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Coastal Oceanography - Science topic
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Questions related to Coastal Oceanography
Every tidal channel has one flood tide dominated side and anoter side is ebb tide dominated side. In any tide-dominated and tide-influenced delta, every channel has flood-tide and ebb-tide dominated side but not on same side, every channel has distinct characteristics regarding flood tide and ebb tide dominated side. I want to know about the reason of this.
I am working on fish ecology in an Indian estuary. However, proper identification of species belonging to Mugilidae is very difficult particularly of the genus Mugil and Liza. Most of the references available (FAO identification sheets and some Indian keys) differentiate the species based on the premaxillae shape which is difficult to ascertain in juveniles of the family. Also the family is highly dynamic with many new or updated genus and species. So, are there any recent comprehensive taxonomic keys available for the family from the Eastern or Western Indian Ocean regions?
Dear All,
I have an issue regarding a sediment transportation simulation. I have computed the sediment transport rate based on a 20 years wave climate, and simulated the sediment drift for the total time span and either by monthly filtering of the data, the monthly sediment transport is also computed. However there is a problem that the summation of monthly sediment transport is much more than what I have calculated for the total time span. Is it possible this happening? Is there any reason behind this?
I appreciate it if you could share your Idea with me.
Currently, microplastics (MPs) occurence researches in coastal and marine animals are performed in huge amounts, but their results concerning MPs abundances are not always given with the same unity.
- From what I can tell from studies I read, most provide data using MPs/individual. There are some studies that sample in pools, and then, after ending samplings, calculate the MPs/individual data. It would be an issue if we compare MPs/individual data of two different studies: one that sampled in each individual and another that sampled in pools?
- Should a specific study provide just the MPs/individual data? I think this study it would be sort of incomplete, considering that this data would not totally reflect the abundance of animals with different sizes, weights, and possibly ages, etc.
- What is the best approach between other unities, such as MPs/g of the whole sample, MPs/g of their dry or wet weight? That are some formulas to convert samples weight for dry and/or wet. This is applicable for MPs?
I know much of that depends on the study's biological samples, and objectives, but I would enjoy reading researchers opinion about it.
I'm trying to tabulate some concentrations of compounds to eventually test if tide (or depth for other samples) and distance along a sampling transect affect these compounds (the 5 variables on the right). However, the only way I can think to do this is in the attached image, where I'm forced to repeat the distance measurements which results in them getting treated as separate values. If I just split each dependent variable into two based on tide, then I no longer have that independent variable which slows things down quite a bit.
Also, I'm trying to make my Tide variable binary, but I don't see an option for that - perhaps that's also a problem here? Attached is an image of my table.
Hello I want to model the Upwelling phenomenon in the northern part of the Oman Sea Which model or models do you think I should use?
I want a model that is not yet complete and can be upgraded
I was drawing plots using ODV software, but I couldn't mask the bottom bathymetry. Can anyone tell how to mask the bottom bathymetry?
I have the following scenario.
In a marine environment, an object X moves below the surface of water from point A to point B. As it moves it displaces water around it which creates ripples (or increases detectable pressure levels) in the surroundings. We have sensors Si installed underwater at distance di with known geographic positions. I want to know the following.
1. How do we measure the intensity I of the ripples (generated by the object) at any sensor Si located di meters away from the object?
2. How do we measure the time required for the propagation of the ripple from its origin to sensor Si such that sensor Si can detect intensity I.
Dear researchers,
I am going to estimate the main four tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1, & O1) as well as shallow water corrective terms (f4 & f6) from hourly sea-level observations in a shallow water station based on the Admiralty method. Do you know any open-source package in this regard?
Most of the available packages e.g. t_tide and Utide works based on Foreman (IOS) method and do not provide the mentioned corrective terms.
I am aware of computational costs while working with high resolution data, so this question is more of hypotetical nature and is related to the relevance of friction parameter in inundation modeling. The question is also software(model)-dependent.
We want to model shoreline change and morphological changes there.
Has anyone used drogues, quadcopters, blimps and balloons/kitoons for mapping coastal features and processes e.g. SAV, emergent vegetation, pollutants, oil slicks, bathymetry, currents, etc.?
