Science topics: MeteorologyClimate Control
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Climate Control - Science topic
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Questions related to Climate Control
Dear all,
I neee some suggestions from you concerning the latest thesis reports related to agricultural greenhouses climate control, any suggestions of thesis reports in french related to the same theme will be apreciated as well.
Thank you.
I'm working on Greenhouse Climate control Using the Fuzzy Logic Controller, so I'm searching for the mathematic model of Greenhouse structure, and the heater, cooler, and humifier transfer functions .
Dear all, I hope you are doing well,
I want to know if the following journals:
1-Building Services Engineering Research and Technology" and
2- "Indoor and Built Environment"
;from SAGE journals; can publish articles having as theme "Greenhouses climate control"?
Besides, I want to know if greenhouses are considered as "Buildings" or not.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Climate change, i.e. the ongoing global warmin process, causes the drainage of many areas of the tropical and subtropical zones, and therefore freshwater resources are falling. This will probably be one of the most serious effects and problems of the global warming process that is progressing faster and faster. The issue of falling freshwater resources is one of the most serious problems and challenges for humanity in the 21st century. It is also a problem for biological ecosystems that undergo drying and, therefore, biodiversity, including biodiversity of flora and fauna on Earth, is also diminishing.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
What is the impact of the global warming process on freshwater resources and the issue of biodiversity on Earth?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Humanity has reportedly only had a decade of time for the necessary changes in the energy sector to avoid a global climatic catastrophe
Much has to change in consumer awareness, business must change and different social groups should force policies and change legal regulations. It is necessary to develop co-financing of investment projects in the field of renewable energy sources by the state from public funds. In addition, businesses must see this business. The development of renewable energy sources should be profitable, and it is not because it is cheaper to mine minerals, to devastate the natural environment. It is cheap to run classic energy based on mineral combustion because this classic energy and mining industry of hard and brown coal, oil refinery industry, automotive industry of vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines etc. is not burdened with the costs of natural environment devastation, costs of treatment of people who suffer from due to poor air, smog and no negative effects of global warming. If the mining, energy, processing and automotive industries were burdened with these costs, then it would not be worthwhile to devastate and pollute the natural environment. Then it would be more profitable to develop energy and industry based on renewable energy sources. Inventions of electricity have over 100 years of history. 100 years ago, electric cars should be produced, but the oil business this scenario of more sustainable development has crossed out. Therefore, for over 100 years, archaic energy based on the burning of minerals has been developed. During these 100 years, the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by 1 degree ° C. From specific scientific studies, it appears that humanity is only 12 years left to make the necessary changes, to switch energy and industry to renewable energy sources and the automotive industry to electromobility, to reduce poor quality of stoves and domestic ovens, on the development of large and small, home solar, wind and other power plants. At the same time, investment projects in renewable energy sources should be widely developed and entire economies should switch to sustainable pro-ecological development according to the concept of a green, new economy. If during this time these changes are not implemented then the average temperature of the Earth until 2030 will increase by another min. 1 degree ° C and then in the following years the greenhouse effect will accelerate and the problem of global warming will become an irreversible process, which will mean the widespread apocalyptic climate disasters covering most of the Earth's surface before the end of the 21st century.
In view of the above, the current question is: Can we still avoid a global climatic catastrophe and what should be done to avoid it?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
The key issues of solving global problems related to climate change, the progressing global warming process, and the increasing scale of environmental pollution have often been recognized as priorities in the 21st century. I conduct research on various aspects, conditions and determinants of the pro-environmental transformation of the economy. The analysis of many scientific data shows that the process of global warming is accelerating and therefore it is urgent to carry out the pro-environmental transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear surplus economy into a sustainable, green, zero-emission economy of zero growth and a circular economy. The results of my research on significant issues of the pro-environmental transformation of the economy, the implementation of sustainable development goals, conditions for the development of a green circular economy, etc., are described in the following publications:
Researchers and scientists interested in the issues of this discussion are invited to scientific cooperation on this issue important for the future development of civilization.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Decades of rising emissions continued to do what scientists have long warned they would: make the world hotter.
