Science topic

Cuba - Science topic

An island in the Greater Antilles in the West Indies, south of Florida. With the adjacent islands it forms the Republic of Cuba. Its capital is Havana. It was discovered by Columbus on his first voyage in 1492 and conquered by Spain in 1511. It has a varied history under Spain, Great Britain, and the United States but has been independent since 1902. The name Cuba is said to be an Indian name of unknown origin but the language that gave the name is extinct, so the etymology is a conjecture. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p302 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p132)
Questions related to Cuba
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
In this paper
On the analytical approach for modeling photovoltaic systems
behavior by Javier Cubas
I tried to derive the an implicit expression of the series resistor, from the following 4 equations which are ued by author:
I_pv≡(R_sh+R_s)/R_sh I_sc………………………………………………(7)
I_0=((R_sh+R_S ) I_Sc-V_oc)/(R_sh exp⁡(V_oc/(aV_T )) ) …………………………………………(9)
(I_SC-&(I_sc-(V_oc-R_S I_sc)/R_sh )[exp⁡((V_mp+I_mp R_S-V_oc)/(aV_T )) ]@-&(V_mp+I_mp R_S-I_sc R_S)/R_sh =I_mp.) ……………..(11)
dI/dV=-I_0/(aV_T ) (1+dI/dV R_S )[exp⁡((V+IR_S)/(aV_T )) ]-1/R_sh (1+dI/dV R_S ) ……(15)
A pdf file shows the equations summarized which he used to derive series and shunt resistanc explicit equations.
I need to know the derivision from those 4 eqautions to get the Rs and Rsh equations :
(aV_T V_mp (2I_mp-I_SC ))/((V_mp I_SC+V_oc (I_mp-I_SC ))(V_mp-I_mp R_S )-aV_T (V_mp I_SC-V_oc I_mp ) )= exp⁡((V_mp+I_mp R_S-V_oc)/(aV_T )) (2)
R_sh=(V_mp-I_mp R_S )(V_mp-R_S (I_SC-I_mp )-aV_T )/((V_mp-I_mp R_S )(I_SC-I_mp )-aV_T I_mp ) (3)
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After permission is granted from Prof. Javier Cubas.
Prof. Javier Cubas sent to me the proof of this equation to get implicit equation in Rs and ideality factor a.
I attach 2 files original one from Prof. Javier Cubas and the other one by my hand writing to simplify steps for researchers. Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
In the today newspapers we have found the next interesting news:
'A meteor was seen in the sky across the Florida Keys,’ NWS Key' West tweeted Friday afternoon amid mounting questions from locals who saw the smoking object fly overhead. It appears that a meteorite impact occurred in western Cuba, near the town of Viñales, Pinar del Río, earlier this afternoon.’ The impact occurred at around 1:20 p.m. local time.'
Such a way it seems that the accretion theory was hit by this meteorite… Without any important microscopically examination my opinion is that the meteorite fallen to Cuba has a volcanic origin (seems like volcanic breccia) and formed onto pre-existed planet!
First three pictures: meteorite fallen onto Cuba ...
Kind Regards,
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It looks like an enstatite achondrite
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
Does anyone know if this institution has a contact email or who is in charge of the invertebrates area?
I need information about the collection of arachnids deposited by J. P. Rudloff.
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Hola, puede intentar llamar por teléfono +53 24 423935, en la ciudad de Holguín.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
4 answers
Normally I carry out research related to terrestrial tardigrades, however I would like to start investigating the fauna of marine tardigrades in Cuba, I have carried out some exploratory samplings at different sites using the classic techniques for the study of meiofauna and those described in the literature on marine tardigrades, however I have not been successful. I have been able to observe other groups of organisms belonging to the marine meiofauna but I have not been able to find tardigrades. Are there any other aspects to take into account in addition to the sampling methodology for the study of marine tardigrades, such as the type of habitat or substrate, wave characteristics, specific areas to sample, etc.?
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Mauricio Oscar Zamponi Muchas gracias, lo tendré en cuenta, saludos.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
21 answers
Greetings to all those who study paleohurricanes!!!
