Science topics: Qualitative Social ResearchCommunities
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Communities - Science topic
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Questions related to Communities
I am trying to use the Censo Ejidal 2001 and 2007 to know the distribution of land by sex in Oaxaca. I have already worked with the data and I have an important number of municipalities (42) without any information about their ejidatarios or comuneros in both years. I have checked that these municipalities do have ejidos and communities by using other sources…So if anyone have information about it, it would be really helpful.
I was once asked to volunteer to teach a philosophy course for U3A. I had to turn down the request because of the excessive time involved in travelling to and from the venue, otherwise I would have been happy to do it. However, I later learned that even volunteer instructors were required to become fee-paying members of their U3A chapter. Since I had no interest in availing myself of their services I thought that policy was a bit much.
Research can have many different kinds of effects and impact depending on the discipline and the research organisation. Society’s expectations of the impact of science are also different for different disciplines.
Researchers are encouraged to consider how their work is connected with wider issues, extending beyond academia. It is important to ensure that both policy-makers and the general public are aware of the effects and impact of research and the potential it carries. the rapid news service is used by the US president to make global politics...
It is said to be a fast, powerful and influential communication tool also for scientists - do you use twitter and if so when and how? Please share your insight and experiences...
What would constitute 'Best Practice"? What are the motivators and enablers?
I am using R package FD in order to calculate functional richness (FRic) in a set 36 species and 10 communities. I am using 4 functional traits: four of them are continuous (class: numeric) and one is ordinal (class: ordered factor). The resulting FRic values are very low (e.g., 1.494876e-16), regardless the correction I applied to the species x species distance matrix and the setting of other parameters. The only way to obtain more "realistic" values (e.g., 3.544822), is to exclude the ordinal trait from the analysis, or to store it as numeric in the data frame of functional traits.
I noticed that the same happens when using the "tussock" dataset, which is provided by the package.
Does anybody have an idea of why are FRic values so low?
Thank you in advance for any suggestion
Any suggetion on what would be a good research topic for a quantitative approach through the followings topics I have interest in?
- Smart Cities – Geographic Information Systems
- Smart Cities and Communities
- Digital Government and Smart Cities
- Volunteered Geographic Information ( VGI )
- Geo-crowdsourcing and Social Media analysis
Thanks in advance
Stephen King's name is synonymous with horror stories. Many consider King to be the most successful writer of modern horror fiction today. My question to you all are:
* How did you feel before watch horror movie?
* How did you feel when finishing the movie?
* Is there any positive or negative benefits we will get by watching horror movie?
I'm currently testing the water for a dissertation idea based loosely around the idea of communities being either proactive or reactive. (e.g. a reactive community meets after an 'event' has occurred to try and fix it, a proactive community meets before to discuss how to prevent an 'event').
I have come across community resilience and believe that this is a good way to get into the subject, now all I need is contextual work to look deeper into it.
Thank you very much.
If you have not studied your current science, what would you like to study?
I am seeking for extracting roles of social aspects including social capital in climate change adaptation.
I am looking to expand on my own research in this matter and would like to coordinate research anybody else is doing on this subject or possibly collaborate with them.
Dear friends
which plant communities can be used as optimum and standard community? what about salt marsh plant communities? can they used as optimum and standard? any suggestions?
The circumstances under which communities, acting independently and without external help, contribute to conservation outcomes remains poorly understood. One of the challenges is that most of their activities go either assumed or unrecognized. In either case the processes are undocumented. When contributions are detailed in the literature it is often not central to the account and can be hard to find. I would welcome any suggestions with links to source material.
I am looking for accounts of what a community did (or does) to address threats to conservation values. I suspect that field workers often observe these things and sometimes document them. I am particularly keen to find examples in the terrestrial tropics. (A summary of what I have already found, and of some observations by my colleagues and myself can be found at ). Thanks for any leads!
I have carried out T-RFLP to determine the diversity of bacterial communities, now I've come to analyse my results I am confused by the plethora of variation used in grouping and disregarding certain peaks. I understand the grouping of closely sized peaks and have gone with grouping any within 2 base pairs but as for disregarding peaks there is great variety in the literature as to what limits should be set. I understand the lower limit, most commonly 50 base pairs to account for any primer dimer but cannot find any explanation for an upper limit and how to decide on what the upper limit should be. Any help greatly appreciated.
In different papers regarding EFA, I have read that items with loadings under .32 should eliminate in stepwise procedure.
Do I choose the item with the lowest communality or the highest complexity?
