Science topics: Computer Science
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Computer Science - Science topic
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Questions related to Computer Science
Dear colleagues,
I would like to announce that we have started a Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in the IJIMAI journal. Publication in IJIMAI is peer reviewed, open access and free of charge.
Additionally, is was recently announced that IJIMAI is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics) beginning with vol. 4(3) March 2017. The journal will be listed in the 2019 Journal Citation Reports with a 2019 Journal Impact Factor when released in June 2020.
If you are working on interesting Blockchain and AI synergies, I would like to invite you to contribute to this SI.
Please, find all the info in the SI dossier:
Research Proposal Special Issue Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain (Intern...
Shall you contribute a paper, please submit it through email to either editor.
Best regards.
Computational topology of solitons
The well-established research area of algebraic topology currently goes interdisciplinary with computer science in many directions. The Topological Data Analysis gives new opportunities in visualization for modeling and special mapping. A study on metrics used or simplicial complexes are reliable for future results in the area of mathematics.
Today, the machine learning from one side is a tool for the analysis in topology optimization, topological persistence and optimal homology problems, from other side the topological features in machine learning are new area of research, topological layers in neural networks, topological autoencoders, and topological analysis for the evaluation of generative adversarial networks are in general aspects of topology machine learning.
On practical point of view, the results in this area are important for solitary-like waves research, biomedical Image analysis, neuroscience, physics and many others.
That gives us opportunity to establish and scale up an interdisciplinary team of researchers to apply for funding for fundamental science research in interdisciplinary field.
More Info:
Hello fellow researchers and devs. First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in this discussion.
Based on your experience of programming with Python, which IDE do you currently prefer for programming with Python?
In my case and after testing other IDE's for Python like VScode, right now I am using a lot of the Spyder IDE for Python 3, mostly for its quick feedback at the time of experimentation and amazing collaborative github community.
So I would like to know your preferred Python IDE.
How do you see advancements in computer science impacting society in the next decade?
会议征稿:第四届电子信息工程与数据处理国际学术会议(EIEDP 2025)
Call for papers: 2025 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Data Processing(EIEDP 2025) will be held on January 17-19, 2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Conference website(English):
提交检索:EI Compendex, Scopus
第四届电子信息工程与数据处理国际学术会议(EIEDP 2025)将于2025年1月17-19日在马来西亚首都吉隆坡举办。EIEDP 2025聚焦于电子信息技术的最新进展、大数据处理的创新方法、人工智能应用的深入探索、以及物联网技术的前沿趋势,旨在为全球电子信息工程与数据处理领域的专业人士搭建一个高端交流平台。会议将汇集来自世界各地的顶尖学者、行业领导者、研究人员与工程师,共同分享研究成果、交流实践经验、探讨未来挑战与机遇。会议特色拟定包括主题演讲、分论坛报告、以及口头和海报展示,为参会者提供全方位、深层次的学术交流体验。我们特别邀请了多位国际知名专家进行特邀报告,分享他们在各自研究领域的深刻洞察与独到见解。
1. 计算机科学
2. 电子信息工程
3. 数据处理
EIEDP 2025所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,会议所录用论文将以论文集的形式交由SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (ISSN: 0277-786X)出版,出版后提交 EI Compendex, Scopus检索。

Within a specific problem, without the whole picture?
Looking for researchers from computer science, who posee index H >10, for write papers for Journal Q2 or superior.
Hi everyone,
I am currently seeking ideas for a research topic to pursue for my PhD in Computer Science. I am open to suggestions across other exciting and emerging areas within the field.
If you have any recommendations or if you are working on projects that could use collaboration, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Looking forward to connecting with you all and exploring potential research opportunities.
Looking for research collaboration for edited book and other kind of publication
Domain computer science preferably Image Processing
I’m planning to apply for an MSc in Computer Science with a specialization in Secure and Reliable Systems at ETH Zurich. For this, I aim to develop a robust Master’s thesis proposal. As a foundation, I want to create a Bachelor’s thesis focused on cutting-edge cryptographic technologies, particularly Zero Knowledge Proofs, Multi-Party Computation, and blockchain.
I’m reaching out to fellow researchers for potential research questions and ideas on how to extend a Bachelor’s thesis into a solid Master’s thesis proposal. Your insights and experiences would be invaluable in shaping my research direction!
#Cryptography #ZeroKnowledgeProofs #MultiPartyComputation #Blockchain #SecureSystems #ResearchIdeas #ETHZurich #ThesisProposal
I am reaching out to express my interest in potential research collaboration opportunities in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. I am willing to cover any Article Processing Charges (APCs) associated with collaborative research work, as I understand the importance of facilitating such partnerships. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss potential collaboration ideas further. Please let me know if you would be interested in exploring this possibility or if you have any ongoing projects where my involvement could be beneficial.
