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Criminal Justice - Science topic

Criminal Justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. Those accused of crime have protections against abuse of investigatory and prosecution powers.
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Publications related to Criminal Justice (10,000)
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This correlational descriptive research aimed to investigate the predictors of Facebook’s effectiveness as a learning management tool in higher education. The study was conducted at the Josefina Herrera Cerilles State College, School of Criminal Justice Education, in Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines, between September 2022 and November 2022...
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In Finland, security concerns have always prevailed in immigration enforcement, despite the relatively low share of immigrant population. Historically, immigration controls have been a police matter in Finland, involving a strong emphasis on public order and security concerns and sharing similarities with vagrancy laws in the control of mobile poor...
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As one of the most prominent and controversial types of cases in current criminal justice practice, the new type of cybercrime faces both difficulties in investigation and evidence collection, as well as difficulties in judicial determination. The new type of cybercrime has become one of the mainstream crimes in China, and its characteristics of co...
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El presente artículo analiza las reformas al artículo 220 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal (COIP) de Ecuador, las cuales endurecen las penas por tráfico ilícito de drogas. Estas reformas se justifican bajo principios teóricos como la disuasión, la proporcionalidad y la autoría, buscando reducir el narcotráfico y proteger el bien jurídico de la sa...
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Restorative justice has emerged as a powerful framework within the criminal justice system, offering innovative solutions to strengthen the social relations among individuals and decrease e-crimes. This study aims to explore the impact of restorative justice on building trust between individuals in society and how restorative justice contributes to...
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Different studies have examined racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Empirical examinations indicate that pretrial detention is a critical source of cumulative disadvantage in the United States. However, few studies have been undertaken in Latin America, where racial bias and pretrial detention remain understudied. This study utilized...
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Contemporary prosecutor-led criminal justice reform seeks to improve fairness and reduce the justice system footprint. To this end, “progressive” prosecutorial offices have adopted numerous policies that set presumptive actions and guide attorney decision making. We develop a measure of justice policy implementation fidelity that enables an overall...
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The treatment of children in conflict with the law is a critical component of efforts to achieve restorative justice, as mandated by Law No. 11 of 2012 on the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA). The Special Child Development Institution (Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak, LPKA) Class II Pangkalpinang holds a strategic role in carrying out rehabili...
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In this chapter, we examine how sex workers interact with the criminal legal system, focusing on the challenges they face in reporting violations and seeking justice. Research shows that sex workers rarely engage with the police and broader criminal justice system, facing injustices, discrimination, and limited access to justice worldwide. To advan...
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The preservation of crime scene is essential for guaranteeing justice in legal processes. The criminal courts in every country require that the accusations against the accused be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Criminal justice aids in the analysis and restoration of events that transpired at the crime scene. While the police officers did not see...
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This chapter lays out the various formal laws, legal regulations and court cases that directly concern prostitution, sexual violence, workers’ rights, and criminal justice processes, as pertinent to addressing unwanted sexual contact in the context of sex work. We discuss the formal law for each of our case-study jurisdictions: the UK (England and...
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This study critically examines plea bargaining within Nigeria's criminal justice system, focusing on its advantages, challenges, and implications. Plea bargaining, a legal mechanism where defendants negotiate guilty pleas for lesser charges or reduced sentences, has gained prominence for expediting case resolution and alleviating the overwhelming b...
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Objective: The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the decision-making process by the defense party in Ukrainian criminal proceedings and to identify the main needs and capabilities of the subjects involved. Theoretical Framework: This study is based on contemporary scholarly perspectives in the fields of criminal law and proced...
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This article highlights the problem it names as ‘interventionitis’; the tendency of policymakers to treat enduring, systemically generated problems with limited interventions that are insufficient or inappropriate for the intended improvement. We outline three typical features of interventionitis; overconfidence in these quick fixes, the iatrogenic...
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The Restorative Justice (RJ) approach in juvenile criminal law is a paradigm that is oriented towards the restoration, reconciliation, and rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law. Unlike the retributive justice system which emphasizes punishment, RJ aims to restore social balance through deliberation between the perpetrator, victim, and...
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The reform of Indonesia's national criminal law marks a paradigm shift from a retributive punishment system to a Restorative Justice approach that places greater emphasis on victim recovery, social reconciliation, and perpetrator rehabilitation. This principle has been accommodated in various regulations, such as Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the J...
