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Coal Combustion - Science topic
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Questions related to Coal Combustion
Regarding the diagnostic ratios used for identifying sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), such as those from traffic, coal combustion, or industrial activities, how should we approach the need for updates? Given that industrial processes, urban development, and technology evolve over time, do these ratios remain reliable for source apportionment? Should we periodically revise these diagnostic ratios to account for changes in emission profiles, new pollution sources, or advancements in analytical techniques? What methodologies would you recommend for validating or updating these ratios, considering both historical data and current environmental conditions?
What is the risk of air quality deterioration during the next heating season, which will be the result of the energy crisis and the fact that due to energy poverty, some citizens may throw various types of waste into combustion furnaces?
In the situation of a significant share of dirty combustion energy in the total energy sector, as well as in the situation of coal shortages and rising prices of various types of fossil fuels, unfair, unethical practices appear for sale of waste advertised as substitutes for fossil fuels. There are anti-environmental and anti-climatic, misleading citizens, sales offers on the Internet, the so-called "rubber eco-pea coal" made of ground tires, which is unfair practice of selling waste offered as substitutes for other combustion fuels. This type of unethical and extremely anti-environmental, anti-climatic practices result from many years of neglect of energy policy consisting in inhibiting the development of renewable and zero-emission energy sources, many years of supporting the development of dirty energy based on coal combustion and, consequently, not preparing the energy sector for the energy crisis, ignoring the progressing global warming process, leading to a low level of energy security, low air quality, and frequent smog in many cities in Poland. In economies where most of the electricity and heat is generated by burning fossil fuels, a shortage of these fuels creates a risk of increased fuel poverty and incineration of waste in furnaces. As a result, the level of air pollution in the next heating season (fall-winter 2022) may increase significantly. Burning plastic and rubber waste generates carcinogenic chemicals that are present in the air. Therefore, due to the current energy crisis, the air quality in the country in which I operate may drop significantly in the coming months.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the Honorable Community of Researchers and Scientists:
To what extent can the energy crisis translate into increased pollution and deterioration of air quality?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

In my research, I am focused on identifying traces of coal combustion residuals in lake sediments. We have analyzed 54 elements, and one of the key steps in assessing contamination is calculating the enrichment factor. However, I am uncertain about which element to use for normalization. Commonly recommended elements include Al, Fe, La, Li, Sc, Ti, and V. The results we obtained vary significantly, leading to conflicting conclusions. I suspect that Fe, V, and Li may be influenced by coal combustion and are redox-sensitive, so I am considering excluding them. Any suggestions on how to refine the approach and which element might be the most appropriate for normalization would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any guidance or insights!
PAHs can indicate coal combustion, but how can they more accurately indicate that it is coal combustion?
Hello everyone,
I'm currently working on a coal combustion project and exploring various combustion models available in ANSYS CFX, such as EDM and FRC. I've come across references to the importance of the Damköhler number in determining the appropriate model choice. However, I'm seeking guidance on how to calculate this number.
If anyone has expertise in this area or can provide insights into the calculation process, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you all in advance.
Germany has taken two environmentally-friendly decisions to phase out nuclear and coal power by 2022 and 2030 respectively. The country also has shown the capability of expansion of renewable energy to replace the gap, and it is successful to date.
However, facing future energy demand within this framework could be a challenge. I would like to discuss this matter with energy experts.
The issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is currently one of the most important problems for urgent solutions in connection with the accelerating process of global warming.
The fact that the development of human civilization is largely responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases is an irrefutable fact confirmed by numerous independent research centers.
However, in individual countries, the development of industry is at various stages of development.
In individual countries, sources of greenhouse gas emissions can be presented in a different source structure of these emissions.
In some countries, in large agglomerations, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions is transport based on traditional combustion of fossil fuels, combustion of low-quality mineral and non-mineral minerals in domestic furnaces, and energy based on mineral combustion.
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
And how is greenhouse gas emissions in your countries or cities?
What are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in your country, in the cities where you live?
If you live in cities, is smog a problem?
Is smog the problem in your cities mainly in the winter season or also in other seasons?
Is the greenhouse gas emissions structure in your country significantly different compared to global greenhouse gas emissions data?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Chart. Global Warming. CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases, a forecast of the increase in the average temperature on Earth. Source: NOAA, NASA.