I was asked to reflect upon do's and don'ts for industrial guest lectures in computer science courses. Who has already included such guest lectures in their courses or given such guest lectures (I have organised this at several occasions with success). What worked well for you, what didn't. All input is useful (even negative input).
Last year I studied a course on Computer Systems Architecture/Organization. During a lecture, I learned about data hazards and one of the common solutions to them: Reordering the instructions. Modern processors solve this using OOE, but since this is integrated into the processor, it increases chip size, power consumption, and thermal efficiency. So I thought "What if we had an AI-driven processor which does that for the CPU?"
Does anyone know if this has already been successfully researched or implemented? I would greatly appreciate any insightful comments.
Currently working on e-voting using cryptographic Techniques. I Would like to implement RSA and also to know how SHA works technically with RSA.
I have been seeing and following a lot of work on these topics, it even seems that there are more results on them than on the corresponding classical topics, particularly on general topology.
What could be the cause of such results?
I'm curious to get the community's thoughts on where educational technology should be classified - under the field of computer science or under the field of education?
There are arguments that could be made for both perspectives. Educational technology involves the use of digital tools, software, and computing principles to enhance teaching and learning. This could suggest it falls more under the domain of computer science.
However, educational technology is ultimately focused on improving educational outcomes and the learning experience. The primary goal is not technology for its own sake, but rather using technology as a means to enhance pedagogy and support student learning. This points more towards education as the primary field.
I'm interested to hear how researchers and practitioners in this area view the classification of educational technology. Should it be considered a subfield of computer science, a subfield of education, or perhaps its own distinct interdisciplinary field? What are the implications of how it is classified?
I look forward to an engaging discussion on this topic. Please share your thoughts and perspectives.
I am applying for a research grant in Computer Science and particularly in AI and decision support. I am looking for a collaborations with a senior faculty from UK or any other as far as the university is one of top 200 university.
Please let me if you are interested.
i have joined as research scholar in computer science. i would like to do my PhD work in NLP domain. Please suggest some of the research topic related to NLP
What’s the most common programming paradigm of no-code platforms? Why?
Hello, I am looking out for Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science with short review time and short time to publish after acceptance (with / without APC). Please mention the journals that you find suitable as per the stated requirements. Thanks in advance.
Please suggest me IEEE SCI journal for computer science with fast publication and low impact factor.
2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS 2024) will be held on September 27-29, 2024 in Yanji, China.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Electronic Information Engineering
· Signal processing
· Wireless network
· Information system
· Next generation mobile communication technology
· Internet of things
◕ Computer Science
· Computer system
· Artificial intelligence
· Machine learning and deep learning
· Pattern recognition
· Computer vision and graphics
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Registration Deadline: August 30, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: August 30, 2024
Conference Dates: September 27-29, 2024
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

I'm currently seeking postdoctoral research opportunities in multidisciplinary areas within Computer Science, with an interest in both academic and industry settings. My research interests include advanced cloud-based data management for smart buildings, NLP for low-resource languages like Amharic, AI and machine learning, data science and big data, human-computer interaction, and robotics. I'm open to discussing potential opportunities and collaborations in these fields. Please feel free to contact me if you are aware of any suitable positions.
Q3- or - Q4 journal (SCOPUS Indexed Journals &WOS) fast publish (computer science) ?
Can we apply the theoretical computer science for proofs of theorems in Math?
会议征稿:2024年计算机与信息安全国际会议 (WCCIS 2024)
Call for papers: Organized by Universiti Malaya, 2024 World Conference of Computer and Information Security(WCCIS 2024) will be held on 20-22 September 2024 in Malaysia.
Conference website(English):
大会地点:吉隆坡,马来西亚 | 中国郑州 双会场
收录类型:EI Compendex、Scopus
由马来亚大学主办,2024年计算机与信息安全国际会议 (WCCIS 2024) 将于2024年9月20-22日召开。会议将设置中国/马来西亚双会场。中国会场将在郑州举行;马来西亚会场将在吉隆坡召开。会议旨在为从事计算机与信息安全的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核之后,最终所录用的论文将由全球知名的科技出版社380220803174252410.png斯普林格旗下的Springer-LNICST(Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), ISSN: 1867-822X 出版,出版后提交至EI Compendex,Scopus检索。
4、听众参会(无投稿):出席并参加这次会议, 并可全程旁听会议所有展示与报告。

Why specifically does Wolfram Matematica theorize reality is discrete in nature?
