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Cinema - Science topic

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Questions related to Cinema
  • asked a question related to Cinema
1 answer
 What specific changes in set design have digital technologies brought about?
 How does visual presentation in cinema influence literary narrative and theatrical atmosphere?
 Has the perception of classical literature changed in the context of modern technologies? Has it given new aesthetic meanings to works?
 Does multimedia make the traditional stage more attractive? How do classical works (for example, Chekhov or Tolstoy) combine with digital technologies on the modern stage?
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What specific changes in set design have digital technologies brought about?
Film is a medium that aims to create visual credibility. Scenes in films originate from imagination brought to life through technology, making them appear realistic. Thus, the term "realistic" refers to a lifelike quality that allows the audience to engage emotionally. Spectacular set designs naturally evoke and influence the emotions of viewers. Therefore, technology inevitably brings changes to set design, making it increasingly realistic. I hope this answer helps guide you in your research. If it does not fully align with your needs, I sincerely apologize.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
I have received several messages via ResearchGate. They were polite, but came from people whose ResearchGate bios showed no relationship to my research areas. In one case the person simply said " Hello, have a nice weekend. "
I replied politely and asked about their reason for interest. Some did not reply. One asked if we could continue the discussion on WhatsApp or Telegram.
I have no explicit evidence that anything inappropriate is going on, so I have not clicked on the "report this person" tab, but I am concerned that ResearchGate may be too open to inappropriate use that sends us Email that wastes our time or provides a channel that leads to phishing.
Have any of you had similar experiences? What should ResearchGate do to cut down on frivolous Emails with messages such as "I want to learn more about this issue in your first article" when you have published many articles and there is no further specification of the topic?
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I do not understand why several people can send me messages such as " Hello, have a nice weekend. ", then I reply (using the Reply via ResearchGate}, then they send a second message, but I cannot reply a second time, getting instead the message "You are not allowed to send a message to this person."
I had already sent a message to this person, so why can I not send a second message? I found the person listed as a ResearchGate member, but I could not send a message from the bio page.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
7 answers
I'm doing a Ph.D. in Cinema and my problematic has to do with intermediality. I'm trying to find out who theorized arts / media as languages. As the saying: the language of cinema, or the language of photography... So far, I'm looking at McLuhan's Understanding Media and Roland Barthes' Le système de la mode. I'm not looking for linguistic models of natural languages, like Saussure or C. S. Peirce. I'm looking for theories on: how an art form (or a media) either has, or is a language? Any thoughts?
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Hi! As a senior lecturer and researcher in intermedial studies (active for more than 20 years - also in its former name interartial studies) we regard arts/media forms as languages; all types of qualified media (see Elleström) communicate a content that, just like language (linguistic), contains thoughts for the other to interpret. The big difference is perhaps that media forms are usually composed of more than one multimodality (word, image, tone in interaction), while spoken language consists primarily of semantic content and sound (voice), written language of image (font, etc.).
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
Heuristically, I suppose people consider films more successful the greater the return on investment(ROI). Stimuli: ”Successful films are often based on classics due to relatability and interest”(Ohnemus 2023). “My film career was and is perhaps successful despite my lack of technical skills. Arts have both applications and fundamentals”(Ohnemus 2023). Source:
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I try my best:
The concept of "Classics as Foundations" is explored in this aphorism.
The success of films is frequently attributed to their basis in classic works, which are perceived as relatable and interesting. This assertion indicates that cinematic works rooted in classic literature, myths, or well-known stories frequently achieve success due to their capacity to resonate profoundly with audiences. Classics represent time-tested narratives that have already demonstrated their appeal and relatability. They tap into universal themes, human emotions, and experiences that audiences find engaging and compelling. By basing films on these enduring stories, filmmakers can leverage existing interest and familiarity, which can contribute to the film’s success.
Artistic Success Beyond Technical Skills:
"The trajectory of my film career has been and is perhaps successful despite my relative lack of technical skills. Arts, including filmmaking, have both practical applications and fundamental tenets." This view underscores the idea that success in the arts does not depend entirely on technical proficiency. While technical proficiency is undoubtedly important, it is not the sole determinant of success. Creativity, vision, storytelling, and the ability to connect with audiences are also critical elements that contribute to success.
I hope this will help:)
Kind regards
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
Kirk Aanes must have been kind for Mulan (his ex) to speak well of him. "Just learned of the passing of Kirk Aanes. My condolences to his famiy and loved ones. He was a good soul. RIP, dear one"( ).
