Science topics: PhysicsCosmology
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Cosmology - Science topic

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Publications related to Cosmology (10,000)
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Conference Paper
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Humans are viewed as a part of nature, a notion of undeniable importance. This notion revolves around the complex relationship between humans and nature, characterized by mutual influence. Nature, in its many manifestations, affects humans physically, mentally, and even psychologically, while humans strive to harness and subdue nature, creating a d...
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In early January, an article titled “How a quantum innovation may quash the idea of the multiverse” appeared in New Scientist [1] It received a prompt response from German physicist Sabine Hossenfelder in the form of a video on You Tube [2]. The multiverse part got my attention. Suppose quantum gravity one day goes far beyond unifying quantum mecha...
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We propose a dark energy model within the framework of induced gravity, where gravitational dynamics emerge from quantum effects in curved spacetime. The model invokes a scalar field ϕ non-minimally coupled to gravity, leading to an effective cosmological constant. We explore the dynamical evolution of dark energy, discuss stability criteria, and d...
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Whitehead's project comes out as a cosmology from the writings that were published until recently, before the availability of the course notes at Harvard. It also comes out as a meditation on cosmic solidarity, beyond the breakdown of syntheses around their submission to “perpetual perishing.” Whitehead always maintained that his philosophy was a “...
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Part 1 of the study of fantasy literature discussed in the perspective of ascertaining the cosmological implication of fictionality and consciousness. Speculative presentation of Peter and Wendy is discussed as a metaphysical trial for constructing the manifold phase of space-time-mind continuum, applying the keyword “antifantasy” in preparation fo...
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This research explores how the transition from Ricci curvature (classical symmetric gravity) to Berry curvature (quantum antisymmetric effects), facilitated through covariant derivatives, influences the formation of black holes and galaxies in the early universe. We investigate how quantum geometric effects and antisymmetric curvature terms may con...
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In this work, we propose to utilize the observed ratio of spherically-averaged distance to the sound horizon scale from Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data to test the cosmic distance duality relation (CDDR) by comparing the luminosity distances (LDs) obtained from Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) observations with angular diameter distances (ADDs) der...
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Reheating in inflationary cosmology is essential for understanding the early universe, influencing particle production, thermalization, and the primordial power spectrum. Crucial quantities defined during the reheating epoc, such as the equation of state parameter $$\omega _{re}$$ ω re , reheating temperature $$T_{re}$$ T re , and the number of e -...
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Curl lensing, also known as lensing field-rotation or shear B-modes, is a distinct post-Born observable caused by two lensing deflections at different redshifts (lens-lens coupling). For the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the field-rotation is approximately four orders of magnitude smaller than the CMB lensing convergence. Direct detection is t...
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In this work, we analyze the cosmological model in which the expansion is driven by a classical, free Klein–Gordon field on a flat, four-dimensional Friedmann–Lemaître—Robertson–Walker spacetime. The model allows for arbitrary mass, non-zero cosmological constant and coupling to curvature. We find that there are strong restrictions to the parameter...
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Analyses of the cosmic 21 cm signal are hampered by astrophysical foregrounds that are far stronger than the signal itself. These foregrounds, typically confined to a wedge-shaped region in Fourier space, often necessitate the removal of a vast majority of modes, thereby degrading the quality of the data anisotropically. To address this challenge,...
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In this paper, we investigate whether string theory admits excited states and analyse their physical implications. We begin by reviewing the quantization of bosonic and superstrings, deriving the mass spectrum and excitation levels. We explore the role of excited states in high-energy physics, black hole microstates, and holographic dualities. The...
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This study explores the concept of liminality and transformation within the framework of Afrojujuism in My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola. Afrojujuism-a fusion of African spiritual cosmologies, folklore, and surrealist aesthetics-shapes the novel's character development and narrative structure, blurring the boundaries between the physic...
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If primordial scalar or tensor perturbations are enhanced on short scales, it may lead to the production of observable gravitational wave signals. These waves may be sourced by scalar-scalar, scalar-tensor or tensor-tensor interactions. Typically, models of inflation capable of producing large peaks in the scalar primordial power spectrum also gene...
