Science method
Combustion Analysis - Science method
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Questions related to Combustion Analysis
Hella all,
I have come across few articles where ignition delay ( time ) has been calculated using 0D combustion model. I just wanted to seek clarification that it implies solving navier stokes equation in usual manner except there is no variation in space and thus we have only time integration.
This further implies that we don't have any diffusion effects ( in energy and species diffusion ) and we need not solve momentum equation.
May someone correct if I got this wrong.
Thanks in advance.
I did my Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and now Im doing my masters in Clean Energy Processes.
I study about thin film processing, fuel cells and electrolysers, microfluidics, clean combustion, batteries, PV cells etc.
Based on your expertise, can you tell me about the necessary skills (software or analytical) that the modern industry demand so that I can equip myself with them by the time I graduate.
Kind Regards
Please furnish details about the various points to be considered in the design calculations for a 4 stroke gasoline engine..
I have studied a book called Thermal Design and Optimization (adrian bejan et al.).
Sections 2 and 3 of this book explain how the mass flow rate of fuel and air in a gas turbine can be calculated based on the products of combustion.
Now I have a question, when I calculate this method for a real case study, I don't get the right value for fuel flow and air mass flow.
In fact, when I validat my calculations with the example in this book, all the calculations are correct, but this is not the case in the actual case study, and the air mass flow rate is half the actual value.
However, I do not know where I am wrong.
Please help me if you can.
how can I calculate the mass flow rate of fuel and air in a gas turbine acording to combustion products?
The issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is currently one of the most important problems for urgent solutions in connection with the accelerating process of global warming.
The fact that the development of human civilization is largely responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases is an irrefutable fact confirmed by numerous independent research centers.
However, in individual countries, the development of industry is at various stages of development.
In individual countries, sources of greenhouse gas emissions can be presented in a different source structure of these emissions.
In some countries, in large agglomerations, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions is transport based on traditional combustion of fossil fuels, combustion of low-quality mineral and non-mineral minerals in domestic furnaces, and energy based on mineral combustion.
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
And how is greenhouse gas emissions in your countries or cities?
What are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in your country, in the cities where you live?
If you live in cities, is smog a problem?
Is smog the problem in your cities mainly in the winter season or also in other seasons?
Is the greenhouse gas emissions structure in your country significantly different compared to global greenhouse gas emissions data?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Chart. Global Warming. CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases, a forecast of the increase in the average temperature on Earth. Source: NOAA, NASA.
Hello everyone,
I have a very naive question. I am working with inhouse code and adapting it for combustion studies ( with flow dynamics ). However, I am unable to find any simple test case to validate the code.
Most of the studies I have come across are multistep. I thought to validate them first with premix or non-premix analytical results but have not been successful to find test case with appropriate reaction mechanism. ( I am looking for single step finite rate chemistry to be simplify things ) .
May some one suggest or recommend some means to do that.
I'm having problem with the oxygen output whether it's the unreacted oxygen that I'm going to calculate.
Meanwhile, outlining the components, and the number of the input, and output of each of the gases will help give me gain clarity on each of the components. The document attached to this question showed exactly what I needed .Thanks.
I am searching for gas radiation coefficients, which I intend to take into account with the optical thin model for the calculation of temperatures and exhaust gases from a combustion process. However, I have found different values in several publications. Is there a good summary of the existing experimental data for CH4/CO2/CO and H2O?
Dear Scientific community, researchers, scientists, inventor and innovator, Everybody is feeling safe and healthy around, I know this Covid19 pandemic is hitting hard everybody every corner, sometimes even feeling twisted around the interest of other important pressing issues of the world like environmental, sustainability, Plastics, waste management and so on.
In this midst of pandemic chaos, i had to have the courage over thinking other pressing problems also. So, I've been lately thinking about the plastics, packaging, energy production, burning fuel, pollution, climate change s and waste management issues. I couldn't find any reliable existing solutions for these.So, now I'm gathering ideas and wanted to learn more and present a solution to the world or at least being a part of it.
Currently I want to study more about gas absorption, how burning or melting anything could harm to environment and living beings, recycling, new technology for recycle and its reliability..
