Science topic
Climate Change - Science topic
Climate Change is an any significant change in measures of climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer). It may result from natural factors such as changes in the sun's intensity, natural processes within the climate system such as changes in ocean circulation, or human activities.
Questions related to Climate Change
How can farmers adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects on crop production?
Do you agree that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions should be a key element of corporate social responsibility, i.e. environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility?
In this regard, should environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting?
Based on my research, I conclude that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions, should be a key component of corporate social responsibility, namely environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility. Accordingly, environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility should be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting. An important factor for effectively carrying out the pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth brown linear economy of excess to a sustainable green zero-carbon growth zero-carbon economy and a closed loop economy is to increase the pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness of citizens. Awareness of the urgent and effective implementation of the green transformation of the economy, including the implementation of the plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions until the creation of a zero-carbon economy, to slow down the process of progressive global warming to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems is a key determinant of ensuring the conditions of existence on the planet for future generations of people. Accordingly, the issue of pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness of citizens should be correlated with the environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility of business, i.e. economic entities, including companies, enterprises, financial institutions and other organizations. Meanwhile, environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility should be an important factor in the green reputation of companies, businesses, financial and public institutions, and also an important element of non-financial ESG reporting.
Key aspects of the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and the necessary acceleration of the processes of green transformation of the economy to decarbonize the economy, slow down the process of global warming, protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems I described in the article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In view of this, should environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility be recognized as key factors in corporate reputation and non-financial ESG reporting?
Do you agree that the green business transformation of business entities, including companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions should be a key component of corporate social responsibility, i.e. environmental social responsibility and climate social responsibility?
Do you agree that the green business transformation of corporate entities should be a key element of corporate social responsibility?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
La pregunta de análisis es la siguiente:
¿Cómo puede la investigación transdisciplinar influir en la formulación de políticas públicas en áreas como el cambio climático, la salud y la tecnología?
Se debe examinar cómo los enfoques transdisciplinares pueden aportar soluciones innovadoras y efectivas a problemas complejos de política, y cómo dichas investigaciones se traducen en decisiones políticas prácticas.
In the current year, what are the effects of the progressive process of global warming in your region, in your country, in your environment, in terms of local microclimate, etc.?
In the current year, what are the effects of climate change, the accelerating process of global warming in your environment, in your region, where you operate, in your country, in the surrounding natural environment, in nearby agricultural areas, in the city or countryside where you live, in terms of local microclimate, etc.?
For example, in the country where I operate during the winter season, during a period where for many previous decades of time there was usually snow and temperatures were minus temperatures reaching as high as 20-30 degrees Frost is during the current "winter" in February 2024 there are positive temperatures all over the country, even positive double digits. Hoteliers, owners of ski slopes in the Tatra mountains are reporting much lower interest in their services. Fruit growers fear the return of morning frosts, which would cause the buds of flowers, which appear exceptionally early on shrubs and fruit trees, to freeze. Beekeepers fear for their bees, which have begun to leave their hives unusually early. But these are not the only effects of weather anomalies, climate disasters, climate change, the process of global warming, which has been occurring with increasing frequency in recent years. The negative effects of the increasingly rapid process of global warming on the environment, on agriculture, on the economy as a whole, on human existence in cities and in the countryside are constantly increasing, and the scale of the negative impact of climate change is constantly growing. In the country in which I operate in the summer season in recent years there have been record high temperatures, increasingly persistent heat, longer and longer periods of drought, little rainfall and increasingly frequent forest fires. In some regions of the country, water supplies are already beginning to run out during periods when citizens are watering their gardens and flowerbeds, washing cars, filling swimming pools, etc. At that time, local authorities are recommending restrictions on the use of tap water and imposing periodic bans on the use of clean water from the municipal water supply for watering lawns, washing cars and filling swimming pools. On the other hand, financial incentives, i.e. subsidies for the creation of water reservoirs for rainwater collection, rainwater catchment systems and irrigation of gardens, lawns, green areas, etc. with the help of rainwater thus collected, are being introduced as part of the increase in the scale of economical water consumption. The scale of the negative effects of the ongoing process of global warming is increasing every year. In many regions of the world, due to the accelerating process of global warming, the productivity of agricultural crops in agriculture is declining, the number of pollinating insects is declining, green areas in cities are drying up, living conditions in urban areas are deteriorating, the demand for electricity is increasing, which is caused, among other things, by the increase in the scale of use of cooling equipment during summer heat waves, the level of biodiversity in areas of natural natural ecosystems is decreasing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, including green transformation of such economic sectors as energy, agriculture, transportation, construction, heavy industry, etc.
I am conducting research on this issue. I study in a multifaceted and interdisciplinary way the issue of factors, determinants of climate change, the increasingly rapid process of global warming, and the effects of these processes on the environment, on civilization, agriculture, the economy, etc. On the other hand, I analyze the possibilities of smoothly carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess into a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-cycle economy. By building a green, sustainable closed loop economy, it will be possible to slow down the still accelerating global warming process and reduce the negative effects of these climate change processes. Will it be possible to reverse these processes? Unfortunately, this is unlikely with the green transformation of the economy progressing as slowly as it is now, and the still low level of awareness of many citizens on this topic, ignoring the high level of relevance of this issue in the business and political world. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In the current year, what are the effects of climate change, of the accelerating process of global warming in your environment, in your region, where you operate, in your country, in the surrounding natural environment, in nearby agricultural areas, in the city or countryside where you live, in terms of the local microclimate, etc.?
In the current year, what are the effects of the ongoing global warming process in your region, in your country, in your surrounding environment, in terms of local microclimate, etc.?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
The question comes from the idea of using climate change to mitigate climate change. It's a common practice to employ diversion to deal with heavy floods, rather then storage. But what if that water could be harvested and utilized to reduce surface temperature in urban centers, following principles similar to the Japanese "Uchimizu" technique ? To what extend can floodwater harvesting practices serve as an alternative for mitigating the negative effects of urban heat waves ? What impediments or challenges could you forecast as potential threats to developing a strategy for implementing this practice ?
Any contribution to this discussion is welcome -additional questions/ convenient points included- let's share our best knowledge !
Warm regards,
What is climate change, does it actually exist, if exist what the developed countries doing to mitigating it?
Why only poor countries suffer from climate change and what can we do to preserve our Himalayas?
In what aspects, carried out through the implementation of the principles of sustainable, green closed-loop economics, does climate protection connect with the protection of the biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
In what aspects does the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the implementation of the principles of green closed-loop economics and pro-environmental sustainable economic development and thus carried out for the needs of future generations of people, climate protection combines with the protection of the biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the planet?
In my opinion, climate protection combines with the protection of the biosphere and the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems in many ways. Many issues of climate protection also affect the issue of the biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the planet. On the other hand, by taking care of the state of nature, protecting the natural environment, strengthening systems for protecting the biosphere, and improving solutions for protecting the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, we also contribute to protecting the planet's climate. Many issues in the aforementioned issues of protecting the planet's climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems are interrelated. For example, increasing the scale of reforestation, restoration of natural ecosystems, restoration of biodiverse forest ecosystems both constitute an important element in the protection of nature, the biosphere and biodiversity of flora and fauna but are also an important element in the protection of the climate, both the microclimate locally and the climate globally. In recent times, the change in trends occurring in many urban areas from the ubiquitous years ago so-called concretization, that is, the removal of green areas, the creation of wide sidewalks, concrete squares, asphalt surfaces, etc. to greening, creation of new city parks, reduction of concretes, reduction of areas covered with concrete and asphalt, creation of additional green areas, lawns, flower meadows, pocket parks, etc. is also an important element of pro-climate and at the same time pro-environmental, sustainable economic development and a feature of a modern city developing in accordance with the green smart city concept. Also, the replacement of unsustainable, implemented according to the formula of intensive, production agriculture with sustainable organic agriculture at the same time fits into the pro-environmental and pro-climate policy. Conservation of water resources, implementation of water efficiency systems, creation of rainwater catchment facilities for use in agriculture and irrigation of parks and home gardens is also an important element of sustainable development, green closed-loop economics and protection of both the biosphere and the planet's climate. Also, the creation of new landscape parks, conservation areas, natural national parks is an important element in the protection of the biosphere, biodiversity and the planet's climate.
