Science topic

Conscience - Science topic

The cognitive and affective processes which constitute an internalized moral governor over an individual's moral conduct.
Questions related to Conscience
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Alexander Ohnemus
António José Rodrigues Rebelo
Birth marks the beginning and equally marks the day, date, and second of death, the end for all living beings who breathe oxygen, consume water, or ingest the carbon and the nitrogen that grace the food on Earth, even if it be the gum at the back of a postage stamp that allows the cockroach to live upon for years and even longer.
The two phases are unalterable and absolute but a completely transparent certitude that defies challenge as well as the highest level of comprehension, and a level of acceptance that is achieved only by rarely-of-the-rare, and, is far beyond our narcissistic and simplistic ego-massaging or understanding to ascribe even the slightest or infinitesimal meaning to our existence. Beyond NATURE that we partially or minimalistically perceive by our senses or lack of senses, lie oceans of incomprehension. A simple fusion of microscopic sperm and ovum marks birth while dissipation of all body processes underscore death. The humility of understanding (standing under and inner) NATURE can yield a nano-drop or quintillionth of the Cosmos with endless galaxies dwarfing the ignorance of our existence.
-- when breath turns air, death is the end, yours and mine and all those who live. Our existence as such is the product of a long evolution over millions of years. Everything has to be considered in order to understand ourselves as we are today. But, first of all, what we can remember, or research, about the causes and the course that man has taken in his life, of long distance, can never make us forget that man, or the being that gave rise to him, the first reaction that he produced, gave rise to another reaction, or sensation. which is not one of trust, but of fear. It is this feeling that is at the origin of a whole process that, from a cultural and even philosophical point of view, translates the emergence of a life beyond the existing one. With it came a whole set of figures, which man needed to use to calm this feeling: fear. At the moment, we have a broader set of knowledge, technological means and processes, which we can use, at any time, and thus guarantee our confidence, security, so that we are not afraid, but we are afraid. We continue to feel fear and, for this reason, we cannot completely disconnect from a symbolic pretext, with evaluative content, that we create to calm ourselves, or self-regulate our emotional tension; And we didn't even realize it. Heaven and hell are figures created by an ideology, the dominant one, that has entertained us. However, we cannot disregard all this reality, because although philosophical, it has produced an action of guaranteeing comfort in man and with man. Am I wrong? Am I frivolous, because I question a whole magical reality that man has created? I do not think so. I am not an atheist, because I continue to believe in something that does not exist, but that gives me comfort as it exists. I would have been burned alive if the words I now produce had been produced in the time of the Inquisition. I wasn't burned, but a lot of good people were burned, because they defended ideas identical to those I hold today. In my country, every day, or almost every day, I move in squares where people have been burned alive by the work of the Tribunal of the Holy Office. This fact arose in Spain and was also transferred to Portugal. We condemn the atrocities of Hitler, Putin and others, who are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands, millions of people, but we forget that we have whitewashed, and are whitewashing, the attitude of a religious institution, which was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. This forgetfulness exists, and will continue to exist, because we are afraid of fear.
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"From science to law, from medicine to military questions, artificial intelligence is shaking up all our fields of expertise. All?? No?! In philosophy, AI is useless." The Artificial Mind, by Raphaël Enthoven, Humensis, 2024.
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Arturo Geigel "I am one open to this dialogue because I recognize the need for philosophical contributions". Thank you for the momentum you bring to this Thread. There indeed is a need for Philosophy as the means humans have to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and each other. In the world of today, AI appears as a powerful transformation in how things and ideas are designed and implemented in all areas of knowledge, technology, and way of life and thinking. In this regard, many questions should be asked: What role should Philosophy play in accompanying the predictable and almost inevitable advances and thrusts of AI? Can AI be involved in philosophical thinking? is AI capable of Philosophying? And in any case, should we preserve philosophical thought and place it, like a safeguard, above technical advances?
  • asked a question related to Conscience
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This "philosophical" thought by Rabelais "Wisdom cannot enter into an evil spirit, and Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul", taken from Pantagruel, his major work (own translation from French), can be considered as the keystone of what would be called "Scientific Morality". What if we discuss this paramount issue for the scientific community? Contributions on the topic are welcome.
Science is a neutral, rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Modern science is typically divided into three major branches: natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study the physical world; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules".
"Conscience” translates the Latin “conscientia”, which refers to sharing “knowledge” (scientia) “with” (con-), and which in turns translates the equivalent Greek term suneidenai (see Pierce 1955 and Sorabji 2014 for an etymological analysis of the term). The literal meaning of the term does not specify the type of knowledge involved and whom that knowledge is shared with. However, the concept has traditionally been used to refer to moral knowledge (we talk indifferently of conscience and moral conscience) that is shared with oneself. This reference to the self does not rule out that the source of the morality in question be external to the self. ... Reference to the self indicates that, from a psychological point of view, conscience involves introspection, awareness of one’s behavior, and self-assessment..."