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Some wanted to reproduce but, never were able.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
Sri Lanka comprises 25 districts, each with film halls; however, the overall audience and film hall attendance are notably low. In 2021, the Country's total number of film halls was around 50. With a Sri Lankan adult population of 21.9 million, the current ratio of film halls to the population is 1:438,400. Considering the adult population alone (14.4 million), the ratio of film halls to adults is 1:288,200. Despite these figures, even the limited number of film halls faces a shortage of spectators.
Film hall owners report significant challenges film producers face, emphasising the critical issue of a cinema without a substantial audience. Many filmmakers and industry professionals overlook Film's dual nature as an artistic expression and an industry product. The Industry's survival is contingent on having a robust audience base.
The failure to acknowledge this dual objective—balancing the artistic and business aspects—has led to the collapse of the Sri Lankan film industry. It is imperative to recognise the equal importance of culture and economics in sustaining the film industry for the future.
Why did Sri Lanka experience this decline while neighbouring Countries, such as India, achieved significant success in the Film Industry?
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In my opinion, the reason is the new media such as facebook, youtube and other platforms. This generation always use the technology to see the film. (Like YTS)
  • asked a question related to Cinema
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I'm currently researching the relationships between participation in creative-cultural activities, the mental well-being of individuals and the influence of this link on the individuals' work/study performance.
To do so, I developed a questionnaire which combines already validated and well-known scales into a unique framework.
However, to proceed further with this investigation, I need thousands of answers to the questionnaire to perform statistical analyses properly.
Thus, I would be immensely grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time completing the questionnaire ( and if you could share your observations and suggestions with me.
Thank you in advance for your precious help!
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Methodologically, efficient questionnaire Luna Leoni ! Success 1
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
Dear network
We are setting up a new research project on animation as an academic field in African countries.
Animation itself represents a multidisciplinary field of study and research that links cinema, development and artificial intelligence, but which is not yet considered as an academic field of study and research, This is why we are asking for your testimony to let us know the state of the situation. the field of the art of animation in African countries: its teaching, its production, its festivals, etc.
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I am aware of a company known as Fatboy Animations in Nairobi, Kenya who are doing quite well in the animations field.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
6 answers
I want to commence a study on thematic analysis of cinema about depiction of certain characteristics in the characters of the cinema. What are the different frameworks that are useful in situating the research questions in a cinema context, coding and data analysis?
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Amit Dhakulkar that's a great topic! Films indeed offer a rich variety of diverse portrayals of parenting, reflecting cultural norms, social expectations, and evolving family dynamics. Best of luck with your analysis!
  • asked a question related to Cinema
5 answers
In the most general way, I explore the phenomenon of affect in theater (drama and musical theater). Importantly, in my research I am not talking about feelings and emotions. Rather, I am on the side of the concept articulated by Brian Massumi: affect is an autonomous entity.
In other words, I am in search of a conceptualization of the "autonomous machine" for the production of affect in theater.
However, I have not found any literature that considers affect specifically in the territory of theater.
Deleuze devoted important concepts to affect, but they were related to cinema (the close-up).
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I fully agree that the problematization of the term affect and a thorough discussion of the conflicting and unclear at Times uses of the term is the way to start your phd thesis. I wish you luck and patience with this project. When you are ready with the draft of your first chapter let me know. I would gladly read your thoughts as theory of affect is my area of interest.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
5 answers
I would be grateful if you introduce English resources concerning Iranian cinema, Middle East cinema, and Diasporic cinema.
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I recommand Hedi khelil, he wrote about ksa cinema in arabic,
Else here are some recommanded titles
Mohja Kahf and Nadine Sinno, eds., Constructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa: Literature, Film, and National Discourse
Lina Khatib
Filming the Modern Middle East: Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the Arab World
Shohini Chaudhuri
Contemporary World Cinema: Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia
Gonul Donmez-Colin
Cinemas of the Other: A Personal Journey with Film-makers from the Middle East and Central Asia
Kamran Rastegar
Surviving Images: Cinema, War, and Cultural Memory in the Middle East
Best luck
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
I have written a paper addressing the issue of automatic colorization of black and white photographs. The perspective is an ethical one that addresses both pros and cons. Now I am searching for a peer-reviewed paper to publish my essay.
If you have any recommendations, I would be more than happy to see them.
