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Cross Cultural Psychology - Science topic
Cross Cultural Psychology are let's see what is the same and what is different between us!
Questions related to Cross Cultural Psychology
Hello Researchers,
I am considering publishing a Case Study report on Cross-cultural and Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles on Australia and Bangladesh in an international open-access journal for international business. I had received a high distinction for this report in my MCom program at an Australian university. I would like to ask you all about the possible format of the report for publication, I would like to ask for your recommendation on the matter.
I wrote the report focusing on Comparative and cross-cultural leadership styles between Bangladesh and Australia. The two cultural models I chose were Hoffsteid and Globe study.
Since the report was written in the Case Study format and most international journals use the traditional journal article format, do you think it would be better to reformat the report into a traditional journal article format (Intro, Lit. Review, Rationale, Research Methods, Main Body, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations)?
Or do you think there is scope for publishing it in a Case Study format? I know Case Study articles are popular in Medical journals, but not sure if there are any Case Study international journals in the fields of international business and management.
Please let me know your opinion at your earliest convenience.
Warmest Regards,
Dear all,
I am conducting a multiple-group path analysis (with observed variables) using AMOS. The unconstrained model reveals that several paths coefficient were different according to p values.
When I compare the fully constrained model to the unconstrained model, chi-square differences were insignificant. However, when I compare the models by constraining only one path at a time, I have various variant path coefficients (significant chi-square change).
Should I assume that the model is invariant based on the comparison between fully unconstrained and fully constrained models? Or, should I use the "one path at a time approach" to decide and freely estimate all variant paths? So, I would like to have your opinion on the best approach.
Ps: Although the chi-square did not change, the CFI decreased in the constrained model. Could it be a reason to examine specific path variances?
Each cultural dimension of the Hofstede's culture require to assign a constant value [C(pd) for Power Distance Index, C(ic) for Individualism Index and etc). The manual says the constant values are chosen by the user to shift her/his PDI scores to values between 0 and 100. But how to determine what to assign and how to assign are not explained. Can anyone suggest me a procedure..
I am a student from Babes Bolyai University-Romania, and I have a study and I cannot continue without this scoring template. I don't have possibilities to buy the template. The test was bought by the university but the template is gone and I already take the test with more than 100 students.
We are working on a project relates to personality and friendship. We need some one to report the statistics in our manuscript. You will be included as one of the coauthors. If of interests, please leave your email address so that we could contact you. Thanks
I'm conducting a cross-national study for which I need to use a cultural orientation measure for determining if the participants identify with Collectivist or Individualist cultures.
I came across the scenario-based scale for measuring cultural orientation (APA reference: Triandis, H. C., Chen, X. P., & Chan, D. K. S. (1998). Scenarios for the measurement of collectivism and individualism. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 29(2), 275-289.), but I'm unable to find the scale and the scoring system for research use. Does anyone have information on how I can gain access to this instrument?
I'm also curious what other scales and instruments have researchers used for measuring cultural orientation in cross-national studies?
Thanks very much in Advance for your responses!
I developed a stand-alone, self-report scale to assess social desirability/ positive impression management in juvenile delinquents being evaluated for legal disposition purposes. Based on very preliminary, small sample size field testing, this scale was found to have high correlations with other scales, e.g., the Defensiveness scale of the Personality Inventory for Youth, the Denial Scale of the Jesness Inventory-Revised, and moderate, inverse correlations with scales such as the Externalizing, Rule-Breaking, Anxious/Depressed scales on the Youth Self-Report. Does anyone have the interest and resources to field test this measure with larger samples to examine convergent and discriminant associations?
Robert Semel, Psy.D.
Since Williams and Best 1990, there have been a limited number of studies that included the measurement of gender stereotypes on the African continent. Can anyone advise on how to gather data in Africa or collaborators for a large study?
I am planning cross-cultural study in psychology.
I've read various articles, but I can’t understand what are the requirements for translators? I’m at the stage one - translating the original instrument. Let’s say, my translator 1 is fluent in target language with a good understanding of original language and works in translation agency + has a university degree in some field (not in philology) Translator 2- the same. Translator 3 (for a synthesized translated version) is fluent in target language, with a good understanding of original language + has a higher education in Philology!
My question: is it ok? I mean “translator” doesn’t automatically mean that he/she has a bachelor, master or PhD degree in Philology.
What do you think about it?
Hi everyone!
I would like to select countries for a cross-cultural study (it's my PhD project) based on the level of ethnolinguistic/cultural fractionalization/polarization, but cannot find a good index for that. Alesina's (2003) index is commonly used, but it is based on data from very different time points. Fearon's (2003) index looks a bit better, but the data that is used there is from the beginning of 90's. I wasn't able to find any index that would be based on newer data and would cover not only Europe, but also the rest of the world. Did anyone come across something like that?
