Science topics: Civil EngineeringCivil
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The Topical Collection (TC) aims at advances happening in the construction and building materials for the development of sustainable composites with particular interest in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The TC also seeks to highlight the development, assessment, and optimization of composite materials to promote susta...
Performance of engineering structures exhibit large degree of uncertainties, due to the factors like geometric variations, material variability, and stochastic loads. Therefore, reliability is essential for rational assessment of structural performance and safety. To explicitly consider uncertainties in structural design, reliability-based design o...
Civil infrastructures have gained great importance for local and regional
economies because of the major role of communication and networking in
modern society. The accurate assessment of their integrity from a
comprehensive perspective is, indeed, increasingly encouraged by
stakeholders and governments.
In this regard, the behaviour of critical as...
The evaluation of engineering structures under various disastrous dynamic actions involves significant uncertainties inherent in both external excitations and structural parameters. Assessing the safety of these structures subjected to multiple hazards and developing appropriate response analysis methods are of paramount importance. In recent years...
1. Introducción Reflexionar sobre la implementación temprana del acuerdo de paz colombiano del 2016 que ha sido caracterizado como uno de los más integrales completos e innovadores (Instituto Kroc en El Tiempo, 2016, Instituto Kroc, 2017), plantea la necesidad de priorizar qué factores de la implementación logran mayor estabilización inicial y así,...
We introduce a flight-procedure generation framework that relies on the optimal version of the rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT*) algorithm, where nodes are connected using Dubins paths. This framework is employed for the generation of required navigation performance authorization required approach (RNP AR APCH) procedures, taking into considerat...
Using polymer binders in cementitious materials significantly boosts their structural stability and durability for civil engineering applications. This study explored the role of polymeric binders in enhancing the morphological stability of calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) paste through molecular dynamics simulations. Most pure CSH configurations di...
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) elucidates the individual rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It transforms them into a binding legal instrument and the cornerstone of international thought on promoting and protecting civil and political rights. Tunisia and Morocco,...
The paper presents a study dealing with the assessment of the dynamic overpressure induced by earthquakes in flat bottom steel silos. Silos are integral components of industrial plants, as part of a complex network of mechanical and structural components. Ensuring the safety of silos is critical in industrial processes, especially when the action o...
Curso de Extensión universitaria, online y presencial, créditos 0.5. Del 18 de febrero al 8 de abril 2025. El mundo romano, al igual que otros pueblos de la Antigüedad, dejó una impronta a través de esculturas, pinturas y construcciones de ámbito religioso, político, civil o funerario. Todo ello, sumado a otras manifestaciones artísticas y cultura...
Розкрито сутність основних інститутів цивільного процесуального
права. Увагу зосереджено на позовному, наказному та окремому
провадженнях. Проаналізовано норми цивільного процесуального права,
які встановлюють порядок здійснення правосуддя в цивільних справах,
засади цивільного судочинства, його основні поняття і категорії, зазначені
в ЦПК України....
Personnel shortages are presenting significant challenges for many municipalities, as well-qualified civil servants in smaller cities and non-urban areas leave their positions. Given this dynamic, understanding how local government employees perceive staff shortages is key to designing effective strategies for promoting staff well-being and product...
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a significant source of
mineral resources. Recycled concrete aggregate fraction 0/63 mm is among the
most used materials. The present study aims to evaluate the influence of
impurities such as asphalt, bricks, soil, and lightweight materials on the
properties of recycled aggregate. Two types of blended rec...
Understanding the factors that influence households' energy decisions is crucial for promoting clean energy transitions and addressing the environmental and health challenges associated with traditional fuels. This study was therefore undertaken to examine the influence of households' socioeconomic characteristics on cooking energy choice in Maidug...
Legal protection for consumers of travel services is a crucial issue in the tourism industry, especially in cases of traffic accidents that cause consumer losses. This study aims to analyze the legal liability of travel service providers based on the Civil Code, Consumer Protection Law, and other relevant regulations. The findings indicate that in...
This section, part of Chapter 4, "Modern Conservatism in Old Democracies," in the forthcoming book "Freedom is in Retreat Lasting a Century: The Lessons Conservative Colleagues Failed to Learn," examines a paradox in Israeli politics: why right-wing electoral victories often result in left-wing policies.
The analysis focuses on Israel's unique poli...