Dear all,
I'm currently doing my thesis working on a coal combustion and pyrolysis simulation in DWSIM. I've been trying to find a way to create a coal stream with its parameters of proximate and ultimate analysis.
Does anyone know if it is possible in this simulator? (I know that this is possible on Aspen)
Thank you so much.
Hi everyone
I am doing biomass gasification simulation in fluidized bed reactor. What is the popular and helpful reference book in this area explaining fluidization, pyrolysis, gasification and reactions Kinetics?
I am doing coal combustion simulation through blast furnace Tuyere and wish to see impact of Natural gas or coke oven gas injection on pulverized coal combustion. I have separate inlets for pulverized coal and gaseous fuel. As I am doing coal combustion I am having coal volatile-air mixture as default mixture. I am able to add methane-air mixture in material stream but cannot assign it as fluid to cell zones of gaseous fuel. I also tried to add CH4 and other gaseous components to coal volatile - air mixture and change first reaction with CH4 and O2 as separate reacting species is it right doing so?
I am interested in studying the devolatilisation characteristics of coal in a bid to compute the kinetic constants of devolatilisation. Is it possible to do it with a simple TGA? Or is there a need to use a TGA coupled with FTIR or GC/MS
Hello Everyone.
Can any please tell me the main principles and techniques of Ultra Low emission (SO2, NOX etc) monitoring in coal fired power plants?
Thank you for your valuable time.
Thermal power generation through coal combustion produces minute particle of ash(Fly Ash) that causes serious environment problems.
In South Africa, every December (since 5 December 2014) the residents are suffering from electricity cut by Eskom for at least two hours per day and that results to some negative impacts e.g. it disturbs businesses without back-up systems such as educational institutions, clinics and some community serving businesses . Apart from increasing coal supplies, what can be done whether scientifically to avoid this suffering of residents and businesses?
How can I calculate the stoichiometric air to fuel ratio for coal combustion in a 2 step reaction.
Reaction 1 : C2.9H3.75O0.61N0.1081 + 2.40 O2 -> 2.24 CO +0.65 CO2 + 1.87 H2O + 0.054 N2
Reaction 2: CO + 0.5 O2 -> CO2
I need advice to choose proper thermal boundary condition on the wall of furnace and burners of pulverized coal combustion boiler. I am not sure that t=constant is satisfied condition which is used in many cfd computations. Insted I think using heat transfer coefficient is better? I found in literature just a few works, but value of coefficient is very different from 150 to 10000 and more.
i was working on combustion modeling of coal in furnace. my question is related to DPM iteration report, would you please guide me.
In the DPM iteration report
num tracked =107250 , escaped = 102803, abroted =0 , traped =0 , evapoorated =0 , incomplete =4447
What is the physical meaning?
Should be the total num of escaped similar to the total num of tracked?
Can we consider these num. as a satisfactory simmulation of the discrete phase?
Is there any numbering criteria for each, escaped , abroted , traped , evapoorated and incomplete in modeling?
Thank you in advance.
I am using a DTF (drop tube furnace) for coal combustion experiments that has a long vertical quartz tube. there are many stains on it that i want to remove . Can anyone recommend me some solutions or procedures?I already tried ethanol but it didnt work.

Water under 250 Bar artificially applied pressure, even if heated to 340 Celsius, remains as water. So if I can bring hot oil, and remove cold oil economically with a Heatgate, through the pressure, and the water stays as water, can I use a .1mm copper interface?
2nd, question, if the artificial pressure is maintained at 400 Bar, what happens if we used hot salt to heat it up to 450 Celsius, over the critical point, can I still use the .1mm copper?
Does fly ash obtained from coal combustion need to be treated to be used as an adsorbent for removal of lead from wastewater?
How effective is fly ash as an adsorbent?
Can anyone recommend websites to buy fly ash for experimental purposes?
Biochar is obtained from slow pyrolysis at 450 and 550C at 10C per min heat rate. Assuming 66.1% C, 2.84% H, 6.57% N, 0.6% S, 23.89% O with GHV 24.45 MJ/kg and moisture 1.74%. What could be the enthalphy for this particular biochar?
I have been trying to produce biodiesel by heterogeneous catalysts viz. Li doped CaO, mixed CaO/Al2O3 and limestone based cement clinker. Having prepared these catalysts severally, there have not been conversions. What could have been wrong?
Hello everybody.
Someone knows free software to design zeolite structures.
Preferably free software. But it can indicate other software.
For any operating system.
Facing CO emission problem.
I just need very coherent information about methods used to measure these parameters.
i read that the length of each bed depends on the temperature rise, how is this determined?
I just wanted to know what will happen when we decrease the particle size of coal and then use it for combustion? Will the heating value of the powdered form be different.? Will the ignition temperature required be less? Has this size reduction something to do with "Low Temperature Combustion"?
In fly ash, the crystal and amorphous phases both exist. But I don't know how to determine the mineral phase of silicate and aluminum silicate in the fly ash, especially in amorphous phase. which test can I do to figure out the structure of amorphous phase? Who can help me?
Is it possible to synthesize pure CuO-promoted natural ilmenite to use as an oxygen carrier in the chemical looping combustion process?
Is there anyone who familiar with the simulation of pulverized coal combustion with the Plasma torch (200 kW) using Ansys Fluent software. I am quite familiar with combustion problem (like RT Burner) but didn't know much how to incorporate plasma in the Fluent environment to initiate the coal combustion?? Please provide some guidance.
I am simulating pulverized coal combustion using eddy-dissipation model (Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction). I have specified few reactions with their default Arrhenius rate parameters like (pre-exponential factor, activation energy etc.). The temperature that I am getting at the outlet of the burner is at least 300-400 K higher than what I am getting in the experimental setup, DO radiation model is also activated with all other 2nd order upwind. I read papers regarding this case in which they mentioned different Arrhenius rate parameters. I want to incorporate these parameters in my simulation instead of default values. But the problem is that Arrhenius rate parameters are not visible anymore, I can't change them further, only the mixing rate is visible. Please guide how to modify these "Arrhenius rate parameters" . The figure is attached for the understanding of my problem.

