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Condensed Matter Physics - Science topic

Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter.
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Publications related to Condensed Matter Physics (10,000)
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The importance of the structure-function relationship in molecular biology was confirmed dramatically by the recent award of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ‘for computational protein design’ and ‘for protein structure prediction’. The relationship is also important in chemistry and condensed matter physics, and we survey here structural concepts...
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The discovery of nontrivial topology in quantum critical states has introduced a new paradigm for classifying quantum phase transitions and challenges the conventional belief that topological phases are typically associated with a bulk energy gap. However, realizing and characterizing such topologically nontrivial quantum critical states with large...
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Spin-orbit coupling and quantum geometry are fundamental aspects in modern condensed matter physics, with their primary manifestations in momentum space being spin textures and Berry curvature. In this work, we investigate their interplay with high-harmonic generation (HHG) in two-dimensional non-centrosymmetric materials, with an emphasis on even-...
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A bstract We explore the holographic time-like entanglement entropy (TEE) in the boundary theory of three-dimensional Lifshitz spacetime. There have been various holographic proposals for TEE in recent years and we test those proposals in the Lifshitz background. We obtain the analytic result for TEE in each proposal, compare the results, and analy...
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Realizing the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) at high temperatures remains a significant challenge in condensed matter physics. MnBi 2 Te 4 , an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator, presents a promising platform for QAHE. However, its inherent interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling hinders practical realization at high temperatures. In thi...
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The Josephson diode effect (JDE), characterized by asymmetric critical currents in a Josephson junction, has drawn considerable attention in the field of condensed matter physics. We investigate the conditions under which JDE can manifest in a one-dimensional Josephson junction composed of a spin–orbit-coupled quantum wire with an applied Zeeman fi...
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Topology is fundamental to condensed matter physics, underlying phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect in its various forms, protected surface states and spin-valley locking. Central to this is the Berry curvature, a measure of the geometric properties of Bloch wavefunctions in crystals. Despite its established connections to space inversion and...
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Introducing low-energy effective Hamiltonians is usual to grasp most correlations in quantum many-body problems. For instance, such effective Hamiltonians can be treated at the mean-field level to reproduce some physical properties of interest. Employing effective Hamiltonians that contain many-body correlations renders the use of perturba-tive man...
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The condensed matter analogs are useful for consideration of the phenomena related to the quantum vacuum. This is because in condensed matter we know physics both in the infrared and in the ultraviolet limits, while in particle physics and gravity the physics at trans-Planckian scale is unknown. One of the corner stones of the connections between t...
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In this study, we utilize information theory tools to investigate notable features of the quantum degree of mixedness (Cf) in a finite model of N interacting fermions. This model serves as a simplified proxy for an atomic nucleus, capturing its essential features in a more manageable form compared to a realistic nuclear model, which would require t...
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In this essay we present a brief critical scrutiny of some popular theoretical models developed by the scientific community within the framework of Fundamental Physics. These models develop the hypothesis that it is possible that current physical laws can be derived or emerge from much more fundamental physical entities than those studied to date,...
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This paper explores the extension of Mirror Symmetry, a profound duality in classical geometry, into the realm of Noncommutative Geometry (NCG) using the framework of computational complexity and the complexity operator Ĉ. By replacing commutative algebras of functions with noncommutative operator algebras, we develop a framework that unifies both...
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The magnetoelectric (ME) effect is a fundamental concept in modern condensed matter physics and represents the electrical control of magnetic polarisations or vice versa. Two-dimensional (2D) van-der-Waals (vdW) magnets have emerged as a new class of materials and exhibit novel ME effects with diverse manifestations. This review emphasizes some imp...
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A bstract We investigate the bulk reconstruction of AdS black hole spacetime emergent from quantum entanglement within a machine learning framework. Utilizing neural ordinary differential equations alongside Monte-Carlo integration, we develop a method tailored for continuous training functions to extract the general isotropic bulk metric from enta...