Excerpt from: " Conscience (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 1/16, First published Mar 14, 2016
Illustration: Book cover "Faber, L. W. Robot Suicide: Death, Identity, and AI in Science Fiction, Rowman & Littlefield, 2023."
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Thank you for the invitation!...
You started a very good discussion... Very few people will respond to the problem you raise... If there is somebody, he will either be an outsider... or hasbara...
I won't go deeper into it...
because I know it makes no sense... 'If truth wins, the life is lost'- This is an old ancient Roman saying- (I do not know if is the Cicero's saying)... I heard it when I was a kid... I didn't understand what it meant then...
but now its meaning made sense to me: ' Ha győz az igazság elvész az élet' (before said on Hungarian)...
A válaszom alapján te is meg fogod érteni tartalmát.
Based on my answer, you will also understand its content.... The meaning of 'consciousness' inspirated this resaspons...
  • asked a question related to Conscience
6 answers
Не так давно умерли Председатель Российского экспертного совета:
проф. А.В. Николаев и проф.Е.А. Рогожин, бывший и Председателем Экспертного совета России и Зам. директором РАН и председателем комиссий конференций...
В КНИГЕ ПАМЯТИ те, кто с ними работал пишут об уважении к ним, о том, что они были лидерами, экспертами. Честными, строгими.
Так почему сразу после их смерти их работу сваливают "в грязь", пытаются заткнуть автора?
Все знают, что научное заключение Генезиса землетрясений, данное РЭС положительное. Нет ни одной проработки этапов и действующих сил, чтоб все было логично и подтверждалось и теорией (скорость волны Козырева-Ягодина рассчитывается теоретически из движений Земли, Луны, Солнца) и скорость волны дает время прохода волны от станции до места, где произойдет землетрясение.
РУБЕН ЭДУАРДОВИЧ ТАТЕВОСЯН - Заместитель директора ИФЗ РАН непрерывно в своих выступлениях на публику повторяет, что "не существует точного классического краткосрочного прогноза землетрясений". Вы читали протокол РЭС по экспертизе работы Александра Ягодина (Председатель проф. А.В. Николаев).
Вы читали заключение по результатам испытаний !!!! Вы понимаете, что такое испытания и что означает заключение РЭС? Или Вы со смертью последних честных ученых уничтожили и то, что было "сделано до вас"?
Вы заявляете ложь россиянам. Вы готовы убить людей в землетрясении, но скрыть то, что сделал А.Ягодин, поддержал Страшимир Мавродиев, проверили и подтвердили Николаев и Рогожин.
Вы эту ложь пишете и Президенту России, пользуясь тем, что Генеральный прокурор занят другими проблемами?
Интересно, все так лгут в РАН? Ни один человек не заявил правду, которую приняли на заседании РЭС 2015 года?
Not so long ago, the Chairman of the Russian Expert Council died:
prof. A.V. Nikolaev and prof.E.A. Rogozhin, former Chairman of the Expert Council of Russia and Deputy. director of the Russian Academy of Sciences and chairman of the conference committees ...
In the BOOK OF MEMORY, those who worked with them write about respect for them, that they were leaders, experts. Honest, strict.
So why, immediately after their death, their work is dumped "in the mud", trying to shut up the author?
Everyone knows that the scientific conclusion of the Genesis of earthquakes given by the RES is positive. There is not a single study of the stages and acting forces, so that everything is logical and confirmed by theory (the speed of the Kozyrev-Yagodin wave is calculated theoretically from the movements of the Earth, Moon, Sun) and the wave speed gives the time it takes the wave to travel from the station to the place where an earthquake occurs.
RUBEN EDUARDOVICH TATEVOSYAN - The Deputy Director of IPE RAS constantly repeats in his speeches to the public that "there is no accurate classical short-term earthquake forecast". You have read the protocol of the RES on the examination of the work of Alexander Yagodin (Chairman Prof. A.V. Nikolaev).
Have you read the conclusion of the test results !!!! Do you understand what tests are and what the conclusion of the RES means? Or, with the death of the last honest scientists, did you destroy what was "done before you"?
You are telling lies to the Russians. You are ready to kill people in an earthquake, but to hide what A. Yagodin did, supported by Strashimir Mavrodiyev, checked and confirmed by Nikolaev and Rogozhin.
Are you writing these lies to the President of Russia, taking advantage of the fact that the Prosecutor General is busy with other problems?
I wonder if everyone lies like that in the RAS? Not a single person stated the truth that was accepted at the REC meeting in 2015?
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Dear Alexandr,
Why don't you contact the geophysicists of SPEC.
Sincerely, László
Уважаемый Александр!
Почему бы вам не обратиться к геофизикам SPEC.
