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Crop Protection - Science topic
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Questions related to Crop Protection
Having read through numerous farming forums and engaged in discussions with fellow agriculturists, I have gathered valuable insights on early blight that I wish to share with farmers, students, and researchers. Early blight is a significant plant disease primarily affecting solanaceous crops like tomatoes and potatoes. It is caused by the fungal pathogen Alternaria solani Sorauer. One of the most distinctive features of this disease is the characteristic bull-eye lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruits of infected plants.
Key Characteristics:
- Bull-Eye Lesions: The lesions are typically small, brown spots that expand over time, forming concentric rings that give them a bull-eye appearance. These rings are the result of the pathogen's sporulation cycles, with each ring representing a new layer of fungal growth.
- Concentric Rings: The concentric pattern is particularly prominent on older leaves, where the lesions can merge, causing extensive damage. This pattern is a visual indicator of the progressive nature of the infection.
Host Plants:
Early blight primarily affects crops within the Solanaceae family, but it can also affect other plants. Key host plants include:
- Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.): One of the most commonly affected crops, where early blight can cause significant yield loss if not properly managed.
- Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.): Another major host, with early blight causing defoliation and tuber rot, leading to substantial economic losses.
- Eggplants (Solanum melongena L.): While less commonly affected, eggplants can still suffer from early blight, particularly in regions with favorable conditions for the fungus.
- Peppers (*Capsicum spp. L.): Though not as severely impacted as tomatoes or potatoes, peppers can occasionally host the pathogen, leading to minor infections.
- Weeds and Other Plants: Some solanaceous weeds and other plants in the family, such as nightshades (*Solanum nigrum* L.), can serve as alternative hosts, harboring the pathogen and contributing to its spread.
Impact on Crops:
- Leaf Damage: Infected leaves often yellow and drop prematurely, reducing the plant's photosynthetic capacity. This defoliation can lead to significant yield losses, especially in severe outbreaks.
- Stem and Fruit Involvement: On stems, early blight can cause girdling, leading to plant collapse. On fruits, the lesions can lead to rotting, rendering the produce unmarketable.
Management Strategies:
1. Crop Rotation: Avoid planting solanaceous crops in the same field consecutively to reduce the buildup of the pathogen in the soil.
2. Resistant Varieties: Planting resistant cultivars can help mitigate the impact of early blight.
3. Fungicidal Treatments: Timely application of fungicides, especially those containing chlorothalonil or mancozeb, can help control the spread of the disease.
4. Cultural Practices: Ensure good air circulation within the crop canopy and avoid overhead irrigation to reduce the humidity that favors fungal growth.
Recommended Books and Resources:
For those interested in furthering their knowledge on vegetable gardening and plant pathology, the following books are commonly used in American colleges and are excellent resources:
1. "Vegetable Production and Practices" by Gregory E. Welbaum
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the principles and practices of vegetable production, including topics like crop establishment, nutrition, and pest management.
2. "The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible" by Edward C. Smith
A practical guide widely used by both hobbyists and students, this book offers insights into planning, planting, and maintaining a productive vegetable garden.
3. "Plant Pathology" by George N. Agrios
This textbook is a staple in many plant pathology courses and offers in-depth coverage of plant diseases, including early blight, and the principles of disease management.
4. "The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control" by Fern Marshall Bradley
This resource focuses on organic methods of managing pests and diseases in the garden, making it a valuable reference for sustainable gardening practices.
Early blight, with its distinctive bull-eye lesions, remains a challenge in crop production. Understanding its symptoms, host range, and implementing integrated management strategies are crucial for minimizing its impact on yield and quality. The information gathered and shared here aims to support ongoing efforts in better crop protection and sustainability in agriculture. Whether you are a farmer, student, or researcher, these insights, along with the recommended resources, can help in managing this persistent disease effectively.
How can we address the challenges faced by small-scale farmers in developing countries and ensure that they can participate in global food markets?
