Science topic
Curriculum Development - Science topic
Explore the latest questions and answers in Curriculum Development, and find Curriculum Development experts.
Questions related to Curriculum Development
Please explain in the context of curriculum approaches
Is the MATATAG curriculum of the Philippine Educational System a "globally competent" curriculum?
Write a reflective essay on the importance of teacher involvement in curriculum development
In any professional education students' Competency is Evaluated and used as the measurement of Outcome of the teaching-learning process.
Then how these two are differentiated in curriculum development?
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When we talk about educational policy themes, we're referring to the overarching principles, guidelines, and strategies set by governments or educational institutions to shape the direction and practices within the education system. These themes encompass a wide range of issues, such as curriculum development, funding allocation, teacher training, student assessment methods, and access to education, among others.
Welcome to Dei Institute - Online University (DIOU). Visits:
Is there a new approach to curriculum development, especially geography curriculum for high school?
As Chair of the International Council of Academics for Progressive Education, I am looking for dedicated researchers in the fields of Educational Psychology and educational professionals who are willing to join and enrich our organization with their expertise and who would like to contribute to peer discussions, publishments and connective endeavors across the globe in order to advance education.
- These articles should be about the sequential steps in the implementation process, such as policy dissemination, capacity building, curriculum development, teacher training, infrastructure development, or stakeholder engagement. They should also explore challenges related to policy coordination, monitoring and evaluation, sustainability, or alignment with other education policies.
Adaptive teaching is a must to optimise every leaner's learning. How can schools and community (Teacher Trainers, Curriculum Development Committee, Textbook Publishers, Textbook Authors and other), contribute to adaptive teaching?
In most of the land grant universities in the United States, landscape architecture began in the Colleges of Agriculture. Landscape design and planning dates back to 19th century, when courses incorporating principles of ornamental planting and the art of laying out gardens and pleasure grounds were offered in different horticulture programs.
Nowadays the profile of the most faculties/colleges that offer landscape architecture degree is related with two fields; agriculture and architecture. In Europe there is almost equilibrium between these two fields, while in USA there is a clear supremacy of architectural schools. Does it mean that there is a trend to move from faculties/colleges of agriculture to architecture?
According to a recent definition of IFLA “Landscape Architects plan, design and manage natural, rural, and built environments, applying aesthetic and scientific principles to address the sustainability, quality and health of landscapes, collective memory, heritage and culture, and territorial justice. By leading and coordinating other disciplines, landscape architects deal with the interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, such as adaptation and mitigation related to climate change and the stability of ecosystems, socioeconomic improvements, and community health and welfare to create places that anticipate social and economic well-being”
Does the increased interest on the sustainability, quality and health of landscapes, interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, climate change and the stability of ecosystems make agriculture faculties/colleges a better option for landscape architecture education?
For a MSc Course in Spatial Planning ('Reflections on planning and design practices') I am renewing the book list - with more contemporary, more diverse and more inclusive literature. What are according to you the key readings in our discipline?
- Which 'classics' should be on the list?
- What are the new, thought-provoking books in planning?
- If we critically assess classics: which books would you suggest, to make the list diverse and inclusive?
Students will write a 'position statement' after reading a book from the list. So, based on the contents of this book, how would they position this book within the wider discipline, and how would they position themselves - in relation to the book, and the planning profession/science?
Therefore, I am specifically looking for books that are single (or duo) authored - not edited volumes; with a theoretical fundament. But most of all, I am looking forward to hearing from you: what book did change your perspective on planning?
Do teachers in schools engage in curriculum planning and decision making? How?
I am interested in meaning-making practices associated with visual language and what that means for traditional curricula in the English-speaking Caribbean.
If you are in a school leadership position in the United Kingdom, or an educational professional involved in teaching in UK schools or colleges , please contribute to my research survey/project (anonymously) on The Development of Inclusive Cultures, in UK Schools and which can be accessed via my Research Project recently added here under my profile.
Alternatively, if you would like to contribute to my research, without completing the survey, please add your considerations below. All contributions will be valuable and gratefully received. Thank you for your time and interest in my research.