Искренне, Ласло
  • asked a question related to Conscience
7 answers
Should there be ethical standards and regulations to regulate algorithms used in Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning?
Without a legal standard, a societal acceptance of boundaries, and a pursuit of societal benefits to humanity, are we at risk of creating a monster with self learning machines that have no boundaries, no legal consequences and no fear of penalties?
Is fear required in order to create a societal conscience for moral behavior?
Is there such thing as moral behavior?
What is the limit of machine learning where beyond the limit, the machine becomes a destructive force?
Questions to ponder.
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@Blaine Mullins The concern I have is that there is a belief system incorporated into that which assumes a better system than self governance.
However, I would not prescribe nor support an authoritarian viewpoint which removed individual self governance. It is the basis for liberty, something that the far left is attempting (and infiltrating) into American society, which violates the very tenants of our God-given freedoms, liberties and individual pursuit of happiness, something that should never be allowed to be circumvented by AI or a European infiltration into American culture or society.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
43 answers
Nursing is a profession which deals with many aspects of people's lives. Nurses are often faced with ethical problems and experience many conflicts between their professional oath. The influence of conscience on nurses has frequently been described but its impact on their practice has received less attention. During their daily practice, they need to quickly decide on one of the several competing options. Conscience i directs individuals towards non-maleficence and veracity and helps people understand their duties for coping with life as a valuable component of nursing practice which demands sensitivity, respect for human rights, and attentive and dignified care delivery. How to increase work conscience in nursing?
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With an excellent training in Bioethics and always following the Principle of Beneficence; never forgetting the UNIQUE AND UNREPEATABLE character of each human being and his BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL CONDITION; always exercising a VOCATIONAL AND PATIENT-CENTERED praxis, following the decalogue and advice of Florence Nightingale and that of Saint John of God-Patron of Nursing for Christians and Founder of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God or "Juaninos" - when he said: "Take care of each sick person as if they were your mother."
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If you devote considerable thought to an issue and you decide to follow your conscience, should you immediately act according to the merits, good and bad, positive and negative? Or should you think also about the consequences and what will happen if your decision is carried out?
There could be many examples of this. For example, if you decide to enlist in the military service of your government, should you consider how your personal decision is going to affect members of your family? Is there "a scientific way" in which to make a good moral decision? Do you make a moral decision on the basis of emotions, reasons, cognitive knowledge, political commitment, sense of duty, or religious beliefs? Is it ever justifiable to break the law in the name of conscience?
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As we all know, Hollywood is well known for predicting new science and technologies since 1920. We always hear a rumour that technologies would be commercialize after they are used and outdated in US military defence. Now I have three questions in my mind
  1. Is Hollywood writers genius enough to predict the coming technology ?
  2. Does Hollywood and Defence exchange information?
  3. Is the Hollywood science fiction writers dictating scientists what to do subconsciously or they are scientists themselves?
Dear RGs your comment and contribution at least on one of these will be appreciated
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Films in Hollywood are made based on novel story content and then developed by making research related to the needs of consumer linked to technological developments that exist in the imagination of film writers and producers to make it interesting and exciting to watch so that the consumer thinks it is something new and exciting to watch.
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I would welcome a general understanding of researchers arguments/opinions for and against the approval of "assisted dying" - I hold the belief that non factual 'conscience biased' arguments and assertions have no place in the end of life trauma often suffered by terminal patients am I right or am I wrong?
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A good coverage of PALLIATIVE CARE is enough (including in it "Sedation", even irreversible -or "passive euthanasia") as it alleviates and eliminates psychological and physical suffering ("total suffering"), since the serious thing is not that the patient dies (we all have to die and doing so is an atavistic and universal custom of the human being: everything that lives, sooner or later dies), if not that he dies suffering and, I reiterate, for this are the aforementioned PALLIATIVE CARE - with biomedical, psychosocial and spiritual intervention, as mandated by the WHO -... but, of course, ACTIVE EUTHANASIA is MORE COMFORTABLE AND CHEAPER, WITHOUT ANY MORE.
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Many architects imagine: the environment plays an important role in determining the behaviour and personality of an individual. Freud was interested in explaining the relationship between the environment and the individual. By saying, "We are just actors of the drama that works in our brains, our desires drive us and our consciences attract us."
Childhood is considered important in shaping the behaviour and personality of a person, and negative and positive experiences at this stage control an area of his thinking, behaviour and the degree of his understanding of what is around him and until the end of his life, In contrast to the influencing role of genetics on some behaviours when activating environmental influences for humans.
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With the benefit of Freud's psychoanalysis, the personality of an architectural product can be defined through three cognitive levels:
1. The level of reality, and its correspondence with the feeling of production and its perception. This enhances the product’s strength and seeks to achieve a balance in the product’s presence with its environment. Besides respecting the customs and traditions, and adhering to the values ​​of his community.