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Criminalization within the concept of Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture (NCBAF) plays a crucial role in efforts to combat corruption. This study aims to analyze the implementation of NCBAF in the context of Islamic criminal law, particularly regarding the confiscation of assets obtained from criminal acts without requiring the direct prosecutio...
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Racism and inequality remain pervasive issues in the twenty firstcentury, deeply impacting various aspects of society, including economic and political structures worldwide. Despite advances in civil rights laws, disparities in wealth, education, and access to justice continue to underscore systemic inequities, especially for marginalized communiti...
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Another area of concern in the management of youth offenders in this respect of statutory framework in Pakistan is the aspect of rehabilitation, which requires further analysis and improvement. Thus, the nature of this research work involves the critically examining of the current legal structures and processes of youth offenders’ rehabilitation in...
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Background Research on carceral institutions and mortality finds that people in prisons and jails have a high risk of death immediately following release from custody and that while incarcerated, racial disparities in prisoner mortality counter observed death patterns among similarly situated non-incarcerated, demographic groups. Yet, many of these...
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This is an introduction to the articles submitted to the special issue of Trends in Organised Crime on dealing with organised crime and the financing of terrorism. The aim of the special issue is to draw together a range of empirical studies from around the world outlining important considerations for dealing with the relevant phenomena, including...
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Despite its contested scientific validity, polygraph interviewing is now an established yet opaque practice within criminal justice in England and Wales, with statute law covering polygraph use in the context of probation for released offenders. In this paper, we highlight non-statutory uses of the polygraph by police forces in England and Wales by...
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This study explores the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in predicting recidivism, focusing on the impact of race and geographic location variables. Leveraging a dataset from the prisons in Georgia, we assess six algorithms' forecasting performance, both with and without these key variables. Our findings indicate that geographic locatio...
Conference Paper
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In the Republic of Croatia, the Criminal Code (further:CC) applies to perpetrators of criminal offenses. The two fundamental principles proclaimed by the Criminal Code are the principle of legality and the principle of culpability. The principle of culpability in Art. 4. declares that no one shall be punished unless found culpable of the committed...
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Achieving trustworthy AI is increasingly considered an essential desideratum to integrate AI systems into sensitive societal fields, such as criminal justice, finance, medicine, and healthcare, among others. For this reason, it is important to spell out clearly its characteristics, merits, and shortcomings. This article is the first survey in the s...
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Introduction Methodological and ethical arguments support the involvement of individuals with lived experience in research to reduce engagement barriers and ensure those directly affected by studies contribute to knowledge generation. However, there is limited evidence on the impact of including researchers with lived experience of serving a prison...
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This book addresses a variety of key issues surrounding mental health and the criminalization of certain individuals, groups and communities by the Criminal Justice System, and the impact this can have on their mental health and well-being. It challenges the assumption that people with mental health problems are in some way a risk or danger to soci...
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Survival analysis, a vital tool for predicting the time to event, has been used in many domains such as healthcare, criminal justice, and finance. Like classification tasks, survival analysis can exhibit bias against disadvantaged groups, often due to biases inherent in data or algorithms. Several studies in both the IS and CS communities have atte...
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En este texto se sostiene la necesidad de subrayar el problema del mal en las reflexiones sobre el castigo jurídico y la justicia penal. Para desarrollar lo anterior, (1) se exploran las razones por las que esta discusión no tiene un lugar preponderante en la iusfilosofía contemporánea, principalmente: (a) la idea de que el mal es una reflexión exc...
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Background Legal professionals frequently encounter forensic mental health issues in the criminal justice system. These issues can significantly impact the outcome of cases, making it essential to understand the attitudes and perceptions of these experts towards mental illness. While the literature has shown widespread stigma towards mental illness...
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After more than two decades since the creation of the International Criminal Court, progress has been made in the field of International Criminal Justice, however, such institution is exposed to the paradox of what it is versus what is wanted from it. This article addresses as its central thesis the lack of uniformity of criteria in the adoption of...
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Public service psychologists engage their research competencies to explore the psychological health needs of underserved populations and the justice systems that deliver them psychological services. In late June 2023. the Criminal Justice Section of Division 18 of the American Psychological Association cosponsored the Fifth North American Correctio...
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La discusión normativa sobre el castigo debe tener un lugar privilegiado dentro de la reflexión y el programa de la justicia penal. Sin embargo, ello exige dos cosas. Por un lado, tener presente el calado de los interrogantes implicados en la cuestión de la justificación de esta institución y de las prácticas que caen dentro de ella. Por otro lado,...