So, i thought I need to learn, train and looking further to do appropriate study or research (PhD/MS integratedPhd) with a mentor or a team with a curiosity and passion to bring a solution.
Also, for applying or proposing myself since my background being Biotechnology and a little bit of chemistry i've learnt during the coursework back then..I don't know where I could fit but I'm curious to learn...I will be grateful if anybody from this community could suggest me or recommend me where I should go, approach or look out.
The mathematical formulae to compute the rate of heat release? how can it be related to exhaust temperature?
I am currently doing a testing using biodiesel emulsion fuel on a diesel engine. What is the latest software to do combustion, emission and performance analysis?
The world is trying hard to switch into Electric Vehicles right now and not many research units are focusing on IC Engines anymore. At the present scenario, is there any known Post-doc position vacancy likely to be applied for, in Engines field.??
Kindly do Share your expertise in this.
Thank You.
How is the analysis the second law efficiency of combustion chamber in the gas turbine cycle?
in fact, It depends on what factors (inlet and exit temperature compressor and turbine inlet temperature)?
Thank you for your help.
is there any properties that can be determined from the Lab and help calculate cetane number and how?
Always, I was (and also am) interested to know what kind of explosion is the nuclear explosion. "detonation" or "deflagration"? What do you think?
This is a discussion then please feal free to share anything you know.
I found that energy efficiency deals with combustion efficiency, using biomass fuels and stuff like that. Can we link between wind energy and energy efficiency by some means?
I have a combustion equation with C3H8 as fuel in a rich operation regime. I want to maximize H2 and CO. How can I do this 2 together? If I maximize them at the same time I get a equivalent ration of 3,33 but if I do it just for CO I get a equivalent ratio of 1,43
1.Experts working in the field of combustion and specially in IC engine.
Thinking that if any fuel could burn in any kind of combustion. Is it possible in real and or theoretically? how can you show it? how to find the ambient parameters to do it? e.g. H2 and O2 in what situation could burn as a detonation, deflegration or transient combustion? Pressure, temp., speed and etc.
Let's assume somebody show you a combustion and ask you that what kind of combustion is it? How do you show that it's Detonation or Transient or Deflagration?
I've read some stuff on the net, e.g.
But it looks like knowing the type of combustion is a challenge. For example in the first link you can see this paragraph:
"Keep in mind, though, that a fast deflagration is STILL an explosion! Black powder deflagrates, but that is still an explosion. Detonation takes place in high explosives like TNT or dynamite."
Is there any formula or equation that show us a combustion is Detonation or Transient or Deflagration?
Please post your answer for two cases. Experimental and numerical simulation. I mean how do you know when they show you the real combustion and when they show you the numerical simulation of the combustion?
my chamber pressure is 1.72 mpa and pressure difference is 60 psi and mass flow rate of liquid oxygen is 131.344 g/s and mass flow rate of liquid methane is 48.655 g/s
I am working on the study of geometry and combustion analysis in a SI engine. I will like to use software that will carter for chemical kinetics and thermo properties of the species of the gasoline fuel. I need simulation model that will accommodate different geometries of the combustion chamber. I will so appreciate it you can help me out. Thank you.
I have two questions related to IC engines. First one is, what will be the maximum temperature obtained inside an combustion chamber? I know it depends on the type, size, charge and many other factors but for theoretical and design heat transfer analysis what temperature can be considered as the maximum in an 100cc Engine?
The second question is, consider the same 100cc engine powered by air cooled gasoline and its Stochi ratio is 14.7:1. During every intake stroke the overall sucked charge will not be equal to the Swept Volume. So what percentage of volume will be filled by the charge? Once again this also comprises of various factors but tell some relative consideration for theoretical simulation purpose.
Selective combustion in organic matter to 375 C leaves the rest as Black carbon , provided there is sufficient air to the sediment that it doesnt char.
One expensive and difficult to access way is to perform a 13C NMR on before and after to see if more BC is produced after 375C
I thought that using organic matter susceptible to charring i.e. high nitrogen organic matter pure and spiked to some organic concentration to the sediments (unsure of the amount of spike) will give a worst case scenario
What kind of organic mixture is the question and is they another way which is general enough to apply to all situations BC quality and concentrations
Biochar is obtained from slow pyrolysis at 450 and 550C at 10C per min heat rate. Assuming 66.1% C, 2.84% H, 6.57% N, 0.6% S, 23.89% O with GHV 24.45 MJ/kg and moisture 1.74%. What could be the enthalphy for this particular biochar?