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Tellegen medium has long been a topic of debate, with its existence being contested over several decades. It was first proposed by Tellegen in 1948 and is characterized by a real-valued cross coupling between electric and magnetic responses, distinguishing it from the well-known chiral medium that has imaginary coupling coefficients. Significantly,...
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The understanding of phenomena falling outside the Ginzburg-Landau paradigm of phase transitions represents a key challenge in condensed matter physics. A famous class of examples is constituted by the putative deconfined quantum critical points between two symmetry-broken phases in layered quantum magnets, such as pressurised SrCu2(BO3)2. Experime...
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The Hatano–Nelson model is a cornerstone of non‐Hermitian physics, describing asymmetric hopping dynamics on a 1D lattice, which gives rise to fascinating phenomena such as directional transport, non‐Hermitian topology, and the non‐Hermitian skin effect. It has been widely studied in both classical and quantum systems, with applications in condense...
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Classification of quantum phases is one of the most important areas of research in condensed matter physics. In this work, we obtain the phase diagram of one-dimensional quasiperiodic models via unsupervised learning. Firstly, we choose two advanced unsupervised learning algorithms, namely, density-based spatial clustering of applications with nois...
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In a recent Comment (arXiv:2411.10522, Nat Rev Phys 7, 2 (2025)), fifteen prominent leaders in the field of condensed matter physics declare that hydride superconductivity is real and urge funding agencies to continue to support the field. I question the validity and constructiveness of their argument.
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Almost a century on from the culmination of the first revolution in quantum physics, we are poised for another. Even as we engage in the creation of impactful quantum technologies, it is imperative for us to face the challenges in understanding the phenomenology of various emergent forms of quantum matter. This will involve building on decades of p...
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The field of topological phases has captivated the condensed matter physics (CMP) community with its unique blend of theoretical elegance and practical relevance. The defining characteristic of the most celebrated topological insulator (TI) phase is their insulating bulk paired with a conductive surface; a property stemming from the non-trivial top...
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Molecular dynamics simulation is being widely applied in condensed matter physics, rather Monte Carlo simulation, whenever the dynamic properties are of much interest. Particulary of equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena, transport phenomena, diffusivity, specific heat and phase transitions etc. Therefore, we have used this method, in order to...
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RMn6Sn6 (R = rare-earth) kagome magnets have been one of the research focuses in condensed matter physics, primarily due to their exotic physical properties rooted in the interplay between magnetism and nontrivial topological band structures. We reported herein the crystal growth of Cr substituted DyMn4Cr2Sn6 and investigations on their magnetotran...
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Superconductivity and exciton condensation are fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics, associated with the condensation of electron–electron and electron–hole pairs, respectively, into coherent quantum states. In this study, we present evidence of a superconductor to exciton condensate transition within the context of the three-band Hubb...
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A bstract We study an explicit formula for the thermodynamic potential of the AdS dyonic black brane solution with an axio-dilaton hair, which was discovered in an extension of the (3 + 1)d Gubser-Rocha model enjoying S-duality. From the thermodynamic potential, we can compute the magnetization and the magnetic susceptibilities of the dyonic soluti...
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Many-body ground states of imbalanced Fermi gas have been studied both theoretically and experimentally for several decades because of their fundamental significance in condensed matter physics, cold atom physics and nuclear physics. The Sarma state, a gapless spin-polarized superfluid, is one of those long sought-after exotic ground states of spin...
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Research into the atomic structures of metal materials in the liquid state, their dynamic evolution versus temperature until the onset of crystal nucleation has been a central research topic in condensed matter physics and materials science for well over a century. However, research and basic understanding of the atomic structures of liquid metals...
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A bstract We first study a non-relativistic field theory model for the Kondo lattice by introducing the Kondo condensation, whose main effect is the hybridization of the flat band of the localized electron with dispersive one of the itinerant electron. The problem here is that the resulting Kondo condensation arises only in strong coupling where th...
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Researchers at Stanford University in the USA identified the world's Top 2% of Scientists based on data from the Scopus database. This study recognized leading scientists across various sub-fields, ranking them by the sm-subfield-1 (ns) indicator. A total of 174 distinguished scientists from 25 countries were highlighted, with a notable concentrati...
