gives" has been broadened from cost/price to cover other non-monetary customer resources such as time, effort, emotion, etc.
It needs to be assessing whether my belief that I trust you, or you trust me converges with the actual trust you have in me. Is there a gap between perceptions/beliefs and reality. In other words, if we want to know we are successful in making sure that others trust us, how do we know that they trust us sufficiently?
Social marketing has historically been about using commercial marketing practices, as well as techniques from other areas such as social sciences, to influence positive behavioural change for social good. While it's been accepted that social marketing can learn from commercial marketing, we are now at the point where commercial marketing can learn from social marketing.
Nowadays, customer portals are often just used as landing page for different e-services (like as asset management, service request management). How do you see the evolution of customer portals in connection with trends like big data etc.
What do you think about the relationship between consumer and customer?
CRM is a strategy adopted by firms who are customer oriented i.e who concentrated on satisfying customers' needs and building relations with this customer in an aim to sustain and maintain the customer. however TQM is a strategy that focus on controlling, monitoring and auditing firms' processes and procedures in an aim to enhance the overall performance and to minimize default. but and what is the relationship between both strategies?
I am preparing to develop an online course on crm theory and application and need a reputable course book preferably in an ebook format. So far I've found the following textbook with good reviews, but I'm open to opinions.
I am interested in determinants (antecedents) of Marketing Orientation - conditions under which Marketing Orientation could be developed...