I’m studying paleohurricanes in Cuba through sediments from coastal lagoons. Many researches in the field of Paleotempestology have been developed by applying different "proxies'', such as: (1) Grain-size analysis; (2) Loss-on-ignition (Organic Matter analysis); (3) Micropaleontological indicators; I have identified two shells in both corers; (4) Geochemical methods, which in my case has been X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning.
Two questions: 1) What is the most correct methodology to identify old events?; 2) After being identified, how to determine the thickness of the deposits (old events)?
Felipe Matos
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Thanks for your answer Dr. Matos Pupo. Before the timescale of French archives, I used other scientific works published around my study site to find other hypotheses of sedimentological imprints of past storms. If these are several works were made in Cuba or around (Maybe Florida, Bahamas, Hispaniola), you can identify possible marine layers in the core studied and presented in other papers to propose connections with yours. If there is no other study, you can propose a new hypothesis never discovered until now. Regarding their thickness, it depends on the number of datings made, the age depth model and the sediment composition/homogeneity, but i think that I can largely differ between events.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
2 answers
I Coloquio virtual de la Asociación de Pedagógos de Cuba, en la Universidad de La Habana.
Remitase al material adjunto para su participación e intercambio.
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Estimada Prof. Yaneisy González Espino , en Venezuela dos cosas son fundamentales:
  • La despolitización de las universidades autónomas, ya que las autoridades son elegidas popularmente como si se tratara de un partido político, allí no hay meritocracia que valga, solo amiguismo, donde se canibalizan los cargos y subsecuentemente se induce el pillaje de los recursos asignados.
  • La inclusión de la meritocracia como ente principal para la elección de las autoridades administrativas y académicas.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
What are the specific foreign policies of Grenada in international relations?
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Since Grenada is a "banana republic" it is okay to take a neo-gramscian stance by looking at the role of hegemonic powers in shaping its foreign policy. However for more detailed research, I will suggest that you dive into a specific time scope and also an event. The reason is that foreign policy is very very broad. It is technically impossible to encapsulate foreign policy in one paper.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
4 answers
We are working on the potential map of Rn in the Republic of Cuba and we would like to exchange experiences with other researchers on this topic. At this moment we have an original version and we have used the ten point method proposed by Jens Wiegand of the Wuerzburg University.
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There are several procedures to estimate the Rn potential of a certain region. Has anyone done a comparative study of its advantages and disadvantages? Where could it be found?
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
Dear Dr. Greetings from Cuba. We develop a project to obtain a formulations of EPN (Cuba strain), did you have possibilities to received young lady fellow? I am agronomic engineer but I have in my team a young lady with a bachelor in Pharmacy but we need help in formulation. Thanks in advanced.
Dr. Mayra G. Rodriguez
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Respected mam@
Thank you for your interest. But I don't deal with the formulation part.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
2 answers
I´m working at the Natural History Museum of Santiago de Cuba and I´m looking for the best fee collection management software for both zoological and botanical collections. We want no just have our collection properly organize but also make it visible through the world. I´ve been hearing about Specify, Symbiota and Biota and I´m not sure which one is the most efficient or if there is any other who can be better.
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I'd say Biota, wich is one the most used software in Mexico for collection management, as far as I know.
I have been using Paradox and it works really good for me.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
64 answers
We are collaborating in the preparation of the 1:50 000 geological map of the Republic of Cuba and we would be interested in suggestions on how to use satellite images in this task. Which would be the most appropriate and why?
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Multispectral imaging and thematic mapping allows researchers to collect reflection data and absorption properties of soils, rock, and vegetation. This data could be utilized by trained photogeologists to interpret surface lithologies, identify clays, oxides, and soil types from satellite imagery.
ASTER (15m) Satellite Images
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
I am not a botanist or familiar with the botanical Code (, but would like to establish which is the correct spelling of this species of oak found in western Cuba. The OD clearly spells it sagraeana (, but modern Cuban authorities appear to spell it sagrana, while a brief internet search seems to throw up virtually equal numbers of both spellings (wikipedia, for example, spells it sagraeana). Any reason in the botanical Code why the original spelling has been abandoned in favour of sagrana. Thank you!
