Science topic
Composites - Science topic
Production, Testing, Dimensioning, Research on Composites
Questions related to Composites
Dear colleagues!
I need help understanding the rheological properties of HDPE and LDPE-based composites.
Who studies the rheological properties of polymer composites, please let us know or tell a specialist in this field.
Best regards
Kuzmin Anton
I know fiber volume fraction in composites, but what is Yarn fiber volume fraction in ANSYS ?
I am creating a single element model in Abaqus of a composite material. My goal is to match the stress-strain curve of the material which was obtained experimentally. I am using VUMAT for Fabric Reinforced Composites to get a non-linear stress-strain curve. However, every time I run my analysis I get the error "1 elements have missing property definitions". I tried changing the element type, hourglass stiffness, etc., but nothing seems to work. How can I solve this?

2024 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing(ICAMIM 2024), which is to be held in Guangzhou, China, from November 01-03, 2024.
Conference Website:
---Call for papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
◕ Advanced materials
01) Non-ferrous metal materials
02) Steel polymer material
03) Composites
04) Micro/nano materials
05) Optical/electronic/magnetic materials
06) New feature materials
◕ Intelligent manufacturing
01) Biomimicry mechanisms
02) Integrated manufacturing systems
03) Industrial and manufacturing systems analysis and decision-making
04) Digital manufacturing
05) Modeling and design
06) Intelligent systems
07) Intelligent mechatronics
08) Micromachining technology
09) Advanced manufacturing technology
All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of ICAMIM 2024 will be published in the Journal Of physics: Conference Series (ISSN:1742-6596), and it will be submitted to EI Compendex and Scopus for indexing.
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: October 30, 2024
Registration Deadline: November 1, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: November 10, 2024
Conference Dates: November 01-03, 2024
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

Is there a single JCPDS card for natural fiber ? My understanding is that all natural fibers basically have the same constituents albeit they are in different concentration. Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin and wax. Natural fiber is a semi-crystalline material, so expect amorphous and crystalline indicators in the XRD graph.
What technology is used for mixing synthetic rubber and polyethylene? Can you recommend literature or articles on this topic?
Thank you so much.
I took some FTIR (ATR) readings of a polymer composite (epoxy+ fumed silica+ ceramic filler) we are working on. The peaks seem to decrease in intensity with increase in ceramic and filler content. I am new to FTIR but based on what I have read decrease in peak intensity corresponds to reduction of bonds which absorb that wavelength if so doesn't that mean these fillers are impeding growth of the polymer chain bonds? But I had a doubt that wouldn't these opaque particles being in higher concentration block the IR and reduce transmittance and then the decrease in peaks just means the IR was not able to penetrate the sample due to presence of these particles and not actual decrease in polymer chain formation. Can someone explain this to me.The attached graph is transmitance % vs wavelength Thank you.

Hi everyone, I want to ask how to use self-consistent clustering analysis method for concurrent multiscale simulations and how to solve Lippmann-Schwinger equation for this.
I have done parametric study in Ansys Material Designer by varying the volume fraction of carbon fiber. Now I would to have a look at stress distribution in the RVE for each design point. How can I view?
Thank you.
The layup contains a biaxial non-crimp fabric (NCF) with orientations +45° and -45°. Would the correct notation be [(± 45)ncf ] , or should the fabric be noted like two separate unidirectional plies [+45/-45]?
When it comes to material assessment, it's common to rely on fracture patterns from tensile tests. However, it's crucial to understand that these patterns are not inherently designed for fracture analytical purposes. Let's dive into why, despite this, they are still used, and the necessary shift towards more suitable approaches by this novel illustration.
To date, I have only encountered academic literature pertaining to the Digital Image Correlation (DIG) of 2D or 3D smooth surfaces. Regrettably, I have yet to find any research publications regarding DIG analysis of rough surfaces.
If you look at a typical Ashby diagram, you will notice that the fracture toughness based on K-factor is superimposed on all material classes.
Is this an ingenious solution or is it too simple?

I intend to perform mechanical tensile test for my polymer nanocomposites. Does there exists any ASTM standard to follow? Can I also know the dimensions of the specimen to be produced? Lastly, I intend to create a mould for the dog-bone shape. Can we get files online to create the dog-bone mould using 3D printer?
