Science topic
Computer Networks - Science topic
Deals with the various aspects and domain of Computer Networks and Communication, Cloud, and Grid Computing
Questions related to Computer Networks
In the realm of cybersecurity, Transport Layer Security (TLS) is widely used to secure communications over a computer network. Despite its robust encryption mechanisms, TLS is still susceptible to Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks under certain conditions. A MitM attack involves an attacker secretly intercepting and possibly altering the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other.
- What are the indicators of a potential MitM attack in a TLS-secured environment?
- Discuss any tools or methodologies used to detect MitM attacks.
I understand that it is possible to analyze this issue mathematically to estimate the memory requirements for TLS. However, I am particularly interested in understanding how much memory is actually utilized in current implementations. Insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Ideally, if anyone could reference relevant papers or studies, that would be perfect.
Moreover, my interest extends beyond memory usage; I am equally curious about the time required to perform a TLS handshake in practice.
2025 4th International Conference on Computer, Artificial Intelligence and Control Engineering (CAICE 2025) is to be held in Hefei, China in January 10-12, 2025.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(I) Computer
· Edge Computing and Distributed Cloud
· Architecture, Storage and Virtualization
· Cloud Computing Technologies
· Deep Learning and Big Data
· Computer networks
(II) Artificial Intelligence
· Artificial Intelligence Applications
· Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
· AI Languages and Programming Techniques
· Cybersecurity and AI
· Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms
(III) Control Engineering
· Automatic Control Principles and Technology
· Design, modeling and control of precision motion systems
· Vibration analysis and control
· Fuzzy control and its applications
· Fractional order system and control
· Flexible robotics, soft robotics
· Smart automation
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published in ACM conference proceeding, and submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: December 19, 2024
Notification Date: December 25, 2024
Registration Date: December 29, 2024
Conference Dates: January 10-12, 2025
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

Hello everyone,
I am currently investigating the application of Poisson distribution in detecting attacks in wireless sensor networks. Does anyone have any knowledge of studies in this field? I am looking for articles or resources that specifically address this topic. Any help or guidance in this area would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Mehdi Najafi
Master's Student in Computer Networks, Islamic Azad University of Hamedan
Hello everyone,
I am currently conducting research on Tiny ML in WSN. Specifically, I am seeking information and articles related to in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks and Tiny ML.
Could anyone suggest relevant resources or articles? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Mehdi Najafi
Master's Computer Networks Student at Islamic Azad University of Hamedan
2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS 2024) will be held on September 27-29, 2024 in Yanji, China.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Electronic Information Engineering
· Signal processing
· Wireless network
· Information system
· Next generation mobile communication technology
· Internet of things
◕ Computer Science
· Computer system
· Artificial intelligence
· Machine learning and deep learning
· Pattern recognition
· Computer vision and graphics
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Registration Deadline: August 30, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: August 30, 2024
Conference Dates: September 27-29, 2024
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

会议征稿:第四届智能通信与计算国际学术会议(ICICC 2024)
Call for papers: 2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Communications and Computing(ICICC 2024) will be held in Zhengzhou, China during October 18-20, 2024.
收录类型: EI, SCOPUS
第四届智能通信与计算国际学术会议(ICICC 2024)将于2024年10月18-20日在中国郑州隆重举行。会议旨在为从事智能通信与计算研究的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。
1. 智能通信方向
2. 计算方向
会议的所有投稿需经过3轮专家审稿,最终录用的论文将以会议论文集出版,收录进IEEE Xplore数据库,见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex和Scopus检索。

Please provide references if possible.
It's great if you can explain how to identify those issues as well.
Provide references if possible.
Please elaborate latest Research topics in Networks for Masters level Computer Networks Student?
I want to implement various WSN attacks and then to analyze network performance. Is there any WSN attack simulator available. How can we implement WSN attacks
What is the last research areas for 2023
I am conducting some research on computer networks, and I want to simulate different types of network links. For example, 5G networks, Fibre networks, etc. Is there any resource where I can find the link conditions, such as the bandwidths, latencies, and loss of each link?
