Science topics: Congo
Science topic
Congo - Science topic
A republic in central Africa lying between GABON and DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO and south of Cameroon. Its capital is Brazzaville.
Questions related to Congo
Dear gents,
Please kindly assist on the following questions.
Currently, I am conducting my Ph.D. thesis and am looking for data to support my research on the following questions.
1. How to identify Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below mentioned countries? OR where can I find a list of Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below-mentioned countries?
2. Where /How can I find their CSR report from the last five years?
1. 🇪🇹 (Ethiopia)
2. Congo DRC)
3. 🇩🇿(Algeria)
4. 🇰🇪(Kenya)
6. 🇦🇴(Angola)
7. 🇿🇦(South Africa)
8. 🇧🇼(Botswana)
9. 🇳🇦(Namibia)
10. 🇲🇦(Morocco)
11.🇹🇳 (Tunisia)
Dear gents,
Please kindly assist on the following questions.
Currently, I am conducting my Ph.D. thesis and am looking for data to support my research on the following questions.
1. How to identify Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below mentioned countries? OR where can I find a list of Chinese companies that are currently operating in the below-mentioned countries?
2. Where /How can I find their CSR report from the last five years?
1. 🇪🇹 (Ethiopia)
2. Congo DRC)
3. 🇩🇿(Algeria)
4. 🇰🇪(Kenya)
6. 🇦🇴(Angola)
7. 🇿🇦(South Africa)
8. 🇧🇼(Botswana)
9. 🇳🇦(Namibia)
10. 🇲🇦(Morocco)
11.🇹🇳 (Tunisia)
This question came back to us at each stage of the data collection in the field, within the framework of the SecTenSusPeace project: SECURING TENURE, SUSTAINABLE PEACE? The challenges of localizing land-registration in conflict-affected Burundi and eastern DR Congo. SecTenSusPeace is one of twelve transnational research projects that tackle a wide range of complex challenges on transformations to sustainability and that integrate knowledge and capabilities from around the world, funded by the Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) research programme.
Indeed, in conflict-affected settings, land tenure security of smallholders is seen as essential to prevent local land disputes and sustain peace, enable recovery of rural livelihoods, and advance ecologically and socially sustainable agricultural production. To enhance tenure security –which is often severely compromised during conflict– interveners tend to turn to land registration and other forms of formally acknowledging claims to land. However, conventional state-led approaches relying on centrally-organised, individual titling often fail to deal with very complex local land struggles. Yet, the alternative of recognizing customary land governance is also problematic. Contrary to expectations, customary arrangements may also fail to find locally embedded, acceptable solutions.
Spread of MONKEY POX is due to mutational etiology? Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name ‘monkeypox.’ The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo during a period of intensified effort to eliminate smallpox. Since then monkeypox has been reported in humans in other central and western African countries,
then why its being now spreading all over ?
For our manual on Romance languages in Africa (RoLA) at the University of Passau (Germany), we are looking for an expert on the variety of French spoken in Congo-Brazzaville who could contribute a chapter to our manual (in English). For more information, see the attached document and the project homepage ( Recommendations are highly appreciated!
I read about CORDEX regional projections but I can't access the data files. Can someone suggest others regional climate models suitable for this area or provide a help on how to access the climate data for CORDEX. Thank you very much!
sub Saharan Africa countries such as DR Congo, Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania are endowed with natural mineral resources. Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania are three leading countries in gold production in the continent, and therefore one would expect a significant economic development that would pull many people out of poverty cocoon. Nonetheless, majority of people in these countries are experiencing poverty. The key questions are:-
How can these countries dig out of poverty?
How can a resource curse paradox be addressed?
Are there lessons to be learned in some other mineral rich countries in sub Saharan Africa?
I’m looking for a research topic about reasons of Belgium‘s colonisation on Congo being left unaddressed during the League Against Imperialism’s debates from the League’s earliest establishment in 1927 until 1936?
majority of world nations (colonisers and the oppressed) gathered to discuss solutions to end colonisation, but Congo wasn’t discussed about during these debates
Is there any bathymetry data available on Congo River (especially downstream of Brazzaville) for research purpose?
I’m a specialist of vertebrate tracks. During a long stay at Kinshasa, I discovered a number of tracks of early mammals, on slabs of purple sandstone. The tracks are of bad quality; however, they are interesting: they would be the first vertebrate tracks in Congo, and they are very similar to Brasilichnium elusivum and similar tracks, from Botucatu Formation and Caiuá Group, LK, in Brazil. Those sandstones are very common at Kinshasa, also on the sidewalks. They came from natural outcrops and quarries inside W outskirts of the town of Kinshasa, on the banks of Congo river, in the quarters of Kinsuka, Mbudi, Pompage. I could not find in situ or in internet any detailed Geological map of the Phanerozoic of Congo and of Kinshasa. To publish these tracks, I need the name and if possible the dating of this formation. Can any colleague help me? Thank you. Giuseppe Leonardi

Hi all:
I am currently doing a s.aureus biofilm project. There are 6 samples are ica-negative by qPCR, but biofilm-positive through crystal violet assay. So i am thinking if the biofilm is formed by other ways, maybe through adhesion protein.
In order to verify my hypothesis, i tried using congo red to confirm the biofilm formation. 2 samples are congo red negative but 4 are positive. As congo red only staining the polysaccharide (which is through ica pathway), it can be inferred these two samples, which are congo red negative, are forming biofilm by protein (no ica pathway) or they are actually false-positive by crystal violet assay.
However, these 4 samples which are congo red-positive, i cant really understand. Since that they are ica-negative, they shouldnt produce polysaccaride, then how could they been stained by congo red?
Mant thanks