Details about the paper:
Words: 3000
Style: APA 7
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  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
Hello, I am using the Multiplex ELISA Kit For Mouse Cytokine Panel 2 (4-Plex) purchased from Boster Bio to measure the four cytokines IL-6, IL-1B, TNF-a, and INF-y. In this plate, all four biomarkers for each cytokine are present in each well.
Boster Bio and its distributor Quansys Biosciences claim that I need an imager, a microplate reader that will actually capture an image of my plate, to be able to analyze the luminescence emitted by each cytokines' antigen.
I currently do not have access to an imager of this sort, and I am wondering if anyone has been able to circumvent this issue and was still able to use a normal microplate reader? Or, does anyone have any idea for how I should go about measuring each cytokines' luminescent response with a normal ELISA reader?
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Our team could not gain access to the manufacturer's imager, but we did use an imager by Cytation to get a sort of OD graph/picture that we used to validate our dilutions were in the standard curve range. Unfortunately, we did not get any quantification date. We are then using these dilutions in a different multiplex with a more compatible plate reader.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
4 answers
We all have seen a very big rise in the streaming of the entertainment content over the OTT platforms in the wake of the global pandemic and the resultant lockdown. Do you think that the popularity of the OTT platforms will subsequently affect the business of the cinema halls and theatres premenantly in the future?
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It made the youths get glued to their screens
  • asked a question related to Cinema
6 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am interested in learning about local VR film production in any country. I would also like a brief description of the subject matter and a link to more information on the film.
Thank you!
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Hello Dana Florentina Manolache , I recommend the dystopian Greek VR short movie entitled "A Safe Guide to Dying", presented in the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival. More details are available here:
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
I'm looking for Egyptian architects and urbanists who, at some point along their line of work, explored the representation of cities, societies and cultures in Egyptian films.
It would be very helpful. Much appreciated
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The city and cinema have a formidable relationship. The images and sounds of cities found in movies may be the only experience many people have of cities they will never visit. Films influence how we construct images of the world and, as a result, how we operate within it in many cases. Cinematic Cairo: Egyptian Urban Modernity from Reel to Real provides a history of Cairo's urban modernity through the lens of film, with cinematic space serving as both an analytical tool and a medium of critique. Cairo has been a rich source of subject material for Egypt's film industry since the art form's inception at the end of the nineteenth century.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
4 answers
Confusion about the concentration of metal ions and the mixing of metal with media and culturing procedure of bacterial isolates.
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Your confusion about what, that's not clear, although, I used to mix different metal and metalloid salts (As, Cd, Hg, Pb, and Cr) into the media before autoclaving. Please be careful while calculating the total metal(loid)s concentration apart from their salts and add it to the un-sterilized media. Make a plate and go for the spread plate to get tolerant microbes. Also, remember to use a gradient of metal concentration to know the range of optimal tolerance and maximum tolerance of your microbes from the plates.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
11 answers
Music, Literature, Painting, Sculpture and Cinema represent centuries of Culture of Humanity, in its most diverse manifestations and practically all peoples. Are these elements to be taken into account for the personal enhancement of the Researchers?
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The general culture thiroughly can give the value to the science, academic works and researches. Subsequently, the society attitude can motivate scholars to increase the quantity and quality of their syltudies to meet the society requirement.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
4 answers
Are there any reports on biomagnification of micro-plastic as reported for pesticides? Accumulative movements of microplastics in higher strata through the food web and its consequential adverse effect will be of great concern.
Is there any adoptive physiology reported in the1st and 2nd trophic levels as well as for higher strata for microplastic in aquatic (marine) ecosystem?
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This recent publication linked below is describing the face masks thrown away as a source of micro and nano plastics will be bioaccumulated in our environment. I find this publication may have a very good message for us human beings in these pandemic Era, as the use of face masks has been increased.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
5 answers
Celebrity endorsements are common across lifestyle products even basic things as groceries are being endorsed by celebrities, but when it comes to investing does endorsement of a mutual fund scheme or a broking service or an insurance product by a celebrity (specifically from sports, music or cinema) change the investors /buyers behavior towards such product. Does celebrity endorsements have relevance when it comes to personal financial planning.
