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Convolvulaceae - Science topic

The morning glory family of flowering plants, of the order Solanales, which includes about 50 genera and at least 1,400 species. Leaves are alternate and flowers are funnel-shaped. Most are twining and erect herbs, with a few woody vines, trees, and shrubs.
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Publications related to Convolvulaceae (5,065)
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A utilização de fontes de adubos disponível na propriedade é de suma importância para o agricultor, pois possibilita ao mesmo produzir com redução dos custos de produção. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar cultivares de rúcula fertilizada com jitirana (Merremia aegyptia L.) em adição com flor-de-seda (Calotropis procera) na região semiárida. O exp...
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Alkaloids are nitrogenous compounds within heterocyclic rings grouped into pyrrolidine, piperidine, pyrrolizidine, indolizidine, and not-tropane alkaloids. Nevertheless, the origin and biological properties of polyhydroxy alkaloids remain limited. Therefore, this paper aims to review polyhydroxy alkaloid’ major source and pharmacological properties...
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Background Unlike regular weeds, parasitic weeds parasitize their host crop for sustenance, and critically reduce growth and productivity of the host plants. Main body The parasitic weeds or heterotrophic plants are conveniently divided into different groups; hemi/partial- or holo/total-parasites, facultative or obligate parasites, root or stem pa...
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Due to the knowledge gaps about the representatives of Ipomoea in the state of Ceará, we present here the synopsis of this genus as part of the “Flora of Ceará: knowing to conserve” project. This study was based on the analysis of exsiccates and images of type collections, consultation of specialized bibliographies and field expeditions. We recorde...
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En este trabajo, se diseñó y se fabricó las partes principales de un banco de pruebas para determinar las curvas de torque-tensión de los tornillos típicos usados en las uniones de los módulos de las turbinas de avión. Los tornillos y tuercas para unir estos módulos varían en tamaño y longitud, sin embargo, el propósito del presente trabajo es dise...
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Recibido: 05 de agosto 2024. Aceptado: xx de xxxxx 2024 Resumen-El proyecto propone diseñar un prototipo de sistema de generación eólica basado en la hélice de Arquímedes, capaz de generar más de 5 W para cargar dispositivos móviles. Este desarrollo busca demostrar que es posible implementar soluciones renovables de bajo costo para afrontar la satu...
Technical Report
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Reporte de turbina Savonius para ser implementada en zonas de tunja,Boyaca
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Diseño y construcción de turbina eólica de eje horizontal para suministrar carga de batería de celulares (5 voltios) Design and construction of a horizontal axis wind turbine to supply cell phone battery charging (5 volts) Resumen-Este proyecto busca implementar un sistema eólico de pequeña escala para generar energía eléctrica en la finca Santa Te...
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Se desarrollaron modelos matemáticos equivalentes de placa con orifico usando un diseño de experimentos de factorial completo, y simulaciones en elemento finito, para estimar la caída de presión, y la pérdida de carga de un lubricante mientras pasa por el sistema de lubricación de un motor de turbina. Esta caída de presión se obtiene calculando el...
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En la industria aeroespacial, el uso de los engranes rectos ha tenido un gran impacto en el desempeño de múltiples sistemas de aeronaves modernas. Por ejemplo, esté tipo de engranajes se utiliza en la caja de engranes de los accesorios de las turbinas, que sirve para proporcionar la energía mecánica de arranque de los motores a través de sus compon...
Conference Paper
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O monitoramento da integridade estrutural de torres eólicasé fundamental para garantir a segurança operacional e prolongar a vidaútil dessas estruturas utilizadas na geração de energia renovável. As torres eólicas estão sujeitas a condições ambientais severas e a cargas dinâmicas significativas devido ao vento, podendo levar ao surgimento de danos....
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Fieldwork, examination of herbarium specimens and photographic images, supported by molecular sequencing have resulted in the re-interpretation of a number of species of Ipomoea L. found in Ecuador and the recognition of four new species. Ipomoea ophiodes Standl. & Steyerm. is shown to be a distinct species from I. regnellii Meisn. and their contra...
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The solanum whitefly, Aleurotrachelus trachoides (Back) and woolly whitefly, Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) have invaded India. They are feeding on plants belonging to the Solanaceae, Apocynaceae, and Convolvulaceae families and on guava, respectively. As a result of their invasion, regular field surveys have been conduc...
Conference Paper
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One of the health issues confronting Indonesia, particularly Aceh Province, is infectious disease. A contributing factor to the infection is the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. A frequent species on the beach of South Aceh. Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet (Convolvulaceae) is considered a possible source of bioactive compounds. The aim of this researc...