I working in a combustion chamber similar to an engine one. During combustion I will need to add turbulence in a premixed flame using gaseous nitrogen with pressure up to 100 bar.
I checked the following types with respective problems:
-normal gasoline injector: the layout doesn't ensure leaks control
-nitrogen injector for moulding: high pressure but bad control of the injection rate
-CNG injector: really low pressure achievable (maximum 16 bar)
Does anyone know any supplier or research project which could have a suitable injector?
How can be effect ignition line length on rate of surface fire spread. Fire spread effected by mainly wind speed, fine fuel mositure content and some fuel characteristic.
Also calculate Heat release and cumulative heat release.
I want to investigate NOx emissions in a HCCI engine with "PRF*" fuel! But i cant find a reaction mechanism for PRF* including NOx reactions.
PRF: Primary Reference Fuel (iso-Octane / n-Heptane Mixtures)
to measure the velocity perturbation i want to use two microhpones. can i place them downstream of the burners.
Hello to the Research Gate community.
I would like to take advantage of your knowledge by sharing my question with you.
I need to measure the Residence Time Distribution (RTD) inside an enclosed combustor, under reacting conditions. I would like to apply the laser extinction method to keep it simple. To do so, I mean to use a continuous wave laser and to measure the time dependent attenuation of the collected signal.
Therefore, I need a suitable tracer, to inject with a certain input function (a pulse, a step), to cause the time dependent attenuation of the laser light.
Do you have suggestions about the tracer I might employ? I would prefer a gaseous tracer, because a solid one might pone the problem of increasing opacity of the optical windows due to the deposition of the solid.
Thanks for your attention, I welcome all of your opinions.
Best regards
This can be attained by evaporative cooling by fog or cooling wet pads.
We need to compare between added cos and the energy benefit.
So, I am trying to reproduce the pressure drop results across a Diesel particulate filter (DPF) obtained by Murtagh et. al. (1994) and simulated by Konstandopoulos et al. (2000). I do not have the information about the actual engine exhaust pressure (However maximum engine exhaust back-pressure is given) and the actual engine exhaust temperature. Engine flow in Nm3/s is known and build of the engine is also given.
Is it possible to calculate the actual flow rate in m3/s?
How can I determine/calculate the heat loss during the combustion of engine.
I have a cylindrical combustion chamber cookstove. The feed rate of the cook stove is 1 kg/h (CV of fuel 18.5 MJ/kg). I would like to determine the temperature distribution over the inner surface of the combustion chamber analytically. How do i determine this?
Compression ration is a fundamental specification for many common combustion engines.
I Ankit Yadav beg to say that I am B-Tech 4th year student (Mechanical and Industrial Engg.; IIT Roorkee , India) is using Pyrosim (FDS) . I want to simulate subsonic Di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) C8H18O2 jet fire using it.
I am facing problem to find Soot yield and CO yield. I tried to search online and went through FDS and Pyrosim Manual but not able to find it.
Can you please help me in this matter. I shall be very grateful to you.
Thanking you
Dear Researchers
We do not have any CO cylinder, although we have a CO2 cylinder in lab, how we can make a continuous flow of H2-CO (CO2 free) mixture to feed a vertical furnace? Specially gas solid reactions
Anytime I load the Chemkin for octane, it will run for sometime and later will bring an error. I have tried many Chemkin data with not less than 172 species to no avail. I will appreciate anybody with Chemkin data with much reduced species to assist me on this
How does the flame thickness affects the quality of combustion and emission. How what are the methods to measure the flame thickness in testing and CFD?
Hello all researchers
I have a mixture of 3 fuels: iso-octane, n-heptane and n-butanol.
I want to know that what species in combustion show the start of consumption of each species?
I use CFD to simulate gas dispersion. In this, through results I get the density contour of NOx. How do I convert the density values to concentration? Is ideal gas law suitable, if so give me the conversion steps?
How I calculate the mean effective pressure of cylinder in diesel engines. please explain also..