Key aspects of the negative effects of the ongoing process of global warming and the associated necessary acceleration of the processes of green transformation of the economy in order to decarbonize the economy, slow down the process of global warming, protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of natural ecosystems of the planet I described in the article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In what aspects does the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the implementation of the principles of the green circular economy and pro-environmental sustainable economic development, and thus carried out for the needs of future generations of people, climate protection is combined with the protection of the biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the planet?
In what aspects, carried out through the implementation of the principles of sustainable, green closed-loop economics, does climate protection connect with the protection of the biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
How does climate protection connect with the protection of the biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
What are the primary drivers of climate change, and how do they interact with one another?
Applied media ethics beyond the rhetorical flourishes of academic pseudo journalism:
Respectfully i really believe that due to climate change factors , potable and agricultural water availablity is proportional to overpopulation and its side effects.
Ergo that we need to focus on the possibility that IT could be directed to exploring and dealing with root causes
I.e.: ...we are aware that the lost knowledge of natural procreative hygiene i.e.: herbal birth control and permitted child rearing age requiments of pre colonial cultures is a critical factor in peaceful population reduction.
Also this information is not accessible to the majority in need of it .
We have been proposing global compulsory education for children via AI infobots and telephony then the question becomes , how accessible would systemic availability be to the documentation of these practices in the oral traditions be via , say the University of Shanghai library of ancient Chinese medicine related to contraception and maternal health ?
However that may sound far fetched but from our perspective it seems unlikely the attempting to correct traffic jams and water flows with AI will correct the core issues and if we are serious about Egovernance and global relations we should start using and making critical life giving information available by way of our magnificent telecommunications grid.
Let us think out of the box on this ...while we still have water left.
Can artificial intelligence combined with Big Data Analytics help to reconstruct the genomes of recently extinct due to humans of various species of flora and/or fauna and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Due to the negative impact of human civilization on the planet's biosphere and climate, the sixth great extinction of many species of flora and fauna is currently taking place on planet Earth. The result is a rapidly progressive decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. The aim is to halt or at least significantly slow down the progressive climate change, i.e. caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions of the increasingly rapid global warming process. Many species of flora and fauna have already become extinct, many are on the verge of extinction due to a sharp decline in the number of individuals of the species. Some animal species are already found exclusively or almost exclusively in zoos. Few animal species have managed to be reconstructed on the basis of deliberate cross-breeding of species and varieties of closely related species. In order to increase the scale of the possibility of reproducing extinct species in the future, gene banks are being created, in which the genomes of specific species of flora and fauna are stored, including, above all, species threatened with extinction in the near future. Over the past few decades, insect populations, including pollinators, have declined by tens of percent in many parts of the world. The continuation of these processes, in addition to the rapidly advancing process of decline in biodiversity, the impoverishment of the planet's biosphere, will cause a rapidly advancing process of decline in the production of agricultural crops under the intensive, unsustainable and productive model of human farming. In countries occurring in the tropics, natural tropical rainforests continue to be cut down only to create new areas of arable land for the creation of arable fields where crops are grown to feed livestock generating high methane emissions. In addition, the new arable land created in this way is quickly eroded and the restoration of forest ecosystems back in these areas is also hindered for this reason. Coral reefs in the seas and oceans are also dying out, and the populations of marine fish and other animal species living in the seas and oceans are rapidly declining. Key factors in the still large-scale great sixth extinction of species of flora and fauna include continued deforestation, the cutting down of natural forest ecosystems to increase cultivated areas, the degradation of natural ecosystems caused by industrial development, continued high levels of environmental pollution, continued rising greenhouse gas emissions generating a progressive global warming process, etc. In view of the above, unsustainable intensive economy is causing a rapidly progressive decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, and attempts are being made to counteract this. In order to slow down the progressive process of global warming, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the level of environmental pollution and devastation of natural ecosystems, reduce the scale of extinction of species of flora and fauna, slow down the process of decline in the biodiversity of natural ecosystems, it is necessary to urgently accelerate the processes of carrying out pro-environmental transformation of the economy in order to efficiently build a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-cycle economy. In the process of building a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth economy and a closed loop economy, new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0 can help, including generative artificial intelligence technologies and multi-criteria processing of large data sets as part of ongoing research and analytical processes using Big Data Analytics. New technologies can help increase the efficiency and accelerate the process of a sustainable, green, zero-carbon, zero-growth and closed-loop economy and thus help protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. As part of the application of new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, it is possible to increase the efficiency of research conducted with the goal of reconstructing the genomes of extinct species of flora and/or fauna. In this regard, perhaps artificial intelligence combined with Big Data Analytics can help reconstruct the genomes of various species of flora and/or fauna that have recently become extinct due to humans and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems.
I am conducting research in the issue of key determinants of the legitimacy of urgently carrying out a green transformation of the economy in order to build a sustainable, green circular economy. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can artificial intelligence coupled with Big Data Analytics help in reconstructing the genomes of various species of flora and/or fauna that have recently become extinct due to humans, and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Can artificial intelligence coupled with Big Data Analytics help restore the genomes of extinct species of flora and/or fauna?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How to write hypothetical research proposal on climate change adaptation strategies adapted by farmers.
They consider CO2 carbon dioxide to be the main factor affecting climate change. Could the increase in the speed of the earth's rotation be the main reason for climate change?
How can AI be used to address global challenges, such as climate change or cybersecurity?
I have a few questions regarding that topic:
1. What technologies, both existing and in development, can enhance early detection or improve monitoring of disease spread?
2. What are all the possible environmental impacts that could be relevant to the issue?
3. What social, health, and economic impacts are pertinent to the issue?
Thank a lot,
all relevant data required in conducting this research.
Identify the sociological theories that explain climate change
Hi y’all!
I’m currently trying to grasp the complex world of climate finance, especially in the context of the promises in the Paris Agreement of increasing flows of finance to low- and middle income countries for climate change adaption and mitigation.
Any good book/paper suggestions to start with?
Thank you!
Think of the environmental sustainability problem the Brundtland Commission highlighted and documented in 1987(WCED) in “Our Common Future” as an environmental pollution production market problem, the consequence of a market failure that was always there and which has always been there embedded in the perfect traditional market thinking, but it was assumed away using environmental externality neutrality assumptions. A problem that can only be solved by internalizing the environmental cost of production in the pricing mechanism of the traditional market to shift it to green market pricing. Hence, only when we fix the root cause of the environmental pollution production problem, the environmentally distorted traditional market prices, we address the environmental pollution problem head on as when doing this we are making environmental pollution reduction a good business opportunity for green producers.
