Science topics: Industrial DesignCrafts
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Crafts - Science topic
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Questions related to Crafts
What are the critical security considerations prompt engineers must address when crafting prompts for sensitive data interactions, and how can they mitigate risks related to data privacy, injection attacks, model exploitation, ethical bias, and the secure handling of user authentication and access control? Additionally, how can prompt engineers implement auditing mechanisms and ensure ethical safeguards while maintaining system performance and preventing misuse of AI-generated content?
I’m currently building a DIY PCR machine using Peltier modules controlled by a microcontroller. Everything is working well except for constructing the aluminum block needed for uniform thermal conductivity. Since I don’t have access to metal molding facilities, I’m looking for alternative methods to craft or find a suitable aluminum block.
The block needs to hold PCR tubes securely while maintaining efficient heat transfer from the Peltier modules. Has anyone successfully built or sourced a similar block using basic tools or readily available materials? Any advice on dimensions, machining techniques, or sourcing pre-made blocks would be greatly appreciated.
Assessing the Feasibility of Vacation Homes and Vehicle Rentals in India
In my article, "Assessing the Feasibility of Vacation Homes and Vehicle Rentals in India: Understanding Market Needs, Developing Tailored Offerings, and Crafting Digital Marketing Strategies for Idle Properties and Vehicles," I explore the potential for Drive and Dine Homes (D&D Homes) to expand into the Indian market. This study aims to understand the diverse needs of tourists, domestic travelers, executives, and families. By identifying key market segments, evaluating competitive dynamics, and proposing tailored marketing strategies, the article aims to develop a strategic go-to-market plan that leverages India's unique demographic and economic landscape, ensuring successful market penetration and growth for D&D Homes. Join me in this journey to redefine travel, blending home-like comfort with travel freedom. Share your views.
I asked some LLMs to craft some meaningless but beautiful word salads for me. Then tested many LLMs with those word salads (just gave them the word salads as prompts). Every single tested LLM praised the passage and then gave an in-depth analysis of the "beautiful poem" they had received! Reminded me of the critiques of many post-modern or modern paintings that praise pieces of ***.
Update: Till now, only Claude Sonnet 3.5 has been smart enough to catch me red-handed! (23.6.2024).
Then I told the AIs that they were fooled by word salads created by their mates. Their responses were really impressive.
Think we can use this word salad challenge as a new (or if not new, as a good) way of testing LLM intelligence and understanding. Also the ability of LLMs in creating good-enough word salads was impressive.
Edit 12 August 2024: Even asking LLMs to create word salads is itself a good way of weighing their relative intelligence. Some are much better than others.
I'm exploring the application of the Protection Motivation Theory in the context of traffic behavior.
Are there any recommended books or documents that delve into this theory and provide insights on designing questionnaires specifically for it?
Similar to how the book "Predicting and Changing Behavior" by Fishbein and Ajzen offers questionnaire design guidance for the Theory of Planned Behavior, I'm looking for a resource that has a comparable approach to the Protection Motivation Theory. Thank you!
Reference Article: Learning the craft of organizational research by Richard L Daft (The Academy of Management Review, 1983)
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀
【A.Y. 2023-2024】ẞCSPPPPlease help me.
I am currently crafting my study about the mediating effect of perception on the relationship between knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS. My𝓛𝓘𝓟𝓤𝓝𝓐𝓝 𝓐𝓣 𝓚𝓐𝓢𝓐𝓨𝓢𝓐𝓨𝓐𝓝: 𝓐𝓡𝓐𝓛𝓘𝓝𝓖 𝓢𝓞𝓒𝓘𝓔𝓣𝓐𝓢 (𝓛𝓘𝓚𝓐𝓢)
𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀
at there is a mediating effect, however I cannot find any study that can support study. Any suggestion will do. Thank you.
Caricatures are probably the oldest form of pictorial humor, where caricare in Latin means “to overload, or exaggerate.”
The main stylistic devices here are distortion and exaggeration, and the main subject, famous people.
The term Cartoonoriginally comes from the Italian word ‘cartone’ and means a strong, heavy paper or pasteboard. It denotes a full-size drawing made on paper as a study for further drawings, such as a painting or tapestry.
Punch applied the term to satirical drawings by publishing some parody drafts for frescoes (also called cartoons) and making the term’s new meaning permanent.
