Science topics: Computer Networking
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Computer Networking - Science topic
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Questions related to Computer Networking
Transform your AI models into seamless microservices! Our research and implementation showcases how you can operationalizing diverse AI models (any language, any framework) as microservices using open-source toolset so that the deployment is fast, efficient, and scalable.
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Conference Paper From Models to Microservices: Easily Operationalizing Machin...
2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS 2024) will be held on September 27-29, 2024 in Yanji, China.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Electronic Information Engineering
· Signal processing
· Wireless network
· Information system
· Next generation mobile communication technology
· Internet of things
◕ Computer Science
· Computer system
· Artificial intelligence
· Machine learning and deep learning
· Pattern recognition
· Computer vision and graphics
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Registration Deadline: August 30, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: August 30, 2024
Conference Dates: September 27-29, 2024
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:
I asked a question in Research Gate, which is related to NFV. Then, when I added the tags to the question, I did not find NFV as research topic neither the management and orchestration.
Is there a reasonable reason? If not, How to add NFV to research topics?
Please provide references if possible.
It's great if you can explain how to identify those issues as well.
Provide references if possible.
Please elaborate latest Research topics in Networks for Masters level Computer Networks Student?
Is there any resemblance in how "information flow" happens in humans (Molecular Biology/Neurology) and computers (Computer Networking)?
This question came to be after a note was made by a Computer Networking (CN) lecturer that no new methodologies for information flow in CN to be discovered.
I got interested to look for the answer in the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, and still awaits further insights.
If a person wants to start a career all over again to do research and phd from scratch in the area of wireless network, what are the basic skills and ideas needed for it
Please elaborate latest Research topics in Networks for Masters level Computer Science Student?
I have to simulate DCCP and UDP on NS2 , for my presentation and showing the differences in throughput, delay, and jitter. I want to know that NS 2.35 standalone supports DCCP simulation, do I have to write any code for this simulation?
I am new to NS2 n linux platform.
Help is appreciated.
It's great if you can explain how to identify those issues as well.
Please guide me about the difference between SINR threshold and Minimum discernable signal.
From my search I have come across the following.
1) A signal can be decoded if the SINR of the received signal is higher than the SINR threshold. Does it mean that we should not be concerned about the minimum required power, and that if the received signal satisfies the SINR threshold, it will be successfully decoded?
2) I also have come across the idea of minimum discernable level. For instance -70 db is considered acceptable for some types of communication.
Which of the two I should follow. As in the first case, I get very low transmit powers and still satisfy the SINR threshold, while the transmit powers in the 2nd case are way too high compared to the first case.
I'm a computer network undergraduate who is looking for an idea to do my final year project. Can anyone give your suggestions?
Please, l need help on how to research the topic
Digital Twin NEWS!
-ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC41-IoT has launched its Digital Twin framework standardisation at its Nov. Plenary.
-Edge Computing & Networking, from VLSI to AI and back, in real time when needed, is essential in this endeavour, with specifications from ETSI (ETSI-ISG-MEC: Multi-Access Edge Computing), 3GPP and One M2M supporting this goal. Cyberphysical systems benefit highly of Digital Twins for optimised fault-tolerant operation, verification and validation, simulation, in particular.
-Combining functionalities tightly is a must: software, efficient/secure and sustainable data handling, computing and networking may have to be jointly managed, and possibly integrated at every node of a system using fully Digital Twins.
Speed and energy efficiency are available from VLSI chips integrating two functional layers as the IMX500 from Sony:
-Data layer: interfacing to the real world (analogue to digital sampling, and digital to analogue rendering, "data I/O" layer)
-Processing layer ("logic" layer) e.g. with AI algorithms to build or prepare decisions from the data acquired, and conversely to manage and implement decisions into the physical world.
Use cases include smart city functionalities, cognitive design/manufacturing, autonomous systems/vehicles.
What is your view on Digital Twin, in what role is it best positioned? Design? Operation? Fault correction? Other?
