Science topics: EconometricsCointegration
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Cointegration - Science topic
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Questions related to Cointegration
What are the pre-estimation tests or cautions for Dynamic Panel Data Analysis? For example, in Pooled OLS we run the Unit root Test, Cointegration Test, VIF test etc.
I have selected price series which they represent five markets {Geographically separated].
All these series are stationary at level.
to test the cointegration, can i apply Johanson Co integration.
I believe that I can apply because all the prices series are stationary at same order.
Dear all, does anyone has the estimation code for Xiao (2009) quantile cointegration test.
My thesis includes variables of inflation rate (monthly), interest rate (weekly), exchange rate (daily), and crude oil production (monthly), as well as imports and exports (annually). The period is from 2018 to 2024. I will use many pre-tests such as unit root tests, cointegration tests, etc. Before starting, I am worried about the missing data. My missing data is in the exchange rate and interest rate. I need guidance. Since I want to use panel data, is interpolation useful for time series data? Will it provide accurate results? Please help and guide me. Thank you.
Kao's panel cointegration tests , is there anyone willing to explain me the eviews-9 output for the Kao's panel cointegration tests?
I have estimated a VECM in Stata with rank =2 on five variables after confirming that all variables are I(1) and there are 2 CI rank using the Johansen test. Now I want to check CI relations stability using the recursive procedure proposed by Hansen and Johansen (1992, 1999). I do not know how to go about this in Stata or EViews or R.
I am working on a 21 sample size data time series, and after applying ADF test one of my variables are integrated of order 2 I(2), two variables are integrated of order 1 I(1) and two are integrated at level I(0). Which cointegration approach should I apply before testing for causality between the variables?
I have used the ARDL model to model data over ten years. The results of the bounds test indicate that there is a cointegration relationship at the 5% and 10% levels. However, the ARDL and ECM results are not satisfactory. What is your suggestion for me? Should I change the model?
Hi everybody!
Please, I´d thank you to help me with a doubt regarding forecasting based on a VECM.
I estimated a VECM model with 3 variables, there is just one cointegrating relation, and there is no problem with this estimation.
Now I want to forecast, and for that goal I have (from information of an international organization) the predicted values of 2 of the 3 variables included in my VECM. Therefore, what I want now is to predict that one remaining variable, using the estimation of the VECM, and the given external forecasts of the 2 other variables.
I think there must be the way to do it, but I don´t realize about it yet. I´m using STATA.
Any suggetions about this?
In advance, thank you all so much!!
I want to use the ADL model for my data analysis. However, after performing a stationary test, dependent and 6/8 independent variables are stationary only in differences. The other two are stationary in levels.
Is the cointegration test always necessary?
If so, I found on the Internet that I can only use the Pesaran Bounds test because I have a mix of I(0) and I(1) variables.
Is it true? I am not sure.
And how do you perform that test?
Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
I am working in panel data. Could anyone help me the stata command for Durbin-Hausman cointegration test, proposed by Westerlund (2008)? Because I got a mixed order of integration.
The variables under study are of mixed orders of integration i.e., I(0) and I(1). I want to estimate the long-run relationship between variables therefore it is recommended to apply pooled mean group panel ARDL test. So, it is necessary to apply pedroni cointegration test before?
1. My research involved 10 explanatory variables. After performing the CIPS panel unit root test, I found 4 variables stationary at level 1, 3 variables stationary at level I (1), and 2 variables stationary at level I (2). What should I do next? Do I perform a cointegration test?
2. I run both the Westerlund cointegration and Pedroni cointegration tests in Stata and EViews, but Stata shows "No more than six covariates can be specified." and with Eviews I can't run the test with more than 7 variables. Then what should I do?
I am running a moderation analysis and have 2 IVs 1 moderator and 5 control variables. I want to check cointegration through westerlund cointegration test as my model suffers from cross section dependence. But every time I run, Stata give error i.e. variables should not exceed 7.
Kindly suggest the remedy
I want to run Westerlund and Edgerton 2008 cointegration test with structural breaks.
If the data has passed stationary tests and does not exhibit unit root problems, then the assumptions of many time series models have been met. In such cases, there might not be a need to test for cointegration, as cointegration is often explored when dealing with non-stationary time series. Am I wrong?
dear sir/ma'am,
I face a problem in testing the data while using stata. i can't fine the commands for CSARDL and Westerlund panel cointegration test. kindly tell me the commands of these tests and provide a solution for following problem i'm facing.
My variables are:
1. exchange rate i(1) (nominal exchange rate)
2. interest rate i(3) (2 year bond yields)
but they are not cointegrated. Any suggestions are welcome, even if I have to use different data to represent my variables.
