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Conflict (Psychology) - Science topic

The internal individual struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, or external and internal demands. In group interactions, competitive or opposing action of incompatibles: antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons). (from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed)
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Publications related to Conflict (Psychology) (10,000)
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تهدف الدراسة إلى رصد وتحليل محفزات الصراع والتعاون في مجال الأمن المائي، وتسليط الضوء على واقع الأمن المائي الفلسطيني، وتداعيات التغيرات المناخية على فلسطين، في ضوء الصراع الفلسطيني –الإسرائيلي، ورصد تأثير الأزمات الداخلية الناجمة عن سيطرة إسرائيل على المياه الفلسطينية. وكان من أهم تساؤلات الدراسة: ما هي التحديات الرئيسية التي تواجه الأمن المائي ف...
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This study explores widespread cooperation among live content creators on synchronous user-generated content (UGC) platforms. It introduces a typology of online cooperation-hyping, peering, and spreading-based on creators' relative popularity statuses and proposes a framework exploring resource-based cooperative strategies and the economic impacts...
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Verpleegkundigen worden regelmatig uitgedaagd om af te wijken van organisatieregels en -voorschriften wanneer deze niet passen bij hun (professionele) normen en overtuigingen over goede kwaliteit van zorg. Door in suboptimale situaties te handelen in het belang van hun patiënten of een goede werkomgeving tonen verpleegkundigen leiderschap. In het p...
Conference Paper
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In the framework of this Conference, we are pleased to invite submissions for a transcontinental panel on the Iconography of War. This panel seeks to explore artistic representations of war and conflict in ancient civilizations, with a particular emphasis on the Greco-Roman world but also including the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, and all surr...
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Time perspective is a concept that elucidates the manner in which individuals assess the present, past, and future. In the relevant literature, trauma and trauma-related issues have been matched to time perspective. In particular, there are conflicting findings regarding post-traumatic growth. The objective of the research is to investigate the med...
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The United Nations (UN) was established in 1945 to prevent conflicts and foster international cooperation, replacing the League of Nations. This paper explores the UN's structure, including
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One of the most famous catchphrases to describe the First World War was H.G. Well's ‘war to end all wars’. Once an idealistic slogan, it is now mainly used sardonically as a tragic depiction of what felt at the time to be the longest and bloodiest war of the age. But Wells described what in 1914 seemed a plausible outcome of the war: this was expec...
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The study examines the teachers' sense of overload and breaching the boundaries protecting their personal time during the COVID-19 crisis. The article explains the work-life conflict that teachers from all educational settings have encountered and the blurring of boundaries experienced as a result of ICT leakage into their personal space. Using a m...
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A combination of principles influencing trademark law can lead to paradoxical situations of conflicts of interest and conflicting interpretations of the regulations. This article provides a brief overview of real market cases from the Common Euro-pean Market, illustrating as cleanly as possible the tension between the right to property and the righ...
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El objetivo de la investigación investigó estrategias de negociación y conflicto que promuevan aprendizajes en estudiantes de Educación Básica de la Unidad Educativa Fernando Daquilema de la ciudad de Riobamba. La metodología es de enfoque mixto, descriptiva y bibliográfica, con una población de 100 estudiantes a quienes se les realizó una encuesta...
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With the increasing quantity of available and relevant open-source information online, the mine action sector is well poised to take advantage of its accessibility for conducting research, analysis, and investigations. In current conflicts, such as in Ukraine and Yemen, online sources are a rich repository of information which can be leveraged for...
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This report highlights variation in community attitudes toward the return and reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other Iraqi returnees from Syria who are perceived as having family or other ties to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Generally, this population continues to face significant social and economic barr...
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Objective: This study examines the impact of work-family conflict on sleep duration by gender from a longitudinal perspective, differentiating between work-to-family (WTFC) and family-to-work conflict (FTWC) as well as time- vs. strain-based conflict. Background: In previous research, work-family conflict was found to be related to adverse health...
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Lotteries are commonly employed in school choice to fairly resolve priority ties; however, current practices leave students uninformed about their lottery outcomes when submitting preferences. This paper advocates for revealing lottery results prior to preference submission. When preference lists are constrained in length, revealing lotteries can r...
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This study uses the concept of dilemmatic space to unpack the complexities of teachers’ work when it comes to assessing students in the GenAI age. A key idea of dilemmatic space is that dilemmas are not ‘out there’ but constructions based on individuals’ priorities, knowledge and values. Therefore, studying what teachers perceive as ‘dilemmatic’ or...