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We introduce a new technique for reformulating the f ( Q ) gravitational theory based on parameterization of the deceleration parameter or other options. This tool allows us to create modified gravitational scenarios connected to cosmological observations. We examine two models of the deceleration parameter and one model of the effective equation o...
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We initiate the study of “bubbletrons,” by which we mean ultrahigh-energy collisions of the particle shells that generically form at the walls of relativistic bubbles in cosmological first-order phase transitions (PT). As an application, we calculate the maximal dark matter mass M DM that bubbletrons can produce in a U ( 1 ) gauge PT, finding M DM...
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We investigate the impact of peculiar motion of Type Ia supernova host galaxies on cosmological parameter estimation. This motion causes their redshift to deviate from that of the comoving observer at their position and is a source of noise. To this end, we develop an estimator for parameter estimation in models with errors in independent variables...
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Large-scale structure (LSS) studies in cosmology map and analyse matter in the Universe on the largest scales. Understanding LSSs can provide observational support for the cosmological principle (CP) and the standard cosmological model (ΛCDM). In recent years, many discoveries have been made of LSSs that are so large that they become difficult to u...
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In this work we study the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker cosmologies with arbitrary spatial curvature for the symmetric teleparallel theories of gravity, giving the first presentation of their coincident gauge form. Our approach explicitly starts with the cosmological Killing vectors and constructs the coincident gauge coordinates adapted to t...
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This article investigates the modified Raychaudhuri Equation (RE) in the context of Non-Gravitating Vacuum Energy (NGVE) theory and its implications for various cosmological characteristics. The equation is formulated based on the NGVE framework, in which global scale invariance generates a unique geometry. The newly developed geometry introduces a...
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Simulating Population (Pop.) III star formation in mini-halos in a large cosmological simulation is an extremely challenging task but it is crucial to estimate its impact on the 21cm power spectrum. In this work, we develop a framework within the semi-analytical code meraxes to estimate the radiative backgrounds from Pop. III stars needed for the c...
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The standard cosmological model ΛCDM is described by the Friedman–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) metric, which requires that the universe be isotropic and homogeneous on large scales, an assumption called the Cosmological Principle. If this assumption is accurate, then the dipole anisotropy observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) corres...
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Calculating the action and the interaction Hamiltonian at higher orders in cosmological perturbation theory is a cumbersome task. We employ the formalism of EFT of inflation in models of single field ultra slow-roll inflation and obtain a non-perturbative result for the Hamiltonian in terms of the Goldstone field $\pi$. To complete the dictionary,...
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Under the assumption that they are standard(izable) candles, the lightcurves of Type Ia supernovae have been analysed in the framework of the standard Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker cosmology to conclude that the expansion rate of the Universe is accelerating due to dark energy. While the original claims in the late 1990s were made using overl...
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The standard ΛCDM cosmology passes demanding tests that establish it as a good approximation to reality. It is incomplete, with open questions and anomalies, but the same is true of all our physical theories. The anomalies in the standard cosmology might guide us to an even better theory. It has happened before. This article is part of the discussi...
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The standard Λ-Cold Dark Matter cosmological model informed by cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies makes a precise prediction for the growth of matter density fluctuations over cosmic time on linear scales. A variety of cosmological observables offer independent and complementary ways of testing this prediction, but results have been mix...
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Cosmology is entering a very exciting time in its history, when a wealth of cutting-edge experiments are all starting to collect data, or about to. These experiments aim at addressing some of the most intriguing questions in fundamental physics, such as what is the nature of dark matter, is dark energy a cosmological constant or a varying field, wh...
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The cosmological principle demands that the motions of galaxies averaged over a large enough sphere should become small. Thus, the large-scale bulk flow is an important test of this principle and of the standard cosmological model more generally. While hints of anomalous bulk flows have been reported for decades, in the past few years, the quality...
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Scaling relations of galaxy clusters are a powerful probe of cosmic isotropy in the late Universe. Owing to their strong cosmological dependence, galaxy cluster scaling relations can obtain tight constraints on the spatial variation of cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble constant (H0), and detect large-scale bulk flow motions. Such tests ar...
