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Cultural Politics - Science topic
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Questions related to Cultural Politics
- What are the basic foundations for development of the new methodology and practical application for multilateral cooperation?
- What are the most critical questions in social, economic, cultural and political spheres to be addressed for production of research based policy recommendations and action points?
- Which actors might be regarded as the major stakeholders in the emerging multilateral world?
- Is there a need to redefine the key stakeholders and institutions of the past, or should a new dimension of the old paradigm be introduced?
- Is there a way to make multilateral cooperation between responsible stakeholders a win-win strategy in the situation of global uncertainty?
- What are the major outlooks of the possible futures in multipolar world development perspective?
- Which innovative experiences and initiatives contribute most to formation of multilateral cooperation and provide independent platforms for advice on global issues?
- How to engage in multilateral and equal dialogue policy makers and actors not only from Western countries?
As you all know, this pandemic has taken a major toll on the entire global community. In some societies, people do abide by COVID protective measures. Yet, in other societies people are resistant (or do not want to abide).What sort of messaging and media material or campaigns would convince the public to abide by the measures? Let's please discuss this!
Ideas I have:
- Campaign that shows the scary side of advanced COVID cases
- Strict law enforcement, and making public displays of arresting those who do not abide by measures
What ideas do you have?
Most of the societies across the world are going through doldrums and pathetic situations especially when it comes the homogeneity of these societies. Even we try to understand the global phenomenon is not much more different case we are also divided at global level. The major point of clash is ideological clash. Even sometimes ideological clashes change into war type of situations. Hence, it is paramount to understand what kind of vision the global leadership have to develop in order to come out from this sort of morass of ideological compartmentalization. On the other side if we try to understand the phenomenon of diversity is crucial for understanding one another. However, we cannot build in the entire world one ideological system that is true. But then how we can can achieve peace in the atmosphere of ideological clashes. What sort of policies and ideas we have to develop in the present globalized world thereby we could reach some sort of consensus. Civilisational dialogue may be the one method but there may be some other methods about which I need holistic picture from your side. Need good feedback from anyone.
Here I need an equation or ideas to narrow the left view on ranking and categorization system and to widen the right view on ranking and categorization system.
What do you think and what are you doing to eradicate poverty?
So far I have got a primary impression on the existing studies on 'stigma' in the context on Bangladesh is mostly focused on the aspects of 'public health' issues. But, in real life, stigmas are diversified in many ways based on different social, cultural, political and economic situations. I feel, it is really very important to address this complex issue from the theoretical perspectives of Sociology & Anthropology. Hence I am projecting on a probable in-depth understanding on stigma(s) in Bangladesh from Sociological & Anthropological perspectives, I need to explore & learn first if there is any similar/relative study(s) have been done yet.
The European take on this is uniformly negative
And yet in Britain he seems unstoppable. Every Tory will come behind him as they fear oblivion at the hands of Farage or Corbyn.
Labour voters think he is 'fun' and may vote for him. Remember he defeated Ken Livingston for Mayor of London when he had a 20% lead.
Can anyone explain this?
The case of the Chinese peasant
Someone, many many years ago wrote:
"[T]he temporal lords are supposed to govern lands and people outwardly. This they leave undone. They can do no more than strip and fleece, heap tax upon tax and tribute upon tribute, letting loose here a bear and there a wolf. Besides this, there is no justice, integrity, or truth to be found among them. They behave worse than any thief or scoundrel, and their temporal rule has sunk quite as low as that of the spiritual tyrants. . . . " (M.L.)
I am working on a research about crisis communication for global NGOs where there is one centralized headquarters and different country offices. I have run into some questions that I hope someone can help me answer.
When formulating key crisis communication messages, how can they ensure that all different offices maintain a consistent voice? How do they ensure neutral messaging that respects different stakeholder needs and cultural/political differences?
Hello! You that are related to agroecology:
Do you know of any report on measuring the impact of local sustainable or alternative markets?
That is, if you know of a case in any part of the world where the benefits in economic, social, cultural, political, environmental, etc. terms have been documented / evaluated.