I am wondering why so many talented STEM professionals from cultural backgrounds such as Hispanic and Black ethnicities feel uncomfortable with in their role as a STEM professional and leave the profession to teach or pursue other careers?
University graduates work in various companies and at first, find it difficult since what they learned is of very little or no help in the new job. The work is very specific and very little of it is covered in the university curriculum. Should universities focus more on job-specific skills or continue with academic education? what are the consequences?
This was the original description which have generated many responses so far and I thank you all for excellent discussion. allow me to add a revised description after going over the answers provided. Appreciate your comments. here it is:
Should universities shift their focus towards providing more job-specific skills to better prepare students for the workforce, or should they continue emphasizing a broad academic education that fosters critical thinking and adaptability? Many graduates report feeling unprepared for the practical demands of their jobs, yet academic education is often credited with developing the intellectual and problem-solving skills necessary for long-term career success. What should the balance be between practical training and academic development, and what could be the potential consequences of either approach for students, employers, and society?
There are several university ranking agencies that are gaining popularity among students, parents, universities, private organizations, and even governments.
The criteria used by these agencies are so different that, being in a top 100 in one ranking might put you in the top 300 in the other. Should these rankings be taken seriously? Should they be used as a measure of the students' quality for postgraduate study, or job entry application?
Hello, fellow education research and action leaders,
As part of an education-focused project, Green Teach for Opportunity, a small team and I are researching the opportunities and pain points educators perceive related to teaching sustainability skills* across and among disciplines. I read and appreciate your work on this topic, following many of you, and also offer several books, articles, and informal research papers here on Research Gate as well.
The question above is an attempt to better understand the level of interest, indifference, and relevance faculty and teachers (secondary and post-secondary) are feeling about sustainability skills education in general, and also related to career preparation specifically. If you would kindly answer this question, it would be helpful to know the relevance, if any, you see on a scale of 1-10 (1-least important/relevant and 10 most important/relevant).
"Relevant for what," you may ask? The intent here is primarily to gauge the relevance or importance you see relative to the learning objectives for your particular course or curriculum (specifically, for classes you teach, or courses of study you directly support, i.e., in a curriculum development or similar role.)
It would also be helpful to know your title, discipline, or major you instruct or support, and also your state (if in the US) or country. If you wish to provide your name and email to stay posted on findings and updates from the Green Tech for Opportunity project, that is of course not necessary, but would be appreciated.
*The term "Sustainability" in this question is meant to encompass diverse concepts and approaches related to sustainable well-being for all, including environmental, regenerative, sustainable development, conservation, and green education. Although these terms represent some variation in vision and approach, there is usually a good deal of overlap in intent. Your opinions on this matter are also welcome.
My contact information: L. Julian Keniry - - 1-202-999-9244
The word curriculum has its roots in the Latin word for track or race course. From there it came to mean course of study or syllabus. ... In contemporary medical education it is argued that the curriculum should achieve a “symbiosis” with the health services and communities in which the students will serve.
The first two years of medical school are a mixture of classroom and lab time. Students take classes in basic sciences, such as anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology. They also learn the basics of interviewing and examining a patient.
Need you suggestions for curriculum development for the medical school graduates.
Thank you.....!!!
The objective of Industrial Training is to prepare students for future employment in their chosen discipline. Industrial Training allows students to practice/experience what they have learned in the university by joining a company for a period of at least 8-10 weeks. COVID-19 changed this practice and "online industrial training" replaced the actual working environment in a company. How effective is this training?
Many Universities are adopting online teaching due to COVID-19. Is this the best way forward?
integrity is often defined as being honest and having strong moral and ethical principles.
The world certainly needs it very much. Can we teach this quality to our students? should the parents be the ones that teach ethics to their children? Can society or, religious institutions teach this?.
The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is updating the Inclusive Education in Action website with examples specifically about teacher education/professional development. This aims to support UNESCO's knowledge base on empowering teachers to include all learners in diverse classrooms. If you are able to help, please see information in the attached file.
