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Community Engagement - Science topic
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Questions related to Community Engagement
Shifting the focus from technological solutions to climate change and focusing on the “human factor” is an important part of the overall picture of climate change mitigation efforts. In fact, technology and human behavior are not separate but complementary factors in the fight against climate change. Here are some reasons why focusing on the human factor is necessary:
1. Changing Behavior: Technology can provide tools and solutions, but their adoption and effectiveness depend largely on human behavior and choices. For example, the transition to renewable energy requires not only the availability of technology but also people’s acceptance and transformation of the energy used in their daily lives.
2. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness of environmental issues and climate change through education can motivate people to take more sustainable actions in their personal lives and communities.
3. Policies and Regulations: Policies and regulations can promote or discourage certain behaviors. For example, carbon taxes and financial incentives for sustainable solutions can encourage individuals and businesses to change their behavior.
4. Community Engagement: Involving individuals and communities in environmental decision-making can lead to more sustainable and widely accepted solutions.
5. Psychology and Culture: Each culture and geographic region has its own values and beliefs that can influence how people perceive and respond to climate change. Understanding and integrating these aspects into mitigation strategies can increase the effectiveness of environmental protection efforts.
Thus, while technology is an essential part of addressing climate change, active and conscious human participation is indispensable. A balance between technology and the human element will create a more comprehensive and effective strategy in dealing with current and future environmental challenges.
Hi everyone.
As crude as this may sound, I really need a job. Its been far too long I've been trying various portals and methods including LinkedIn, Jobstreet, indeed, recruiters, conference networking etc etc etc. I have even been trying for postgrads for a year now, however I have lost interest as earning is my primary concern.
I have a GPA of 3.77 (first class honors), IELTS Band 8, have diverse skillsets, and can adapt to any assigned tasks and new environments.
I'm looking for anything related to healthcare biotechnology research, lab assistance or even scientific communication and exhibitions.
I am open to opportunities in Singapore as I am planning to visit by mid Jan 2024. Other locations of interest include the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
I would greatly appreciate any opportunities that members of our fellow science community may know.
Please refer to the attached CV for what I have accomplished thus far. Please feel free to contact me at for further discussion as i am not too active on Researchgate.
In advance, I'd like to thank you for your willingness and assistance on the matter.
How could politicians and scientists better work together to address issues in our world? For example, can Researchgate provide opportunities for politicians to get involved in some sort of discussion forum for a specific issue to exchange information and ideas between researchers and politicians?
What would you say is the best way to go about measuring or determining the impact of community engagement projects in the community?
Dear community of researchers,
I am currently working on a small research project that will explore community- and patient-led strategies for increasing referral of diabetes and hypertension and raising awareness of these two diseases in Mozambique, a highly resource-constrained country.
I would like to ask:
- does anyone have knowledge on patient-led referral strategies and advocacy activities? If so, could you please share any relevant links and/or are you aware of any recommendations on this from international health organisations?
- do you believe that involving patients in such activities would be ethically appropriate? Why/ why not?
Thank you in advance for any replies.
I ask students in my methods classes to complete CITI training, this is an ethics training program supported by our university and approval is critical for anyone that will conduct human subject research. Would be interested to learn how people incorporate CITI training and ethics into their class.
For me, what started as an ethics week (many years ago) has developed into a part of the discussion throughout the semester. We focus on identifying not only ethics as defined by the university and CITI but also in terms of our roles, our connections to our respondents and so forth.
We are now crowdsourcing ideas for useful community engagement and partnership tools for both researchers and communtiy stakeholders in health field.
Although there are various tools, toolkits and resources online, we wonder if there are any tools that you find particularly useful in practice? Any recommendations based on your experiences? Tools for all phases of engagement: planning, execution, analysis to dissemination are welcome!
Thank you for your generous sharing of ideas in advance!
Indonesia committed to go for malaria elimination, step by step islands wise, beginning in 2010 until 2030, in east part of Indonesia ( Maluku and Papua ).
Indonesia malaria prevalence is on all stages, high endemic need to have control program , meso endedic, low endemic to non endemic areas. This comiitment supported by top leaders as well as inside the MoH organization from central level down to Health centre, It needs all stake holders to work together, supported by community itself.
What are the parameters I should look into, or the procedure I follow if I want to examine the effectiveness of the public participation/ community engagement tools used in a finished climate change project?
I am looking for a research/article that explains about how corporate volunteering for community engagement started historically. A quantitative measure of such corporate social responsibility impact to community wealth and development might also be a good reference.
In planning and design, engagement projects often involve community meetings and charrattes, and we have some ideas about how to stimulate participation and get people really engaged in conversations and actions. Is there a survey or scale that can measure the success or effectiveness of the meetings? Say, if we randomly assign people to two meetings aiming at discussing design solutions for a regeneration project, one with maps, trace paper, stickers, pictures and one with only maps. How can we tell if the former one is more effective than the latter?
Dear Jan,
It was long time without any communications. I hope you are fine and doing well. I am in Uppsala for any help or meeting for our other remaining publications. I hope also if we could write any review together.
Kindest regards, Hesham
I will begin a project on transformative learning in permaculture next year, looking at projects in North and Latin America. If you come across interesting permaculture projects in the Andean region or Costa Rica, it would be great if you could let me know.
I also have interest in leading online counseling sites in different countries.
How can I get data/reflections of the community voice? Does anyone know any relevant project/program or NGO to look at?
I am trying to understand and make attempts to institutionalize community engagement in University of Mysore. I will be happy if any information about this in your institution is shared. I would like to evolve an implementable model based on the experience in other institutions.
Does anyone know of an assessment for student community engagement?
Social and cultural projects organized grassroots, to find solutions to common problems and develop social practices of development and planning.
I am conducting a systematic review of intervention studies and am interested in finding all relevant publications. If you would like more information, the review protocol is registered on Prospero:
I can be contacted via this ResearchGate portal
I am developing a strategic approach to work within the HIV/AIDS community. I am particularly interested in recent research regarding best practices for outreach and engagement with individuals who have dropped out of care or who cycle in and out of care. Many thanks!
My research involves working with the local community to record the oral history for an industrial site prior to and during redevelopment. The site is an old plastics factory that has been operational for over one hundred years, constantly changing and adapting to suit new manufacturing requirements.
The factory is now closed, and the site ear marked for redevelopment. The oral history project has proved very popular, and I wondered whether anyone has any experience of setting up a community website, which enabled the participants to access the oral history, and update as developments occur on the site.
I've developed a methodology that emphasizes on community empowerment and how communities can successfully re-appropriate a space (gain ownership, build identities, enhance contributory and participative cultures etc) but at the same time, bridge the gap between them and authority; creating balance and trusting relationships, strong bonds and a sense of teamwork (this is based on the topic from my last question). The idea is to create a service structure that communities can easily understand and follow, and authority will feel comfortable and confident with.
My question is, do you think that initiatives like this could be authorized and accepted by communities and authorities? What experiences have you had regarding this topic, and what are your opinions about it?
I've attached my most recent presentation for all to see and comment! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
We are running a project which aims to utilize the wisdom of the crowd in the screening of search results. We've asked the crowd to identify randomised trials from 1000 of search results. So far 400 people have signed up to trial spot and we've collectively identified around 1500 reports of randomised trials from 40000 records screened. A great result. Find out more and start screening with us here:
I am currently doing research that asks the question "Is it easier to remember and follow instructions by reading step by step text or by reading a comic strip that shows those same steps?"