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Comparative History - Science topic

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Questions related to Comparative History
  • asked a question related to Comparative History
7 answers
I would like indications of texts and authors that discuss comparative history
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Dear Mario,
which ist exactly your topic? Because "comparative history" ist a huge approach to several disciplines.
  • asked a question related to Comparative History
2 answers
Criminal Revision is the Court's power to alter proceedings. I am asking this question due to my interest in the comparison of the country's approach to criminal revision.
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Indian law is derived from British positive law because of occupation but the singapore’s law there is a perception that Singapore society is highly regulated through the criminalization of many activities which are considered as fairly harmless in other countries. These include failing to flush toilets after use, littering, jaywalking, the possession of pornography, A catchphrase recently used in a police anti-crime campaign was "Low crime does not mean no crime".
  • asked a question related to Comparative History
4 answers
The question is I need to know if there is any difference or improvement in 10 patients when comparing their history of doctor visits, emergency department visits, behavior health visits and rehab visits before and after the treatment regime.
Note: treatment regime is to help patients get off from narcotic use.
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My Dear Anne
answer of my  colleague is very good and complete you can use SPSS  to run this analysis .
With Best Wishes
  • asked a question related to Comparative History
2 answers
Hi, we have a similar project in Norway and we  are conducting a community based RCT. Have you any publications or findings so far?
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Hi its a new project am backing on your reflections will be appreciated
  • asked a question related to Comparative History
16 answers
I'm working with the Brazilian case, and I like to know some different theorical perspectives.
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Hola Caroline,
En el caso de Chile, los trabajos conjuntos de Elizabeth Lira & Brian Loveman son ineludibles. Parte importante de sus publicaciones están en español, pero hay bastante traducido. 
También vale la pena mirar los trabajos de Priscilla Hayner y Elizabeth Jelin, así como el número especial de Radical History Review, recomendado por Matine más arriba. Hay pistas teóricas en cada artículo.