A cartoonist’s craft may force them to limit their originality, because they have fewer than 10 seconds to grab the attention of viewers, and, in fact, to tell whole stories.
Who can help me download papers such as "Design of an Autonomous Surface Craft for Oceanographic Survey" and "Innovative Application of IoT Devices to Improve the Management Efficiency of Water Search and Rescue"?
i need assistance in crafting a research proposal topic about the financial performance in the public sector
The Concise Version of IRAN Handicrafts and Traditional Arts was provided and the Comprehensive version will be released soon in collaboration with Dr. Senapathy Marisennayya. We also welcome any comment.
I have written a book about Iranian handicrafts by disciplines and I am looking for a publisher to print it electronically in English free royalty, to promote Iranian handicrafts. Do you know any suitable publications?
Halo, my name is Adi from Indonesia...may I ask about my research?
Basically I'm doing research and one of my hypotheses is negative and I'm having trouble finding references that can prove it. The hypothesis is "Job crafting has a negative and insignificant effect on psychological availability"
Maybe someone can help me?
Thank you before
Hello, my name is Ady
No, I'm doing a research but I'm having problems about references that state "Job Crafting has a negative effect on Psychological Availability. Can you help me? Thank you before
Majority of the teachers at present are not millennials. They are digital migrants who are able to still teach with the help of trainings and workshops. Many of them have limited awareness on the use of new gadgets and applications being utilized by students at present. With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, and it being used by students, much more they become dependent on it from simple to most complicated school tasks and requirements. It is very challenging for teachers to identify which work is authentic, which are copied from what this technology is providing them. Therefore, I am thinking that a school policy specifically centered on the use of AI should be crafted and this must be initiated by school admin.
Craft a qualitative research question.
I need some advice on what thesis proposal can be designed for my dissertation. Please help.
Thank you
I found Shepherd and Wiklund's work on how to write a paper very interesting:
Shepherd, D. A., & Wiklund, J. (2020). Simple rules, templates, and heuristics! An attempt to deconstruct the craft of writing an entrepreneurship paper. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(3), 371-390.
Do you know any other papers on how to write papers?
Thank you!
A lot of speculation has been circulating about the existing of current spacecraft using anti-gravity technology. Such as Tr3b Black Manta secret US Air Force plane. This is a triangular shape often taken as UFO's.
Propulsion would come from highly pressurized mercury accelerated by nuclear energy. A plasma is produced which creates an anti-gravity field. With an electromagnetic coil at its center, it intearcts with the field at the quantum level and the thrust is coming from high energy plasma. This spacecraft is undetectable by radar and is capable of making high-g turns and strong velocities.
As Dr. Salvatore Pais (inventor of such tchnology) mentioned "In other words , it effect of cohering the highly energetic and random quantum is possible to reduce a craft ' s inertia , that is , its resistance to vacuum fields ' fluctuations , which virtually block the path motion / acceleration by polarizing the vacuum in the close of an accelerating craft , in such a manner that the resulting proximity of the moving craft . As a result , extreme speeds can be achieved.
I found that very fascinating. What about you ?
Maybe that explains a lot of UFOs observations.
What kind of blogs do you appreciate most and why:
1) Careful and diplomatically crafted technological and research information - usually disseminated unidirectionally where all hypotheses and methods work magically and successfully... or
2) The real shit: what you expect, feel, failures, frustrations, lessons learned, advice for others, not perfect, but fun and essentially human?.. or
3) A discussion group with real feedback, or, ... unidirectional progress reports?
Pick 1, 2, 3 or any combination. Make up new categories. That's even better.
Many thanks for your feedback.
Thanks to micromorphological analyses, glass crafts were identified at three different sites in Switzerland (2 x Medieval, 1 x Iron Age). What was surprising, however, was that at all three sites, in addition to ashes, charcoal, small glass drops and fragments of the oven constrution, guano from chickens was detected with striking regularity. For me, this raises the question of whether guano (from chickens) might have had a specific use in glassmaking. Does anyone have any idea what guano might have been used for in glass craft?
Many thanks in advance!
Does anyone get errors with using the Recognition part in " Scene Text Detection and Recognition by CRAFT and a Four-Stage Network" ?