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Systematic monographs are an important tool for understanding biodiversity. However, while papers that outline systematic methods for biogeography, phylogenetics and diversification are commonplace, papers that cover methods for monographic and taxonomic research are rare. In this paper, we describe how we conducted a monographic study of Ipomoea ,...
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A energia eólica é hoje um amplo campo de estudo, por se tratar de uma fonte de energia renovável, infinita e sustentável, podendo ser aplicada em diversos locais e de formas distintas, este estudo propõe a análise de um protótipo de turbinas eólicas instaladas em rodovias, utilizando hélices de eixo vertical para capturar o vento gerado pelo tráfe...
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Ban on burning of sugarcane plant residues and partial or full straw removal, as well as its heterogeneous distribution in a field, affect the weed flora and dynamics of herbicides applied as pre-emergence. This study aimed to evaluate whether pre-emergence herbicides applied directly to the soil or onto different sugarcane straw amounts could effi...
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The health and welfare of Sumatran elephants at the Seblat Elephant Training Center (SETC), North Bengkulu Regency, depend on many environmental factors in their habitat, one of which is the availability of a variety of plant species (diet) in the Seblat Nature Tourism Park (SNTP) forest area. Research on this matter was conducted in May-June 2022...
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En el presenta trabajo de investigación se aborda el efecto de la precarga en una junta atornillada durante operación. Hoy en día, el sector aeronáutico es una de las industrias más exigentes en cuestión de parámetros de seguridad; por lo que todo lo que se manufactura debe cumplir rigurosos estándares de seguridad. Uno de los componentes en los qu...
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The Cuscuta reflexa Roxb, belonging to the family Convolvulaceae is a perennial, leafless, golden-yellow parasitic herbaceous plant is one such promising herbal medicine useful in the treatment of infection, inflammation and cancer. It has been documented for anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anti-asthma...
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo, mostrar uma metodologia que possibilite o incremento no rendimento térmico de uma central termoelétrica a carvão mineral, reduzindo a pressão na seção de descarga da turbina, e aumentando a pressão no fornecimento de calor na caldeira. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada foi uma pesquisa qualitativa, mediante estudo...
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Argyreia Lour. is a speciose genus in the Convolvulaceae. However, the genus contains several problematic species complexes due to their morphological similarity. In this study, we aimed to resolve the Argyreia collinsiae complex, which consists of four similar operational taxonomic units (OTUs), i.e., A. collinsiae (Craib) Na Songkhla & Traiperm,...
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BACKGROUND The mite Aculops lycopersici is a major tomato pest with extremely reduced gene families involved in chemoreception and detoxification. How this limited detoxification toolbox affects the evolution of resistance to acaricides in tomato russet mite(s) (TRM) remains enigmatic. Moreover, although a tomato specialist, TRM has been observed o...
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Crop wild relatives (CWR) encompass wild plant species or subspecies closely related to domesticated crops. This study presents the first comprehensive checklist and prioritized inventory of CWR for Sudan and South Sudan. Building on the regional CWR list for Northeast Africa, we identified 499 CWR taxa belonging to 44 families, with 90% of these b...
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We present here a floristic survey of the angiosperms found in the Reserva Ecológica Olho d’Água das Onças (REODO) in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil, to provide a basis for proactive conservation projects there. Fifteen excursions were carried out between August/2022 and April/2024 employing traditional methods of collecting and herbo...
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El avance en tecnología de corazones artificiales ha cobrado rele-vancia como respuesta a la creciente demanda de dispositivos de so-porte cardíaco alternativos al trasplante, debido a la escasez de do-nantes. Este artículo examina los desarrollos históricos y actuales en la ingeniería de estos dispositivos, incluyendo una experiencia de inves-tiga...
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Investigar acerca de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los aceites y comparar con un vehículo con su aceite original y 4 lubricantes adicionales FUNCIONES Y CLASIFICACIÓN DE LUBRICANTES Las funciones principales de un lubricante son: • Lubricar: Facilitar el deslizamiento entre dos superficies. • Enfriar: Actuar como refrigerante, transfiriendo cal...
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La detección temprana de especies de plantas exóticas invasoras es fundamental para la formulación de estrategias de gestión y mitigación. Se propone evaluar la distribución espacio-temporal de Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, en laguna La Turbina, empleando imágenes satelitales Sentinel-2 (periodo 2021-2023). Las bandas espectrales de las regio...
