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Context-Awareness - Science topic

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Questions related to Context-Awareness
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
A new 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 article challenges characterizing people as irrational and argues behavioral science aimed at policy should start by assuming people are reasonable.
Traditional models often label deviations from 'perfect rationality' as a seemingly never ending list of biases. Maybe this is less useful lately? The article gives examples that what may seem irrational can be appropriate responses to specific contexts.
From climate change to COVID-19, they show how assuming people are reasonable shifts the focus. For instance, trust in health authorities correlated with higher vaccine uptake, which makes the behavior appear reasonable.
This reframing encourages participatory methods, turning targets of interventions into partners. Methods like citizens' assemblies and 'nudge plus' highlight the value of engaging those affected by policies.
By recognizing reasonableness, maybe behavioral science can craft more effective, context-aware interventions. What do you think of this argument?
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I think both approaches are flawed because they start from an assumption that human behaviour is either rational or irrational. The truth of the matter is, as the article points out, that we're all a mixture of both. That being the case and with the the concept of normative itself being a variable, differing by influences of society, culture, education etc. then starting from either binary positions is going to have flawed modelling.
With typical behaviour modeled on repeatable conditions, they both have value, but for predicting behaviour in completely new situations, such as a global pandemic, they are simply too fixed. It's not 'either, all' it's 'either, or, if, else, and when' and starting from a position which balances the rational and irrational, rather than the idea of perfectly being one or the other.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
1 answer
In order to read a foreign language text, should one first empathize with the author and understand the disincentives and risks? Why? How?
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He must understand the language and its literary formulations and how to transfer it to the new language without affecting its first literary purpose
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
12 answers
Please suggest me Ph.D. topic on cybersecurity particularly considering either app security, context-aware systems, and small devices including but not limited to embedded control systems, IoT applications, and sensor networks. Or a topic relates to AI & Machine Learning.
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I would suggest that research needs to be done on techniques of corruption of Generative AI by the introduction of malware that presents biased data to change the results incorporated by the AI "learning algorithms" in a malicious way, and so are able to bias the "training data" incorporated into generation of extensions to the analysis routines. It is concerning to me that most of the recent work I have seen seems to be concentrating on the "short term" result, and not very much is looking for "longer term" (i.e. the focus of Malware detection using Machine learning is on immediate detection and seems to be lacking consideration of an attack based on gradual corruption introduced over longer and even potentially asynchronous time periods)
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I would like to get some useful articles that would give me a clear idea about the works I must discuss in a survey I prepare on context-aware privacy preservation in smartphones. I could read some articles that show insights into different classes of privacy preservation techniques in IoT, Big data, and social networks. But hardly could find a specific taxonomy in smartphones( specifically context-aware app data collection privacy). Any discussion or any insights into the same would be appreciated.
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Susmi Jacob here are some articles, that might be interesting for you.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
11 answers
The memories of the events, biographical or not, are reconstructed in the memory narratives. In this way, the recollection, or at least, the recollection narrative is influenced by the context (past and present). But, how does the context influence the registration of the biographical event and the narrative of remembrance? How can Context Theory help us to understand the influence of time on narratives?
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Hope this helps... Its a good paper by Parker et al. 2007.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
Hey researchers! I am investigating in the field of context-aware recommender systems (CARS). Based on the title of the question, I am needed to model a (CARS) which is to automate the jobs of call agents to know when to propose and what item to recommend to customers a based on the intent and emotions (mined from dialogues) of the customer.
Do you guys know if there are any standard which have already been set on how non-content specific context (e.g., time, location, call length etc.) and the user profile (e.g., agent background and previous interactions) can be model to predict what and when a user needs the recommendation ? All I found is mostly related to user x item recommendations but not any as far on the relations of intent and emotions x user to suggest recommendations.
Hope the question is clear.
Thank you.
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  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
1 answer
Could you please help me, I need a paper or a survey on differents algorithms and stategies used in the LO adaptation. Most of the work I've read suggest a rule-based reasoning and ontology, and there are other algorithms.
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The following paper " A framework for systematically transforming and re-engineering syntactic legacy system process elements into semantic web services is required" might help you: .
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I have conducted a data collection campaign with 32 people to build a dataset of smartphone sensors during daily life activities. In addition, I have also obtained information related to several activities performed by the volunteers on Facebook, that is their shared contents (e.g., posts, photos, videos), interactions with other users (e.g., likes, comments), and liked pages.
The collected dataset could be used for different tasks. For example, it can be used to study social interactions, human mobility patterns, and context-aware recommender systems.
Can you suggest a journal or conference where I can publish such a dataset?
Thanks in advance.
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Safia Safaa Sadji
of course, as soon as we publish it (I hope in less than a month!).