Or someone who can know?
" The FTC [US Federal Trade Commission] takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the privacy practices of Facebook,” said Tom Pahl, acting director of the FTC’s bureau of consumer protection in a statement on Monday noting that the investigation would include whether the company engaged in “unfair acts that cause substantial injury to consumers”.
Donald Trump, Silvio Berlusconi, Marine Le Pen, Hugo Chávez—populists are on the rise across the globe we are told. But what exactly is populism? Should everyone who criticizes Wall Street or Washington be called a populist? What precisely is the difference between right-wing and left-wing populism? Does populism bring government closer to the people or is it a threat to democracy?
I need your comments and insightful opinion about the evolution of violence especially violence against women and vulnerable groups.
At the moment I will not give my opinion so as not to contaminate the discussion. I will just say that, as a scientific term, "mobbing" is understood in ornithology and ethology as a mechanism of protection and conservation of the species, whereas in psychology and social sciences in general it is understood as a form of violence exercised to exclude and / or destroy selected individuals. So far, in the specialized literature on workplace mobbing I have not known the opinion of any ornithologist or ethologist regarding the change in the purpose when applied to humans, but apparently the similarity of observable behaviors has fostered the belief that is the same phenomenon. I believe that their views may lead to an interesting analysis and of course enrich the understanding of the phenomenon, both among animals and among humans.
Hi everybody,
we are in the process of planning a publication that is aiming to point out the basic foundations and practice potential of improvisation from an interdisciplinary point of view. Which aspects would you like to be added to the below listed alphabetic content samples? Looking forward to suggestions from many different perspectives such as Media and Communication, Cultural Studies, Arts, Cybernetics, Epistemology, Cognitive Research, Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychology, Medicine, Management, Organization, Politics, Anthropology...
Editors: Leon Tsvasman & Martin A. M. Gansinger
Proposed titles:
Foundations of Improvisation. Compendium for Best Practice.
The Interdisciplinary Directory of Improvisation. Concepts and Practice Potential.
The Large Handbook of Improvisation. Best Practice, Concepts and Foundations.
Aim: to contribute to the emancipation/legitimation/acceptance of the improvisational principle in socially relevant areas such as education, culture, politics, and economy – using the innovative and interdisciplinary approach of a concise compendium focused on extemporaneous concepts and practices
Need for publication: contribution to the improvement of interdisciplinary grounded, improvisation-based forms of communication, organization, and learning in accordance with an increasingly interconnected/participative/media-supported society
● independent learning for better personal orientation in relevant areas of practice and individual creative activity
● didactic relevance regarding the possible incorporation of extemporaneous techniques and improvisational practices in the context of innovative working- and learning-environments: interactive teaching, group tasks, project-related tasks, presentations etc.
● application of derived improvisational principles in the fields of management, economy, culture, and politics: providing concepts for differentiated perspectives on organizational, operational and performative tasks
Unique Selling Point: high didactic and economic relevance, based on a unique conceptual approach using a constructivist-inspired, cybernetically justified, epistemological structure that has already been utilized for ''Das grosse Lexikon Medien und Kommunikation'' (Ergon, 2006):
● Definition of term
● Positioning
● Inherent aspects
● Practical context
● Ethical, political, economic, didactic aspects
● Outlook and perspectives
Next to a number of self-authored lemmata within the range of their own expertise and disciplinary borders, the editors rely on a network of valuable contributors from various fields, consisting of authors for ‘‘Das grosse Lexikon Medien und Kommunikation’’ and international researchers of improvisation.
Content samples:
Extempore speech
Implicit knowledge
Integrated learning
Memory-based learning
Processual action
Project-based learning
Thematic improvisation
media ecology, social media, propaganda
Since the first world war, Russia, or USSR, and most recently The Russian federation appears to be a region that certainly presents unique features in terms of conflict, tension, resources, hegemony and ideology. Recent events with the Ukraine testify to a specific political agenda that aims to build a barrier that distinguishes the region with clear demarcation lines from Westernn Europe.Little is known about the geopolitical schools of thought of the region, especially with geopolitics more and more taught in Business schools and other university courses. Are there any reasons in your opinion why this is so?
