Science topics: Chlorophyll b
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Chlorophyll b - Science topic
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Questions related to Chlorophyll b
The question is in another way.
What is the relationship between SPAD chlorophyll value and Chlorophyll a, b and total Chl?
For example, if the lettuce plant has high SAPD content value that means the Chlorophyll must be high?? or any relationship with other chlorophyll components??
Dear researchers,
I am currently helping one of my seniors in her experiment. And yesterday, we calculated the amounts of chlorophyll a and b. The results turn out that b is higher than a. We expected a would surely exceed the amount of b. So, I'd like to know in which conditions chlorophyll b can be higher than a. Please kindly answer my question. Thank you very much.
Does anyone know the appropriate equation for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b,total chlorophyll & carotenoids extracted by DMSO
I have used fresh leaves methods (1 g of the leaf tissues using 80% acetone) using these equations:
[Chl a (mg.g-1) = (13.95OD665−6.88OD649)V/200 W];
[Chl b (mg.g-1) = (24.96OD649− 7.32OD665)V/200W];
[Car. (mg.g-1) = (1000OD470−2.05Chl a−114.80Chl b) V/ (245×200 W)].
Where; Chl a– chlorophyll a, Chl b – chlorophyll b, Car. – carotenoid, V –volume, and W – sample weight.
what about dry leaves methods??
Hello! I am trying to extract chlorophylls from microalgae, and I would love to ask how can I separate chlorophyll a from chlorophyll b? I want to get each of them separately. Thank you in advance.
Hello. I've been working on photosynthesis pigment content in in vitro grown trees and was examining the formulas for determining the concentration of chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids based on absorbance, i.e. using a spectrophotometer. I've found various formulas, and even though they all share the same general design: concentration=coefficient1*adsorbance1-coeficeint2*adsorbance2, the coefficients differ among sources. I was curious as to the reason behind this. Is it due to the use of different equipment, i.e. every spectrophotometer is different, or something else? I'm new to this field, thus any help, directions to relevant introductory literature, articles, would be great.
I am performing UV/Vis spectroscopy using for pesticide effects on chlorophyll a and b. Chlorophyll a is having a tendency to bring about negative values. The absorptions are performed on three separate solutions from three different extractions of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b is giving positive results.
I estimate chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B as well as total chlorophyll is present in pointed gourd leaf sample per 100 gram but there were much variation for various sample.
I am cultivating my chlorella sorokiniana as heterotrophic. When the fermentation is ended the algaes are green. However, after some time (and not consistent time for each individual batch) the colour changes into brown. I've done pigments analysis which states that the chlorophyll a and b goes from around 25% for both down to 1% and the lutein goes from around 20% up to 50%. Overall, I wonder why my algaes are turning from green to brown? Also, why does the chlorophyll a and b goes down while the lutein goes up? Is it because of oxidation of chlorophyll a and b?
In regards, thanks.
please explain in which case the amount of chlorophyll a be less than chlorophyll b
I had measured values of chlorophyll a, b and total by using a spectrophotometer.
After calculation by the equation, the values of chlorophyll b showed the negative.
Can I use these values for the research?
I requirement to know the most trusty extractant for chlorophylls a and b.
What is the correlation between Chl a/ b ratio, Fv/Fm and ETR? please help me to understand.
chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b will always positively correlated?
photosystem I (in Stroma) or photosystem II (in Granna)?
chlorophyll a or chlorophyll b?
How does the growth conditions affect chlorophyll cycles? (both improved conditions and stress conditions)
Helo researchers.
I estimated chlorophyll content under heavy metal stress plant.
I have read in many papers that chlorophyll "a" value always double from chlorophyll "b".but if their is opposite situation so what does it means.I mean chlorophyll "a" is lower almost half of chlorophyll "b".
Like chlorophyll "a" value is 6.71mg/g where as chlorophyll "b" 13.14 mg/g.
so i need your scientific explanation and if any research paper support it please share.
I am doing study on Chlorophyll. The majority of the plant has higher Chl a than Chl b.