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Adding to all the previous answers, it may also depend on the brand image and personality of the celebrity. Some of them have trust engraved with their image, like Big B, Dhoni etc. If these kind of celebrities can sell real estate projects which is also considered as an investment. Then why not other forms of investment.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
I am a cinema researcher from Brazil and troughout my masters research I have organized a spreadsheet with a few hundred films from the Brazilian Amazon. It includes information such as films' title, synopsis, length, director, year of production etc. I am currently looking for a free, user friendly, tool in which I could make this database available online in the form of visual content such as maps (e.g. a map in which each film could be pinned to its city of production, alongside complementar information). Would anyone have any suggestions?
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Hi Uriel,
I use Palladio software developed by Stanford for my visualisations of spatial, temporal and relational analyses of archaeological data. Check it out and let me know if you find it useful for your data.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
40 answers
I have my own idea but I will be very much interested in knowing your view/reflection on the matter. Is Shakespeare "translatable"?
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Shakespeare's poetic and dramatic works can be translated from the Renaissance English in which they are written, but a significant loss would occur with respect to both linguistic features and aesthetics.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
6 answers
I want to analyze the characters of the Hindi language feature film, No One Killed Jessica, and by characters I mean all the characters in the film, irrespective of gender. So, I want to know if there is any sort of criteria or any rules to follow while analyzing a character? How to go about it? Like, what should be the first step for analyzing? Do I have to measure the character against something?
Please help.
Thank you
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As other colleagues suggested, everything depends on what you want to know. But from my sociology perspective, I would consider two paths:
- The characters as a content you want to analize. Thus, it is applying regular content analysis techniques which will give you a general and global view of the characters".
- Secondly, I would rather think to analyze the characters itselves as a creation coming from the director/productor/etc...From this perspective, the characters are viewed as discourse positions designed from other actors (you could also consider to open the analysis to these other actors to establish their role and interests on the creation of characters). I hope that is helpful and the best of luck with your research.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
I need to retrofit a 35mm film projector with an optical element that can rotate the projected image to any given degree. I first thought of a Dove prism, but it has to be built between the film material and the lens, and Dove prisms are relatively long (>100mm) if it has a 24mm image circle. Are there other optical components that could be used for this and what program would be the best to simulate the optical setup?
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Cst studio program
  • asked a question related to Cinema
7 answers
Is it possible to consider visual arts such as cinema, television, and multimedia as a discipline related to fine arts more than it is academically related to the field of communication sciences?
I hope to participate in this discussion and kindly present your valuable opinions and your views because this discussion will provide a high and wonderful scientific benefit at the same time for the projects that I will work on in the future.
many thanks ...
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thank you for your Opinion , it Will make an Important approach to my students ...
  • asked a question related to Cinema
6 answers
I am writing a paper on film. I read many research papers, where all three terms have been used synonymously. But, from the meaning of these words, are they different?
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James Monaco in "How to read a film" has described the meaning of these words:
French theorists are fond of making the differentiation between “film” and “cinema.” The “filmic” is that aspect of the art that concerns its relationship with the world around it; the “cinematic” deals with the esthetics and internal structure of the art. In English, we have a third word for “film” and “cinema”—“movies”—which provides a convenient label for the third facet of the activity: its function as an economic commodity. These three aspects are closely interrelated, of course: one person’s “movie” is another’s “film.” But in general we use these three names for the art in a way that closely parallels this differentiation: “movies,” like popcorn, are to be consumed; “cinema” (at least in American parlance) is high art, redolent of esthetics; “film” is the most general term we use with the fewest connotations.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
Does the accuracy of the cardiac flow analysis vary when analysis is done using 2D Cine -3 directional velocity encoded MRI and when it is done using 4D flow MRI with volumetric coverage and 3 directional velocity encoding?
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From the perspective of cardiovascular fluid mechanics perhaps yes, but from MRI physics perspective no: assessing velocity or flow data from 2D cine 3-directional velocity encoding is not exactly the same as obtaining velocity information from a static reformatted plane from 4D flow MRI, even when you are able to design both sequences with identical parameters (FOV, TE, TR, bandwidth).
Firstly, 2D imaging is not the same as 3D volume acquisition (2D uses a slice select gradient where 3D imaging uses two phase encode gradients).
Secondly, 3D imaging provides more SNR than 2D imaging and 2D represents velocity data over a relatively thick imaging slice with possible partial volume errors in case of angulated flow.
And third, obviously 4D flow acquisition requires more scan time, which makes the data more vulnerable to errors associated with heart rate variation and patient movement.