Conference Paper
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Em geral, os testes de engenharia mecânica, especialmente na área de hidráulica, apresentam custos elevados e complexidade. À medida que a computação de alto desempenho e a dinâmica de fluidos computacional (CFD) avançam, essas ferramentas reduzem a necessidade de laboratórios físicos, reduzem os custos e aumentam a eficiência. Neste estudo, simula...
Conference Paper
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La detección y caracterización de las poblaciones de plantas exóticas invasoras es fundamental para la formulación de estrategias de gestión y mitigación. Se evaluó la distribución espacio-temporal de Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, en laguna La Turbina, en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, empleando imágenes satelitales Sentinel-2 (periodo...
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Este livro, em seu Volume I, consiste em um compilado dos melhores artigos desenvolvidos por alunos da Pós-Graduação Executiva em Petróleo e Gás (Turma MBP-40), nível Especialização, do Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). Ao longo dos capítulos, os leitores...
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The present study was based on both bibliographic sources and the survey to the documentation of invasive plants in Kalahandi district, Odisha, India. A total of 108 species belonging to 91 genera and 37 families are reported. The highest number of species i.e. 15 no. were contributed from both the family Asteraceae and Fabaceae; followed by nine s...
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Training the next generation of environmental scientists is critical to the future of life on Earth as acknowledged in 2021 by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG, Kew) in Our Manifesto for Change. RBG, Kew is also committed to strengthening capacity in the most biodiverse tropical countries by sharing expertise and collections, to enhance the glob...
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La patate douce (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam.)), de la famille des Convolvulaceae, est un aliment important dans les pays en voie de développement comme Haïti. Ses racines tubéreuses sont de précieuses sources de vitamine A et d’énergie. Dans la 10ème section communale de Fondwa, l’ouest d’Haïti, où cette étude a été réalisée, la culture de la patate d...
Technical Report
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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the most important tropical tuber crops originated in the tropics of South America. The crop serve as a source of vitamin A, C, E, calcium, iron, and number of other amino acids globally useful for humankind. The crop belongs to the family Convolvulaceae which comprises of the genus Ipomoea with almost 600-...
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Sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam.)], of the family Convolvulaceae, is an important food in developing countries such as Haiti. Its tuberous roots are valuable sources of vitamin A and energy. In the 10th communal section of Fondwa, in western Haiti, where this study took place, sweet potato cultivation has a low average yield of 2 Mg ha-1. The...
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Distimake dissectus (Jacq.) A.R.Simoes & Staples, a new species from the Banaskantha district of Gujarat state, India. Detailed descriptions along with colored photographs, distribution, ecological notes are provided for its easy identification.
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The proliferation of vigorous lianas usually forms liana canopies over the crowns of host trees and liana mats on the ground of open areas or large forest gaps. While research on liana canopies has increased significantly in recent decades, our understanding of liana mats remains limited. Merremia boisiana (Convolvulaceae), a fast-growing liana, fo...
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This paper proposes a strategy for robust control of the wind turbine using a double-fed induction machine (DFIM) controlled by the park transformation, which allows control commands to be applied to the generated power. By orienting the stator flux, the active and reactive powers generated by the DFIM can be decoupled. The proposed control utilise...
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Un articolo recentemente pubblicato sul giornale WIRES Climate Change offre una critica articolata delle iniziative anche Europee di costruire dei gemelli digitali dell'intero pianeta, comprensivi di oceani, atmosfera, biosfera, e degli umani con le loro economie e società. Di cosa si tratta? Molti gemelli artificiali sono già di uso corrente, in i...
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-Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la eficiencia de cuatro modelos de turbinas eólicas de pequeña escala (dos turbinas Savonius, una Darrieus y una de eje horizontal), todas diseñadas en SolidWorks y fabricadas en 3D con PLA, a través de dos experimentos: con flujo de viento variable y otro en un túnel de viento. Se midieron voltaje, c...
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La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha revolucionado la industria de la energía eólica. Gracias a algoritmos de aprendizaje automático, la IA ha mejorado la predicción de la velocidad del viento, permitiendo una generación de energía más eficiente y la reducción de costos operativos. Así mismo, la IA ha demostrado ser útil en el análisis del rendimient...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT - In the effort to triple the world's installed renewable energy capacity, ensuring a stable and sustainable pipeline of offshore wind energy projects is crucial. This article highlights the effective use of the GIS-SPOWER-BR framework, which integrates strategic planning with optimization to minimize socio-environmental impacts and comply...