Is anyone aware of any studies of discourse involving 'high stakes' (or risk) talk, and cautionary responses to perceived environments of high stakes?
I am interested to learn about any publications and thoughts about the way indigenous knowledge systems and processes were disturbed and marginalised by the colonisation,imperialism and modernity in the colonised global periphery? What responses social scientists and other activists are taking to address the situation? I am familiar with the work of Connell, Santos, Comeroff and Comeroff (focusing on Africa), Alatas, Chen (focusing on E.Asia) but like to know about other writings as well.
I am doing research on involves cultural countertransference and wanted to find out if there are any cross-cultural theories that I can use for my theoretical framework.
Thank you - Lilian
I am doing a research on students values
I have recently done the Hofstede Value Survey Module 2013 in some businesses in Slovakia. As Slovakia was not an original country where his survey was done, it is difficult to find reliable data. I'd be willing to share my results with anybody interested if I can get some results from a recent (perhaps yet unpublished) survey. I have about 70 results from the US, but it isn't a big enough sample for me to use. So I'm looking for anybody else who might be willing to help. Thanks.
OAM has been proposed by Bourhis and Barrette (2003).
I am interested in a measure for globalization-based acculturation that can be used among an indigenous population. Have there been any attempts to develop such a scale measuring acculturation strategies?
Hi there,
I'm looking for research that reports the cross-cultural difference, specifically between eastern and western cultures, in signal detection bias (e.g. beta, c). I am surprised that there are not many entries on the Internet, so I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with my search words. The paper closest to my objective is this one so far:
Paige, L. E., Amado, S., & Gutchess, A. H. (2017). Influence of encoding instructions and response bias on cross-cultural differences in specific recognition. Culture and Brain, 5(2), 153-168.
Would appreciate a lot if you could suggest me leads or papers on this topic!
As a student, I am worry about how the working relationships (worker-supervisors-managers) could be improved in our country if the cross-cultural mentoring and organizational behavior as well as cross-cultural psychology are ignore from the workplace incivility analysis in the organizations that count with a great umber of Hispanic workers and other ethnic minorities
I have seen quite a number of studies on cultural (or cross-cultural) differences in spatial perception and cognitive processes. I am not entirely convinced by many of those studies since they invoked the much touted "individualism versus collectivism" divide between the East and West. There are other interpretations as well. The issue I have with such studies is that I find that some of the interpretations of cultural differences are derived more from implicit biases and stereotypes rather than what the data analyses truly presented. I would like to see the thoughts and opinions from other spatial cognition researchers. I would like to hear the opinions of Asian researchers like myself on this matter.
There are many style inventories, but I am interested in learning style inventory, developed by Vermunt, specifically for higher education students. I want to check its cross cultural validity in south Asia.and utilize it in individual research.
Are there any available instruments?
I need some references on these instruments (scales, tests or so) to do my research... I'm interested in measures of self-concept, self-esteem, self-regulation and children's agency...
Dear colleagues,
I am working on a study concerning adapting MOOCs for learners with diverse cultural background. I badly need our advice on bibliography or best practices. Links to diverse cultural background in education are also welcome
Thank you in advance!
Has anyone seen a study comparing the resilience levels between cultures? Do people in some cultures (on average) rate higher on resilient scales than those in other cultures?
I am aware that cross-cultural measurements in psychology are limited in validity due to measurement differences, but I nevertheless would like to see one.
How culture shapes the development of abnormal personality functioning?
This is about Diffuse and Specific cultures.. how do emotions/values/obligations/display of power different in these contexts? Any literature pointing to this would be useful.
My PhD thesis contain a cross-culture research between two nationalities witch requires me to standardized my data to avoid the issue of responses type a cross-cultures for that i did the Z-score to standardized my data in Spss. So my question is: is it right to run T-test and Correlations directly to the standardized data or is it just for raw data?
Models/articles about the mediator role of acculturative stress on the relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological distress ?
I don't know the difference between this two theories. I know that they have contact points, e.g. influence of social and historical context in human lives, the support networks and life-long process. But, I wonder what is the difference?
It will be used in the selection process for a Market Research Director - International. Thanks in advance!
I found the BRIAS online but can't find the WRIAS. I need to turn them in soon but haven't been able to find downloadable versions of the scales with scoring/interpreting information.
I am looking for two reading texts with comprehension questions that have previously been used in a study in the field of psychology.
“Social desirability” is the defensive tendency of individuals to portray themselves in keeping with perceived cultural norms, whereas “social approval” is the need to obtain a positive response in a testing situation. They are systematic errors in self-reports, how can we estimate their effect?
