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Corporate Law - Science topic
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Questions related to Corporate Law
Lately, it appears that a narcissistic group of corrupt wealthy tyrants believe that human beings somehow are tradeable property, as in an asset and not a sovereign being.
Are human beings property?
Are governments corporations?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then the governments of the world, whether elected, self-determined by coercion and threat, or by imperialistic expansion and takeover are criminal enterprises in violation of the very corporate laws that have been established.
While this should come as no surprise to anyone, after all, throughout history organized power comes from overpowering the divided population, what should be clear is the need to declare and protect all human sovereignty, and to remove fake divisions that weaken humanity but give strength to powerful governments that seek dominion, ownership and enslavery of humanity.
Humanity is a God-given miracle. It is not a creation of a test tube experiment or a piece of property.
God's children are never for sale and those who trade in human beings, human body parts and human spirits are doing so against nature.
Distractions, such as gender movements, racial attacks, climate hoax schemes, money control and revisionist education all are intended to divide, then conquer, a population that has trusted authorities with no rational reason.
The facts are, whether via the Crown, the Kingdoms, the Districts, the Territorial Treaties, all were devised as schemes that have no natural roots, and are based entirely on coercion, extortion, threats, and idolization of power and dominion over humanity, with the false premise that humanity represents property with ownership rights.
It is time to Re-Think the equation for civilized society, and a dismantling of the current power structures is a beginning.
Unfortunately, whatever new version of societal governance is established, history suggests that it will merely repeat its past, much as we are currently recreating WWI,WWII and we are in WWIII, with the failure of fiat currencies and the desperate attempts by the central banks to hang on to their control of humanity via central bank digital currency.
Can anyone suggest a PhD topic on law and CSR policies which includes sustainable development and environmental laws
The IFRS maintenance of capital concept is defined in the conceptual framework (4.59). We can restrict attention to financial capital maintenance:
Financial capital maintenance. Under this concept a profit is earned only if the financial (or money) amount of the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the financial (or money) amount of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to, and contributions from, owners during the period.
On the other hand, legal capital maintenance can be described as the doctrine that forbids a corporation to return capital to its shareholders, unless authorized by law (e.g., sanctioned reduction of capital). The corporation is only free to pay profits to the shareholders. Legal capital maintenance in the UK stems from this decision of the House of Lords:
Is it simply two aspects of the same thing, i.e. IFRS concerns measurement, and law concerns obligations, or is there something more to it?
I am currently working on a hypothesis that AML regulation has been a curse rather than a blessing. Any materials or views on this will help. Thank you.
How directors can reduce their exposure to liability?
I will start with the analysis of what is legal transplant.? and an example of legal transplant that has good result implementation on certain state.
International institutions in order to protect the global financial system have developed norms and create regulatory framework to address national credit crisis systematically as the result of the Asian financial crisis at the end of the 1990s. Indonesia became the hardest hit country because the crisis not only had economic but also significant and far-reaching politic and social implication. The international financial institutions, such as IMF used their leverage to spur not only substantive and procedural legal reforms but also the creation of entirely new state agency including a new Commercial Court. it needs some assessment of the result of this legal transplant, especially the diffusion of law in Indonesia, such as, how transplanted law has shaped Indonesian economic law, such as anti-monopoly law, bankruptcy law, corporate law, and investment law. Does the reformation of the economic law alone can improve the entire legal and judicial system of Indonesia, without other elements such as socio-cultural and political factors.?
Hello Research Gate community,
I am doing research for my master thesis "Trusts and foundations as an asset protection and tax mitigation vehicles".
I am interested in one article at Trusts & Estates magazine. Magazine number Feb. 2013, Vol. 152 Issue 2. How I can reach it.
Nevertheless, if anybody have or could recommend literature on my mentioned master thesis I would be more than appreciate.
Evaldas Cerkesas
What indicators should be used on assessment of small and medium companies bankruptcies? for example: using balance score card indicator can be complicated, or using just financials indicator would misleading the results.
I am doing a PhD on that and would be grateful to diverse opinions and views
It is argued that decision to revalue fixed assets is backed by various management motives which also include debt contracting, earning management etc. I hypothesize a relationship between the managements’ decision to revalue fixed assets and the quality of corporate governance of firms? Please share your thoughts and leanings/experience.
I am searching for articles in Arabic about corporate governance, so if you have please provide me with the names of these papers. the analysis of articles is one activity among other activities which I give to my students. Pedagogically, it helps students to get knowledge about scientific writing, deep analysis, methodological research and strong findings in specific fields of knowledge.
students after being read the articles they have to write a summary for the article, but they must follow some instructions. most of my students are satisfied with this new method of learning in tutorials.
what are your suggestions dear researchers?
Does anybody can said me if the KONTRAG Law is still actually in Germany?
Kann Jemand bitte mir sagen, ob die KONTRAG Gesetze in Deutschland noch Aktuelle ist?
Can anyone suggest me article using questionnaire for measurement of corporate governance variables (internal and external variables) ?
Which corporate governance mechanism would you use the most for monitoring the performance of a financial institution?
It's a study to determine usefulness of CG in protecting minority shareholders' rights.
I'd like to quantify the effect of bad laws on business revenue and jobs in New York. How much business has New York lost because of BCL Section 630? What about the broad definition of a franchise in NY? What about the LLC publication requirement?
Which body monitors corporate rights at the municipal level in Europe?