2.The level of the form, and the dynamic energy in it, produces energy that affects the human being to achieve comfort and pleasure without affecting the customs and traditions because it is related to his own experience of a specific world in which he lives.
3.The level of ideals and ethics, from which the product is inspired, in order to organize his work, behaviour and conscience as it is an example from outside the human mind.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
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c-global retrieved is the consequence of a fourth mega implication of Einstein 1907 having been found belatedly.
It has mega implications. For example, no cosmic expansion any more, with belated rehabilitation of Fritz Zwicky 1929 as a super-mind.
And humankind can with a good conscience start building interactively controllable fusion reactors based on Cryodynamics, the new sister of Thermodynamics confirmed by c-global.
But on the other hand, about ten Nobel medals lose their value which fact is very embarrassing indeed. So the most negative consequence may be that people lose their confidence in science if indeed a 9 decades long collective IQ blunder needs to be acknowledged by the scientific community, as is now the case.
But on the other hand, nothing has ever better attested to the future of science than this maximally belated self-repair. So the gone-by Big Bang can create a new enthusiasm about the prospects of science for the young generation. “Thinking helps,” both according to Hewlett-Packard and to reality.
Now c-global can even help CERN acknowledge its inability for 12 years to renew its planetary safety report LSAG.
Jan. 30, 2020
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It is right
  • asked a question related to Conscience
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what percentage do you believe the results of the published research?
for example: qualitative 40%, while quantitative 60%, compare it in your mind ..
even though this is only the perception of each person,
there is no standard which is the best, so, answer according to your conscience
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I also would like to add, look at the number of journals publishing articles in psychology, education, and social sciences and those publishing quantitative research and list in the Web of Science database. This comparison will give you more concrete figures about the differences.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
7 answers
So we spent $10 billion on the Hadron's Collider
Then we saw some squiggles on a screen and we were all amazed.
Was it worth the effort?
Should we have rather spent this money on a better cause? Like teaching farmers better farming techniques? Education in the developing world? Finding ways to do less harm to our planet?
As a general principle- how much of our research is futile, pie-in-the-sky stuff? We chase micro-molecules and we chase squiggles and we rush to 'be the first' and we rush to get the Nobel Prize for Whatsits.
But have we lost the plot?
Can we not do better?
Should we not be regulating this massive waste of funds : focus our attention on useful research?
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Certainly yes
Best Regards Fazleh Mahomed
  • asked a question related to Conscience
5 answers
We live in a world where moral decadence is the toil of the day. We happily entered the millenium year with full assurances that we have made a breakthrough in technology and the arts. But unfortunately, evil is high on daily basis. Can you imagine the rate of terrorists attacks today? Can you think about discrimination and bigotry among 'Neighbors". We have to apply ethical rules to know how to live this life with our neighbors. We have to create awareness programs through the various channels of communication to teach people who are inclined to do evil the consequences that will result from their acts. Everyone has a conscience, although some people have a dead conscience. We can distinguish between ourselves the notion of goodness and evil. And our conscience is the immediate judge of our actions. Uthman Dan Fodio said that conscience is an open wound and only the truth can heal it. The Nigerian polity is diseased from corruption, ineptitude, avariciousness, greed and what else? I just read in one of my internet news that a Senator earns N36 million Naira a month and a member of the House of Representatives earns N25 million Naira a month. Maybe since my life, I have never touched N36 million that a Senator earns in a month. What have they achieved for the citizenry? A REVOLUTION perhaps!
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I dont mind you be pacifist or facist. Sorry if seemed like this. The question was a phenomenological rhetoric.
About the main issue, we get to the core. The ethical problem are not in the individuals. As you said, "there is any morality in business?". I think This lack of morality are not in business, but in the capitalism, that sells self-regulation of the market adn competition, but delivery richer corporations buyng, destroynig or joining the others. Regulations on the market do not help in microeconomy, since the operations can be moved to another place. The regulatory needs to be global.
The "Gezond Heid" dont works to somebody in a bike, which takes longer time among other vehicles, breathing their pollution. I really dont read Heidegger.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
10 answers
Three to five needs which are considered most important would suffice. We would like to discuss this in a seminar about existentialism. Thank you!
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I think basic needs for a newborn are attachment to a person who provides love, safety and nourishment (very similar to Kimderly's answer). In my opinion, these are universal needs. I think they are not linked to a region. 
  • asked a question related to Conscience
9 answers
Everything is energy. Energy has its frequency. If so, there should be an optimal frequency that can stimulate consciousness. However, like music can purify one's mind. However, it still takes the time to transform a person. So, I think that moral cultivation still can not be skipped.
It's due to the best music is coming from a high moral soul.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
12 answers
In regard to the previous Qs: if there are catalysts that can increase the rate of consciousness, there are also vice-versa others that decrease it. In the end, losing consciousness effects our behavior, judgment, needs and desires? Can we be[come] better persons by releasing our SELFs by a [moral] consciousness - as Freud+Jung would imply with the "Superego" sever judgement? 