Since we have not fixed the root cause of the problem yet as there are no green markets in place today to transition green economies towards the environmentally clean economies; then this raises the question: Is the current traditional circular economy thinking push worse for the environment than the perfect traditional market economy thinking of Adam Smith that created the environmental problem in the first place?
If Yes, why? If, No, why not?
What do you think?
Selama berkecimpung dalam riset dinamika karbon laut dan karbon biru ekosistem padang lamun, ada dua pertanyaan yang sering disampaikan oleh mitra kerjasama dan pemangku kepentingan. Pertanyaan pertama adalah bagaimana membawa karbon biru ekosistem padang lamun sebagai bagian dari National Determined Contribution (NDC) dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana potensi karbon biru padang lamun di pasar karbon. Dua pertanyaan yang tidak mudah untuk dijawab.
Bagi pemangku kepentingan terkait, dua pertanyaan tersebut terkait dengan target penurunan emisi karbon sebesar 32%. Oleh karenanya, selain sektor-sektor yang sudah siap, diperlukan aktivitas alternatif yang dapat berkontribusi pada penurunan emisi karbon, salah satunya adalah dari karbon biru.
Menurut Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), karbon biru didefinisikan sebagai “semua fluks dan penyimpanan karbon yang diatur secara biologis (biologically-driven) dalam sistem laut yang dapat dikelola (amenable to management).” Saat ini ada dua ekosistem karbon biru di Indonesia yang cukup dikenal yaitu mangrove dan padang lamun.
Kembali pada dua pertanyaan di atas, membawa karbon biru padang lamun menjadi bagian dari NDC maupun untuk pasar karbon bukanlah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin. Namun demikian, hal tersebut memerlukan usaha bersama yang lebih besar dan nyata jika melihat kondisi di Indonesia saat ini.
Kebutuhan dan alur untuk membawa karbon biru padang lamun menjadi bagian dari NDC ataupun pasar karbon dapat digambarkan secara ringkas seperti pada Gambar terlampir. Data dasar yang harus dipenuhi meliputi data oseanografi dan biogeokimia karbon, data ekologi dan biologi, serta data geospasial. Tahap selanjutnya merupakan tahap antara yang harus dipenuhi antara lain tersedianya informasi mengenai luas area padang lamun nasional dan provinsi, laju degradasi padang lamun dan faktor emisi yang spesifik menurut lokasi, dan inventaris karbon padang lamun nasional. Data dan informasi tersebut akan dapat diacu untuk aktivitas konservasi sebagai carbon offsetting dan penurunan emisi karbon. Carbon offsetting merupakan aktivitas penurunan gas rumah kaca atau emisi karbon dioksida yang dibuat untuk "mengimbangi" (mengkompensasi) emisi yang dihasilkan di tempat lain. Aktivitas konservasi merupakan aktivitas yang dapat dikelola (amenable to management) sehingga sangat potensial untuk dimasukkan pada daftar aktivitas penurunan emisi karbon pada NDC untuk sektor karbon biru.
Akan tetapi, karbon biru padang lamun saat ini mengalami bottleneck riset pada beberapa hal, misalnya menentukan luas padang lamun (seagrass area), menentukan laju degradasi padang lamun, inventarisasi karbon lamun nasional, carbon offsetting, dan carbon emission reduction. Verifikasi dan standarisasi aktivitas penurunan emisi karbon (konservasi, rehabilitasi, restorasi) memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Saat ini belum ada metode yang disepakati untuk melakukan hal tersebut pada karbon biru padang lamun. Sehingga, untuk membawa karbon biru padang lamun menjadi bagian dari NDC kiranya masih memerlukan usaha transdisipliner, masif dan terstruktur.
Beberapa area riset karbon biru di Indonesia yang perlu ditingkatkan
Jika melihat bottlenect riset karbon biru, maka berikut ini adalah beberapa area riset yang perlu ditingkatka. Pertama adalah riset untuk menentukan luas padang lamun sehingga diperoleh data yang lebih konklusif. Saat ini verifikasi langsung luas padang lamun nasional baru mencapai sepertiga dari potensi padang lamun secara keseluruhan. Kedua adalah menentukan laju degradasi padang lamun dan faktor emisi. Penelitian sebelumnya menggunakan asumsi laju degradasi padang lamun global antara 2.5 sampai 5% per tahun, atau di Asia Tenggara sebesar 2.8% per tahun. Namun, jika menilik wilayah Indonesia yang beragam dengan aktivitas manusianya, kiranya laju degradasi padang lamun dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya bisa beragam. Informasi yang holistik diperlukan untuk memotret kondisi faktual padang lamun Indonesia. Data laju degradasi dan data cadangan karbon padang lamun yang sudah tersedia selanjutnya dapat digunakan untuk menentukan faktor emisi padang lamun di setiap lokasi.
Area riset ketiga adalah invetarisasi karbon padang lamun nasional. Hal ini dapat dilakukan jika luas padang lamun, laju degradasi, dan faktor emisi telah ditentukan. Inventarisasi karbon padang lamun ini nantinya terdiri atas total karbon yang diserap, total karbon yang disimpan, dan total karbon yang diemisikan oleh sebab degradasi atau perubahan lahan. Inventarisasi karbon nantinya akan bermanfaat untuk perbandingan antara kondisi business as usual dengan kondisi ketika diimplementasikan aktivitas mitigasi misalnya konservasi atau restorasi padang lamun.
Area riset keempat adalah offset karbon (carbon offsetting) dan perhitungan penurunan emisi karbon dari aktivitas mitigasi tertentu. Offset karbon adalah aktivitas penurunan gas rumah kaca atau emisi karbon yang dilakukan untuk "mengimbangi" (mengkompensasi) emisi yang dihasilkan di tempat lain. Terkait dengan ekosistem karbon biru padang lamun, aktivitas untuk offset karbon dapat berupa konservasi, rehabilitasi atau restorasi. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan juga metode untuk verifikasi dan standarisasi aktivitas penurunan emisi karbon tersebut.
Menyoal pasar karbon dari karbon biru padang lamun, akan ada beberapa hal yang lebih kompleks lagi karena ada faktor kebijakan, regulasi, tata kelola dan faktor ekonomi. Sebelum hal-hal tersebut, diperlukan juga mekanisme kredit karbon yang hanya bisa terwujud jika telah ada aktivitas yang dapat dikelola (amenable to management) dan terstandar, baik itu aktivitas konservasi, rehabilitasi maupun restorasi padang lamun. Menurut Friess dkk. (2022), aktivitas-aktivitas ini merupakan pasokan (supply) bagi kredit karbon dan akan menjadi faktor utama bagi permintaan (demand) pada pasar karbon. Sebagai contoh, riset yang dilakukan Wahyudi dkk. (2022) menyebutkan bahwa aktivitas konservasi padang lamun pada area perlindungan laut (marine protected area/MPA) di lima provinsi di Indonesia berpotensi mengurangi emisi karbon sebesar 6,9% dari business as usual/BAU. Sehingga total pengurangan emisi karbon pada tahun 2030 diperkirakan mencapai 11,6 ton karbon dioksida (atau setara dengan 226 USD; dengan harga 19,5 USD per ton CO2e). Jika kita dapat melakukan verifikasi dan standarisasi aktivitas konservasi semacam ini, bukan tidak mungkin ke depan Indonesia dapat memenuhi permintaan karbon kredit dari sektor swasta.
How to build an effective system of rainwater harvesting in floodplains with river flooding, local flooding and waterlogging occurring after winter or violent storms in a situation of successively worsening drought, declining surface, subsurface and deep water resources?