There is a permanent threat of Clavibacter michiganensis (bacterial canker) on greenhouse tomato plants in many regions.
Is there any efficient chemical treatment that can reduce the systemic multiplication of this bacteria?
I know that 8-hydroxy-quinoline + CuSO4 was efficient but as a contact bactericide (de León L, Siverio F, López MM, Rodríguez A. Comparative efficiency of chemical compounds for in vitro and in vivo activity against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, the causal agent of tomato bacterial canker. Crop Protection. 2008 Sep 1;27(9):1277-83.)
Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which an organism produces one or more biochemicals that influence the germination, growth, survival, and reproduction of other organisms. These biochemicals are known as allelochemicals and can have beneficial or detrimental effects on the target organisms and the community.
Bioinsectisides are popular now for crop protection. The proponents would like to ask some recommendation for capturing VOC compounds from marine algae the is easy. What formulation of non-toxic aerosol type bioinsectiside can be compatible for VOC.
Hypothetical Material:
Active Ingridient - VOC from Marine Algae
Inert Ingridient - ???
Thank you.
Happy new year, everyone!
I am looking for publications dealing with the influence of pesticides that are used to protect crops on small mammals (rodents/ shrews). My interest is focused on lethal and sublethal effects, bioaccumulation, and biodiversity,.
I am grateful for any hints!
the defense mechanism of plant is really a wondrous mechanism if it can be utilize it will best way to deal with management practice for crop protection.
Many people agree with the claim that the COVID 19 pandemia is going to change our lives beyond social distancing measures. Impacts will probably differ among different dimensions of societies (culture, demography, socioeconomic structure, land tenure, etc.). There will probably be direct impacts that are easier to identify (social behaviour, sanitary strategies, markets, etc.). But what about cascading effects? Indirect effects are more difficult to pinpoint. Regarding Agriculture, the question I propose for discussion and scenario analysis (causal chain analysis?) is: "What could be the sequences of effects on agriculture in general and crop protection in particular?".
Some potential auxiliary questions:
a) Could consumers change demands regarding food security and quality? If so, what could be the (new) pressures on crop protection?
b) Could the world change prioirities? Dependent on continent, region, type of agricultural farming systems?
c) Could there be a shift on research and development agendas of funding agencies?
d) Brainstorming of ideas and/or other auxiliary questions.
Why do both young and old papaya trees in heavy clay soils just start wilting, get white fungus on the lower trunk and fall over after roots rot?
Do you know where it is possible to find reliable datasets on crop pest occurrences reporting also the exact coordinates? I have tried to download the CABI pest distribution data. However this reports only the coordinates related to the centroid of the region where the pest is present.
Many thanks for your kind support.
Best regards,
I assume that, in countries with any kind of compensation system regarding the agricultural wildlife/game damage, there has to be some sort of field assessment conducted by experts.
I would like to collect information on the different systems that operate in the different countries (ie. is there a compensation system, if yes, who estimates the damage, are there any sampling principles that are obligatory to be followed or even specified sampling methods, or it is simply up to the experts, etc.).
I would be grateful for any written, citable resource (primarily in English, if it exists) or even for personal summaries.
In return, I can prepare a description of the Hungarian situation, if anyone finds it interesting or useful.
Thank you in advance!
Is SUBLETHAL a genuine and clear, reproducible scientifically defined term or an imprecise pun / phrase / play of green thinking scientists?
Who has and where was the term SUBLETHAL scientifically defined?.
Economic injury level (EIL) and economic threshold (ET) of tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta?
I failed to Isolate bacteria, fungi or insects from the depressions of my persimmon fruits, after superficial alcohol flaming. May be someone knows what kind of pests caused these depressions?
Dear all,
I am applying for IUPAC Next Generation Program for Sustenable Crop Protection and selection is partly by public voting. You can help me by clicking on the link.
After reading the blog, please leave a comment on the comment section below the page as number of comments on each article is going to be used by the selection committee.
