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Cost Estimation - Science topic
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Questions related to Cost Estimation
I'm currently exploring the economic implications of solar PV curtailment versus the installation of battery energy storage systems (BESS). Specifically, I'm interested in recent publications or data that compare the opportunity costs associated with each option. Could anyone point me toward studies or datasets that assess which approach is more economically viable under various conditions? Insights into factors such as scale, geographic location, and grid regulations would also be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone.
I have a question about finding a cost function for a problem. I will ask the question in a simplified form first, then I will ask the main question. I'll be grateful if you could possibly help me with finding the answer to any or both of the questions.
1- What methods are there for finding the optimal weights for a cost function?
2- Suppose you want to find the optimal weights for a problem that you can't measure the output (e.g., death). In other words, you know the contributing factors to death but you don't know the weights and you don't know the output because you can't really test or simulate death. How can we find the optimal (or sub-optimal) weights of that cost function?
I know it's a strange question, but it has so many applications if you think of it.
Best wishes
Which method is the best to adopt while carrying out cost estimation of a new project?
I want to train a neural network with some data that are obtained from a specific country, after the neural network is trained I want to estimate similiar data(observation) for another country Is it possible?
To be more clear, I want to estimate social cost of polluttion for Argentina using neural networks. But there's no needed data or observation for Argentina. So I want to train my neural networks with another country's data set, for example Brazil, US, vs. Is that possible to get such a new value or observation for another country?
So I'm basically curious whether country-specific data sets important for neural network training. If I train neural networks with country-specific data sets, can I get generalizable results when I estimate a value for a different country?
When calculating a budget or a risk reserve, a simulation or estimation is performed.
Sometimes the Monte Carlo simulation is used.
It seems that each administration and each company uses different confidence percentiles when summarising the simulations in order to take a final decision.
Commonly, 70%, 75% or 80% percentiles are used. The American administration uses 60% for civil works projects...
My doubt is, is there any recommendation or usual approach to choose a percentile?
Is there any standard or normalized confidence percentile to use?
I expected to find such an answer in the AACE International or International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association, but I did not.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Hello People,
Even after working for years in Cost-sensitive classifiers, I still wonder how to derive cost-matrix?
Can you guide me for the same?
Any reference link or some research paper or white paper to derive cost-matrix for given dataset?
Please help.
Ankit Desai
Ph. D. Scholar,
Ahmedabad University, Gujarat, India.
I want to estimate the environmental costs of the soil pollution and degradation in an industrial area consisting of some refineries and petrochemical plants. soils and ground waters in some parts of my study area have polluted as a result of pipeline failures and leakage of oil and other chemicals. I' m looking for a good reference (preferably book) for economic cost estimation of pollution.
Which are the main Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) strategies? Are there technological constraints upon them -such as technological immaturity issues- or regional specifications (being differentiated by developing or developed economies)? Are there (direct or indirect) energy gains?
There are several validation methods for software cost estimation using Machine Learning models. But, I was wondering if there are any validation methods for Algorithmic and Non-ALgorithmic models such as COCOMO, Function point, analogy, Putnam, etc.
Is there any paper that could guide me related to this question?
If we have to calculate annual imputed cost of a fixed capital like that of a building where the SME unit is functional. What are the different ways to do so?
i.e. we have to calculate annual value of a fixed capital or annual fixed cost.
I am currently working on a research where I am trying to find the cost estimation techniques for cost estimating software in safety critical systems where quality plays an important role as well as safety?
I have come across this paper:
1. Consistent Cost Estimation for the Automotive Safety Model based Software Development Life cycle
Any other suggestions or papers related to it would help me in my research. Thank you.
I am currently researching on software cost estimation methods for Waterfall model projects and agile model projects. I have also came through DevOps methodology in my research, so is there any latest cost estimation technique for DevOps methodology?
