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Critical Whiteness - Science topic

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Questions related to Critical Whiteness
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
2 answers
Overlapping complacency to authority among colonizers and their victims.
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What an interesting question. Recently I came accross ideas about how Irish migrants to the Us became white, latter on Italian migrants also went through a process of whitenning, Jews from all over the world, or at least some of them have also been whitenned. I assume that whiteness must be different in white countries like European countries, the US, Australia or Canada. And indeed in Latin America there seem to be people who consider themselves white, but not elsewhere. Also questionable must be the whiteness of mediterranean europeans.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Compared to other ethnicities, why specifically do Northwestern Europeans seldom object to breeding with other groups?
Mainly due to systemic racism, Northwestern Europeans are highly desired as partners. Therefore, breeding with outcomes almost always brings Northwestern Europeans net economic positive benefits compensating for their diminished population.
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Are there any statistics about this phenomenon? One element can be mobility, or Europeans out of Europe, as since the XVITH century europeans migrated massivelly to all corners of the world, where they bred with other people. I also think that Europeans have a great mobility that allows them compare different parts of the world, Europeans soldiers had intercourse with women from all over the world. And thirdly within Europe there must be statistics comparing them, for instance with América, where natives didnt have problems mixing with europeans, the same in the Middlle East and parts of Asia. With which other continents have you made a comparison?
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
6 answers
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I see that there are responses questioning whether reincarnation actually occurs, scientific studies, as best can be conducted, indicates that it does exist. Far too many people are able to accurately report details of an existence that they should not have knowledge of via any known physical means, sometimes details that take extensive research in restricted files to verify.
The second issue seems to be that people assume that there is just one understanding of reincarnation while in fact there are at least 4 different and widely separated cultures that generally accept it. One in India/SE Asia, one in Africa, one in the Northern portions of North America and historically one in Greece and other parts of Europe. Of these, only the India/SE Asia variety suggests that a human may reincarnate as anything other than a human. All the other cultures insist that reincarnation is always within the human species.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
Epigenetic information polish then recessive privilege distribution. WARNING: Genetic engineering is DANGEROUS. Hopefully regularly polishing the epigenome will cure aging and other diseases, plus prevent side effects of genetic engineering. Also, hopefully and theoretically after the potential genetic engineering to provide recessive traits and recessive genes, if the surgery is simple enough, subjects will keep their genetic signatures.
See my profile or Substack:
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Your highlight "Epigenetic Information Polish then Recessive Privilege Distribution" is an intriguing concept that combines ideas from epigenetics, genetics, and possibly social theory. Let me break down my thoughts on this:
  1. "Epigenetic Information Polish": This part suggests refining or optimizing epigenetic information. It could imply:
  • Cleaning up or correcting aberrant epigenetic marks
  • Enhancing beneficial epigenetic patterns
  • Fine-tuning epigenetic profiles for specific outcomes
This is an interesting idea, as epigenetic modifications are more malleable than genetic changes and could potentially be "polished" or optimized.
  1. "Recessive Privilege Distribution": This is a more complex and potentially controversial term. It could be interpreted in several ways:
  • In genetics: Focusing on the expression or benefits of recessive traits
  • In a social context: Redistributing advantages typically associated with dominant traits or social positions to those with recessive or less prominent characteristics
The combination of these concepts is thought-provoking. It could suggest a process where:
  1. Epigenetic information is first optimized or corrected
  2. Then, this refined epigenetic state is used to influence the expression of recessive traits in a way that confers some form of advantage or "privilege"
This idea raises several questions and potential implications:
  1. Ethical considerations: How would we determine which epigenetic patterns to "polish" and which recessive traits to privilege?
  2. Technical feasibility: While epigenetic modification is possible, precisely controlling the expression of recessive traits is extremely complex.
  3. Long-term effects: How would such interventions affect future generations and overall genetic diversity?
  4. Social implications: If applied in a societal context, how might this concept interact with or challenge existing social structures?
  5. Scientific basis: While intriguing, this concept would need substantial research to establish its biological validity and potential applications.
It's an innovative and provocative idea that bridges biological concepts with potentially broader implications. However, it would require careful definition and extensive research to move from a conceptual stage to any practical application.
Would you like to elaborate on what you envision for this concept or explore any specific aspect of it in more detail?
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
4 answers
How strong of a mutation changes an individual’s DNA signature beyond identification? How specifically? Every human constantly mutates yet retains their genetic identity thus, the mutation must be stronger than usual.
Preprint EIP then RPD
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Since when they generate a 'DNA finger print' it is normally a consensus sequence i.e., the average of many 'formally equivalent' molecules rather than a single molecule. Therefore it would likely take impossibly massive mutation/DNA modification/degradation to prevent identification.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Epigenetics refers to the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. This field has garnered significant attention for its potential to influence aging, combat diseases, and mitigate unwanted side effects of genetic engineering.