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
Looking for information about methods and techniques pertaining more to common sense and context aware reasoning
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Willy LJ Van Buggenhout Sir common sense reasoning refers to the use of commonly known or taken for granted truths of life used in the process of reasoning. For instance if there is a statement, "She sat on the river bank", we know that it does not refer to a monetary bank at or near the river and the lady in question is likely not a giant.
Context aware reasoning refers to taking into account the fact that depending on the context, text maybe interpreted differently. For example, "He spends a lot of time on Facebook fishing for likes". Likes are not fishes in this case because the presence of Facebook imposes a context of social media.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
Any one can help with explanation about the difference between Ambient learning and context-aware ubiquitous learning?
Best Regards,
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All my greeting for your response and for the document. I do understand. Ines.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I need to develop a model for adaptive decisions using Context-aware concept.I am looking for a best available programming language which is easy to handle and save my time.
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Any modern language really depending on specific needs (performance, characteristics, etc.). Matlab is mostly for proof of concept, so I would prefer to use a real programming language. Python is currently very popular in research since it is easy to use and has a lot of good AI library. Nevertheless, it is easy to produce bad code in Python, so be careful.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
6 answers
I want to implement Ambient intelligence in my research with a prime focus on Smart home automation. Is ambient intelligence is quite same as Context awareness or machine learning? I want to design a system which makes automated decisions based on environment information (data) and user behaviors.
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Ambient aware systems are aware of their surrounding and the presence of people. Context aware systems can be location awareness, time of the day awareness or other. If the context is the surrounding, ambient and context aware are the same. However there is no clear distinction in the literature. Machine Learning refers to systems that can learn rules from data without being explicitly programmed. Context aware or ambient systems might be using machine learning, but not necessarily. May be this is of interest:
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
5 answers
Suggest some tools or programming language for IOT Framework that support Context aware IOT applications
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Hello Ankur Bang , the best languages for IoT applications are C, java and Python(1), and frameworks Elipse Kura, Node-RED and Flogo (2).
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
Can we say that the metadata related to the data, and Context data related to objects.
and also, Is there a relation between context data context aware.
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metadata is a rich set of information, part of it is the contextual information of data, whether IoT or any other data collections.
In modern big data applications, data is more preferable to remain with native representations intact towards preserving any potential future value, so in order to link the data at hand with some contextual information we know about it, then we associate as metadata, preferably expressed with formalism (e.g. RDF) so that it is available as machine-readable. To this end, metadata can be utilized by context-aware applications (e.g. analytics) to efficiently process the data.
Hope this help :)
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I am looking for the most suitable AR/VR tool  for the implementation of a project in a cultural institution based on context awareness.
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Your choice between VR and AR depends on whether the users will be in the place itself (then AR is suitable), or will be transported to somewhere else (then Vr is suitable).
Possibly you can use a virtual world setting that already exists e.g. the Engage platform.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
27 answers
It seems to me that working memory (involving the episodic buffer AND some -- to all the types -- of the Memories) is constantly at work and is our very experience itself.
Thus, I cannot see how the Memories (with at least some of them always active, determining and "recording" experience -- which most prominently and significantly active, dependent on circumstances) can be considered something separate from our knowledge OR our knowing OR our awareness OR our conscious being (all those: inclusively), i.e. as ANYTHING ever considerable as separate from experience itself.
Correct? Seems to me such a dualism would be a most-major problem. (This may be the biggest and perhaps primary dualism of them all, in reality (phenomenologically), though the nature/nurture dualism may seem worse -- but the latter may be somehow related to the former and even may have to be somehow related.)
Yet, we do seem to talk about "them" (the Memories, usually called "memory") at times as just one aspect of who we are (we seeing ourselves somehow as more than that "one 'aspect'")(and "memory" as sometimes something to consider, and other times not), don't we? (BUT: Wouldn't this be delusion "incarnate"?)
In short, we never "just are" (nor are we in any other way): these mechanisms having capacities and capabilities are ALWAYS at "work" since we ARE biological beings, in every way (like other animals) and at all times.
The Memories are central to good psychology understanding (or progress) and to good science in this "realm". The other major consideration (to have any generally good understanding of our reality/animal reality) is innate-guidance of behavioral development (especially throughout ontogeny); and, the question becomes : how does the innate-guidance aspects of behavior emerge along with (or, actually: "in") our other behavior patterns?; the fact of the always-present Memories can be an indication of the "acceptable" integral nature of emerging innate-guidance and why "perceptual shifts" become by far the likely candidates for what they (innately-guided behavioral aspects), along with other relevant behavior patterns, look like and ARE (<- including the "automatic" nature of our reality due to the past developments of the Memories and those "bringing forward" the very nature of what a good part of our reality looks like and IS).