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This article about diversity of Family Convolvulaceae from Ambegaon Involves periodic field visits , Surveys and collection of plant material Samples , Preparation of Herbarium and plant photography and reference work. The checklist of plants of the region was prepared by consulting the Herbaria , Botanical Survey Of India Western circle...
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The first record of Xenoglossa (Cemolobus) ipomoeae (Robertson, 1891) (Apidae: Eucerini) for the state of Mississippi, USA is reported. This species is a rarely encountered specialist bee that is known to forage on Ipomoea pandurata (L.) G.F.W. Mey (Convolvulaceae), potentially along with other closely related plants in the genus Ipomoea. A single...
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The first record of Xenoglossa (Cemolobus) ipomoeae (Robertson) (Apidae: Eucerini) for the state of Mississippi, USA, is reported. This species is a rarely encountered specialist bee that is known to forage on Ipomoea pandurata (L.) G.F.W. Mey (Convolvulaceae), potentially along with other closely related plants in the genus Ipomoea Linnaeus. A sin...
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Current study focused on Merremia vitifolia an ethnomedicinal plant, aiming to explore its medicinal properties comprehensively. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study investigated the phytochemical components of M. vitifolia stem extract and assessed its antioxi-dant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, loco...
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Limnological studies at Hirehonnalli lake reports phytoplanktons recorded highest during summer season and less during rainy rainy season. Recorded 60 phytoplanktons in that Bacillariophyceae is dominant. Angiosperms recorded 96 species, in that Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Convolvulaceae, Boraginaceae, Acanthacea...
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A análise de sinais de aceleração é crucial para a manutenção preditiva e o monitoramento de condições em máquinas rotativas, como motores, turbinas e compressores. Esses equipamentos são fundamentais em diversas indústrias, e a detecção precoce de falhas pode prevenir paradas inesperadas e reduzir custos de manutenção. A crescente complexidade dos...
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[Objetivo] Este estudio identificó los elementos económicos y legales que repercuten en la rentabilidad de instalar microturbinas eólicas comerciales en distintas ubicaciones de Costa Rica para determinar la viabilidad económica. [Metodología] Se utilizó información histórica sobre la velocidad del viento de 36 estaciones meteorológicas del Institu...
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Merremia tridentata (Convolvulaceae) is a plant belonging to the African pharmacopoeia. Its leaves are traditionally used in Senegal to treat a variety of illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and urinary tract infections. The present study aims to highlight the presence or absence of certain families of chemical compounds thr...
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Eco-botanical research work on invasive alien weed species in Moradabad district deals with ecological invasiveness and ecological impact. 88 weeds under 66 genera, belonging to 27 APG-IV families, have been enlisted from Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Among the reported families, the top eight dominated families are as Asteraceae 17spp.), fo...
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This review article explores various aspects of sweetpotatoes and their leaves, including their production, nutritional composition, health benefits, culinary uses, and future potential as a superfood. Often hailed as a nutrient powerhouse, sweetpotatoes have recently gained popularity due to their exceptional dietary profile and culinary versatili...
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Studies on aquatic angiosperms of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh was carried out during January 2023 to December 2023. A total of 42 species belonging to 36 genera and 23 families were collected and identified. Among the aquatic angiosperms, Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones) is represented by 30 species; whereas Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) is represent...
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En este trabajo se presenta la evaluación energética y factibilidad económica de integración de un ciclo de refrigeración por absorción de medio efecto y una turbina Tesla en la recuperación de calor de un ciclo Rankine orgánico activado con energía geotérmica de baja temperatura. El fluido geotérmico activa el sistema en condiciones de agua líquid...
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Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. of Convolvulaceae is reported here as a new record for the Flora of Bhutan. Prior to this, E. alsinoides (L.) L was the only species of the genus recorded for the Bhutan flora.
Conference Paper
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Resumen Esta investigación plantea una actualización del modelo de captación de energía eólica, ya que actualmente no se considera la compensación de efectos ambientales, siendo requerido para la configuración de un arreglo inteligente de cometas eólicas. El objetivo fue definir un término de realimentación de flujo difractado, analizando su aporte...
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Background Rivea ornata, a rare species from the morning glory family, exhibits uncommon characteristics compared to other typical morning glories, including nocturnal flowers that fit the classic moth pollination syndrome. However, the accuracy of its predicted pollination syndrome and its mating system have never been assessed. Additionally, R. o...