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We consider entropy generating flows for fluids that achieve a steady state in the presence of a driving electric field. Having chosen one among the space of stationarity constraints that define such flows we show how energy and momentum relaxation are related in the presence of dissipation. Furthermore, we find that if such a fluid obeys Onsager r...
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A bstract Semi-holography, originally proposed as a model for conducting lattice electrons coupled to a holographic critical sector, leads to an effective theory of non-Fermi liquids with only a few relevant interactions on the Fermi surface in the large N limit. A refined version of such theories has only two effective couplings, which give hologr...
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Deep learning-based generative models have emerged as powerful tools for modeling complex data distributions and generating high-fidelity samples, offering a transformative approach to efficiently explore the configuration space of crystalline materials. In this work, we present CrystalFlow, a flow-based generative model specifically developed for...
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The generalized Langevin equation (GLE) for a tagged particle in a liquid of charged particles under the influence of external AC electric fields is studied. For the fractional memory kernel in the GLE, the mean square displacement (MSD) of the particle is studied analytically in both the underdamped and overdamped regimes. The MSD consists of a pa...
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Understanding quantum materials—solids in which interactions among constituent electrons yield a great variety of novel emergent quantum phenomena—is a forefront challenge in modern condensed matter physics. This goal has driven the invention and refinement of several experimental methods, which can spectroscopically determine the elementary excita...
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The search of 2D magnetic materials with quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect is a fascinating topic in the field of condensed matter physics, which holds great promise for topological quantum computing. This work proposes that Kagome‐Honeycomb‐Triangle lattice Cr3O4Cl monolayer represents a class of ferromagnetic Weyl half‐metal with high Curie tem...
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Chiral anomaly (CA), a hallmark of Weyl fermions, has emerged as a cornerstone of condensed matter physics following the discovery of Weyl semimetals. While the anomaly in pseudospin-1/2 (Weyl) systems is well-established, its extension to higher-pseudospin fermions remains a frontier with critical implications for transport phenomena in materials...
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Molybdenum diphosphide (MoP2), a topological semimetal, possesses distinctive properties and applications in catalysis, energy storage, and condensed matter physics. However, synthesizing high‐purity MoP2 is complex and often results in undesired stoichiometric by‐products. Additionally, the intrinsic orthorhombic crystal structure makes it difficu...
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A bstract We generalize the potential reconstruction method to set up a dynamical Einstein-Born-Infeld-dilaton model, which we then use to study holographic quarkonium melting in an external magnetic field. The non-linear nature of the model allows to couple the magnetic field to the quarkonium inner structure without having to introduce back-react...
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Magnetic monopoles, first posited by Paul Dirac in 1931, are hypothetical particles that carry a single magnetic charge, unlike ordinary dipoles which have both a north and south pole. These particles would introduce a striking symmetry to Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and could provide a compelling explanation for the quantization of ele...
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Almost a century on from the culmination of the first revolution in quantum physics, we are poised for another. Even as we engage in the creation of impactful quantum technologies, it is imperative for us to face the challenges in understanding the phenomenology of various emergent forms of quantum matter. This will involve building on decades of p...
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Charge density wave (CDW) is a widely concerned emergent phenomenon in condensed matter physics. To establish a systematic understanding of CDW, we develop a diagrammatic self-consistent-field approach for cubic Holstein model employing fluctuation exchange approximation, and explore the emergence and transition of three-dimensional CDWs. Commensur...
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The nonlinear Gross–Pitaevskii equation, in the sense of the conformable derivative, is typically derived within the framework of the second quantization formalism, which often goes beyond typical undergraduate curricula. It is a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic nonlinearity and has various physical applications, such as in water waves and...
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Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) provides a tunable platform to study emergent properties that are absent in single-layer graphene by the van der Waals (vdW) interlayer interaction. The vdW interlayer interaction can also lead to notable lattice reconstruction at the interface, promoting interlayer commensurability while minimizing intralayer lattice...