Have you ever heard of any ideology that prohibit political parties and considers them as an undemocratic tools?
psychology and its methods are clearly racist, it was built as an othering tool by the coloniser. Therefore, how do we begin to speak against the mainstream psychology in decolonial terms?
Do you think that British Political plays are more successful than the American ones? and if so, why this happens? is it due to the audience, the censorship in America or the high quality of British plays?
I am interested in whatyou are doing on corruption and norms. I saw your paper on corruption and trust and suggest that you read my 2008 book, Corruption, Inequality, and the Rule of Law where I give a full account of the relationship between generalized trust and corruption. If you send me an email ( I can send you some of my other work (could not find your email online). I have friends at Tel Aviv and Chris Welzel of Leuphana (I was there last year) is a close friend (we had lunch and dinner together in Moscow last week). I’d also be interested in learning what the Paris conference is all about. If you are looking for another keynote speaker, I will be pleased to come.
I am imagining my project within the context of Body and Political Economy among African nations which experimented with socialism. Thanks!
Do you know someone in CAS or other universities in Beijing, who is expert in BKT transition? I am an undergraduate student in UCAS. My classmates and I am interested in phase transition recently and want to find an expert in this field especially the BKT transition, who can offer us some guidence. Best choice is within CAS and professers in other universities in Beijing is OK. Thank you!
Is there any anthropological research addressing the question: Why may many of the female workers be aversive to their female co-workers but may have a strong preference for male co-workers in the workplace in the North America or elsewhere? Can anyone direct me relevant references or research materials?
such as, if there is a feminist theorist how much focus has ze laid on the idea of self perception of the women about their 'self' by the women themselves, while the they have theorised their ideas.
I believe there has to be a more detailed explanation for the slogan. If somebody wants to change the slogan, it can be weighed against the definition. Its just one of he reasons.
Goffman (1967) defines face as " the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular contact.’’( Goffman 1967, p. 5). Brown and Levinson (1978;1987) believe that ‘face’ is ‘public self-image’ which is invested, maintained , lost or enhanced emotionally and must be paid attention to in everyday interaction constantly.
According to these definitions of face, how politicians save face.
Your contribution is highly appreciated in advance.
In his Río conferences in 1973 (La vérité et les formes juridiques), Michel Foucault chastises, without mentioning any specific author, a so-called "academic Marxism" according to which the appeal to sociohistorical explanations of discourse would only be possible in the case of "ideology", understood as "error", but not for truth itself; "external history" would not possibly account for true statements, only for "distorted" ones. But, does any actual Marxist fit that description? I thought of Althusser as a plausible candidate, but I haven't found in his writings any commitment to the idea that "external" social relations only bring about false, distorted statements.
I am trying to look at how the University as a contested space influenced the actions, relationships and culture of the growing feminist and gay movements in Britain during the late twentieth century.
To make the question to facilitate the understanding of the question my local populace Can I reframe a standard question from positive to negative and vice a varsa?
(Rijsdijk, Hultink, and Diamantopoulos, 2007)
Standard scale is - "The product is complicated for a lot of people".
Instead of reversing the scale to know the east of using,
can I reframe the question as "The product is easy to use by alot of people"?
I fear that if I ask a standard question, people may fail to understand it.
Thank you in advance,
Many times I thought what is the United Nations for? Their people are meeting most of the days and nights and we see political conflicts and wars are getting more and more. I began to discuss an eminent Third World War together with other research gate members. I have great hope that stopping alcohol may lead to resolve many political conflicts spontaneously.
I have never heard that anybody raised this issue in UN. Why?! Do they fear alcohol Mafias? Do they like alcohol or think that alcohol is more useful than harmful?
