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Computer Networks Security - Science topic
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Questions related to Computer Networks Security
[CFP]2024 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Network Security (AISNS 2024) - December
AISNS 2024 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Cyber Security to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in computer information science and application technology and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in computer information science and application technology and related areas.
Conference Link:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
◕Artificial Intelligence
· AI Algorithms
· Natural Language Processing
· Fuzzy Logic
· Computer Vision and Image Understanding
· Signal and Image Processing
◕Network Security
· Active Defense Systems
· Adaptive Defense Systems
· Analysis, Benchmark of Security Systems
· Applied Cryptography
· Authentication
· Biometric Security
◕Computer Systems
· Operating Systems
· Distributed Systems
· Database Systems
Important dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: October 10, 2024
Registration Deadline: November 29, 2024
Conference Dates: December 20-22, 2024
Submission Link:

What are the latest and more comprehensive survey surveys in the field of DDoS detection and mitigation in software-defined network security in 2023-2024? I only focus on the research results of 2023-2024, rather than the previous year. At present, the quality of the papers I have found is very average, and it is difficult to meet the requirements of new trend research. I hope to find papers that meet the above conditions, and I am constantly investigating
Question1: In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), what are the hot research areas in anomaly-based DDoS detection?
Question2: What are the new or prominent DDoS attack types worthy of study, such as low-rate DDoS attacks and flow table overflow attacks?
Question3: Is the flow table overflow attack proposed much later?
Please provide information which area will be good for doing Ph.D research in cyber security. Thanks
Hello everyone,
I would like to make a thorough investigation on the most promising simulation platforms for simulation and analysis of Cyber Attacks on Cyber Physical Energy Systems, along with the application of security solutions and their impact on performance.
To the best of my knowledge, a combination of two or more simulation/emulation tools might be required. E.g. a tool representing the cyber components (such as ns-2, Omnet++, Emulab) along with a tool representing the power grid physical components, (such as MATLAB).
Since investigation and proposals of the research community is still going on, hence the selection of the simulation platform(s) seems to be inconsistent among the researchers.
Through this question, I would request the research community of this field to share their knowledge and experience in this regard, with thanks.
Non-repudiation is a legal term defined as protection against an individual falsely denying having performed a particular action. It provides the capability to determine whether a given individual took a specific action, such as created information, approved information or sent or received a message.
Social media platforms such as WhatsApp have a function which allows one to send a message to an individual or a group and DELETE the message from all the recipients leaving them with no evidence of what has been sent. This allows the sender to deny having sent such a message. Read-once messages which get destroyed upon being read can also be a breach of non-repudiation on Social Media platforms.
What is your view of these functions on social media platforms? Legally are they acceptable?
The SCPS Lab ( is hiring for two Ph.D. positions in the following areas:
- Federated Defense Against Adversarial Attacks in IIoT.
- Threat and Anomaly Detection for Cloud Security.
The required skills for potential graduate students include:
- Strong background in cyber security.
- Strong background in machine learning and data analytic techniques.
- Background in detection and estimation theory.
- Strong oral and written communication skills.
To apply, please contact Dr. Hadis Karimipour ( with your most recent C.V. and a list of two references.
Dear Researchers, I perform J48 Algorithm on KDD Test dataset in WEKA. it gives me Anomaly and normal class. if i want to know detail Anomaly attacks by category like Dos, R2L, U2R. how can i do in same dataset?
if someone helps i will be very thankful

In this digital world, with increasing digital devices and data, security is a significant concern. And most cases DOS/DDoS/EDoS attacks are performed by the botnet. I want to do research to detect and prevent botnets. Can you share an efficient research title to detect and prevent botnets?
I am working on cyber security domain. Currently, the work is to trace out the real ip address behind the VPN.
1. Is there any technique or api to trace out the real ip address which is masked with VPN?
2. How to determine whether the input ip address is original/proxy/vpn without any api support?
Researchers, Kindly provide the suggestion for the above questions.