Under the conditions of deepening negative effects of climate change, the accelerating process of global warming, the following question becomes more and more relevant and timely: how to build an effective system of rainwater collection in floodplains, where river flooding, local flooding and flooding occurring after winter or violent storms in a situation of successively parallel deepening problem of drought, declining surface, subcutaneous and deep water resources?
The negative effects of progressive climate change, the occurrence of more and more frequent weather anomalies, the occurrence of climatic disasters in many parts of the world and other effects of the increasingly rapid process of global warming are deepening year by year. In many parts of the world, due to the accelerating process of global warming, higher and higher temperatures during summer heatwaves, longer and more severe periods of drought are being recorded year after year. Low surface water levels and droughts are not only the result of the progressive process of global warming, but also of improperly carried out land reclamation and drainage of wetlands and marshes, as well as the overexploitation of a large part of the land area under unsustainable agriculture carried out under the formula of intensive production of agricultural crops, including crops mainly for the production of livestock feed. On the other hand, in some parts of the world, increasingly frequent weather anomalies cause violent storms and downpours resulting in the occurrence of floods and flooding. The aforementioned floods and waterlogging are increasingly occurring in areas used for agriculture and in areas of urban agglomerations, which causes additional problems and economic losses.
At present, i.e. in February 2024, in many parts of the world in the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth on the one hand where the snow has recently fallen there are floods and waterlogging during the thaw, and paradoxically in other countries next to those lying tens or hundreds of kilometers away there are record high temperatures and record particularly troublesome droughts, historically lowest water levels in rivers and lakes, a decrease in the level of subcutaneous and deep-sea water resources. In countries currently experiencing record droughts, legally normalized bans are being imposed on the use of water for watering lawns, washing cars, filling swimming pools, etc., and even restrictions are being placed on the use of water in the irrigation of agricultural fields. On the other hand, the Southern Hemisphere of the planet experiences record heat during the summer season of the planet's south and subtropical zones. Chile in South America in January-February 2024 is experiencing record heat, high temperatures causing numerous forest fires. The burning forests caused fires in many cities, towns and villages, where many citizens ran various tourist and other services and lost everything because of the fires. The scale of the fires that occurred in Chile caused the government to impose states of disaster and states of emergency in many regions of the country, in which many residential homes, business buildings, hotels, tourist resorts and other building infrastructure were socialized. The scale of damage caused by these fires is the largest in many years.
In view of the above, it is necessary to take systemic and integrated measures, which, on the one hand, should limit the scale of the progressive process of global warming and thus should result in reducing the scale of the negative effects of climate change. On the other hand, it is necessary to adequately protect land areas characterized by a high level of risk of periodic accumulation of large amounts of surface and subsurface water from flooding and waterlogging. As part of the improvement of flood risk management, it is necessary to create a system of retention reservoirs, in which the regulation of the level of accumulated water reserves should be correlated with the results of the long-term weather forecasts carried out and the weather and climate change forecast models developed on their basis. Big Data Analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other ICT information technologies of advanced multi-criteria data processing and Industry 4.0/5.0 can help in this regard. Besides, over-regulated and concreted riverbeds should be naturalized to allow controlled dumping of excess water into areas of natural restored greenery, restored forests and swamps. In addition, reservoirs should be created to collect rainwater for agricultural purposes, i.e. to irrigate areas used for agriculture during periods of drought. These issues should be key elements in the sustainable management of water resources and the management of the risk of floods, drought and other consequences of the increasing occurrence of situations of weather anomalies and climatic disasters.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Under the conditions of the deepening negative effects of climate change, the accelerating process of global warming, the following question is becoming more and more relevant and timely: How to build an effective system of rainwater collection in floodplains with river flooding, local flooding and waterlogging occurring after winter or violent storms in a situation of successively parallel deepening problem of drought, declining surface, subsurface and deep-sea water resources?
How to build an effective rainwater harvesting system in floodplains and permanent drought areas in order to reduce the scale of loss of water resources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
It is a common belief that extreme weather and climate events increased in frequency and intensity over the last century or half a century, a time period that saw a rapid global climate warming. However, our works show a more complicated and diverse change in China during the periods since 1950s or 1960s, with some (e.g. high temperatures/hot waves and short-duration intense precipitation) having an increased trend, some (e.g. typhoons and rainstorms) exhibiting no significant change, and others (e.g. low temperatures/cold surges, dust storms and mesoscale convection weather) having a decreased trend.
What are your observations and thoughts with regard to this issue?
I am just trying to understand the impact of climate change in some regions in the world, as we know there are negative consequences on many parts of the world, as some regions will suffer excess floods and others will face deadly droughts. Upon these deliterious impacts, will there regions get benefits of the climate change? and why? I am zealously searching for answer of this question and I am happy to share this dicussion with you.
· Discuss the use of drought-resistant crop varieties and their role in adapting to changing climate conditions.
· Express the challenges associated with managing extreme weather events, such as prolonged droughts and erratic rainfall patterns in dryland areas.
· Evaluate the benefits of agroforestry and windbreaks in mitigating the impact of wind erosion on dryland farms.
· Compare government policies and support systems for promoting climate-resilient dryland agriculture in different regions.
You are probably familiar with the concept of greenwashing, which took relevance just before, on, and after 2012 Rio + 20/The future we want, where ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY TOOK THE FRONT STAGE.
Now 2024 traditional economic thinking has been resurrected after being left behind by the 1987/WCED/Our Common Future as it had the root cause of the socio-environmental sustainability problems they documented embedded in it, BY SIMPLY MAKING IT CIRCULAR. nothing else required related to the embedded problem still at play:
And this raises the question, Why circular economy thinking is more than greenwashing?
Any ideas? Feel free to share them.
Doubling down on the traditional economic thinking that as documented by the WCED 1987 led to the critical social and environmental sustainability problems of the day they tried to fix with sustainable development thinking and according to the UNCSD 2012 Rio +20 had led to the environmental sustainability problem they prioritized to fix with green market thinking or to manage it through dwarf green market thinking, just by making it circular. If you bend a line with dots as problems and make it a circle, the circle still has the dots problems that are or were on the line
Hence, defining traditional economic thinking as circular does not solve the problems associated with it and it goes against the paradigm evolution rules that Thomas Kuhn advance as IT GOES FROM STATUS QUO PARADIGM(Broken circularity by assumption based traditional economic thinking/Economy only market) TO STATUS QUO PARADIGM(Circularity based traditional economic thinking/Economy only market) WITHOUT REMOVING THE ABNORMALITIES CREATING THE SUSTAINABILITY PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORKING OF THE STATUS QUO PARADIGM, abnormalities that now 2024 are in worse state than in 1987.
Just calling something green does no make it environmentally friendly like defining pollutants as non-pollutants does not make them environmentally friendly, they are still pollutants or just by calling a pollution production market a circular market does not stop it from being a pollution production market.
Going from linear traditional capitalism to circular traditional capitalism when we should be in higher level paradigms as the WCED 1987 indicated as the social and environmental system continue to deteriorate to extreme points feeds in the pretending story that is being used and will be used to justify overthrowing capitalism to save society and the environment from total destruction from, what it will be called, by an out of control circular capitalism.
And this leads to the question, should we expect the imposition of circular economy-based capitalism to lead to a tsunami of different types of Marxism threats in the future all over the world as social and environmental systems deteriorate to critical points?
I think Yes, what do you think?
Notice, this is an academic question, not a political one
Except for drying processes, other uses of solar energy can affect global climate change.!
What is the effect of changes in rainfall in tropical and tropical regions on global climate change?