Does anyone know of any work on macho culture in the military? We often assume how soldiers embody and enact macho mentality. But I have not really come across any concrete analysis. I know of the work by Cynthia Enloe, Teresia Teaiwa, and R W Connell. I am familiar with John Dower's classic War without Mercy. I may well have overlooked, but I have not come across anything that addresses this issue head-on. I’d appreciate any lead you can give me, esp. Japanese army in the Pacific War (WW2). Thank you, Ryota
I am interested in research at the intersections of media studies, public policy, social intervention, popular culture, activism, critical theory, art history, etc. Please share any relevant references.
One specific question: The city and residents of Baltimore were central to The Wire's themes and production. Members of various communities became involved with the show as actors, some with no previous acting experience. Did the show's presence have any lasting impact on the city or any particular group of residents?
One relatively gentle definition of "predatory" is "addicted to or characterized by a tendency to victimize or destroy others for one's own gain." Thus self-obsession would be typically present to the exclusion of empathy. That rather clearly describes the nature of predation in the animal world, in human terms.
The word "predatory" has a generally understood meaning of an effect that renders one entity subordinate to another, wherein actually being a meal for a predator is the most extreme case.
A word that pragmatically describes the following human activities effectively (that is, with useful effect) could be useful to focus constant and consistent attention on the general nature of harmful political (etc.) behaviors:
extremism, hate speech, rape, war-mongering, profiteering, corruption, slavery, discrimination, greed, theft, domination, terrorism, intimidation, usurpation, cannibalism, aggressive narcissism, fear-mongering, road-rage, trolling, pure callousness, compulsive lying, incitement, authoritarianism, chicanery, jingoism, hegemony,lusting for power, predatory lending, predatory pricing, malicious rhetoric, etc.
"Astroturf Movements" are what Ernst Bormann would call a fantasy theme in his scheme of symbolic convergence theory. Astroturf movements are often highly polarizing and hateful. They seem to be coming from the grassroots but may be products of highly paid political strategists in the service of elite donors.
Are they more potent now than in the past? Surely they have always been some part of political movements.
I am interested in exploring questions pertaining to the possibility of realizing gender equality within marital relationships and happy family life of couples in the age range of 20 to 55 years. I am thinking of gender here as the socially constructed roles, behaviors, feelings and attitudes expected of girls and boys, women and men, in a given society. I am also thinking of it in terms of the rights, power and privileges accorded or denied as well as the restrictions and taboos imposed on any sex. I make a distinction between sex (the condition of being male or female) which is biological, natural and fairly constant, and gender which is social, cultural, human-made, learned and therefore changeable. Furthermore, I think of gender equality as a situation where girls and boys, women and men, have equal opportunities for participation and enjoyment of rights, responsibilities and privileges in their society without any legal, cultural, political, economic, religious, or social hindrance on the basis of their sex. How is gender equality expressed in terms of distribution of roles, responsibilities and opportunities among family members? What role do educational attainment, religious beliefs and attitudes or the lack thereof, play in influencing such distribution in matters of: participation in family leadership/decision-making (about finance, recreation/vacation, child-bearing/rearing/caring, child-spacing, keeping a job or letting a job go, etc); who calls the shots? participation in home-making, cooking, serving, cleaning, etc; cultural/social symbolizations and ritualizations: that is who does what, why, when, where and how, based on whether they are boy or girl, woman or man? Who leads the family devotion for example? E.g who drives the car when the couple travels together? Who sits where at table? Who speaks and who must be silent? How are these symbolizations and ritualizations justified? Are the gendered practices around participation in roles, responsibilities and opportunities in family settings contributing to the overall wellbeing of humanity in light of the United Nations sustainable development goals? The questions raised here are not concerned with LGBT issues. Rather they are concerned with gender issues that are a matter of life and death for many women and girls in many world contexts. So please if anyone knows of real life examples of couples and families, anywhere the world, who are living on a basis of gender equality or if someone has any literature related to the subject of this research interest, I will be very grateful if they can share with me.
Evidently, Geertz subsequently preferred other definitions or perspectives on culture. As a political scientist I find the control-mechanism concept to be useful in thinking about links between culture and political processes. It is more precise than Geertz' later, fuzzier notion of culture.