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Dear Brad,
Through the lens of functionalism, we can say that memory cannot be fully appreciated without understanding the context in which it was formed. This is not an easy question to explore; nevertheless, it is an important one. The nervous system, indeed the entire body, acts as an integrated whole. Therefore, memory must play an important role in maintaining the integrity of that whole. How memory was formed may implicitly or explicitly play a role in how and when it will be used. Context, hence, must play an important role.
This will be a meaningful dialogue to engage in and I hope to hear back from you. Please take a look at the meta-analytic study by Smith and Vela (2001), which I have attached so that we can use some shared language for future conversations.
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
Dear All Researchers, This is a new scam. be aware of it. Do not pay them 1$.
Also i wonder why they are doing it? we research community in my humble opinion are regarded in terms of caring of customer info, but scammers are also targeting this.
Anyone doing research on these type of scammers? how to avoid them? this is a totally new technique.
Technique in a scenes, they will not send you an email. It will popup on your browser, while you are searching something.
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Well, it's upon you to protect yourself.
There will always be people either just crossing the line or directly trying to rob you.
They might be doing it for money directly, i.e. to collect these bucks one by one from as many people as they can. They can also be trying to rob you of your sensitive data, or to compromise your computer. They would then sell the data or access to the computer to others, who make big bucks on it.
There is no such thing as a lunch for free. Do not believe any of them ads and when you see them popping up on your screen, do the only reasonable thing - hit "Esc" or quit the browser, if it does not help. Do not touch anything in the popped-up window. Remember, do not touch it. Just kill it by any means.
Last, but not least, enable pop-up window blocking, disable tracing of your activity, disable Java script (you can always enable it on specific pages you deem secure), and install ad-blocker from a trusted source. If you wish to do even more, use some sort of safe browser, such as Tor.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
15 answers
Some researchers confuse IoT and ubiquitous computing, Is there a clear difference between these terms? What's the role and impact of context-awareness in both fields?
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Ubiquitous computing is all about having computational capability in many different (perhaps all) objects in our environment. Things like stoves Fridges, TV, Cars etc all having some computational power. . The Internet of Things (IoT) is about having these objects in our environment all connected to an internet.
Where these objects are connected to the internet it becomes IoT .
These terms can be used interchangeably when the everyday objects in our environment have the computational power resulting in that being called Ubiquitous Computing and these objects with the computational power being connected to the internet resulting in that equally being called The Internet of things.
I hope you find this helpful.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I got two 2x3type ANOVAs. The independent var, the treatment groups and gender division, stayed the same. But I got two different dependent var. Am I able to compare those two dvar somehow?
My first DV is "acceptance", my second one "perceived use". Am I able to compare those 2 ANOVA outcomes somehow or check if there is a correlation?
EDIT: I am using SPSS. Thank you.
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Hi Ben
Cross-sectional or a follow-up study?
Anyhow, you can use regression (linear, since you have a continous dependent variable), but you need to choose one of them as a dependent variable and use the other one as a predictor/independent variable. Look up theory to help you decide.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
10 answers
la différence en terme de spécification, et de performances.
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Context aware systems are aware of and can react to the presence of people, situation awareness is the perception of the spacio-temporal context.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
1 answer
Dear all,
I have seen that state-space models are a flexible framework to model various processes and data dependencies, in ecological models. I would like to deepen my knowledge about them, as I mostly rely on Buckland's "State-space models for the dynamics of wild animal populations". Is there any more recent text about them?
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I think so , but I need to control any works  in progress  in Canada .
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
Documents or structured conceptual framework
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Then watch out for dimensions I identified -- maybe, they will be helpful ))
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
Sir, which customer perspectives will be studied in the research. As my research also pertains to e-commerce.
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User satisfaction.. this is key.. for whatever need they come to for your product.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
Dynamic adaptation refers to the continuous sensing of the environment & adaptation to a situation while dealing with an uncertainty in real life. While learning, system should be aware of holistic context when making decisions.
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  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I have a problem with unbbayes and i need your help please. I'm using UnBBayes PR-OWL 2.0 and i'm trying to create a resident node with 3 arguments as shown in this schema.
But an alert message appears saying that i have a problem with the number of variables.What can i do please?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Paul,
Thank you for the response. I'll take it in consideration.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
5 answers
Which simulation tool that I can use to simulate the Context Awareness of the user in Ambient Assisted Living?
  1. to monitor their movement/activities
  2. to send emergency alarms
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Thanks a lot Raul
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
I am looking for an article about methods of measuring similarity in Context-aware Recommender Systems are explained in detail , for example :
1. Independent Context Similarity
2. Latent Context Similarity
3. Multidimensional  Context Similarity
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I am sure that you are aware that, in this especific case, Recommender Systems can be considered an area of application for context similarity measures.