As someone that wants to go into scientific illustration this topic interests me greatly. Does anyone know of artists or engineers that loosely base their craft on protest structures (or any other biological structures)? I've only been able to find Ernst Haekals artwork but no other biomimicry architecture or art.
I am trying to craft my Master's Research Proposal And I am beginning to question how I can bag a cum laude for this degree.
Hello community,
Anyone out there with experience crafting a forest plot with Odds ratios from different independent variables for a common outcome (dependent variable)?
Every resource I find talks about forest plots for metaanalysis and this is not the case.
There are many factors that goes into crafting the perfect headline for your article. The title of a paper should be brief and informative, reflecting the purpose and contents of the work.
There are questions that you must answer to find which is best for your article:
Is the article title a complete sentence or just a phrase?
The "merely a phrase" seems to be sound to me.
Is it better not to include the findings in the title?
I don't think so, and I think it should not include any findings.
I'm looking for information similar to the attached picture...
book by Daniel Savistky "Behavior ina seaway"
They said that almost researchers adhere that brief and concise titles for research papers are said to attract majority of readers. Are there any rules as to how many words are required in crafting research titles? Please help.
In the attempt to do better research innovative experts often cross the lines of established knowledge strongly supported by academic authorities. However, it appears sometimes necessary to find novelty even in the way research is conducted. In some circumstances, people with less knowledge in a specific field could lead to improvement of knowledge in this field.
I am looking to cases where researchers have improved available knowledge proceeding outside the box.
This question is in line with the ideas developed by Waine C. Booth, Gregory G Colomb and Joseph M. Williams in the book "The Craft of Research."
Dear Friends,
Only fake scientists feel offended, when a myth or baseless belief is questioned or challenged. Many researchers forgot, why any scientific or technological discipline end up in a crisis and what is a scientific revolution.
Any scientific discipline ends up in a crisis (by creating a paradox), when its pre-paradigmatic foundation comprises of flawed beliefs or myths. Any research efforts would be diverted into a wrong path, if the research efforts rely on flawed foundational or core principles (e.g. the Earth is at the centre). Any scientific or technological discipline having flawed core first principles in the theoretical foundation ends up in a crisis.
It results in a scientific revolution, when the research efforts are put on the right track by exposing the flawed beliefs (i.e. by finding accurate first principles and replacing the flawed first principles by the accurate first principles). When scientific research efforts are put on the right tracks (by replacing the flawed first principles by the accurate first principles), it solves the scientific crisis (hence it is a revolution).
Attached PDF explains the difference between a flawed dominant belief and flawed dominant paradigm. A dominant paradigm for scientific and technological discipline imply a huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) acquired and accumulated by theoretical research and countless practitioners rely on the BoK for practising their craft every day.
1. Subverting a dominant paradigm (of a scientific or technological discipline) is a quintessential example and very definition for a revolution, and
2. Any dominant paradigm can be and must be subverted, if its pre-paradigmatic foundation comprises of unproven core first principles that are flawed (e.g. by exposing such core first principles, which are flawed).
For example, perhaps astronomy is the largest scientific and technological discipline in 16th century, where the BoK for geocentric paradox had been acquired and accumulated for 1800 years by researchers, and thousands of astronomers relied on the BoK for practising their craft (e.g. for tracking time or seasons for farmers, Calendrical system, navigation and various applications for medieval astrology etc.).
Incidentally, today computer science or software engineering is the largest engineering paradigm, which has acquired and accumulated huge BoK and have more practitioners of the craft (i.e. software engineers) than any other engineering discipline. Today, software engineering is in crisis due to flawed beliefs about so called components and CBD/CBE (Component Based Design and Engineering) in the foundation.
Best Regards,
Raju Chiluvuri
Retired from teaching, I'm now setting up consulting work to bring Secondary educators to fossil sites and labs to improve their craft. Please let me know if these efforts can help your work in any way.
--John Cunningham
In these days I´m working on a project. I have several questions.
What are the essential variebles that i have to control in a biorector for craft beer?
How does the microorganism growing can be control?
Exccellent week.
What kind of blogs do you appreciate most and why:
1) Careful and diplomatically crafted technological and research information - usually disseminated unidirectionally where all hypotheses and methods work magically and successfully... or
2) The real shit: what you expect, feel, failures, frustrations, lessons learned, advice for others, not perfect, but fun and essentially human?.. or
3) A discussion group with real feedback, or, ... unidirectional progress reports?