Hello everyone. I am currently doing my thesis on 'The impact of trade openness on economic growth: evidence from china' . I have 1 dependent variable and 5 independent variables. All the variables are I(1) so I have proceeded with Johansen integration test which revealed 5 cointegrating equations. I would like some guidance on how to proceed. There are almost no studies where 5 cointegrating equations are found. Most find 1 cointegrating equation. Please find attached my raw data. All variables except population growth were log transformed before performing the tests.
I am a final year student and I would be glad to get as many helps as I could. I have utlized a lot of Youtube vidoes to learn about the ARDL model estimation but I am now confused. This is because different videos provided different approaches, so I am not longer sure of the step by step to doing it.
For instance, Crunch econometrix said to estimate the ARDL model, then afterwards, do the bounds test to check for cointegration. If cointegration exists, then I would need to estimate an ECM model using least squares by manually entering the equation that would contain the ECM into Eviews. On the other hand,if cointegration doesn't exist, then a short-run ARDL using the differenced variables would be estimated using Least squares( I also would manually enter the equation into eviews, but differenced and with lags). I don't know how correct this procedure is especially since other videos I watched didn't have this.
But I am bothered given the fact that nothing is said of the coefficients obtained for the variables and their lags after estimating the first ARDL (I think it is also called the unrestricted error correction model, right?), especially as regards how to interpret them or what their relevant is to the study. I use EViews 12 which provides the coefficient diagnostics. The "Long run form and bounds test" provides the conditional error correction model. what are the relevance of the estimates provides for the coefficients and their lags and how do you interpret them?
Then there is the "error correction form" feauture that provides the ECM regression,which also reveals some estimations for the difference of the variables (with only lags). What is the relevance of these estimates and how do you interpret them?
I have weekly price data of pineapple for the months of June and July for 12 years. I want to know the spatial market integration. Please advise
We know that correlation and cointegration are two different things. The question that I want to put here and share with you is whether this is true even when we consider the wavelet concept?
Hi All,
I am working with time series data which has a dependent variable I(2) { Stationary at second order difference} and other independent variables are stationary at I(1).
Also, there exists cointegration between these variables.
I want to know whether I can run the VECM process with I(2) Dependent variable and I(1) Independent variables.?
Please advise possible options that I can follow.
Thank you.
In many articles I saw that ARDL model can be used when there is only 1 cointegration relationship. Therefore, to check the number of cointegration relationships I used Johansen cointegration test and found there is only 1 cointegration relationship. But in theory, ARDL model uses bound F statistic test to check whether there are cointegration relationships exist. How do we identify number of cointegration relationships using bound test. Is it unnecessary to use bound test if I already used the Johansen cointegration test?
Does anyone know if Westerlund's test for panel cointegration is available in R?
If all my dependent and independent variables are stationary at first difference NOT at level, SHOULD I REPLACE (ardl y x1 x2) with (ardl d.y d.x1 d.x2)? when there is no cointegration and I want to estimate a short-run ardl model or it doesn't matter?, since my diagnostic tests are good enough to rely on when running (ardl y x1 x2)OR these diagnostic tests are invalid as well?
Thanks in advance.
I want to check how important some variables are when they make a cointegration. But I did not know if we can know what the cointegration vector exactly is. And can we get more information from the vector?
Dear colleagues,
I have a query related to the commands of continuously updated full modified (CUP-FM) and continuously updated bias-corrected (CUP-BC) estimators in the Stata.
Thank you.
I have few time series which are cointegrated. First I differenced the non-stationary series and fitted VAR after making them stationary. Later I fitted vector error correction model separately and obtained the long run and short run relationship. As I know taking difference removes the long run relationship of variables. So does that mean I can use VAR to explain the short run relationship even the series are cointegrated? If so can I compare the results of VAR model and short run results of VECM model?
I have two variables and all of them are integrated at order zero I(0) meaning they are stationary. Yet i want to apply VAR model, can i do that? if yes, could you please provide some reference? Also, Can it happen that johansen Cointegration test says my variable are ciontegrated wile they are stationary at level? Based on the results of johansen cointegration test can I apply VECM?
Kind regards,
some of my variables are integrated at 1st difference and some are 2nd difference. which method should I accept? ARDL or Cointegration or VECM. Please answer.
I am looking for the 2nd Generation panel cointegration R code. particularly Westerlund (2007). Any idea ?
I hope you all are doing good. My question is regarding long-run estimation. I am informed that when Johansen results show more than one cointegrating equations, we cannot use FMOLS as technique to estimate long-run relationship. I would, therefore, like to know what estimation procedure/model we should follow when we have more than one cointegrating equation. Thank you.