I'm trying to merge two chlorophyll datasets from different sensors by applying linear regression on their data overlap. The journal that I'm following log transformed (base 10) the data from both datasets before applying regression, and then used the resulting coefficients to correct one of the datasets. This means I have to log transform all my data to create my merged time series. However, I am hoping to use untransformed chlorophyll in the end.
My questions are (1) is it necessary to log transform the data in this situation, or just directly input untransformed data for regression? (2) If I do use the coefficients from the log-log regression, how should I apply it to the uncorrected dataset? Thank you very much!
I have been looking for information on water column DO, pH, SST , Chl-a, POC for areas in the peninsula near the glaciers vs the Southern Shetland Inland with no luck. Any information available to look for the main differences? Mostly influence of freshwater inputs to the fjords at the peninsula.
Can you suggested that the related to coastal water quality index prediction, if any free software there
I am new to using SWAN (Simulating Waves Near Shore) Model. Is there any helpful guides or tutorials that can be used to explain how to use this software?
Hello all,
I am looking for Acoustic Doupler Current Profiler (ADCP) which are found to be performing well for streamflow measurement. please share experiences and suggestions for selection of appropriate ADCP for streamflow measurement.
I want to predict shoreline change in the future by the results or data of DSAS software. Could you please give me any advice?
Thanks so much!
CDOM is the colored dissolved organic matter. What makes the fresh water higher in CDOM concentrations than the ocean?
Coastal management is a topic that has been much debated around the world in the last two decades, in view of the need to organize our coastal areas. In view of this context, I ask if the countries of South America present governmental programs of Coastal Management.
When polar jet stream has southward shift mandering happens, it leads to polar vortex.
It is also true that the magnitude of polar vortex depends on the temperature difference between poles and mid-latitudes.
Moreover, the southward shift of jet stream is related to the southward shift of ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone)
Then, Why polar vortex is not a regular phenomenon?
Please let me know the characteristics of MEGA Projects.
Which type of projects is termed BIG RESEARCH PROJECT or MEGA project?
I am using a paper by Hamada et al. (2012) to guide me through this.
"A year is classified as a positive (negative) IOD
year when the five month running average of the DMI having
a standard deviation equal to or greater than 1 (−1) for at least
four consecutive months in the analysis year." (Hamada et al., 2012, p. 70)
This may be an obvious question. However, does this mean that the index is normalised and then the 5 month running mean computed? Or is it the other way round?
Dear all;
I want to calculate the weight of anchor for a fish cage in the sea. This fish cage has a circle shape and is built by buoyant structures for floating on water surface, net is connected to this structure and an anchor to sustain the cage in the sea.
Would you please introduce some references for calculating the weight of proper anchor for this structure?
The schematic figure of this cage is attached with this question.
Best Regards,
I have wave spectra time series and I use some partitioning and tracking algorithms to identify swell events and wind sea events. My aim is to model separately frequency time evolution in a swell event case and a wind sea event case.
- In case of swell event, since the swell celerity in deep water is g/(4pf), the frequency of waves generated at a single remote location and arriving at some observation point increases linearly with time. According to this, I choose an increasing linear model for pic frequency time evolution in a swell event.
- Now, what kind of model can I choose in wind sea event case? Actually I use a decreasing linear model assuming that the energy transferred by wind to sea water contribute to decrease the frequency. Is it a coherent hypothesis? Can you recommend another model to me?
I need your help in finding literature on the evolution of a river bar in the tide-dominated delta. Also, I want to know about the methodology which I can follow to know about the evolution/formation of a river bar.
Thanks in advance
I have a deep sea sedimentary core of 4.3m length. I subsampled the whole core with 1cm interval. Now,I would to do microfaunal analysis. So, I need suggestion for selecting sub sample for better microfaunal analysis.
Currentmeter data (u, and v current, and temperature at 35m depth) have no correlations with local longshore wind. However, if I calculate the theoretical Ekman transport (or upwelling), I get some reasonable numbers. I am wondering if I can invoke the above lack of correlation to ignorer Ekman theory in my study region. Or should I proceed with some caution by assuming only a fraction of the theoretical Ekman transport actually occurs despite no correlation between wind and current? Where should the factor for the fraction come from? There is one limitation: I don’t have measurements at depths shallower than 35 m to look at correlations with the wind. The Ekman depth at my location is roughly 30 m.