I am looking at human needs and how the built environment can either help or hinder people from meeting them. Looking for models of human needs.i have found ian Gough, Abraham Maslow, Manfred Max Neef useful, can anyone think of any other models of human needs that are worth looking at? or indeed any critique of these three that i should be aware of? thanks in advance.
Dear Colleagues
What do you suggest to measure cross cultural differences? Do you suggest a questionnaire?
There are many approaches on how to write about other cultures and times. What is your experience on the biggest mistakes you saw? What would you recommend to avoid them?
Is there some implication for nowadays cultural Exchange and reception of migrants?
I am trying to find the differences and similiarities of environmental psychological interventions and environmental educational programs.
How we can decide to consider the variables to be independent or moderator as in the case of Hofstede's cultural dimensions?
What are the emotional, psychological and cultural impacts of ICT use on learners from marginalized and/or minority communities?
I would like to write a paper about Langmuir's thesis related to anti-Semitism. It seems to me that Harari's book (Sapiens) extends Langmuir's definition to the prejudices against other minorities. What is your opinion? How would you reason for or against this idea?
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to our new, large-scale cross-cultural research project.
Our previous research projects, conducted in 53 study sites, turned out to be a great success. One of our manuscripts (from a first project) was published in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, other from the new project is currently under review in the same journal, one will soon be submitted to the Journal of Marriage and Family, and three more papers are in the final stages of preparations. Thanks to our efficient team work we now collaborate with, e.g., David Buss.
We would like to continue the research in the area of cross-cultural/evolutionary psychology. This time, we plan to conduct six studies.
a) Sexual Morality Project
b) Comparison of daily life touch between countries
c) Creativity study
d) Love study
e) Mate study
f) Facebook study
Now, we have collaborators from 60 countries. Algieria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Rep, Estonia, Etiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Hugary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Salvador, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.
New collaborators from other countries are WELCOME!
Research demonstrating the role of self-deception in racism, and the prevalence of racism? Any leads would be appreciated.
Can anybody please suggest me any study examining the relations between ethnic identity components (i. e., commmitment, exploration) and acculturative stress? I prefer studies focusing on early, middle and late adolescents but also suggestions regarding emerging adults or adults are welcome.
I am working from a cross-cultural perspective. Thanks in advance!
Regarding identity construction in the European expansion.
What fundametal factors do you think play a role regarding infidelity among couples of your country?
Is anyone looking into the societal/collective responses to the recent terrorist attacks in France, Danemark, Tunisia and Yemen ?
A comment came from a reviewer who indicated that invariance should be done across cultural groups. Invariance across gender may not be conducted. This is the first time I have heard of this. I have done it many times and have read papers in which invariance across gender is done.
It would be interesting to conduct a large-scale study proactive coping, together with colleagues from other countries (I'm from Russia). Each researcher should observe several samples of different ages.
We will use The Proactive Coping Inventory, The Beck Depression Inventory, The Ryff Scale of Psychological Well-Being.
We will share the results on the internet (via email).
After analyzing the data, we will publish an article in the international journal of health psychology or positive psychology.
Migration itself is reported to be one of the most important conditions leading to fear/anxiety disorders. I once read an article claiming that success in the host country could arouse fear, uprooting etc, which would be very interesting for my research results. Unfortunately I can't find the article anymore. Has anybody read a similar publication and recommend it to me? Thanks..
The Freechild Project <> has asked the question, which is also an area of personal research interest.
In some research of Yamagishi's on Japanese subjects the reverse was found. He claims that this was due to the Japanese opting for the readily available social provided schema "be humble" when under load (simply required to answer quickly ), and not that they are lacking in a need for positive self regard, i..e the second attentional theory that this paper confirms.
Hmm...I just realised that this was written in 1989 (when I go to the bit about an Apple ii) ! So everyone probably knows that the reverse result was found in Japan.
Related to my research on value-driven design, I am conducting an online experiment for finding similarities and differences of human values all over the world. For this, plenty of participants with different cultural backgrounds are needed. So you would help me very much if you could do this survey by yourself and then send it to your friends and colleagues, especially in another countries. The survey will not take more than 15 minutes of your time.
Please find the survey here:
Recently I am trying to figure out the cultural differences of children's social interaction, especially at the behavioral level. Among the experimental videos of U.S. and Chinese American child play I have watched, I found it hard to locate those differences. Is there anyone with any ideas or thoughts on this issue? Thanks!
I am interested in seeing to what extent, if any, attitudes to the student evaluation of teaching even if purportedly for formative purposes are influenced by academics' attitudes to the new public management
What about a scale with different degrees of eye contact? Is it polite to gaze, or to stare? Which cultures prefer to avoid eye contact ?