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Thank you Allen James Coombes for your insight into the botanical Code.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
2 answers
Because I work in The National Aquarium of Cuba
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Thanks @Mary C R Wilson
  • asked a question related to Cuba
5 answers
Dear all
Climate change is nowadays a reality that is affecting insular destinations like Cuba or Dominican Republic. Do you consider that due to its impact All-inclusive model is going to disappear from these destinations?
Thanks in advance
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Certainly many studies of tourism have shown the importance of climate in the tourist destination and there are many islands in some countries where tourism is seasonal, such as Malaysia in the state of Terengganu there are three islands only receive tourists for 6 months .. So it could be a negative factor or positive on Tourist area, currently there is a high global competition in the tourism sector and the choice of destination tourism is not as before there are many influential factors
some of paper covering aspects of this topic:
and if you interested in tourism sector with new technology you can check my papers on my profile
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Cuba
4 answers
I have a formulation of PCR that is:
5 μL of 10x reaction buffer, 5 μL 25mM MgCl2, 100 μM of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate (Promega), 93.7 pMol of the TEM-1 primer, 159.4 pMol of the TEM-2 primer, 0.3 μL of 3 U of Taq polymerase (CIGB, Cuba) and 4 μL of the AND sample, all in a total volume of 50ul.
I have no idea of the volume of the primers that I have to add to the mix, Is it specified or not?
Thanks for your comments.
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Thank you all for your comment, now I understand and I used the convertion for my mix and I got bands.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
10 answers
I need literature that talks about the behavior of this animal, its reproduction rate, mortality, resilience, all aspects of its ecology, and also where they are detected if possible with their coordinates. Preferably for Cuba, but also they serve me articles elsewhere Thank you
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Kekauoha, W., 1966. Life history and population studies of Achatina fulica. The Nautilus 80:3–10, 39-46.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
8 answers
A very interesting new way to focus Multiple Sclerosis treatment: repairing myelina. I was informed by a Cuban article (Cuba is having one the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in population in Caribbean islands).
and it was discovered by chance, with a molecule destined originally to fight cholesterol.
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Yes this is a very important issue and I am pleased that physiotherapists are looking into it. I am a cranio-sacral therapist and the alignment of the body is very important to the adequate expression of the cranio sacral movement. Where there is mis-alignment, it can be for physical reasons but more often than not, past emotional factors play a big role and are kept in the body through "emotional cysts". This on the one hand, causes mis-alignment but it also takes a lot of energy to maintain the cysts. Treating people on many levels through multiple therapies including how to work with their emotions and to relax could be new way forward.
Warm regards - Tina
  • asked a question related to Cuba
35 answers
I´m working at the Natural History Museum of Santiago de Cuba and I´m looking for the best fee collection management software for both zoological and botanical collections. We want no just have our collection properly organize but also make it visible through the world. I´ve been hearing about Specify, Symbiota and Biota and I´m not sure which one is the most efficient or if there is any other who can be better.
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I would also recommend Specify, which is used today here at the Zoology Museum of USP, in São Paulo, Brazil. I'm also still learning about many of its functionalities, but it is fairly customizable, and one can get a lot of help in the foruns and blogs in the site that Lynn shared the link.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
Guatemalan migration to the North and internal population displacements within this country have generated substantial scholarship. However, other dynamics have been less studied. The goal of this discussion is to share ideas and references about South-South migration to Guatemala. Resources about the trans-migration expérience of Hondurans, Salvadorans and Nicaraguayans would be most welcome, especially about experiences that turn into more permanent situations as migrants get turned back at the Mexican border and settle in Guatemala. Other topics could include the dynamics of caravan migration in Central America, as well as Colombian, Cuban, and African migration through (or eventually in) Guatemala.
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Dear Martin Hebert;
There are many other important references to be found in this document. They provide valuable information about the Guatemala migration.
Sincere regards
  • asked a question related to Cuba
4 answers
I'm specifically interested in marine environmental cooperation.
