Science topic
Corrective Orthodontics - Science topic
The phase of orthodontics concerned with the correction of malocclusion with proper appliances and prevention of its sequelae (Jablonski's Illus. Dictionary of Dentistry).
Questions related to Corrective Orthodontics
Different clinicians follow different aligner wear protocols for their patients such as, 7,10 or 14 day protocol. What are your views?
Is there any effect on the airway and development of obstructive sleep apnoea after surgically setting the mandible back with a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy? Is there any evidence?
Brritish Standard Institute 1983 (incisor classification).
E.H. Angle (molar classification)
In response to this question, I can only find experience based recommendations in the literature that differed from as early as 3 weeks to as late as 12 weeks. There is a single animal experiment from Japan (Uji, 1996) in cats that compare one week and 8 weeks, but the experimental model does not really mimic that of a cleft. Recently, a couple of studies addressed the issue of moving teeth into the post distraction bone regenerate which may be considered quite similar. Does anybody know any research-based recommendations done on cleft material?
I believe age is not really a limiting factor if cooperation is ok
1. if a person had an orthodontic treatment, would one could understand it, after the treathment? if Yes, what are the implications or traces to say so? Another question is, by looking an individual's cephalometric radiograph or bitewing , panoramic etc. Can one understand this?
2. Are those materials (archwire, ligature, springs etc.) used for orthodontic treatment leave behind a trace or any deformation on tooth enamel?
3. can we understand this macroscopicly? And, after the orthodontic treatment, does it occur a shift in size and morphology of teeth that has been to this treatment?
Thank you...
There are numerous methods like using Ultrasonic scaler vibrations ,Propel, Acceldent, Surgical methods.
Is this case better suited to be treated by posterior intrusion or anterior extrusion. The dental open bite of 5 mm has both a skeletal component and a dental component. How would you treat this case??
Is there any evidence from the literature than any of the above ttts is more stable than the other?
Edit : Thanks for all the info and the kind feed back . I added more records to obtain the right advice. Actually I have already treated this case, but the case was refused on grounds of stability. The claim was extrusion is less stable that intrusion, and that may not have been the best treatment option for this patient.
The etiologic cause of this case to me was unknown. I couldn't really pinpoint any tongue thrusting. He definitely had increased FMPA , but I still thought may be the open bite was due to low calcium levels during early stages of development !
The patient's medical history was : hypoparathyrodism , and he is on Calcium replacement now. I know that requires milder forces for the fear of root resorption. He had TMD symptoms and clicking. Stabilizing splint was fabricated before starting treatment.

Is there a danger on the path of canines eruption due to the change in the direction of the incisors Root during the treatment with 2*4 in the mixed dentition, which is considered the guide for the emergence of the canines? Or is it that on the contrary, the correction of the incisors root situation will play a role in guiding the emergence of the canine and preventing the impaction?
Everyone talks about aesthetics, CAD CAM and Zirconia today... and the following questions remained unanswered:
1. Marginal fit of 20-30 microns with gold versus 50-80 with CAD CAM?
2. Ductility of gold versus Zirconia versus the natural tooth wear?
3. Minimalistic tooth preparation for gold onlays versus full ceramic preparation requirements?
I would like to invite you all to have a look at my recent case and leave your comments, thoughts, feedback. critique....
is constriction of the maxilla common in all malocclusion classes (I, II and III) ?
Does keeping the same NITI wire inside the mouth more than 6 months change its strength or effectiveness?
There is complete non occlusion on left side with entire 3rd quadrant present lingually to the upper arch. On right side proper class I occlusion.
There seems to be no evidence how to successfully align a transmigrated mandibular canine.
Evidence based dentistry started 20 years ago (1). Most Cochrane Systematic Reviews still end with the conclusion that recommendations for clinical practice cannot be made based only on the results of these trials and that more randomised controlled trials are needed to elucidate the interventions for treating a certain kind of malocclusion. Turning the Cochrane reviews into a tool that is more relevant in clinical practice will require implementation of a methodology allowing inclusion of non-RCTs while controlling for possible bias.(2)
1.. Richards D, Lawrence A. Evidence based dentistry. Br Dent J. 1995;179(7):270–3.
2. Teich ST, Lang LA, Demko CA. Characteristics of the Cochrane Oral Health Gro up Systematic Reviews. J Dent Eduacation. 2015;79(1):5–15.
How long does the 6 1/2 Oz or 3/8 " elastic band retain its orthopedic force of at least 400 grams per side when it is used in Reverse Pull head gear? Is it necessary to wear more than 2 elastics in some cases?
Dealing with a similar case and currently considering using this technique. Has anyone used this and reaped the benefits? Kindly share your thoughts and case details if any.
A 15 years old girl with buccaly erupted, distally inclined canine above lateral incisor.
My clinical impression is that there are significant advantages in closing space in both arches simultaneously.
Can anyone tell me a safe pharmacological agent/ herbal or homeopathic drugs that reduces the bone density after local application? I would like to use it for faster tooth movement. Thank you.
Orthodontics, Class II malocclusion, root resorption.
What are the total costs incurred to the system and to the patient as out of pocket expenses, where insurance does not fund dental care, especially in case of cleft lip and palate?
In full dimension wires we can calculate the effective torque, but can we calculate how much torque would be expressed in 0.019x0.025 SS wire in MBT prescription in 0.022" slot?
We all agree that FAs works as heavy Cl II elastics which make a combination of dentoalveolar and skeletal effects if used in the appropriate age. A direct desirable effect of the FAs is the combination of retroclination and destalization of the maxillary anterior teeth. For the RNA, how could the RNA achieve that with the acrylic button just palatal to the maxillary anterior teeth?
What accounts for the decrease of the distance measured on the dental arch, between the mesial surfaces of first permanent molars, when changing from mixed dentition to the permanent dentition?