Changes in tropical rainfall have direct social connections and cause climate change worldwide through teleconnections. Convective precipitation occurs when sea surface temperature (SST) exceeds a threshold, SSTthr, which is usually fixed in time and space. Our 40-year monthly observations show that we find that SSTthr varies by up to 48°C. In space and with season based on the local convective instability, we develop a quantitative theory that is largely SSTthr variations using the climatological state of the tropical atmosphere. Although it is often assumed that the spatial variation of tropical upper troposphere temperature is small and can be neglected, low climatological values have been shown to favor lower SSTthr. Similarly, a small increase in climatological surface relative humidity also leads to its decrease, or climate changes in tropical rainfall should include high temperatures and near-surface humidity and temperature in addition to SST, and need to be better understood. of what controls their distribution in space and time. in conclusion ; It has a great impact on global climate change.
How can advancements in renewable energy technology effectively contribute to overcoming the challenges of climate change, while also being cost-effective and efficient?
Can we stop global climate change? Does human scientific power reach the world's climate change? How do researchers respond?
Can we stop global climate change? Does human scientific power reach the world's climate change? How do researchers respond?
As you know, humans are very intelligent and can predict the future climate of the world with hydrology, climatology and paleontology. But don't countries, especially industrialized countries, that produce the most harmful gases in the earth's atmosphere and think about the future of the earth's atmosphere? Do they listen to the research of climatologists? What would have to happen to force them to listen to climate scientists?
Miloud Chakit added a reply
Climate change is an important and complex global challenge, and scientific theories about it are based on extensive research and evidence. The future path of the world depends on various factors including human actions, political decisions and international cooperation.
Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change continue. While complete reversal may be challenging, important steps can be taken to slow progression and lessen its effects. This requires global cooperation, sustainable practices and the development and implementation of clean energy technologies.
Human scientific abilities play an important role, but dealing with climate change also requires social, economic and political changes. The goal is to limit global warming and its associated impacts, and collective action at the local, national, and international levels is essential for a more sustainable future.
Reply to this discussion
Osama Bahnas added a reply
It is impossible to stop global climate change. The human scientific power can not reach the world's climate change.
Borys Kapochkin added a reply
Mathematical models of increasing planetary temperature as a function of the argument - anthropogenic influence - are erroneous.
Alastair Bain McDonald added a reply
We could stop climate change but we won't! We have the scientific knowldge but not the political will. One could blame Russia and China from refusing to cooperate but half the population of the USA (Republicans) deny climate change is a problem and prefer their profligate life styles.
Global boiling is the description given by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Antonio Guterres) to the extreme hot weather the world is witnessing and the record high global temperatures recorded this month of July, which prompted him to say (the era of global climate warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived).
In light of this, many countries have witnessed unprecedented intense heat waves as one of the most prominent effects of the climate change crisis that threatens the entire world, and which poses more challenges, especially with regard to economic activity. The world is burning, the behavioral moods of some individuals are lacking, and the economies of some countries are disappearing, and with the continued rise Global temperatures create extreme weather events, causing more devastation and leading to higher costs and losses.
Is there anyone who can help me get a postdoc or project work on climate change and mitigation?
Can we stop global climate change? Does human scientific power reach the world's climate change? How do researchers respond?
As you know, humans are very intelligent and can predict the future climate of the world with hydrology, climatology and paleontology. But don't countries, especially industrialized countries, that produce the most harmful gases in the earth's atmosphere and think about the future of the earth's atmosphere? Do they listen to the research of climatologists? What would have to happen to force them to listen to climate scientists?
Miloud Chakit added a reply
Climate change is an important and complex global challenge, and scientific theories about it are based on extensive research and evidence. The future path of the world depends on various factors including human actions, political decisions and international cooperation.
Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change continue. While complete reversal may be challenging, important steps can be taken to slow progression and lessen its effects. This requires global cooperation, sustainable practices and the development and implementation of clean energy technologies.
Human scientific abilities play an important role, but dealing with climate change also requires social, economic and political changes. The goal is to limit global warming and its associated impacts, and collective action at the local, national, and international levels is essential for a more sustainable future.
Climate change can have significant impacts on domesticated agricultural animals, affecting various aspects of their well-being, productivity, and overall health.
How, and to what extent, can climate change affect global food availability?
Climate change can significantly impact the productivity of agricultural animals through various direct and indirect mechanisms. The effects are multifaceted and can vary based on the type of animal, local climate conditions, and management practices. Here are some ways in which climate change influences the productivity of agricultural animals:
1. **Heat Stress:** Rising temperatures associated with climate change can lead to heat stress in animals. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures affects physiological processes, leading to reduced feed intake, lower weight gain, decreased milk production in dairy cows, and impaired reproductive performance.
Is the future of the world realized with climate change theories? Can we stop global climate change? Does human scientific power reach the climate changes of the world?
As you know, humans are very smart and can predict the future climate of the world with hydrology, climatology and paleontology. But do the countries, especially the industrialized countries, which produce the most harmful gases in the earth's atmosphere and do not think about the future of the earth's atmosphere? Do they listen to the research of climatologists? Should, what should happen so that they are forced to listen to the words of climatologists?
Can artificial intelligence be activated and applied in the areas of climate change?
A discussion explaining the possibility of applying artificial intelligence technology in detecting and predicting areas of climate change and their effects on the environment, in terms of pollution and ecological changes.
You can share your research and opinions in this field or provide scientific sources that discuss the topic.
Is it possible that the changes in the climate are more linked to an end of geologycal era than to the human act? I mean, the change in the pattern of the flight from some type of birds, that localize themselves by magnectic field is an evidence that the magnetic poles are inverting themselves, and this could be the responsible for this behaviour change in these birds. An inversion in the magnectic poles is imposible to be induced by humans, and it is a common change that occurs from time to time in each era, don’t? The melting of glaciers are common either in the end of eras, don’t?
I am looking for the best downscalling technique to correct precipitation climate change dataset. I am not sure about which of these two methods is more robust for my task.
Dear all,
I am going to derive the precipitation data from NETCDF files of CMIP5 GCMs in order to forecast precipitation after doing Bias Correction with Quantile Mapping as a downscaling method. In the literature that some of the bests are attached, the nearest neighborhood and Inverse Distance Method are highly recommended.
The nearest neighbour give the average value of the grid to each point located in the grid as a simple method. According to the attached paper (drought-assessment-based-on-m...) the author claimed that the NN method is better than other methods such as IDM because:
"The major reason is that we intended to preserve the
original climate signal of the GCMs even though the large grid spacing.
Involving more GCM grid cell data on the interpolation procedure
(as in Inverse Distance Weighting–IDW) may result to significant
information dilution, or signal cancellation between two or more grid
cell data from GCM outputs."
But in my opinion maybe the IDM is a better choice because I think as the estimates of subgrid-scale values are generally not provided and the other attached paper (1-s2.0-S00221...) is a good instance for its efficiency.
I would appreciate if someone can answer this question with an evidence. Which interpolation method do you recommend for interpolation of GCM cmip5 outputs?
Thank you in advance.
