Science topics: Political ScienceChile
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Chile - Science topic

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Questions related to Chile
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
Dear all,
I need the collaboration of native speakers of English around the Maule, Ñuble, Bio-Bio, Metropolitan or O'Higgins regions (Chile) as participants in my PhD. thesis. The participants will be asked to listen to and type recorded words uttered by Chilean EFL trainee teachers. The data collection could also be carried out online, but it would require the installation of computer software on the participants' PCs and copying some files.
Thanks in advance.
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I hoped to help you, but, the English is a third language for me. But if you think I can help you, It's Ok
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
This is a methodological discussion on Lithium, which I pose in form of three open questions: 1) Who to trust when it comes to lithium reserves? Usually It is assumed that there are still no International certification processes but rather evaluations by some National Geological Agencies. Considering that we could be talking about a real sensitive issue, is it possible to imagine other reliable sources? 2) How to determine, rigorously, the commercial value of lithium and its evolution over time? Some apps and/or specialized webs calculate the price of lithium carbonate, even in a clic, although it is difficult to determine where there is exactly negotiated. Are there reliable alternatives? 3) How to calculate, prospectively, the strategic value of lithium? I'm afraid that some forward-looking calculations are excessively linear. Considering the uncertain environment,, is itn't possible to think in a some kind of a correction factor? I have some ideas but I would like to hear your qualified voices Thank you very much
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Thank you, Ali but that exactly do you mean?
In fact that is precisely the problem I raise with my questions. Searching for "Lithium Resource in the world" seems referring me to Google? Mmmm
Anyway, I google and the system answers me: "According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there are 98 million metric tons of Lithium resources across the globe with the largest portion of these resources (53%) located in three South American countries" etc. Mmmmm
If I filter answers in search of more consistent results there is an inflation of primary and secondary data intertwined, where it's also complicated to distinguish between national and commercial interests
Related to the Lithium value, even pulling the financial thread it is not easy to determine its real market value and how it has evolved over time. Google, in this case, highlights a specialized website that don't provide any real source
Actually, this is a typical commodities problem, I know, but I wonder if there are some reliable estimation models that have already been proposed/constructed
Thank you again
  • asked a question related to Chile
1 answer
Hi all, here in Chile we are facing a brutal shortage of consumables of Merck-Sigma-Millipore, specially after the fusion of Merck with Sigma and the pandemia, anyway the thing is that ultra filters from Millipore are taking 6 to 8 months to reach us! and we base many of our projects in ultrafiltration. The question es: do you know of a reliable (trsutable) substitutes for Amicon ultrafilters? Gracias
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A search for "Ultrafiltration Suppliers" yields numerous other manufacturers. One summary version is here:
The issue is more likely to be one of logistics in your case. If the established provider (Millipore) is having difficulty getting their products to you in a timely fashion, other suppliers may not have any better results.
However, you might find one of the alternative producers closer to home or with available stock nearby
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Chile
1 answer
Hi, for a study I'm doing I need to get a view about the IO of the freight railroads transportation sector in Chile. Let me give you a bit of background. I'm just concern about the Railroad public company EFE (Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado) network, located in the center southen part of the country. There are two private freight operators which pay access charges established in two separate but equal acces contracts, which are regulated by EFE, a part of the contract) that follow the typical natural monopoly regulated price structure (a fix charge for right of using the rails, a variable chage in terms of kilometers of network usage and a variable charge in terms of volumes transported (TKBC, gross tons kilometers). In euros of 2014 per 1.000 gross tonnes, Chile's vharges (4 euros) was the fifth more expensive access charge compared to a large pool of european countries, and since then access charges has gone up and are currently in 5 euros per 1.000 gross tonnes. Although there are only two freight operators (yet it is open to more but have had no entrance since 2000, EFE operates only in the passenger segment) it is a very contestable market (trucks competition is ample and benefited from indirect government support). How would you be modelling a market like that? Bilateral monopoly with different bargainning powers? Natural Monopoly waters down and duopoly waters up (they curretly compete only in a fraction of the network but potentially all over)? or local monopolies water up? To add more complexity one of the freigth operators is vertically integrated with one important maritime port, and prevents competition from the other around that area. What reference you advice me? I need something simple, it is a study that is aimed at providing policy insight based on understanding the sector's IO, not on publishing an academic paper. Thank you in advance.
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Isn't the freight railroad sector over regulated ? Why does the EFE do so much price fixation i.e., not only access charges but also frieght charges. Maybe a way to go is first deregulate the freight prices the service providers post and for instance allow price dsicrimination say between grain and coal This sort of competition may induce new entry and reduce price.
  • asked a question related to Chile
6 answers
I did a cross-cultural study between Spain and Chile. The reviewers ask me to justify this selection. How would you do to justify it?
Thank you very much
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All depends on the purpose of the study. However, just because you have access to data from that country is also a valid justification, in some cases.
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
Reviewing some samples of marine fouling from Seno Reloncavi, Puerto Montt, southern Chile. I need help with the identification of this organisms.
Brown-yellow color, shiny and inside it had epiphytes. In addition to amphipods in its structure.
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The lower image clearly shows hydrozoan polyps.
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
I would like to discuss corruption and abuse within research and academia. I think many of us have suffered some kind of abuse or have been victims of corruption in research.
