Science topic
Christianity - Science topic
The religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus Christ: the religion that believes in God as the Father Almighty who works redemptively through the Holy Spirit for men's salvation and that affirms Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who proclaimed to man the gospel of salvation. (From Webster, 3d ed)
Publications related to Christianity (10,000)
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Dialogues of Reason consists of the four Dagmar Westberg Lectures Menachem Fisch Delivered at the Goethe University, Frankfurt in January 2020. The first lecture lays the philosophical foundation for showing how exposure to the critical challenge of people and communities committed differently to oneself, holds the key to overcoming the crippling p...
This dissertation aims to explain how the Christian faith allowed John C. H. Wu 吳經熊 (1899-1986) to uncover the most profound aspects of Chinese heritage, viewing it through the transfiguring lens of Christ.
Die Positive Fremdsprachendidaktik ist ein neuer
Ansatz für das Lehren und Lernen von Sprachen,
der es ermöglicht, insbesondere Erkenntnisse
der Positiven Psychologie für einen zeitgemäßen
Fremdsprachenunterricht nutzbar zu machen und so
positive Entwicklungen in Gang zu setzen.
Dabei steht die Frage im Zentrum, wie es
gelingen kann, aus der aktuel...
This chapter introduces the concept of interculturality regimes as a critical framework for understanding the organisation and configuration of political authority amidst cultural diversity. Building upon Christian Reus-Smit’s notion of ‘diversity regimes,’ the chapter explores its theoretical underpinnings and examines its application. It particul...
Christian spiritual maturity is a dynamic and deeply personal journey marked by transformation, deepened faith, and a closer relationship with God. This study explores Christian spiritual maturity through a phenomenological lens, focusing on the lived experiences of believers as they navigate their faith journey. By examining personal testimonies,...
The Hussite pacifist Peter Chelčický (d. c. 1460) is a figure relatively well-known as a dissidentand free-thinker, even considered a precursor of modern anarchist theory. Yet what researchtypically overlooks, or fails to account for, is one surprising fact: Chelčický’s explicit relianceon the works of the infamous English monarchist, John Wyclif (...
This phenomenological study explores the lived experience of Christian spirituality, seeking to understand how individuals embody and interpret their faith in daily life. Through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, the research captures the essence of spiritual encounters, personal transformation, and the role of faith in shaping identity, p...
Este artículo explora el papel fundamental que desempeñó Jan Harlan, cuñado (hermano de Christiane Kubrick) y estrecho colaborador de Stanley Kubrick, en la selección musical de la película 2001: una odisea en el espacio (Stanley Kubrick, 1968). A través de entrevistas exclusivas con Harlan, se revela cómo su sugerencia de la fanfarria de Richard S...
Spiritual growth is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, encompassing personal transformation, deepened faith, and an evolving relationship with God. This study explores the lived experience of spiritual growth in Christianity, focusing on how individuals navigate their spiritual journeys through prayer, scripture, worship, and life challen...
This paper adopts a theological perspective to reflect on the question of what a response by Christian churches, and individual Christians, should be vis-à-vis current threats to democracy. The paper proceeds in three steps. First, an analysis of the problem, with a particular regard to the European context, is provided by exploring some examples o...
Over the past two decades, the construction and architectural industries have increasingly recognized the need to create and maintain a sustainable built environment. This approach emphasizes reducing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing energy efficiency to minimize environmental impact. Implementing such solutions in new constructions is relat...
As investigações sobre os cristianismos antigos, ainda que desde o séc. XIX tenham desfrutado de ampla diversificação de aportes teórico-metodológicos e vertentes interpretativas, têm se voltado, em grande medida, à constituição e consolidação de fórmulas de fé cristãs em diálogo com a cultura envolvente na Antiguidade. Muito se discute acerca dos...
The link between the authoritarian mindset and religiosity has long been established, both theoretically and empirically. However, these findings have almost exclusively been based on dimensional data analysis. In our study, we employed a typological approach to detect the prevalence of an elusive species of non-authoritarian religious individuals...
Sobre monoteísmo y violencia no han dejado de publicarse estudios en las últimas décadas. Además de los análisis sobre la historia del cristianismo, desde el lado teológico, la mayoría de las veces la cuestión se ha abordado preguntándose si los textos sagrados contienen o no (y hasta qué punto) una justificación de la violencia. Dada la evidencia...