With that in mind, i suggest you to start your readings with:
After that, take a look at:
I hope that i could help you.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
Hi everyone,
If we want to evaluate the results generated by a context-aware recommender systems, which among the existing metrics would be suitable for this situation. Also, i would like to know about relationship between context aware metrics and other existing metrics, if any.
Zafar Ali
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You can see this paper:
Comparing context-aware recommender systems in terms of accuracy and diversity by  Umberto Panniello, Alexander Tuzhilin, Michele Gorgoglione.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I have developed a semantic similarity measure that computes the degree of overlap between concepts.
I want to use proposed measure to develop a matchmaking algorithm for mobile, contextual services.
Mobile services are services that have in addition to functional properties (the functionalities that the service provides), a set of non-functional properties such as context information( geographical position, preferences, ...) or Quality of Service information (price, availability, user ranking...).
Is there a benchmark to evaluate my algorithm.
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@Harekrishna Misra, is there already a benchmark of services modeled with SERVEQUAL approach ?
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
I'm preparing a framework based on context- awareness , i need to model data (location from GPS, time, daily events from calendar, and human activities) using Bayesian Network or decision tree for inference high level context.
Could you help me to know which of them is suitable to me and candidate the suitable software to me?
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The WEKA API (developed in Java) offers Bayesian Network implementations (K2, TAN) as well as several decision trees methods (ID3, J48, CART, etc.).
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
7 answers
If we want to develop a context-aware recommender system in domains (such as movies, other products) which parameters will play the key role?. As far as my knowledge is concerned, i have noticed that most of the researchers has considered time, location, age etc. to recommend items to users while designing such systems. However, apart from these parameters, what other key parameters can play important role in this perspective?
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Okay, think about a cross-domain recommendation. For instance, you integrate your context-aware RS to recommend places, with user Twitter account. When a user check-in at a certain location (i.e. London King's Cross tube station) and he posts a tweet (i.e. "What a lonely day :( ") on his Twitter, there are two different useful information.
  1. Location - King's Cross tube station
  2. Emotions - lonely (negative emotion) + emoji :( (also a negative emotion)*
(emoji also describes user's emotions, but cross checking between emojis and user tweets is essential)
Hence, we know that the user is currently at the KC tube station and today probably not a good day for him. If he tries to find a place to go, after that, the RS should be able to recommend a place nearby that will make him happy (i.e. a coffee shop - this is actually based on my experience, I normally go to a coffee shop if I am angry, sad).
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
is bridge rules a good answer to it or evolving MCS are good approach.
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lala protege ko achay tareekay say dayk lo or google ostaz say apnay problems baghair kuch chpayay pocha karo.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
5 answers
Although I am quite active in the research domain of context-oriented programming technology, I am currently trying to expand my knowledge to cover the research field of context-aware or dynamically adaptive user interface technology. What are the key research papers in this domain that I absolutely should not miss? (For example, there is obviously the work of Joëlle Coutaz et al. on "plasticity of user interfaces". What else?)
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Context awareness is not my focal area of interest. Thus I would not venture to name the seminal papers in this area.  However, I am compelled to mention that the concept of building context aware interfaces and efforts to address the design issues  may go as far back as the late 70s / early 80's (perhaps further).  During that period, US military human factors laboratories such as AFAMRL were exploring HMI methods to reduce pilot mental (cognitive) workload created by the complexities of new missions, weapons system capabilities and most importantly the veritable flood of new information that it was possible to deliver to the cockpit.  One of the key solutions first studied at that time was to optimize operator loading through a combination of adaptive displays and adaptive automation support.   Thus, the concept  was to provide displays could be reorganized, and receive filtered information and to introduce partial automation support (e.g. 1 axis of navigational control) based on contextual factors consisting of  current mission phase, threats detected, and the psychophysiological status of the pilot.   
To put it briefly, our recent technology developments have made context aware systems a more tangible reality.  However, current researchers and designers may find themselves reinventing the wheel" if they ignore early research conducted on the (non-technology dependent) problems of building context aware displays and automation supports that are effective in enhancing or maintaining human-machine system performance   
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I think that temporal effect may be a unregular influential factor when it comes to a sudden event,while time aware mean a thing is regular as time goes which
may be used in Context-aware RS . I am looking forward to your idea!
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Time-aware concerns the user's visiting/rating etc. behavior influence during time periods.
The temporal effect concerns the user's visiting/rating etc. behavior that changes as time evolves. 
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
The fusion of:
self awareness + situation awareness + context awareness = cognitive informatics
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I rather think, this is what cognitive informatics would like to be, but luckily can never fulfill.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
7 answers
Which music parameters are relevant for building an automatic context-aware music recommendation service? Is it depending on the situation and the activity or are there universal parameters that can be used?