Conference Paper
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1) Studio Rinnovabili, Roma, 2) Studio Rinnovabili, Roma, 3) Studio Rinnovabili, Roma, SOMMARIO All'interno di un'abitazione con finestre aperte esiste una differenza tra il rumore di fondo e il rumore delle turbine eoliche. Ciò avviene in quanto il primo...
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Introduction Psychedelics are substances consumed for recreational use, the majority of these psychoactive substances are illegal and hard to obtain. Therefore, there is a demand for psychedelics legal and easier to access, these types of drugs are called ‘legal highs’. LSA (lysergic acid amide) is one of these new psychoactive substances, this dru...
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Resumen Los sistemas aplicados a procesos industriales computacionales, especificamente los sistemas Control Numérico Computacionales (C.N.C.). Corresponden a sistemas lógico programables, utilizados en el desarrrollo de estos procesos, con un grado de taxatividad mayor que los procesos análogos o semicovencionales. Se debe señalar que, los proceso...
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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the permeation of a mixed native starch-based gel of Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae), using acetaminophen as a tracer through a rat rectal membrane (ex vivo method). The formulated gel was composed of a 10 g solution of poloxamer 407 at 20% and 2.5 g of glycerolized potato starch. The gel obtained was a smo...
Conference Paper
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Este trabajo describe como una primera parte de un análisis geométrico mediante funciones algebraicas elementales, lo cual, determina parámetros de un perfil superficial plano correspon-diente al de un álabe direccional de una turbina de media potencia, subclasificación denominada Banki. Este tipo de turbina es utilizada en la actualidad en micro c...
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The family Convolvulaceae comprises approximately 50–60 genera with approximately 1600–1700 species, exhibiting a rich diversity of morphological characteristics and occupying a broad range of ecological habitats. High-throughput sequencing identified a tentative new virus in the family Geminiviridae infecting Calystegia sepium var. japonica in Sou...
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The present treatment of Convolvulaceae is part of the project “Flora of Serra da Canastra National Park”. The Serra da Canastra National Park (PNSC, acronym in Portuguese) is located in the southwestern region of Minas Gerais, where Cerrado vegetation is dominant. A taxonomic treatment and floristic survey of species of Convolvulaceae in PNSC was...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: A demanda energética mundial está transitando e as estimativas indicam um aumento devido aos avanços tecnológicos e crescimento populacional estagnado somado ao aumento da expectativa de vida da população. Além disto, as constantes mudanças climáticas exigem fontes alternativas às de combustíveis fósseis como para geração de energia, projet...
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The latex of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) is a source of a special kind of acylsugars called resin glycosides, which are highly appreciated because of their biological activities (i.e. laxative, antimicrobial, cytotoxic etc.). Most research has been conducted in perennials with tuberous roots, where resin glycosides are stored. However, their content a...
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As trepadeiras, lianas ou cipós compõem um grupo de plantas heliófilas de rápido crescimento que apresentam estruturas morfológicas apropriadas para escalar os forófitos. Essas plantas são extremamente importantes para a biodiversidade e o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas tropicais. Existem vários estudos com esse grupo de plantas no Brasil dado a sua i...
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Los cambios que tiene la biota que habita los cauces aguas abajo de las presas han sido objeto de numerosos estudios pero pocos se han focalizado a conocer los gradientes de recuperación aguas abajo de la presa e incluso la influencia de la estacionalidad en el pulso de caudal en este proceso. Desde el año 2000 la empresa de generación de energía I...
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En este artículo se presenta la simulación numérica y experimental del torque y la fuerza al freno de una turbina Pelton Armfield FM-32 para diferentes aperturas de la boquilla del inyector que regula el caudal de entrada, con la finalidad de estudiar el comportamiento de la turbina en base a las prestaciones de salida. La metodología consistió en...
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Operculina macrocarpa L. Urb is a species popularly known as purge potato, a climbing plant from the Convolvulaceae family that has medicinal properties. In vitro cultivation could contribute to the production of seedlings on a large scale, favoring its commercialization process. This this study adjusted existing protocols for in vitro establishmen...
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Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) is a heterotrimeric complex composed of three unique subunits: NF-YA, NF-YB, and NF-YC. This transcription factor complex binds to the CCAAT box of eukaryotic promoters, playing a crucial role in various biological processes in plants. Despite its importance, the NF-Y gene family has not been reported in the sweet potato (Ip...
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Hairs or trichomes distributed on the base of filaments in the morning glory family, known as staminal trichomes, differ from those found on other plant parts and have been recognized for their taxonomic value for over a century. In this study, our aim was to investigate the appearance of staminal trichomes in the tribe Ipomoeeae Hall. f., a signif...