After conducting ARDL and bound Test using Eviews 10. the variables were not cointegrated since the F-statistic was smaller than I(0), However, and looking at the long run relationship, the variables were statistically significant. In this case, what decision must be taken?
Can I run the ARDL method even if my residuals do not follow normal distribution. I have already taken the log of the variables and they follow normal distribution but not when I estimate the ARDL model?
Using E-Views 9, I ran the ARDL test, resulting in an R-Squared value in the initial ARDL model output and an R-Squared value under the Bounds test. so, what is the difference between these two R squared values?
Dear colleagues,
I read about the lag length criteria, but I'm still unsure if I understand it well because I have different results.
How to decide which lag length is optimal? I applied it to my 29 years' GDP and energy consumption dataset using 4, 8, and 9 lags, and I got different results on different selections.
Is there a general rule of the number I should begin the analysis with?
Many thanks
Hi! I have a number of variables which are non-stationary in the long-run (1900-2016), but stationary during some sub-sets of that period (1900-1930, 1946-1973, 1980-2016). Can I use cointegration tests with those variables (target dependent variable is always non-stationary) on the sub-sets (shorter periods)?
I have 30 days observations on the fluctuations of airline prices of various departure days. Can I use cointegration tests, (mainly used to check the cointegration of long run effects) to establish the co-integrated movement evident from time series plot
Good day Researchers!
I am running a Panel data and I just finished with the unit root tests using Fisher(ADF and PP) and LLC. My dependent variables are not stationary at level but stationary at first difference for the Fisher, while in LLC one of the dependent variable is stationary at level and difference.
While my independent variables results is mixed. Some are stationary at first difference, while some are stationary at both but one of the independent variable is not stationary at both level and difference.
Should I still run a Cointegration test?
I have panel data (T=10, N=26) where all variables are integrated I(1) with cross-section dependence. I applied Westerlund test and found no cointegration. So I proceeded with Pvar (Panel var) estimation. However, I want to confirm the robustness of my analysis by applying another estimation technique. Any advice?
I understand that if they are cointegrated, the results of any regressions in between them won't be spurious, therefore you can run the Granger test in levels. Am I wrong?
Hi everyone,
I am running ARDL equations for the connection between imports (dependent variable), domestic growth and the real exchange rate (explaining variables) of several countries. Now, to test for cointegration, ARDL requires the bounds test. However, I am asking myself if the following is possible: run the ARDL, then run it in its ECM form. If the error correction coefficient is significantly negative (between -1 and 0), we get confirmation that the ARDL is cointegrated and fine. Hence, it would not be a test for cointegration before running any regression but running the ECM to test for cointegration. Is this valid?
Currently I am studying VAR methodologies in the hope of constructing a model for a future project, and have a fairly limited understanding of the necessary criteria to be met to generate robust results. My readings of recent literature make few mentions of residual diagnostics, specifically the joint normality of the residuals.
I have found through trial and error that a small number of exogenous spike ( blip ) dummy variables at key dates such as financial crises or policy changes, through visual inspection of residuals, have corrected the non-normality issue, I have found almost no evidence of similar studies doing the same, which leads me to wonder whether such measures are in fact misspecifications.
Tests for co-integration, in my case the Johansen test, give warnings (Eviews 12) against adding any exogenous variables, so as not to invalidate critical values. However, lag selection criteria for a VAR model differs when correcting residual non-normality with exogenous dummies. My current understanding of creating a VEC model is that, as a preliminary measure, both lag length selection and co-integration tests are performed on the model in levels, assuming all series are I(1) processes. Therefore, my question is whether one should:
1) Perform a cointegration test without dummies and select the lag length with dummies.
2) Abandon the dummies altogether, and subsequently violate the normality assumption.
3) Perform both Lag length selection and co-integration testing on the VAR in levels, then add dummies to the VECM.
My intention is to follow the common empirical approach in analysing both IFR and VDC of the VECM model (assuming there is cointegration), should this have any bearing on the matter. My understanding is that normality impacts only the validity of hypothesis testing however, in my reading, I have found no evidence to suggest that IRF and VDC standard errors are robust to non-normality.
many thanks,
Andrew Slaven
(Undergraduate Student at Aberystwyth University)
how to determine the number of cointegrating equations from the bound test of ardl?
I am using 3-time series data and after testing for unit root for each variable, the results show that at a level all of them are non-stationary the first difference leads to stationary. Therefore, three variables are integrated in order (1). So, I applied the cointegration test, the results I got for both the Trace and Max tests are below:
- None: fail to reject the null hypothesis
- at most 1: fail to reject the null hypothesis
- at most 2: reject the null hypothesis
How can I make sense of these? I understood that in the "none" case, there is no cointegration. However, I am still confused at the "at most 1" and "at most 2" cases. Please help me with this. Thank you!
Information provided:
1) There is no cointegration between both the variables therefore VECM is no longer applicable.
ii) The I(2) variable consists of zero therefore log differencing is ruled out too.
I am examining 4 time series. I have evaluated these using a cointegration test. Unfortunately, I lack the technical understanding to interpret these results correctly.
The results can be found on sheet 4 "Test auf Kointegration"
I would be very grateful if someone could help me!
I am using a GARCH-DCC MODEL to examine the co-movements of the price variation between the financial markets and the commodity markets. The model output gives me a sum of the ARCH and GARCH coefficients bigger than 1 that would mean that the variance is exponentially increasing over time. Not a desirable phenomenon. i'm getting this in a DCC-GARCH(1,1) but i also get this when i try higher orders. My variables are cointegrated so I made a VECM model and then used the residuals to estimate the DCC-GARCH MODEL.
I have daily data with 700 observations, you can see my output bellow.
What can i do to fix this?
PS: the problem isn't the size of my sample, i also get this result when i use a big sample
I am using an ARDL model however I am having some difficulties interpreting the results. I found out that there is a cointegration in the long run. I provided pictures below.
I use the bitcoin price and other block chains data to do the Johansen Cointegration test. The result show that they have two Cointegration. Then, I construct the VECM, but I don't know how to interpret the results. What is the "ect2" means?
Consider a cointegration model with two independent variables. I am interested in measuring the substitution effect of one independent variable over the other independent variable?
Hello Researchers, I have a set of 5 variables with log of 4 variables and a bank Rate in % for 49 data points. All the data points are I(1) integrated. I have been trying to get the Max Lag length and Rank on Stata. So far, I have tried (lag, rank) (1,1) (2,2) (4,2) (5,4) and (6,3) combinations. And in each of these results the coefficient in the cointegrating equation of short run comes out as non negative.
I have found all the optimal points in terms of lag and rank and yet the conclusion is not strong.
Any other method that needs to be taken forward to model my dataset? Would ARDL Help?
Is cointegration among predictors with a binary dependent variable a meaningful alternative to demonstrating stationarity of the predictors
Hi question is that ...
How to put one variable as dependent variable in Johansen cointegration test, if all variables in the model can be endogenous. And how to identify the cointegrating relationship among them, because if I have (for example) 5 variables in the model and I am putting each variable as a dependent variable then each will give a different cointegrating how to identify the exact relationship among these 5 variables and how to select the dependent variable.
I want to check the causality among variables, and also wanted to proceed with VECM. As per my knowledge, the steps to apply VECM is as follow
1. Check stationary (variables must he integrated of order 1)
2. Check cointegration (Johenson if more than 2 variables, Engle-Granger if 2 variables)
3. If cointegration exist, go for VECM (also known as RESTRICTED VAR), If do not exist, go for VAR (UNRESTRICTED VAR), we can also check the SR granger causalty if cointegration doesn't exist
What's about the criteria of granger causality. As per my knowledge, to apply granger causalty, variables must be stationary.
So, the question is
1. Can we apply granger causality if variables are stationary at first difference (e.g., 1(1)) or at mix order (e.g., I (1), I (1)). Or we can apply it only if all the variables are stationary at level?
I have 5 variables (1 dependent variable and 4 independent variables), and the 4 is stationary at level and only 1 is stationary at first different. However, I'm required to conduct the Granger Causality test. Is there any alternative test or solution that can solve my issue?
My question is about the ARDL model: If we have checked the presence of all assumptions to apply an ARDL model (such as integration order mix of I(0) and I(1), one cointegration relationship,... etc.) when it comes to fitting the model, we must use the stationary time series or the original time series?
Dear researchers,
I am interested in studying the long-run relationship between the panel datasets. However, most of the empirical works used the PMG/ARDL technique to test the long-run parameters of the variables and the error correction term of the model. But they failed to confirm the long-run relationship by using appropriate panel cointegration techniques (Eg. Padroni/ Kao test). In the meantime, some studies employed the panel cointegration test before applying the PMG/ARDL technique. They argue that the PMG/ARDL technique is only used to resolve the heterogeneous problem. Thus, I want to know that panel cointegration is needed to apply before PMG/ARDL technique.
In my model, I had four I(1) variables and after running JJ test, I got the result that there are 3 co-integration equation.
Now, I want to run ECM Model, but I am not sure what to put in the Co-integration rank?