For quantum cryptography(QKD) simulation, which simulator is best one
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Due to the depletion of the global IPv4 address pool, some new Internet clients will not be able to get IPv4 adresses, but only IPv6 addresses. However the majority of the internet still uses IPv4 addresses. The IPv6 only clients should be able to communicate with the IPv4 only servers. For this problem, the combination of the DNS64 (RFC 6147) and NAT64 (RFC 6146) is a good solution.
We test different free software (also called open source) DNS64 and NAT implementations. As for DNS64, we tested BIND and TOTD.
(For our results, see: Gabor Lencse, Sandor Repas, "Performance Analysis and Comparison of Different DNS64 Implementations for Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD," aina, pp.877-884, 2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2013)
Besides these, we know also the PowerDNS and Unbound.
Can someone suggest other free software for DNS64 implementations?
Had anyone tested their performance and/or stability?
What are the methods used to assess the robustness of network with flow? How to model the flow (discrete entities with origin-destination routes) in a network.
I was looking for any link or something where it shows basic to advance computer networking.
How everything thing works like ISP,router, DNS, Server, DHCP and more to make it easy to understand.
Thank you. Um Cabo-verdiano pelo Mundo é um apanhado de factos e sentimentos vividos pelo autor que, tendo nascido no Paul, Santo Antão, Cabo Verde, chegou à idade da reforma nos seus serviços e vivencias através dos tempos, nos Estados Unidos da América. Durante a sua vida ensinou em vários continentes contactando assim com vários povos e culturas procurando sempre dar o seu melhor não só através do ensino como também nas comunidades onde exercia as suas funções. Hoje revive com alegria e também com muita saudade tudo o que encontrou, tudo o que viu, tudo o que fez nunca esquecendo as pessoas que pelo caminho encontrou. 📷Mundo é um apanhado de factos e sentimentos vividos pelo autor que, tendo nascido no Paul, Santo Antão, Cabo Verde, chegou à idade da reforma nos seus serviços e vivencias através dos tempos, nos Estados Unidos da América. Durante a sua vida ensinou em vários continentes contactando assim com vários povos e culturas procurando sempre dar o seu melhor não só através do ensino como também nas comunidades onde exercia as suas funções. Hoje revive com alegria e também com muita saudade tudo o que encontrou, tudo o que viu, tudo o que fez nunca esquecendo as pessoas que pelo caminho encontrou.
Um Cabo-Verdiano Pelo Mundo (Portuguese Edition) (Portuguese) Paperback – April 30, 2009
by Salazar Ferro (Author)
Falecimento do Professor António St.Aubyn
22/04/2016 - 16:24No dia 18/04/2016, em Lisboa, aos 79 anos📷
Com profunda tristeza, a Divisão de Informática vê partir o Professor António St.Aubyn, Professor Emérito da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, e o primeiro Presidente do Centro de Informática do ISA (CIISA), atualmente DI.
Nascido a 10 de março de 1937, na Ribeira Brava, São Nicolau, Cabo Verde, o Professor St.Aubyn licenciou-se e doutorou-se pela Universidade de Coimbra, tendo tido uma intensa atividade académica e científica nas áreas da matemática e da estatística, da qual resultaram diversas publicações científicas.
Tendo ingressado no Instituto Superior de Agronomia no ano letivo de 1974/1975, onde foi Professor Catedrático desde 1979, e durante muitos anos Presidente do Departamento de Matemática do ISA, onde teve um papel preponderante, não só na criação do próprio departamento, mas também no lançamento dos seus cursos de Mestrado e Doutoramento, o Prof. St.Aubyn foi também docente nas Faculdades de Ciências das Universidades de Coimbra e Lisboa, no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, no Instituto Superior Técnico e na Universidade Lusíada.
Esteve ainda ativamente envolvido em diversas sociedades científicas, nomeadamente na Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, de que foi Presidente, na Sociedade Europeia de Matemática e na Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística.
Figura muito estimada no seio da comunidade cabo-verdiana, esteve ativamente envolvido nos movimentos pela independência do país, e mais tarde no desenvolvimento do ensino da Matemática em Cabo Verde, a convite do seu Ministério da Educação. Foi ainda membro fundador da Academia das Ciências e Humanidades de Cabo Verde.