Wildlife, esp. mammals, are assumed economic pests.
Many medium or large sized species (like wild boar, red deer, red fox...) are involved in wildlife-vehicle collisions or do cause crop damages. a lot of research has been done and a lot of applications have been tested.
However, we would like to know your OPINIONS how different wildlife species would react on different sounds.
As some examples:
- RG#1 wild boar do leave the crop field, when a car (that of the local hunter) does arrive.
- RG#2 no the very seldom do!!!
- RG#3 wild boar do cross roads, even if there is any sound
- RG#1 roe deer do stop, when they hear a jaybird-call (just an imagination, do not know if this is true)
Just give me your experiences or even your thoughts (but please indicate if it was observed or just an idea...).
even for species like: reindeer, badger, wolf, lynx, bear, antelopes, elephants, ...
all mammals and even some larger bird species!
To meet the needs of growing population, scientists are on the way to introduce new crop/plant varieties. The indigenous species are going to disappear. But we have a new high yielding variety. It is genetic enhancement or genetic erosion?
Why we need to keep the old less productive variety?
What causes the abnormal leafy ears in corn?
We have seen this abnormal ears at the end of the season in corn. Usually, at the edges of the field. Not sure about the center of the field (we have not checked).
I have attached pictures for the case.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Vegetables (and fruits) are key elements in human alimentation, with benefits on health for example. At the ame time, they are often the results of intensified systems, heavily relying on chemical inputs to maintain soil fertility and to protect crops. Promoting agroecological transitions in such systems is therefore a real concern.
Food systems are one of the tools that public policies or local policies can use to promote these agrocecological transitions in vegetable production.
It is therefore clear that vegetable production and food systems are linked. I would like to clarify all these links, and all their implications, not only in terms of sociological quesitons, but also economic, agronomic, on land-use patterns, on culture and culinary traditions...
My first step is then to get a idea of who is interested by all or part of this topic (I also am doing a litterature survey, of course!).
Thanks for getting in touch, my feeling is that there are not so many forces on such topic, and we can gain by sharing our eforts.
Dear all. It is known, that climate change and also extreme weather can cause outbreak of some pests and their enemies also. Other pests may be diminshed. The question is: How extreme weather events like heat, drought, storm, heavy down poors, hail, flooding will influence the special diseases of meadow fescue and the special plant protection measures (chemical and biological) in meadow fescue. We found nothing in literature but need more information for risk assessment. Under current climate conditions plant diseases and pests, (mammalians, weeds, insect pests, nematodes and plant pathogens like fungi, viruses, bacteria) can cause considerably yield losses and damages of crops. Climate change will likely lead to increase the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration and timing of weather and climate extremes. Does anyone have any information about the impacts of extreme weather events on diseases and pests of meadow fescue? We reviewed the possible impacts of weather extremes on pests (weeds, insect pests and plant pathogens) of meadow fescue by analyzing scientific literature published since 1945, concerning the knowledge about the influences of extreme weather on incidence of these pests.
Apply now for the project, which runs for up to 10 weeks for the summer of 2018, in the Biointeractions and Crop Protection department at Rothamsted Research with Dr Dana MacGregor
Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 17:30
This project will be aimed at identifying genes that potentially lead to the enhanced weedy traits exhibited by black-grass. Our approach will be to determine whether genes known to regulate important life history traits (e.g. germination, transition to flowering, and the production of seed) from other species are present and active in black-grass.
Dear Researchers,
Has anyone the full text of the following standard?
ISO22856: 2008, Equipment for crop protection —Methods for the laboratory measurement of spray drift — Wind tunnels.
I should consulate it for a research.
Thanks a lot,
I am conducting pot trials with Soybean. After 10 - 12 days the cotyledons and first set of unifoliate leaves are eaten by some organism.
For Mouse, I have kept all post in 1/2inch x 1/2 inch iron mesh cage of 5 feet x 10 feet.