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We outline the rationale for holding a Discussion Meeting thus titled at the Royal Society, London during 15 and 16 April 2024, and summarize what we learnt there. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Challenging the standard cosmological model’.
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Based on Newtonian mechanics, in this article, we present a heuristic derivation of the Friedmann equations, providing an intuitive foundation for these fundamental relations in cosmology. Additionally, using the first law of thermodynamics and Euler’s equation, we derive a set of equations that, at linear order, coincide with those obtained from t...
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The Quipu Superstructure, spanning 1.3 billion light-years, presents an opportunity to test the validity of General Relativity (GR) on cosmological scales. Using gravitational lensing analysis, we compare Quipu's shear correlation function with predictions from GR and Discrete Geometric Quantum Gravity (DGQG). Our results indicate statistically sig...
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The intrinsic alignment of galaxies is a major astrophysical contaminant to weak gravitational lensing measurements, and the study of its dependence on galaxy properties helps provide meaningful physical priors that aid cosmological analyses. This work studies for the first time the dependence of intrinsic alignments on galaxy structural parameters...
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The saddle point approximation to formal quantum gravitational partition functions has yielded plausible computations of horizon entropy in various settings, but it stands on shaky ground. In this paper we visit some of that shaky ground, address some foundational questions, and describe efforts toward a more solid footing. We focus on the case of...
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Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation are described with remarkable accuracy by the six-parameter ΛCDM cosmology. However, the key ingredients of this model, namely dark matter, dark energy and cosmic inflation are not understood at a fundamental level. It is, therefore, important to investigate tensions between the CMB an...
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Detection of the weak cosmological signal from high-redshift hydrogen demands careful data analysis and an understanding of the full instrument signal chain. Here, we use the WODEN simulation pipeline to produce realistic data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Epoch of Reionisation experiment and test the effects of different instrumental sy...
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The Cold Dark Matter (CDM) hypothesis accurately predicts large-scale structure formation and fits the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature fluctuations (CMB). However, observations of the inner regions of dark matter halos and dwarf galaxy satellites have consistently posed challenges to CDM. On the other hand, the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (...
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In this paper, it is shown that $N$naturalness scenarios have an intrinsic mechanism to suppress neutrino masses. As in other infrared neutrino mass models like extra-dimensional theories or many species theories, the large number of mixing partners is responsible for the neutrino mass suppression. It is shown how neutrino mass matrices arise in $N...
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The integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect from stacking cosmic microwave background (CMB) images of superclusters and voids persists as a challenge to the concordance ΛCDM paradigm. The signal is 4–5 times the expectation. The CMB Cold Spot (CS), the most significant CMB anomaly, resulted in the discovery of the Eridanus supervoid, one of the most en...
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Recent works have uncovered an excess signal in the parity-odd four-point correlation function measured from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) galaxy catalogue. If physical in origin, this could indicate new parity-breaking processes in inflation. At heart, these studies compare the observed four-point correlator with the distribut...
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We show why the threshold for primordial black hole formation is universal (independent from the shape of the perturbation) when expressed in terms of the volume averaged compaction function. The proof is rooted in the self-similarity of the gravitational collapse phenomenon at criticality.
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Metal-poor stars enriched by a single supernova (mono-enriched stars) are direct proof (and provide valuable probes) of supernova nucleosynthesis. Photometric and spectroscopic observations have shown that metal-poor stars have a wide variety of chemical compositions; the star’s chemical composition reflects the nucleosynthesis process(es) that occ...
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We study the possibility of producing the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) and dark matter (DM) from evaporating primordial black holes (PBH) beyond the semi-classical regime incorporating the impact of memory burden. In the simplest scenario of baryogenesis via vanilla leptogenesis with hierarchical right handed neutrino (RHN), it i...
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In the present work, we study cosmology in dilatonic f(R,T) gravity to address the inflationary phase of the early universe. As usual, in dilatonic gravity, the scalar potential assumes the exponential form. However, this potential is not good enough to be in accordance with the Planck 2018 data. More strikingly, the generalized β-exponential canno...