Hello, I am wondering if the Rule of Mixture equation is applicable to flexural strength and modulus of carbon fiber composites. If not, what model is the easiest one to predict the flexural properties? Thanks!
polymer with inorganic material
What will be the exact reason? Sodium Hydroxide treatment
Why do micro-cracks forms in the matrix zones of FRP composites?
(a) Is it a Defect ?
(b) Does it has any effect on the initiation of fracture during the load applied?
I am following ASTM D7264 for conducting Flexural strength test of natural fiber polymer composite. Initially support span to thickness ratio of 32:1 was planned but due to miscommunication 32:1 is now total length to thickness ratio. Now if I am using 20:1 which is also allowed as per the ASTM standard I will have 36% of total length as overhanging portion. The standard recommends about 20%, doesn't say if it os minimum or maximum. Does taking higher overhanging length effect the result?
Hello everyone,
I want to investigate the debonding behavior of the matrix-particle interface in a particulate composite with spherical particles in a two-dimensional matrix, using the Abaqus Dynamic Explicit solver.
I used General Contact (Explicit), with cohesive behavior and Johnson -cook damage formulation. However, stress concentration is occurred at matrix, and the stress is not transferred to the particles. Also, interface perpendicular to force direction is deboned very early. I think my interface definition is not correct, any help would be highly appreciated.
Hello ResearchGate Community,
I am working on composite laminate analysis. Need to do a numerical analysis and the stacking sequence is given by the supervisor in the attached photo.
- If there is a + and - sign together (as in the case for 45 degree), then what to do?
- What to do during (0,90)?
- How the symmetry will work here?
I have some options (options given below), but not sure and don't have a clear explanation. Can anyone please help me and confirm it?
(1) 45/0/90/45/45/90/0/45/45/0/90/45/45/90/0/45
(2) 45/0/0/45/45/0/0/45/45/0/0/45/45/0/0/45
(3) 45/0/45/0/45/0/45/0/45/0/45/0/45/0/45/0
I thought to use only +45, so I have come up with these 3 options, but not sure~
Thank you a bunch in advance for your effort and time :)

I saw literature that frontal polymerization can be used in 3D printing of composites. The curing can be triggered briefly by external heat source, and the thermal front wave can travel from the external heat source side to convert monomer to polymer. How to control the heat rate in composites curing?
Dear researchers,
My research area is related to the development of metallic composites. I am switching to sensor development. Basically, I will work on the development of advanced materials for sensor applications. I need your guidance, suggestions, and ideas. I am also looking for collaboration in this area.
Looking for your valuable replies.
My project is ballistic test of composite with fmj parabellum projectile. But my problem now is negative volume.. in help viewer of ansys noted that I must activate failure capabilities and use material strength limit.. how I can do that?
I need to test tensile properties of woven bidirectionally woven fiber which will be used to prepare composites. How do I measure the tensile properties (tensile strength and modulus) of it ? There is a standard for tear strength D5587 − 15 that measures tear strength of partially torn fabric. But this cannot be related to tensile strength since tensile strength is actually stress that can be handled to resist yield or fracture (MPa). Tear strength is actually force needed to completely tear a already torn fabric. So, please let me know the suitable standard to measure tensile strength.
concentrate with fiber orientation
What characterization required for automotive anti-roll bar applications?
Mechanical, Dynamic mechanical, thermal etc and what is range of vales of these properties
I want to simulate composite laminates under cyclic loading, for 100K, and 200K cycles, then I need to extract the stress v/s number of cycle data. Can anyone please suggest how to proceed?
If you are adding nanoparticle to a fiber based epoxy composite, what is the right way of deciding the weight percentage of the nanoparticle ? If you select with respect to the composite, then when you increase the fiber content, the fraction of nanoparticle in resin keeps on increasing which will have negative effect countering the effect of increase in fiber content. Say you increase fiber from 30 to 50 wt%, if you keep nanoparticle wt% with respect to composite as 1. In case of 50% fiber, since there is lesser resin, the dispersion becomes difficult. So best thing to do is select nanoclay with respect to the epoxy system. Which way is correct ? I believe I am correct.
When applying Maximum Stress Criterion on ANSYS composite PrePost, I noticed that interlaminar stress limit (S3) accounted for by the software is 50% of the out-of-plane stress limit (Z) defined by the laminate properties. However, I didn't find any thing in the documentation that refers to the value of this weakening factor.