Aging is associated with various epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, which can lead to altered gene expression and contribute to age-related diseases like cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. By targeting these epigenetic modifications, researchers believe it may be possible to reverse or slow down the aging process. For instance, interventions that modify epigenetic markers could potentially restore youthful gene expression patterns, thereby improving cellular function and longevity.
Epigenetic therapies hold promise for treating a range of diseases. By understanding the specific epigenetic alterations associated with conditions like cancer, researchers can develop targeted therapies that either activate or repress certain genes without changing the genetic code itself. This approach could lead to more effective treatments with fewer side effects compared to traditional genetic engineering methods, which often involve irreversible changes to the genomeOne of the significant concerns with genetic engineering is the potential for unintended consequences, such as off-target effects or the activation of harmful genes. Epigenetic modifications can provide a more flexible approach to gene regulation, allowing for temporary changes that can be reversed if necessary.
This flexibility could help in fine-tuning therapeutic interventions, reducing the risk of adverse effects associated with permanent genetic alterations.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
4 answers
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Which epistemology do you associate with biology? Why?”
- epistemology absolutely directly is associated with biology, since all points/steps in the utmost fundamental result in epistemology – “Scientific method” , see
“…An iterative,[43] pragmatic[12] scheme of the four points above is sometimes offered as a guideline for proceeding:[47]
Define a question
Gather information and resources (observe)
Form an explanatory hypothesis
Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner
Analyze the data
Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for a new hypothesis
Publish results
Retest (frequently done by other scientists)
The iterative cycle inherent in this step-by-step method goes from point 3 to 6 and back to 3 again. ……”
- all/every living being, even bacteria, use and perform in their lives at their behavior.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
3 answers
Why are people of color supporting unchecked white power?
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Thanks for the link Alexander Ohnemus
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
Apparently the lack of tyrosinase:
"Inhibition of tyrosinase can reduce the production of melanin and achieve skin whitening, effectively solving pigmentation (Lall and Kishore, 2014). Therefore, the development of antioxidants, tyrosinase inhibitors, and elastase inhibitors play important roles in solving skin aging and pigmentation" ( ).
Ming-Xiang Li, Jing Xie, Xue Bai, Zhi-Zhi Du,
Anti-aging potential, anti-tyrosinase and antibacterial activities of extracts and compounds isolated from Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’,
Industrial Crops and Products,
Volume 159,
ISSN 0926-6690,
Abstract: Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’, a cultivar of Rosa chinensis Jacq., is one of major raw material of rose tea and possesses sufficient plant resources in China. However, the studies on the chemical constituents and cosmetic activities of R. chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’ are almost blank. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-aging, skin-whitening, and antibacterial potentials of extracts and chemical constituents of the flower by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, elastase inhibition, anti-tyrosinase, and antibacterial assays. Bioassay results suggested both 95 % and 65 % ethanol extracts possessed significant antioxidant, elastase inhibition, and anti-tyrosinase activities. The combined active extract was studied with bioassay-guided fractionation to give a new compound, kaempferol 3-O-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl (1→6)-(2”,3”-O-digalloyl)-β-d-glucopyranoside (1) and fourteen known compounds (2–15). All compounds were firstly isolated from this species and subjected to the above mentioned bioassays. Ten compounds exhibited antioxidant activities with DPPH radical scavenging rate from 63.40 %–94.04 % under the concentration of 100 μg/mL. The antioxidant activities of 1, 2-phenylethyl 1-O-β-d-(6'-O-galloyl)-glucopyranoside (12), vomifoliol (14), and 4, 4'-dimethoxy-3'-hydroxy-7, 9': 7', 9-diepoxylignan-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (15) were firstly found with DPPH radical scavenging rate of 83.24 %, 91.10 %, 63.40 %, and 77.75 %, respectively. The moderate elastase inhibitory activities of 12, ethyl gallate (13), and 15 were firstly found with the inhibitory rate of 43.69 %, 43.25 %, and 35.34 % at the concentration of 100 μg/mL. Multiflorin B (3), 12, and 13 showed strong tyrosinase inhibitory activities with the inhibition rate at 43.83 %–55.80 %, comparing with the positive control, α-arbutin (22.15 %). In addition, 1 showed significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with the MIC50 of 8.51 ± 0.26 μg/mL. Compounds 2–4 and 12–14 showed moderate antibacterial activities against S. aureus. Compounds 6 and 13 also exhibited moderate inhibitory effects against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Above results manifested that R. chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’ possessed potential application values in the development of natural anti-aging, skin-whitening and antibacterial products.