Science was at the helm of affairs in our country (India) at some point of past time. History says so. But today it is not in the main steam. At best, Indian scientists repeat what has already happened, but they claim: 'we are also that exclusive club ' !. So people do not bother. The final result is that we are going back to older days!! Superstitions, fight between communities, urge to grab what is available, etc. What is the solution?
I am doing a research on domestic violence and abuse as a silent culture in South asian communities in Australia. I am new to this research field. Please help me by recommending what kind of literature review would fit my research project?
I am interested in rural Mayan communities in the Ixil region of the central highlands of Guatemala.
I am completing my dissertation on the sustainability of professional development through online communities.
Puede alguien recomendar estudios desde la psicología sobre la conservación de bosques nativos por las comunidades? Muchas gracias.
Traditionally, studies have been carried out on the conservation of native forests of other disciplines, other than psychology. I have found related studies in community and environmental psychology, but not about the subject that I investigate.
Thank you very much.
I would like to investigate how social aspects influence adoption and permanence of developers on Amazon AWS software Ecosystem. Does anyone recommend AWS communities where I can carry out this study? A survey will probably be used
any body has any idea where can I find new editions of plant community books with accepted prices?
Diabetes is prevalent in close communities
Under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Chinese government is spending billions of dollars for the development of several important sectors in Pakistan.
I am interested to explore how to conduct an assessment of the socio-economic impacts of these development projects. It is pertinent to mention that few of these projects are completed while many more are in progress.
What empirical models/techniques can be used for assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the these development projects related to energy, infrastructure development, business and education on the local communities?
I need help finding articles for my topic
I would like to have your views on individualism: what it means, how it shows, and where it comes from. Is it a virtue to be emulated or a vice to be shunned? Is it a healthy trait, or a malady? How does it affect relationships in faith-based communities and/or families? Your responses and contributions of supporting sources will be highly appreciated.
In what ways can the federal, state, local governments and its responders can be prepared.
I am interested in understanding why children from Scheduled Tribes (ST) and other socially backward communities ( apart from genetic, lack of awareness, medical reach) tend to have higher prevalence of the sickle cell disorder.. Kindly suggest interesting readings on social-geographical research undertaken in this regard..
I calculated TWINSPAN and ISA in PC-Ord. I obtained 14 indicator species for 6 species group. Can I say communities and species group are one? Indicator species are calculated only for one group but some species can locate on two communities.
Dear all,
Because of a review I need to deepen my knowledge of the so called "crowding out" literature. Any suggestions about the most relevant contributions?
The idea behind is that welfare arrangements can undermine less formalizes solidarity practices (religious communities in my case).
thank you for your suggestions!
Francesco Molteni
Many thanks!
I would like to make a review. Can anyone please share names/papers of works on the simulation of ancient sites populated with communities of historical virtual characters.
Thank you in advance.
Aspects like user identity and ethos affect how people negotiate meaning and communicate online. How does having an awareness of one's agency manifest the ability to create change in the world?
I am researching into the role of Faidherbia albida in agroforestry systems in semi-arid Ghana. I intend to administer questionnaires to agriculture households in selected communities. How do I determine the number of households to administer the questionnaires to?
A keystone species reduces the likelihood of competitive exclusion which will in turn increase the number of species that could coexist in communities. Without the keystone species, competitive exclusion will increase and cause the dominance of certain species.
Is it possible for another species to take the role of keystone species by adapting or modifying its diet such that it will primarily consume the resulting dominant species?
Dear colleagues
I am working on documentation of TEK of ethenic communities of Hiamalaya. Can anyone suggest me some standard methodology (if any) to document the Traditional knowledge of a community.
Thanks and Regards
I am particularly interested in smart communities research in healthcare. I am also interested in exploring who the key academics are in defining the term
We are analyzing the bacterial communities of tap water and we ended up with a high percentage of unclassified bacteria. What is the best way to handle them? I Should we treat them like any other taxa? Is it ok to remove them and then normalize all the samples?
Thank you very much!
I am planning to carry on a research on how to about awareness on Female Genital Mutilation. My woman and young girls are subjected to this every year in developing countries and I would like to help be part of the eradicating of this practice. Any ideas on how to best approach the matter sensitively ?
The health care industry seeks to protect, restore, and enhance is important to adopt an approach to design, construction, and operations and maintenance that supports a healthy environment, both in their facilities and in their communities
I will continue my research about Productive Personality by Oliver V Gilmore in I/O Psychology. My Previous research is about productive personality in communities.
I am looking to design / plan hybrid energy systems for rural communities from a sustainability perspective.
I need a special team of 5 to 7 person who are interested in guiding me in an independent study for developing a global initiative on assessment, intervention, and prevention for trauma care and responses for individuals, families, and communities.