For leaf eating green worm, I checked twice thrice for any evidence, but that's not the case.
During previous set (last month) I applied Thymate from all sides but it did not help, similar happened and I had to repeat.
This time suspecting some work eating leaves I also sprayed Chloropyriphos but haven't got any success.
Kindly help. I am attaching photographs
Dear colleagues & friends,
I am in search of alternative and environment friendly ways to control (manage) Hessian fly (Cecidomlye) in wheat without the use of insecticides.
Hessian fly is causing a lot of damage to wheat in Morocco. Its negative impact on yield is devastating during dry years.
Please share your experience and/or publications on this topic.
Thank you for your collaboration.
All the best.
This is Myzus persicae on sweet pepper leaf and it has two colors orange and green .
While growing several varieties of Cucurbits, I encountered this type of yellowing in some of the varieties. It started two weeks after transplanting an organic field. I have already ruled out herbicide damage. The yellowing starts from the center of the leaf and spreads out. It is also present on young emerging leaves. As the plants grew, the yellowing appears to reduce/disappear, and so I believe it may not be a nutrient deficiency. See photos below. Any ideas?
We know that pretilachlor is a good herbicide against rice weed. Now I want to know that, is the combination of pretilachlor + Trisulfuron also effectively control weeds?
I was given a maize SNP dataset in the HapMap format and I was curious how I can infer the genotype given this particular format (see picture below). I understand that for HapMAp data the second column contains the allele information (i.e. all possible alleles at this locus) and that columns 12 and onward contain the appropriate allele for the sequenced individual. However, I'm unsure of how to derive the genotype of a diploid when only one allele is given. I realise there is a function in R for reading raw HapMap data (see but I'm not even sure it's still operational. Any information would be a help. Much thanks!
Herbicide application through camera identification is tested on sugar beet. The goal is to determine precision of spraying. Therefore, coloring (dye) is needed to identify which plants were sprayed or not. I already used some colorings, but they were not strong enough. Which coloring do you use in yours experiments ?
Thank you for your help!
Glass is inert, can be cleaned with solvents and heat, so it can be reused. But plastic petri-dishes, vials, centrifuge tubes are omnipresent in laboratories, are disposable and can easily be modified. Of course one cannot use an aceton solution on polystyrene dishes or vials, but what are the disadvantages of coating plastic surfaces with insecticides for single use?
We are working on management of brinjal fruit shoot borer . Most of the plots are infected with cercospora leaf spot . Does this has any relation with the infestation of borer. The severity is increasing day by day. What should we do to manage the disease ? Does the management of disease create any negative impact in the research?
What is the carrying capacity of Myzus persicae in potato in general?
How many aphids are considered as highly infesting?
Ash whitefly , Siphoninus phillyreae , is one of the important pests of fruits and recently shade trees in some parts of Iran. Over seventeen plant species (including acer, ash, elm, apple, quince, pear, sweet lime, sure lime, orange, tangerine, peach, nectarine, apricot, hawthorn, plum, almond and pomegranate) were identified as its host plants that ash was the most important. Adult and nymphs of the pest feed on sap from late May to late November and cause direct economic damages to host plants. The population of the pest on ash trees reach to its peak in late July.
We decide to refuse from chemical control for their environmental problems (contamination, pest resistance development and etc.). The period of damage on trees of urban Landscape is less than two months and avoidance may be practical.
Any relation between ascochyta blight and chickpea type (desi/kabuli)?
Does anyone know a free up-to-date crop protection compendium with CAS numbers, IUPAC name etc.? We currently have an outdated "The pesticide manual (Tomlin)" but before purchasing a newer version I would like to make sure there are no cheaper alternatives. Other recommendations?
DNA was extracted from the top 6cm of peduncles of stems affected by crown rot. Some stems had deadheads, other did not. All had crown rot at their base.
Wheat DNA was quantified using TEFg primers during real time quantitative probe based PCR. Wheat DNA quantities were consistently greater in the senescing peduncles.