Pick 1, 2, 3 or any combination. Make up new categories. That's even better.
Many thanks for your feedback.
Blogs... what do you want?
And yes, my 93 year old mother in law: way cool. Utmost respect for her. — feeling cool.
I have been attempting to create a conceptual framework for my dissertation and the struggle is monumental. Here is what I have found that does not work for me in understanding HOW to create a CF. I have read an untold number of articles, searched the internet, and read books about CF. I find that everyone gives explanations about why a CF is necessary for research etc., but NO ONE knows how to teach the actual creation of a CF. I have read examples of CF already written by other scholars but none of that has helped me to create my own. Hence, I am left wondering WHY???? can NOT one of the items I have read helped me with my learning how to craft a CF. It is so frustrating for me.
It could be a Science discipline like Natural Sciences or Maths
It could be a Artistic discipline like Arts and Craft, Social.
it could be a Health Science discipline like Physical Education
It could be a Humanities discipline...
I am looking for concrete discussions and conceptual frameworks on the similarity and difference on peasants and farmers. I am crafting my research proposal for my dissertation, and get few point; but still want more on. You may also recommend some links to resources. Thanks
Since we face with heteronomy and self-censorship in the nature of traditional arts, can teaching handicraft, rather than fine art project, lead to different consequence in the quality of rehabilitation of incacerated men and women?
A group of progressive Europeans led by the economist and author Thomas Piketty has drawn up a bold new blueprint for a fairer Europe to address the division, disenchantment, inequality and rightwing populism sweeping the continent.(The Guardian. )
The plan, crafted by more than 50 economists, historians and former politicians from half a dozen countries, includes huge levies on multinationals, millionaires and carbon emissions to generate funds to tackle the most urgent issues of the day, including poverty, migration, climate change and the EU’s so-called democratic deficit.
The adverse effects of ice formation on the aerodynamic characteristics of wings and helicopter blades are well known. It is known that icing may cause premature flow separation and lead to stall at angles of attack as low as 6 degrees. Techniques for quantitative prediction of the 3D leading edge ice formation process and the effects of icing on the aerodynamic performance of wings and rotors are however not well developed. Reliable techniques for quantitative prediction of the above phenomena are urgently needed, so that next generation aircraft and rotor craft may be designed to cope with icing. Additionally, experimental iced wing flow field data is required for code validation efforts.
Currently designing a product for the kids of age 3-4, taking into consideration the interaction of the user i.e. interaction would be both physical and cognitive as the child has to do a craft based activity over a play house; there are very few contents available that would give an insight on the physic of the child. I want to make the play house such that it is cheap, safe, provide adequate space for their creative explorations and be durable.
Technical colleges are the institutions where craftsmen are trained to the craft level and awarded NABTEB certificate. The aim of technical college is to produce graduates with competent skills which could be put into practice to enable them become self reliant. In technical colleges, technical teachers give training on various disciplines such as electronics works, building technology, wood work technology, metal work technology, to mention a few.
Medical Equipment and tools are the machines, tools, equipment, testing instruments used for diagnosis of patient in the hospital
I am writing a marketing research paper in which we are to explain only what test we would select, how we would carry it out and why. I am examining wetsuits, and I thought it would be interesting to look at color/pattern preference amongst women.
I crafted to possible research questions:
1.) What is the relationship between the Psycho Tech color/pattern options and actual purchases amongst women?
H1: Offering more color/pattern selections on the women's Psycho Tech wetsuit will generate more sales.
H0: Offering more color/pattern selection on the women's Pyscho Tech will not generate more sales.
What is the relationship between wetsuit color/pattern options and product satisfaction amongst women? (not sure necessarily the hypotheses)
However, what type of test would help me here? I mentioned chi-square but my professor is not making it sound like that would generate the results or answers Im hoping to see... any help would be great.
- Invariably, and inevitably, science carries the uncomfortable baggage of yesteryears in the form of myths and assumptions, as well as, carries the hope and hype for the future.
- When our equanimity is disturbed by questions that involve a re-think on what we have presumed long ago to be the truth, do we respond with an open mind or with sarcasm or outright hostility? And why?
- Why do we side-track or skip or deftly parry key questions?
- Do we really think that as scientists in a particular field all answers are known to us?