Can any one provide me with a reference for this assumption?
Hey, i basically want to simulate a tensile test to validate the damage model of my composite material. When using the instant stiffness reduction the results converge but are not sufficent. Hence i want to use the "Continuum Damage" approach, for which you need to specify the energy release rates and damping coefficients for the 4 failure modes.
As soon as damage (hashin) initiates, the elements get highly distorted and the simulation exits with warnings: *** ERROR *** CP = 4.391 TIME= 12:35:59
Element 286 (SOLID186) is turning inside out.
for multiple elements.
Large deformations are on and i already tried increasing the substeps. I am using solid elements.
Why does this only happen with the continuum damage appoach? Does someone of you have experience with it regarding composites?
Thank you a lot in advance!
Dear ABAQUS users,
I want to make a three-dimensional model of the three-point bending simulation!
What do you think is the best element to use in ABAQUS for this problem? C3D8R - C3D8 - C3D20R - C3D20 - C3D8I
Can you please tell me about the advantages and disadvantages for each element or send me a reference for that!
In order to analyze the effect of moisture absorption on mechanical properties of composites, need to follow ASTM D5229 and immerse in water till the composites saturate with moisture. This consumes time, 2-3 or even 6 months. Is there any other accelerated water absorption process which simulates the normal water absorption but at a different scale ? I cannot increase the water temperature beyond 40 degree celsius because ASTM recommends the water temperature to be 25 degree celsius less than the glass transition temperature.
I'm currently modeling to plaques that are together, one is of a composite material and has ply orientation while the other is a simple mould with isotropic properties.
The type of element I'm using is C3D20T and the contact type I used is surface to surface with small sliding, frictionless, contact controls, hard contact and direct in normal behavior and zero tolerance specified. However, I get the following warning :
Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing D.O.F. 1 of 22 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeSolvProbZeroPiv_1_1_1_1_1.
How can I solve it?
I want to analysis Lamina composite with ABAQUS and for this reason I would like to export my file from Hypermesh to ABAQUS?
currently i am working on impact analysis of a Armour.I am using ANSYS autodyn for simulation but i am stuck in calculation of residual velocity.
I have mixture of nanoclay, acetone and epoxy LY556 kept in vacuum oven. What must be the pressure setting in mm of Hg so that only the acetone and air bubbles escape and not the resin ? Is 460 mm of Hg and oven temperature of 50 degree Celsius is fine ?
As per ASTM D3039 for tensile testing and D7264 for flexural testing of PMC, there are no strict requirements of maintaining 3 mm thickness. Is it an unwritten norm followed in publishing papers. In none of the papers i have seen thickness of say 2.5 mm. For flexural testicng, 4 mm is standard but one may change it as long as 32:1 length to thickness ratio is maintained. For tensile testing even though they recommend standard thicknesses, it can be changed.
Cement has been in human use throughout history, and due to its binding nature, it is regarded as the backbone of the construction industry. A recent edition of the journal Nano Energy published the results from major breakthrough research conducted by engineers from Incheon National University, Kyung Hee University, and Korea University. The researchers have invented a cement-based composite (CBC) that can be used in concrete to develop electrical properties without affecting its structural performance. But what if cement could be used to generate electricity?
Any ideas from researchers?
How is GSM calculated ? What is the importance of selecting right GSM ?
What is the type of nucleation in Polypropylene composites containing carbon black (less than 3 wt.%) during crystallisation and recrystallisation?
Is it homogeneous, heterogeneous, secondary nucleation?
Specifically in the laser transmission welding process.
The piezoelectric charge coefficient (d) considers the directions of the applied force and polarization. However, ZnO is not a ferroelectric material, so I can't pole it with an external electric field. Therefore, how can I know the direction of the already existing dipoles to determine d33? I plan on using the Berlincourt method.
Moreover, I want to produce a Polyurethane/ZnO composite to enhance the material's flexibility. Is there any recommended synthesis method to this case?
Dear researchers,
I am working on Mg composites fabricated by powder metallurgy. I have investigated the wear behavior of Mg-based composites with variation in temperature. I observed that wear rate increased with an increase in the wear temperature. Can anyone explain me in detail, why is it happening? What is the mechanism? I am looking for your responses.
Thank you so much.
The traditional housing typologies make use of locally available construction materials such as wood, stone, and mud etc. for the building construction. Past earthquakes showed high seismic vulnerability to these existing masonry building typologies.