It is a normal Q started from the neuroscientific assertion that the [moral] consciousness is a, aka it needs to be removed from our psyche.
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In this world, consciousness is a physical function of the brain. The self (according to ancient Hebrew thought) is made up of nefesh (lower brain impulses, tied to the animal body), ruach ( eternal spirit, wisdom-oriented) and neshamah (higher brain impulses, knowledge-oriented). Ruach is essential to self-development, up to the point that neshamah governs nefesh, i.e. the eternal soul takes control over the animal body. We have to apply the physical resources on earth with time-tested wisdom to realize self-consciousness for eternity which is now.
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17 answers
Consciousness concerns the feelings that accompany science and therefore signifies the awareness of what is happening in us. It is that inner knowledge that each has of good and evil; it forms the judgment that everyone does of his feelings according to the relationship they have with the principles of morality.
Formerly, with consciousness was meant something different from what is considered today in the psychological and philosophical settings. Not all the ancients divided man in mind and body. Indeed, there was a widespread idea that man had three functions relatively independent called "intellectual center", "center motor-instinctive" and "emotional center", located respectively in a part of the brain, in the final part of the spine (where once humans had the tail) and in the area of the solar plexus, in what are now called "the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia." "Consciousness" indicated that inner state of harmony between the three centers which, if reached, allowed man to elevate his own reason.
Traditional psychology indicates as consciousness a general function of its human capacity to assimilate knowledge. At first there is awareness, that is, active observation of the new knowledge; when this is followed by the final breakthrough of the new as part of the old, we can speak of consciousness.
This function, applied to the succession of phenomena of knowledge (not only sensory) generates the phenomenon of consciousness. As a dynamic phenomenon that continues over time can be identified as a real process.
• Consciousness - in ethics, can be defined as the ability to distinguish between good and evil, to act accordingly, as opposed to unconsciousness.
• In philosophy, consciousness acquires a theoretical value in those authors who understand it as interiority and make of the return to consciousness the recollection in themselves, the main tool to capture basic truths, otherwise inaccessible. Throughout the history of philosophy has assumed special and specific significance distinguishing itself from the generic term of awareness, activity with which the subject comes into possession of a knowledge.
The term consciousness has taken over the history of philosophy specific and particular meanings standing out from the generic term of consciousness to which is sometimes equated. The American philosopher John Searle joins awareness to self-consciousness: "Consciousness is a set of states and subjective processes. They are states of self-awareness, inner qualitative and individual. Consciousness is then that thing that begins to appear in the morning, when from the state of dream and sleep we pass to the waking state and continues for the duration of the day until the evening, when, returning to sleep, we become unconscious. The term consciousness is thus brought to psychoanalytic terminology that considers it as a condition of conscious attention as opposed to the unconscious situation of sleep.
As part of the consciousness philosophy has meant not only sensory data but also the complex interiority represented by feelings, emotions, desires, products of thought, as well as the sense of personal identity.
The process of the analysis of the inner life is called introspection that can sometimes be confused with reflection improperly understood as synonymous.
In Stoicism and Platonism to refer to consciousness meant to relate to the inner "voice", to that "dialogue of the soul with itself" which characterized the final production of the dialogic Platonic works where the literary and philosophical form of dialogue with an interlocutor vanished replaced by that of the monologue. The wise man of post-classical period of Greek philosophy is then the very one that moving away from worldly things and passions reflect on itself.
In defining consciousness, the philosophical vision seeks to grasp, therefore, the sense of knowing and describing the forms, especially those ‘a priori’, of its configuration, that means the dialectic that pervades the relationship of subject and object; in contrast, the scientific conception takes care of how this activity is achieved.
In the Kantian Critique of Practical Reason morality is understood as the voice of conscience, of our interiority, which claims the absolute value of the moral law sometimes misled by our sensitive inclinations.
According to Kant, taking up the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is this a moral experience that unites all men regardless of their different cultural and intellectual conditions.
The Kantian statements were in contrast to the relativist morality of Renaissance that already with Michel de Montaigne in the Essays (1580), made it clear that in reality the so-called moral safe principles that vary according to the different areas of origin are inculcated in the child's mind that reached the 'adulthood, forget their origin and believes that those values are innate and have always been present in their consciousness.
With Descartes the term consciousness takes on the meaning of "subjective awareness" of himself, a direct consciousness of ourselves as to be safe while all mental contents of which we are conscious are only "ideas".
This Cartesian conception is found throughout the English empiricism up to David Hume who arrives to solipsism, (i.e. the belief that everything the individual perceives is created by his conscience) because he argues that thought can go to the limits of universe but always remaining within the essential purview of consciousness and knowing only sensitive "impressions" or "ideas" of reason without any cognitive certainty.