Consider the combustion products of octane (C8H18) with air in an open flame at an equivalence ratio of 1.25 and initial temperature of 298K and pressure of 1 atm.
a) Assume the flame temperature is 2200K, and estimate the mixture
composition assuming no dissociation except for the water-gas shift
b) Using results of (a) as an initial guess, solve for the actual flame temperature
and product composition, but still assuming that the only dissociation is via
the water-gas shift reaction
c) Use CEA (see note below) to calculate the actual product composition and
temperature assuming full dissociation.
Hello All,
I am working on a paper, where I need to discuss about the perception of a human being when the ambient temperature around him increases.
I am assessing a situation where the engine has been turned off by Engine Stop/Start System, and AC is thus rendered ineffective, till the engine has been restarted.
Once the engine has been stopped, the cabin temperature starts to increase gradually, and get stabilized around the ambient temperature after certain time. The rate of increase in temperature depends on many factors like air delivery speed, initial temperature difference between cabin and outside, and many more.
My concern area is, the difference between initial and current temperature at which a human being will actually start feeling that the temperature has increased.
If you can help me with some citations in this regard it will be of great help.
The chemicals reactions in large burners are a great enviromental problem because their thermic impact, oxigen destructión, emition of many contaminants at the atmosphere, beetween others, desastrous problems. Are there some investigation about this in some paper?. Velocity of tthese chemical reactions, for example.
Thanks in advance
I found the properties like calorific value,kinematic viscosity,density,specific gravity, flash point,fire point,moisture content, cetane number for calophyllum inophyllum bio-diesel. is there any other properties are required?
The cooling effect of water injection in internal combustion engines is well documented, but, with the introduction of the extra H and O molecules, I feel that there must be some chemical effect on the kinetic mechanisms that occur during combustion in the presence of water as it is not inert.
Are there any publications on this?
Dear all,
Does any one know how to calculate the gas recirculation ratio in the mild/flameless combustion mode as shown in the picture?
I am simulating the reacting flow in my combustion chamber and would like to calculate its gas recirculation ratio for achieving MILD or Flameless combustion regime .
I think it can be calculated using FLUENT CFD-post, but I don't know how to put that equation in CFD-post...
Have anyone guide me for this matter?
Thank you very much for helping...
harmonic distortion in internal combustion engines
Hi everyone.
For the diagnosis of combustion on a diesel engine, I need to calculate the DQL and DFQL. Does anyone know any free software for this?
Thank you. Regards
I am trying to simulate mixing of air and methane in a counterflow reactor in fluent, wherein I want to see the resulting mixture of air and methane. Now, I'm a little confused about which multiphase model to use? Should I go for mixture as it deals with mixture momentum equations and prescribes relative velocities to describe the dispersed phases or opt for VOF or Eulerian? and If someone can also briefly describe what different phases mean in the mixture model.
Any help would be appreciated.
Fragmentation of coal happens in fluidized bed combustor during devolatilization i.e. release of volatiles because of thermal shock.I justwant to know how it affects the combustion efficiency,pollutant formation rate and thermal efficiency of boiler?
One of the existing fuel savings after market products for diesel and gas engines is based on producing high temperature steam from a water bucket by exchanging heat with the engine exhaust. This HT steam is mixed with the inlet air thereafter mixed with fuel injected at the cylinders. One of these systems is marketed as the "Econokit". The literature that I have seen indicates that introducing humidity in the inlet air decreases efficiency (attached).
How to simulate the CO and CO2 concentration? Is balanced chemical equation is enough or some simulated pressure and temperature data vs Crank angle is also needed just like NOx. Can any one please share me some good article in which simulation is explain step by step?
Hello everyone,I'm new to the combustion simulation and I'm trying to do a 2D unsteady simulation of laminar premixed flame in a closed chamber with n-decane + air mixture in CFD-ACE+ in a rectangular domain with spot ignition at the centre of the domain. I'm able to get the ignition, but after the flame grew spherically it becomes non-symmetrical. Theoretically the flame should spread the symmetrically in the whole domain. Also, I'm getting pressure waves travelling in the whole domain. Is this un-symmetricity due to the pressure-flame interaction or is it because of the numerical error in the simulation. Plzz help..Thanks,
I am working on multiple injections in diesel engine. I am having single cylinder diesel engine with data acquisition system, but do not have facility to carry out test under motoring conditions. I need to calculate motoring pressure at different crank angles. Please help me in solving this problem.