O presente artigo tem por norte apresentar uma discussão, em caráter preliminar, sobre a questão das relações do Cristianismo primevo, com ênfase nos séculos IV e V, entremeados na Bacia Mediterrânica que formavam polos de constituição de identidades cristãs – Hipona e Alexandria, no norte africano, Jerusalém, na Palestina, Antioquia, na Ásia Menor...
O objetivo desta publicação é apresentar (pela primeira vez em língua portuguesa) uma tradução comentada dos Gesta apud Zenophilum, autos de um processo julgado pelo governador da Numídia Domício Zenófilo, em 320, e transmitido como parte de um dossiê antidonatista no apêndice do tratado de Optato de Mileve contra o bispo donatista Parmeniano. Os a...
Józef Koffler (born 1896 in Stryj, died 1943/1944) has so far usually been perceived as a Polish composer of Jewish origin. He was a composer and professor at the PTM Conservatory of Music in Polish Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine) in the years 1924–1939. This article attempts to analyse his identity against the background of his education, work, professio...
PREFACE This book grew out real life experiences that have been encountered by several individuals on this universe. It is intended as a textbook to be studied independently by students on their own or to be used by literature teachers and junior secondary level. In writing this book, I was guided by my long-standing experience and interest in teac...
This exploratory study examined the spiritual care beliefs of California pharmacists and their perspectives and experiences with prayer and spiritual conversations with patients. An online survey was utilized to collect data from members of the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists in Spring 2021. Most of the 85 respondents (3.4% response...
This paper presents an original a priori argument for the existence of the Holy Trinity. The argument is based on the notion of exaltation. It will be argued that ‘being exalted’ is a great-making property, and that a divine individual, as possessing all such properties, must also possess the property of ‘being exalted’. For a divine individual to...
This study focuses on analyzing Pakistan's political and social approaches toward its Christian minority in the light of "The Golden Legend" (2017)-a novel by Nadeem Aslam. Aslam is a member of a Pakistani diaspora community, this novel seems to posit that the government of Pakistan cannot safeguard the rights of religious minorities, and they are...
El artículo explora la contribución de la teóloga ortodoxa Elizabeth Theokritoff a la ecoteología, en particular su propuesta de integración del ascetismo cristiano en un estilo de vida sostenible. Basándose en la teología patrística oriental, Theokritoff defiende que la ascesis cristiana no implica un desprecio del mundo material, sino una autolim...
The curriculum serves as a foundational element in achieving the mission and vision of Christian higher education institutions, providing a structured framework for equipping individuals for life and ministry. This paper explores the significance of curriculum design in theological education, with a particular focus on the Master of Divinity progra...
This book provides a comprehensive exploration of the foundational principles, historical practices, similarities, and differences between the concepts of Jihad in Islam and Crusade in Christianity. Grounded in scholarly research and interdisciplinary perspectives, the text delves into the origins of Jihad and Crusade, tracing their evolution throu...
The work of theologian Rudolf Bultmann is often judged without due consideration of the historical and personal circumstances in which it occurred. It is forgotten that theology is always carried out in a specific context. Thus, this article aims to do justice to this theologian by recognizing the relevance of his hermeneutical method. It will be d...
Dark comedy in animation series has been frequently utilised to explain or make a statement about serious subjects so that most adults could relate to them more quickly than children because adults are the target audience for this type of genre in the animation production world. Many times, the genre of dark comedy in one series covers serious subj...
There are two main options for translating λόγος Logos in Chinese versions of John 1:1. One is to use 道Tào, which in this context means Wisdom and Creative Principle; the other is to use 言 Yán, which in this context means Holy Word. Our goal is to (1) give a historical overview of the first uses of 道Tao in the Protestant Bible and 言 Yan in the Cath...
The tribal people has been forcefully imposed by objectively at history, attitudes and behavior of various groups of the people who wants to de-tribilized them by modernization-urbanization. The missionaries having mask of their own idealized image but having "shadow side" that affected tribal people. The Christ Missionary activity gained momentum...
The believers of Christ in the 1st century AD find themselves in a difficult situation. On one hand, they receive the gospel about Jesus’ victory over the world. On the other hand, they witnessed the power and dominance of the Roman Empire through its propaganda. The Book of Revelation comes with a message to comfort Christians torn between these t...