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Although ceasefires have faced repeated challenges, there remains hope for an eventual end to the Russia-Ukraine war. The newly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, has hinted at a possible American withdrawal from the conflict. However, the reaction of the military-industrial complex remains to be seen. As the world continues to e...
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Recent data indicate that police officers often feel unprepared for the ambiguous and unpredictable situations they face. The Constraints-Led Approach (CLA) to training can make police training more realistic and effective, as well as enhance retention and transfer of core psychomotor skills. CLA-based training emphasizes active, hands-on training...
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Path planning for multi-robot systems in complex dynamic environments is a key issue in autonomous robotics research. In response to the challenges posed by such environments, this paper proposes a dual-layer symmetric path planning algorithm that integrates an improved Glasius bio-inspired neural network (GBNN) and an enhanced dynamic window appro...
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The composite service is a popular service paradigm, in which service providers from various fields establish cooperative relationships for capability complementarity and value co-creation. However, due to the complex dependences on service value-quality-capability among multiple participants, conflicts are inevitable. In the past, most researches...
Experiment Findings
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Anomaly in Haifa 50 hours before the earthquake in W. Xizang. I sympathize with the country and the people in connection with the severe earthquake and loss of life. I recommend asking the director of the enterprise Ertha Technologies Corp. and his assistant UN expert: why he did not conclude an agreement with you on the use of the method of short-...
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New government legislation is necessary to ensure full transparency of industry payments in the UK’s healthcare. A first step should involve challenging the industry-­ driven discourse that allows company payment disclosures to be inconsequential for managing conflicts of interest.
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Latin America has played a secondary role in international challenges to a unipolar world order in today’s space for influence in managing the critical challenges transnational security and conflict. This article relations with a focus on Latin America’s role in the relations between Latin America and the great global systemic configuration. So, it...
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The peace negotiations between the FARC‐EP and the Colombian government from 2013 to 2016 aimed to end years of violence, loss of life, destruction of infrastructure and social fragmentation. This study uses the synthetic control method to analyse the impact on Colombia's real GDP per capita growth, controlling for economic, demographic and institu...
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1. The Conguillío Statement on the alleged values and responsibilities of ecologists claims that ecosystems are intrinsically valuable. This is a common claim by ecologists and the authors of the Conguillío Statement probably view it as uncontroversial. 2. Ecologists want to invoke the concept of intrinsic value because it seems to cover more of na...
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This paper explores how philosophical accounts of the nature of persons and attributive responsibility can help us to make sense of the kinds of characteristic errors that people make in interpreting what is attributable to one another. I show how this gives us an important tool for understanding some important kinds of interpersonal conflict, with...
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ZET Ortadoğu coğrafyası stratejik önemi, üç semavi dinin merkezi olması ve çok kültürlü yapısıyla tarihin kaydettiği en önemli bölgelerden birisidir. Bu yönleriyle, Ortadoğu her tarihsel dönemde dünyanın tamamını ilgilendiren bir coğrafya olmuştur. Öyleki bu bölge, tarih boyunca krizlerin, çekişmelerin ve mücadelelerin hep var olduğu bir alan olmuş...
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In this paper, I argue an authoritative directive can be defeated (i.e., outweighed) by a reason it defeats (i.e., excludes), where it is rational to feel regret for failing to act as the directive demands. This is the case as, first, it is rational to feel regret when one fails to act on a binding reason, and a defeated reason is still binding unl...
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Care provided by family members is not always consistent with the principles of person-centred dementia care (PCDC) and interventions to improve the quality of care are needed. A good foundation for the development of such interventions is provided by an understanding of how good and poor care practices are manifested in everyday care, and of the c...
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Through a close textual analysis of Manju Bala's short story "Conflict" (2020), this research article intends to analyze the oppression imposed upon the Bengali Dalit women characters on the pretext of their caste-gender intersectional identity. The present paper also tries to decode the notions of Brahmanical patriarchy, traumatic realism, and phy...
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The role of education in empowering Yemeni refugees in Malaysia cannot be overstated. Despite the numerous challenges they face, education offers a pathway to a better future, enabling refugees to rebuild their lives, achieve economic stability, and integrate into their host communities. By investing in the education of Yemeni refugees, Malaysia ha...