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The interplay between superconductivity and magnetism is an important subject in condensed matter physics. EuFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$-based iron pnictides could offer an interesting plateau to study their relationship that has attracted considerable attention. So far, two magnetic phase transitions were observed in EuFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$-based crystal, which w...
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The electronic, optical properties and stability of Na 2 SrX (Si and Ge) full Heusler alloys have been investigated under hydrostatic pressure. According to our calculations, the studied compounds are mechanically stable and can be synthesized experimentally. The electronic band structure and the density of states calculations showed that Na 2 SrSi...
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Charge density waves (CDWs), as a hallmark of strongly correlated electronic systems in low-dimensional materials, exhibit collective quantum phenomena that enable phase-coherent electronic manipulation. In this work, we demonstrate a reconfigurable logic system based on CDW-driven phase transitions, tailored for terahertz optoelectronic applicatio...
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The Lenz-Ising model of ferromagnetism is of great interest in statistical and condensed matter physics, because it is one of the simplest models that exhibits a magnetic phase transition. Famous formulations of the Ising problem include the Spherical Models for nearest-neighbour and long-range interactions, proposed by [T. H. Berlin & M. Kac 1952]...
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Intertwined discrete spacetime translational symmetry (IDSTTS) is characterized by combined temporal and spatial translations, and cannot be decomposed into a direct product of spatial and temporal symmetries. We investigate the spontaneous symmetry breaking of IDSTTS in a driven-dissipative interacting spin system. The resulting nonmagnetic phase...
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Observing the amplitude-Higgs mode in superconductors has been a central challenge in condensed matter physics. Unlike the phase mode in the electromagnetic (EM) response, the amplitude mode is not needed to satisfy gauge invariance. Indeed, it couples to linear EM response properties only in special superconductors that are associated with a pairi...
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We start presenting an overview on recent applications of linear polymers and networks in condensed matter physics, chemistry and biology by briefly discussing selected papers (published within 2022–2024) in some detail. They are organized into three main subsections: polymers in physics (further subdivided into simulations of coarse-grained models...
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Superconductivity had been one of the most enigmatic phenomena in condensed matter physics, puzzling the best theorists for 45 years, since the original discovery by Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1911 till the final solution by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS) in 1957. The original BCS proposal assumed the highest-symmetry form for the superconducting o...
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The calculation of the interfacial free energy between two thermodynamic phases is crucial across various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics. In this study, we apply an existing thermodynamic approach, the Gibbs–Cahn integration method, to determine the interfacial free energy under different coexistence co...
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Altermagnets (AM) are a recently discovered third class of collinear magnets, and have been attracting significant interest in the field of condensed matter physics. Here, based on first-principles calculations and theoretical analysis, we propose four two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials--monolayer V$_2$Te$_2$O, V$_2$STeO, V$_2$SSeO, and V$_2$S...
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Recently, the emergence of topological electride catalysts has attracted significant attention in the fields of condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science. In this study, we found that electride Hf2Se exhibits various types of topological quantum states under the constraint of symmetric operations, particularly the Weyl point (WP) l...
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A bstract We study a holographic model in which the striped structure of charge density is spontaneously formed over an ionic lattice which breaks the translational symmetry explicitly. The effect of commensurate lock-in between the spontaneous stripes and the ionic lattice is observed when the lattice amplitude is large enough. We investigate the...
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Quantum simulation is emerging as a transformative tool that enables scientists to study quantum systems that are otherwise too complex for classical computers. By leveraging the unique properties of quantum computers-such as superposition and entanglement-researchers are able to explore a range of phenomena in fields like condensed matter physics,...
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A bstract We conduct an exhaustive study of the interior geometry of a family of asymptotically AdS d +1 hairy black holes in an analytically controllable setup. The black holes are exact solutions to an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory and include the well-known Gubser-Rocha model. After reviewing the setup, we scrutinize the geometry beyond the ho...
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One of the most wanted features of holography in its condensed matter physics application is to encode the structure of lattice, which is the most direct data of the material. In this paper, we propose a method to encode the lattice structure by embedding the tight binding data into the Dirac equation in the anti–de Sitter bulk. We explicitly worke...
