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Computable Structures - Science topic

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Questions related to Computable Structures
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
1 answer
I need a single file containing coordinates of all the geometries that is formatted for convenient viewing. I want to concatenated the coordinates for all computational structures into a single file. For that I need to create a multiple xyz file. How should I prepare a multiple xyz file?
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Dear Vilakkathala U Krishnapriya I used Chat GPT to answer of your question. Could you tets the relevance of this answer?
"To create a multiple XYZ file in ChemCraft, you can use the "File" menu and select "New" or "Open" to create or open a new file. Once you have a new file open, you can use the "File" menu again and select "Save As" to save the file as an XYZ file.
You can also use the "Import" option in the "File" menu to import a different file format, such as a PDB or MOL file, and then convert it to an XYZ file.
Another way of creating a multiple XYZ file would be to use the "Append" option from "File" menu and select the XYZ files which you want to merge.
It is important to note that in order to create a multiple XYZ file, all the XYZ files you want to merge must have the same number of atoms and the same atom ordering, otherwise, the merge may not work as expected.
In summary, to create a multiple XYZ file in ChemCraft, you can use the "File" menu and select "New" or "Open" to create or open a new file, then use the "Save As" option to save the file as an XYZ file, use "Import" option to import a different file format and convert it to an XYZ file or use "Append" option to merge multiple XYZ files that have the same number of atoms and the same atom ordering."
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
1 answer
I am trying to compare original and restored rgb images via ssim.
As an output, I get three ssim maps, and none of them does not coincide with the maps produced if I run ssim separately on red, green or blue bands.
I wonder, what is the calculation procedure of ssim for rgb? Please advise me.
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Hi Nataliya,
Consider that you have two color images c1 and c2, then you can split each image into R1G1B1 and R2G2B2. Having done this, the SSI can be applied upon each band from both images and finally take the average.
Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
9 answers
Solving the protein structure prediction problem by AlphaFold2(AF2) from sequence seems at its core a game-changing breakthrough. Major areas of biology and biophysics will thrive and others may become diminished or even obsolete.
Will AF2 hurt or benefit experimental methods for determination of protein structure? Structures of large macromolecular machines should be enabled by having accurate computational structures for subunits and components. X-ray structure value may become more specialized. One thing that seems likely is that the already great value of sequence data (which is doubling every 8 months) is likely to become far greater by being more directly connected to spatial information. At its core solving the protein folding problem will enhance sequence impact and thereby increase the overall the pace of biology and biophysical advances by improving the ability of structural biology to better harness the flood of sequence data. How much will medical areas such as cancer biology and cancer drug discovery benefit? How about research areas such as protein design? What areas are likely to be most powerfully advanced and which most negatively impacted? What do you think?
How should senior and early stage researchers position themselves to ride the wave of growing positive impacts and reduce research wipeouts when this new mega-wave adds constructively or destructively with current research waves of systems biology and single molecule and single cell advances? What should we change in training for graduate students and fellows to insure they are correctly positioned for science with reliable protein structure prediction?
Relevant answer
You have asked an interesting question. For a senior member of structural biology community it shows the yearning for practical solutions as well as naivety of the real difficulties in even defining the problem. The protein folding problem is an ill-defined and most likely unsolvable problem in its classic sense of axiomatic reductionist sciences. If the old Anfinsen view was true about the minimum of global free energy there never would be life on Earth or anywhere else. The new paradigm that I partially formulated is that every protein (as a matter of fact every macromolecule of life) has its own specific recipe how to combine the structural with dynamical features to accomplish the desired function (PNAS 106(2009)10505). It means that there is a unique proportion of conditionally stable structure to conditionally unstable elements to perform given function. This ill defined condition is not solvable by classic axioms but it just might be partially solvable by fuzzy methods such as AI. Why AI is so good? Because the protein folding problem is a practical not a theoretical problem. Depending on conditions and their possible changes the protein suppose to perform a certain function. This is what physics call "self organized criticality". This is far from equivalency of having a certain structure nor a possible unique binding site nor anything that remotely can be called a solution. AI just simply captures better the set of heuristic rules than other methods particularly dynamical coupling with solvent. There are millions of examples to support this view. If anybody wants to engage I will be happy to, but not now. There is no place here to mention even a single one.