Dear everyone,
I have a question regarding calculations of chlorophyll extraction.
after different steps of the protocol and measurements of the photometer, I have these formulas to measure chlorophyll a,b and a+b:
Chlorophyll a (μg/ml) = ((12.7 *E663) - (2.69 *E645))*dilution factor
Chlorophyll b (μg/ml) = ((22.9 *E645) - (4.86 *E663))*dilution factor
Total chlorophyll (μg/ml) = ((20.2*E645) + (7.52 *E663))*dilution factor
*E=extinction value
Shouldn't there be another calculation afterwards with the material weight that I took (0.01 g) and the acetone weight used in different steps?
Thank you
Dear colleague,
Can you tell me if my calculations of chlorophyll and carotenoid content are correct, I used Arnon's equations for 80% acetone.
Chlorophyll a (mg/g) = [12.7 (A663) - 2.69 (A645)]*V/1000*W
Chlorophyll b (mg/g) = [22.9 A645) - 4.68 (A663)] *V/1000*W
Total chlorophyll (mg/g) = [20.2 (A645) + 8.02 (A663)] *V/1000*W
Carotenoid (mg/g) [A480+ (0.114 A663)-(0.638 A645)] *V/1000*W
With : V: final volume of chlorophyll extracted in 80% acetone; W: fresh weight of the algal powder used.
I am working in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. I should correlate chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b with each wavelength of hyperspectral. The blue and red band are exactly correlate with chlorophyll a but the green bad does not correlate with chlorophyll b. Help me.
Chlorophyll a ~ chlorophyll b ~ carotenoids
Is it possible that the content of chlorophyll "b" is greater than the content of chlorophyll "a"? Abiotic stress can lead to this? Anyone know any literature?
The Chlorophyll b pigment is found in Euglena gracilis algae which I want to study using fluorescence microscopy.
I have grown vicia plants and wanted to know the impact of osmotic stress on the ratio of chl a to chl b
We made a measurement on chlorophyll content for plants under sun and shade. We found that the shaded plants have less chlorophyll b.
This is in contrast to the theory where in shades, the LHCII are expanding in contrast to the reaction cores. Hence the chlorophyll b will be higher than chlorophyll a.
Please help. Thank you.
I have chlorophyll b standard purchased from company, however there no available information on its concentration. The standard is in liquid form.
Dear Colleagues
I am working on a spathe of an epiphyte plant, we saw no chlorophyll b in our samples. Do you know is it possible to have chl a while no chl b being detected?
We put our Chlamy cells under several stress conditions and we would like to have an idea on how the chlorophyll content is affected.
I determined the chlorophyll a and b content (mg g-1 F. wt.) with the method as described by Arnon (1949) by using the following formulae.
Chlorophyll a (mg/100 mL) = 0.999 A663- 0.0989A645
Chlorophyll b (mg/100 mL) = -0.328 A663 + 1.77 A645
But the value for chlorophyll b is greater than for chlorophyll a, I tried a few other equations but same trend is being observed.
I cut the fresh leaves into 0.5 cm segments and extract over night with 80% acetone at 10C.
I am writing here absorbance for 645nm: 0.64 and 663nm 0.70, kindly help me to resolve this issue.
Dear Colleagues, I am preparing a paper about Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b in the rosa species. Can anybody help me with the in the Different chlorophyll formulas ?
in the Different chlorophyll formulas The amount of Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the rosa species are different. How should I understand this difference?
why chlorophyll a is always heigher than chlorophyll b in plant cultivated under salt stress ?
Can any one tell me,
What is the the average chlorophyll and protein content of paddy leaves under normal condition?
1. Protein
2. Chlorophyll a , Chlorophyll b and Total chlorophyll (mg/g or mg/ml)
Under normal condition, What is the average protein & chlorophyll content (chl a, chl b & chl t in terms of mg/g or mg/ml ) of paddy leaves after 45 & 60 days of transplanting ?
Arnon's equations for 80% acetone is common in literature.
Can any one tell me the what is the average content of
- proline
- chlorophyll a
- chlorophyll b
- total chlorophyll
content in bougainvillea and nerium plants under normal conditions as well as stress conditions.........
- If u have any references also please attach it......
It is required apply some factor to the obtained data? The equations to calculate chl a, chl b and carotenoids could be the same as used for the determination of photosynthetic pigments in spectrophotometer?
So does anyone know among various chlorophyll traits (Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B, Total Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll A/B ratio), is there any one best trait that can be used for measuring drought or heat
I want to know the most reliable extractant for chlorophylls a and b.
I want to use it in ATK Quantum wise.