#cybersecurity #vpn #proxy #networksecurity #researcher
I am a student of Master's (Computer Networks & Security ) currently I am doing research on the GreyHole attack in Cooja in RPL, but on the web, I didn't find any source to implement the attack, Kindly help me with this.
I need free code and datasets of early access Q1 articles which is not in "paper with code" about computer networks security
How to define the LSSS structure, i.e. the matrix M and the function ρ which associates each row of M to an attribute in attribute based encryption?Are there some developed methods that can be used to define the structure?
What is the relationship between tree structure and LSSS? Is tree a kind of LSSS, or an entirely different structure?
According to a survey conducted by Sophos, 2020 was a tough year for education, with the sector experiencing the highest level of ransomware attacks of all industries. Ransomware attacks have been on the top list of dangerous threats to information systems for over a decade. The threats of ransomware attack do not seem to go away or rather slow down BUT seems to get more complicated.
Are the current mitigation techniques well designed to prevent the attacks? What are your thoughts?
SQL injections attacks have been on the number one list of dangerous threats to information systems for over a decade. The threats of an injection attack do not seem to go away or rather slow down BUT seems to get more complicated and more dangerous every time one is launched successfully.
Are the current mitigation techniques well crafted to halt the attacks or its high time new methods of protecting data in-situ are designed?
What do you think?
Hello all, I'm an undergraduate student and currently I'm interested to learn more about Cryptographic for Network Security. I want to know is there any paper or journal that quickly summarize whether each Encryptions Algorithm has their own behaviour that maybe works better for its different purposes?
Like some algorithms are best-used for Cloud Computing, some others are for an E-Commerce website, some others for Social Media application, etc. that would lead to decision making of which are more suitable for algorithm for every project.
Thanks before!
This is related to Homomorphic encryption. These three algorithms are used in additive and multiplicative homomorhism. RSA and El gamal is multiplicative and Pallier is additive.Now i want to know what is the time complexity of these algorithms.
For quantum cryptography(QKD) simulation, which simulator is best one
I'm currently working on my proposal for my master's thesis and would like to find out which current research topics in the field of network security are promising/interesting/hot.
If table is like can we draw venn diagram by this input?
variable value r1 value r2
a 20 45
b 10
c 39 1
d 37
e 98 27
Will the use of Blockchain technology improve the security of information transfer on the Internet? Will the development of Blockchain technologies reduce the scale of cybercrime on the Internet?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes

We are applying ML for network intrusion detection, specifically UDP DoS detection. Most of the known datasets include http DoS. Is there any link that I can get labeled UDP DoS?
Does anyone have experience with FIREMAN toolkit. I need to know how to install it, and how to use it to analyse the efficiency of my firewall?
Or, what tools you using to analyse and test the efficiency of your Firewall?
I am want to know how signature based detection is implemented by anti-malware software companies. I know theoretical working of it but how it is implemented in actual software for efficient detection ?
I want to know about the simplest m Artificial Neural Network that can be used for the classification of network traffics to normal and attack in java using KDD cup 99. Can the classification read the KDD records as is or does they need to be normalized?
The MQTT is the functional and useful protocol in internet of things.
Please suggest me some good papers on DDOS attack detection that can be implemented on NS-2.
I'm trying to develop an intrusion detection for Industrial Ethernet. e.g. S7, PROFINET, Modbus protocols.
I want to evaluate my work on IE security dataset. Does anyone know security dataset in this domain? Some PCAP examples or sanitize dataset like KDD?
I want to simulate the cyber attack behaviour, such as the spread of worms, on computer networks to test a detection method. Could you please give me some advice about the selection among different simulators?
actually my work in detection DDoS ATTACKS in data plane and control plane using supervisor machine learning
A new concept about the way to connect to VPNs, without pre-defined VPN tunnel or servers, no topology and data transfer through the cloud?
MulVAL- is a logic-based attack graph generation technique invented by Xinming Ou. I have installed "MulVAL" as per the instructions given in ( and tried to run it for the testcase given in input file (input.P) as follows:
shyam@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Graph/mulval/utils$ ./ /home/shyam/Desktop/Graph/mulval/testcases/3host/input.P -v
But I am getting the following error:
cat: goals.txt: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `goals.txt': No such file or directory
The attack simulation encountered an error.