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The purpose of the present study is to elaborate on the place of science in governmental jurisprudence and jurisprudential systems. Using an analytical method, this research has dealt with the essence, levels, issues, principles, methodology and outcomes of the theory of the origin of issuance. According to the results of the study, it can be asser...
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Unimodular gravity (UG) is classically considered identical to General Relativity (GR). However, due to restricted diffeomorphism symmetry, the Bianchi identites do not lead to the conservation of energy-momentum tensor. Thus, the conservation of energy-momentum tensor needs to be separately assumed in order to reconcile with GR. Relaxing this assu...
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One of the most challenging problems in cosmology is the Hubble tension, a discrepancy in the predicted expansion rate of the Universe. We leverage the sensitivity of the Dispersion Measure (DM) from Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) with the Hubble factor to investigate the Hubble tension. We build a catalog of 98 localized FRBs and an independent mock cat...
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Although it is commonly assumed that relativistic particles dominate the energy density of the universe quickly after inflation, a variety of well-motivated scenarios predict an early matter-dominated era (EMDE) before the onset of Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Subhorizon dark matter density perturbations grow faster during an EMDE than during a radiat...
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ABSTRAK. Tulisan ini membahas rekonstruksi aspek-aspek kesehatan dan higiene masyarakat Sunda Kuno abad VII-XVI M. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah yang meliputi heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi dengan kerangka pemikiran sejarah kesehatan serta pendekatan teori disiplin tubuh (body discipline) yang diadopsi dari Michel...
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Super sample covariance (SSC) is important when estimating covariance matrices using a set of mock catalogues for galaxy surveys. If the underlying cosmological simulations do not include the variation in background parameters appropriate for the simulation sizes, then the scatter between mocks will be missing the SSC component. The coupling betwee...
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In this article, it is argued that the solutions to some of the problems we face in cosmology may not require new physical theories as much as they require a time symmetric perspective. The Principle of Least Action is nowadays mostly used as a convenient tool for deriving the field equations. It is suggested that new insights could be obtained by...
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A bstract We propose a relaxation mechanism for the initial misalignment angle of the pre-inflationary QCD axion with a large decay constant. The proposal addresses the challenges posed to the axion dark matter scenario by an overabundance of axions overclosing the Universe, as well as by isocurvature constraints. Many state-of-the-art experiments...
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O presente trabalho, caracterizado como um texto paradidático que pode ser utilizado nas aulas de física, revisita a história do desenvolvimento dos modelos cosmológicos, desde o surgimento da cosmologia relativística de Einstein até as teorias mais aceitas sobre a expansão do universo. Com o objetivo de divulgar um texto paradidático acessível a p...
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It has long been known that, in the absence of a dark matter (DM) halo, galaxy discs tend to develop global gravitational instabilities that strongly modify their initial structure. The recent discovery of gas-rich ultra diffuse galaxies (UDGs) that seem to live in DM halos with very low concentrations, a very atypical configuration in the standard...
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We provide a framework for numerically computing the effects of free-streaming in scalar fields produced after inflation. First, we provide a detailed prescription for setting up initial conditions in the field. This prescription allows us to specify the power spectra of the fields (peaked on subhorizon length scales and without a homogeneous field...
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The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) has found tremendous success as a perturbative framework for the evolution of large scale structure, and it is now routinely used to compare theoretical predictions against cosmological observations. The model for the total matter field includes one nuisance parameter at 1-loop order, t...
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Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), in combination with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data and Type Ia Supernovae (SN) luminosity distances, suggests a dynamical evolution of the dark energy equation of state with a phantom phase (w < -1) in the past when the so-called w 0 wa parametriz...
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Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons scatter off the free-electron gas in galaxies and clusters, allowing us to use the CMB as a backlight to probe the gas in and around low-redshift galaxies. The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, sourced by hot electrons in high-density environments, measures the thermal pressure of the target objects, shedd...