What is the different strengthening or safety measures that can be taken to enhance their earthquake resistance?
Ansys Granta is not a free programme. Is there any other materials selection software that you would recommend, and what is the name of it? ( )
As every keyword have certain experts associated with it, based on their area of expertise. Can we initiate a devoted section for research collaboration, especially for the calls requiring bilateral or multinational collaborator?
Presently, My group is looking for a German collaborator in the area of " High performance based C-C composites" on following call ""
Finding it difficult to have a relevant and interested group from Germany. kindly text me if anyone finds this call interesting.
Please share how I should proceed to search for interested researchers from Germany, My present approach is searching research papers on said area and mailing to the researcher if find relevant.
In a stress-strain curve of an FRP composite, mostly it is represented strain in terms of (%) rather than in (mm). Why it is represented in such a way?
I have prepared magnesium green compacts from powders of different particle sizes. I observed that the green strength of compacts produced from fine powder was very low. Green compact splitted in two parts in the vertical plane during removal of green compact from the powder compaction dies. I repeated the experiment so many times and observed the same behavior. What can be the possible reason? Please explain.
I am going to use a machine (orthogonal cutting) for carbon fiber reinforced epoxy tube having 60 degree fiber orientation. I need material having 50-70 mm outer diameter and 2 mm thickness tube.
Has anyone in your laboratory equipment a VERSA TESTER? made by SOILTEST.Inc (Evanston Ill. USA)? I am looking for its user manual... Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
See the attached file.
Hello All!
I am trying to model a composite in Abaqus, and specifically trying to capture the fiber realignment on loading.
One of the approaches I am considering is to.homogenise the fiber layer, and define anisotropic material properties that rotate on loading. This coordinate system should rotate following the direction of a prescribed edge of each element.
What would be the best way to model this rotating material orientation?
In powder metallurgy, energy is consumed in powder production, ball milling, powder compaction, and sintering. Whereas in casting, the energy is consumed only in melting the ingot. In some of the papers, I have read that energy consumption is lower in powder metallurgy. How? Can anyone explain, please?
I have experimental data on diffusion of water into composite samples. To find diffusion coefficient I have fit Fick's Model to the experimental data using matlab curve fitting application. In some cases, adjusted R square values for different samples of the same composition are different, say 0.9 for one and 0.7 for the other. So, now what would be my diffusion coefficient ? Can I take the normal average or should I take weighted average depending on the R-square value or should I neglect the diffusion data with R-square 0.7 ?
I am searching for the thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) of Vf=60% IN‐2 EPOXY INFUSION RESIN composite at 20oC < T <100oC. Could you suggest me any relevant literature, please? Thanks,
Can the 'k' & 'c' values be derived analytically using the volumetric data( % aggregate,%binder, %air voids,% PP replaced) for a hot mix design?
The Fick's equation is attached as JPEG file. Mt & Minfinity are water uptake of immersed specimen at time t and time infinity. n is number of readings. D is diffusion coefficient. t is time and l is specimen thickness.
How can I fit the equation or model to experimental data and see if the experiment follows Fick's law.

I am currently using the asymptotic homogenization method to predict the elastic properties of a porous structure. The software I've been using only supports homogenization of an RVE with an isotropic base material, but in reality the base material will be transversely isotropic (the elastic constants of this material are known). Is there any way to take the compliance matrix resulting from the homogenization with an isotropic material and transform it to account for the transverse isotropy of the base material? For instance, if I know the Zener ratio of the base material, can that somehow be used to transform the structure properties?
which type of shot (balls) will be used in shot blasting of sheet made up of Composite((Aluminum alloy +boron carbide composite) or for (Aluminum alloy +silicon carbide composite)
im currently modelling a hybrid composite RVE. it is just a simple model generated using the GUI. im having trouble generating the stress strain curve. i want the stress strain curve for the whole RVE and not just for 1 element.
Hi everyone
Aiming to model the IR radiative heating of composite sheets, I first started with a simple model : a cylinder above a solid sheet, in 2D with a Heat-Transfer step [Capture 1]. The cylinder has an imposed temperature of 600°C. I set a radiation interaction between both solids, whose parameters can be seen on Capture 2. I then tried to add another solid to act as a radiation protector, just like a sunshade does, but as expected, this doesn't prevent the lower sheet to receive radiative heat [capture 3].