Please check xsb_log.txt.
What does it mean and how do I solve it? Any kind of help would be appreciated.
I am looking for problems which are being currently researched in the domain of security for IoT especially in the aforementioned protocols.
i am working on creating an effective attack database for the researchers? Hence i need to know about the challenges faced by them in getting the attack datasets for reserach purposes
Please, any one tell me what are the latest research developments in Privacy preservation in cloud computing?
What are Security Challenges and Issues for Internet of Things (IoT) application in industry?
Please suggest some related articles.
Risk assessment
Risk management
Risk analysis
Threat impact
I want to analyse the effect of key management in DTN . I would appreciate any useful idea especially using ONE simulator.
Polymorphic generators can be used in software, to make self-modifying code (to prevent unauthorized copying of executable code).
Are there any ways to implement this mechanism for preventing unauthorized copying of some data from hard disk or RAM? E.g. I have a license.txt and I don’t want anyone to get copy of this file from my storage. So when intruder copies this file, he’ll get a fully changed copy of this file.
Can someone suggest any literature related (papers/documents)? It would be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
I have a number of trace files which I used it to extract features and create a lot of records in both situation normal, and abnormal. Are there any rules can we rely on to determine the final number of records in dataset for each class? can we choose the same number for both? or the normal class must has more number of records?Please what is the best solution which is more reliability?
My domain is wireless healthcare sensor network.My idea is to provide authentication during data transmission by using both digital signature and bilinear please
I am working on developing a patch for DHCP server software. Please let me know from where I can get source code for an open source dhcp server.
I'm doing some research on the explosive characteristic of fountain codes,which means the original symbols can be decoded suddenly when the receiver gets some key symbols. I do think this feature can be used in the problem of physical layer security, in which the legitimate user can get enough encoded symbols before eavesdroppers,and finishes decoding firstly. I'm now focusing on how to enhance the explosive characteristic. I will really appreciate it that someone can give me some suggestions.
How to calculate the complexity of ELGAMAL and RSA Cryptosystems?
I would like to design a security model for smart city applications. However, I haven't come across a simulation tool specifically for smart cities. Is there any one who has an idea about the tools for simulating smart cities?
Sometimes it is necessary to use tools for hack (testing) or discover vulnerabilities and resolving security vulnerabilities in the system of institutions by using attacker tools :
- Kali Linux
- Backtrack
- Pentoo
- Nodezero
- Network Security Toolkit (NST)
- Parrot Security
- BackBox Linux
- GnackTrack
- Bugtraq
Users are still vulnerable to malicious SPs that may collude to profile a user’s identity in a cloud environment. For instance, we have ten (10) Service Providers (SPs) and each of them have partial information about a user, what measure can one put in place to prevent these SPs from colluding to profile users’ attributes?
hello everyone
i want to implement a detection scheme which can detect data modification attack in ecg data. can anyone tell me which simulator should i use? how can i simulate an attack?
Eavesdropping, Man in the middle attack (MitM):
Attackers can take advantage of a known weakness in LTE wherein the user identity transference occurs unencrypted, in clear text between the UE and the eNodeB, during the initial attach procedure. This allows an eavesdropper to track the user cell-location or launch a man in the middle attack by user international mobile subscriber identifier (IMSI) impersonation and relay of user messages.
How would you classify the threat of cyber-attacks and their impact on supply chains?
Isn’t it a megathreat like natural disasters? Cyber-attack as an unknown-unknown risk that is rather uncontrollable with huge potential impact?
What is the role of Prof. Simchi-Levi’s Risk Exposure Index regarding cyber risk assessment? Do you think it is possible and beneficial to apply the REI for the mitigation of cyber risks?
if possible, please point me to any published research papers on the subject
What Windows based honeypot do you suggest for gathering interactions to be used with WEKA to generate a training file using WEKA supervised learning?