Needing an answer to classify a new product.
How I calculate the molar concentration of [O2], [N2] and [NO]. As formula is concentration=(% increase in volume% ppm * molar wt)/(10^6 * Volume@T,P). My question is that is the increase in volume after the combustion would be applied equally to O2 and N2 and what is increase in Volume? and also is the standard volume would be applied i.e 22.41 litre?
Hello there,
I am working on a simulation of a rotary engine ( Similar to Wankel engine). The situation is as below.
The stator is steady and rotor is rotating at 580 RPM. I am using dynamic mesh. To get the perfect sealing, there must be a contact between stator and rotor. I can not model the perfect contact between rotor and stator due to dynamic mesh. So there is a little gap between stator and rotor at the contact point.
Can anybody suggest me that how can I eliminate the gap Or to create a sealing which works with the dynamic mesh, which can eliminate a gap and helps to prevent leakage problem. Herewith I have attached a meshing and the sealing problem.
Thank you in advance.
Parth Panchal
How much is the actual Brake mean effective pressure of cars running on roads?
how to evaluate the results of flue gas analysis ??when I can say this results is satisfying or not ?
The mineral Matters (Na, K, Ca, Mg, etc. corrode the heat transfer tubes in boiler. In addition they get accumulated and block the flow of gases through the super heaters.
To safe guard the heat transfer surfaces, we need to remove the particles from the fire using externally located magnets.
Hello there,
I am new to the combustion analysis. I am working on a simulation of a rotary compression ignition engine on Fluent. The problem description is as below.
The air enters in the combustion chamber at 350K. Diesel is sprayed at 300K. The mixture gets compressed and temperature increases to around 800K and pressure increases to 32 Bar. I tried the whole simulation with the Species transport model by keeping volumetric reaction (Eddy dissipation) enabled. Next when I try to plot the species graph for mass fraction of Co2 and Mass fraction of H20, it shows zero.
My question is: Is there still no burning of fuel due to high pressure ?
or the model I am using is inappropriate ? I am really need your suggestions.
Thank you in advance.
I would like to measure the heat flux (in unit of W/m2 or any any other relates) in the fluidized-bed combustor
When we accelerate the vehicle , the engine starts running at higher speeds, and at the same time, the load(Load here is referred as Air+Fuel) also increases. So the questions is, out of Load and Speed, which one is cause and which one is effect? To make question more unambiguous, IS it increased load which is making engine to run at higher speeds or its increased speed which is making the load to increase ?
I am using a pre-burn type combustion vessel to diagnostic fuel spray combustion. My premixed gasses are acetylene, oxygen, and nitrogen. My combustion vessel pressure rating is around 150bar. However for safety precaution, I want to install a safety valve that can handle the overpressure. let say if the pressure is increased more than 100bar; in such case which type of device is more accurate cause my pressure rise is very rapid and it will take less than one second to rise 10 to 90~100 bar.
sol-gel combustion reaction
exhaust gas re circulation is adding burned charge in some amount e with fresh charge to the cylinder s to minimize emission mainly NO .
If we are performing the engine test at idling and then we are increasing the engine load and simultaneously engine rpm. Is it possible to do so in case of multi cylinder SI engine testing? If do so then how?
Hello Every One.
According to this paper:
"NO prediction in natural gas flames using GDF-Kin((R))3.0 mechanism NCN and HCN contribution to prompt-NO formation", GDF-Kin((R))3.0 library is a good tools that shown appropriate agreement among Numerical Simulation and experimental data for combustion kinetic study.
where can i get the "GDF-Kin((R))3.0 mechanism" for combustion kinetic modeling(download Link)?
I have been trying to find the way to change the ambient temperature or density keeping the oxygen percentage fixed (21%) in a preburn type constant volume chamber but could not find in any literature.
In the supersonic combustion at high speeds there is possibility that flames may get extinguished inorder to have sustained combustion ,various types flame holders are used,I need a way to do experimental analysis on which type of flameholder is most suited for supersonic combustion