Intimamente ligado aos processos de informatização da antiga Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, integrou em 1981 a Comissão Informática da UTL, que tinha como objetivo a renovação das infraestruturas de cálculo das escolas da UTL.
Já no ISA, e após a sua criação em 1984, impulsionou o CIISA ao longo de mais de uma década, durante a qual se fez a transição da era dos mini-computadores e seus terminais de acesso, para a era da micro-informática, das redes de computadores, e da Internet.
Para sempre ligado à história do Centro de Informática, na memória ficará alguém cuja visão desempenhou um papel fundamental para que o ISA fosse, nomeadamente no contexto da UTL, de alguma forma pioneiro na adoção das chamadas Novas Tecnologias, que haveriam de se revelar determinantes, não apenas no apoio às atividades científicas e académicas, mas para todo o funcionamento da instituição.
he Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2017ArticleFull-text available
- February 2018
- 📷Delfim F. M. Torres
- 📷Ricardo Almeida
- 📷Paulino Lima Fortes
- 📷Dorota Mozyrska
DownloadRecommendFollowShareOs desafios do planeamento estratégico: o caso da Universidade de Cabo VerdeArticle
- January 2014
- 📷Paulino Lima Fortes
- Bio || Bio
Paulino Lima Fortes é licenciado em Matemática (ensino) pela Universidade de Évora (1989). Fez estudos pós-graduados em Mathématiques Théoriques (Geometria, Topologia, Álgebra e Física Matemática) na Universidade de Dijon, França (1993-1995). É doutorado em Matemática área de Geometria, pela Universidade de Évora (2005). É professor auxiliar na Universidade de Cabo Verde, onde ingressou em 1989, onde desenvolve atividades de ensino e investigação nas áreas de Análise, Topologia, Geometria e Física-Matemática, tendo proferido conferências no âmbito da história do pensamento científico.
Áreas de Interesse || Current Research
- Geometria e Topologia.
- Modelação Matemática.
- Pensamento Geométrico e espacial.
- Artigos
- O conceito de corte e a construção do contínuo: uma abordagem histórica, Revista de Ciência e Tecnologia, nº1,Edições Uni-CV, 2013.
- Livros
- Fundamentos de Geometria Não-Standard, Edições Uni-CV.
- Reuniões Científicas || Scientific Meetings Selecção de conferências/comunicações
- On some convex topologic concepts in topological vector spaces, XXI Oporto Meeting in Geometry, Topology and Physics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 2015.
- Em torno dos paradoxos de Zenão de Eleia: interpretações standard e não-standard, Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Filosofia da Ciência, CFFCUL, Lisboa, 2014.
- Pistas e despistes no ensino da Geometria, Jornadas sobre o ensino da Matemática e da Língua Portuguesa, Universidade de Cabo Verde, 2013.
- A descoberta do bosão de Higgs, um triunfo do Modelo Standard, Reitoria da Universidade de Cabo Verde, Praia, 2012.
- A recuperação de informação geométria a partir de uma núvem de pontos, Departamento de Engenharias e Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Cabo Verde, 2011
- .