This study explores the unique and well-preserved frieze found in the Panagia Gorgoëpikoos (St. Eleftherios) church in Athens, which provides a plethora of information related with the ancient Athenian calendar and its cultural significance. The frieze, carved from white Pentelic marble, depicts the 12 months of the Athenian calendar along with cor...
Se trata de explicar un hecho tan inusual como importante: que una comunidad intelectual de una ciudad periférica, durante un periodo muy corto de tiempo (Santiago de Chile 1968-1972) se haya transformado en una de las capitales mundiales del pensamiento, generando y exportando algunas de las expresiones eidéticas más influyentes (el dependentismo,...
The rise of neo-prophetic churches in Ghana marks a significant religious and sociocultural shift within the country, reshaping the landscape of Christianity. These churches, often led by charismatic leaders who claim prophetic gifts, have gained widespread popularity, attracting a diverse following.
There exists a long history of claimed qualitative differences between experiences of Western and Eastern religious art. Our study sought to examine empirically and quantitatively whether those reports are veridical and, if so, to what extent. We explored psychological distance, empathy, and the feeling of personal communication that humans experie...
Willy Christian Kriz, psychologist, professor of leadership and organizational development at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, was born in 1968 in Vienna (Austria). He started as a research assistant at the Vienna International Future Conference where he worked with Dennis Meadows. After an awarded Ph.D. in 1999 on ‘Training of system com...
In this article, we examine the extent to which Christians and Muslims endorse divine foreknowledge for neutral, good, and bad actions. If they do, the problem of theological fatalism is not a mere (albeit important) philosophical difficulty, but a problem rooted in lay believers’ intuitive understanding of God.
This article explores the pivotal role played by Jan Harlan, brother-in-law (brother of Christiane Kubrick) and close collaborator of Stanley Kubrick, in the musical selection of the film 2001: a space odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968). Through exclusive interviews with Harlan, it is revealed how his suggestion of Richard Strauss's fanfare "Also spra...
Scholarly interest in patience has grown in recent years and, along with it, an interest in interventions designed to cultivate it, especially among young adults. To improve interventions, it is important to know how lay people understand patience. Given that religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, have varied notions of...
A Christian Mission is set systemic conceptualization and exertion to escalation of Christianity in India. Mission involved in sending individual and groups, called missionaries, across the boundaries, most normally geographical edge, for the purpose of proselytism or conversion. Evangelical missionaries who are financed by international fundamenta...
In this article, I aim to address one of the most characteristic decorative elements of the Almohad period, the so-called sebka decoration. With this aim in mind and through the research carried out and the examples that have been preserved, I consider it appropriate to know the origin of this ornamental motif that is so recurrent in the Andalusian...
Christianity, one of the primary world religions, has profound influences in shaping people's views of gender equality. Many Christians perceive feminism to be against Christian doctrine regarding issues like marriage and gender equality. However, Christian feminists refute this with claims that reinterpreting the Bible helps reveal hidden ideas su...
John Cottingham argues that traditional university modules in the philosophy of religion take us into a ‘very abstract domain that is often far removed from religion as it actually operates in the life of the believer’. This paper makes four moves based on Cottingham. First, it argues that the application of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s methods supports a...
“Comunidad de Solentiname” was one of the main Ecclesial Base Communities (CEBs) that played a significant role, in both cultural-symbolic and politico-military terms, during the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua (1960-1979). In my perception and interpretation, I shall deal with the theoretical-methodological implications of the testimonies-artis...
Religion has become increasingly important in the discourse and ideology of the ‘fourth wave’ of the populist radical right which began in 2000 in Europe. To achieve its normalization in the political contest, these formations have shifted from openly racist positions to other arguments that, like religion, can be used to present their proposals in...
This essay on love is a modification of chapter ten in Living well: 10 big ideas of faith and a meaningful life published in 2019. The essay begins with a Christian perspective on love and adds information from psychology to suggest a holistic approach compatible with a traditional Christian worldview and psychological science. I also added some li...
Within Ephesians, resurrection is the defining evidence of God’s divine power. A scholarly consensus contends that the letter is characterized by a realized eschatology in which the two references to individuals’ resurrection in Eph 2:5–6 and Eph 5:14 refer to an already accomplished salvation. This article, however, argues that interpreting the re...