I am wondering is it a clear process or more complex? And is the isotopic composition constant for example the d15N value of NOx from gasoline or coal combustion and the d15N-org of lichen thalli is the same?
I will be grateful for any answer or references.
we are considering to mix sub bituminous with bituminous coal.
Some mechanisms to explain SOx formation (example :- Zeldovich for NOx)
how to calculate required operational temperature for coal gasifier experimental furnace for low rank coal or biomass.
In description of fly ash mineralogy it is frequently stated "magnetite crystals in fly ashes are derived from decomposition and high temperature oxidation of pyrite of feed coal in combustion boiler." What does decomposition mean? Is it complete melting of pyrite grains in boiler? Or solid state transformation of pyrite to magnetite without involving melting of pyrite (m.p. of pyrite- about 1180 deg. Celcius)?
We experienced strange SO2 readings during biomass gasification. The SO2 reading of the IR analyser incereases when the oxygen concetration decreases. This is rather suprising, considering that the decrease in oxygene (and the increase of carbon monoxide) suggests reducing conditions therefor SO2 concetration should decrease and other sulfur forms (like H2S) are expected.
I attached figure presenting the concentrations of the CO2, CO, O2, and SO2 during experiment for clarification.
How can it be explained?
Marcin Stec

Hi all,
I am modelling coal combustion using the PDF mixture fraction approach however as my job solves I have the following message appear at most iterations...
Minimum PDF table temperature in 1023 cells on zone 10
...the number of cells varies however it never seems to reduce down to zero. I have tried changing the number of enthalpy points and mean mixture fraction points when creating the PDF table however at present this does not seem to make any difference. Also the air entering my kiln is at 337K and ~1000K while I have set the minimum temperature as 298K
Good day. I am using ideal gases (CO2, H2O,N2,O2,SO2) to model the products (flue gases) of coal combustion. I need to develop a lookup table of the enthalpies of the ideal gases at different temperatures. I know how to calculate the volumes of the different ideal gases, but I struggle to calculate the volumetric heat capacity of each ideal gas. An example of how I need to calculate the enthalpy of CO2 is the following:
HCO2 = CpCO2 * T * VCO2,
where HCO2 is the enthalpy (kJ/kg) of CO2 at temperature T, CpCO2 is the volumetric heat capacity (kJ/m^3.K), T is the temperature (K), and VCO2 is the specific volume (m^3/kg) of CO2.
How does one calculate CpCO2 (kJ/m^3.K)?
Why the coal-fired boiler power plant need to have low rear pass temperature?
Can anyone help answering my question or share any related links/journals
Posafai et al (2004), argued that to their knowledge, individual-particle studies of coal and oil burning emissions and of urban aerosols do not indicate the presence of tar balls. In my research I have identified spherical organic particles that have similar characteristics to tar balls in smoke emissions from domestic fixed-bed coal combustion.
When estimating the CO2 emissions consequences of new electricity production facilities, the emissions of the marginal production technology, often coal power, are used as a reference. What fossil fuel production technology could be assumed when estimating CO2 emissions consequences of changing fuels?
I want the chemical name of the Quinone used as a reducing agent in H2S removal process from syn gas stream on commercial level process. Regards
How much amount of practical Air using solid coal and powder coal down gasifier?
I want to prepare composites refractory material from literature, slaked lime and clinkers (from coal combustion residues). How can I choose the best formulation and the best preparation method to achieve good thermal (conductivity and capacity) and mechanical properties?
Thanks you in advance for your help.
I am carrying out life cycle analysis of coal power plant for Indian condition. Where can I find complete details regarding coal power plants? For example, energy consumption, material consumption, water consumption, land usage for construction of power plant.
How much actual (practically) air is required for 1kg/hr coal gasification?
I am trying to model low grade coal combustion in a CFB. Its a 3D riser of 4 m length. I am using FLUENT as a CFD solver, however, I am encountering some convergence problems. Can we model the same problem in any other CFD solver more easily?