It seems that Westerners do not have a good understanding about the future of good weather. They speak from a completely closed point of view. They say it's too late to do anything, the world will end. On the other hand, they promote the net zero vision of 2100, in which the effects of the climate have disappeared and only interpret climate change with bad risks, and this interpretation is not correct at all. Because, first of all, the nature itself and the earth and even the earth's atmosphere are in the process of being restored by the sun and the sunlight that shines on the earth, and we should not be so worried about the future. We humans can help the Earth and the Earth's atmosphere through social and scientific organizations. We humans can prevent climate change by preventing the hunting of animals. We humans are destroying the future of the earth by producing sewing machines and factories that generate smoke and we all know that what we are doing is wrong and even with wars and bloodshed we kill nature and destroy everything without thinking about it. Earth's nature and ecosystem changes are not climate changes. After all, why are we humans not aware of the future of the planet and do not understand that we all live in the same room. And everything we do under the roof of the earth's atmosphere will bounce back and cause natural disasters and natural hazards. You just have to think a little bit about what we humans are doing to our nature. Well, what do you think we should do for the future of the earth? . Do we think at all?
a l instar des changements climatiques ,quelles sont les principales maladies émergentes er re émergentes au Nord africain ?
The primary factor that prevents people from entering and exploring the marine environment is fear of the unknown and not being able to process how humans are capable of maneuvering the ocean realm. With human impacted climate change destroying our oceans at an accelerated rate, it is essential to address adult fears to reconnect them to the ocean. Cultural insight and dispelling fears will help to eliminate the disinterested humans and the ocean.
Is climate change directly related to other natural hazards on the planet?
As you know, terrible and dangerous earthquakes happen every year, and perhaps the most dangerous one was in Turkey last year. Because he had built huge dams on the rivers of his country and the same factor, the water behind the dams had increased, and the intrusion of water on the Torres and Anti-Torres faults on the Ararat mountains in Turkey is considered the cause of the earthquake. . Because today, geologists and seismologists have come to the conclusion that water plays an important role in causing earthquakes, and the penetration of water into the fault and its subduction and subduction layers is the cause of artificial and induced earthquakes, and this experiment in the region Texas, United States of America, it has been proven that by injecting water and water and salt solution in the oil region of Texas, America, earthquakes of magnitude 3 and 5 have been caused. We will release the energy inside the earth. It means that humans themselves will play a role in causing earthquakes. Now the question is that we humans, with this knowledge, why are we storing water on the faults again when there is a possibility of earthquakes in the future? Is it not possible to inject water inside the faults with calculated planning so that the internal pressure of the faults is released slowly and free people from the danger of earthquakes? Isn't it time to get rid of the dangers of earthquakes?
Why was 2023 the warmest year in 130,000 years? Do you agree with the thesis, confirmed by the results of many scientific studies, that 2023 was the warmest year on record due to the accelerating process of global warming, still civilization's high greenhouse gas emissions and, in addition, the impact of the El Ninio phenomenon?
Why are the results of scientific studies confirming the thesis that it is the man-made combustion economy based on coal-fired power generation and the burning of other fossil fuels as well, that is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, the accelerating process of global warming and the climate and environmental crisis worsening year after year, still being questioned by some representatives of the scientific world?
In Spain, in mid-December, wintertime temps on the Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean coasts were recorded at around 30 degrees C, or temperatures that were once considered typically summer in Europe for many years are now occurring in winter. But this is just one of the last recorded numerous occurrences of record-high, historically highest levels of the planet's atmospheric temperature in 2023. Never before have such high, record-breaking atmospheric temperatures been recorded so often and in so many parts of the world during the summer heat and beyond.
That the companies and enterprises of the combustion, dirty energy sector, lobbyists and others acting on their behalf, for the interests, business of the companies and enterprises of the combustion energy sector is a matter of course. The driving force behind the development of business operating in the dirty combustion energy sector is dominated by selfishness, greed and lack of looking to the future, ignoring the future of the climate, the biosphere, the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems and the future of future generations of people. Greed and selfishness, lack of social, climate and environmental responsibility, including ignoring the issue of responsibility for the future of the next generations of people, dominate. As early as the 1970s, some leading oil companies commissioned and financed scientific studies, or should we say pseudo-scientific studies with a predetermined informal result of these pseudo-studies on climate change and the role of human activity in these changes with a predetermined confirmation of the thesis that it is not the burning of fossil fuels that is responsible for the progressive warming of the climate. Through these actions, humanity has lost half a century of time. If a few decades ago the companies of the fossil fuel extraction and energy sector had not covered up the actual results of the studies carried out, if they had not swept the problem of global warming under the rug, if they had not financed fictitious studies that had the predetermined goal of questioning the role of fossil fuel combustion as the main factor generating the process of global warming, then the process of green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, counteracting and reducing the scale of the greenhouse effect could have been started half a century earlier. Half a century of time is precisely the time that will be sorely lacking in the 21st century, because the process of global warming is accelerating and what has been done so far in terms of the green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector is still far from sufficient. For wasting half a century of time on this issue, humanity owes it to the deliberately unethical, anti-social, anti-climate and anti-environmental activities of companies and enterprises operating in the fossil fuel extraction, processing and combustion sector. It is these companies and enterprises that bear the main responsibility for the lost time of the mid-century. Time that is now in short supply. Time that may be missing to prevent the critical level of the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted into the planet's atmosphere from occurring in a few years or so, after which the process of global warming will further accelerate and enter a path of irreversible process which may then inevitably lead to the occurrence of a global climate catastrophe already in the second half of the 21st century. The result of this catastrophe will be a much greater degradation of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems to a much greater extent than has occurred to date. This will lead to most land areas experiencing permanent heat, droughts, forest fires, tornadoes, violent storms. The climate and nature will be destroyed to such an extent that there will be no living conditions for humans in most land areas of the planet. For all this, the full responsibility lies mainly with the companies and enterprises that continue to extract, process and burn fossil fuels and have knowingly for at least half a century, since the 1970s or even before, knowingly misled the public by claiming that humans are not responsible for global warming despite the fact that they themselves knew that this was not true, that it is their activities that are generating high greenhouse gas emissions to a key degree, which results in the planet's greenhouse effect and the global warming process proceeding ever faster.
Unfortunately, it is still the case that not only in the business community, but also in the political and scientific community, there are still a few representatives of the position of questioning the results of many scientific studies confirming the thesis that it is the man-built combustion economy that is the main source of the accelerating process of global warming and the growing risk of a global climate and environmental catastrophe in the perspective of the next few decades. In fact, this is an obvious point, and the question should be: Why is this still being questioned?
In view of the above, 2023 was the warmest year in 130,000 years. It was another year in a row with historically high temperatures of the planet's atmosphere recorded in various parts of the world during the summer and non-summer recurrent seasons. Researchers and scientists operating in various parts of the world, on the basis of their research work, conclude that it is the civilizational activity of humans within the framework of the development of the combustion emission economy that is the source of climate change, the working greenhouse effect, the accelerating process of global warming and the ever-increasing risk of a global climate catastrophe in the current 21st century. In 2023-2024, the cyclical El Ninio effect is also an additional factor in the increase in the average temperature of the planet's atmosphere. If you disagree with the above thesis, with which about 99 percent of researchers and scientists around the world agree, then give your scientific arguments.
A lot of data on the planet's climate, including the results of studies of long-term climate change indicate that the current year 2024 will also be another year of record high temperatures of the planet's atmosphere and the scale of weather anomalies and climate disasters may increase again.
I invite you to scientific cooperation in this problematic,
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why was 2023 the warmest year in 130,000 years? Do you agree with the thesis, confirmed by the results of many scientific studies, that 2023 was the warmest year on record due to the accelerating process of global warming, still civilization's high greenhouse gas emissions and, in addition, the impact of the El Ninio phenomenon?
Why are the results of scientific studies confirming the thesis that it is the man-made combustion economy based on coal-fired power generation and the burning of other fossil fuels as well, that is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, the accelerating process of global warming and the climate and environmental crisis that is worsening every year, still being questioned by some representatives of the scientific world?