O 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico é considerado um período formativo essencial no percurso escolar de cada sujeito. A Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto (ESE—P.PORTO) irá promover um seminário que tem como objetivo refletir e partilhar perspetivas e investigações sobre o currículo, as práticas e a identidade docente, no âmbito do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O seminário — O 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico — Que identidade(s)? | Currículo, práticas e formação docente — dirige-se a todos que, de forma direta ou indireta, se relacionam com este nível de ensino, como professores, futuros professores, formadores de professores, investigadores, pais/encarregados de educação, dirigentes políticos e comunidade em geral.
A realizar-se em abril de 2019, o Seminário é gratuito com inscrição obrigatória e pretende contar com a intervenção de um grupo alargado de participantes, incentivando-se que sejam feitas diferentes propostas para comunicações, a realizar em sessões paralelas, conforme é indicado no programa.
O envio de resumos termina no dia 17 de fevereiro, e após o evento será publicado um ebook com as atas de todas as comunicações.
Mais informações no site:
At the Split University School of Medicine, discussion on clinical training intensified in the summer of 2009 and the Curriculum Reform Committee entered into permanent session. Training of basic and general clinical skills was programmed to start early in six two-week modules in the first two ("preclinical") years (Ref. 1). Teaching of clinical examination skills stays in the third year, and training of special clinical skills (ENT, surgery, gynecology) will continue in the fourth and fifth (clinical) years, where they will take place in appropriate blocks of clinical courses. Radical changes are anticipated for the sixth year of study, which will become “the clinical practical year” when the students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the real world of clinical practice.
According to our “Catalogue of clinical skills” there are as many as 550 practical skills to be mastered during the undergraduate study (Ref. 2) and, in our opinion, this is the only possible approach to guarantee the mastering of all important skills in a systematic manner and to the fullest extent.
Is it advisable to structure the curriculum like this, with clinical topics being introduced in the "preclinical part" of curriculum?
1. Simunovic VJ. Basic & General Clinical Skills; Charleston (SC): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: 2013. (
2. Simunovic VJ. Catalogue of Clinical Skills; Charleston (SC): CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: 2013. (
What are constraints and possibilities from the critical analysis of the secondary level Science curriculum in Myanmar?
(3 way "parent-teacher-students" conferences regarding progress, effort and attainment - with Primary Students)
Or student led porfolio conferences?
Happy to hear reasons for involving students and the negative and positive sides of either decision.
Thank YOU!
We - an international consortium - are currently working on an EC-funded project to develop a longitudinal curriculum for clinical reasoning. Therefore, we are interested in how clinical reasoning is taught at the moment and how you think it could be done in an ideal world.
More information about the project at
Thanks for sharing your experience and ideas!
I am currently researching the topic of threshold concepts in business information systems third level education as part of a MA in Teaching and Learning and I was looking for assistance in terms of resources or previous research in the area. Current aspects that I am looking at are curriculum development and prevention of student attrition.
Any assistance/guidance would be extremely appreciated.
Lesser attraction+impact on students (specially teens+UG) is observed in classes taken by even expert older teachers. Any recommended age difference in pedagogy?
My focus is teacher preparation, primarily at the K12 level, but I have recently been thrust into a curriculum development position with a college of veterinary medicine. I am looking for seminal works dealing with classroom practices, teaching philosophies, etc. at the graduate and professional school level.
Although it is widely accepted that early involvement in research has many advantages for medical students, there is a controversy regarding whether students are actually getting enough research opportunities. Which are the main barriers towards conducting research for an undergraduate student and how could the involvement rates be improved?
I would like to open this discussion and kindly invite you to make comments reflecting your opinion on this topic.
Thank you for your consideration,
Best regards,
We are trying to bring about some curricular changes to improve medical education.
Do you think that you are "teaching" according to the ways or "methods" others taught you? or are you trying to create your own philosophy about teaching and adopt your own teaching methods?
Is there anyone out there in the field of foreign/modern language education that is engaging in university-industry-community collaborations?
A lot of today's world vices can be eliminated if certain targeted modules and adapted curricula are introduced in the schooling system. One of these vices is energy squandering with all its negative consequences for the planet (e.g. depletion of finite energy sources and the subsequent climate change).The routine energy-related behavior and proves that this behavior changes to a more energy efficient one, after the dissemination of relevant information and the participation into the energy education projects. Namely, response percentages indicating the energy-efficient behavior increased after project participation while the ones indicating an energy-squandering behavior decreased.