Given the shortcomings of the Hofstede Model, can anyone recommend alternatives that take a more robust approach to analysing national cultural identities?
I have looked into the Globe Model and Hampden-Turner model but they both seem to be plagued by the same issues
Are there any other alternatives that take a better approach?
There is a research in Hungary to find out towards which of the following groups Hungarians have most prejudices:
Africans, Arabs, Chinese.
The distinctions was justified, because" in this way Hungarians distinguish foreigners", despite the fact, that "Chinese" group didn't included "Vietnamese" or that "Africans" and "Arabs" are overlapping (North Africa) and groups like Persians/Iranians and others are excluded (and there are other factors).
Due to this, following questions arise:
How we should address different cultural/ethnic/religious groups in the questionnaires? The politically correct way or the "people" ("field's") way?
What consequences would our questionnaire had if we choose " the field's" understanding? Don't you think that justifies prejudices and makes in-groups/out-groups?
What is the politically correct, right (?) way how we should describe/distinguish people with different shades of skin color in the scientific articles?
How can we, as researchers, be free from our own prejudice/ stereotypes? Is it possible?
There are a number of mostly self-report measures out there. But most of these are actually "assessing" personality or other predictors of performance (e.g., Cultural Intelligence, adjustment, etc). I'm interested in actual assessments of cross-cultural performance.
I am working on a research proposal on the issue of personal and organizational value congruence. I would very much appreciate collaborations with local and foreign institutions and researchers.
If anyone is interested in a collaboration, please contact me and I will share more about the research details.
I'm currently planning a research project examining cross-cultural differences (qualitative rather than quantitative) in implicit achievement motivation. I'm particularly interested in the different kinds of incentives that arouse achievement motivation in different cultures.
I'm based in Singapore and am looking for potential collaborators in other cultural settings - particularly North America or Europe. If you are interested, please get in touch and I'll share more details about the project.
My dissertation (ongoing) is on a psychological profile of tribes in violent conflict in the Sahara/Sahel. Specifically, I'm interested in exploring (in part) cognitive imprinting on developing cultures based on extremes of geography, geology and climates of deserts, mountain habitats that are threatened with encroachment, war, desertification and the like, and one example of what I am interested in is the Ek tribe in northern Uganda.
I am searching for national versions of Mental Health Continuum Short Form (MHC-14, Keyes) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule 20-item version for measuring general affect (PANAS Watson & Tellegen). We plan to use them in our new study and it would be a great help to have it all.
I would require versions in: Italian, Dutch, Estonian, Latvian, Hungarian, Malay, Russian (for MHC only), Romanian, German (for MHC), Serbian, Czech, Slovak, Japanese, Korean, Portugal.
I am writing a dissertation about doing therapy cross culturally with Cambodians - thinking about Lifespan Integration as one possibility.
For example; would an increase from one trial to three trials impact decision making significantly?
Researcher in psychology searching for academics for collaboration in areas of personality, individual differences and social psychology. Happy to collaborate in many ways or any way. We have a good lab set up, with opportunities for collecting both survey and experimental data. Get in touch if interested, and we can discuss possible opportunities.
Is identity a social construction or part of a psychodynamic process? Or is it a complex amalgam of both of these?
I'm currently compiling a list of cross-cultural research that investigates whether and to what extent different cultures find different things morally good & bad (see Are there any studies that I've overlooked? If so, I'd be very grateful if you could point them out to me. Ideally, I'm looking for empirical / quantitative studies that compare multiple (ie more than two) cultures, but any / all suggestions would be welcome. Any contributions will be acknowledged in the eventual paper. Thank you in advance.
I am searching for a self-report inventory to measure the Latino cultural value of simpatia. This value has been defined in the literature as emphasizing positive behaviors (e.g., friendliness, politeness, respect of others) in agreeable situations, and de-emphasizing negative behaviors in conflictual circumstances. Implicit in this definition is an avoidance of conflict.
I have some degree of fluency in Spanish, so I am also open to receiving information about Spanish language articles and measures.
In spite of findings on cross-cultural differences, researchers seem to be using measurement scales across cultures without checking for cross-cultural validity or adapting it appropriately. What does this trend signify? Is it the pressure to publish quickly, or the difficulty in proper rigorous validation of scales?
I am interested in using a form of narrative therapy cross culturally with Cambodian people and would like to hear of examples and experiences.
Especially in media and performing arts, (despite increasing number of female comedians) "humour" still seems to be under the domain of male humorists.Is it coincidental or are there any cultural, neuroscientific or social reasons for that difference?