Why was 2023 the warmest year in 130,000 years? Why are there still people who question scientific findings?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
In your opinion, are so-called "carbon credits" consisting of some corporation taking a specific patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
To consider the question of the role of so-called "carbon credits" in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, one would have to assume that such a system actually reliably works. However, from what is reported by independent journalists, environmentalists, people who care about protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, including the forests of the Amazon, even those declared patches of natural Amazon Rainforest taken for protection under the so-called carbon credits are nevertheless often cut down.
Perhaps something will finally begin to change, to improve, in terms of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest in connection with the first Amazon Forest Conservation Summit in 14 years, currently being held in Belém, Brazil. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 60 percent in July compared to the same month last year. The announcement of the positive trend coincides with the start of a summit in Belém of the 8 countries whose territories include the Amazon forest. This summit is attended by representatives of the governments of the 8 countries whose territory includes the natural Amazon Forest. Perhaps plans and commitments will be made to realistically protect this largest terrestrial reservoir of natural biodiversity and natural forests characterized by a particularly high contribution to absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and producing oxygen. It may also be that the processes of increasing the scale of protection of these forests and reducing their still large-scale logging will be accelerated so that by 2030 at the latest, the deforestation of these forests will be completely ended. This is a particularly important issue because more than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has already disappeared due to human activity.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, are the so-called carbon credits, which consist in the fact that some corporation, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, will take under protection a certain patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
Are so-called carbon credits an effective instrument to realistically reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
- Contrast historical climate trends with current projections for the future.
- How have human activities influenced the observed historical trends in climate change?
- How have climate patterns and temperature trends evolved over the last century based on scientific evidence?
- What role do natural factors, such as solar radiation and volcanic activity, play in influencing climate change?
- Conduct a detailed analysis of the economic, social, and environmental consequences of climate variability.
- Assess the effectiveness of current interventions in mitigating the impacts of climate change.
In the situation of failure within the framework of human efforts to stop the increase in the temperature of the planet's atmosphere and, therefore, in the perspective of the next few decades of the increasing scale of the global climate catastrophe, are humans able to adapt to these climate changes, will they find ways to survive the ever-increasing scale of the negative effects of the increasingly rapid process of global warming?
In recent years, from the many studies conducted in the problem of the sources and effects of climate change, it has become clear that the process of global warming continues to accelerate, that industrial and energy global greenhouse gas emissions remain high, that the scale of the negative effects of progressive climate change continues to expand, that the risk of permanently exceeding the level of 2 deg. C of average atmospheric temperature relative to the level before the first industrial (technological) revolution, and that the ever-accelerating process of global warming may irreversibly spiral out of control, may irreversibly become an irreversible process, and will do so within the next few decades. A new report by the humanitarian organization Oxfam shows that in 2019 the richest part of the world's population. accounting for 1 percent of humanity, emitted as much carbon dioxide as two-thirds of the Earth's population. According to the aforementioned Oxfam report, the richest 1 percent of people accounted for 16 percent of the world's total CO2 emissions in 2019. According to the humanitarian organization Oxfam, additional, appropriate and adequate taxation of the super-rich would help reduce both climate change and inequality. According to Oxfam's projections, increased CO2 emissions will lead to up to 1.3 million deaths from excessive heat. Most of these will occur between 2020 and 30. Oxfam Executive Director Amitabh Behar said that "the super-rich are plundering and polluting the planet, causing humanity to suffocate from extreme heat, floods and drought." In addition to this, Oxfam Executive Director Amitabh Behar also stated that "For years we have been fighting to end the fossil fuel era to save millions of lives and our planet. (It is now) clearer than ever that this will be impossible until we also end the era of extreme wealth." "Not taxing the rich allows the richest to steal from us, ruin our planet and deviate from democracy. Taxing extreme wealth changes our chances of fighting both inequality and the climate crisis. Trillions of dollars are at stake to invest in dynamic, green 21st century governments, but also to strengthen our democracies." In view of the above, it is essential to impose additional taxes on the richest who own industrial corporations that emit greenhouse gases, and with the money raised, renewable and emission-free energy sources should be developed, and those regions of the world that are most threatened by permanent heat, water shortages, floods and other negative effects of ongoing climate change, including, above all, the accelerating process of global warming, should be secured. In recent days there has been another very disturbing development for the future of humanity, the future of the biosphere, biodiversity and the planet's climate. More data has emerged to support the thesis that continued high greenhouse gas emissions generated by unsustainable economies, including mainly power generation through the burning of fossil fuels, are accelerating the progressive process of global warming. On 17.11.2023, for the first time, the average temp. of the planet's atmosphere reached 2 degrees C more compared to the state before the 1st industrial (technological) revolution. In view of the above, saving biodiversity, the biosphere and the planet for future generations of people should be implemented according to at least two strategies. One strategy for saving the biosphere and the planet's climate is the need to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, including, first and foremost, the green transformation of the energy sector, including the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources. The second parallel strategy for saving the planet's biosphere and climate is the creation of new technological solutions, green technologies, eco-innovations, security systems, which will reduce the scale of the negative effects of the progressive process of global warming and reduce the negative impact on communities of such negative effects of climate change as increasingly severe heat, longer and longer drought periods, drinking water shortages, violent storms and floods, soil barrenness and such serious problems that can be associated with the aforementioned negative effects as epidemics and high levels of environmental pollution.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In the situation of failure within the framework of the measures taken by humans to stop the increase in the temperature of the planet's atmosphere and, therefore, in the perspective of the next few decades of the increasing scale of global climate catastrophe, are humans able to adapt to these climate changes, will they find ways to survive the ever-increasing scale of the negative effects of the increasingly rapid process of global warming?
Can people adapt to the climate crisis that is progressing faster and faster and the ever-increasing scale of the negative effects of this process?
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Remark_1: a PDF of this draft has been added to this discussion to allow the readers to have access to the hyperlinks.
Remark_2: this discussion is aimed at drawing attention to the seriousness of the current man-made global warming in which science has much to do in order to avoid the uncertainty spreading.
Last November 17 and 18 a very concerning fact took place for the first time in modern recorded history. The global surface air temperature exceeded in 2-degree Celsius the pre-industrial average temperature taken between 1850-1900 prior to extensive and widespread use of fossil fuels. Despite scientists assure that the observed exceeding, that happened for a limited number of days, does not mean that the Paris Agreement targets are already compromised, it is urgent and mandatory to keep a precautionary tracking of the atmosphere to dilucidated if a threshold is gaining momentum pushing the atmosphere to start working around the 2-degree Celsius atmospheric overheating, and becoming the main feature of the anthropogenic climate warming within the next ten years.
What happened last November 17 is a serious issue that cannot be overlooked nor discarded by the irresponsible "optimism" which tells things will get better because of technology-based fairy-tales, and by the institutional denialism that exist around the seriousness of the human-sparked global warming and all that has to do with its speed (or if you prefer, its rate of advancement). For those reasons, a conservative perspective will not be helpful keeping in mind the last twenty years trends in CO2 global emissions.
As expected, COP 28 was unable to leave behind its 1.5-degree Celsius goal as nothing serious is taking place with regards how fast the human-boosted warming is going to exceed the 2-degree Celsius above pre-industrial average.
Almost in parallel, the tipping points narrative has been warning humans cannot exceed the 1.5-degree Celsius, despite it is being also said that humans are "near climate tipping points". The bad news is humans still have not developed the hard models and measurements to obtain an accurate metrics of who far humans are to reach that tipping points. Furthermore, the "tipping points" discourse is too vague, and it is becoming another meaningless concept that too many in the world talk about, without having yet available any measurable parameters nor a quantifiable perception of those potential thresholds.
