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Coaching Psychology - Science topic

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Questions related to Coaching Psychology
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
3 answers
Despite the clear benefits of personal and professional coaching, many leaders hesitate to take advantage of these resources. Unlike therapy, which focuses on clinical issues, coaching offers leaders an opportunity to gain deeper insights into their strengths, areas for growth, and the impact they have on their teams and organisational culture.
The question is: what prevents leaders from engaging with a coach? Is it a perceived lack of necessity, reluctance to self-reflect, or perhaps organisational culture? Coaching can help leaders support their teams more effectively, create stronger, more supportive cultures, and even enhance their own and their organisation’s reputation.
I invite researchers and professionals to weigh in on this topic. What are your experiences with coaching in leadership roles (not limited to large organisations, leaders of small businesses, team leaders, or anyone in a leadership position fits into this category)? How do you see coaching fitting into leadership development today? What barriers do you believe prevent leaders from seeking coaching, and how can these be overcome?
Or are we not communicating research findings about coaching in a way that sparks interest in businesses and organisations? (And I’m not referring to executive coaching, which is a different conversation altogether.)
#LeadershipDevelopment #CoachingCulture #SmallBusinessLeadership #ResearchImpact #TeamLeadership
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Enrique Gomez
Ciaran Collins
I think it's worth sharing this article from Harvard Business Review, which, despite some valid points, raises concerns about the potential risks to the coaching industry's reputation and leaders' perceptions of coaching benefits due to the author's overly pessimistic tone and exaggerated title.
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
4 answers
I intend to use the Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire (PCDEQ), developed and validated by MacNamara & Collins (2011, 2013), in a study in Portugal. In order to apply the questionnaire I tried to find one already translated to Portuguese or Spanish, but I didn't find available. If anyone have that document, please send me.
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Luís ,
Maybe the following paper will help you:
Ruiz-Barquín R, de la Vega Marcos R, García Carrión I. Spanish adaptation of "Psychological Characteristics of Developing Excellence Questionnaire" (PCDEQ). May 2014. Conference: XIV Congreso Nacional y I Internacional de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte., At Complejo Cultural San Francisco, Cáceres., Volume: ISBN: 978-84-7723-612-2.
Best wishes from Germany,
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
9 answers
For an analizis I'm looking for a narrative piece of research on coaching. HELP!
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Katalin, you might be interested also in this study:
den Outer, B. (2010). 'Coaching and Cross-Cultural Transitions: a narrative inquiry approach ',
International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring: Special Issue No. 4, 95-
Greetings, Raija
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
3 answers
a.) What factors related to a coach may affect Coaching Effectiveness?
b.) What factors related to coaching process may affect Coaching Effectiveness?
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I'll answer b first. We use a set of coaching competencies at ICF that have been developed by a number of coaching subject matter experts (SMEs). They can be found at the link below.
As to question a, the factors related to a coach, a few articles you might start with are:
Ianiro, P. M., & Kauffeld, S. (2014). Take care what you bring with you: How coaches’ mood and interpersonal behavior affect coaching success. Consulting Psychology Journal, 66(3), 231-257.
Jones, R. J., Woods, S. A., & Hutchinson, E. (2014). The influence of the Five Factor Model of personality on the perceived effectiveness of executive coaching. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 12(2), 109-118.
Stewart, L. J., Palmer, S., Wilkin, H., & Kerrin, M. (2008). The influence of character: Does personality impact coaching success. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 6(1), 32-42.
Hope this helps!   Joel
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
4 answers
I need information about the use of mental training in soccer. If nothing is present interesting , I'd like to do research in the near future on this topic.
Thank for your help!
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Although this is not related to soccer, it might help...
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
4 answers
Kindly suggest any coaching tools that can be used to prevent procrastination
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You may find this reference useful to get started. We have used some similar in leadership programs.
  • asked a question related to Coaching Psychology
3 answers
I am interested in working with clients to achieve personal goals, using evidence-based or at least well researched interventions.
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Hi Tayla,
I think one of the best courses in solution focused coaching is "art and science of coaching" by Erickson college. They designs online courses. I think you will enjoy it.
good luck.