For example, Spotify startet a contextual music recommendation service with Spotify running and they use the music's tempo in beats per minute (BPM) to match music to the running speed.
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1. To start with, the definition of context is a difficult one. In my 2002 article I suggested that as a minimum it is comprised of: Identity, Location, Time, and Activity.
2. There is a lot of literature about music in the context of driving. You may want to skim these resources:
Warren Brodsky's book has a list of quantifiable and measurable parameters for music categorization.
van der Zwaag, M. D., Fairclough, S., Spiridon, E., & Westerink, J. H. D. M. (2011). The impact of music on affect during anger inducing drives. In S. D'Mello, A. Graesser, B. Schuller & J.-C. Martin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Affective Computing And Intelligent Interaction, October 9-12 2011, Memphis, TN (USA) (pp. 407-416). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
 van der Zwaag, M. D., Janssen, J. H., Nass, C., Westerink, J. H. D. M., Chowdhury, S., & de Ward, D. (2013a). Using music to change mood while driving. Ergonomics, 56(10), 1504-1514.
Van der Zwaag, M., Dijksterhuis, C., de Waard, D., Mulder, B. L. J. M., Westerink, J. H. D. M., & Brookhuis, K. A. (2012). The influence of music on mood and performance while driving. Ergonomics, 55(1), 12-22.
Quick, D. (2011, November 10). Smart steering wheel gives a health check while driving. GizMag.  Retrieved 02/2014, from
Stomp, W. (2011, July 25). Toyota to integrate ECG sensors into steering wheel. medGadget.  Retrieved 02/2014, from
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
6 answers
I downloaded music datasets(last,fm, music mellion song, echonest, musicbrains,...), but none of them have information about music's genr. I don't know how to get this field.
please help me about it
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The biggest music database is The Echo Nest (
Here you have an API and you are able to request all the metadata for a special song (e.g. beats per minute, genre, duration, valence, energy, ...). Otherwise you can request songs with special attributes, like genre = pop or beats per minute > 150. All you have to do is to request a developer key, which is for free for research purposes.
Here are some example queries:
Here you can find a paper about The Echo Nest:
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
actually, I want to know what are  software using to acquire,model and reason context (low-level context)  to infer/ deduce context-awareness(high-level context) in practically way and an example to how to build a context-awareness (related to location) application.
kindly,  I want empirical articles explain that, examples of software, websites / books to deal with it.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
7 answers
Although I am quite active in the research domain of context-oriented programming technology, I am currently trying to expand my knowledge to cover the research field of context-aware databases or context-oriented database technology. What are the key research papers in this domain that I should not miss?
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
9 answers
Knowing that in real-world ubiquitous learning, learning strategies are different from the e-learning ones, did learner's needs, preferences and their descriptions evolve with u-environments?
Many thanks
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ubiquity -> omnipresence: anywhere and anytime. Detect needs of a learner based on its characteristics: learning model, types of intelligence, navigation traces, emotion, intention, fatigue, perseverance, ... but also from the traces of others.
If only one student did not understand, simply bring the concept to him by another example. But if most learners do not understand, we must change the pedagogical approach ... Similarly, if the majority were tired, those who prefer to continue are also tired, but they try to resist fatique
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
10 answers
I need to work on a predefined list of situation types that are abstracted form detected u-learning context. A list is given in "Hwang, G.-J., Tsai, C.-C., & Yang, S. J. H. (2008). Criteria, Strategies and Research Issues of Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (2), 81-91".
I need to know if there is any other work specially if it links between the identified situations and the identification rules (containing context informations pieces' values for the identified situations).
My greetings!
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Salam Raoudha,
I think these references could be helpful :
Yau, S. S., Wang, Y., & Karim, F. (2002). Development of situation-aware application software for ubiquitous computing environments. In Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. Proceedings. 26th Annual International (pp. 233-238). IEEE.
Bouzeghoub, A., Do, K. N., & Lecocq, C. (2007). A situation-based delivery of learning resources in pervasive learning. In Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale (pp. 450-456). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Marilza Pernas, A., Diaz, A., Motz, R., & Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira, J. (2012). Enriching adaptation in e-learning systems through a situation-aware ontology network. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 9(2), 60-73.
Cook, D. J., & Das, S. K. (2007). How smart are our environments? An updated look at the state of the art. Pervasive and mobile computing, 3(2), 53-73.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I need an idea to build a framework based context-awareness  uses GPS  for discovering services in education(higher education).
kindly, I want to know what is the sensed context using GPS and what are the discovered services in higher education
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Gps work with  locationawareness , it enable devices to establish their position so taht mobile applications can provide user location-specific services and information, set alerts when other devices enter or leave determined region.
