Science topic
Clinical Exercise Physiology - Science topic
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Questions related to Clinical Exercise Physiology
Hello everyone
Please, based on the research and experience you have gained, please answer the following question.
"What are the best modalities for low and high -both- physiological responses to resistance training in rats?"
Thank you
What are the latest advancements in the field of Bio assay?
May linear regression show that an method/methods is/are valid even though this method(s) is not valid according to bland-altmand and paired sample t test.
Hormesis is a concept to explain of adaptation of body to certain dose of Toxic substance. if some condition in exercise like of produce of Free radical, reactive oxygen species, decrease of pH and etc be a toxic condition for body can we called exercise for one of factor of hormesis? what is your idea?
heat acclimatization can increase performance of athlete and occupational for physical activity in heat condition.
for this purpose we have to train for adaptation in heat condition regularly. but I have some question about chronic heat stress.
does living in heat climate can lead to chronic fatigue?
does hyperthermia and heat illness occur without any symptom chronically?
Breath Holding (BH) is a voluntary act but normal subjects are unable to breath till the point of unconsciousness. . The most likely cause of break-point and the consequent involuntary breathing is the stimulation of chemoreceptors by a fall in PaO2 below and a rise in PaCO2 above their respective critical partial pressures. BH at the end of exercise interval had shown significant reductions in pHa, arterial PO2 and O2 saturation and elevations in arterial PCO2 and arterial HCO3- . I want to know whether ABG changes are responsible for the rise in blood pressure following breath holding ?
We have a high intensity interval training on the water (canoe sprint)
1'20" work (100% VO2max) / 2' rest (55% VO2max) x 4 repeat x 4 sets.
We collected a blood simples at 3', 5', 8' and 10'.
All athletes are stayers. It was different results.
On average, results can be divided into two groups.
1 - La(mmol/l) 3.5 - 5.2 - 12.5 - 10.3
2 - La(mmol/l) 12.5 - 13.2 - 13.4 - 10.7
What does it mean?
I was wondering whether someone has any data available for fasted vs. fed training on HR measures at the same power output.
Can the intensity during a study protocol at the moderate intensity be paced via HR or is there a big difference between fed and fasted and therefore HR would not be appropriate?
I would guess that HR is higher during fasted, as fat oxidation is less efficient, but on the contrary I have seen two studies reporting data and they reported the contrary (higher HR in fed state). Any ideas and recommendations?
I am looking for comparative studies on the divergent effects of different HIIT protocols on cardiovascular and metabolic function. The vast majority of studies compare a single HIIT protocol with moderate continuous exercise protocols (in healthy and diseased subject populations). HIIT protocols which differ in intensity dose and duration (relative to the recovery intervals) should elicit different effects on vascular, cardiac and metabolic function. I am specifically interested in these differences in the context of hypertension. Does anybody work on similar questions or know studies in this area?
Hello everyone,
I would like to discuss a little about proposed cut-points for physical activity in individuals with functional impairment (eg. Patients with peripheral arterial disease). Is there a more appropriate proposition?
A good part of the available studies is based on cut-points proposed by Freedson et al. 1998 (young adults) and Copeland et al. 2009 (elderly without functional changes). To what extent these propositions may be underestimating the physical activity intensity in elderly individuals with functional limitations?
Best, Bruno.
I recently conducted a study that demonstrated great results regarding Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) on college athletes diagnosed with Exercise Induced Asthma. One of the findings is that is potentially reduced pain in the lower back. My next study is to 'activate' sedentary people with a fear of exercise, by initially prescribing RMT. Does anyone or has anyone worked or know of any studies in this area.
Many thanks in advance
I want to give a group of elderly aerobic exercise and melatonin supplements؛ How much and when I complete?
Can TRX training with the elderly?How do I measure that resistance?
How much water are we able to absorb in given amount of time in rest or during exercise? I have came across different values and can't really figure out what is to be advised to ultra endurance athletes performing in the heat, as accumulation of unabsorbed fluid can cause gastrointestinal problems ...
With spontaneous breathing freely working muscles of inspiration and expiration. Is it possible considering the anthropometric parameters and volume velocity inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength to calculate the inhalation and exhalation?
What are the benefits of an intermittant hypoxia training on well-trained endurance athlètes?
Hi, PhD student just looking to test aerobic capacity in Irish handball players in a lab. It is a sport very similar to squash, just with no rackets. Any thoughts and opinions welcome.
I trained basketball players and i measured vo2max prior to intervention. Vo2max not improvement with trainning
aerobic training, 8 weeks, 3 days, 20 min
technical trainning same time, 120 min
Has anyone done a Nitrite/Nitrate assay for Nitric Oxide production in skeletal muscle?
I'm doing one in my rat muscle homogenates, but I'm not sure how much tissue to use and also, in which buffer I should homogenise in?
If anyone could advise, it would be great.
I am looking for a method or test to assess level of consciousness during exercise in hypoxia. Do you have any suggestions for this?
I have serious problem with athlete loseing 3L of watter per hour even during light exercise. During extreme endurance events (Ironman) it is almost impossible to replenish water losts.
I am looking for some reference that shows the influence of different work loads in a single session of resistance training in the blood flow response.
Are you familiar with materials for the development of gastric cancer in mice.
It would be great if someone can explain the physiology and/or molecular mechanism, please