This study aims to propose workforce policy directions to address the personnel gaps among local government officials in Si, Gun, Gu local district governments. Original data were collected with the cooperation of the National Public Officials Union’s Si, Gun, Gu district federation, along with a survey of local government officials and interviews...
Responsabilidade civil em face de transplante de órgãos e transfusão sanguínea. Resumo: A responsabilidade civil do Estado em relação à saúde torna obrigatória a indenização pelos danos causados por falhas ou omissões na prestação de serviços de saúde. Trata-se de responsabilidade civil objetivo, isto é, o Estado que é responsável por danos causado...
This study scrutinizes the problems and strategies involved in the translation of legal terms from English into Arabic and vice versa, whether in relation to international accords or agreements. Despite the significant differences between English common law and the civil or Islamic law systems in Arabic, this piece of research tries to look into ho...
In recent years, the field of AI & Law has increasingly focused on predicting legal judgments, particularly in civil cases. While traditional neural network methods are highly effective at automatically learning patterns from large datasets, they often suffer from a lack of interpretability. To address this limitation, we propose a neuro-symbolic f...
Aircraft aviation fuel combustion is a major contributor to carbon emissions in the civil aviation industry, the most efficient approach to abate carbon in this industry is to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). However, the suppressive market atmosphere for the new SAF industry and the issues from production are severely limiting its scale usage....
La larga permanencia del ejército romano en suelo hispano, así como
los complejos retos a los que debió hacer frente: conquista de nuevos territorios y control permanente de sus fronteras, guerras civiles, conflictos en escenarios geográficos muy complejos, guarniciones permanentes para el control y supervisión de la explotación minera han dejado u...
Under the circumstance of aging phenomenon, Chinas government tried to keep social stability by changing retirement policies. So far, there is no research has systematically evaluated the consistency of the series of policies issued by China's retirement system, or pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the current retirement policies in C...
In Türkiye, care leavers primarily have a right to be employed in the public sector. These individuals generally work as civil servants or janitors in the public sector. Some of the care leavers are also employed as teachers. Furthermore, with recent legal arrangements, care leavers with university degrees have been granted the priority of using th...
A multidisciplinary approach is a chain of protection of the rights of minors, uniting several institutions, each of which is aimed to the well-being of children. The legal guarantee for the realization of this right in Georgia is the Law of Georgia “Code of the Rights of the Child”, adopted in 2019. Despite the abovementioned issue, a case discuss...
This paper deals with the occurrence of construction defects, particularly those due to water penetration in buildings. The considered defects mainly originated from improper management of validation checks during the design or execution phases. From a technical point of view, validation checks are valuable tools for public administrations to mitig...
This research examined the legal implications of credit defaults in Indonesia, specifically assessing whether cases of payment default or bad debt fell under civil or criminal liability. It also investigated whether fraudulent activities in the credit process constituted predicate offenses, such as corruption, potentially leading to money launderin...
This study presents a novel approach for anomaly event detection in large-scale civil structures by integrating transfer learning (TL) techniques with extended node strength network analysis based on video data. By leveraging TL with BEiT + UPerNet pretrained models, the method identifies structural Region-of-Uninterest (RoU), such as windows and d...
The standard working hours for civil service workers as stipulated by the International Labor
Organization (ILO) in most countries is 8 hours. The eight-hour workday policy has been enacted in
the Labour Laws of Zambia as a guide for employers and employees. Recently, teachers were also
mandated to follow this policy as they are part of the publ...
Multi-functional integrated sandwich composite structures have excellent wave-absorbing and energy-absorbing properties, and show great potential for application in a variety of fields, including civil, military, and aerospace. In this study, the optimal Latin hypercube sampling strategy is used to reveal the coupling mechanism between the electrom...
Occupational safety is a crucial factor in every construction project, especially in large and complex projects such as smelter construction. Civil work on smelter projects involves various high-risk activities, such as the use of heavy equipment, management of hazardous chemicals, and work at heights. To minimize work accidents, a comprehensive ri...
The traditional synchronization algorithms often struggle to meet the stringent requirements of civil aviation communication. This paper proposes an adaptive time synchronization algorithm based on Kalman filtering (KF) to enhance the synchronization performance of civil aviation communication systems. Firstly, a dynamic clock model is established...
In China, non-staff employees have been a crucial supplementary employment way in administrative institutions for decades. Effectively motivating them is vital for enhancing government agencies’ efficiency and building a service-oriented government. This paper takes the incentive mechanism of non-staff in Y County’s Bureau of Justice for empirical...