The increasing number of individuals who lack religious faith or self-identify as nonreligious in certain parts of the world necessitates a shift in the science–religion dialogue and a change of some key categories and notions. This shift, I argue, implies the expansion of the science–religion dialogue into a science–worldview dialogue, so the core...
The legacies of colonialism on both the colonised and coloniser is one thing that our world cannot escape in contemporary times. In most of the places, colonialism came with its own form of Christianity. This colonial Christianity was based on the idea of exclusion, homogenisation and conquering the other. Thus, the combination of the ideals of col...
The present study asserts the special importance of Italian Kabbalah in the emergence of Christian Kabbalah. With a more open approach than others, relating to his definition of Judaism as being in recognition of the divine name, Abraham Abulafia’s prophetic Kabbalah was quite different both from other forms of Kabbalah and from traditional underst...
In his 1615 account of the Upper Guinea Coast Etiópia Menor e descripção géografica da Província da Serra Leoa , Portuguese priest Manual Alvares described at length the so-called “superstitions” of the Susu, Temne, and other inhabitants of the region which rendered the “Ethiopians” in need of the light of Christian intervention. According to Alvar...
Suffering is a problem addressed by many world religions. This paper examines the understanding of suffering in three religions: Catholic Christianity, Shia Islam, and Shakta Hinduism. In each of these cases, ordinary suffering is transformed into mystical sorrow, becoming a path to closeness and divine union. This transformation makes use of relig...
In the context of globalization, an increasing number of Chinese international students are pursuing higher education abroad, facing challenges such as language barriers, cultural clashes, and psychological isolation. Christian churches, with their unique social functions and cultural influence, have emerged as a key support for these students. Thi...
The study of Korean Protestantism can be traced back to the writings of missionaries in the late 19th century [...]
A partir de la publicación, en 2018, del libro póstumo de Michel Foucault, Las confesiones de la carne, dedicado a los padres de la Iglesia, se han sucedido varios estudios sobre esta temática por parte de los investigadores especializados en la obra del filósofo francés. Sin embargo, muy pocos de ellos lo han hecho desde la perspectiva de la patro...
O artigo explora a relação entre a Igreja e o Estado Democrático de Direito sob uma cosmovisão cristã, destacando a harmonia possível entre ambas as esferas. A Igreja, enquanto "comunidade da graça", tem missão evangelística e transformação espiritual, diferindo do papel coercitivo do Estado, cujo propósito é manter a ordem e promover justiça atrav...
The arabic and oriental book and manuscripts collection of the romanian scholar, priest and theologian Timotei Cipariu from Transylvania.
Letters are one of the most common forms of communication in people's daily lives. Activities related to letters are commonly referred to as correspondence. Duta Wacana Christian University Yogyakarta is one of the institutions where correspondence activities are still carried out for internal organizational purposes Initially, correspondence activ...
Ο άγιος απόστολος και ευαγγελιστής Μάρκος στην ελληνική λαϊκή θρησκευτική παράδοση
During the present study, the biodiversity profile of butterflies was assessed on the Bankura Christian College campus, a large area with a huge amount of trees, bushes, rain forest, and undisturbed areas within the urban areas of Bankura district of West Bengal, India.
Present study was carried out in Bankura Christian Colle...
This article proposes the concept of dissolution—in its threefold dimension as cessation, suffusion, and dissipation—as a heuristic analytical key for the study of (neo)Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity in Brazil. After introducing the main themes that will be developed in the discussion, the article presents ethnographic insights from the a...
Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved includes a namesake character representing both Christianity and African cosmology. Beloved is neither straightforwardly good nor evil but serves as a dualistic and spiritual symbol. Though one could interpret Morrison’s narrative to support a postmodern religious multiplicity of voices, the potentially problematic the...
The Christian message evokes the motif of abundant life for all. It is a summon to take seriously the holistic approach to life that has meaning and that is relational in all its expressions and manifestations. It is on this note that one has to appreciate the link between healthcare and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. Such a link is g...
High-risk fertility behaviour (HRFB) remains a significant public health concern in Nigeria, contributing to increase in maternal and child morbidity and mortality. The existence of HRFB presents significant barrier to accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals. The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence and contextua...