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Recent studies suggest that online abuse directed at politicians can have negative effects on their public engagement and continued participation in politics. This article considers the broader consequences of such online abuse by testing whether exposure to online abuse of politicians also decreases the prospective political participation of ordin...
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We introduce a new scheme for solving the non-regularized Porous Medium Equation. It is mass conserving and uses only positive unknown values. To address these typically conflicting features, we employ the eXtreme Mesh deformation approach (X-Mesh), specifically designed for problems involving sharp interfaces. The method ensures that the interface...
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Advances in targeting technology have increasingly militarized intelligence agencies, positioning them at the forefront of unconventional conflicts such as counterterrorism. The National Intelligence Agency (MİT)'s role in counterterrorism can be studied within this context. Accordingly, this article aims to examine the underlying factors that have...
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Tuntutan untuk bisa mempublikasikan hasil penelitian pada jurnal bereputasi global merupakan kewajiban yang harus dihadapi oleh banyak peneliti dan dosen di berbagai universitas. Keberhasilan mereka dalam mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di jurnal yang bereputasi akan memberikan banyak keuntungan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Namun masalah...
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تتناول هذه الدراسة العلاقة بين الأمن البيئي والأمن القومي، مسلطة الضوء على تأثير تدهور الوضع البيئي الذي يؤثر سلبًا على القطاعات الأمنية الأخرى ويؤدي إلى نشوء تهديدات تمس أمن الدولة. تركز الدراسة بشكل خاص على الحالة الأفريقية، حيث تعاني العديد من دول القارة من تدهور بيئي حاد أدى إلى نشوب صراعات متعددة. وبالنظر إلى خطورة هذه الصراعات الناجمة عن انعد...
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La investigación analizó estrategias efectivas para la resolución de conflictos en estudiantes de bachillerato en la modalidad de educación inconclusa. Se utilizó un enfoque analítico, no experimental y transversal para examinar el fenómeno en su entorno natural, combinando métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos. El componente cualitativo abordó las...
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Evidence suggests that inadequate access to transportation services adversely affects labor market participation and healthcare accessibility for vulnerable populations in cities of the Global South.
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, Sporcuların presenteizm düzeylerinin çatışma yönetimlerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2024-2025 eğitim-öğretim yılı Üniversitelerarası spor müsabakalarına katılan 110 kadın 191 erkek toplam 301 sporcudan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın veri toplama kısmında araştırmacı tarafından düzenlenen “Kişisel Bilgi For...
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Team has been widely applied in various fields, in which the collaboration efficiency of a team is the main consideration under the constraints of skill requirements. In educational scenarios, an educational institution usually builds a team of students with different skills to attend a competition, in which team communication cost and team benefit...
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This article aims to explore and analyze Lenio Streck’s theory regarding judicial practice concepts, considering the figures of the judge as the mouth of the law and the law as per the judge’s mouth. The methodology employed involved a bibliographic research, sourcing theoretical grounding from articles and books essential to the study. In conclusi...
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Many real-world expensive industrial and engineering multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) are driven by historical, experimental, or simulation data. In such scenarios, due to the expensive cost and time required, we are only left with a small amount of labeled data to perform the optimization. These offline data-driven MOPs are usually sol...
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Higher education is considered one of the important institutions that contribute to providing other institutions with energies, expertise and efficiency due to its energies, human resources and various specializations. Therefore, it is considered the vital artery, which is what made it a subject of great interest. There are some challenges that mus...
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The purpose of this paper is to address conflicting results regarding a simple criterion that has been proposed as decisive in determining whether accounting for spiralling electron trajectories increases or decreases the widths of hydrogen lines in a parameter range relevant to the spectral lines of white dwarfs. We analyse the claims in detail an...
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For many complex industrial applications, traditional attribute reduction algorithms are often inefficient in obtaining optimal reducts that align with mechanistic analyses and practical production requirements. To solve this problem, we propose a recursive attribute reduction algorithm that calculates the optimal reduct. First, we present the noti...
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Reflection on work place safety and communication
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Higher education is considered one of the important institutions that contribute to providing other institutions with energies, expertise and efficiency due to its energies, human resources and various specializations. Therefore, it is considered the vital artery, which is what made it a subject of great interest. There are some challenges that mus...
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This article presents facts of real conflict situations between herders and specially protected big cats (Persian leopard and snow leopard) in Central Asia and reviews possible ways of solving this problem in Kazakhstan based on the example of foreign experience.