- Gastao S. F. Frederico currently works at Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. Gastao does research in Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control, Fractional Calculus and EDP. Their most recent publication is 'Noether-type theorem for fractional variational problems depending on fractional derivatives of functions'.… Read moreLanguages
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- DisciplinesCosmologyApplied MathematicsMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringSkills and expertise (38)MATLAB SimulationModeling and SimulationControl TheoryNumerical AnalysisEngineering, Applied and Computational MathematicsSystem ModelingMathematical AnalysisMathematical ModellingNonlinear AnalysisMechanical EngineeringView allStats overviewResearch Research overviewView all
- 32Research items
- 0Projects
- 0Questions
- 1Answer
- Featured researchMost recommended in the last month📷Sourceψ-Hilfer pseudo-fractional operator: new results about fractional calculusArticleFull-text available
- April 2020
- 📷Jose Vanterler
- 📷Gastao S. F. Frederico
- 📷Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira
- 74 Reads
- 1 Recommendation
- DownloadRecommendFollowShare📷SourceNoether-type theorem for fractional variational problems depending on fractional derivatives of functionsPreprintFile available
- August 2019
- 📷Matheus J. Lazo
- 📷Gastao S. F. Frederico
- 📷P. M. Carvalho-Neto
- 25 Reads
- DownloadRecommendFollowShare📷SourceNoether-type theorem for fractional variational problems depending on fractional derivatives of functionsArticleFull-text available
- August 2019
- Applicable Analysis
- 📷Matheus J. Lazo
- 📷Gastao S. F. Frederico
- 📷P. M. Carvalho-Neto
- 82 Reads
- 2 Recommendations
- DownloadRecommendFollowShare📷SourceNoether theorem for action-dependent Lagrangian functions: conservation laws for non-conservative systemsPreprintFile available
- June 2019
- 📷Matheus J. Lazo
- 📷Juilson Paiva
- 📷Gastao S. F. Frederico
- 70 Reads
- 1 Recommendation
- DownloadRecommendFollowShare📷SourceNoether theorem for action-dependent Lagrangian functions: conservation laws for non-conservative systemsArticleFull-text available
- June 2019
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- 📷Matheus J. Lazo
- 📷Juilson Paiva
- 📷Gastao S. F. Frederico
- 38 Reads
- 1 Citation
- DownloadRecommenatured research📷SourceExistence, uniqueness, stability and asymptotic behavior of solutions for a mathematical model of atherosclerosisArticleFull-text available
- December 2015
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
- 📷Jorge Tiago
- 📷Rafael Santos
- 📷Adélia Sequeira
- 📷Telma Silva
- 233 Reads
- 5 Citations
- 1 Recommendation
- DownloadRecommendFollowShareRecently read📷SourceMathematical Modeling of Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation Coupled with a Non-Newtonian Model of Blood FlowConference PaperFull-text available
- July 2013
- The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2013
- 📷Jorge Tiago
- 📷Telma Silva
- 📷Adélia Sequeira
- 📷Rafael F. Santos
- 310 Reads
- 10 Citations
- 1 Recommendation
- DownloadRecommendFollowShareMost recommended in the last monthModeling of the Early Stage of Atherosclerosis with Emphasis on the Regulation of the Endothelial PermeabilityArticle
- April 2020
- Journal of Theoretical Biology
- 📷Telma Silva
- 📷Willi Jäger
- 📷Maria Neuss-Radu
- 📷Adélia Sequeira
- 15 Reads
- 1 Recommendation
- Full-text requestedRecommendedFollowingShareMathematical Analysis and Numerical Simulations for a Model of AtherosclerosisChapter
- December 2016
- 📷Telma Silva
- 📷Jorge Tiago
- 📷Adélia Sequeira
- 88 Reads
- 1 Citation
- Request full-textRecommendFollowShareMost cited in the last monthMathematical modeling of atherosclerotic plaque formation coupled with a non-Newtonian model of blood flowArticle
- January 2013
- 📷Telma Silva
- 📷Adélia Sequeira
- 📷R.F. Santos
- 📷Jorge Tiago
- 21 Reads
- 9 Citations
- Request full-textRecommendFollowShareProjectsThe Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2020 Doutor em Matemática e Aplicações, Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informão
- Antonio Afonso Delgado
I'm currently working on my proposal for my master's thesis and would like to find out which current research topics in the field of network security are promising/interesting/hot.
how can i measure the "average received CNR(carrier-to-noise ratio)" which is given by Mohamed-Slim Alouini and Andren Goldsmith in "capacity of nakagami multipath fading channels". We all know that we can measure the recieved CNR by transmitted CNR- channel loss. Can i calculate the average received CNR in the same way average received CNR= average transmitted CNR-loss? I mean do the average CNR for transmitter and the receiver have the relation that can be used in the received CNR and transmitted CNR? ill appreciate it for ur answers
I am working with SDN to manage flows in a network. I wanted to experiment/know if there is a way I can simulate different radios(Bluetooth,Wifi,Zigbee) which work in the same ISM band to better manage the whole environment. Any help is appreciated. Also best wishes for the new year
Hey everyone
i want to know what is simpler computer networking topic than other topic Or in other words
less complex than other
can anybody help me?