Against this interpretation reacted Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason where it distinguishes empirical consciousness, based on the single individual sensitivity and such to belong only to ourselves individually, and a consciousness in general or "transcendental apperception" that is expressed in the '' I think ", an activity of thought that belongs to all men, but to none of them in particular, structurally identical in all as a formal activity of knowing which is realized through ‘a priori’ synthetic judgment through the different" categories ".
The Kantian ‘I think’ will become the ‘absolute I’ of Fichte and of the first Schelling: while the individual ‘empirical  ‘I’ is found to be always limited by the ‘non-I’, the  objects, in the theoretical and practical activity, the absolute ‘I’, principle of all reality, in opposition to the ‘non-I’, in an original self-awareness activity, self-production (self-knowledge) and self-creation.
The intentionality, originally a concept of scholastic philosophy, was reintroduced in contemporary philosophy by the philosopher and psychologist Franz Brentano in his work 'Psychology from the empirical point of view'.
With the intentionality of consciousness or mind is meant the idea that consciousness is always directed to an object, which had always a content. Consciousness is so tense to the knowledge of the outside world while man with self-consciousness will become aware of his rationality as connected to reality.
The understanding of consciousness as awareness of something is found in the twentieth century in the philosophy of Husserl and some authors of existentialism such as Jean Paul Sartre's, Karl Jaspers.
The necessary reference of consciousness towards an object is called by Husserl, in the work ‘Ideas for a pure phenomenology’, "intentionality" and this meaning has penetrated into contemporary research, both in the continental and analytical philosophy.
In many cultural systems, consciousness is likened to the soul. However, the metaphysical sense of consciousness is only a philosophical abstraction that originates from different religious beliefs as a pure act of faith.
As a conclusion, it is in the consciousness and by virtue of the same, that cognitive science and cognitive psychology - but also, more generally, knowledge and cognition - find their common ground: that unity to which both can be traced. A unity that keeps the duality, and therefore the differentiation that justifies the multipliciy of experience, but also transcends it, in the ideal value that is intended to express.
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In evolutionary terms nonverbal modes of thinking are, of course, far older than verbal modes, and are thus more basic to our mental experience. I don't mean to underestimate the role of language in conscious thought, but I have observed that in some academic circles nonverbal modes have not received the attention they merit.
The study of nonhuman consciousness, especially in nonhuman primates, can give us insight into the nature of our own consciousness.
A month ago I posted a thematic bibliography on "Art in the embodied mind." The first section includes recent publications relating to the emergence of visual aesthetic creation, which, like the emergence of language (also included in this section), is essential for understanding the emergence of modern human consciousness (by "modern" I mean anatomically modern humans of the last 200-150 thousand years or so). The second section has several studies on the theoretical aspects of the concept of consciousness. Perhaps followers of this thread may find it interesting. It can be viewed and downloaded here:
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5 answers
Psychology indicates consciousness as a function of human capacity to assimilate knowledge. First there is awareness; When does conscience enter the scene ?
Consciousness concerns the feelings that accompany science and therefore signifies the awareness of what is happening in us. It is that inner knowledge that each has of good and evil; it forms the judgment that everyone does of his feelings according to the relationship they have with the principles of morality.
Formerly, with consciousness was meant something different from what is considered today in the psychological and philosophical settings. Not all the ancients divided man in mind and body. Indeed, there was a widespread idea that man had three functions relatively independent called "intellectual center", "center motor-instinctive" and "emotional center", located respectively in a part of the brain, in the final part of the spine (where once humans had the tail) and in the area of the solar plexus, in what are now called "the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia." "Consciousness" indicated that inner state of harmony between the three centers which, if reached, allowed man to elevate his ownreason.
Traditional psychology indicates as consciousness a general function of its human capacity to assimilate knowledge. At first there is awareness, that is, active observation of the new knowledge; when this is followed by the final breakthrough of the new as part of the old, we can speak of consciousness.
This function, applied to the succession of phenomena of knowledge (not only sensory) generates the phenomenon of consciousness. As a dynamic phenomenon that continues over time can be identified as a real process.
• Consciousness - in ethics, can be defined as the ability to distinguish between good and evil, to act accordingly, as opposed to unconsciousness.
• In philosophy, consciousness acquires a theoretical value in those authors who understand it as interiority and make of the return to consciousness the recollection in themselves, the main tool to capture basic truths, otherwise inaccessible. Throughout the history of philosophy has assumed special and specific significance distinguishing itself from the generic term of awareness, activity with which the subject comes into possession of a knowledge.
The term consciousness has taken over the history of philosophy specific and particular meanings standing out from the generic term of consciousness to which is sometimes equated. The American philosopher John Searle joins awareness to self-consciousness: "Consciousness is a set of states and subjective processes. They are states of self-awareness, inner qualitative and individual. Consciousness is then that thing that begins to appear in the morning, when from the state of dream and sleep we pass to the waking state and continues for the duration of the day until the evening, when, returning to sleep, we become unconscious. The term consciousness is thus brought to psychoanalytic terminology that considers it as a condition of conscious attention as opposed to the unconscious situation of sleep.