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Near-infrared spectroscopic surveys target high-redshift emission-line galaxies (ELGs) to probe cosmological scenarios. Understanding the clustering properties of ELGs is essential to derive optimal constraints. We present a simple radiative transfer model for spatially resolved galactic H$\alpha$ emission, which includes emission from the warm-hot...
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In this work, we develop a theoretical model for the cross-power spectrum of the galaxy density field before and after standard baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) reconstruction. Using this model, we extract the redshift-space distortion (RSD) parameter from the cross-power spectrum. The model is validated against a suite of high-resolution $N$-bo...
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A global scale-invariant Dark Energy model based on Induced Gravity with the addition of a small $R^2$ contribution is examined. The scalar field (quintessence), playing the role of Dark Energy, has a quartic potential and generates Newton's constant with its non-minimal coupling (after introducing a suitable symmetry breaking). Even when small, th...
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We present cosmological results from the measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in galaxy, quasar and Lyman-α forest tracers from the first year of observations from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), to be released in the DESI Data Release 1. DESI BAO provide robust measurements of the transverse comoving distance and Hubb...
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Bohmian mechanics offers a deterministic alternative to conventional quantum theory through well-defined particle trajectories. While successful in nonrelativistic contexts, its extension to curved spacetime-and hence quantum gravity-remains unresolved. Here, we develop a covariant extension of Bohmian mechanics in curved spacetime that removes the...
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In Western culture, cosmology is a branch of the physical sciences concerned with the universe. Cosmologists are the physicists responsible for determining the properties and history of the universe, based on astronomical observations and physical theories. Yet no one has ever observed the universe, and there is good reason to believe that this wil...
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We study the cosmological impact of warm, dark-sector relic particles produced as Hawking radiation in a primordial-black-hole-dominated universe before big bang nucleosynthesis. If these dark-sector particles are stable, they would survive to the present day as Hawking relics and modify the growth of cosmological structure. We show that such relic...
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We explore a model of interacting Early Dark Energy (EDE) in which a minimally coupled scalar field, representing the EDE, interacts with the radiation sector through an exponential coupling function in the radiation-dominated era. This framework can be inspired by modified theories of gravity, including $f(R)$ gravity, the Einstein frame represent...
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We investigate the impact of dark fluid accretion on gravitational waveforms emitted by a compact binary system consisting of a supermassive black hole and a stellar-mass black hole. Using a Lagrangian framework with 1 PN and 2.5 PN corrections, we analyze the effects of the spherically symmetric accretion of a fluid with steady-state flow, includi...
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The Cosmological Principle is a cornerstone of the standard model of cosmology and shapes how we view the Universe and our place within it. It is imperative, then, to devise multiple observational tests which can identify and quantify possible violations of this foundational principle. One possible method of probing large-scale anisotropies involve...
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General Relativity (GR) remains the cornerstone of gravitational physics, providing remarkable success in describing a wide range of astrophysical and cosmological phenomena. However, several challenges underscore the urgent need to explore modified gravity theories. GR struggles to reconcile with quantum mechanics, fails to provide fundamental exp...
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The low-energy limit of string theory contains additional gravitational degrees of freedom, a skew-symmetric tensor B -field and a scalar dilaton, that are not present in general relativity. Together with the metric, these three fields are naturally embedded in the $$\textbf{O}(D,D)$$ O ( D , D ) -symmetric framework of double field theory. The $$\...
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The time evolution of primordial fluctuations conceals a wealth of insights into the high-energy physics at play during the earliest moments of our Universe, which is ultimately encoded in late-time spatial correlation functions. However, the conventional procedure to compute them is technically challenging, and a complete dictionary mapping the la...
Conference Paper
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The ineffable sensation and certainty of “unity” (The Real) is rationalized in the logos of Heraclitus, a philosopher wrongly called “The Dark One of Ephesus”, since neither contradictory (Najmanovich, 2008) nor cryptic, as a wise man in these times of uncertainty and “Baumanian liquidity” it allows us to “re-think our experience of the world” (Agu...
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A bstract We study closed universes in holographic theories of quantum gravity. We argue that within any fixed theory, factorization implies there is one unique closed universe state. The wave function of any state that can be prepared by the path integral is proportional to the Hartle-Hawking wave function. This unique wave function depends on the...