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The opioid overdose crisis intersects critically with the criminal legal system where individuals with opioid use disorder (are significantly overrepresented. Subsequently, incarceration increases the risk of opioid overdose due to reduced tolerance, interrupted social supports, and limited access to treatment. Medications for opioid use disorder (...
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This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of Islamic criminal law research within modern legal systems, using data exclusively from the Scopus database and analyzed with VOSviewer. The findings reveal that traditional principles such as hudud and qisas remain central to the discourse, while contemporary themes like human rights, criminal justice,...
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In the series of criminal justice proceedings, the issue of detention is one of the most essential matters concerning the freedom of human rights, because every detention of a person suspected of being involved in a criminal incident is a temporary restraint on his freedom and ndependence. So that in this study the problems are, first, whether the...
Technical Report
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Educational programming for those who are incarcerated is intended to increase their chances of success as they reintegrate into communities. These programs benefit both the individuals and society by decreasing the social and economic costs of crime and providing individuals resources to be successful in the labor market. The Windham School Dist...
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This systematic literature review investigates the deployment and effectiveness of peer mentors in criminal justice practice. The findings reveal a lack of any consistent definition of what constitutes a peer becoming a mentor within this context. Despite this, strong evidence suggests that support from a peer mentor alongside formal interventions...
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Objectives: The objective of this paper is to explore the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage in the Indian criminal justice system, with a focus on its legal and ethical implications. It aims to examine how existing legal frameworks, such as the Information Technology Act of 2000 and the Indian Penal Code of 1860, could be adapted...
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El presente trabajo analiza los diferentes tipos de pobreza y sus causas, lo que nos permite entender esta situación, como un factor que incide negativamente en la manera que se tiene el verdadero acceso a la procuración e impartición de justicia. No obstante que la gratuidad de tales servicios está garantizada en la Constitución, lo cierto es que....
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El Sistema Integral de Justicia Penal para Adolescentes es un modelo aplicable a personas adolescentes que se les atribuye la comisión de conductas ilícitas. El juicio de amparo, por su parte, es un medio de control constitucional que puede ser instado para combatir actos de autoridad que vulneren derechos humanos. Ciertamente, el amparo es procede...
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Objectives Evaluate the impact of extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) on postrelease criminal justice contact and substance use among individuals with opioid use disorder in correctional settings. Methods A randomized waitlist-controlled trial was conducted. The treatment group (n = 47) received XR-NTX shortly before release, and the comparison g...
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Although criminal trials are primarily designed to repress individual acts, a new role has emerged in the era of French jihadist trials. They have transformed into a ‘forum’ giving voice to different actors to comprehend the phenomenon in all its complexity, as in truth commissions: defendants presented their path to radicalization, victims related...
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Background: One factor that may contribute to the higher prevalence rate of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) after violent loss, is anger. A source of anger for violently bereaved people can be the criminal proceedings that ensue following the loss. The present study explored the reciprocal associations between PGD and state anger, and whether aspect...
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Este artículo ofrece un estudio relacionado con el procedimiento abreviado en el Sistema Integral de Justicia Penal para Adolescentes en México. Hoy en día se desconocen los alcances de la figura del procedimiento abreviado en adolescentes; se confunde con la solución alterna al conflicto, lo que no debe ser así. El procedimiento abreviado fue crea...
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Este artículo analiza la Ley Nacional del Sistema Integral de Justicia Penal para Adolescentes, enfatizando los retos que enfrenta su implementación en México. Se examinan disposiciones específicas de la ley, tales como las etapas procesales aplicables a adolescentes infractores, y se critican las similitudes con el sistema de justicia para adultos...
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This study tested the possibility that the four facets of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised/Screening Version (PCL-R/SV) serve as bipolar constructs in predicting future criminal justice outcomes. Organizing scores on the four facets (Interpersonal, Affective, Lifestyle, and Antisocial) into three categories—that is, lowest 25% of cases (best categ...
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El artículo analiza la evolución del Sistema Integral de Justicia para Adolescentes (SIJPA) en México, desde el cambio de paradigma del sistema tutelar al de protección integral. Se destaca la importancia de la especialidad y especialización, así como la necesidad de abordar la justicia para adolescentes desde una perspectiva sistémica, integral e...
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El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es el acceso de las mujeres víctimas de violencia familiar a la justicia penal en la fase de interposición de la denuncia con el objetivo de identificar los factores socio-jurídicos que las excluyen y las discriminan; el diseño de la investigación es desde el paradigma cualitativo con el uso de la técnica...