Hi guys,
By analysing the microbial metagenomics, I found lots of genetic traits related to metal resistance and organic remediation, suggesting the water pollution in ambient seawater.
I've heard that Kaneohe Bay used to be a good snorkelling place in early 90s but then it was polluted.
I am not familiar with the marine chemistry/pollution field, if anyone has the data or knows where I should look at, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Kind. Fang
Im looking for a set of suitable data and methodology for mapping ocean bathymetry. Kindly suggest some sources of data and methodology. I will use those data for mapping the ocean floor of Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh portion.
Thanks, Shareful
I am looking for information relating to population level responses to diminished sea ice, specifically after the mortality event on Wrangel Is in 2007. I am interested in gathering literature from the Russian side of the Bering and Chukchi Seas. I have only been able to find the following 3 docs:
Kochnev (2002) Factors causing Pacific walrus mortality on the coastal haulouts of Wrangel Island
Kavry et al. (2008) New coastal haulouts of walruses--response to climate changes
Ovsyanikov et al. (2008) Unusual Pacific walrus mortality at Wrangel Island in 2007
I am working with the distribution and diversity of coral species and I would like to know if there is an online database where I could download spatial marine data (an analogue to the WorldClim database), focusing on bathymetry, sea surface temperature, etc. Any suggestion is welcome.
I am analysing a coastal time-series of hourly temperature and salinity measurements. I have calculated the density using Gibbs seawater toolbox (TEOS10). In addition I have also calculated the seawater density/stability ratio $R_{\rho}$,
$R_{\rho} = \frac{\alpha \Delta\Theta}{\beta \Delta S_A}$.
Specifically, I want to distinguish between density changes affected by either changes in temperature or salinity. So far I have just seen articles analysing the spatial distribution of the density/stability ratio, either vertical or horizontal, and mentioning that when $-1 < R_{\rho} < 1$, the density is affected mostly by changes in salinity.
Could anyone please suggest further references, especially analysing this ratio using time-series?
The quality of ocean circulation model is lower than wave model provide, I mean
As per title, I was wondering if the Wind and waves atlas of the Mediterranean Sea is freely accessible, and if it is, from where (and/or from what institution).
I want to see different water masses in the Bay of Bengal..Like at certain which water comes..For ex. At bottom atlantic bottom water, at some depth Central indian ocean water, etc. Can you suggest me some research papers.
I'm working with water quality in lakes, I need to calculate the energy budget of a lake. I have meteorological information (PAR, temperature and wind speed) and also the water temperature and the volume of the lake. Can anyone please provide references?
Thanks in advance
Dear every body
The power plant is 70 km away from Persian Gulf, I Will inform you step by step.
Accretion increases with period of inundation and tidal flats are inundated for longer than saltmarshes. However, vegetation increases sedimentation capture.
I would really thankful if anyone guide me to know how I can model thermal discharge of hot water outfall in marine environment in a way to consider both near and far field. I mean that the model should simulate plume of hot water as near field and also hot water diffusion as far field modelling.
I found that there are contrasting opinions in the correct application of the equation of state for freshwater proposed by Chen and Millero, 1986.
Should the in situ or the potential temperature be used?
Chen, C-T. A., and F.J. Millero, 1986, Precise thermodynamic properties of natural waters covering only limnological range, Limnology and Oceanography 31(3):657-662
I am looking for in-situ measurements of wave heights for the Caspian Sea. I see that people published a comparison of wave modeling results with the in-situ data, so there are data from at least a few stations available, like Anzali, Neka, Amirabad, Fort-Shevchenko, Neftyanye Kamni, Kochubey, Astrakhan, Makhachkala, but simple googling does not show any downloadable data. Do you know where can I get the data, whom to ask and how open they are?
Many thanks!