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The $k$-Nearest Neighbour Cumulative Distribution Functions are measures of clustering for discrete datasets that are fast and efficient to compute. They are significantly more informative than the 2-point correlation function. Their connection to $N$-point correlation functions, void probability functions and Counts-in-Cells is known. However, the...
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The work of theologian Rudolf Bultmann is often judged without due consideration of the historical and personal circumstances in which it occurred. It is forgotten that theology is always carried out in a specific context. Thus, this article aims to do justice to this theologian by recognizing the relevance of his hermeneutical method. It will be d...
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Alternative scenarios where the Big Bang singularity of the standard cosmological model is replaced by a bounce, or by an early almost static phase (known as emergent universe) have been frequently studied. We investigate the role of the spinor degrees of freedom in overcoming the initial singularity. We introduce a model which generalizes the Eins...
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In this study, we primarily examine the behavior of axial (odd parity) gravitational waves (GWs) in an initially Bianchi Type-I universe, with a particular focus on the influence of a scalar field within the framework of f (R, T ψ) theory. To this end, we employ the Regge-Wheeler perturbation framework, with a particular emphasis on the axial mode....
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We show how a nonlocal gravitational interaction can circumvent the Weinberg no-go theorem on cosmological constant, which forbids the existence of any solution to the cosmological constant problem within the context of local field theories unless some fine-tuning is assumed. In particular, Infinite Derivative Gravity theories hint at a possible un...
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We present a new solution to the Higgs hierarchy problem based on a dynamical vacuum selection mechanism in a landscape which scans the Higgs mass. In patches where the Higgs mass parameter takes a natural value, the Higgs potential only admits a minimum with a large and negative energy density. This causes a cosmological crunch, removing such patc...
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Dark Energy or Black Hole ZnS Configuration and the Consistency between Phonon Black Holes and Black Holes Sphalerite J-T and Wurtzite A-P Two-Dimensional Gravity Configurations Cosmological Constant Analogous to Light Pressure
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Sommario In questo lavoro, analizziamo alcune equazioni riguardanti la sismologia e il calcolo relativo alle maree e alle eclissi solari. Otteniamo nuove possibili connessioni matematiche con i Numeri Ricorrenti di Ramanujan, la Costante DN e alcuni parametri della Teoria dei Numeri, della Cosmologia Teorica, delle Onde Gravitazionali e della Teo...
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Context . Many Milky Way globular clusters (GCs) host multiple stellar populations, challenging the traditional view that GCs are single-population systems. It has been suggested that second-generation stars could form in a disk from gas lost by first-generation stars or from external accreted gas. Understanding how these multiple stellar populatio...
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A bstract We propose a model that provides a simultaneous solution to the doublet-triplet splitting problem of grand unified theories, the electroweak hierarchy problem and the strong CP problem. The mechanism is based on the dynamics of two axion-like particles that would crunch the universe at the time of the QCD phase transition if triplets were...
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Modelling the cosmic large-scale structure can be done through numerical N-body simulations or by using perturbation theory. Here, we present an N-body approach that effectively implements a multi-step forward model based on Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) in a ΛCDM Universe. This is achieved by introducing the second-order accurate BullFrog i...
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We prove that the intrinsic geometry of compact cross sections of an extremal horizon in four-dimensional Einstein–Maxwell theory must admit a Killing vector field or is static. This implies that any such horizon must be an extremal Kerr–Newman horizon and completes the classification of the associated near-horizon geometries. The same results hold...
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Neutrinos, among the least understood elements of the Standard Model, play a critical role in both cosmology and astrophysics. Understanding their fundamental properties remains a central challenge in particle physics. Precision measurements of neutrino flavor oscillations have accurately constrained the mass-squared differences between neutrino ma...
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The influence of Higgs dark energy (HDE) on black holes presents a novel perspective in cosmology and fundamental physics. This study examines how a Higgs-like scalar field associated with dark energy modifies black hole metrics, event horizons, and thermodynamic properties. Using an effective field theory (EFT) approach, we explore the coupling of...