In recent years, Western societies have witnessed a notable rise in populism, nationalism, and extremist ideologies, marked by the increasing dehumanization of specific social groups. This trend presents significant challenges to the preservation of civil liberties, particularly the freedom of action and speech for targeted groups, both within high...
Los procesos electorales en Colombia durante gran parte del siglo diecinueve, aun cuando no estuvieron exentos de defectos, son considerados como el mecanismo de legitimación política por excelencia. Su desempeño se destaca en las tres dimensiones de la democracia política, tanto por su carácter competitivo, la participación de la población, así co...
This study examines the conceptual differences between default and unlawful acts in Book III of the Civil Code and reconstructs both concepts in the context of Indonesian civil law. In addition, this study analyzes the perspective of Islamic law on the reconstruction carried out. The method used is normative legal research with a statute approach a...
The study was focused on identifying notification as a formal act by which a person is informed of a legal document or act. It is regarded as a crucial element of the legal process, since it assures that all parties in a dispute are aware of their rights and obligations. And a fundamental component of legal proceedings is to ensure individuals are...
This paper examines the dramatic fall of Sheikh Hasina, world's longest-serving female prime minister, amid widespread protests and political turmoil. It explores the factors contributing to her resignation after a 15-year continuous rule, including economic mismanagement, allegations of corruption, and brutal suppression of dissent. The study anal...
Public health emergencies sometimes require the restriction of civil liberties through social distancing: lockdowns, quarantines, the closure of public spaces and institutions, and so on. Social distancing measures can decrease mortality and morbidity, but they also cause social and economic harm. Policymakers have to make trade-offs between “lives...
Established studies show that after the fall of the capital-based elites during the end of the Tang dynasty, the Northern Song literati became active in serving the central government. However, after the century-long Interregnum (878–978), during which literati from the South remained beyond the rule of the Central Plains dynasties, how did they es...
This studwork aims to accentuate the crucial points related to contract theory in civil law in Algerian and Napoleonic code after the reform because of the factors that have affected the last concept of contract in addition to laws reform necessity due to trade and economy extension around the whole world via technology, and giving ultimately some...
Dentre as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT), a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) é uma das patologias mais prevalentes entre os adultos e representa uma das principais causas de morbimortalidade do mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o perfil epidemiológico da mortalidade por HAS na área de jurisdição da 10ª regional de saúd...
ABSTRAK Pengukuran resistivitas batuan dengan konfigurasi Wenner dan Schlumberger telah dilakukan di Bukit Pawinihan Desa Sijeruk Kecamatan Banjarmangu Banjarnegara. Uji batas plastis dan batas cair sampel tanah daerah penelitian juga sudah dilakukan di Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Jenderal Soedirman....
Acest articol examinează fenomenul de absenteism și abandon școlar în rândul comunităților de romi din România, unde aproximativ 20% dintre copiii romi nu sunt înscriși la școală și 30% abandonează timpuriu.
În primul rând, studiul prezintă o imagine istorică asupra impactului Bisericii în educația comunităților defavorizate și oferă două studii de...
O presente trabalho discute as implicações jurídicas da lei 13.146/2015 nos negócios jurídicos praticados por pessoa com deficiência. Para isso, foi necessário discorrer sobre o novo sistema de incapacidade do Código Civil de 2002 e sua relação com o conceito social de pessoa com deficiência. Sabe-se que a pessoa com deficiência é considerada, em r...
A pesquisa teve como tema a contribuição dos CEJUSC`S na comarca goiana de Anápolis: uma análise à luz do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) e do Código de Processo Civil (CPC), como instrumento de política pública para o desenvolvimento regional, no período de 2021 a 2023, buscando examinar a seguinte questão: afinal, de que forma os CEJUSC`S cont...
Having the ability to infer characteristics of autonomous agents would profoundly revolutionize defense, security, and civil applications. Our previous work was the first to demonstrate that supervised neural network time series classification (NN TSC) could rapidly predict the tactics of swarming autonomous agents in military contexts, providing i...
Introduction: Providing care for vulnerable population groups in the event of a
disaster or evacuation is in the interests of those affected, of local authorities,
health insurance companies, other insurance companies and the responsible
authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). Evacuation and supply
planning is currently mostly...