- Does anyone know how to properly set radiative interaction parameters ? I tried my best to implement realistic values from documentation for view factor but I am still doubtful about this model.
- Is it possible to make Abaqus understand that one solid can "hide" a part of another solid from the radiative source ? Ofc I could partition the lower solid to apply radiative interaction only on the exposed surface, but I'd rather solve the problem than going around it.
Best regards,
Hello all!
How to model a composite model with a high strain rate (explicit dynamic analysis) in ANSYS or Ls-Dyna.
Exact ASTM standard for impact strength and flexural strength
I want to cut epoxy filled nanocomposite for FE-SEM analysis. What is the best way to cut it without resulting in any cracks or change in position or alignment of the particle reinforcement ? Also the cutting method must not burn the material.
Does Epoxy clay nanocomposite sample require surface preparation. I am going for Gold sputtering to make the surface conductive. I guess there is no need to clean or polish the surface beneath the conductive coating. Is there anything else that I need to do ? What about the thickness of the specimen ? If the specimen is 2 mm thick, do you think the nanoclay would not be accessible for the secondary electrons ? So, should I go for very lesser thickness ?
Hello friends Good time. I need some issues with the genetically modified goat breeds(composite or synthesis) in the world. Please help me.
1. In a Low-velocity impact test, I have got Force vs Time response. There were two peaks in cross-ply and angle-ply orientation. In cross-ply, its peak to peak distance is lesser when compared to angle-ply. What is its significance?
2. Another was, steep rise in the cross-ply but the linear increment in angle -ply. What might be the reason?
What are some of the current available research grant opportunities(i.e. name of funding organizations, process for availing funds, special eligibility requirements(if any)) for M.Tech (Mechanical) students in India?
Any information regarding it would be highly appreciated.
For above said properties what are the parameters need to be considered? Is the weight is the only parameter to calculate the % of Chemical Resistance, Swelling, and Moisture Absorbance Behavior for Polymer Composite Materials?
I made a composite with micro particles of Ag and want to simulate it in ABAQUS software, but i encounter with a problem that can't model powder's particles of Ag.
Is it possible to simulate powder particles in ABAQUS software?
I have a DSC curve for the resol resin matrix attached with the file. The heating rate at DSC was about 10k/min.
How do I choose the Autoclave parameters for curing of Glass fibre resol composites.
Which thermogram curve should i used for the curing of the resol resin.
Could someone interpret the DSC and TGA curve of the resin and tell me how to choose the parameters.
Thank you

We know that fiber-based composites are directional dependent, What happens when the load is applied in the normal direction? If fiber is strong enough, whether it will give the same results irrespective of the direction?
Hi Everyone,
My attempt to use the drapability and stretching behavior of knitted composites(just fiber without matrix) in die forming. At this moment, I am only interested in the behavior of the fiber.
I ran 2 models (geometrically, constraints and interaction are identical).
Job 68-
Material model used (Steel with plasticity defined).
Results: Are converging. The behavior is as expected.
Job 69- Material model used (Carbon fiber-MAT-1 in .inp and material orientation defined based on texgen software algorithm). Added orientation by calculating the normal for each element using the node data. I have defined the material parameter based upon the property sheet from attached Hexcel-tow data.
The error I get is ratio of deformation speed is too high. I have tried a number of possibility as mentioned in this forum earlier. Any help would be highly appreciated:-)
I have submitted my paper to a conference. I have studied the effect of varying the sonication amplitude (%) or power variable on the so and so of the nanocomposite. The reviewer wants to mention what does 100% mean with relation to frequency..or when I say 50%, how much frequency is it? The frequency mentioned in the brochure of the equipment is 20 kHz. Does 50 % amplitude mean a frequency of 10 kHz? As per my understanding, the amplitude is the distance moved by the transducer. The maximum or 100% amplitude is not given in the brochure or the company website. Does the frequency vary linearly with the amplitude or is it a constant?
I am working on AA7050 based MMC, and I am confused with the type of Heat treatment like T6, Etc . kindly suggest.
I studied the crystallization mechanism of the ZSM-5/SAPO-34 composite, and I can't find any information about the effect of these two zeolites on the crystallization mechanism of each other. can anyone help me? i don't even know that the crystallization mechanism is changed in composite synthesis in comparison with individul zeolites or not.