From where i will get free bathymetric map of Indian ocean for research purpose?
the scale should be 1: 5000 to 1:10000
Seto Inland Sea, the largest semi-enclosed sea in Japan,
Some researchers provide the M2, S2, K1, O1 values of the main strait of the Seto Inland Sea, Some provide the mean surface current of the whole Seto Inland Sea, which one or someone else is the best descriptor of the current speed? I want to investigate the influence of current (speed) on water stability and red tide occurrence.
Thank you!
Please can anyone give me the average ranges for sea surface temperatures, atmospheric pressures, sea water density, salinity, depth and bathymetry, ocean current, wind speed and other metocean data for the North Sea, particularly for the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and UK sectors?
Is anyone working on modeling how changes to coral reefs may change coastal erosion models. This is something I am very interested in getting into and is wondering if anyone would be interested in collaborating or has suggestions on who to speak to. Thanks!
I want a complete database on dams in North Africa (Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia).
I have already collected a databases "GRanD" and "AQUASTAT" , but they only contain large dams. I want to complete my database by small dams.
Thank you in advance if you have ideas to find these small dams.
Would you be so kind as recommend me where to find in open access The Black Sea hindcast wave heights and periods time series at few nearshore (deep water) positions for 20 – 40 or more years duration.
The hindcast data are needed for our international project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research about coasts evolution under the changing climate.
Sincerely yours, Sergey
Good morning.
My name is Mada Triandala Sibero. I'm student from Diponegoro University.
I'm a beginner in marine science field especially for sponge identification.
I got this sponge as my sample. According to the shape, it supposed to be Cinachyra sp., but according to spicules identification I don't find any journals shows the Cinachyra sp. has spicules like star shape.
I really need an explanation according to my result. And please correct me if there is any miss understanding.
I really hope there is someone in here could help me.
Thank you very much.
I am having some problems with the space varying temperature file in FLOW module.
I have prepared a space varying temperature file for my project (part of which is shown below):
FileVersion = 1.03
Filetype = meteo_on_equidistant_grid
n_cols = 3
n_rows = 4
grid_unit = degree
x_llcenter = -9
dx = 1.5
y_llcenter = 57
dy = -1.5
NODATA_value = 999.999
n_quantity = 1
quantity1 = air_temperature
unit1 = Celsius
TIME = 0.0 hours since 2013-09-01 00:00:00 +00:00
10.255 12.162 13.800
12.161 12.614 12.984
12.931 12.974 11.971
12.995 13.184 12.951
and I am including these files in the mdf file as specified in the FLOW manual:
Commnt =
Wnsvwp = #Y#
Wndint = #Y#
Commnt =
Commnt =
Filwu = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amu#
Filwv = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amv#
Filwp = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amp#
Filwt = #ERA_Interim_092013_072014.amt#
Commnt =
However, the model doesn't run and I got the following error:
*** MESSAGE Air temperature specified on a separate equidistant grid
*** ERROR Air temperature is not used in heat model (ktemp) = 0
Can anybody please help me with this or point to some possible errors I may be making?
Hello All
I like to know, whether there is a way to statistically calculate the percentage difference in Phases of two tidal water levels signatures?
"Cold upwelled water alters local weather. Weather onshore of regions of upwelling tend to have fog, low stratus clouds, a stable stratified atmosphere, little convection, and little rain." from the book "Introduction to Physical Oceanography "(Robert H. Stewart). If the upwelled water in the coastal area is relatively warmer than ambient water, how does it change the local weather?
So far I have listed the following 3D models: Pechon and Teisson (1996); Gessler et al. (1999); Lesser et al. (2004; part of the "DELFT3D Suite).
Similarly, I know about the following Q3D models: Ding et al. (2006); Saied and Tsanis (2005); and Hanson et al. (2010).
Plotting real tidal data from different regions and different tidal reference stations, it is clear that some tidal datums often have the same relative position.
Trivial examples are the relative positions of the Lowest High Water (LHW) and the Highest High Water (HHW); or of the Mean Lower High Water (MLHW) and the Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) in a semidiurnal cycle.
However, the relative position of some other datums does not appear as trivial, especially when considering the neap-spring synodic cycle.