[To be installed on VMWare]
detecting network layer attacks in manet requires some background knowledge. how can this be implemented.Suggest some ways kindly.
I have new authentication method asked user to login based in some features,
how can I calculate the FP and FN .and is there any tool can help.
Dear all,
I proposed a framework security, but i want to determine exactly which is the best model for assessment this framework
"For an application, I have to generate 10K pseudorandom bits from a user-supplied password (8-16 characters). What are possible options? Which one do you recommend and why?"
In the field of access control policy, anyone can provide an explanation of the difference between SAML and XACML. In an Attribute Based Access Control models, can both be applied simultaneously?
After reading some papers, I found many papers skip the detail of making IDS, instead, directly go to evaluation part.
Can anyone give me some hints about how to build a host based light weight IDS for detecting VM escape? Good references?
Thank you very much!
How privacy issues can be addressed in the context of cloud computing policy?
I have to send the encrypted data to more than one cloud storage.I have a same question as Neetha Sharma do. Where can I insert my code in a simulation program example. First of all, Which example can I take for my project?
Suppose I have made a IDS (Intrusion Detection System), For example using KDD CUP99 I have made a system and I have done the test and evaluation and the result is acceptable. Now, I want to evaluate my proposed system on real online traffic . I can capture the packet using PCAP, I can extract the features and detect is it normal and anomaly. BTW, my problem is how can evaluate the output, because there is no ground file for that traffic. How can evaluate my system on real traffic? may be during the testing all the traffic in normal how can evaluate the performance of system on abnormal traffic? I think I have to make some abnormal traffic and test the system using my own abnormal traffic, Does this idea is correct and how should I make abnormal traffic?
Does single or dual-n-back training have any lasting, transferable effects on other cognitive skills, apart from improving the performance in running the dual-n-back game? Some research studies indicate that it may have some effect for some people with some conditions (e.g. older people, people with dysphoria etc.), however larger meta-studies indicate no or very small effect in general as well as methodological problems in the underlying studies. The research therefore seems inconclusive.
What is your research experience with this? Are there any groups or conditions where such training has been shown to have transferable, lasting effects?
How to measure how strong the correlation between cloud security policies and privacy requirement in saas and paas to protect those security threat related privacy?
I am trying to implement the video watermarking based on visual cryptography. I have created two share of a image in '.bmp' formats. How these two shares will be embedding in the video while using the frequency domain.
I have divided the video into parts ( Suppose the video consisting 300 frames. In this way each part is having 150 frames each) to embed these share in two different parts. I have extracted the Y component of each part of the video. On which I had applied the DWT. Extract the HH Band. Apply SVD. And get the singular matrix.
How could I process the two share of transparencies in order to embed into the singular value obtained of these two parts of video as indicated above. Also requested to please tell me the extraction process of these two transparencies from watermarked video ?
You are most welcomed to informed me about any other method to implement the visual cryptography based video watermarking.
My undergraduate students are involved in designing a web based student admission system. They have to make the system secure from different types of attacks and cover vulnerabilities. What types of attacks and vulnerabilities are there? What basic security features should be implemented to provide average level of security.
I am doing research in email classification for spear phishing attacks. Is there any dataset for spear phishing email?
I have two sets of entities A and B, members of A have a kind of relationship with members of B, we need to investigate the stability of the relationship between a member or a subset from A with a member or a subset from B over a long time (week, month, year) with a time window (five minutes for example)
What are the features that network intrusion detection system cannot respond to them?
I am searching for such network attacks which are quite new and current research is going on to propose mitigation techniques for that attack.
I want to know how to prevent a peer from changing its identity from time to time?
Please provide the link or name of papers
i would like to ask that what are the efficient way to exchange the session key among N party in adhoc. Here, i want to make an algorithm to generate the session key among n people in the network, new user who want to join the network may also share the same session key and user who left the network may diminish the key permission.
user can request for any website and phishing page then direclty move on orignal page
I have used Boneh Shaw's concatenated scheme, but because of replication factor the code length is too long. So what can I do to minimize the length?