I would like to have input from people all around the world as we the " team work' on this global trauma care initiative.
Learning communities can be used for learning more about a specific subject. Adults could use a learning community to learn another language.
There are 3,000+ TEDx curators in 170 countries around the world, offering events where people present positive ideas on technology, entertainment and design. I'm interesting in learning more about who these curators are, what motivates them and the impact of the work they are doing. I am a TEDx Curator living in Lincoln, Nebraska.
In India, a large chunk of government schemes, jobs, and political portfolios is cornered by the socially and economically advanced castes and communities. Even a major portion of the so-called deprived sections' quota is appropriated by the persons and communities with established capabilities. What are the explanations as well as the implications of such a practice, then?
In trying to understand community responses to tourism development, it is common to use the irritation index proposed by Doxey (1975). This model suggests that communities have (or may be in) one of these 4 "irritation" levels: euphoria, apathy, irritation and antagonism. Unfortunately, I haven't found a paper that indicates how to accommodate research results into any of these categories. Does any one know whether there is a mathematical calculation that can do this? How can someone, from the research results, conclude that community responses fall in one of these categories?
I am working with a dataset of six communities that were sampled at two time points. I am looking for a simple way to see whether functional diversity of each community has changed from time point A to time point B.
My functional data is count data [number of species per community with a given functional trait]. As such, my dataset seems too small for most ordination approaches. Overall, I am investigating multiple traits within three different functional categories [growth form, habitat preference, and symbiont status]. At the moment, I am treating each functional category as a separate dataset.
Thank you!
Not many authors propose a formal definition of "community". I need different authors, from different backgrounds, from different countries, from different points of view. Thanks
The idea is to compare nestedness indices of ecological communities such as NODF, I want to know a software or specific methodology, I would appreciate it very much.
I'm trying to understand the barriers to entrepreneurship in deprived fishermen community in rural Kutch. I'm also trying to see the role of State for the same community. How does State role play out vis-a-vis the neoliberal push for entrepreneurship is my interest!
I want to compare areas where Lantana camara has remained and where it has been treated with glyphosate. I also have an added element of a despotic species and it's relocation in some areas where Lantana has been treated. We sampled quadrats of 20m x 20m and identified all the plant species in the understorey, midstorey and canopy, along with height and frequency.
Professional learning communities seem to be 'everywhere' in dutch schools nowadays. However nobody really seems to know what makes a 'good' professional learning community. What is necessary for a professional learning community to really 'learn' and to do it together? I am curious to know about experiences you may have studying learning in PLC's
The rate of failure of community based LED projects aimed at creating jobs and alleviating poverty is very high in rural communities.
We are having a challenge at a national and European scale on this issue. Does anybody have work or have conceptual ideas on what should be done and potential challenges and opportunities?
Why is that the jobs in the tourism sector in most African countries offer little to the locals working in the restaurants , hotels etc in terms of career progression or a decent pay . Is it the locals are not educated enough to be given positions such as managers? or the International companies do not trust them (the locals) with authority?
Does international tourism bring with it cultural change to the local community i.e communities forced to stage their authentic way of life.
And how can communities get the full benefits of tourism and reduce the leakages?
Any help is welcomed
Thank you
Ordination is vital method for analysis community data, but I really don't know how to choose suitable method and these different.
I am developing research on communication effectiveness by testing how these can be used in real life situations where CC impacts are showing that extreme events will cause real impact in coastal communities. Also, how to communicate adaptation options that open the discussion and motivate people to participate and make part of all the decision-making process.
Thank you!
It concerns plant, microbial and/or animal communities. This hypothesis arises from trophic, symbiotic and signalling relationships having evolved to ensure the stability of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. I think that if we are able to discern discontinuities along transects when and where the environment is continuously changing, then this would prove the existence of ecological attractors. Species, when dispersing in a heterogeneous environment, are attracted to places where they can benefit from positive interactions with other species with which they share complementary functional traits. This results in dynamically stable communities. When the environment changes (for instance in the course of global warming) there is a redistribution, species having to find new places. Some can do it, some others cannot, or can do it at a slower rate, depending on their dispersal rate. Best data would be transects (whether marine or terrestrial) with a fine resolution (in order to test for the apparence of biotic discontinuities along a continuously changing abiotic environment) and, if possible (for testing the second part of the hypothesis), repeatedly sampled in time.
I'm currently working on an evaluation plan of a project that is creating community engagement and building capacity within a priority neighbourhood (priority neighbourhood meaning an impoverished neighbourhood). One objective of the project is to increase community resilience within this priority neighbourhood. I'm looking to get a baseline measure. Any thoughts?