Maybe because reality is too unpredictable to be continuous. Plus, discrete data suggests either every entity is unique or simply too different for perfect predictions.
会议征稿:第四届电子信息工程与计算机科学国际会议(EIECS 2024)
Call for papers: 2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS 2024) will be held on September 27–29, 2024, in Yanji, China.
收录检索:EI Compendex,Scopus
2024年第四届电子信息工程与计算机科学国际会议(EIECS 2024)将于2024年9月27日至29日在中国延吉举行。会议由长春理工大学、延边大学主办,长春理工大学电子信息工程学院、长春理工大学计算机学院、长春理工大学人工智能学院、延边大学工学院承办,多所高校共同协办。此次会议将聚焦电子信息工程与计算机科学的国际研究和关键应用领域,围绕智能社会创新发展的主题,开展高水平的学术交流和最新成果展示,搭建国际协同创新平台。诚邀各位作者向EIECS 2024提交您的最新研究论文,并与来自世界各地的其他顶尖科学家、工程师和学者分享最新研究成果和宝贵经验。
Track I:电子信息工程
(通信、网络、信号和图像处理、计算机科学与工程 、大规模集成电路、系统与控制、电子能源系统、光子学与光学、电磁学、计算机结构、嵌入式软件、微机电系统等)
Track II:计算机科学
Track III:控制科学与工程

Why does information theory explain aging, evolution vs creationism, critical rationalism, computer programming and much more?
Perhaps information has a very open definition thus, is very robust.
Since most anti-aging experimenting is humanely on mice, how about a machine to automatically draw equivalence between the human and mouse body?
I have to select my MS Computer Science Thesis topic relating to the field of Machine Learning. Can any one guide me topic of my research?
Correcting cellular growth errors.
Hello everyone,
I am reaching out to express my interest in potential research collaboration opportunities in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. I am willing to cover any Article Processing Charges (APCs) associated with collaborative research work, as I understand the importance of facilitating such partnerships. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss potential collaboration ideas further. Please let me know if you would be interested in exploring this possibility or if you have any ongoing projects where my involvement could be beneficial.
Best regards,
Jawad Khan Ph.D | Assistant Professor
School of Computing, Gachon University, Republic of Korea jawad-khan-56808762/
Updated information of my thoughts and activities.
This is meant to be a one-way blog, albeit you can contribute with your recommendations and comments.
My expertise in computer science is exclusively in data mining and medical datasets.
I am interested in working in a research group remotely and without salary (only for conducting research and writing articles).
Is anyone interested in having me in their research group?
I built an AI powered tool that gives you a detailed PDF report on your manuscript to improve your chances of publication.
The report includes:
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Quantitative scoring for each section
- Actionable recommendations with examples
It's $1 per upload to cover costs. The first 20 users can use discount code "FREE" to try it out now.
Would love to hear any feedback and thoughts -
Recently, I spent a significant amount of time developing a new model, but its accuracy is lower than some existing models. My model's accuracy is above 90%, while some existing models achieve 95-96% accuracy. Is this work still publishable? If so, why? Additionally, how should I handle the recent work and model comparison part?
I would appreciate any insights or guidance on this matter.
Thank you.
Dear Researchers,
I hope this message finds you well. I am conducting PhD research in Computer Science on fetal heart rate analysis.
I am encountering difficulties in importing and using the CTU-UHB dataset (.dat files) in Python. Could you please provide guidance or a file to help me properly utilize this dataset? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and support.
Artificial intelligence (AI) 's pervasive influence in diverse sectors, including AI components in various computer science subjects, is beneficial, but blending those applications is also crucial. Specialities include programming, databases, human-computer interaction, analysis techniques, and algorithm design.
I am interested in exploring the following:
- Benefits: How can integrating AI into computer science subjects enhance students' interdisciplinary skills and practical application knowledge?
- Implementation: What are the best practices for integrating AI topics across various computer science courses? Are there any successful case studies or examples from universities that have implemented such changes?
- Challenges: What challenges might educators face when integrating AI into existing curricula, and how can they be addressed?
I would greatly appreciate any insights, research papers, case studies, or personal experiences related to integrating AI into computer science education. Thank you!
Currently, AI is being applied in many areas of society, in its economic, social, educational, and many other components.
But normally the current applications of computer science are combinations of different specialties: programming, databases, use of interfaces, analysis techniques and algorithm design, etc.
Would it be convenient to include AI elements in each of its subjects in the computer science specialist's learning, to facilitate this cooperation/coordination between AI and the other components of practical applications?