More importantly, from a practical point of view, a static 2D plane with cine 3-directional velocity data does not allow a retrospective correction of the imaging plane in the same way as 4D flow MRI data does (for instance for misalignment correction or for retrospective valve tracking).
  • asked a question related to Cinema
10 answers
how is gender and cinema for phd?
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I think, your results would greatly drpend on methodology. Just elaborate rigorously, what are the selection criteria? What is the ligic behind selecting certain films?
  • asked a question related to Cinema
9 answers
Are there still cinema directors who prefer that the output format of their film be silver film (35mm)?
  • asked a question related to Cinema
35 answers
why are long and rich constructed sentences, refused in scientific articles from human sciences fields such as psychology, history, litterature, linguistics, philosophy, policy, culture, cinema, theatre, music... and so on?
does a long-well-constructed sentences reflect the advanced redaction level of the researcher or make his research boring?
are reviewers unable to support the length of sentences to keep concentration until finishing reading the whole article?
are there any scientific/methodological rules for redaction of human sciences research articles?
thank you for the interest that you will give to this question
kindly yours
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Long sentences are not preferred, for they tend to confuse the general reader.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
1 answer
During the treatment of municipal wastewater, what should be the appropriate carriers filling ratio in the MBBR?
Also how make more stable attached bio film on carriers.
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In a greenfield MBBR design, you start with the calculation of the media requirement, and then proceed to size the tank. The volume of media required is a function of BOD and NH3 loading, the protected surface area of the media, and the surface area loading rate (SALR) for that specific media. SALR varies widely for different types of media (for example SALR for chip media is low, compared to SALR for a conventional, pinwheel type). You can fill up to 66% so if CAPEX is your main concern, you can design like that, but it's risky, because it doesn't leave much room for error or expansion. You should also consider multiple stages, rather than a single larger tank, and your % fill may be different from stage to stage.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
6 answers
I am working on role of sex in Ghanaian films and I will be grateful if I get more current works in the area - Sex in African cinema. Thank you.
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Please go through the following PDF attachments.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
Here is the CFP for the main conference of the project INDELIBLE (Eng) / INDELEBILE (It) – Representation in the arts of (in)visible violence against women and their resistance -
The conference will take place 23-25 October 2019 – Adelaide (South Australia) and a selection of papers will be published in a special issue of a highly ranked journal or dedicated volume. Visual arts, performing arts and literature are instrumental in exposing the complexity of the numerous forms that violence against women and girls can take in the contemporary world, as well as exploring new and old forms of resistance.  Our interdisciplinary conference aims to contribute to the ‘glocal’ conversation on the topic of gendered violence and at the same time raise awareness of the global extent of the problem, by analysing ways in which both such violence and resistance to it are represented in the arts. While a key strand of the conference will concern the arts in contemporary Italy, its scope will be broad, encouraging comparison with other societies across space and time. In line with this aim, we welcome papers engaging with any of the following (and associated) topics, in relation to poetry, literature, theatre, opera, music, cinema or other visual arts: Family violence Places and sites of violence War, conflict and violence Migration, diaspora and violence Resistance vs politics Language and images of violence and resistance Myth in representations of violence Historical developments and representations viewed through a contemporary lens Activism and international campaigns (including #MeToo / #wetoogether / #TimesUp / Se non ora quando / Non una di meno / La violenza non è amore / Panchine rosse) Key-note speaker: Dacia Maraini (writer, dramaturg, screenwriter) Please send a 250-300 word abstract (in Italian or English) and a short bio to Luciana d’Arcangeli,, in an email titled “ACIS 2019 INDELIBLE-INDELEBILE”, by 30 March 2019. 
This conference is supported by the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) and is part of the ACIS Visual and Performing Arts Research Group project INDELIBLE (Eng) / INDELEBILE (It) THE REPRESENTATION OF (IN)VISIBLE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR RESISTANCE
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Dear John, I have finally had a little time to look at what you have sent and marvel at your career and your wit. I will be taking some inspiration from you when I write my piece on Matteo Garrone's costumes for a Rome conference in June.
My son has been wanting to be a theatre actor/writer since he was 3 yo and is now at uni studying Drama and Screen Studies. I, like everyone else, can only hope for the best for my child and I am pleased to say he is starting on the right foot because he would not be asking you about the saucy stories. There is a part of me that dreads his future auditions, rejections etc. but I also know he is a man for secret appointments to whatever emergency service is needed. A job well done.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Cinema
7 answers
I am investigating how using different gel filtration media affects the purification of a protein with the molecular mass of 50KDa.