I can suggest you; it is base in IFML, it can give you an ideo how it works, it is an eclipse base Framework
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
I'm using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to perform network (Access Point) prioritisation and selection, semantically (context aware). Any ideas for advancement, extension or comparison?
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Quality function deployment (QFD) is a structured method to extract quantitative parameters from qualitative user requirements. It helps to prioritise the parameters to produce justified decisions. In this case, the network selection.
Whereas, QoS is a quantitatively measured performance of network. Specifically, the performance perceived by the users of the network.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
6 answers
Is there any Context aware dataset available for music recommendation which contains:
1. demographic user information (age, gender, region(country, city))
2. music information(timestamp, artist, song,title) and
3. some Context (time, date, location,weather,city of listening music )
I can not find dataset for location of listened music (in which city and what time user listen to this music).
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You should read this survey "Contextual music information retrieval and recommendation: State of the art and challenges" by Kaminskas and Ricci. Other papers not directly related with your question but useful may be: 
  1. Cinemappy: a Context-aware Mobile App for Movie Recommendations boosted by DBpedia
  2. Context relevance assessment and exploitation in mobile recommender systems
  3. Knowledge-based Music Retrieval for Places of Interest
Hope it may be useful for you. 
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
7 answers
I need information helping me in how to filter the context-awareness in Mobile computing using Ontology web language
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In my opinion you would like to model context-awareness as top-level concept in a very generic way, and to specialize that for the specific applications that you take into consideration. You should definitely have a look at the work of Dockhorn Costa [1], because she has presented a conceptual modelling approach that is more fundamental than Dey's type specific bound definitions of context [2].
Success with your research!
  1. P. Dockhorn Costa, G. Guizzardi, J. P. A. A. Almeida, L. F. Pires, and M. van Sinderen, “Situations in Conceptual Modeling of Context”, 10th IEEE Int Ent Dist Obj Comp Conf WS (EDOCW'06), 2006.
  2. A. K. Dey and G. D. Abowd, “Towards a better understanding of context and context-awareness”, in Proc CHI 2000 workshop on the what, who, where, when, and how of context-awareness, The Hague, Netherlands, 2000, vol. 4.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
10 answers
I am reviewing this area and would like some feedback from researchers working in related projects.
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From my perspective, working in a related field, the most important question is why you need emotion sensing systems? If the answer is because you want to improve health, then that is the challenge, not the sensing systems as systems, but the success of the health improving interventions. And then the challenge become, how one create good health interventions, how do one stop the destructive behavior and motivate the health improving behavior. Here I think social and cultural aspects, long time behavior and learning/mastery curves is important.
What cultural and social values do the system promote and reproduce?
How do one maintain the health improving behavior over time?
How do one create good and challenging learning and mastery experiences (curves) over time?
In our project RHYME we create multi-sensory Internet of Things (interactive MSE) to motivate social and aesthetic co-creation for children with severe disabilities and their families. Here we use musical improvisation (advanced musical algorithms) and sensory stimulation to motivate social co-creation (positive and equal creative behavior that promote both aesthetical experiences and musical mastery). 
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
3 answers
Which are the boundaries (if we can define them) that we need to take into account when we talk about User Model rather than User-context? Could we define the former more comprehensively than the latter? Or could we say that one includes the other?
Any opinion, or more precise research works I can refer to, is welcome!
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You can have a look our paper: context model: An Ontology-Based Approach to Context-Aware Access Control for Software Services (
In this paper, we clearly differentiate context entity and context information. The user model needs to model/capture relevant user-specific context information (e.g., user profile)...
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
7 answers
How can I classify a set of concepts in conceptual graphs? Do you have any idea? Thanks.
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Just a different perspective on Stefan's answer: hypergraphs would be projections of the incidence relation of the concept graph, so you would be losing structure by using them. 
Incidentally, if you haven't seen it already, the Applications book that Stefan linked has a paper dealing directly with Conceptual Graphs and FCA.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
16 answers
Applications, in particular mobile applications, try to provide the most suitable information for users and to react accordingly to user's needs. In this sense, emotions are a relevant aspect to establish the best way to interact with a user and IoT could help in providing that assessment. In this context, what is your vision on the importance of emotional assessment for the near future in mobile applications?
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That is a good point Krzysztof, one cannot 'impose' a desired mood. Some studies suggest (i don't have any citing at hand but i will find it) that when you are depressed you don't want to listen some happy music, most probably you will prefer sad music. I don't know if that will help on your mood... In the case of gaming we need to look to other aspects; if a game don't activate you then it must be in a boring stage, as a programer you need to foreseen that case and prepare some action, whatever that means in the context of the game. So addressing your question i would say that It Depends ! if you want a player to engage more in the game you need to activate hime. If you want someone to let go a depressive state (in ehealth apps) you need first to get in the mood and then try to cheer up that person. But if you are developing an app for a business man, if you detect high stress rates, better not to ring that high tone ring alarm, right? I don't think there is a yes/no, black/white kind of answer to your question, it depends on context assessment. Do you understand my point and do you agree?