Indeed, the 2010s mark the decade when the impacts from climate change became unmistakable, at least for any objective-minded observer.
Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, which makes up about 90% of total emissions from human activities, was relatively flat from 2013 through 2016.
However, Fossil-fuel emissions rose an estimated 0.6% to a record 37 billion metric tons in 2019, capping three straight years of growth.
Sea-level rise is accelerating!!
The planet got a lot hotter this decade!!
Most countries have done very little so far to displace the power plants, cars, factories, and buildings polluting the atmosphere with more emissions each year.
In your view, is the world doing enough on climate change?
If global warming cannot be resolved by controlling/minimising gas emissions, then extraordinary measures may be the only viable options, one of such ideas is placing a solar shield between the sun and earth at the L1 lagrangian point to obtain a reduction in solar insolation . It may sound crazy, more like science fiction to know that a disk of 2000km in diameter would be necessary to reduce solar radiation reaching earth by 1.7%. I wonder about the sort of stresses that would be experienced by such an enormous body. Also, what sort of materials' properties would be required to withstand the conditions at L1, for example solar radiation, other rays. While it is possible to calculate the disk's orbital velocity around the sun, its angular velocity (around its axis) is difficult to calculate. I would be grateful if those with relevant experience could share their thoughts about how such calculations could be achieved.
The report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that greenhouse gas levels on the globe are the highest in 800,000 years. Further emission, which arises according to the authors of the report mainly due to the combustion of fossil fuels, will lead to climate changes, which will be the greater, the more intensive will be the release of gases into the atmosphere. The report is a synthesis of earlier findings of the IPCC.
The conducted prognostic analyzes show that if the industrial development proceeds in the same way as before, i.e. without the implementation of eco-innovations, without reducing greenhouse gas emissions, etc. there is a risk that by 2050 the average temperature on the Earth's surface may increase by another one degrees ° C. It would have been an increase in the average temperature on the surface of the Earth from the end of the first industrial revolution, from the beginning of the 20th century by two degrees ° C. Then the pace of climate change will increase so much that the global warming process can escape any control and then the person will not be able to stop or significantly slow down this process. In such a dark scenario, the average temperature on the surface of the Earth until the end of the twenty-first century may increase by as much as four degrees ° C. Then it will be several times the increase of any negative external effects of climate change on the current state. Slak of emerging climatic cataclysms, including tornadoes, droughts, volcanic eruptions, melting of glaciers in chains of mountain peaks and in the arctic circle region at the Arctic will significantly accelerate. The melting of eternal decay in the Arctic region will release further millions of tons of methane and the greenhouse effect will accelerate even further and in the XXII century an increase in the average temperature on the Earth's surface can achieve a geometric pace. Then it will be a disaster not only for human civilization but also for a large part of life forms on Earth. Pradoxically, man as a rational, intelligent being who, evolutionarily gained an advantage over all other forms of life on Earth and subordinated the whole planet to itself, may lead to self-destruction. Or maybe it is not too late to implement a new eco-friendly economy to at least try to stop greenhouse gas emissions and reverse unfavorable global warming processes? It is therefore necessary to promote and implement the principles of sustainable development within the framework of the new green economy.
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
Chart. Global Warming. CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases, a forecast of the increase in the average temperature on Earth. Source: NOAA, NASA.
Most atmospheric water-vapour harvesting methods, which I found so far, are based on the principle of dew formation. Triggering adsorption by moving air passed an hydrophobic / hydrophilic object (e.g. foil) which is cooled below dew point.
Are there any projects known/research done where a desiccant-fibre (e.g. Wool, Cotton, Polymers) absorbs atmospheric water-vapour in hydroxyl groups and/or amorphous areas when being exposed to air?
The harvesting happens in a second step when increased energy ‘breaks’ the water away from the desiccant. So far, I know only of one company ( which is using this principle, charging a salt.