I have to simulate DCCP and UDP on NS2 , for my presentation and showing the differences in throughput, delay, and jitter. I want to know that NS 2.35 standalone supports DCCP simulation, do I have to write any code for this simulation?
I am new to NS2 n linux platform.
Help is appreciated.
I am working on cyber security domain. Currently, the work is to trace out the real ip address behind the VPN.
1. Is there any technique or api to trace out the real ip address which is masked with VPN?
2. How to determine whether the input ip address is original/proxy/vpn without any api support?
Researchers, Kindly provide the suggestion for the above questions.
#cybersecurity #vpn #proxy #networksecurity #researcher
It's great if you can explain how to identify those issues as well.
I need a security dataset with challenges, I mean I want the accuracy to be low so that I can enhance it using ML techniques. I tried several datasets but they already have high accuracy without enhancement.
If you can provide references if possible, that will be a great help.
I am a PhD student in computer science, and I want to apply reinforcement learning methods to computer network problems and get results in order to publish a research paper in international journals, but I am not very good in mathematics, so my question is: can I model a problem and apply reinforcement learning to problems without needing mathematics?
Would you please suggest to me a Q1 or Q2 subscription journal (without any publishing fee) in various areas of computer networks and the Internet of Things with a fast-processing time and no limit to publishing the number of free pages (unlike IEEE IoT, IEEE Systems, IEEE Sensors, etc.)? Unfortunately, journals such as Computer Networks, Computer Communications, and FGCS have slowed down a lot in the last year or two, especially in the process of initial review by editors and assignment of reviewers.
I am working on a decision-making algorithm based on RL for vehicular edge computing networks. I am supposed to test my algorithm on real data. Does anyone know how I could do this?
I have created a new packet header in NS2 which contains two fields.Is there any way to check to see if the packet header fields contains the value I have given through tcl.
Mechanisms leading to the spastic movement disorder (SMD) as a positive symptom of the upper motor neuron syndrome are not yet fully understood. All, the underlying disease, the (spinal) lesion level, the lesion location within the brain, affected descending (parapyramidal) motor tracts, disrupted sensory input etc. seem to be more or less relevant for the emergence of a SMD.
Is there any research on computational network models of spinal/supraspinal spasticity on the base of current neuroanatomical and neurophysiological data known to be of relevance for the develoement of a spastic movement disorder?
Recently I am looking for SDN issues, but still no idea which issues should focus.
I'm a computer network undergraduate who is looking for an idea to do my final year project. Can anyone give your suggestions?
Please help me with the following formulation.
I want to calculate transmit power that can satisfy a given SINR threshold on the receiver side.
My formulation is as follows:
SINR=Received_Power/(Interference+Noise) Eq. 1
If SINR Threshold (SINR_th) is known, we can get the Required_Received_Power and thus the "Required_Transmit_Power" power as follows:
SINR_th=Required_Received_Power/(Interference+Noise) Eq. 2
We know that
Received_Power=Transmit_Power/Pathloss; Eq. 3
Required_Received_Power=Required_Transmit_Power/Pathloss; Eq. 4
Substituing "Required_Received_Power" in Eq.2 with the right hand side of Eq.4, we get
SINR_th=(Required_Transmit_Power/Pathloss)/(Interference+Noise) Eq. 5
Required_Transmit_Power=SINR_th x (Interference+Noise) x Pathloss Eq. 6
Please advise whether this formulation is correct or not as I am getting wrong results.
Thank you!!!
I am looking for latest research topics in the field of LISP protocol. I am doing master's in computer networks and now want to research in LISP protocol. Please guide me regarding this.
Thank you
Hello and Happy new year , I am currently searching a topic for my thesis. I study Computer Science with netwotks specialization . I am looking for a topic which maintains a balance between theoretical and practical-experimental research . The stuff I would like to be included, are: C, Java , NS2 , Matlab, signal processing, Packet tracer, general network management and I would like to learn a modern skill which will be usefull in a future job. Thank you in advance.
i am working on research about mobility aware service migration in fog computing network. i dont know how to use genetic algorithm? and how can i convert it into matlab code?
i need to know if there are other any available tools? how can i simulate genetic algorithm?
how can i relate between it and iFOGSIM environment?