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The opioid crisis is a multifaceted public health emergency that impacts individuals, families, and communities across socioeconomic and geographic boundaries. Rooted in overprescription, socioeconomic disparities, and systemic issues, the epidemic is driven by both legal and illicit opioid use. This paper examines the scope of the opioid crisis, c...
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The Juvenile Criminal Justice System in Indonesia prioritizes an approach that educates and rehabilitates children who are facing the law. Restorative approaches, such as diversion and restorative justice, have become very relevant to achieve these goals. This study aims to examine legal protection for the application of restorative justice in hand...
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el tiempo de prolongación de las diligencias preliminares extraordinarias y el cumplimiento del principio de plazo razonable en la investigación de delitos comunes en el Distrito Judicial de Trujillo. Se utilizó un enfoque descriptivo-correlacional, examinando 265 carpetas fi...
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El rol de la fiscalía en la recolección de pruebas es fundamental para garantizar la objetividad procesal en el sistema penal. El objetivo del estudio fue diseñar una propuesta que mejore el rol del fiscal durante la etapa preprocesal y su dictamen, asegurando el cumplimiento del principio de objetividad. Es una investigación jurídica de enfoque mi...
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The process of juvenile criminal justice has demonstrated how the law operates, still adhering to syllogism principles, a legalistic perspective of the law, and equating law with legislation. This type of research is normative legal research using a philosophical, theoretical, and conceptual approach. The research was conducted in the provinces of...
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ITA: Il presente contributo prende le mosse da un passo di Ulpiano riportato (nell’ambito della rubrica De verborum significatione) in D. 50.16.42, in cui il giurista di Tiro distingue tra gli atti turpi per natura (probra natura turpia) e quelli che sono tali in virtù di norme civili e secondo le consuetudini della città (probra civiliter et quasi...
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Background Substance use disorder affects over half of incarcerated individuals, with 23% experiencing opioid use disorder specifically. Addressing opioid use disorder in jails is crucial due to its association with increased recidivism and overdose. This study investigates the experiences of peer recovery specialists working with individuals with...
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The book on the general provisions of the 2023 Criminal Code regulates the fundamental principles of criminal law, such as the elements of culpability and the forms of criminal acts, which must be freed from partial and particularistic interpretations. Therefore, the author attempts to use this authentic interpretation to present a stronger parad...
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This study uses a mixed methods approach to evaluate the role social media plays in constructing perceptions and fears of crime. Included in this approach is a survey of college students at a university in the New England region and qualitative interviews. The survey was conducted to assess their perceptions of crime rates since the 1990s, along wi...
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El problema de la tortura en el proceso penal mexicano presenta características que lo dotan de un interés crucial. La tortura no solo representa una violación de los derechos humanos, sino que también socava la credibilidad y la integridad del sistema de justicia. Su relevancia radica en el impacto profundo y duradero que tiene en las víctimas, as...
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This study aims to identify the challenges the International Criminal Court (ICC) may face in prosecuting the serious crimes committed during the Russia-Ukraine War. The research employs a normative legal method with statutory and conceptual approaches. The results show two substantial ICC challenges: the immunity of the alleged person as the Russi...
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This paper critically examines the phenomenon of miscarriage of justice in the criminal justice system. Despite the standard of 'beyond reasonable doubt' in criminal law, innocent individuals can still be wrongly convicted, as exemplified in the House of Lords' ruling in the case of Director of Public Prosecutions v. Shannon. The history of success...
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A little over 15 years ago, common understandings of slavery-related only to its historical manifestations. The very great nations and/or empires in the world were built on slaves’ backs, either by military or religious conquests. Lately, though, with the severe forms of exploitation that proliferate the world, slavery is renamed. South-North migra...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the criminal justice field, from predictive analytics in policing to forensic data analysis in investigations. Yet, many university programs, particularly in criminal justice, remain hesitant to incorporate AI into their curriculum. As a result, students graduate without the digital competencies...
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Modern society is increasingly threatened by organised crime. Crime undermines democracy and causes harm to the general functioning of a country and the quality of life of its citizens. A lack of protection measures for witnesses of crime renders the criminal justice system weak and ineffective in its quest to fight crime. Witness protection prog...
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The article reveals scientific approaches to understanding the essence of covert investigative (detective) actions as separate and special means of activity of the investigator, detective, and prosecutor to collect evidence during the pre-trial investigation. It is pointed out that a significant number of such secret procedural actions are associat...