Need for renewable energy education and training at all levels is globally recognized. During the last three decades a large number of countries across the globe have initiated academic programmes on renewable energy technologies and related aspects. A review of published literature on renewable energy education initiatives across the globe, challenges faced, and potential approaches towards efficient and effective solutions is needed.
In Your Opinion
- Is renewable energy course an element Effective learning
- Is renewable energy awareness needed from childhood
- Is renewable energy course should be sustained for energy Scenario issues
- Is renewable energy paves way for effective teaching learning process
[What is the role of the curriculum in developing the creative abilities of students
My topic is; iAn Assessment of Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics of Elementary Pupilsl: Basis for Curriculum Development
Dear All
I really need further training about how to develop a good curriculum for tourism vocational education. Is there any training or workshop provided to study about it??
Please inform me if there's any information about it.
Thank you
Our school has gathered a small group of teachers to research different areas that can be used to drive positive change within the school.
My group is looking into how can a school can cut down on the amount of content taught whilst still adhering to the set curriculum (in this case our state education authority). Our reasoning is that with a minimalist curriculum teachers and students can spend more time deeply exploring the subject matter, and doing so within real-world contexts.
So any articles or reports in this area would be much appreciated.
Parents need to evaluate children's performance.
What strategies do you have at your school to receive feedback from students? What methods to use to receive feedback from students? Do you use formal and non-formal approaches? How do you handle such feedback and respond to it? Do you use students' comments as part of the review of the curriculum? What strategies do you use?
Most third world countries such as Malawi to be more pricised underdeveloped just because of unconjunsive/poor educational curriculum development that mostly based on the Eurocentric view point interms of culture, values and norms. This cultural contradictions that arises between local people and imperiolists brings tensions to the indegenous people hence the educational compradors(people who wanted to benefit on their own and disregarding the welfare of entire community) focusess only on their interest than the public interest.
Recently, I took up a course of Curriculum Development and Language Teaching as part of my postgraduate degree program. As part of this course, I had to go in field and ask various teachers about their awareness regarding curriculum. To my awe, hardly any teachers were aware of real meaning, function and application of curriculum. They are unaware of the idea itself. It is a common scenario in my context. Can you share your experiences from all over the world, what are curriculum practices and awareness in your context?
The status of geography as a school subject has declined in many countries. What factors are responsible for the decline of geography? Would you share your thoughts on the current status and future of geography, particularly in your education system? Other ideas.
Dear respected colleagues,
Kindly share your great views and references. I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Best regards
Dear Colleagues,
You are kindly requested to reply briefly the question above `if yes`;
in which study plan/program, college/university, and country.
Thanking you in advance for your valuable cooperation
Warm regards
This is to help build the teaching methods of creative Arts in school
More than accessibility, more than Universal Design for Learning, how do you integrate social justice into your approach as an instructional designer or curriculum developer?
I'm thinking about integration into your approach to all content design, not just content related social justice.
For example, do you provoke your content experts ("SMEs") or wait for them to bring up social justice ideas? Do you even think about the relationship of social justice to your role as an instructional designer or curriculum developer?
Thank you for your thoughts!
Curriculum developing ratio understanding?
I want to research on teachers´s involvement in curriculum planning and development and I need literature regarding this topic
Standards-based education has received much attention in many education systems. Please what is your reflection on standards-based textbooks? what are some practical ideas for developing quality standard-based textbooks, particularly social studies textbooks? What are the differences between standards-based textbooks and traditional textbooks?
Which are not included, but, from your point of view, would it be worthwhile to introduce students to them?
For many years C++ has been the dominating language to start with. Recently Python is getting an edge over C++ and Java as the most popular programming language. Is it a good idea to switch to Python as a start instead of C++?
The Khan Academy and Teaching Textbooks are two examples that I know of in which the student is taught math and/or science individually, at her/his own pace via a computer. And as Sal Khan says, the student should continue improving their own skills until they have attained a mastery of the topic. Then, regardless of how long it has taken, you can advance to the next topic in the curriculum series.