I am using the abbrvnat style, but I want the label to appear next to each reference. For example, I want to have:
[Atzori et al., 2010] L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito. The Internet of Things: A Survey. Computer networks, 54(15):2787-2805, 2010.
Instead of :
L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito. The Internet of Things: A Survey. Computer networks, 54(15):2787-2805, 2010.
I want to create wireless nodes and simulate a communication between them.
Who did work in Complex computer network optimization problems?
Computer network is a group of computers that use a set of common communication protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or provided by the network nodes.
I understand that CAN is a serial communication protocol where there is not source authentication. This itself brings a lot of troubles, but what else is missing?
Due to the depletion of the global IPv4 address pool, some new Internet clients will not be able to get IPv4 adresses, but only IPv6 addresses. However the majority of the internet still uses IPv4 addresses. The IPv6 only clients should be able to communicate with the IPv4 only servers. For this problem, the combination of the DNS64 (RFC 6147) and NAT64 (RFC 6146) is a good solution.
We test different free software (also called open source) DNS64 and NAT implementations. As for DNS64, we tested BIND and TOTD.
(For our results, see: Gabor Lencse, Sandor Repas, "Performance Analysis and Comparison of Different DNS64 Implementations for Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD," aina, pp.877-884, 2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2013)
Besides these, we know also the PowerDNS and Unbound.
Can someone suggest other free software for DNS64 implementations?
Had anyone tested their performance and/or stability?
I want to simulate Bcube,porland topology with NS-3 simulator,but I don't know how can I start point and don't know if it's feasible. If someone did it,please tell me.Thanks a lot.
I want to undergo the traning programme on Simulation for Wireless Sensor Netowks.
I am using the omnet++ as simulators network for vanet by using veins so how do I implement a new routing protocol for veins where use 802.11p.
Dear Concern,
I need a kind help from u that is your guidance to publish a book by a good publisher.
i have prepared the complete Contents you can visit on
i want to publish two books
1. Fundamental of PHP and MYSQL
2. Fundamental of Computer Networks
Kindly guide me for the same.
how can i measure the "average received CNR(carrier-to-noise ratio)" which is given by Mohamed-Slim Alouini and Andren Goldsmith in "capacity of nakagami multipath fading channels". We all know that we can measure the recieved CNR by transmitted CNR- channel loss. Can i calculate the average received CNR in the same way average received CNR= average transmitted CNR-loss? I mean do the average CNR for transmitter and the receiver have the relation that can be used in the received CNR and transmitted CNR? ill appreciate it for ur answers
I am planning to do a dissertation on intrusion prevention system. Can anyone give suggestion on how to develop one from scratch? Like what are the things that I should look upon. I have a fair idea of computer networks. I'm very much interested in information security, network security. Please provide me some intuitive and simple ways to understand the system and implement the same.
Any suggestions on how to parse such large pcap.gz files of telescope data from caida.
If I use tcpdump or tshark, it is taking too long to parse them.
Also, I have a big list of filter prefixes, tcpdump throws an error of too long filter file. How to take care of that?
There are several ways to do this. Install reliable and updated anti-virus program on all computers. Make sure firewalls are setup and configured properly. Researchers, What are the best deeper options to handle this security and management?
Topic: Viral marketing in social network, data mining, influence maximization, computer network, big data, network optimization, influence maximization
I am planning to do a dissertation on intrusion prevention system. Can anyone give suggestion on how to develop one from scratch? Like what are the things that I should look upon. I have a fair idea of computer networks. I'm very much interested in information security, network security. Please provide me some intuitive and simple ways to understand the system and implement the same.
I am looking for dataset related to network devices such as routers, switches, servers and access points In performing network prediction
I am working on trust computation using machine learning techniques in matlab. Can someone provide me with the code on recommendation attacks to that I can apply machine learning techniques in detect the malicious activities in VANET
I am working on a project to compare Software Defined network and conventional network using performance metrics such as throughput, delay, and latency; but I have not been able to use OPNET Modeller to simulate the OpenFlow SDN. I need help and if possible an instructor regarding this.