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
22 answers
Dear all,
I am doing a state of the art about context modeling. From theoretical point of view i didn't find many works related to context modeling except some works based on activity theory to model context as in and other works related also to human cognition discussed in the work of Nardi, B. A. (Ed.). (1996). Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction. Mit Press.
Do you know any methodological approach for context modelling ?
Best regards,
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The question is too fuzzy for accurate answers, but here's some more ideas about context. Many of these current answers are very limited and narrow - context is a huge term that is used in numerous alternative ways. You need to be more precise what you want to achieve with context and modelling. What you mean by context and modelling. Etc.
Research about provenance is all about documenting and tracking context. This article reviews are huge amount of multi-disciplinary provenance (=contexts) research. The topic is huge.
One clearly a methodological paper about context modelling is this: CEIP Maps: Context-embedded Information Product Map
There is a lot of research about context in HCI research. The whole discipline is based on the concept of context. For example HCI ISO standard defines Context of Use as a combination of users, tasks, tools and environments. You can model these issues in unlimited level of detail and complexity. There exists a lot of managerial and technical tools for modelling contexts in user centred development processes. Software systems for modelling context as well as systems to monitor contexts. Etc.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
I am working on building context-aware software where I have data models and context models and both of them are in different modules in my architecture.
I have some concepts in context modules that are the same in data module. Is this allowed from data modelling point of view ?
Thanks for your answers
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Hi Ines, It is an interesting question. It would be even better if we had some examples or diagrams here to illustrate the issue. I teach (and do) systems modeling and many of of my students also do context diagrams, aside from data models, process models and object models. My general answer would be yes, it is sometimes possible to have the same concept in different models. If something is in the business context model but is  also a major entity that we want to record detailed data on, yes, it would make sense to have it in the data or database model as well. Location related data, for example, can be quite detailed. Best wishes and good luck with your work. 
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
17 answers
What are the main differences between both context and situation awareness ?
What can Activity theory offer to model situation/context ?
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You can also have a look at Alcaraz and Lopez, who discuss the differentiation between situation awareness and context awareness:
Alcaraz, C., Lopez, J. (2013) Wide-area situation awareness for critical infrastruture protection. Computer 46(4). pp 30-37
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
8 answers
I am working on a similarity algorithm between categorical data and I want to use some data sets.
I have two questions:
1- where to find data sets for context awareness purposes
2- if I have an attribute value like :  family or friend .How to quantify this value to be used in an algorithm of similarity calculation.
thanks to all
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You represent the variables family and friend as values, e.g 1 and 2 respectively. In your data set, categorize your data to fall into the different group of values and model accordingly.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
In simple words, a context model is used to define the enclosing environment of some system under study. Context modelling is specially useful in open systems that need to react to changes in the environment. There are several languages and tools for context modelling, both coming from academic endeavors or developed by case tool vendors.
It would be interesting to know which of them are being used in real projects, in industrial settings, under conditions of real practice (e.g. tight schedules, budgetary constraints).
I am not aware of any surveys or systematic literature reviews that report on this issue.
In project "CaaS: Capability as a Service in digital enterprises" (European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project Number 611351) we are about to transfer context modelling approaches to industrial partners and this information could help us make decisions.
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Thanks Didier.
Based on your comments and Mohamed's, it seems to me that there are several interesting works out there. Although, with regard to context modelling languages, there is definitely no industry standard.
In the CaaS project we have been working on a context modelling method and applying it to three different industrial use cases with Everis (Spain), FreshTL (UK) and SIV (Germany). The first iteration of the Everis use case is reported in a workshop paper (see ). The overall Capability Driven Development approach, which includes context modelling, will soon appear published in BISE Journal (I will edit the answer when available).
We are open to extending our method based on other researchers' / companies' work. Also, we are open to collaborations.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
9 answers
Dear all,
We developed a context-aware content-based recommender system which computes recommendations by calculating the similarity between user profile and items description.
Given that the recommendations are built according to their descending cosine similarity scores (the higher the similarity, the better the recommendations), we evaluated the effectiveness of the recommender by adopting typical classification measures, as precision and recall.
In order to extend the evaluation of our system and to compare it with newer and better approaches, we would like to "shift" towards a recommendation model which predicts ratings, in order to evaluate it through more widespread measures such as RMSE and MAE.