This FREE audiobook is available from Google Play Books. It retells the interesting story of a Chinese textbook written by a Catholic missionary in China for the use of aspiring Catholic missionaries to China, and printed by a Catholic mission press also in China for this same purpose. It would have been a simple and short tale, if not for the fact...
Holy war, a concept deeply rooted in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, has been a contentious and complex subject throughout history. This study evaluates holy war, also known as “just war” or “jihad,” and its profound impact on 21st-century Northern Nigerian society. The study adopts historical and exploratory methods to...
Examination of applying the pure love concept in the story of Shaikh Sanan and Salama Alqas اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻛﻮن اﻟﻤﺆﻟﻔﻮن اﻟﻤﺼﺪر اﻟﻌﺪد اﻟﻨﺎﴍ اﻟﻨﴩ ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ 2018-09-30 اﻟﻨﴩ دوﻟﺔ اﻟﻌﺮاق اﻟﺼﻔﺤﺎت ﻋﺪد 20 اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺨﺼﺼﺎت اﻟﻤﻠﺨﺺ EN This paper, as its title shows, is a comparison between Shaikh Sanan story and Salama Al-qas story. Examinat...
In Value and Virtue in in a Godless Universe, Weillenberg considers naturalism as an atheistic account of the universe. He first introduces the meaninglessness of life in the absence of God with four narrations and then challenges it with the help of three perspectives. He then takes up the ways of the ontological basis of morality on religion and...
In today's rapidly changing world, mental well-being is a critical aspect of human life. The complexities of modern living often lead to stress, anxiety, and disillusionment, compromising mental health. As holistic beings comprising body, soul, and spirit, achieving mental well-being cannot be separated from spiritual dimensions. This study explore...
„ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy“, gegründet 2019 als gemeinsamer Cluster der Universitäten Bonn und Köln, ist der einzige im Kern wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Exzellenzcluster in Deutschland. Seine Agenda zielt nicht ausschließlich auf Fortschritte in der akademischen Grundlagenforschung; diese sind conditio sine qua non. Der...
This article is a critical examination of the moral implication of prosperity preaching on the youth. The article recognises the reality of prosperity preaching among most Christian denominations, and highlights some of the factors that promote this non-Christocentric and false message of materialism. With a critical examination of some negative ef...
This brief article comes out from a meditation of actual interest since our world 7 is still confused ad in a suffering state. Why do not try to change something from the 8 human roots? 9 I wish to explain at my best the deep sense of a book, "Sun Tzu", the art of war, and the 10 principal prayer of Christianity, "Pater Noster". 11
El Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón es una obra clave para entender la vinculación de Lope de Vega con América. Por un lado, su posible fecha de composición (entre 1598 y 1603) nos sitúa en un período en el que el Fénix empezaba a difundir su producción dramática en los virreinatos. Por otro lado, es una de sus tres comedias conocidas co...
This article examines the dynamic relationship between the self and the spirit, with the aim of drawing implications for the practice of pastoral care within the context of Christian spirituality. I argue that pastoral care should integrate psychology and theology, with theology as the foundational framework and psychology providing essential suppo...
Durante la década de 1870, se vivió un proceso de transformación nacional a nivel político, social y cultural en donde corrientes ideológicas como la secularización, el liberalismo y el surgimiento de nuevos cultos religiosos ajenos a la Iglesia cristiana y católica, provocaron un choque de intereses, principalmente, entre aquellos del tipo tradici...
The Triune God is not indifferent to the human condition. This article, “The Trinitarian Koinōnia and Its Socio-Economic Implications,” intends to reflect on the inspiration and the critique of the Holy Trinity on human society. It aims at contributing to improving the socio-economic life of the last, the lost, and the least of society. Faith in th...
基督教四度入华,医疗传教都曾发挥重要作用。在新世纪以来的基督教研究中,医疗传教研究主要集中于以城市为中心的医疗传教历史梳理、以基督教为主体的医疗传教原因分析、以地区为视域的医疗传教实践和影响研究等方面。基于既有研究,还需加强医疗传教跨地区的整体性研究、以信仰主体为中心的研究、医疗与传教关系研究以及借医传教的基督教中国化研究。Christianity has entered China four times, with medical missions playing a significant role each time. Since the beginning of the new century, research on Christian medical missions has p...