As part of the consciousness philosophy has meant not only sensory data but also the complex interiority represented by feelings, emotions, desires, products of thought, as well as the sense of personal identity.
The process of the analysis of the inner life is called introspection that can sometimes be confused with reflection improperly understood as synonymous.
In Stoicism and Platonism to refer to consciousness meant to relate to the inner "voice", to that "dialogue of the soul with itself" which characterized the final production of the dialogic Platonic works where the literary and philosophical form of dialogue with an interlocutor vanished replaced by that of the monologue. The wise man of post-classical period of Greek philosophy is then the very one that moving away from worldly things and passions reflect on itself.
In defining consciousness, the philosophical vision seeks to grasp, therefore, the sense of knowing and describing the forms, especially those ‘a priori’, of its configuration, that means the dialectic that pervades the relationship of subject and object; in contrast, the scientific conception takes care of how this activity is achieved.
In the Kantian Critique of Practical Reason morality is understood as the voice of conscience, of our interiority, which claims the absolute value of the moral law sometimes misled by our sensitive inclinations.
According to Kant, taking up the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is this a moral experience that unites all men regardless of their different cultural and intellectual conditions.
The Kantian statements were in contrast to the relativist morality of Renaissance that already with Michel de Montaigne in the Essays (1580), made it clear that in reality the so-called moral safe principles that vary according to the different areas of origin are inculcated in the child's mind that reached the 'adulthood, forget their origin and believes that those values are innate and have always been present in their consciousness.
With Descartes the term consciousness takes on the meaning of "subjective awareness" of himself, a direct consciousness of ourselves as to be safe while all mental contents of which we are conscious are only "ideas".
This Cartesian conception is found throughout the English empiricism up to David Hume who arrives to solipsism, (i.e. the belief that everything the individual perceives is created by his conscience) because he argues that thought can go to the limits of universe but always remaining within the essential purview of consciousness and knowing only sensitive "impressions" or "ideas" of reason without any cognitive certainty.
Against this interpretation reacted Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason where it distinguishes empirical consciousness, based on the single individual sensitivity and such to belong only to ourselves individually, and a consciousness in general or "transcendental apperception" that is expressed in the '' I think ", an activity of thought that belongs to all men, but to none of them in particular, structurally identical in all as a formal activity of knowing which is realized through ‘a priori’ synthetic judgment through the different" categories ".
The Kantian ‘I think’ will become the ‘absolute I’ of Fichte and of the first Schelling: while the individual ‘empirical  ‘I’ is found to be always limited by the ‘non-I’, the  objects, in the theoretical and practical activity, the absolute ‘I’, principle of all reality, in opposition to the ‘non-I’, in an original self-awareness activity, self-production (self-knowledge) and self-creation.
The intentionality, originally a concept of scholastic philosophy, was reintroduced in contemporary philosophy by the philosopher and psychologist Franz Brentano in his work 'Psychology from the empirical point of view'.
With the intentionality of consciousness or mind is meant the idea that consciousness is always directed to an object, which had always a content. Consciousness is so tense to the knowledge of the outside world while man with self-consciousness will become aware of his rationality as connected to reality.
The understanding of consciousness as awareness of something is found in the twentieth century in the philosophy of Husserl and some authors of existentialism such as Jean Paul Sartre's, Karl Jaspers.
The necessary reference of consciousness towards an object is called by Husserl, in the work ‘Ideas for a pure phenomenology’, "intentionality" and this meaning has penetrated into contemporary research, both in the continental and analytical philosophy.
In many cultural systems, consciousness is likened to the soul. However, the metaphysical sense of consciousness is only a philosophical abstraction that originates from different religious beliefs as a pure act of faith.
As a conclusion, it is in the consciousness and by virtue of the same, that cognitive science and cognitive psychology - but also, more generally, knowledge and cognition - find their common ground: that unity to which both can be traced. A unity that keeps the duality, and therefore the differentiation that justifies the multipliciy of experience, but also transcends it, in the ideal value that is intended to express.
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Dear Gianrocco,
You analysis of concepts in your question are more interesting and informative. 
Consciousness is the awakening, the awareness of self in relation to the surrounding. Conscience is  a built up character, knowledge which is a  result of culture, family and environmental upbringing that direct our way of judgement and decision making processes in regard to what is right and wrong based on accepted  moral code of a group or society. Morality and ethics in most cases as knowledge are strengthened by training, learning and practicing their principles so that actions are to be done solely to  the goodness of mankind and coexistence and it is weakened by not practicing and training. 