Let say we have implemented an algorithm and wrote down the execution time of that algorithm while changing the input value. How can we conclude the cost function of that algorithm ?
Dear researchers,
Thank you for your interest in the topic,
In one of my studies I am going to use an electric motor to run the compressor of a gas-turbine power plant. The required power is 7 MW. I have these two following questions:
1. Does anyone know what type of electric motors are suitable for that purpose. If there is a catalogue it will be my pleasure to share it with us.
2. Does anybody know what the approximate price of that electric motor is?
Thank you again,
For a research work, I need to water tariff in some world cities including Ankara, Turkey and Atlanta,U.S.A. When I searched in the Internet I found 2.41 and 1.61 $ per cubic meter for them respectively which is very higher than conventional tariffs (conventional rates in the world are about 0.10-0.60). Are my found tariffs (2.41 and 1.61 $/m3) true? Please kindly help me especially persons who live in these two countries.
In terms of cell culture media and other consumables, what's the cheapest eukaryotic cell to culture?
FBS is expensive, serum-free alternatives for cells that require FBS are even more expensive.
Even HeLa cells require 10% FBS.
Are there any cell lines out there that can be grown for cheaper than F12 + FBS?
Edit: Aside from yeast. Preferably vertebrate. Sorry yeast biologists, I won't forget about you again!
How can i find an equation for purchase cost of Gasifier with it's reference year?
Investment Cost
Construction Cost
Maintenance Cost
Operation Cost
Dear Researchers,
I would like to know what health economic research (analytical) methods for understanding variations in costs and health outcomes within and across countries you see as most advanced and practical in aplication?
What are good software estimation methods based on statistical or mathematical approaches
I am currently doing my Internship in a Management Consulting Firm. I am planning to do my Master Thesis too here. I am required to do my Master Thesis in the field of Cost Engineering or Improvement of Cost Breakdown Analysis in the Production Sector (especially in Automobile sector). I would be very thankful to anyone who can help me here by suggesting a Topic here.
Good Morning,
I am looking for studies about Decision Support System of a Cost Estimation, specifically in construction. Could you please help me some directions or links of that?
Thank You Very Much
I am working on Translog cost function. I want to estimate MC and AC curves. Can you guide me how to estimate these curves?
Furthermore, I found output endogenous variable, how to solve this issue? Do I need to use an instrument for output or other procedures can be applied?
hi all, i need to prepare return on investment document for an plastic component including tooling cost. but i have only little knowledge on this. Is anybody having sample ROI document?
This is the plastic component
I'm very confuse about Cost Estimation topic and how to calculate Functional Point Estimation ? what is value adjustment factor ? please help me
In software engineering any cost estimation tool to calculate the cost every phase analysis phase,design phase ,testing phase
concerning the fees must fall protest and the possibility of providing free higher education in SA by the state. I want to determine the feasibility of achieving that.
I am working on the conceptual cost estimating. I have read some articles which discuss about using support vector machine in predicting the cost, but when I took a look on Wikipedia, support vector machine most used for data clustering. How can we use Support Vector Machine in prediction of cost and which way? Thank you very much
I wanted to know the cost estimation for reactor,liquid liquid equipment,distillation column and hydrolysis reactor
I am interested to know if conventional probabilistic production costing models are still in use by the deregulated electricity industry? Do reliability indices such as the Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) and Expected Energy Not Served (EENS) are still useful concepts or have gone through some modification/changes? I am more interested to know the industry practice rather than the academic exercises.
I am a final year student and i need this information for my final year project
Dear colleagues & friends in RG,
Thank you very much for your opinions in advance!
What is today environmental accounting? Your opinions will help for the near future!
Estimation and accounting for the costs of environmental impacts given through positive and negative effects is a rapidly evolving area of management. However, much greater input from ecological and environmental scientists and considerable research are both needed to improve the quality of these cost estimates. Although in its infancy, environmental accounting is increasingly recognized as essential, and as more resources are devoted to this aspect of accounting, it will become a more powerful and effective tool to improve policy development, and consumer decision-making.