Dear ResearchGate community,
I am looking for someone with endorsement rights on arXiv in the fields of computer science -computer vision and pattern recognition (cs.CV). I would like to submit a preprint paper for visibility and need an endorsement.
If you're able to endorse and willing to help, please visit the following URL:
or visit the link and enter the code:
Endorsement Code: 88LWI9
I have a few peer-reviewed publications in the area of endorsement which can be checked from my profile.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dear ResearchGate community,
I am looking for someone with endorsement rights on arXiv in the fields of computer science - computer vision and pattern recognition (cs.CV). I would like to submit a preprint paper for visibility and need an endorsement.
If you're able to endorse and willing to help, please visit the following URL:
or visit the link and enter the code:
Endorsement Code: 88LWI9
I have a few peer-reviewed publications in the area of endorsement which can be checked from my profile.
Thank you for your consideration.
Dear all,
I would like to publish my papers in a journal. Since it is strongly required to publish the paper in an international journal indexed by Scopus, I face some difficulties due to some fees that must be paid (which is very high) by the author.
My research areas are computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Pattern recognition, natural language processing and Social Media Analytics.
Are there any Scopus-indexed journals without without any article processing charge or other hidden charges for publication and suitable for my research areas?
I would like to thanks for your kind help.
With best regards,
I heard on television a famous professor of ethics speaking about the rights of intelligent machines. There are no intelligent machines and there is no artificial intelligence. Machines function in the way people designed and programmed them to function. A discourse bout intelligent machines leads into a totalitarian society, in which people will succumb to what machines say. And machines will say what power-holders ordered to programmers to program them to say and do.
I graduated computer science; I am now retired and I regret the fact that I spent my career teaching something what now leads people into a mental and physical slavery.
Hi, I am an educator and an early researcher in the field of Computer Science Education and Education Technology. As part of my journey, I am seeking your valuable recommendations on the most reputable journals in this field.
I am particularly interested in journals that publish high-quality research articles focusing on topics related to computer science education and the application of emerging technologies in Education among other related topics.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Dear Experts and Researchers Greetings!
I am waiting for your response to fill my survey. It is essential part of my PhD research work. Kindly give 15/20 minutes and participate in the survey. I will really thankful if you kindly share it with other colleagues.
The link of the survey is given below:
Best Regards.
PhD Scholar
Software Engineering Research Group (SERG-UOM),
Department of Computer Science & IT,
University of Malakand, Pakistan.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science.
Federal Govt: College Batkhela Malakand, Pakistan.
I am a research scholar in computer science. Recently, my topic, "Predicting E-Waste Generation using AI and ML," was rejected as it is an interdisciplinary topic and not pure computer science, Getting data sets is also difficult, it seems. I am interested in ESG/Decarbonization/Green IT/LLM. It would be great if I get any suggestions on how to extend this as a computer science topic.
AD Scientific Index is a reliable quality measure or a valuable tool for assessing institution and research quality, so it could soon become a significant factor in assessing both institutions and researchers.
Can we consider this topic for Ph.D in computer Science?
I'm a mathematics master's student currently working on my thesis, which focuses on developing a deep learning model. While I'm excited about my research, I'm concerned about defending it, especially since computer science students are also exploring similar areas. I'm seeking advice and strategies on how to present and defend my work effectively, emphasizing the unique contributions of my mathematical perspective in this interdisciplinary field. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hello Everyone,
What would be the most common theories/articles to understand why their are so few women in Computer Science? I have a good grasp on reasons and practical issues, but am trying to get at relevant theories. Any books or articles would be greatly appreciated.
As a recent graduate currently pursuing a master's degree in Business Analytics and having completed a bachelor's degree in Computer Science last year, my focus is on securing employment in the UK promptly. I aim to achieve this by leveraging my academic background, emphasizing relevant coursework and projects in both fields, actively networking with professionals in the industry, and applying to internships or graduate programs offered by companies in the UK. Additionally, I am continuously refining my resume, customizing job applications, and preparing for interviews to maximize my chances of securing a position as a fresher in the UK job market. What else i need to do to stand out and to get a job after my course completion or mostly in between during my course ?
AI = Artificial Intelligence

A human can only aspire to fluency in so many different languages before mixing up words due to code switching. Thus, MAYBE those who cannot learn so many languages turn to linguistics and coding to earn money.
I have 5 on computer science papers. I want to publish it in Scopus (q2, q3)/SCI . I am open to collaboration. Can anyone do the funding and become coauthor...