I have used a variety of media (Sephadex G100, Sephacryl S200, Ultrogel AcA 44, Bio Gel P 150, Ultrogel AcA 34, Ultrogel AcA 54, and Bio Gel P60) but was unable to purify my protein with either of these.
My only guess is that the gel fractionation ranges in the media used are not appropriate to actually purify my protein and that this requires a higher resolution technique.
Is this correct? Any suggestions?
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Starting from a crude extract, it will not be possible to achieve complete purification with only a gel filtration step. Chromatographic protein purifications usually have multiple steps employing different properties of the protein.
Is your 50 kDa protein eluting at the expected volume for a protein of its size, based on standards? It may be an oligomer and therefore have a higher molecular weight , or it may be aggregated and elute in the void volume. Or, it might be degraded and elute as a mixture of smaller fragments.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
8 answers
Me gustaría editar un volumen con contribuciones sobre la relación de Borges con el cine. He escrito dos ensayos sobre este tema que pueden ser leídos en mi página de RG. Aquellos que estén interesados en este proyecto pueden contactarme para compartir ideas y darle forma a la propuesta.
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Estimado Camilo, sí, recuerdo un libro de Borges, "Manual de zoología fantástica", no estoy seguro si tiene que ver con el tema que propones. Vayamos pensando en darle forma al proyecto en el curso de 2019. Si tienes colegas de otros países interesados en el tema, también puedes informarles. Saludos y un buen año para ti,
  • asked a question related to Cinema
4 answers
I am student of Philosophy looking to get into research, and would like to gain some first hand experience of the same. Any help is greatly appreciated. My bio can be found with this question.
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I think it depends on what you would define experimental science as. What we today recognise as experiments refers to what is empirically verifiable and that which can be demonstrated to a certain extent in controlled situations.
Our ancestors made developments in all the fields you mentioned, but I disagree with the claim that there was no progress in experimental science. What our ancient sadhus and yogis did was metaphysics. They had the capability of reaching domains other than the empirical world as we perceive it.
Yet to demonstrate the same to someone else, requires that someone to reach the same domain where the yogi might have made a discovery. Here I recall a line from the Īśā Upanishad, which would go somewhat alone the lines of saying, that one who is aspiring to experience Unity is one who is incapable of demonstration, and He who has already achieved this unity, has no need of the demonstration.
Our way of "Experimental Sciences", especially in the realm of metaphysics, has been one where we elevate the other to experience the same. Our research in this realm was internal, with the human mind and body being our labs.
Thus I believe the reason for this belief that ancient India had little development in experimental sciences stems from the fact that we have never restricted ourselves to laboratories and conditions. For to demonstrate what we do, we need not condition our experiments, but rather need to condition the one seeking a demonstration.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
3 answers
Which software would you recommend to do 3-d bio and medical image analysis/processing. I heard some good library in ImageJ, MATLAB, CellProfiler and ICY. Which one should I start learning first? Which software would you recommend if the image is coming from computed tomography?
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I recommend to use MATLAB or Amira. Both are powerful for this purpose. If you are looking for a freeware try FIJI.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
82 answers
This question include all sort of arts : fine arts, visual arts, dance, theater, performances, architecture, cinema, videos, etc.
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Boundaries are basically a definition (the literal sense of the word). Definition gives shape and coherence, and with that meaning. If we all come with our own personal ideas of what 'art', or any other concept for that matter, should be, the result is chaos...
To find what the boundaries of art are (and to see how elastic they can become), it may help to ask the opposite question: what is NOT art?
  • asked a question related to Cinema
4 answers
My research aim to explore the representation of black lives, in Hollywood and Nollywood, exploring anthropology study to find the gap between ''Black lives reality'' and ''How the cinema portrays them''.
It is a broad topic i have set out and i need assistant, to narrow a research question for my PhD.
A comparative analytical study of the representation of Black lives in Nollywood and Hollywood cinema, exploring the ways in which they are constructed and presented (in recent time), as well as its effect on global perception of black lives is essential to identify the problem with misrepresentation, current state and suggest cases for other scholars to build upon.
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Matthew I would suggest you go and meet some of the people you wish to write about. In Australian Indigenous studies, there are many paper that are reviews of other papers, and produced without actually meeting the people or going to Country. That's not automatically bad, but to actually meet the subjects of research has got to add value and authenticity.
Good luck with your project.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
2 answers
Is there any method to filter out lithium chloride and BIO from the conditioned media before using them for further protocols.
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Thanks Piyush, But I am not sure whether this high speed centrifugation or 0.2 micro filtration would be enough to remove Licl/ BIO particles from the CM. Please share if you have any literature details here.
What I am thinking right now is to go for a couple of ultracentrifugation steps to isolate exosomes out of it. That also will possibly serve my purpose.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
8 answers
I have the experience of creating secret groups for my students of every subject. Most of my students like this manner of communication, but still find that some of them dislike such methodology of communication, or just read my publications but do not react
Any advice please?
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I also use social media platform in my classes and I seem to get similar responses. To get students actively and fully participating on this platform I tie mark or other forms of reward to every activity. This has yield results for me over time and students do enjoy it still.
  • asked a question related to Cinema
9 answers
I am looking for examples of where people have gained positive strategies for well-being, self-care and positive mental health from unlikely sources, particularly in film, television and literature. What was the inspiration and where did it come from?
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Poetry has been a constant source of deeper understanding for me - both reading, but more pertinently writing. During difficult times, when words and contact with people aren't enough writing allows me to express my thoughts in a way which is more me. Gerard Manley Hopkins and his thinking on 'inscape' was a lodestone to my well-being.
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3 answers
I am working on my book project about the sustainability development in cultural management context and try to collect as much examples as possible. Especially I am looking for examples to show formal organizations/institutions/business where a social participation is one of a management method. So if it is possible:
Could you give me some interesting examples where: - budget - program / offer is/was created together with different stakeholders, and especially with the recipients/audience? I think about different organizations like cinema houses, permanent organizations, culture businesses, theaters etc.
Please give me detailed information that will allow me to contact the institution directly, or website address or English-language research/articles etc. on this subject.
I also collect examples of social participation in cultural policy making so this kind of examples are welcome but this first point is more important for me now.
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Thank you Mirna. I'll read it.
I work on starategic management and New Public Management in the cultural field with the context of sustainability development. Very difficult to find institutional excamples, in the NPM we have many.
I was working in the COST Acttion Investigating Cultural Sustainability before.
Best, Kasia
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3 answers
Need references about modern cinematographic Romantism to testify a new Mal du siècle in Lav Diaz's work. Somehow relate to romantism or so-called "black romantism" from which a singular aesthetics leads to a degenerescence in the political background, that finally creates an active discourse on today' social issues.
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Portugal One contemporary good idea could be any of the works of the portuguese Pedro Costa. In most of his works he focuses on the "favelas" (shanty towns) as a critic of the forgotten world within the postmodern city. His style is documentary fiction
Spain: There are several documentary fiction interesting:
  • The Match Factory Girl, 1990
  • Le Havre 2011
England: Mike Leigh
May be the topics in Mike leigh are a bit shorts and focused on concrete problems. He focuses on people, so, their decadent lifes are brought to the big screen. May be one of his best films for your purpose could be:
  • All for nothing 
I have more ideas, but those are from 1930-1970 (Chris marker, Alexander Kluge, Florian Rey...
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13 answers
If cinema can be used as a source of investigation, could it be possible in a concrete historical period like Spain during the 20th century, in the 60s decade?
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It's only the social aspects of each country. Thanks for answering, me. Shehu.
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5 answers
Considering the media modifications brought about by digital technologies, we are starting to talk about Post-cinema and about the need to update national and international legislation that defines and governs television.
How should television policy change to suit those technological changes, to prevent delving on previous media anchors (as pointed out by McLuhan's tetrad)? 
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  • asked a question related to Cinema
8 answers
I am working on how the ideal male body image has changed of the last few decades. I am writing about male actors in films that would be seen as 'male pin-ups'. I am currently writing about actors such James Dean, James Stewart and Marlon Brando. Any help would be very grateful and you may even end up in my acknowledgements :-)
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Mysterious skin : male bodies in contemporary cinema
Fouz-Hernández, Santiago
Embodying masculinities : towards a history of the male body in U.S. culture and literature
Armengol, Josep M.
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5 answers
I am seeking for other performance assessment models rather than numeric, in professional actor training in Universities or Conservatories.
 Thanks for your help. 