For example, the Lowest High Water Neap (LHWN) can be lower or higher than the Highest Low Water Neap (HLWN), i.e. the range of the neap high tide can overlap or not with the range of the neap low tide. Another example is the relative position of MLHW and the Mean High Water Neap (MHWN).
I wonder if there is any classification of tidal regimes that describes these types of patterns, that is or might be related to geographic areas, or ecological patterns.
i'm confused on the differences between PSS and PSU for ocan salinity measurements. Im wondering are there any differences between them or almost similar??
Can anyone give me suggestion on how can i convert salinity unit from PSS to ppm or ppt? since most of my sources only convert between ppm,atm and other except PSS
I work on a numerical model for investigating the structure of density and salinity in tidal estuarine system. I calculate d Richardson number using of formula. But amount of RI number are very variable, for example 0 to 5000. Are these amount of RI number correct? And what is its range?
I would like information about tsunamis in South Atlantic.
I need Coastal slope or Bathymetric image for Bay of Bengal coast specially Sundarban coast. Is there any agency or govt. Website which can provide freely bathymetric images? I was passing through DGH and GEBCO but it’s not freely available. Is there any others agency for bathymetric data??
So far I have found a relative paper by Suh and Dalrymple (1987). I am specifically interested in detached (offshore) breakwaters.
Hi all,
I'm seeking a long-time beach profile model, either process-based or not is ok. I'm interested in the Xbeach developed by delft, but it is said it is mainly used to simulate the response to storm so it is a short period model. Has some one used it for long time modelling? Or is there other suggestions?
There is no doubt that in summer, a Kuroshio bottom branch current northeast of Taiwan can intrudes into the eastern China coast around 28 °N, and then turns northeastward to Yangtze River Estuary. Does it exist in winter but attribute to different forcing and/or sustaining mechanism?
Is there any specific method for identifying the significant wave height in coastal vulnerability assessment?
I have a set of wave data modeled by SWAN. As SWAN doesn't compute breaking wave height, is there any way to extract it from the data?
Hello all,
I have a wave buoy time-series of significant wave height (Hs) and wave period (Tz). I want to separate the series into swell (long wavelength, far field) and locally generated wind wave (storm) components for some further investigation into wave-tide interaction. Is there a theoretical limit that I can use to classify if a wave observed at time t; Hs(t) and Tz(t), is a "swell" or "storm" wave?
Many thanks in advance
Tidal variations might affect the results. So, how can I consider tidal variation in a scientific way?
If trapezoidal integration method is used, it provides value with units of mg/m2 (which is per area) but I need to know is there any way to get chlorophyll value for entire water column in terms of mg/m3 (which is per volume)?
1. Chlorophyll a concentration at three sampling points of a study coastal location. (The distance between sampling locations from coast varies between 10 - 25 km).
2. Chlorophyll a concentration taken on one day of different months in a year but one season.
(For instance, for year 2002 taken on 12-3-2002 and for year 2003 taken on 14-2-2003)
3. Chlorophyll a measured at 3 depth levels.
If data availability is in above mentioned manner, can we prepare annual time series for the study location? how?
I study on the coastal zone in presence of submarine vegetation (Hyères, Var, France).
I want to mesure the bathymetry here.
How can we ditermine the presence / absence of the submerged vegetation?
With respect to studies on Marine and Coastal waters, Is there a difference between the meaning behind use of words "Water Quality Parameters" and "Environmental Quality parameters"?
I am working with a modified form of Csanady's (1978) classic Arrested Topographic Wave (ATW) model. I am interested on the effects of a periodic pressure forcing at the shelf edge (like a meandering western boundary current) on the shelf circulation. Does anyone know of papers or other references where a similar form of the ATW model is used?
I want to simulate morphology change around submerge breakwater by MIKE 21. Help me to define and set up paramerters for submerge breakwater in model please.
In Ennore creek in southern India I found BCF (Bio concentration factor) of more than 2500 to 3000 in crustacean crab and polycheates. Will an estuary which is highly polluted resume this much BCF? Please help me to solve this BCF for Nickel metal.
How much water level fluctuation can occur near coastal zone?
If the water level variation is nearer to 20 m what can be cause?