This would be in opposition to the universal educational paradigm today where students are failed or moved on to the next topic (whether or not they have fully mastered this topic) because time has run out for the academic term.
Is there a framework that could be referred to design a curriculum for children with severe disabilities?
I'm working on an Art syllabus for an international school and I'm looking for help regarding which directions to take. My aim is to focus on skills and creativity rather than art knowledge.
Looking at Models and Methodology and methods.
Judging criterion - what is delivered, how is it delivered , and what is learnt ?
Also what should be the Ontological and epistemological perspective when identifying the research problem.
Please suggest some good reads (if possible free available ones)
Chetan Shah
I'm searching for the articles concerning "code of conduct in UK" for comparison study. Where can I get some sources? Or which one would be adequate?
I'm interested to know about any current work that may be unpublished looking at this issue.
Once a new curriculum is disseminated, a principal, academic masters and heads of the departments are required to help its interpretation for teachers to successfully implement the documented ideas.
How do they do it?
are there some limitations?
How do teachers receive guidance/orders from these administrators?
Working in an off-campus startup first and second year engineering program, I am interested in other experiences in first year student retention, in particular the effect of living on campus vs. living off campus, and the correlation - if any - of the time the students apply on retention (will a student who has applied in December be more likely to be retained that a student that has applied in March?). While in our program it is still to early to offer quantitative data, I'd be interested to hear of other experiences and opinions.
We are working on a proposal for PhD that deals with teaching stress and intonation.
Should they be taught at an early or late stage of education/schooling?
Should they be taught separately or integrated with other skills?
In designing a curriculum according to Posner & Rudnitsky, instructional foci (IF) should be created based on intended learning outcomes (ILOs). My question is whether a diagnostic test taken at the beginning of a series of lessons, or units, qualifies as an IF and why.
There is no doubt that recognizing the types of Curricula (such as, intended curriculum, supported curriculum, taught curriculum, assessed curriculum) is intriguing instrument to evaluate curriculum. Indeed, this recognition leading to improve the quality of learning and arriving at a common perspectives about the curriculum. When I reviewed theoretical and experimental literature about the supported curriculum, I just saw few publication. Why we do not have more information about the supported curriculum? I think supported curriculum is strong bridge between intended curriculum and other types of curriculum. Have a look to the below short sentence of Allan Glatthorn (2000) about the hidden curriculum, then I explain about the supported curriculum.
“An old building with holes in the roof and graffiti on the walls very clearly conveys the message,People here don't care about this school”
Sure, holes and graffiti create meaning, feeling, and thinking but before conducting curriculum is possible to review the existing condition, and then we can select the best equipment to eliminate lacks and provide suitable situation for performing intended curriculum and other curricula. So, by providing completed supported curriculum we can create better thinking, feeling, and so on.
I am so eager to receive new ideas about my question and share papers and books about it. Many thanks.
What best strategies to adopt in reforming a PBL medical school curriculum?
Constant change in health environment impact nursing practice and education and creates gap. Change demands Graduate education to adapt and innovate to bridge the gap to maintain the balance between education and industry and promote quality health care.
As teaching is causing learning among learners, teachers need to be thoroughly aware of the processes in determining how successful they are in the aforementioned task. They need to know whether their students are achieving successfully the knowledge, skills, and values inherent in their lessons. For this reason, it is critical for teachers, to build a repertoire measurement and evaluation of student learning
Has anyone applied their knowledge and or experience gained from the 'Art and Social Practice' program in a post secondary education setting? Or, what would be, or is the application of this program to education, public art, higher education practices, etc.? Do any recent graduates have jobs at PSU?
My research project is looking at practical teaching and learning methods using drama and theatre for vocational training with adult males in a 'working prison'.
The best known curriculum theories are rooted mainly in primary education experiences. Is there a comprehensive theory that could be used to analyze an undergraduate curriculum design and development case?
Conference Paper Identifying key factors affecting program design and develop...
I need some leads in research that discusses the use/incorporation of higher education/colleges/universities/professors in public education induction programs.