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I remember being a student in the one-year Drama Course at Melbourne University in 1976. The grades back then were pass / fail. Students who desired honors grades kept away. I believe that so many thoughts and emotions are triggered that assessors (staff? other students? external assessors?) should award only an arbitrary grade (pass if you turn up often, fail if you do not) because there is no way of recognising inner tumults. There was no written exam nor assessment of a journal. We were bodies learning how to express ideas / desires in spaces. I'm only confident in saying too much should be going on.     
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4 answers
Hi everybody
I am working on my thesis about "philosophy of money in pattern of social mobility in transition from tradition to modernity in the new wave of Iranian cinema".I need some papers and articles about this subject in all of the world.
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I confess I do not understand the whole title of your thesis, but I can recommend to you the 'History of Money from the Ancient Time to Present Day', by the British professor Glyn Davies and my book 'Money and Market in the Economy of All Times' (Liviu C Andrei),published by Xlibris.Co, UK, in 2011.   
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2 answers
I'm doing an analysis on the background and content of the Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhangke's film, The World (2004) for one of my university assignments in my Contemporary Chinese Cinema module, yet I'm struggling to find some articles that are specifically directed at analysing the film. Could someone help by digging up some or at least signposting me to some?  
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And another one: Jia Zhangke's World and China's Great Transformation: A Revised Version of a Speech Given at "The Still Life Symposium" at Fenyang High School
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I am trying to talk about reasons for popularity of crime movies in France during World War 1 and want to link it to war fears.
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Dear Prof. Epstein,
I would suggest to have a look at the work of Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Annette Becker, who have explored the French society and multiple aspects such as religion, war enthusiasm, etc... A few of their books have been translated in English.
Best wishes
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4 answers
I'm trying to find any research available that shows whether or not it's possible for users to get sick in virtual reality experiences from fading to black.  I haven't found anything specifically on virtual reality and I'm having trouble finding anything.  So I'm wondering if there is anything in cinema, film, or video game related that could apply.
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From my knowledge there is no research or studies done specifically in that field.  There has been research on camera movement and it's impact on simulating motion sickness. Most of that research was done for the 3D and interactive environments.  
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7 answers
space in cinema from a female angle  
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I have been working on the representation of space in films based on Jane Austen's novels and how the directors (re) interpret the descriptions given by the author. I would suggest exploring the concept of liminality and perhaps reading articles such as this one,
Hope it helps!
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4 answers
It could be useful because cinema is related with deep human experiences like faith, which seems to be an indispensable condition for theology. But it could be harmful because it could lead to a relativistic way of thinking faith, beginning not from Christian Revelation, but only from subjective or emotive considerations.
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Films have its own goals, it could be money, propaganda and so on. But films are a mirror of society, and we should think about it when we are doing philosophy or theology.
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3 answers
The new role of documentary film in XXI century like review of politic, economic and military goverment decisions (Inside Job, Gasland, Restrepo, etc), is changing the people perception about the real reasons of these global rules.
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Hi Emma
This may help, perhaps. A PhD about a transmedia documentary (film, website, etc)
ie - PhD online...
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1 answer
If so, you may want to see this:
A blog post about "the new/different Film RoI numbers" at (this affects some published research).
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thanks for the link, JT, interesting stuff.
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3 answers
Tom Shadyac has come up with a new book, a spinoff from his recent film - its title is "Life's Operating Manual":
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Yes... If it were that simple, we'd all be holding hands and listening to Radiohead. I've just bought it, so I'll wait to see what gems it holds, but to say that someone could write a definitive manual is very, how should I say this? Human :-) Ps. Having said all this, I hope it is! I could do with a satisfying epiphany.
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1 answer
Long Memory for movies.
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First of all engagement, interest, motivation and/or emotional tune is a pre-requisit for storing in long memory - if its movies or real events doesn't matter.
A movie in itself is static (looks the same at repeated viewings) and also the activity viewing a movie is a static - often seated viewing a screen. Whereas a real event in itself is dynamic (is typically not repeataed in exactly the same way) and the activity taking part in a real event is also dynamic by involving motion, interaction, communication and incorporating unexpected incidents or occurences.
Talking about similitudes according to an engineering model - geometrics, kinematics and dynamics - of course there are similarities in form, flow of motion and interacting forces. The differences are a higher number of associations attached to the memory through the lived dynamic experience of a higher variation of iinter-play between forms, motions and interacting forces of a real event.
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9 answers
Why are most English documentaries in a British acccent although producers/channels are American? Does it sound more scientific?
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Just an interesting piece on American divergence from British English...