Photodetectors, as essential devices for photoelectric conversion, are critical to advancing military, industrial, and civil technologies. In the post‐Moore era, the demand for extreme miniaturization and multifunctionality has driven intense research into low‐dimensional materials. Two‐dimensional MXenes have attracted considerable attention due t...
Hegel é, sem dúvida, uma das personalidades mais relevantes dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Quando apresentou sua Filosofia do Direito, tratou de assuntos que, na contemporaneidade, tomaram maior relevo, como o casamento homoafetivo, a monogamia e as relações de consanguinidade. Diante de um histórico de reivindicação de direitos dos movimentos sociais na...
This is a manifesto to reject calls to “online privacy.” Privacy is an inherently exclusionary liberal entitlement inextricably linked to property, racial oppression, sexual control and class segregation. However online privacy is uncritically promoted by academics, activists and media discourse as a civil right and even a form of social justice. W...
A construção civil é um setor de grande importância para a economia, mas também causa diversos impactos ao meio ambiente devido à intensa geração de resíduos sólidos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo mapear a produção acadêmica recente sobre a economia circular e o desenvolvimento sustentável no setor de construção civil, com foco na reciclagem de r...
Biometric data, encompassing unique physical and behavioral characteristics, has become an increasingly integral tool in modern governance. Its applications span law enforcement, border control, public services, and even electoral processes. However, the widespread adoption of biometric technologies raises significant legal and ethical questions re...
The article discusses the current issues related to the revitalization of a building fully protected by conservation laws. The work covers a wide range of activities involved in the construction process aimed at fully restoring the functional qualities of historical architecture, while also ensuring the proper exhibition of preserved cultural herit...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação existente entre as empresas de confecção de roupas e as grandes lojas de grifes, destacando os impactos dessa dinâmica nas relações de trabalho estabelecidas entre as empresas de confecções e seus empregados. Parte-se da premissa de que, mesmo diante do chamado contrato de facção, é possível a...
The civil engineering industry faces a critical need for innovative non-destructive evaluation methods, particularly for ageing critical infrastructure, such as bridges, where current techniques fall short. Muography, a non-invasive imaging technique, constructs three-dimensional density maps by detecting interactions of naturally occurring cosmic-...
Air Traffic Services play a crucial role in the safety, security, and efficiency of air transportation. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) performance-based surveillance concept requires monitoring the actual performance of the surveillance systems underpinning these services. This assessment is usually based on the analysis of da...
En 2012, el Tribunal Supremo español entendió que el antiguo proceso de jurisdicción voluntaria sobre «informaciones para perpetua memoria» podía ser una vía procesal correcta para que los familiares de las víctimas desaparecidas de la Guerra Civil pudieran identificarlas, exhumarlas y darles una sepultura digna. Pero la posterior Ley 15/2015, de J...
Governmental regulations and prohibitions may effectively reduce self-harming behavior, but might also restrict personal freedom rights. This paper investigates into individuals’ preferences for the trade-off between being protected from taking self-harming actions by the state, and the desire to be free to choose. We introduce the Paternalism Pref...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la NOM-035, aplicada al personal médico adscrito al área de urgencias del Hospital Civil IMSS Bienestar del estado de Nayarit, con el propósito de identificar los riesgos psicosociales que puedan afectar a los trabajadores. En primer lugar, se procede con la aplicación del cuestionario...
Bien sea por falta de rigor, bien como respuesta a una actitud dubitativa por parte del constituyente, lo que parece cierto es que la Constitución habría establecido un sistema de equilibrios. Un sistema que, en virtud de lo que se desprende de la legislación y la jurisprudencia posterior, no debe ser interpretado únicamente a la luz de la declarac...
Introdução: Hoje há uma enorme demanda para o reconhecimento individual tanto na esfera civil como na penal. Uma informação detalhada obtida da análise fisiológica e osteológica dos restos mortais, dados morfológicos do nariz em população específica podem promover o sucesso da identificação. Objetivo: formar uma base de dados para determinação do p...
Introduces a review of the book Data Cartels: the companies that control and monopolize our information, by Sarah Lamdan, published by Stanford University Press, CA, in 2023. It highlights the main arguments of the book, about the marketing concentration in the United States on digital data by two major analytics companies, RELX and Thomson Reuters...
Engineering design optimization is pivotal for developing innovative, efficient, and sustainable solutions across industries such as aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering. However, modern design problems are characterized by high dimensionality, nonlinearity, multimodality, and stringent constraints, posing significant challenges for traditi...
Introdução: A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) é um problema prevalente na gestação que pode ser amenizado ou reduzido com cuidados preventivos e tratamento precoce. Objetivo: Analisar a ocorrência e os fatores associados à ITU na gestação de mulheres de Anori, Amazonas. Métodos: Estudo transversal. A população do estudo incluiu as mulheres que fiz...
Bridge fires present unique challenges due to their potential for catastrophic structural failures, leading to extensive traffic disruptions, economic losses, and, in some cases, loss of life. In the aftermath of a fire incident, assessing the structural integrity and future viability of concrete bridges has become a paramount concern for civil eng...
Absztrakt-A földtani erőforrások joga és egységesebb szabályozásuk lehetőségei A földtani közeget egyre szélesebb körben hasznosítjuk, de szabályozása nem tart lépést az új technológiák megjelenésével, és egyre gyakoribbak a konfliktusok a hagyományos földtani erőforrások kinyerésével is. A szabályozás tárgyai javarészt a nemzeti vagyon körébe tart...
During the inheritance proceedings, a situation may arise where the deceased leaves only property of a negligible value. If such a case, in order to preserve the principle of procedural economics, the Civil NonDispute Code allows to surrender this property to the person who arranged for the burial and to stop the proceedings
without the inheritance...
Introdução: Até o século passado, as principais causas de mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo eram as doenças infecciosas e a fome. No entanto, com as mudanças no perfil epidemiológico ao longo do século XXI, as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), passaram a predominar na morbimortal...
Social changes, behavioural change, and unprecedented disruptions
constitute an unparalleled challenge to civilization. Pandemics,
environmental issues, civil turmoil, humanitarian issues, and regional
conflicts are just a few of the unexpected changes that are strongly
related to tourism. This introspection involves questioning the future
The purpose of this study is to see (1) how the Golkar Party's political communication strategy is to maintain its victory in the 2024 Garut Regency DPRD legislative election (2) what obstacles the Golkar Party faces in facing the 2024 Garut Regency DPRD legislative election (3) what solutions the Golkar Party has implemented in facing obstacles in...
The availability of civil aircraft cockpit display interface is related to pilot's satisfaction as well as flight safety and efficiency, but current indicator system in this field lacks target-oriented focus. Firstly, in this paper, the flight mission, pilots' senses, pilots' cognition, and flight interaction dimensions are obtained by executive pr...
Along with the arrival of foreign colors from various countries to the city of Surabaya, causing smuggling. In population documents about Certificate of Residence (SKTT) of Foreigners is very necessary now to know that it is legal or illegal if you want to live in Surabaya. So the purpose of this research is to find out the supervision of the imple...
O crescente acúmulo de resíduos plásticos, particularmente PET, representa um desafio ambiental significativo devido ao longo tempo de degradação e aos impactos negativos do descarte inadequado. A reciclagem de PET surgiu como uma estratégia eficaz para enfrentar esse problema, com aplicações promissoras na construção civil. Este estudo explora a v...
This handbook (whose extended version is available at is dedicated to all students interested in machine learning who are not content with only running lines of (deep-learning) code but who are eager to learn about this discipline’s assumptions, limitations, and perspectives. When I was a...
The research analyze how the level of financial knowledge and financial behavior affects the decision of choosing fully funded or pay as yo go pensiun fund for Civil Servant in Gorontalo Province. The pension fund have a huge portion in Government budget so the new scheme of retirement plan is introduced to minimize the risk of asymmetric governmen...
The article focuses on the civil liability of credit rating agencies (CRAs) in a comparative way. It starts from the historical evolution of CRAs as international standard setters to justify an economic rationale for their liability regime. It discusses the statutory law introduced in the US and the EU for CRA’s civil liability and analyses the app...
The article examines the legal liability (administrative and civil) regimes introduced to establish an accountability model for credit rating agencies (CRA). In particular, the article focuses on the limits that hinder the achievement of a comprehensive accountability model for CRA, in which the two functions of deterrence-performed by the ESMA's s...
The International organizations and conventions have paid attention to the need to guarantee human rights in general and women in particular, due to the difficult political, economic and social conditions they faced, despite their responsibilities at home and work, in addition to societal pressures due to customs, traditions and customs.The researc...
Siria: el fin de una era, el inicio de una nueva oscuridad ¿Realmente creímos que la caída de Bashar al Asad significaba el fin de una pesadilla? Pues no. Después de 24 años en el poder, el régimen de Bashar al Asad, sostenido gracias a Irán y Rusia, colapsó en tan solo 11 días bajo la ofensiva de Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, un grupo insurgente vinculado...
Conducción política de la defensa en Argentina: jerarquización del sector y activismo multilateral como criterios rectores de la primera mitad del gobierno de A. Fernández Defense policy management in Argentina: hierarchization of the sector and multilateral activism as guiding criteria of the first half of A. Fernández´s government Emilse E. Calde...
Syria’s – reconstruction is unfolding within a broader struggle between militarization and civil governance, reflecting a deeper historical pattern in post-conflict states where security imperatives often override political institutionalization. As security concerns take precedence over institutional development, Syria appears poised to replicate t...
O presente artigo explora a responsabilidade civil decorrente do abandono afetivo no contexto do direito de família brasileiro. Nesse sentido, há a análise acerca dano moral decorrente do abandono afetivo: perspectivas e medidas alternativas. Como objetivo, foi traçada uma abordagem para analisar o abandono afetivo e suas consequências, delimitando...
El uso de amortiguadores de líquido sintonizado se presenta como una alternativa atractiva para la reducción de la vulnerabilidad de estructuras civiles sometidas a la acción sísmica debido a su simpleza y practicidad en las etapas de fabricación, instalación y mantenimiento. Por otra parte, de manera reciente se ha realizado una propuesta de imple...
Se examina la intersección entre el derecho fundamental a la salud y las dinámicas comerciales en el contexto colombiano, y se pone el foco en la evolución legislativa y judicial que ha fortalecido este derecho desde su consagración constitucional. Mediante un enfoque hermenéutico-interpretativo, se examinan las políticas farmacéuticas y los tratad...
The role of philosophy in Islamic education is united by a common goal, namely the search for truth. However, the difference is that philosophy is more about reason while Islamic education means efforts to advance the character (inner strength), mind (intellect), and body of students who must be in harmony with the natural and social environment. T...
Este trabajo indaga sobre la responsabilidad de los patronos de las fundaciones en el ejercicio de su cargo, es decir, la que pudiera dimanar por las decisiones y acuerdos que adoptan dentro del órgano de gestión y representación de las fundaciones, el Patronato. Describe, en primer lugar, las características del órgano, los deberes de diligencia y...
E-administration solves several issues with conventional bureaucratic methods, and its application is essential to modern governance; the increase in time efficiency is one important benefit. E-administration shortens the time needed to perform and provide public services by automating repetitive processes. In the Nigerian Federal Civil Service, wh...
Creative teaching behavior (CTB) is an innovative and creative teaching approach that is relevant in facing the dynamics of vocational education, which continues to develop, especially to produce creative students. Many studies examine the important role of CTB. However, limited information still discusses how to improve CTB by involving important...
Portuguese civil wind bands have operated as voluntary, non-profit organisations since the 19th century and serve as presentational and communal platforms for amateur music-making. Their core mission centres on providing music instruction and practical training for amateur musicians. This study examines the motivational factors driving adult musici...
Banks, as financial institutions, have an essential role in the economy, including in terms of providing credit. In the process of granting credit, collateral is one of the main elements that guarantee the debtor's ability to fulfil his obligations. One form of collateral that is often accepted is land rights, which are bound through mortgage right...
La dinámica edificatoria que se generó en Granada tras la entrada de los Reyes Católicos en la ciudad en 1492, hizo convivir durante más de cien años unas tradiciones, que de diversa raigambre, dieron como resultado un rico panorama arquitectónico que fue del gótico al barroco transitando por el renacimiento, manierismo y la presencia mudéjar. Las...
Children affected by orphanhood of any cause may benefit from assessment and referral to appropriate services. Timely and accurate data can guide policy. We leveraged new data sources expanding previous reports on national COVID-19-associated orphanhood to estimate national and sub-national numbers of children newly affected by death of parents and...
This study aims to determine and analyse the efforts made by the Corruption Eradication Commission to support the sustainable performance of its employees through employee development programs that are in accordance with job competency standards and career development plans. This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach. Prim...
This replication paper revisits the finding of Miguel, Satyanath and Sergenti (2004) regarding the relationship between economic shocks and civil conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using rainfall growth as an instrument variable (IV) for GDP growth, the original findings showed a significant negative relation between economic growth and civil conflict...