Thank you very much for opinion in advance again!
Is there a research that has established, e.g., a 'percentage-range' which can be used as the basis for estimating target cost? A reference/link to an article would be appreciated.
I am reading Schmidt-Traub's (2015) Report for the Sustainable Development Solutions Network "Investments Needs to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals" to learn about comprehensive cost estimates on the country-level. The report gives many useful references, but it seems that as of November 2015 only global data (and only very sparse country-level data) is available for SDGs 14 and 15.
I am looking for systematic reviews of cost-effectiveness studies that explored which factors (epidemiological data, costs estimates, effectiveness) influence most variations between incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) in economic evaluations of vaccines.
I am doing a literature review in this topic and collecting nice papers as the seed pool. Thank you.
We conducted a study to estimate the economic burden of ADHD in United States using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (national survey by Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality). Our primary objective was to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD compared to the non-ADHD population. We used a two-part model to estimate the incremental cost for ADHD. The variable total cost is the sum of direct and indirect cost categories mentioned in the table attached here. We ran separate models to estimate incremental costs for each category. However, when we add the incremental estimates of each cost category, it does not equal to the incremental estimate of the variable "total cost". We looked for literature that might explain this anomaly but could not find any explanation. Can total cost ever be lower than the sum of individual incremental cost estimates? Did anyone come across a similar situation before. Please share your thoughts on it. I have attached the results table (Title: Cost) for your reference.
To what extent this type of methodology is still in practice and what about its standing in comparison to other methods presently being deployed for cost estimation in software engineering.
Please share your views and if possible mention some literature proofs to support your opinion.
Construction is one of the most dangerous industries where thousands of fatal or non-fatal accidents occur on site per year.
However, HSE bugdets including salaries of HSE staff and cost of PPE and training, is a part of cost estimation. Often, pricing of safety risks (compensation claims for fatal or non-fatal injuries, workforce and material losses due to accidents) is included in construction tenders as an estimated percentage of the total project amount.
Is there any more accurate method (or framework) to calculate these costs when taking into account different hazards in relation to individual project types?
The use of CBR (Case Based Reasoning) may involve both cost estimation based on the unit price and detailed.
As a result of the discrepancy in the estimated and actual costs in any of construction project.
I would like to investigate the reliability of risk analysis and its impacts on cost planning (contingency allowance).
I am looking at the possible difference in risk structure between a non BIM-IDP use projects and BIM-IDP use projects.
please. if possible, give some justifications on why it is common and what factors influence their suitability
Instead of making the best guess and assigning an overall percentage of base cost to account for the project contingency, which approaches are now available
I want to estimate the web sites cost and desktop based projects
The innovative service “Cost Planning” has been launched at
The site contains video presentation of the service.
I hope the service can be useful for some of you and your companies, institutes, contacts.
I would be grateful for any questions, suggestions, comments about the site, presentation and service.
What are the total costs incurred to the system and to the patient as out of pocket expenses, where insurance does not fund dental care, especially in case of cleft lip and palate?
I am developing a cost estimation model for composite ships for my graduation. I have developed the model based on the processes during the production of a composite ship, like (hand) lay-up of the fibers, lamination, making of the stiffeners and so on. But the problem is that I cannot find data for the input of the model.
Doing a study on cost estimation.
For the estimation of the new construction of the civil structures, we need the Basic Rates, depending on the location, type of material required, and the availability of the material.
Since 1992, the US has adopted this methodology so as to standarize payments to physicians assigning a value to each Current Procedure Terminology Book (CPT) code and an equivalent RVU. The RVU depends on many factors that usually are not quite well defined or may have an important heterogeneity like time (during the practice, pre and post), effort, intensity per unit of time, capability/education, and others.
What other methodologies are available from the literature? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is there any gold standard in this issue ?