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The Iraqi development experience is an arena of conflict, in which the roles of self-motivations and external motives are exchanged to root the landmarks of underdevelopment or create elements of success, since according to the indicators of progress derived from global development experiences, the Iraqi economy was at a stagnant position, not...
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The Syrian conflict presents a pivotal opportunity for China to exhibit its readiness to assume a true global leadership role.
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Conservation tillage technology adoption has contributed significantly to sustainable agricultural development, but its effectiveness has been hindered by conflicts among governments, agribusinesses, and rural households. The collaboration among governments, agribusinesses, and rural households (GAR collaboration) is a significant institutional inn...
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Political polarization is embedded in the constitutional design. Sustained conflict and institutional gridlock are not mainly questions of character, personalities, or determined by socioeconomic or cultural inequalities. They are, above all, the result of the formula of separation of powers between the Presidency and Congress, which, together with...
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Domestic violence (DV) is a form of social deviation that violates norms in a family and society. Domestic violence is often triggered by emotional tension and interpersonal conflict, such as betrayal by a partner. This study aims to identify the motives of perpetrators of domestic violence and the factors that influence this criminal behavior. The...
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Large Language Models (LLMs) are prone to hallucination with non-factual or unfaithful statements, which undermines the applications in real-world scenarios. Recent researches focus on uncertainty-based hallucination detection, which utilizes the output probability of LLMs for uncertainty calculation and does not rely on external knowledge or frequ...
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This article examines the status of academic freedom in Hong Kong in light of the increasing securitization of higher education since the implementation of the National Security Law (NSL) in 2020. It provides an analytical framework to comprehend the changing landscape of academic freedom in Hong Kong, highlighting the impact of the NSL and the con...
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El pasaje comercial Hernández y su configuración como destino turístico emergente: usos patrimoniales, tensiones y conflictos A Passagem Comercial Hernandez e sua configuração como um destino turístico emergente: usos do patrimônio, tensões e conflitos The Hernandez commercial passage and its configuration as an emerging tourist destination: herita...
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Materials with multifunctionalities are essential for saving energy and conserving natural resources, but intrinsic multiple trade-offs among material properties often limit the development of next-generation multifunctional materials. This Perspective highlights the concept of hierarchical heterostructure with the potential to create unprecedented...
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This study explores the relationship between employees' demographic characteristics and the perception of work stress in the public sector, using the WSQ questionnaire. The analyzed stress dimensions include workplace influence, organizational conflicts, individual demands, and interference with free time. A sample of 62 respondents (aged 25 to 60)...
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As discussed earlier, the relationships between ruling families and tribes, and subsequently the relationships between the state and tribes, have transformed substantially and radically as a result of changes to the political economies of Qatar and Kuwait (Herb, 2014, pp. 61–62).
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Legal experts—lawyers, judges, and academics—typically resist changing their beliefs about what the law is or requires when they encounter disagreement from those committed to different jurisprudential or interpretive theories. William Baude and Ryan Doerfler are among the most prominent proponents of this view, holding it because fundamental diffe...
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Merging multiple expert models offers a promising approach for performing multi-task learning without accessing their original data. Existing methods attempt to alleviate task conflicts by sparsifying task vectors or promoting orthogonality among them. However, they overlook the fundamental requirement of model merging: ensuring the merged model pe...
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The Call of the wild and White Fang both are masterpieces of Jack London. The protagonists Buck and White Fang are the incarnation of Jack himself to some extent for the two novels reveal a great deal of the writer. This essay aims at psychoanalyzing Jack London’s creative process, the Oedipus complex and the confliction between his dreams what he...
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Tropical marine low cloud feedback is key to the uncertainty in climate sensitivity, and it depends on the warming pattern of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Here, we empirically constrain this feedback in two major low cloud regions, the tropical Pacific and Atlantic, using interannual variability. Low cloud sensitivities to local SST and to remo...
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Research about position Russia and the United States of America on settlement of Azerbaijan - Armenian conflict, which started from 1988. The research covers materials from beginning of conflict till beginning of 2000. This research was Master research in the Baku State University in 2001.
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The Russo-Ukrainian War, which escalated in 2014 and further intensified with Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, has profoundly impacted international relations, geopolitics, and regional stability. Scholarly investigations into this conflict span diverse domains, including historical antecedents, legal interpretations, economic repercu...
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The concept of shrinking bet size in Kelly betting to minimize estimated frequentist risk has recently been mooted. This rescaling appears to conflict with Bayesian decision theory through the likelihood principle and the complete class theorem; the Bayesian solution should already be optimal. We show theoretically and through examples that when th...