A solid theory behind why this has occurred has not yet presented itself.
So my main crop will be protected
Dear all,
The literature showed there is a Phytotoxicity of the propanil to Broad leave crop. So, to conquer this problem kindly share your valuable suggestions.
Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, information on best practices for crop protection is grossly limited, compared to what prevails in other parts of the world. I notice that apps are being developed to help farmers (rural smallholder) in managing their farming operations in most countries in the world. How can this promoted in Africa. Monitoring and survelliance of key pests and alert on emerging situations in different localities is key.
In my last trial I spread the inoculum (Rhizoctonia cerealis on sterile, infected seeds) over the plots after sowing. After that the inoculum was slightly mixed with the soil with a rake. But there was no effect.
For calculating crop damage due to flood, ones need to consider the crop damage function. Which/what damage function normally used in the Indian sub continent. Any suggestions or references are greatly appreciable.
i am working on RNAi and going to make transgenic tobacco plants which will show resistance against sucking insects. At the initial stage i need pcambia based RNAi vector which have both 35s promoter and kanamycin resistance genes.
Particulary problems with insects of Diptera order, and better if have information about Cecidomyiidae family, harming this crop
We need references preferably of South America, but everything is welcome
What are the main uses of methyl oleate (methyl ester) in OD and EW formulations? How does this ingredient effect the formulation?
Thank you for your answers.
Preferred emphasis on sorghum/glyphosate
Due to high rise of temperature, seedlings of annual crops and even that of perennial are facing sun burnt where the leaves are half dried and half green.What is the apt remedy to overcome this problem?
We are interested in natural/safer alternatives to atrazine, for control of pre- and post-emergence broadleaf weeds in large field-corn plots under irrigation.
in Egypt in late sowing date of wheat Birds eating seedling.
Dear All,
H. axyridis has appeared in 2007 in Hungary. Since then it became one of the most dominant ladybird species. In recent years Asian ladybird adults caused substantial damage in fruit plants and grapevine here. The damage was quantitative and qualitative in vineyards. Mainly grapes with injured epidermis were attacked. Intact and healthy grapes were generally not damaged. The qualitative damage was due that numerous adults wandering towards overwintering sites aggregate on grape and growers cannot separate the ladybirds from the grape to be processed. The H. axiridis alkaloids spoil taste and bouquet of the vintage. As a consequence of this damage, grape growers call this beetle “bitter ladybird”. This coccinellid harms also apples and pears. Certainly, there are a lot of data and reports on this kind of damage mainly in US and France.
Have you observed similar damage of Harmonia axyridis in your country? Have you experienced economic yield losses in various crops?
I have a friend who worked on black pepper extract, she has some issue with explaining her results. if there anyone can explain to her why worms got bulging after exposure to the black pepper oil, I will be grateful.
I attached some photos that she sent to me.
Thank you in advance
There are reports of PBW survival in bollgard II Bt cotton hybrids in India. Will it be a potential problems in years to come? How to over come.
With increasing population in several countries in Asia and Africa,they have to double their crop yields in coming decades.However crop yields have been stagnating in different parts of the world . Several possible reasons could be limiting yield potential crops,in sufficient or imbalanced nutrition,limiting soil physical and biological conditions etc. Then how to improve the crop yield in future and meet the food and nutritional needs of growing population?
E.g. I want to compare the water rates used in 'USA', 'Brazil' and 'Argentina' for the crop 'soybeans'.
Any hint or source is welcome ... thanks!
It has been observed that when different herbicides were tested against weedy treatment and if the mean effects of different herbicides with respect to yield crops were statistically at par, then the difference of weedy treatment and herbicides also comes out to be non-significant, which is an incorrect answer.
I am planning an experiment where I need to apply a fungicide in lettuce. Rather than emplyoing a spray application, I am looking for the possibility of injecting the active ingredient into the stem or leaves directly. I came through some techniques like Agroinfiltration technique or Tree Trunk Injection Technique. But, would like to know what the peers in this area have been doing.