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Altermagnets (AM) are a recently discovered third class of collinear magnets and have been attracting significant interest in the field of condensed matter physics. Here, based on first-principles calculations and theoretical analysis, we propose four two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials—monolayers V2Te2O, V2STeO, V2SSeO, and V2S2O—as candidates...
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Unconventional high‐temperature superconductivity has long been a captivating puzzle in condensed matter physics. The 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics celebrated the discovery of high‐temperature superconductivity in copper oxide ceramics. Nearly four decades later, a broad class of high‐temperature superconducting oxides has yet to be demonstrated, and...
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As an important effect induced by the particle-lattice interaction, the Peierls transition, a hot topic in condensed matter physics, is usually believed to occur in the one-dimensional fermionic systems. We here study a bosonic version of the one-dimensional Ising-Kondo lattice model, which describes itinerant bosons interact with the localized mag...
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Estimating many-body effects that deviate from an independent particle approach has long been a key research interest in condensed matter physics. Layered cuprates are prototypical systems, where electron-electron interactions are found to strongly affect the dynamics of single-particle excitations. It is, however, still unclear how the electron co...
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Entanglement fluctuations associated with Schr\"{o}dinger evolution of wavefunctions offer a unique perspective on various fundamental issues ranging from quantum thermalization to state preparation in quantum devices. Very recently, a subset of present authors have shown that in a class of free-fermion lattice models and interacting spin chains, e...
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In this study, we introduce an efficient analysis of a new equation, termed the time-fractional q -deformed tanh-Gordon equation (TGE), which is the fractional form of the q -deformed TGE that was recently introduced by Ali and Alharbi. This equation represents a significant advancement in the field of mathematical physics, which is due to its appl...
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The Casimir effect, a manifestation of quantum vacuum fluctuations, has found profound implications in diverse systems, including condensed matter physics. This paper explores the Casimir effect in chiral density waves (CDWs), where the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry gives rise to unique density modulations. We derive the Casimir force in...
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A bstract The holographic superconductor is the holographic dual of superconductors. We recently identified the dual Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory for a class of bulk 5-dimensional holographic superconductors (arXiv:2207.07182 [hep-th]). However, the result is the strong coupling limit or the large- N c limit. A natural question is how the dual GL th...
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This study investigates quantum information scrambling (QIS) in a semiconductor quantum dot array. Starting with the 1D Transverse Field Ising model, we expand to more relevant quasi-2D frameworks such as the Heisenberg chain, super-extended Fermi–Hubbard (FH) and hardcore FH models. Assessing their relevance to semiconductor spin-qubit quantum com...
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We propose a generalization of the theory of magnetic Skyrmions in chiral magnets in two dimensions to a higher-dimensional theory with magnetic Skyrmions in three dimensions and an $S^3$ target space, requiring a 4-dimensional magnetization vector. A physical realization of our theory necessitates the use of a synthetic dimension, recently promote...
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We report the discovery of ultra-flatbands in twisted penta-hexa-carbon boron (PH-CB) bilayers, a finding with profound implications for condensed matter physics. Using first-principles calculations, we show that PH-CB bilayers exhibit an exceptionally narrow bandwidth of 0.13 meV at a distortion angle of 9.6°, indicating the robust electron correl...
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The discovery of topological phases of matter and topological boundary states had tremendous impact on condensed matter physics and photonics, where topological phases are defined via energy bands, giving rise to topological band theory. However, topological systems that cannot be described by band topology but still support non-trivial boundary st...
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The impact of dynamic processes on equilibrium properties is a fundamental issue in condensed matter physics. This study investigates the intrinsic ferromagnetism generated by memory effects in the low-dimensional continuous symmetry Landau–Ginzburg model, demonstrating how memory effects can suppress fluctuations and stabilize long-range magnetic...
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The control of low frequency collective modes in solids by light presents important challenges and opportunities for condensed matter physics. We propose a method to parametrically drive low THz range collective modes in an interacting many body system using Floquet driving at optical frequencies with a modulated amplitude. We demonstrate that it c...