Please help
Hi everyone,
When there is non-stationarity in time series data due to structural breaks( more than 2 structrural breaks )
1) then how to conduct Cointegration analysis and
2) will use of VECM model still be meaningful in this case?(if found cointegrated)
Thank you
Hi everyone.
The ARDL can be used when variables are of different order of intégration not greater than one!! if one variable is I(2) for instance, the ARDL is no longer suitable.
Does anyoneby the way knows if variables are integrated I(d) with different orders with d>1 which method to use?
Good day scholars,
I'm working on the impact of some macroeconomics variables on stock prices. I have done the differences of all variables and they are all stationary at First difference and also test for the arch and Garch effect for the stock prices. I'm lost on how to do the cointegration test, I'm I supposed to do cointegration of the variables directly or the one I difference?
Hello all,
There is some confusion regarding the steps to be followed to fit a cointegrated SVAR model? Mainly, when we fit a VAR model and find a significant cointegration among variables, a VECM model will be the best model; after which we can perform an SVAR model that considers the cointegration component!
I found the study by Loría et al. (2010), but the steps were not clear!
I need a detailed tutorial to follow in fitting a co-integrated SVAR with the Eviews, Stata, or R programs
Best wishes
Dear Scholars,
I have 2 variables. Both are non stationary. My dependent variable is stationary at 2nd difference and independent variable is stationary at 1st difference. I am using panel data set, the number of country is 5 and 18 years. How can I solve this problem, which model is better for this situation?
Best Regards
I have estimated a VECM model in EViews and using Johansen test I obtained that there were cointegration vectors. The output for short-run equation of VECOM contains two cointegration vectors, I was just wondering what is the speed of adjustment for them? Please find my EViews output below. Thank you so much for your time!
I am asking this question regarding my undergrad thesis. I am new to econometrics, so apologoes in advance. I wanted to analyse the impact of gender inequality in education on economic growth for India. I went through Klasen and Lamana (2009), Ali (2015), and Chuadhry (2005) and a few other papers to see if I could make a model for India.
I decided on the following variables as I think they would be suitable:
- GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $)
- School enrollment, primary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
- School enrollment, secondary(gross), gender parity index (GPI)
- Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
- Working age populatiom (% of total population)
- Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
- Population growth (annual %)
I have data for these variables from 1993-2018. My question is how should I proceed from here? From what I have read, if I am to run a regression model, i need to prove whether the time series are stationary and then do the regression. If not, i would have to look for cointegration. I plan on doing the analysis in either Python or EViews as I am comfortable in them. Please also suggest what other variables that can be used, what potential problems that I might run into and what steps could be taken to solve them.
I ran the exact model as specified in Klasen and Lamana (2009) and would like someone could help me understand the results that I got. In the Klasen paper I could understand uptill Table3. I am attaching the jupyter notebook.
Dhruv Sinha
My research has the dependent variable that cannot have data prior to 1995 as the existence of the variable commences since that year only. So I now have 22 annual time series data. I am testing for the determinants against 6 other variables which are strongly related to the dependent variable. My test results indicate the following:
Unit root test (DF-GLS) - stationary
ARDL F-bounds test - Cointegration exists at a 1 per cent significance level
ARDL long-run cointegration - All explanatory variables are statistically significant
ECM - Cointegration across all variables shows statistical significance
Diagnostics tests - The results validate the null hypothesis assumptions of no autocorrelation (Serial Correlation LM Test - Breusch-Godfrey), the existence of homoscedasticity (Heteroscedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey), normal distribution of the residuals (Normality Test: Jarque-Bera), and a correct model specification (Ramsey RESET).
Parameter stability - CUSUM and CUSUMSQ plots are within the critical lines of 5 per cent.
Can I go ahead with this econometric analysis or is there still a possibility of a spurious regression with such data? Please share your thoughts and suggestions. Are there are any studies on similar lines i.e. small sample data for ARDL estimation that I can refer to?
Recently, I'm doing an analysis using VECM. I have three variables with an optimal lag length of 3 and cointegration of three. Since the lag length can't be the same as the number of cointegration, how to fix this?
title - did covid-19 effect in import, export and GDP
data - time series
country - only one country
dependent variable - GDP
independent variable - import, export
dummy - pandemic crisis
Then I use ADF test to check the stationarity of dependent and independent variable. With using the dependent variable and independent variables I check the Johansen Cointegration then I use Vector error correction model then last I used Granger Causality.
Question - in which part I need to include my dummy variables to see did covid-19 effect in gdp, import and export.
Hi, is it possible to conduct panel cointegration test with 1 variable in panel and 1 variable in time series? If yes, can we do it on Eviews or STATA? Thanks.