This algorithm has been devised by me in 2003. What I think is that this algorithm can be useful to evaluate testing the speed of processor of computer and furthermore, this algorithm can be used in data flow with encryption algorithms. I would love to know ideas about this subject from people who are expert in mathematics and computer science. I upload a pdf below. Thank you.
The question touches upon an important issue in the education system, particularly in India. The distinction between various master's programs in Computer Science disciplines like Master of Computer Application (MCA), Master of Technology (M.Tech), and Master of Engineering (M.E), and the differences in their recognition and acceptance in academic and professional spheres, is a topic of concern for many. The perception of these degrees and their applicability in different job roles can vary widely, leading to questions about fairness and equality.
- Recognition and Equal Standing: All these master in computer science programs, such as MCA, M.Tech, or M.E, are recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), indicating that they meet certain standards of education. Despite this, there seems to be a disparity in how they are perceived and accepted in the job market, and especially in academic institutions.
- Duration and Content: The duration of these programs, is often the same (for example, B.Tech + M.Tech, B.E + M.E, and BCA + MCA all taking six years). However, the focus of the curriculum and the skills acquired can vary.
- NET Qualifications: The eligibility criteria for UGC NET and similar exams also play a role. The fact that M.Tech/M.E/MCA graduates can appear for University Grants Commission (UGC) NET (National Eligibility Test) implies a certain level of academic qualification.
- Fairness and Equality: It raises a valid concern about whether the current system is fair to all graduates, regardless of their specific master's program.
I am making one video on this issue. If you think the video needs correction and improvement, and you want to give suggestions, this is the right place.
Possible factors could include historical practices, industry demands, or specific skill sets associated with different degrees. So, the question is, "Why there is discrimination between these programs?"
I have completed a master's degree in computer science and have good research experience in the human-computer interface area. I have published 3 IF journals as a first author and 7 IEEE conference articles to date. I am struggling to find a good fully funded PhD position. I am open about the country as well.
Hello ResearchGate community,
I'm currently seeking recommendations for computer science journals indexed in SCIE that are known for having a relatively low review time. I'm specifically interested in journals outside of Springer and Elsevier. If you have any suggestions or insights based on your experiences with journals that maintain an efficient review process, I would greatly appreciate your input.
Additionally, any information on average review times or personal experiences with the submission process would be valuable.
Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge!

Dear Participant,
We invite you to be an integral part of a crucial study focusing on "Cybersecurity in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)." Your insights and experiences are invaluable in understanding the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. Whether you're an everyday user of ITS or a seasoned IT professional, your voice matters.
Why Your Participation is Essential:
- Make an Impact: Your feedback will directly contribute to enhancing the security and reliability of ITS.
- Share Your Experience: Your unique perspective on using or managing ITS can provide critical insights that surveys and studies alone cannot capture.
- Be Part of the Solution: By sharing your thoughts on cybersecurity challenges and practices, you'll be part of developing more robust and secure transportation systems.
How to Participate:
- Survey Link: []
- Completion Time: The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.
- Confidentiality: Your responses will remain anonymous and will be used solely for research purposes.
Your participation is voluntary, but each response adds significant value to our understanding of cybersecurity in ITS. We respect your time and effort in helping us with this research.
Thank you for considering this invitation. Together, we can work towards creating a safer, more secure future in intelligent transportation.
Dr. Dimitrios Sargiotis
Désirant faire une thèse en génie civil option structure en lien avec l'informatique ou l'environnement.
(Structure+informatique ou structure+environnement.)
Besoin des propositions des thèmes. Merci d'avance
For computer science, can some methods in the paper be written without experiments, just theoretical analysis of the results?
I finished my Master Thesis and get the degree in Computer Science last year, Alhamdulellah.
My question is: Which is better, publish the thesis on the internet or not?
What are the disadvantages and advantages?
- What is the reputation and impact factor of IAENG journals in the field of computer science?
- Can you provide information about the review process followed by IAENG journals for computer science papers?
- What is the average duration from submission to the first decision for papers submitted to IAENG computer science journals?
- Are IAENG journals recognized by relevant indexing services or databases in the field of computer science?
- Can you share any recent success stories or notable publications in the field of computer science from IAENG journals?
- Are there any specific focus areas or topics within computer science where IAENG journals excel?
- What is the acceptance rate for papers submitted to IAENG computer science journals?
- Are IAENG journals open access, and what are the publication fees, if any, associated with publishing in these journals?
- Can you provide references to researchers or institutions that have had positive experiences publishing in IAENG computer science journals?
- How does IAENG ensure the quality and rigor of its peer-review process for computer science paper