Keywords: Rosa chinensis cv. ‘JinBian’; Antioxidant; Elastase inhibitory activity; Tyrosinase inhibitory activity; Antibacterial activity; Cosmetic potential
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C-SHOT SERUM contains a combination of two molecules with a proven anti-ageing activity: a high percentage (30%) of a more stable vitamin C derivative, 3-O-ethyl-l-ascorbic acid, and lactic acid (1%).
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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The concept of fine tuning suggests that each being gets one life in the material realm followed by an eternal afterlife. This view posits that life on Earth is intricately balanced and designed to support a singular physical existence, after which individuals transition to an eternal spiritual existence or afterlife.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Cartoons, videos,TV Shows, Anthropology, Film and Critical Race theory.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
4 answers
1a)"The epicanthic fold produces the eye shape characteristic of persons from central and eastern Asia; it is also seen in some Native American peoples and occasionally in Europeans (e.g., Scandinavians and Poles)"(Britannica 2023).
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "epicanthic fold". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 May. 2023, Accessed 27 May 2024.
4) "A small minority of people in northern Sweden and Finland, known as Sami, have some connections with Siberian people.
I don’t think they look Chinese at all. Chinese people have their own unique phenotypes. If you are talking about their eyes, there is a connection with Siberian people, who have eyes that people usually will associate with looking East Asian. Most Scandinavians have eyes that are similar to the rest of Europe.
Convergent evolution is another factor, especially for people living in colder climates. It’s common" (Sam Jones).
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Well according to the writer the scandivians looking like the europians could be a privilage for them
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
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I would say yes and no at the same time, yes because i enjoy some part of the white culture which is education, the recieved english law which has the human right and freedom of expression embedded in it, no on the other hand because we were also robbed of our most precious possessions
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
"DNA is SO unpredictable that they are either fractals or something less predictable, thus a gene is never known to manifest into a trait, debunking hereditarianism and vindicating CRT" (Ohnemus 2024).
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These self-similar patterns are the result of a simple equation or mathematical statement. You create fractals by repeating this equation through a feedback loop in a process called iteration, where the results of one iteration form the input value for the next.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
3 answers
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Hi, I'm sorry but I haven't seen the film. Best regards
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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I think the act of reading a favorite book often involves a journey shaped by prior reading experiences. Whether consciously or subconsciously, readers bring their accumulated knowledge, perspectives, and literary preferences to each new book they encounter. This prior reading background serves as a foundation upon which their understanding and appreciation of the favorite book are built. It may involve exposure to similar genres, themes, or writing styles, which contribute to a deeper engagement with the text and enhance the reading experience. Moreover, prior reading experiences help readers develop critical thinking skills, literary analysis abilities, and a broader cultural awareness that enriches their interpretation of the favorite book. In this way, each book becomes a stepping stone in the reader's literary journey, with prior reading laying the groundwork for the discovery and enjoyment of new favorites.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Yes, socialism vs capitalism is more about the timing and methods of wealth distribution and control rather than simply which system is adopted.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
5 answers
Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
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I am fine with agreeing to disagree. All opinions are considered.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
When I point unpleasant things out, people often respond by insulting me. So, under complete eugenics I would either have been killed and or castrated at this point.
If Nazis do gain control over the USA, I may be killed first because they really hate white looking people with disabilities and or subtle non white ancestry.
The more North Western European liberal nations become multiracial democracies, the more a select few elite North Western Europeans turn into the leadership base. Hence why so many politicians and other elites are North Western Europeans. Thus, the "Great Replacement" should really be named the "Great Filter" because it consolidates whiteness(state of being North Western European). North Western European liberals did not just coincidentally invent transhumanism and eugenics.
Work Cited
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Imagine you have a toy robot that cant do amazing things like remembering every song it ever hears or remember every fun day they've ever had. Now, imagine if we could give people special abilities? oh wait, we already have people like that. We recently rebranded again as autism or something, to be honest i prefer retard, the good ol days when people still clearly told you that things werte going wrong because youre retarded..... now after evry shitty interaction i have to try and calculate what percentage went bad cause of black face and how much is the tism tax.... Transhumanism is like a big idea where scientists and inventors try to find ways to help people do things they can't do right now, like a superhero upgrade! They might use cool gadgets, special medicine, or even tiny robots to make life better and help people do amazing things.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
3 answers
Did Michael Jackson somatically mutate to have both recessive genes and recessive traits? How Why?
“…a strong enough acquired mutation could potentially turn any individual into a part of the Racial European population“(Ohnemus 2023).
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Highly unlikely since you would never somatically mutate all the cells in a body to the same thing. Why would you think that might be the case?