For decades it has been told that remote sensing and all that comes from Earth Observation (EO) systems would help to achieve a sustainable path while planning for a sustainable development (SD), and for a tough future under severe climate strikes. Tonnes of papers using satellite-provided data have been published and, no doubt of it, will keep a high rate of publishing being, so far, unable to show evidence of an overall improvement of the global situation as human dynamics seems unstoppable.
Despite the lack of a decisive global and integrative climate action will persist as one of the main features and drivers of the international system in the near term, to start thinking about implementing a global coverage alert system to inform globally when and how often the global mean Earth temperature gets closer or exceeds the 2-degree Celsius above pre-industrial average. That alert system should also have a straightforward design to display the information to obtain trends (the speed of atmospheric overheating is crucial) and frequency of that events.
That alert system should be very "sonorous". It does mean it should, among other means and devices, reach the cell phones of the people in a similar way as, for instance, earthquakes alarm systems work. In few words, each time the global mean temperature gets closer and/or exceeds the 2-degree Celsius above pre-industrial average people must know.
To make concrete progresses concerning the sense of urgency and the situational awareness among global citizens, to end with the self-deceiving attitude that can be witnessed not only in rich but middle income and poor countries too. The warming is being faster than predicted and expected.
Humans lost this war twenty years ago when it was, finally, accepted that the warming was faster the previously accepted. Unfortunately, despite the huge amount of data, and the quantity of satellites orbiting Earth, it is rather an impossible task yet to provide any measure of that speed and nor agree on how humans should measure that rate of change.
It is time to end the over discussing time and get serious. It is quite advisable to carry out a sustained observing effort on what is going on in Brazil and in the middle of the Amazonia, while following the situation over there all along the summer 2023 in the Southern Hemisphere. It is important to be able to know how many times it could happen during the next six months.
It is also advisable that science make its best effort in avoiding publishing papers that provide grounds for time ambiguity. It should be a mandatory attitude to be quite clear in validating the scope and conclusions of any paper in concrete time-frames. To leave the door open for speculation regarding the timing that can be inferred from those publications exerts a very negative impact in all that pertain to figure out the right time scales for climate action globally speaking.
An explicit acknowledgment of what version, the weak or the strong, of the sustainable development (SD) concept is being framed as the main analytical tool is a complementary publishing strategy that could be of great assistance when evaluating the reach and strength of the conclusions. It is worth mentioning that the “weak” version has been adopted for so long and can be the explanatory root for the aggregate failure of both, to accomplish higher levels of sustainability and give shape to the urgent human collective self-restrain to ameliorate the response to the climate and ecological crisis.
Science is not free of being submitted to any governance regime which should be vigilant of the undesired and counterproductive effects of scientific papers on the political process that, regrettably, took the control of all that concerns to the climate discussion, and the institutions designed to institutionalize a, supposedly thought, collective action.
The bottom line is nineteen years have been lost. In December 2015 it was projected the world would reach the 1.5-degree Celsius by March 2045. Reassessed estimations are suggesting the world risk breaching that benchmark by February 2034.
Remark_3: as always I am willing to build network capabilities aimed at publishing papers with policy-implications, participate in workshop, and/or find the paths for setting the structure of a good well-funded research project.
To what extent can international cooperation and policy changes mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable development?
What still needs to change, how many more natural and climatic disasters need to happen, How many more red lines need to be crossed for people to take seriously the need to urgently carry out a green transformation of the economy?
Another security line has been crossed in 2023. The increase in average global temperature will reach 1.4 degrees Celsius above the level of the Industrial Revolution this year, the World Meteorological Organization is warning.
This year's preliminary report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), titled "State of the Global Climate," confirms that 2023 will be the warmest year on record for measurements, surpassing the so far record-breaking year of 2016, when an increase of 1.2 degrees Celsius in average global temperature was recorded. This signals that the world, despite declarations to the contrary, is moving away from its stated goals for action to limit temperature increases. Climatology research shows that there has been a record increase in average atmospheric temperature in the global scla in 2023. The World Meteorological Organization has published a report presenting the results of research conducted on long-term climate change analysis. The publication of this report took place in early December 2023, i.e. at the beginning of the UN Climate Summit COP28 in Dubai.
The crossing of the aforementioned next security limit confirming the thesis of the increasing scale of the natural and climate catastrophe unequivocally means that the declarations made by the leaders of the world's leading countries on combating climate change at the UN Climate COP, among others, do not fully coincide with actions and the actions taken are still far too limited. Unfortunately, individual countries are not meeting their declared targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a sufficient degree. The recent UN Climate Summit COP28 in Dubai indicates that this does not look like it will change any time soon. WMO Secretary-General Peterri Taalas, commenting on the theses of a report prepared by the organization he heads, said, "Greenhouse gas emissions are at record levels. The average global temperature is at record levels, water levels in the oceans and seas are rising, the Antarctic ice sheet is at record thinness."
WMO Secretary-General Peterri Taalas also announced that "these are not just statistics. We risk losing the battle to save the glaciers and halt the rise in sea and ocean levels. We can't go back to the 20th century, but we must act today to reduce the risk of a climate that is very unfavorable to life." In support of these words, the report's authors point out that in 2023, the Arctic's ice cap area is only one million square kilometers, less than the previous infamous record in this category. In addition, glaciers in the Swiss Alps have shrunk by 10 percent in the past two years. The scale of forest fires has increased. Forest fires in Canada that occurred in 2023 covered a record 5 percent of the country's total forested areas. These are just some examples of events that are related to climate change. But from the aforementioned report there is also a small spark of hope for humanity and the planet's biosphere.
Well, the conclusions of the authors of the WMO report, however, do not mean that we have already permanently crossed the threshold of a 1.5-degree increase in average temperature, which the Paris Agreement defined as a level that means catastrophic and irreversible global climate change. On the other hand, however, it is a threatening prediction, a highly probable long-term forecast of what may happen in the near future. Besides, what until recently was referred to as a long-term prediction of how climate change will shape up over the next few decades is likely to take place over a much shorter period, as the processes of climate change, including the progressive process of global warming, have accelerated significantly in recent years.
According to data reported by Reuters, there are many indications that 2024 may see further records of the planet's atmospheric temperature increase. As a result, 2024 could be another year of records in terms of changes in average global temperature. One of the additional factors intensifying the magnitude of the planet's temperature increase in 2024 is the phenomenon known as El Nino, i.e. the phenomenon of the persistence of above-average surface temperatures in the equatorial zone of the Pacific. Well, during the operation of the El Nino phenomenon, large amounts of energy flow from the ocean to the atmosphere, causing a short-term increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface and increasing the likelihood of a year with record high average temperatures. The full release of the State of the Global Climate 2023 report is expected in the first half of 2024.
In view of the above, there is not much time left to save the planet's climate, biosphere and biodiversity. To what extent it will be possible to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems for future generations depends on how quickly and efficiently the green transformation of the economy can be carried out, including the green transformation of the energy sector, and succeed in building a green, zero-emission, sustainable closed-loop economy.
I invite you to scientific cooperation in this problematic,
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What still needs to change, how many more natural and climatic disasters need to happen, How many more red lines need to be crossed for people to take seriously the urgency of the green transformation of the economy?
How many more red lines must be crossed for people to take seriously the need to urgently carry out a green transformation of the economy?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz