Science topics: Counseling PsychologyCounseling
Science topic
Counseling - Science topic
Counseling is the giving of advice and assistance to individuals with educational or personal problems.
Questions related to Counseling
Considering the importance which sexual problems have in the practice of psychiatry, medicine, psychology, and counselling of every sort, it is disconcerting to realize what scant bases there have been for over-all statements that have been made in this field. (Alfred Kinsey)
Please specify if there is a difference to be mentioned??? or if there is no difference??? and which is considered a special case
Why is patient counseling essential before neuraxialprocedures?
The child is Hispanic and black.
I want to write a psychological package about decision on marital reconciliation.
"Academic burnout" refers to a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion specifically related to the demands and pressures of academic life. It often stems from prolonged stress, excessive workload, unrealistic expectations, and a lack of support in educational environments. Symptoms of academic burnout can include:
- Emotional Exhaustion: Feeling drained, overly tired, and unable to cope with academic responsibilities.
- Reduced Performance: A decline in academic achievement or motivation; students may find it difficult to concentrate or engage with their studies.
- Detachment: A sense of disconnection from academic work or a diminished interest in one’s studies.
- Cynicism: Developing a negative or indifferent attitude towards educational goals, professors, or classmates.
- Physical Symptoms: Experiencing headaches, insomnia, or other stress-related physical issues.
Academic burnout can affect students of all levels, from high school to college and beyond, and is increasingly recognized as a significant issue in the education system. Addressing it often involves seeking support from peers, faculty, or counseling services, as well as finding healthier work-life balances and implementing stress-reduction techniques.
Je suis actuellement en train de travailler sur un projet de recherche portant sur l'utilisation de l'optimisation mathématique pour déterminer le taux directeur optimal en politique monétaire. J'aimerais savoir s'il existe des travaux de recherche récents ou des modèles spécifiques qui ont abordé ce sujet. De plus, je suis à la recherche de conseils sur la manière de structurer mon modèle et de choisir des variables pertinentes pour ce type d'analyse. Toute suggestion de lecture ou d'expertise serait grandement appréciée.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
Is there a significant effect if the parents are involve in the implementation of guidance and counseling in school?
The need for registered guidance counselors falls far behind the required number of professionals to cater the institutions obliged to hire them. Unfortunately, due to lack of registered guidance counselors, schools were forced to hire unlicensed counselors. In an article published by Valdez (2018) in, under the provisions of the staffing in the Department of Education, the ratio must be 1:500 which means for every 500 students is 1 guidance counselor. If this will be applied in the present time, 46, 959 Registered Guidance Counselors (RGCs) are needed to cater to the counseling needs of students both in the public and private sector. Unfortunately, there are only 3,220 RGC's as of July 2017 which means there are 43,739 needed to suffice the needs of the students in basic education alone. Due to this issue, teachers fill in to perform the duties of a counselor. However, this is contradictory to Article 4, Section 27 of the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 which states that:
“No person shall (a) engage in the practice of guidance and counseling without a valid Certificate of Registration and the valid Professional Identification Card or a special permit; (b) make representations to the public or to third person as a licensed Guidance Counselor during the time that the licensed has been revoked or suspended, and, (c) allow anybody to use his/her license as guidance counselor to enable such unqualified individual to engage in the practice of guidance and counseling."
To go around the law, school heads give their assigned guidance counselors titles as "guidance teacher" or "school guidance leader". This has become a trend to all schools that lacks RGCs and this is the reason behind why there are teachers performing the roles of a counselor.
What is the importance of preoperative counseling
and patient preparation for awake craniotomy?
while implementing performance management system where should we add counselling and coaching.
Its very interesting topic, when the AI can be implemented in personal counselling.
I need articles that use experimental design for reducing Fearing laughter Gelotophobia
at college students or others.......
I am currently conducting a research, focusing on Lived experiences of Ethnic minority male of counselling and Psychotherapy trainees.
If you are in training right now or have graduated within a year, and if you're willing to participate. Please contact me
Can you explain the role of patient education and counseling in the management of SIADH and DI?
A human can only aspire to fluency in so many different languages before mixing up words due to code switching. Thus, MAYBE those who cannot learn so many languages turn to linguistics and coding to earn money.
تختلف خدمات التوجيه والارشاد النفسي حسب طبيعة الخدمة ونوع المساعدة المقدمة اتجاه الأفراد. لكن توجد اختلافات جوهرية بين مفهومي التوجيه والارشاد النفسي؟
Direct confrontation often ONLY generates resentment. I think my premises, although somewhat derived from philosophy(as all science is), are rigorous(examples are all my publications on ResearchGate). I come to my conclusions with EMPIRICAL evidence AND logic. I also still seek a PhD by publication.
Dear connections and viewers,
Kindly support my search for a funded doctoral program. I welcome any helpful information and advice.
Research areas: Mental health, trauma, families, domestic violence, wellbeing, psychosocial health, substance abuse & addiction, counseling practice, special education (SEN), ageing, etc.
Overview: I am a mental health counselor, social worker, graduate lecturer, and researcher skilled in quantitative and qualitative research methods. I am proficient in SPSS, STATA, NVivo, 'R', fs/QCA, and Excel. My experience includes roles as a lecturer, mental health counselor, and currently, a social pedagogist, with over four years in various settings.
Qualifications: B.Ed (Hons) in Guidance and Counseling (Psychotherapy), 3.61/4.0. MSc (Hons) in Social Work, Distinction - 4.0/4.0. Advanced diplomas in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychological Research, Child Psychology, and Psychological Humanities and Narrative Medicine.
Available documents: CV, WES evaluation report, IELTS, transcripts, recommendation letters. LinkedIn:
Unfortunately, the future is highly unpredictable , thus informal and unmoderated debates often boil down to venting and the more persuasive side winning.
explain the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in counseling
bonjour tout le monde,
je suis en cours de préparation de ma thèse. Je travaille sur l'intégration des systèmes de refroidissement radiatif dans les bâtiments. J'ai trouvée la difficulté de déterminer un système précis à étudier ou simuler suis vraiment bloquée sais pas quoi faire et le temps passe rapidement !!!
svp vous pourriez m'aidez par des conseils ou informations dans ce domaine.
With the onset of the pandemic, more and more online formats have become established in counseling prosesses. I would like to investigate how the use of media affects the relationship in central students counseling. Since this is a sociological paper, i would first like to use Goffman to explain the field of interactions and then theoretically frame the counseling relationship. But i need a sociological theory that describes how relationships are established in counseling. Can someone help me?
Hi all,
I am a Trainee Psychotherapist with a research dissertation to complete. Because I am trilingual, I would like to conduct research with trainee counsellors/psychotherapists who are receiving training in English when English is not their first language.
Is there anyone here who would be interested in participating in this study project?
Chers collègues, comment analysez-vous ce type de données ?
C'est une distribution très asymétrique.
J'ai fait 2 transformations pour diminuer l'influence des données extrêmes : Racine carrée puis cubique. Pas de logarithme car j'ai beaucoup de valeurs 0.
1) Le premier graphique en partant du haut représente la variable originale, très asymétrique.
2) Le graphique du milieu, la même variable mais transformée avec la racine carré.
3) Le graphique du bas, la même variable mais transformée avec la racine cubique.
Le trait rouge représente la moyenne et le trait bleu la médiane.
Comment procédez-vous pour analyser ce type de distributions très asymétriques ? (j'ai des valeurs extrêmes à 8 écart-types).
🌻 Merci pour vos conseils et expertises ! 🌻
PS : Graphique fait-maison 🏠 avec R.

Uma alta bem sucedida está relacionada aos cuidados profissionais individualizados, assim como reconhecimento de fatores de risco e desenvolvimento de ações para a promoção da saúde.
Including but not limited to Indigenous folks, LGBTQ+ folks, and racialized folks.
I am looking for recent (last 10 years approx) journals or articles on how therapists use the experience of their own recovery in their counselling practice.
I am Mi'kmaw of the Mi'kmaq, one of five tribes belonging to the Wabanaki of Maine. I am earning a Certification for Alcohol and Drug Counseling (CADC). I want to gain knowledge of tailoring treatment to the cultural perspectives of indigenous peoples and others not of the white-based, middle-class American culture. In all of the literature I have read, there is a lot of mention of the need for such knowledge in the field of psychology, but I need evidence that the research for this is taking place.
I had to wait several hours with SPSS multiple imputations and from the videos, I have seen and advice in journals researchers prefer multiple imputations with mice package in R please help me with the full method.
I am doing research to assess the impact of counseling on level of appetite. Level of appetite was categorized as poor moderate and good. Furthermore level of appetite was assess at baseline, after 2 weeks and 6 weeks. So what will be the most appropriate statistical test for analyzing this type of data?
Just wanting to clarify something. In the note to authors it mentions references are to be included in the word count. Does this mean just the in text references or does it mean the entire reference list also?
My field of study is PhD in philosofy of education I want to choose a topic for my dissertation that is related to philosophy counseling. Can you help ?
Most of the psychological test bound an area of response of the testee. So, it makes a rigidity to make the interpretation. But, it is ethical?
I'm a doctoral student and in the early stages of exploring research on counselor competencies. I'm especially interested in learning about how competency can be measured in specialty areas such as grief counseling and end-of-life counseling.
Tricia wants to determine if her organization’s new counseling technique decreases the anxiety level of single mothers in their community. Specifically, she wants to address the following research questions:
1. Is there a significant decrease in the anxiety level of single mothers subjected to the counseling technique?
2. Is there a difference in the anxiety level of the control and experimental groups after the intervention?
3. How do the single mothers respond to the counseling technique?
To do this, she will use two intact groups: one control group and one experimental group. There will be 98 participants in the study. Fifty will be assigned to the experimental group who will be subjected to the new counseling technique. The rest will be assigned to the control group who will be subjected to the standard counseling technique.
I need help with this for my homework. Your thoughts will help, thank you!
I'm curious if anyone has been thinking about how Sloterdijk's philosophies of space, ontology, and the psyche to work on psychotherapeutic practice, counseling, and/or making meaning. I see design, architecture, cultural and literature studies, sociology, and related fields working with him. Has clinical and/or counseling psychology wrestled with his work yet - maybe I'm searching the wrong stuff?
Can I conduct a survey to ask students from different universities to evaluate their university's counselling services if I do not have any university's permission? Can I then use these results to argue for the need for certain types of counselling services? I'm wondering what the ethics of this are.
This is a question focusing on the application of relaxation techniques within counselling and coaching practice.
In India, more than 4 visits for antenatal care is observed in 51% pregnancies and neonatal mortality accounts for around 38% of the under-five mortality (WHO). Proper detection and management of maternal diseases and early detection of malformations is possible with early visits in pregnancy. Nowadays some even come for preconceptional counseling. What would be optimum and effective in developing countries? Any further suggestions?
I am interested to find and locate any articles or professionals that have an interest in dental phobias or anxiety that can advise on the role that counselling can play on reducing referrals to specialists and helping patients manage to complete treatment in general practice.
I would like to conduct a field study focusing on the role of spiritual leaders in overcoming the psychological challenges faced by their community members. So, could anyone recommend any survey model for this?
White Privilege and Multicultural Counseling Competence: The Influence of Field of Study, Sex, and Racial/Ethnic
As part of an academic research, I will be grateful if you can share with me some consulting firms that are involved in the African continent or that work mainly on African projects.
#cabinet #conseil #afrique #africa #consultants
As you are familiar, corporations, usually retail shop chains etc. have the practice of mystery shoppers who report their own experience as costumers. I wonder whether potential clients clients can serve as "mystery clients" with respect to costs, logistics and support services of counseling centers, rather than the actual process itself. Can this mystery shoppers be formed by the research team itself? Dou you think this is ethically correct and are there studies using similar strategies.
For a project in my assessments in counseling course.
Why many highly successful physicists like Ludwig Boltzmann, Paul Drude, Paul Ehrenfest, Arnold Berliner, Percy Williams Bridgman, Augustus Matthiessen took their own lives at the pinnacle of their careers? Was it because they did not learn to manage stress or there is some other bit of a mystery?
Do every research need to learning to manage stress as it can have life-saving consequences?
Historical Development of Guidance and Counselling
I'm a student in a master's program of counseling looking for research opportunities but having difficulty finding opportunities, even as a volunteer. Does Research Gate help people such as myself to connect with researchers in need of volunteers? How so?
Registration Link:
Department of Applied Sciences and Department of Management, IILM College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, India are organizing an Open House Session & Panel Discussion for Career Guidance and Counselling.
'A Tryst with a multidimensional Career towards a Successful Career.
Panelists from Industry, academics and IILM alumni will address the Audiences.
Participants: Students from 11-12 classes & above and their parents/guardians can join this session.
E-Certificates will be given to the registered and active participants filling feedback form at the end of webinar.
Date: Aug 5, 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM (BST), 12 PM - 1:30 PM (IST), 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (PST),
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM (GMT)
Register using this link:
No Registration Fee. Please complete Registration by August 04, 2020.
#Career #Guidance #Counselling

who can send me some ionformation about the connection of soacial work and psychological couselling in China? Thank you very much Ulrich
There's a great deal of literature around how to make lay counselling more accessible and acceptable to women in LMICs (range covering community-based care, humanitarian approaches and within maternal mental health) but I've been having a hard time finding similar evidence for targeted male counselling.
There is (some peer-reviewed and largely grey) evidence of low help-seeking levels and acceptability for mental health counselling when it comes to men from disadvantaged socio-economic settings in LMIC. Proposed reasons cover a wide gamut of potential factors including stigma pertaining to masculinity, accessibility of timing due to work burden etc, with little on considerations for content of approach.
My question is - If one was to co-produce such an approach, targeted to men (varying ages), where could one find preliminary evidence of what works for this group?
Would appreciate any leads!
issues one would face and how to deal with them
I am looking to conduct a study investigating whether there was a relationship between people's perception of relationship/marital therapy and their relationship status, and was just wondering if anybody had seen any studies that look into anything similar - or even investigated just people's perceptions of relationship/counselling therapy?
Seeking information about universities and colleges that offer a full or partial scholarship in any of these areas: (coursework/research -- graduate programs) in Education, Social Work, Sociology, Special Education, Psychology, Counselling, Educational Technology and Mental Health.
Thank you for reading!
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a lot to me.
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I have a paper that has been out for review for almost seven months now. Another is approaching four months. And a number of others three months. Very frustrating. I am losing motivation to write. On top of that, journals are sending me invitations to review papers, and complete them within a month. Who has some counsel for me? I feel like rejecting all peer review invitations out of hand.
I am embarking on research on multicultural counseling competencies, can someone be able to send me the MCI
thank you
How to analyze the work of the pedagogical adviser by analyzing the position of the job using the analysis of the workstation, based on the requirements of the labor market.
Comment analyser le travail du conseiller pédagogique en analysant la position de l'emploi à l'aide de l'analyse
du poste de travail, en fonction des exigences du marché du travail.
كيفية تحليل عمل المستشار التربوي من خلال تحليل موقف الوظيفة.
باستخدام تقنية تحليل منصب العمل ، وفقا لمتطلبات سوق العمل.
In light of the Corona pandemic conditions and the inability to apply counseling programs face to face, do you think that implementing these counseling programs can be done effectively through the social media programs ??
Dear Sir
I am now conducting a research project about reinforcement the Psychological immune by the people who are at risk of Corona Virus. Is it possible to conduct the psychological counseling program via Smart Phone App. I need a standardized Questionnaire to assess the Psychological immune.
Thank you.
Any scale or questionnaire related to attitude towards etherapy or online counseling.
Every person mentality and projection to society is different. Some people have charity as quality, some have service as quality, some have good counselling as quality, some have helping nature as quality etc. A combination of some of the above may enhance a person to become a good individual.
I am currently carrying out research into Adult Baby Syndrome for my Doctorate in Counselling and Psychotherapy, looking at counsellors and psychotherapists that may have worked with clients with autism that have pursued or wished to pursue Adult Baby Syndrome.
Writing a paper for ethics and counselling
I am about to write a research proposal for my PhD with Deakin University (Australia). The aim is to improve thirst, general well being and biomarkers ( related to heart failure ) in patients with type 2 diabetes who suffer from diabetic cardiomyopathy utilising a low carb diet. Have you had any experience with this patient group on low carb? What did the nutritional counseling look like with your patients? Thank you.
I'm a electronics engineer, graduated with the degree of M.Sc (in the field of semiconductors).
I'm eager to enter the quantum computing field and I've studies in this field (I've read two books in this field (Quantum computing : a gentle introduction by Eleanor Rieffel and Wolfgang Polak and Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation by Jiannis K. Pachos) and bunch of articles in the QC simulations and machine learning and even i'm capable of coding in Qiskit and PyQuil).
I want to focus on one main topic (specially in the machine learning field) to write a proposal which helps me to follow this field as a PhD student.
There are two problems that I've: 1- I've no certified background and 2- I don't have access to an advanced center in this field
Do you have any suggestion for me? ( I really need an expert to counsel me)
Anyone can tell me about The Counseling Program in the self-Regulation applied in any university ?
I need an open courseware for my students please
Would the area you notate be the most needed area? I am just starting out in Professional Counseling and want to head towards my area of interests early on. I am familiar with individual, group counseling.
How do you like family therapy? Substance abuse counseling?
or Children therapy?
Any suggestions would help.
Most of the time, even it is not a mandatory, counseling sessions will be set for more than one or two times. Maybe once in a week, or once in a month. However, the needs in an organization might be different. The employer or the managers who referred the case to the Counselor may need 'fast 'result'. I would say, Solution-Focused theory will be the best method to be use. But are there any other theories that we can adopt in this situation?
Is mandatory HIV testing in Health Institutions the quickest way to reduce HIV transmissions in Sub Sahara Africa ? What would the the effect on pre test HIV counselling.
A questionnaire for counseling skills of teachers in school.
Does anyone know of studies that have studied the effect of health professional peer champions in the implementation of health promotion programmes or standards (e.g. smoking cessation counseling guidelines) in primary care? I know there is a Cochrane review, but the studies included focus more on curation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What is the value proposition of the in-house legal counsel role within an organization and where this function should fit in the organizational structure to better deliver its mission and optimize its support to the business?
As measured by student's grades, retention, and transfer, is it necessary to remodel our education system. Does every student require separate counseling to discuss his or her problems?
I need to write discussion so want published papers related to my project
I am looking for counseling techniques to help patients face their mortality.