Please suggest me some link that might help to write python code that can measure the delay of a specific path (the path that I am interested) using pox as a controller. Though I have found opennetmon in and tried with this one and its not working. So I need some alternative way that might help me.
Thank you
If table is like can we draw venn diagram by this input?
variable value r1 value r2
a 20 45
b 10
c 39 1
d 37
e 98 27
Greedings I am interested, as my scientific field for PhD or research, to be the privacy to the internet. I also want to do it on Japanese soil via some scholarship (eg. MEXT). So can you suggest me some Japanese univercities that do research on this topic either directly? (eg. via cyberceririty department or a common CS department that does lots of computer networking papers)
There are many vanet simulators available, I want to know specifically from GrooveNet and Nuctns simulator which one is best
i want guidance specific to computer networking point of view, mostly i find material related to physical layer which are mostly related to the electronics field.
so i requested to the experts that they guide me at what topic i start my research which are closely related to the computer networking. in 5G I want to doing my research on massive devices handling and energy efficient algorithms.
What is meant by the "Physical Layer" in Satellite Communications?
As well as how it is different from the 7 layers OSI model of computer networking?
It would be a great help if you could give me some ideas.
Thank you in advance.
Currently, I am MSC candidate in Computer Networking and I need hot research area, so who can help me? I am confusing with to find it and I need your support
I am comparing the performance of AODV, DSDV & TORA. I used AWK following AWK script for measure the average throughput, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio. It works well for aodv and dsdv, but it can not work for TORA. What are the AWK scripts for TORA for measuring above parameters.
I want to simulate a model on cloudsim traffic latency and topology of data center and its proximity to customers .. can anybody guide me some tutorials or documentation about it
I was wondering if Facebook uni-cast or multicast an ongoing live video streaming to a group of users. For example, if a user joins a live stream, will he/she get a separate uni-cast or multicast stream.
Currently working on my Master Thesis proposal, I want to figure out the trends and hot research topic in Network Security and computer networking which i can pursue in following years.
I have been searching for some research article to find the benefits of both OTTs and ISPs to collaborate for QoE but I couldn't find some good article which has addressed it clearly. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
How can we differentiate message-oriented protocols and stream-oriented protocols?
Explanation with examples would be highly appreciated.
I assign a semester project to groups of students in my networking classes. As part of that assignment, I have students evaluate the financial feasibility of that project. The approach I have been taking is to have students identify whether or not the network will serve as a supporting or primary function per Porter's Value Chain. If a primary function (such as say, Netflix), I argue that students should focus on more traditional financial metrics like ROI, NPV, etc. If however, the network acts as a support function, then measures such as Total Cost of Ownership or Network Cost of Ownership might be more appropriate. This is not a perfect approach but it has been a way to let theory drive the decision. But, I am curious as to other approaches used and the justification for using such approaches short of stating it as an assumption of the client.
Dear All,
I am wondering if there are some mathematical models to correlate amount of network traffic to operational network parameters such as throughput, delay and packet loss for a given link capacity. Consider that traffic is TCP based traffic.
Further details with reference to multimedia applications, I am considering two applications VoIP and HTTP Adaptive video streaming.
Any useful suggestion in this regard is highly appreciated.
I am trying to find the optimal sampling rate of the passive probe for QoE monitoring of a video streaming application where I am considering the network load as an objective function which should be minimized. I wonder if there are some concrete work in literature related to it. Any useful information will be highly appreciated. Thanks
i've noticed that majority of engineers are focusing on the technical side of development of telecom equipment either in mobile communication or any other sub-field , compared to computer networking ,engineers do their best to develop new security solutions !
i don't understand why there's always this lack of interest in security field in telecom !!