If we put a new born child in a wild just to survive with no learning of conscience, morality, acquire  sense of empathy, which all are knowledge based on values society puts, I will say, the child will grow up  wild, with devoid of all  virtues of collective goodness or conscience and will be of no benefit for society and to self, not because he/she likes  doing that are not accepted  but because he/she does not know what it is.
I assume the very reasons the original religious laws were established as "God" given,  was to control and put an order to the wild, socially unhelpful and devoid of conscience acts of original humans who lived almost closer to animals, although they were conscious of themselves and their environments very well.
Responsible members of a group or groups who called them selves leaders in today's terminology (religious leaders or messiah in those times) wanted to establish a united,  functioning and purposeful society of order and created those laws so that  people can accordingly learn them, study them, practice them and lead their lives responsibly to themselves and to the group as well. It is after these group structures established that the notion of morality, virtues of goodness and acts of conscience developed well, as group existence is more enforced, valued and therefore prevalent.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
18 answers
What are the reasons or explanations for the persons becoming very fond of the past. Though the present may be better, on many measurable counts, but the past seems more better in memories. How is it and what are the benefits of this phenomenon?
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Under normal circumstances our brain glorifies the pleasant past and represses the unpleasant experiences, while filling the future with anticipated plans and rewards.  The opposite occurs in depression, when the past is made the root of present trouble and of a hopeless future.  Cheers!  Joaquín Fuster
  • asked a question related to Conscience
9 answers
I am looking for a questionnaire testing level of conscientiousness (Big five trait) in a dutch adult population. Because I only need to know the level of conscientiousness and because there are time constraints, I prefer a questionnaire that only addresses this factor. Do you have any suggestions? (In English or Dutch)
Is it possible to just ask only those questions related to conscientiousness from a larger questionnaire?
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Lew Goldberg (one of the main proponents of the "Big 5") has a pool of free items here:
About 750 of them (most of the items with "H" identifiers above) started life in Dutch:
Goldberg has also provided widely-used marker scales for the Big 5:
The (items marked 3+ and 3- are conscientiousness items).  The IPIP items are intentionally simple to facilitate translation. Shortened versions of this scale have been published, I think the shortest had just a couple items on it.
The main advantage of the IPIP is that you can freely use these items.  In comparison, you are extremely unlikely to get permission to use items from an instrument like the NEO and using them without permission is illegal in almost all countries.
Another advantage of the IPIP marker scales over, say, the NEO, is that the IPIP markers were produce by Lew Goldberg.  The NEO was a three-factor instrument retro-fitted to a five factor model (that's why it's the NEO instead of the NEOAC), but you could legitimately call Goldberg the "father" of the Big Five (although Jack Digman, Goldberg's advisor Norman, and many others were involved).  I guess my point is that the NEO encapsulates a five factor model, whereas Goldberg's marker scales measure  the big five model.
Finally, your second question asked about administering only the conscientiousness items.  Goldberg (1992) administered a predecessor adjective checklist in two formats: with all items grouped together by dimension and with all items mixed together.  He didn't find big differences. I think you could argue that justifies using the conscientiousness items by themselves.
Goldberg, L. R. (1992). The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological Assessment, 4, 26-42.
  • asked a question related to Conscience
7 answers
I'm drafting a proposal on perception and behavior of Peri-operative nurses towards Surgical Conscience..
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Dear Danjuma Aliyu,
Some papers:
The paradox of conscientious objection and the anemic concept of 'conscience': downplaying the role of moral integrity in health care. Giubilini A.                     Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 2014 Jun;24(2):159-85.
Nurse can't ignore her conscience. Milne K. Nurs N Z. 2013 Oct;19(9):3.
Reducing surgical nurses' aseptic practice-related stress.
Aholaakko TK. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Dec;20(23-24):3339-50.
Conscientious objection and induced abortion in Europe.
Heino A, Gissler M, Apter D, Fiala C. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2013 Aug;18(4):231-3.
Conscientious objection and the nurse: a right or a privilege?
McHale JV. Br J Nurs. 2009 Nov 12-25;18(20):1262-3.
Surgical Conscience: Still Pertinent
Nancy J. Girard;  Aorn 2007 Volume 86, Issue 1, Pages 13–14   
Compassion and responsibility in surgical care. Torjuul K, Elstad I, Sørlie V. Nurs Ethics. 2007 Jul;14(4):522-34.
Nursing is different than medicine: ethical difficulties in the process of care in surgical unitsKirsti Torjuul MSc RNT and
Venke Sorlie; Journal of Advanced Nursing
Volume 56, Issue 4, pages 404–413, November 2006
Surgical Conscience: A guiding light in the modern OR
Surgical conscience, intuitive skills are essential for perioperative nurses
Carol J. Applegeet
Kenya Nurs J. 1986 Dec;14(2):23-8.
Surgical conscience and the true believer: ethical problems for the operating theatre nurse.
Rohe J.