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The article examines the preliminary investigation procedure in international criminal courts, which is of paramount importance for the proper functioning of international criminal justice. It is the first stage in the investigation and prosecution of persons who have committed the most serious crimes of international significance, in particular ge...
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Introduction Amphetamine use is an increasing problem, and studies suggest a connection between amphetamine use and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathology. However, few long-term studies examine amphetamine users' risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathology, in comparison to users of other drugs. In addition, in a criminal justice sy...
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There are cases where we think that poor offenders should not be held criminally responsible or punished to the same extent as non-poor (and, a fortiori, privileged) ones. Despite sharing this judgment, philosophers have offered different accounts of why or how poverty matters for criminal responsibility or penal judgments. In this paper, I present...
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Judicial integrity means that a person is immune from any aggression and threat to his life, property, honor, freedom, honor, prestige, job, housing, and in general all his legal and legitimate rights. It is realized when crimes and violations, fraud, and corruption and the causes of their perpetration in society are rooted out, the factors that ca...
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Indonesia, as a nation of law, faces challenges in integrating the restorative justice approach into the resolution of minor criminal offenses. This approach is considered more humane as it prioritizes the restoration of harm to victims and the accountability of offenders rather than mere punishment. This study aims to identify the main obstacles i...
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Sexual extortion of children is a growing global issue in which a perpetrator threatens to distribute intimate material of a victim unless they comply with certain demands. This study systematically reviewed research into the impacts of sexual extortion victimisation on minors. Twelve studies were included, which varied methodologically. Victims of...
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Corruption has been a pervasive and debilitating scourge on the Ghanaian economy. Successive governments have witnessed officials ascend to power, misappropriate public funds, and face little to no accountability. Since the early days of the Fourth Republic, Ghanaians have consistently expressed strong disapproval of corruption and a desire to see...
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Through a critical discourse lens, a review of formal police documents detailing historical contact with the perpetrator of Canada’s worst mass casualty event aims to demonstrate that the perpetrator’s Whiteness and socio-economic status deemed him benign and thus invisible to law enforcement officials during the early stages of the mass casualty i...
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This is an article that documents the journey of forensic hope as part of the author's long-term research into this subject. The author discusses to what extent hope theory could transform the lives of people in and released from prison, with the aim to increase awareness of hope theory in forensic environments.
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Social governance through civil justice stems from the foundation of modern social order, the means of national social control and the need to achieve social integration. China's judicial governance has continued from the revolutionary period to the present and has experienced development from administrative concurrent jurisdiction over judicial af...
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Abstract It is not to be contested that in spite of the pandemic, Covid-19 initiated lots of innovations and challenges in various spheres and disciplines including law. In law, the introduction of Virtual court hearing may be viewed as a breakthrough in technology which created an opportunity for strict interpretation of statutes to aid in the dis...
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The study examines impact of plea bargaining on the criminal justice system in Takum Metropolis. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of plea bargaining on the efficiency of the criminal justice system in Takum Metropolis, Taraba State and identify the challenges and barriers to effective implementation of plea bargaining in Takum...
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Entsprechend dem Ziel der «(Zeit-)schriften des Rechts», die von Tag zu Tag anschwellenden und zunehmend verstreuten Veröffentlichungen zum Recht zu sammeln, zu sichten und hieraus eine Auswahl aktuell besonders lesenswerter Texte zu treffen, wird in dieser Ausgabe eine Auswahl der Schriften an der Schnittstelle von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und...
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Background Co-occurring self-harm and aggression (dual harm) is particularly prevalent among forensic mental health service (FMHS) patients. There is limited understanding of why this population engages in dual harm. AimsThis work aims to explore FMHS patients’ experiences of dual harm and how they make sense of this behaviour, with a focus on the...
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ABSTRACT While the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained global recognition, its introduction into the justice sector by some jurisdictions across the globe is as commendable as it raises thought provoking legal and ethical issues of concern for legal minds. Obviously, introducing AI into the criminal justice system especially in are...
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Justice-involved individuals convicted of crimes involving violence are often depicted as chaotic, whereas the chaos they encounter in criminal justice institutions is not commonly reported. Nonetheless, we found that chaos can be co-constituted at points where justice-involved individuals and justice institutions intersect. Our findings are drawn...
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As the European Union has implemented the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital, borders for crime have also often disappeared, making cross-border evidence a decades-old issue in European criminal justice. This article identifies today’s opportunities, legal tools, and their obstacles and challenges in obtaining evidence at an earl...