Kindly guide me about choosing best simulator for dynamic routing in Adhoc networks.
Can we use Opnet simulation for high level work?
Which tool will best suit DTN simulation?
How to simulate CSMA-CA algorithm in MATLAB? There are several nodes in the network with its own state. For example, some node may be sending the data at the start of the simulation, some other nodes may be waiting to send the data, some nodes may be idle, some nodes may be waiting for ACK, etc. When some node is sending the data, at the same time the other nodes may be changing the state. Computer programs run sequentially. How it is possible to update the states of other nodes or back-off counters etc. at the same time when the transmission of data of a node is going on?
Of course, this is easy in NS2. But I am not at all familiar with NS2.
Dear all,
Does the 802.11n technology have a mechanism to keep track of the number of devices connected to it? Information regarding what it is called or what to specifically search for to read up more about this mechanism would be welcomed.
Thank you
In a service chain, the data rate between two successive VNFs changes based on the type of VNFs. This is referred to as compression factors in the paper linked below. In such paper they do not provide any reference nor numbers for this. Is anyone aware of real data about compression factors?
A new concept about the way to connect to VPNs, without pre-defined VPN tunnel or servers, no topology and data transfer through the cloud?
Hi, I need the code in ns2 for the implementation of ATCP made by Jian Liu and Suresh Singh referred to in paper ATCP: TCP for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Could someone help me to know how or where to get it?
cybercrime in organisations
effects of cybercrime
Anyone please can suggest me the best technique for reducing interference for M2M communication in heterogeneous networks? or software also in which I can implement my project
Hello. I have a mobile network with randomly placed base stations and users as illustrated in the figure. How do I perform disjoint clustering (dividing area into disjoint squares) to measure SINR?
I am trying to complie my application for TOSSIM. Even though, it compiles for the hardware, it throws run time errors when executing 'make micaz sim'. I was wondering if it because I am using 802.15.4 MAC. Does Tossim support tkn154? (The given examples do not compile).
I have a network created with WiFi modules and I want to connect routers to that network so they can forward the messages to the corresponding module.
If someone could give me some information of how to start to configure the routers, it will be very helpful.
how to apply pre-fetching code into our system/application
what is the common environment for implementings,testing or validating ideas about service function chaining in the context of SDN
I am trying to do a VANET simulation in VEINS (OMNET++ and SUMO) and I would like to know how to start.
Thanks in advance.
how could i measure snmp overhead. i have a monitoring platform which will poll the device but i now wish to monitor the overhead of doing so.
How to train neural network with the genetic algorithm in Java?
I am searching for a research direction in network. I decide to focus on CDN. Any good suggestions?
I am working on developing a patch for DHCP server software. Please let me know from where I can get source code for an open source dhcp server.
I simulated a model with 5 clients requesting with 1000 bytes from 1 server. Server responses with 100000 bytes of data. Tests for 128ms, 64ms,32ms,1,1000000ms frequency dwell time and results show that on FHSS, dwell time affects utilization.
Can anyone approve?
hello everyone
Can you guide me that how we can configure any node in NS-2.34 as a WimAX node and how v can configure any node as a cellular tower?
I have a BN model in which there are four nodes. They are Job Arrival Rate, CPU Usage, Memory Usage and Resource Utilization. CPU usage and memory usage are dependent on Job Arrival Rate. Memory usage is also dependent on CPU Usage. Resource Utilization is dependent of CPU Usage and Memory usage. I have marginal probabilities of all the nodes. I want to calculate conditional probability table of the last node i. e., Resource Utilization which is dependent on both CPU Usage and Memory Usage. Please help me out.
Which is the best mobile network simulator QualNet/GloMoSim/OMNeT++/OPNET ?
Hi All,
ETX is calculated based on the packet delivery ratio of forward (denoted df) and reverse direction (denoted dr) of a link, i.e. ETX = 1/(df x dr). df, dr are determined by counting dedicated probe packets successfully received.
my question is: in cooja , where or in which file Dr and Dr are calculated ?