Several reports remain unclear on quantity of bacterial and fusarium wilt used for pathogenicity experiments.
We are working on herbicidal discovery so both the weeds are most important for our herbicidal screening programme. we are trying to establish these weeds under our green house facility, seeds of both weeds shows good germination but after that growth of weed plants is slow/ poor so kindly suggest any protocol for the same.
Thanking you in advance for your co-operation towards research !!
Hello everybody. I want to measure some enzymatic parameters of Aphis gossypii and for this end I used a specific cultivar of cucumber “Soltan“. For some reasons, I prefer to change my cucumber cultivar, but as some experiment have been done using previous cultivar. Now I want to know if changing the host plant in the level of cultivar has any significant impact on the rest of experiments, considering this fact that I want to compare my new results with ones obtained with previous cultivar.
can this resistance from a non host plant be a durable one? can trangenics be created out of resistant source if the source is a non host
Recent observation from a survey currently undertaken in Sierra Leone indicates that cassava is being serious damage by grasshopper, irrespective of variety (improve and local). This was observed in areas with high Chromolaena odorata infestation. My advice to the farmers affected was to brush and remove all saim weed plants around the cassava farms. Grasshoppers use Saim weed as a host, but does not feed on it, why? What phytochemicals are present in Saim weed that inhibits feeding by grasshopper.
Cant find name/terminology about strawberry sapling death
I'm looking for latest studies on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor) and their diseases such as chocolate spots (Botrytis fabae), rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae), Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria alternata) and others. If anyone has suggestions on any studies about this subject please share.
Thank you in advance.
As you see this picture, the stem's skin of pepper has been corked.
I wonder if some one say to me what the cause of this problem is?
Most scales used only define the extremes, thus the no damage and the plant death characteristic. the intermediates are arbitrary based solely on the discretion of the technician. I am of the opinion that such an approach elevates chances of heteroscedasticicity of the data and makes it difficult to make comparisons for scientists across locations. Moreover, different symptoms are expected for chemicals with different MOA and this should be taken into account by the scoring system.
May interested parties comment on developing a crop specific, robust and versatile scoring system which can minimize the discrepancies likely to be brought about by the arbitrary system
I was wondering if anyone has tried (and been successful) at generating pathogen-resistant plants using CRISPR interference (CRISPRi). The pathogen in question is an ascomycete fungus.
Does anyone know if the CRISPRi complex can make it to a pathogen's nuclei and stop transcription?
Recently I tried to inoculate MYSV for seedling screening. Any of you ever work with MYSV? kindly help me. Thanks.
All references provides a thermal imaging process during the period of 1:00 PM until the 3:00 PM, and during a period of no more than an hour are the imaging process why .and what is a scientific explanation thank you
Dear All,
White peach scale(Pseudalacaspis pentagona, Diaspididae) is a poliphagous pest of fruit and ornamental trees. Its parasite, Prospaltella berlesei was efficient against it earlier however recently many garden owner brought samples (Juglans regia, Syringa vulgaris etc.) infested heavily with this pest to me and asked what to do to cure their plants.
How is the infestation and damage of white peach scale in your country? What do you use to control them?
Ex: Mirid bugs,leafhoppers. Spidermites.Aphids. Flowerbud maggots etc
I am using some plant strengtheners on cucumber in order to evaluate cotton aphid population development. The addition of plant strengthener could reduce cotton aphid populations, but I don't know the economic threshold for cotton aphid populations.
Researchers have provided valuable evidence to the general understand of Human-Elephant Conflict (particularly the problem of crop-raiding) and have provided solutions to this problem. But no comprehensive quantification of uptake of these deterrence by farmers has been done to date (notable exception is a study by Graham & Ochieng, 2008). However, this study has not treated adoption in detail as it focused also in testing efficacy of chilli pepper in deterring elephants from raiding farms.