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Maria, Socrates or Plato then devised particulars to cover your contingency. But, yes, an absolute eliminates other possibilities. within this, the particulars create a whole, such as gods and monotheism. But monotheism eliminates so much!
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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A ludicrous notion.
Unless this is a very peculiar joke, and if it is, is a forum for research the appropriate place for it?
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
8 answers
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i am sorry. what an affliction it is to believe in a mythical being called 'god'.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
1 answer
Nazism is definitely NOT in my interests because they(Nazis) wanted kill very liberal, mentally off, LGBTQAA+, nonconforming, people that look like them but have very subtle not Northwestern European Ancestry. And I believe in hyper life extension so they would especially hate me.
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Who asked?
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
2 answers
How does one ethically deal with typos? Why? I would first follow tradition(traditional meanings), secondly risk analysis(risks of interpretation) and then thirdly skin in the game(the right to opine depends on the price the person pays for incorrectness). On a side note, those ethics lead me to negative utilitarianism for an open society. The virtues depend on enlightenment instead of goodness, thus they may be empathy, common sense, and symmetry. StimulI:
General Ethics:
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Remember, typos happen to everyone, and it's essential to handle them with grace and willingness to correct any mistakes. When it comes to dealing with typos, here are a few ethical guidelines to consider:
1. Take responsibility: If you make a typo in your work, acknowledge it and take responsibility for it.
2. Correct when necessary: If a typo changes the meaning of your message or leads to confusion, it's important to correct it. This ensures that your audience understands your intended message accurately.
3. Strive for accuracy: Proofread your work before sharing or publishing it to minimize the chances of typos.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
4 answers
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Despite "references" - many of which are more opinion pieces than research - it sounds like most of your posts are metaphysical discussion points rather than anything related to the more narrow realm of the Scientific Method in research and discovery.
You might find more active debate or subjects for further evaluation in a forum like Quora than in Researchgate.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
2 answers
Who agrees both my book and my short film might help morphology? How? Why?
My Book:
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"Help morphology", what does this mean? Belief is for religion, it is not an intellectual position nor method of science.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
6 answers
Are individual rights COMPLETELY dismissible under the notion they are not absolute? How My answer: No because human rights are linked to diversity, equity and inclusion as described in the following essays:
General Ethics:
General Ethics:
General Ethics:
General Ethics:
General Ethics:
LGBTQAA+ rights:
LGBTQAA+ rights:
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Ηuman rights that are not absolute are harder to assert. Dismissibiliy is a matter or circumstances, region of application and other factors.
But generally, absolute ones do not get dismissed by claims such as "violation of rights of others by assertng one's rights"
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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I am interested.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
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Who agrees with me that maybe technically I am over 100 Western European? How? Why? “I am over 100% Western European when all the max possible Western European blood percentages of my ethnicity estimate are added together and the highest possibilities of the other ethnicities are subtracted then I become over 100% Western European. Factors contributing to that genetic paradox are that I have a high mutational load(exemplified by my autism). And that the Southeast Asian Ethnicity is more Neanderthal than the European one”(Ohnemus 2023).
Supporting Sources:
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Check out your DNA - your certainty may well be rocky - many Scandinavians arrived in boats into today's Europe...
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
3 answers
There is evidence of high rates of PTSD, depression and anxiety in critical illness survivors, and potentially long-term higher baseline inflammation in sepsis survivors. There is evidence that MBI can help reduce inflammation and also reduce rumination and anxiety. It appears that MBI could be helpful, but I don't know of any such attempts.
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Dear Angela, Thank you for sharing your research and for the references!
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
3 answers
A great deal of valuable research has been done on the basis of Mill's work on epistemologies of white ignorance. In particular, I find Melissa Steyn's (2012) work on white ignorance among narratives from the Apartheid Archives quite illuminating. But my own interest is on the way themes of white ignorance may (or may not) be traced among university students born in or just before 1994. There are, of course, many ways of eliciting data from students, and one needs to select the most appropriate collection method in terms of one's research focus. Is anyone else (in or outside South Africa) working specifically on white ignorance among university students?
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23rd April 2014
Hi Marthinus,
I will try to give you a better answer, if time allows.
Kind regards,
Johan (JT) Nel.
  • asked a question related to Critical Whiteness
9 answers
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The citations by other papers indeed reflects how your research has affected the knowledge base but does not include the actual effect on the public in general and how the information is used in practical use in daily life. Perhaps with the new NCN guidelines for treatment of diseases specially in the field of Oncology, we can have a citation use for clinical guidelines which affects the physicians who use these for their practice of their specialty. That should have a heavier weight than just citations in other papers.