Vertical Handover (VHO) decision algorithm for heterogeneous network architectures which integrate both cellular networks and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). The cellular-WLAN and WLAN-WLAN VHO decisions are taken based on parameters which characterize both the coverage and the traffic load of the WLANs. Both HHO and VHO processes consist of three steps: handover requirement estimation, target network selection and handover execution [8]. Networks such as LTE, WLAN and WiMAX provide multiple choices for network access. Moreover, roaming terminals are equipped with multiple radio interfaces for heterogeneous wireless network access. Handoff Decision is very crucial process because it will be helpful in determining when and where to perform handoff and to select the best network in the Heterogeneous environment without any degradation in the performance.
Obayiuwana, E. and Falowo, O.E., 2017. Network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks using multicriteria decision-making algorithms: a review. Wireless Networks, 23(8), pp.2617-2649.
Ndashimye, E., Ray, S.K., Sarkar, N.I. and Gutiérrez, J.A., 2017. Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication over multi-tier heterogeneous networks: a survey. Computer Networks, 112, pp.144-166.
Obayiuwana, E. and Falowo, O.E., 2017. Network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks using multicriteria decision-making algorithms: a review. Wireless Networks, 23(8), pp.2617-2649.
Sarkar, S.K., Basavaraju, T.G. and Puttamadappa, C., 2016. Ad hoc mobile wireless networks: principles, protocols, and applications. CRC Press.
Baghla, S. and Bansal, S., 2014, November. Performance of VIKOR MADM method for Vertical Handoffs in Heterogeneous networks with various weighting methods. In 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies ICACCT 2014 (pp. 29-34).
Omheni, N., Zarai, F., Obaidat, M.S., Smaoui, I. and Kamoun, L., 2014. A MIH-based approach for best network selection in heterogeneous wireless networks. Journal of Systems and Software, 92, pp.143-156.
Bhosale, S. and Daruwala, R., 2014. Multi-criteria Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm Using Hierarchy Modeling and Additive Weighting in an Integrated WLAN/WiMAX/UMTS Environment-A Case Study. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, 8(1).
There is a way to model computer networks (in terms of latency, bandwidth, packet size, etc.) through (stochastic?temporized?) automata? If I look for networked automata, I only find automata about "local" network of interacting components (e.g., cells)
As we know that, throughput is amount of transferred data for a specific time. I want to fix data size and make time variable. The definition will be "The amount of time required to transfer a specific amount of data". What is the term for this?
Thanks in advance.
Pleas to provide a simple manner to decrease the network latency as soon as possible for quick paper printing response in the university computer lab.
Which simulation tool is better for implementing a secure routing protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Ns3 or Omnet++?
I am looking for journals with good impact factor that cover the scope of modern technology impact (e.g. computers or computer networks) on saving the environment.
I wanted to know which are the network simulators related to development of security protocols where the simulation codes can directly be implemented into hardware!! all suggestions are welcome.
I know NS and GloMoSim for Ad-hoc networks. Is there a simulator used for home networks?
I need to prepare a presentation on a base paper (>2015) in Computer Networks for my class work. I also need to implement the paper. The problem is, I am kind of a beginner in CN. So, I am not able to select a topic which I can understand completely (especially the math). Can someone help me out with a topic which is relatively recent and also takes my personal contraints into consideration ?
i want to work on game theory so i want to know the recent work on this topic
Hello researchers,
Related to your research/experience field, what are the technologies you simulate often and you can judge that this task is complicated, tedious, or time consuming ?
"How do we can detect in advance, that the Mobile Node will detach from the first subnet to another subnet within the same domain ? i.e the mechanism?"
"In Distributed Mobility Architecture, for example in Distributed PMIPv6, how do we detect that the MN will detach from MAG1 to MAG2 in advance?"
Does anyone have experience with FIREMAN toolkit. I need to know how to install it, and how to use it to analyse the efficiency of my firewall?
Or, what tools you using to analyse and test the efficiency of your Firewall?
Vehicaular Adhoc Network Routing Simulation
What is relation between Machine Intelligence and Smart Networks?
Could anyone provide me examples of research opportunities in Cloud Computing and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) together?
How could I work or conduct experiments using both?
Articles are also welcome.