- Do not the best laid plans of humans go awry?
- Do we all suffer from the "I Know" syndrome?
- Why do we have so much difficulty in acknowledging publicly that there are and will always be barn-door wide gaps in our comprehension and plans?
- Since research is never going to stop, obviously our knowledge at any given point of time is incomplete. Where is the component of shame or reluctance to acknowledge this simple fact of life?
- Human effort is never perfect. To err is human, to acknowledge error is superhuman.
- No wonder the Concorde crashed and the Apollo 1 crew were killed during a test on the launch pad. The Apollo 13 mission had to return without making a moon landing due to an explosion in the service module which critically damaged the oxygen tanks needed to power the craft. Astronauts who died in space explorations were all covered by a plethora of mathematical predictions that went awry. See:
- Is mathematics a complete inviolable fail-safe science by itself? Only humans use mathematics, so the human context is unavoidable.
- As the supposed Language of the Universe, will aliens converse with us in mathematics, if ever?
In the classical period, we find people writing poetry about scientific and philosophical problems and in the eighteenth century, there were many poems about landscape, natural science, e.g., Erasmus Darwin on the generation of plants, but in the nineteenth century, poetry ceased to be written about natural history or crafts or philosophy. What happened?
i need help in framework...
i have read the article and make my model but i don't know it's correct or not
I took, PM Career Certification as a IV, Career Satisfaction as DV, Work orientation as DV, Job Crafting as DV, and Job career Calling Moderater
i have attached one of my read articles and made a framework... plz guide me its good enough? and kindly suggested me research topic
I need C- acylated product. Can i use triflic acid. And even if ester is formed it may undergo fries rearrangement in TfOH. Any other option?
I have prepared a questionnaire but a review committee member suggested to edit the questions or if available, adopt one which was already used in a study previously conducted. I tried looking into the internet about similar researches but i can only find abstracts and research results but not the questionnaire itself. what to do?
Dear all,
Is anyone aware of studies where dysfunctional technologies (analogical or digital) have been used to support students' understanding of the functional principles of these particular technologies?
During his editorship of School Arts Magazine from 1920 through 1950, Pedro de Lemos changed the direction of US art education from European fine art masters to a more global focus. There were no conventions of art teachers K- grade 12 until 1950, so all ideas were shared via School Arts Magazine. This important work is just now starting to be studied, along with that of Arthur Wesley Dow At the Columbia University Teachers' College.
In addition, de Lemos raised the crafts to academic notice in his magazine. He was profoundly influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement.
The medical profession allows nutty trials, fooling the participants who are already over-stressed. This is nothing but a SHAME and a SCAM.
I would not be surprised if there were to be a trial of MUSIC AND PAINTING AND IKEBANA AND PAPER CRAFT - ORIGAMI going on somewhere for benefit of patients with ALZHEIMER's DISEASE, MOTOR NEURON DISEASE, < MIGRAINE>, PARKINSONISM, HUNTINGTON's where patients generally outlast the limited time (never more than 3-6 months?) trial therapy unlike most outcomes in Oncology.
I can access from the spacecraft archives the magnitude (counts per second) of the radiation measured by the Space craft. I can also access the positional data of the space craft. all time stamped.
id like to make a plot showing the intensity of the Van Allen belts as seen by the spacecraft.
since the orbit evolves over time there may be need to make it a time dependent (video) plot with some degree of persistance on the plot points to give a video like plot of the radiation environment around the Earth.
I hope I have made sense, Im just starting out on this project.
need a complete methodology and experimental procedure....
If not in simulator environment, I use Scapy as a packet crafting/manipulation tool. But I don't know how I can manipulate a fragment offset in cooja - contiki simulator.
I'm working on parchment as a scientist. To have a better understanding of the material I followed the fabrication process and had some talk about it. It appears that the one done in Islamic countries was different but I find no one until now who know about it.
I'm interested to know more about the process even from other culture in case of. But there are very famous Quran made with parchment, I was wondering if some people here can give me some informations.
I am a fashion designer. I am working on a craft called Kalamkari (hand painted fabrics with natural dye). For the colouring process, the fabric is treated with milk and myrabolam. The odor of these remains in the fabric even after several washes. My question is, how can this odor be removed using only organic material?
Please check the attached link for more detail, photos, videos, making process and products.