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Please have a look at the following PDF attachments.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
I am trying to find the original source of a report that captive Dasyprocta prymnolopha have an infant mortality of 28.93 %, with 19.5 % of deaths resulting from infanticide, with some cases of linked to subsequent cannibalism. I found this report in the book
"M. Fowler & Z. S. Cubas (eds.) (pp 226). Biology, Medicine and Surgery of South American Wild Animals. Iowa, USA: Iowa State University Press" but there was no citation and I can't find the original source anywhere.
Can anyone help?
Thank you,
Rebecca Smith
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I hope this reference help you,
Ramos, J. R. P. T. M., Nogueira, A. A., Ciffoni, E. M. G., Pachaly, J. R., Acco, A., & Lange, R. R. (2008). Order Rodentia (Rodents). Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of South American Wild Animals, 225.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
I am trying to develop a study abroad class in Havana, Cuba, for my undergraduate Exercise Science & Wellness students. I think it would be a great way to expose them to a very different way of assessing and training athletes, general population and people with chronic disease. Does anybody know who might be willing to host a 2-week long course of about 8-12 students?
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How would you like to go about this? I am interested.
What exactly do you want them to learn?
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
I work in the updating and improvement of the technical controls to earth dams in Cuba, integrating the results that are measured regularly in this process. I want to integrate these results under a single system.
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Ahmad S. Yasien Al-Gurairy Thank u! We can also think about a research project, where we work on a program proposal, to solve that problem. For now, I am creating a kind of platform in ACCESS, on which everything that is measured in the technical control of earth dams can be integrated. However, this must be accompanied by an alert system, of which I still do not know how to proceed. Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
1 answer
So I meet a case of a person that in Europe has gluten sensitivity but never got positive in the celiac tests. When travelling outside Europe (Asia, Africa, Cuba) can eat breat and other gluten containing foods with no bowel irritation nor celiac sintomes.
I was wondering if any in the community may know the reason. Maybe the reason instead of gluten is more related with the postprocessing done in Europe, or the wheat strains employed in Europe?
Hope you have any ideas. Thank you,
Nico Ortiz
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This can be due to variation in the protein content of wheat and off-course making of bread as well.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
27 answers
Special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean (Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana)
Heads up! We are intending to publish a special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (BSGM, The BSGM is a completely free access semi-annual journal, the oldest strictly peer-reviewed journal on Earth Sciences in Mexico and one of the oldest in Latin America, and is included in the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, SciELO, Scopus, and in many other instruments. We do not aim to restrict our scope to any type of deposits or type of studies, and all contributions related to the formation of mineral deposits in Latin America, the Caribbean or conterminous regions are most welcome, from the regional to the mineral-association scales of observation and analysis. Both original research papers and original thematic reviews are welcome as either full-length papers or short notes. Both Industry and Academia authors are encouraged to submit their contributions. Contributions focused on mineral deposits from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Rep. are so far lined up! The guest editors to this special issue are · Joaquín A. Proenza (Universitat de Barcelona), · Lisard Torró (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and · Carl E. Nelson (Recursos del Caribe S.A.). All inquiries associated with this special issue or the journal itself are be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the BSGM (Antoni Camprubí, Contributions can be written in either English or Spanish, and must adhere to our instructions to authors ( We apply no restrictions with regard to number of pages, number of figures or tables (other than those determined by our valued scientific reviewers), and we do not charge for coloured figures of for any other matter. First, we need to have a precise idea of how many contributions can be effectively expected for this call for papers; therefore, we need the interested contributors to kindly provide a tentative title, a list of authors (with their institution names and contact emails), and a 300-word synopsis of their intended contributions. Important dates: · November 3, 2018: deadline for submittal of tentative title, author list and synopsis. · May 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of original manuscripts · August 31, 2019: deadline for all revisions by peers of submitted manuscripts. · October 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of revised manuscripts. · April 30, 2020: deadline for online publication of all accepted contributions. The dates above are only tentative and may be corrected depending on the amount of contributions to this issue. Any changes in schedule will be notified to all contributors as soon as necessary. Do not hesitate to forward this message to any colleagues you may consider to have a potential interest in this special issue. We will surely be most grateful to you for your help in disseminating this information.