So the only hope is that we found an effective heuristic tool that gives us better approximation to reality. To be properly tested the method needs to be exposed to finding bordering cases when it breaks down. What conditions produce divergencies. What percentages of certain structures are folded and are not. For instance only around 30% of genomes of higher eukaryotes are properly folded. Around 30% is conditionally folded (on the target, in the particular compartment) since the misfolding diseases. And finally around 30% is almost never folded with residual presence of folding nuclei that precipitate the function. So all these classes of proteins must be tested against this new AI approach to see when the rules break down and how to enhance them.
Therefore, it is not a breakthrough that John is so excited about. But it is definitely progress. But, I would not see anytime in the future, abolishing or significant diminished importance of any particular field of science, in exactly the same way as radio did not get extinct by TV.
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
5 answers
AF2 may most strongly impact experimental determination of protein structure by multiple methods with possible benefits and negative impacts over time.
Some areas may need to quickly pivot or become obsolescent, whereas other may thrive.
Structures of large macromolecular machines should be enabled by having accurate computational structures for subunits and components.
The already great value of sequence data (which is doubling every 8 months) is likely to become far greater by being more directly connected to spatial information.
Overall the pace of biology and biophysical advances can be expected in increase by the ability to better harness the flood of sequence data.
What do you think?
Relevant answer
X-ray people might be impacted more than NMR and cryo-EM people by AF2. It may replace all biophysical techniques for structural determination someday, IMHO, they advertise much better than academic groups for the things they've achieved and still a long way to go (like when Rosetta first introduced). Not to mention the missing pieces like non-natural amino acids, binding partners, dynamics, different circumstances in the cell, more or less scientists would like to validate the prediction experimentally. However, it is hard to argue with its valuable inputs and insights before wet bench works that cost a lot.
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
11 answers
I have worked on Civil Engineering sector. Now I want to publish in an International Journal. I thought Computers and structures first. But, I would like to know which would be a suitable journal to publish such work. I have written a paper in project management . Thanks a ton in advance
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Some of the high-quality peer-reviewed journals are:
1. Automation in Construction
2. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
3. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
4. Building and Environment
5. Journal of Building Engineering
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
1 answer
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) link cyberspace with the physical world through a network of interrelated elements, such as sensors and actuators, robotics, and computational engines. These systems are highly automated, intelligent, and collaborative. CPS examples include energy neutral buildings, zero-fatality highways, and personalized medical devices.
Parallel system (PS) methods are further development and natural extension of control systems and computer—based modeling and simulation,resulting from new and recent advances in computing structure, algorithms, and technology.Parallel system methods might provide effective tools for control and management of complex systems that can not be modeled precisely or experimented repeatedly.
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I think CPS is different from Parallel system. Parallel system normally for simultaneous tasks, especially computation, i.e. parallel computing. Parallel computing is used for high performance computing.
CPS on the other hand is bringing together physical system into the cyber space with the help of various emerging and enabling technologies. This is especially for realizing smart systems and infrastructures, autonomous systems, etc. Parallel system may be just a drop in the ocean of CPS.
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
5 answers
Dear German-speaking Researchers in Vision and Visualization,
I would be happy if you can help me to find the proper expression in German for the term "space-variant".
My research is about space-variant vision and visualization. In the related literature, the term "space-variant" indicates that the spatial organization of some elementary components of a particular physiological or computational structure is not uniform.
The term "space-variant" is closely related with the following examples:
  1. The photoreceptor cells on the retina
  2. The pixels on a log-polar CMOS image sensor
  3. The pixels on a multi-resolution image (i.e., a single image composed of multiple resolutions)
  4. A Fisheye map or a Focus+Context visualization
  5. A Gaze-contingent display
Best regards,
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Ich würde tatsächlich "raumvariant" vorschlagen.
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
3 answers
at room temperature, just want to know the precedure 
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Dear 耸霄
The axial stiffness of rod elements are AE\L, where A is area, E is module of elasticity and L is length of element.
best regards
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
3 answers
Does short beam fall under the category of deep beam or vice versa? Is there any depth or a/d limit that defines the boundary between these beams? Thanks in advance.   
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Hi Leon Raj J.
Thank you for your response and for sharing your works, greatly appreciated. 
  • asked a question related to Computable Structures
4 answers
I have synthesized a new compound and grown single crystals. Now its XRD structure consists of one water molecule with it. My doubt is whether I want to do computation for that structure with water molecule or without water molecule by using gaussian package. 
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Dear Arshad,
Thanks for your immediate response and your valuable time & work. I want to know detailed steps of how you get these structure from the cif file. I am using gaussview3 in that i visualized breakup structures, so i little confused. If you furnish the steps u carried out to get structure elaborately, it will be helpful for me to carryout further and in future.
Thank you