According to Frances Stewart, horizontal inequalities (inequalities between groups) in its various dimensions (economic, socio cultural and political ) are the main sources of conflict in most conflict stricken countries. It is argued that economic inequalities provide fertile ground for conflict, socio-cultural inequalities bind groups together, and political inequalities provide incentives for leaders to mobilize people for rebellion. Is there a threshold of the extent of such inequalities ( in one or all dimensions) beyond which it spur grievances and mobilize people leading to conflict ? or is it the mismatch between these three dimension driving the violent conflict?
Nihilism theme is fundamental for understanding the works of Nietzsche and Heidegger. At the same time , the influence of nihilistic concepts in contemporary thought has become an undeniable aspect in the West in its cultural and political aspects . What is the extent of the influence of such works on aspects of the political history of the West in the first half of the twentieth century , especially in the distorted ownership of perspective works in the training of the Nazi - fascist thought. What the cultural phenomena that have , in their foundations influences of the seminal thoughts of Nietzsche and Heidegger ?
I´m looking for texts and papers about cultural citizenship and cultural rights, especially in Brazil.
Egypt and Tunisia went through a transitional phase since 2011 revolution, mainly derived by the same demands and causes, however resulted in different outcomes.
I am looking for seats (by party) for Brazil for 1900-1945 (I have the data for post-1945) for a project I'm working on. So far I've been unable to find anything other than election results (votes). Thanks.
Jirga system in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Panchayat System in India and South Punjab Pakistan
Dera system in Pakistan
I am currently designing an Honours option course entitled Space, Place and Sensory Perception (see brief synopsis below), start date Jan 2015. I’ve spent a good few months amassing references and identifying case studies/practical exercises but I am well aware that there will be things out there that I’ve missed that would perhaps prove to be more useful than that which I have already found.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Eventually I plan to share the course outline with the Sensory Studies network.
The course aims to show how the senses – sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell - play a vital role in shaping the way we interact with, and attune ourselves to, the world around us. It will focus on understanding these everyday sensory worlds and their variation across various historical and geographical contexts. In so doing, it hopes to demonstrate to the students that sensory perception is as much a social, cultural and political practice as it is a physical or biological function working through a range of topics such as silence and noise, darkness and light, pleasure and disgust, immersion and distance, atmosphere and affect. The course will attempt to be as sensorially engaging as possible in its pedagogy and to this end a series of immersive tutorials will run alongside the lectures providing numerous opportunities for students to physically explore their senses.
What are the accepted theories or models that can be applied to the case of minority that facing ethnic discrimination after the inter-ethnic conflict?
I am writing my MA thesis on ethnic minority discrimination after the conflict and their everyday life predicaments, as economic cultural and political discrimination. I want to use some models or a theory to this case, except of nationalism. Can you suggest me some? Thank you!
I am examining the representation of indigenous health in the Australian media and the impact of such representation on the development and shifts of indigenous health policy.
The first paper (2007) reports on state-funded research on "An international peer-reviewed journal published under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic". The second (2010) is in an open access journal.
Both are indexed in Scopus. I may be mistaken, but I see something's very wrong. Do you do too? Can we take a stand on matters like this? Is our credibility, our carriers, and the funding of our research vulnerable to unethical behavior, when this unethical behavior translates into widely accepted "if"sand similar metrics, which are now a factor of governments' evaluation of researchers' performance?
Are they guidelines that depicts the process of recovering? Is there or isn't there a need to build up in a post-conflict area? If so, are there specific regulations one should follow in the action to move forward and 'preserve' the significance of the post-conflict site?
Re-Construction of Post-Conflict Zone: Does the opinion of the society matter or does the Power of Politics depict the approach and perceive others will accept it?
In some former communist countries, for example in Albania about 70 politicians have been in politics more than 10 and 20 years. Resignations are extremely rare. Nepotism and corruption is massive.
Do you think that the appearance in media of these politicians for 10 of 20 years is damaging the health of the population by creating psychological problems?
Can natural selection favour a dichotomy within a population because of the dynamics created by their coexistence?