The article explores ways of doing theology in a postmodern intellectual landscape. The authors claim that this requires a balance between the particularity of the Christ event and the universality of the mystery of God, which by necessity transgresses the limitations of individual perspectives. Relying upon the philosopher of religion Olli-Pekka V...
Teenagers at GKSI Sengkuang face similar struggles to teenagers in general. They are exposed to various influences that can weaken the foundations of their faith, such as unlimited access to social media, content that is not in line with Christian values, and relationships that are far from the principles of God's word. In situations like this, man...
The village of Mós was probably founded between the end of the 9 th century and the beginning of the 10 th. Integrated within the process of Christian reconquest, Mós was part of the set of castles and walled sites that benefited from a strategic position on the defensive line of the Douro River. During the construction of a stone wall to support t...
Espite the efforts of Christian theologians throughout the centuries exploring the meaning of being created in the image of God, the question of who the human person is and the implications of his/her being created in God’s image have remained religiously agonising. This study approached the subject by addressing the question: What do the scripture...
The ancient town of Ophis (Of), east of Trabzon on the Anatolian Black Sea coast was probably colonised by Greeks sometime after 400 BC. The Greeks probably had initially to remove the local Anatolian natives. After the Mithradates kingdom of Pontos (302–63 BC) and subsequently Roman and Eastern Roman (Byzantine) hegemony, it came under the control...
Kant’s philosophy of history is one of the best examples to trace the remains of certain theological concepts that emerged during the Christian tradition, which are secularized in order to shape a philosophical history. This process of secularization involves hidden causes through the weakening of the doctrinal truths of Christianism. These threats...
Following the sudden lockdown measures taken by governments all over the world due to COVID-19, churches, as well as other institutions, were caught unprepared to deal with the pandemic. This study was conducted when Zimbabwe was under Level 4 COVID-19 lockdown to investigate its impact on Christians and propose a framework for responding to future...
This video essay explores how lyrical language can serve as a gateway to teaching children about biodiversity and raising their awareness of the ongoing environmental crisis. The starting point is a hypothesis that poetry can offer a forgotten language for what we are on the verge of losing. The central question is how nature poetry can create an e...
The family is the main foundation in the social structure of society with a central role in strengthening the resilience of a country. The era of disruption, characterized by rapid social and economic change and great uncertainty, poses serious challenges to the family in maintaining its existence. This study aims to describe the significance of Ch...
In this short seminar paper, Fr. Ehusani reflects on contemporary humanity's ceaseless and excessive preoccupation with acquiring ever more wealth, power and pleasure, and how difficult it has become for many to pause for a moment to relish the "sacrament" of the present moment, and show gratitude for who they are, and what enormous gifts have been...
The reception of the so-called New Atheism in the 2000s in the intellectual community was harsh. Its main figures were accused of elaborating on a subject of which they were mostly ignorant. Criticism focused on the narrow way they described religion as a set of factual beliefs that compete with—and pale in the face of—modern science, instead of a...
It is commonly held that Christianity arose during the reign of Tiberius, around the year 30 CE. This paper proposes that the religion emerged some forty years later, initiated by a rumor that the Messiah had appeared in Judea about the time the Temple in Jerusalem was razed by the Romans. Arguments from analogy as well as theology are presented to...
International Conference and Call for Papers - Common Memory and Collective Forgiveness - Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) May 6-7 2025
The Center for Christianity and Society, part of the Faculty of Theology of the
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and the Confederation of
Businessmen Coparmex (Mexico), is organizing th...
Varje nummer av HYBRID innehåller, förutom originalartiklar, också tre beställda responser: en från någon verksam inom området akademi, en från någon verksam inom området kyrka och en från någon verksam inom området samhälle. Dessa responser är utformade som kortfattade reflektioner över något ur numrets artiklar som har särskild relevans för respe...
Despite international trends towards the academisation of education, VET has remained the dominant chosen pathway at the upper secondary level in Switzerland. To understand this phenomenon the chapter focuses on governance mechanisms in the process of institutionalising upper secondary education in Switzerland from the 1970s onwards. Referring to t...
Hospitality is missional in every aspect as it invites others to experience the redemptive experience and hospitality of God. And as Christians we believe that we are created and called to live in community both with God and others. This calls for hospitality to become one of our priorities to reach out to our neighborhoods. Hospitality to stranger...