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Intimidation of state witnesses is a serious problem that results in the inability of the courts to prosecute cases successfully, as witnesses are afraid to give testimony because they fear for their lives. The study, of which findings are presented in this paper aimed to explore the experiences of intimidation of state witnesses in the context of...
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Scholarly work in American politics has yet to confront one of the nation’s starkest inequalities: lethal violence. The risk falls disproportionately on Black Americans, but much like poverty and inequality, lethal violence is a broadly American problem that African Americans are disproportionately likely to experience. The lack of attention to lif...
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La violencia sexual es una forma de violencia estructural que afecta con severidad a nuestras comunidades. Aunque cada vez se tipifica y sanciona con mayor rigor, persisten estereotipos y prejuicios que configuran esta violencia, afectando a su tratamiento ante los Tribunales. Este trabajo busca iniciar un debate sobre la necesidad de integrar la p...
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Aim: In the two-part study, the article from Science about Itiel Dror's work is summarized, and then in this second part, his studies related to forensic pathology are studied in detail, with commentaries. All of the results are compared to other scientific papers. Methodology: After summarizing the second half of the Science article, the study per...
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Background The number of older adults entering the criminal justice system is growing. Approximately 8% of older prisoners in England and Wales have suspected dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and experience difficulties in everyday functioning, and disruption to their daily life. At present, no specific dementia/MCI care pathway has been...
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This study aims to analyses the compliance of the legal measures in Pakistan and mainly the Qanun-e-Shahadat Ordinance 1984, the Criminal procedure code (CrPc) and the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016. This is in relation to efficiency and drawbacks in the existing legal regarding the expansion admissibility, treatment, and storage o...
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Objective: Law enforcement in Indonesia regarding criminal cases involving children as victims aims to strengthen the rule of law and improve infrastructure such as the police, prosecutors, and courts. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified through Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, ensures that children are protected f...
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This article is a transcript of a presentation given at The Perrie Lectures in 2024. The Perrie Lectures is an annual event which has the purpose of stimulating dialogue between criminal justice organisations, the voluntary sector, and all those with an academic, legal, or practical interest in people in prison and their families. The theme of the...
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Detecting violent intent is a core goal of law enforcement and criminal justice systems alike. But in cases where threatening language is the sole evidence, the usual behavioral cues (e.g., stalking, buying a weapon) on which social perceivers rely to interpret a threatener’s intentions are unavailable. The present study examined 14 authentic threa...
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Objectives: This study examines the criminal protections established by international and regional conventions, as well as by international criminal courts, for participants in criminal proceedings, including witnesses, victims, informants, and experts, while ensuring these protections align with fair trial rights. The research highlights the impor...
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An abundant amount of research on mental health and more specifically the social barriers faced by Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities (IMHD) exists regarding access to adequate housing/community and employment. What research lacks in precision concerns incidents of criminality amongst IMHD. Research has concluded decades over that IMHD are...
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El presente trabajo trata de conceptualizar y profundizar sobre el fenómeno de la violencia filio parental, identificando el perfil de los/as autores/as y de las víctimas, las causas, las consecuencias y los contextos en los que se manifiestan esas conductas de violencia doméstica. Así como identificaremos los recursos existentes a nivel policial p...
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It is indicated that criminal offenses against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person are socially dangerous acts that cause significant harm to both individuals (adults and minors) and society as a whole, as they are characterized by the immorality and cynicism of the committed acts, humiliate the honor and dignity of the victim and cause...
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It is determined that according to the approach prevailing in the theory of criminal law, the declaration of false information is characterized by an intentional form of guilt, the type of intent is direct. Judicial practice also confirms that this composition of the criminal offense requires the establishment of direct intent. The analysis of the...
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Despite the fact that spiritual charms are widely recognised as a major component among the objects that criminals in Nigeria frequently rely upon for crime perpetration, research focusing on this phenomenon is very scarce. Therefore, this paper attempted to fill this lacuna by examining the types and patterns of spiritual charms usage for criminal...
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Based on the analysis of the provisions of national legislation, the essence and features of the institution of reconciliation between the guilty and the victim as a basis for exemption from criminal liability were determined. The conditions that must be met for release are summarized, namely: a person commits a criminal offense for the first time;...
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Restorative Justice ideology has emerged in the last three decades as a process indistinguishable from our justice systems’ humane identity. Reliability, healing, and community involvement are the cornerstones of restorative justice, which provides an alternative to conventional punitive justice systems. Applying this versatile process has not only...