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It is all about mineral deposits of any type in Latin America and the Caribbean and that is the only restriction we have thought of. One may send contributions at any scale of study regardless of their focus, whether it is mineralogy, the characteristics of mineralizing fluids (or their sources), timing of mineralization, local metallogeny, regional metallogeny, etc. Or all the above at once.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
7 answers
I was wondering if beyond Cuba, there are other Caribbean Islands are researching about education/educational sciences.
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I follow the question
  • asked a question related to Cuba
4 answers
I work at the university of Camaguey, Cuba, Department of History
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gracias a todos por la ayuda, thanks for help me
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
I am leader of a project in Cuba aimed at the improvement of crops productivity under drought stress through combined inoculation and any information about bacterial metabolism under such type of stress shall be welcome.
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Please have a look at enclosed PDFs...
  • asked a question related to Cuba
5 answers
The pictures were taken between December 2017 / January 2018 (winter).
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Hi Gregor,
It does look like Leiocephalus carinatus, yet the subspecies armouri does not occur on Cuba. It is probably safe to go with the nominate. If you have the specimen, you could use the dichotomous key in the book by Schwartz & Henderson (1985) to check the ID (see attached).
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Cuba
3 answers
I need urgently this reference please.
Beckmann, JP and Beckmann, R. (1966) Calcareous algae from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of Cuba
Necesito urgente quien me puede ayudar a conseguir esta bibliografia
Beckmann, JP and Beckmann, R. (1966) Calcareous algae from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of Cuba
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The previous knowledge of the conditions and species of that time helps to understand the present and future changes, modeling is a tool to use.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
2 answers
We are working to use ozono in RAS for marine fish hatchery in Cuba. 
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Marine water
  • asked a question related to Cuba
2 answers
We have problems to use the tecnologies in distance education and, in 2016 Cuba made anohter reference model for distance education based on ICT, but teachers and students do not know how to use it. Can we share our research with your center to make better relations?
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Thanks Dianne, i will do. But in this moment i am in a conferences. Have a Good day
  • asked a question related to Cuba
14 answers
This fossil Himenofitales fern was collected several years ago by R. Rojas and myself from a Jurassic pre mid-Oxfordian exposure of the San Cayetano Formation in western Cuba. Any suggestion as to species or genera or distribution in time and space?
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Another detail of the same taxon.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
16 answers
Now might be a great time to start the baseline of a longitudinal study of NCDs, especially cardiovascular disease, in Cuba before foreign direct investment by companies such as McDonald's, Yum Brands, etc. takes over the island. It would be interesting to see if, as incomes rise and people have more disposable income, whether they eat fast food, whether their BMI increases and if this causes higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We have anecdotal evidence from East Asia following the 1997 currency crisis, where because the value of the bhat and other currencies fell relative to the dollar, people could not afford to eat fast food as much as they had been. People reported that they didn't eat fast food as much and felt better after moving back to a more traditional diet but there is no quantitative evidence of the effects on the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Just a thought.
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Another thought. Don't assume that Cuba will follow the experience of other countries in this regard. Don't assume that the Cuban people are naive and that the country will be so vulnerable. Cuba has a well-developed public health infrastructure with plenty of well-trained, smart people and a population that is literate and engaged. The Cuban government is also unlikely to open the gates abruptly to investment and development it sees as contrary to the national interest. Small-scale private food services (essentially, fast food, Cuban style) was one of the first economic reforms introduced a while back and is a way for families to earn in their neighborhood. Cuba could well go down a very different track, esp. compared to SE Asia.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
9 answers
Gender Telenomus has been little studied in Cuba, so there is little information on taxonomic keys for the identification of different species of these parasitoids.
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Keys to genus are easy to find, but if you want to identify it to species level it will be very difficult. The genus urgently needs a revision! I suggest to contact Norm Johnson (e-mail: ) for advice. He is the expert for this group.
  • asked a question related to Cuba
9 answers
This plant has been located in SW Spain. It´s ornamental, we have no idea what it is. It is a shrub, with trifoliate leaves are opposite, fruit capsule, bifid stigma and 4 stamens to the corolla. Possibly originating in Cuba. In Andalusia is the vernacular name of "Vence battles" (Vence batallas) making allusion to its curative properties
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Vitex trifolia
Gabriele Galasso e Enrico Banfi