How would you deal with this? How can we shift from a similarity score (e.g. 0,85) to a rating predicition (e.g. 4,21)? 
Thank you all!
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I think that shifting from recommendation to prediction may not be that trivial: generating predictions implies predicting how much a user will like/find useful a given item, while content-based recommendation is more of an information filtering affair.
By multiplying the cosine similarity and calling it a prediction you are assuming that the percieved quality of an item is solely based upon its similarity with other items. There is plenty of examples in which such an assumption won't hold: consider for instance Horror movies, most of them have the same plot, the same situations and often the very same actors and directors, however despite the high similarity you can still find good horror movies and crappy horror movies.
On the other hand, there exists other domains in which the potential interest can be represented by the sole similarity, for instance the domain of Scientific literature, Legal papers, Patents, and other technical documentation (when writing a paper you may cite papers that you consider crap, or a lawyer may find useful laws he/she just doesn't like), and therefore in which such shifting operation may make much more sense.
So, in my humble opinion, everything boils down at asking yourself what are you recommending: if your system recommends papers, well, the "naive" multiplication solution may just work fine, otherwise consider introducing collaborative filtering elements to predict ratings.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I would say that radical changes in the context could cause that an organisation looses a capability.
Let’s say that an organisation has a given capability. But then the context changes so much that the organisation cannot consider that they have such capability anymore, unless they undertake profound changes in their organisational structure, processes and/or technology.
But, in other cases, the organisation could simply anticipate certain contexts and define a different variant (organisational structure, processes and/or technology) for each of them. All variants achieve the desired capability but it is well suited for a given context. Whenever the context changes, if it is still within the considered situations, the organisation can adapt to the change, select the appropriate variant and maintain the capability. The issue is reacting quickly and within budget.
Does this make sense to you?
There are still many open challenges.
The problem is relevant to project "CaaS: Capability as a Service in digital enterprises", European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project Number 611351.
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Hi Sergio,
This is a highly relevant topic. In Software Engineering (my perspective), it is, however, under-researched. Nevertheless, we have some approaches. It started with Dieter Rombach's paper on integrated software product and process lines (, which is the basis for some research on process variability. Among other, process line approaches address organizational change and capability improvement (from the SE perspective, e.g., development, testing, and management).
Basically, we distinguish between two approaches:
1) variability analysis (of past projects/actual processes) to develop new/improved processes to better address company needs. Contributions on that topic were made, e.g., by the group around Jürgen Münch ( For example:
2) pro-active and directed variability. This is closer to Dieter's proposal, i.e. variability instruments are part of a process metamodel. Variability instruments are then used to derive a particular process variant from a reference process. A good overview of variability instruments can be depicted from:
A concrete implementation and empirical study on the feasibility of such constructors can be found here:
If you are interested in this topic and how it is handled from the process perspective, hurry up and attend this year's ICSSP ( There will be a special panel on that topic (the introduction of the panel can be found here:
Hope this helps a bit.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
In today's open and dynamic environments, the applications need to capture relationship context information, in order to provide relation-specific access to information resources or software services. What is the best way to capture relationship information, from which sources, and what are the different types of such information?
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I am not talking about all types of context information, only talking about 'relationship context'. I am wondering different types of relationship context (e.g., interpersonal relationship)? What will be the proper sources to collect this information? What will be the other low-level information to infer relevant relationship context information?
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
Healthcare scenario for context aware.
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  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
My research project is focused on tensor factorization technique applied to context recommender systems. I have data of user, item, movie and context- for example, weather, user's company when watching the film, location etc.
For example: user 101 watches the movie 'The Matrix' at home, with his girlfriend, and the sky is clear- leading to a rating is 4/5. My task is to understand if the context, and which context, influenced the rating of the user. Referring to the example, if the user watches the film in a different location (e.g. cinema), or with a different person, will the ratings differ? I need a technique that will enable me to answer these question- any suggestions?
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I think to bayesian network..some help?
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
2 answers
I'm working on a new article about context-aware modeling and I'm confused on how to do the case study.
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A sample motivating scenario from the healthcare domain for the patients medical records management can be found in our paper. In our paper, we have briefly discussed a context-aware scenario, that illustrates the need for the incorporation of context information in the access control processes. Also, you can have a look on the Prototype section.
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
4 answers
Novel and futuristic applications but probable sort of a possible research work.
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May be something like sixth sense by pranav mistry? Http://
  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
1 answer
I need the best way of representing context to which you can easily apply proved reasoning techniques.
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  • asked a question related to Context-Awareness
6 answers
As opposed to other dimensions such as mood state-dependent, physiological or cognitive (e.g. liguistic) context.
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Thanks Miguel. Sounds very intersting and didn't know there was freeware that could do that. Will keep it in mind.