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The Russo-Ukrainian War, which escalated in 2014 and further intensified with Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, has profoundly impacted international relations, geopolitics, and regional stability. Scholarly investigations into this conflict span diverse domains, including historical antecedents, legal interpretations, economic repercu...
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Moral dilemmas often involve a conflict between action-options that maximize outcomes for the greater good (utilitarianism) and inaction-options that conform to moral norms (deontology). Previous research suggests that, compared to individuals, groups show stronger support for outcome-maximizing actions that violate moral norms. The current study u...
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Nosotros, los modernos, percibimos el espacio como infinito, estático y tridimensional, y el tiempo como móvil, unidimensional y uniforme. El pensamiento occidental imagina este último como la agrupación en segmentos que marcan un pasado, un presente y un futuro, siendo esta lectura cronológica la que ordena y estructura la vida. En este pensamient...
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The research carried out in this paper connects land, as a non-renewable and necessary resource, with land consolidation, whose primary task is the arrangement of the land territory, with the aim of determining the extent to which land consolidation projects affect the land itself, as well as to assess the impact of land consolidation to sustainabl...
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‘Getting to Yes’ in Complex Negotiations: Strategies for Resolving Conflicts and Achieving Win-Wins Re-Published article to refine/ refocus the article for practitioners use. Keywords: • Complex negotiations • Procurement negotiation strategies • Conflict resolution in business • Negotiation power strategies • Effective supplier negotiations Sin...
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Public procurement emerges as an instrument to promote sustainability and innovation, facilitating the implementation of policy goals. Adaptive procurement leverages sustainable innovation available in the market. Developmental procurement creates demand for solutions that do not exist yet but need to be developed first. Real-world applications fro...
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This chapter provides a detailed introduction and overview of the contents and structure of the book, which aims to elucidate how Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) approached security cooperation over the period from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s, when a new order was emerging. The focal point of the volume is the Japan-ROK security relations...
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The Russo-Ukrainian War, which escalated in 2014 and further intensified with Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, has profoundly impacted international relations, geopolitics, and regional stability. Scholarly investigations into this conflict span diverse domains, including historical antecedents, legal interpretations, economic repercu...
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Unfortunately, the fixation of prices for essential commodities by the government has brought little relief to consumers, as these items cannot be purchased at government-fixed prices anywhere in the markets. The modern market management give priority to the market competition to fix the fair price rather than government authorities. The policies o...
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Conflict resolution is a universal phenomenon and an inseparable part of our life. After the tragic incident of September 11, conflict resolution has gained high profile attention through worldwide. The main purpose of this study was to determine the role of spirituality in conflict resolution and positive attributes of life among university studen...
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The Russo-Ukrainian War, which escalated in 2014 and further intensified with Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, has profoundly impacted international relations, geopolitics, and regional stability. Scholarly investigations into this conflict span diverse domains, including historical antecedents, legal interpretations, economic repercu...
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Different human diseases have been associated with specific blood groups. Numerous studies have promulgated their findings regarding the probable onset of various cancers based on the type of ABO blood group. However, the findings have been conflicting. This review primarily aims to summarize research findings from around the world to investigate t...
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The problem of borders/boundaries in art history, both ancient and modern, recurs in various guises and meanings. A border as a dividing line, structuring political, national or regional geography, is often an object of conflict that translates into both artistic practices and discourses that attempt to systematize and qualify art created in a give...
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Rad polazi od osnovnih postulata jugoslavenskoga modela socijalizma, konstituiranih nakon razlaza sa Sovjetskim Savezom kao jedinim uzorom u izgradnji revolucionarnoga poretka. U procesu kreiranja samoupravnoga socijalizma u jugoslavenskom vrhu bile su jasno naznačene ideološke kontradikcije i borba dviju orijentacija. Duboka koncepcijska razilažen...
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Compliance with government regulations and religious fatwas is essential to ensure the legality and safety of the hajj pilgrimage. However, performing hajj without a taṣrīh (official visa) has become a significant issue, particularly for Indonesian pilgrims with long waiting periods for official visas. This study examines the perspectives of religi...
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This research to explore the management and Islamic leadership at the KH Ahmad Dahlan Sipirok Islamic Boarding School. Using a qualitative approach, this research identifies various challenges faced in implementing effective management and leadership based on Islamic values. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observat...