I would specifically like to share my experience with my master's thesis guide. She forced me to issue fee slips, where she told me to keep a fifth of the value and to deposit the rest of the money to her personal bank account. This money corresponded to the financial item destined to a research assistant, which in this case would be me. I found this practice very dubious, so I discussed this matter with her in person. When I discussed the matter with her, she got angry and told me that she had had to do that because there were some GPS that she had not been able to submit this expense for the project, because she had to buy them abroad. This seemed very strange to me, because after talking to colleagues who have worked on research projects in Chile, they told me that it is possible to submit expenses of this type of items. In spite of all this, I continued with my thesis, since I had already had two previous thesis themes that I could not continue to develop, for different reasons.
To my surprise, my guiding professor did not show up neither to my preliminary project defense, nor to my thesis defense. In addition, she told me that I should write my thesis in English (my native language is Spanish), since we had reached an agreement to publish my thesis in a scientific journal, and that if I did not write my thesis in English she would no longer be my thesis advisor. After I graduated from my master's degree, she told me that I had to do some extra analysis of my data in order to be able to publish my thesis. I told her that it was complicated for me, because I did not have a scholarship, and I had to start working to pay bills and other expenses. However, she threatened me that if I did not agree to do these new analyses, she would be obliged to publish my thesis by herself, and that we would have to "discuss later" the order of the co-authors of the manuscript, and it was likely that I would not be the main author. After this, I did not want to give away my work to her, so I did the extra analyses and worked as hard as possible to be able to publish the manuscript, working in parallel as an environmental consultant in order to finance my living expenses.
After publishing my thesis in a scientific journal, I reported my thesis advisor to the National Agency for Research and Development of Chile (ANID), because after talking to a friend that is a lawyer, he told me that what my thesis advisor was committing a crime: the illegal appropriation of public funds. Since the research project of which she was Principal Investigator was funded by the ANID (a Chilean government agency).
After this, I was contacted by a professor from the Universidad de Magallanes, which is the university where this professor who was my thesis advisor works. They did an online interview with me, and told me that they were conducting an investigation regarding my thesis advisor's complaint, and that if there was sufficient background, they would do a summary.
In January 2022, I wrote an email to find out if anything had happened regarding the investigation they have done on my thesis advisor, to which they replied that the process is not yet concluded. It has been 11 months since I was interviewed and more than a year since I made the complaint, and there is still no clear answer about the status of the investigation. This is really frustrating, as I had to go through both financial and emotional hardship due to this situation. It is unfortunate that these things happen in research and academia. However, I think it is very important that we begin to report these unethical and downright illegal practices, so that they do not happen again. I hope that my experience will help someone who is in the same situation and help them to make the decision to report this type of bad practices.
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Does your university has an ethics commission or an ombudsperson? You should consult with them.
Here are two general discussions about scientific misconduct:
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
To be sincere, I do not know if I can write this here, but I will try.
Some time ago, I have been working in order to understand and identify the drivers behind Land Concentration in Chile. Even though I have made progress, I am looking for a quantitative expert as a coauthor today.
The principal issue will elaborate an econometric model using the data collected.
If someone is interested just let me know.
All the best
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What type of data do you have?
Crossectional or longitudinal?
  • asked a question related to Chile
15 answers
A colleague is interested in the problem of mega-fires. If there are scientific papers for the United States, Australia or France, there is little research for South America. In France, a mega fire can be identified from 1,000 ha, in the United States or Australia from 10,000 ha.
Are there any studies in South America (e.g. Chile)?
Are there objective criteria for defining a mega fire?
Many thanks!
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Nicolas Maestripieri The answer to your question is here:
"definition of megafire as fires > 10,000 ha arising from single or multiple related ignition events. We introduce two additional terms – gigafire (> 100,000 ha) and terafire (> 1,000,000 ha) – for fires of an even larger scale than megafires."
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
I am currently developing a SDM for an invasive plant (Ulex europaeus) in Chile. I have 60 occurence points from the GBIF database and additional 40 occurence points placed by myself based on google earth satellite images. I developed four models: three models with 60 occurence points and different bias sampling methods (random background, target group sampling and presence thinning) and one model with all 100 occurence points (and random background). My idea is that the google earth analysis offsets the sample bias. To proove that I need to compare my models. Therefore, I use the continous boyce index.
The question I have now: Is it possible to compare the evaluation metrics of two models built with partly different occurence localities?
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Thank you for your contribution. However, I wont include a model with the 40 presences because that would not help to answer my research question if adding occurence points based on satellite images can offset the sample bias.
  • asked a question related to Chile
5 answers
Hello everyone,
I am working on a project on maximization of water system performance in a river basin in Chile.
Now, I am looking for streamfow data for hydroelectricity production in the Laja river baisn. Could anyone please suggest a good source to download this data from year 1980 to 2010? Also, I am looking for turbine flow data for the same period.
Thank you in advance.
  • asked a question related to Chile
8 answers
Hello all,
I am working on a WEAP model in a mountainous region in Chile. For this, I need data for snow accumulation gauge. The snow water equivalent data [mm] can be downloaded from the website in .hdf format. Can anyone please suggest me a way to convert the .hdf file to a csv file for WEAP? Is there other way to extract SWE in csv format like AppEEARS?
Thank you!
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You can do it in ArcGIS. Watch for some tutorials on Youtube, e.g., this one below.
Further, I feel Dr.
Majid Farooq
may also guide you further in this if youtube is not able to solve your problem
Best of luck.
  • asked a question related to Chile
6 answers
Hello everyone,
I am currently working on my masters thesis to maximize water system performance in the Chilean Laja River basin under climate change. I need historical observed data for streamflow of the rivers Tucapel and Puente Perales. Similarly, I need snow accumulation data for the basin as well.
Could someone please kindly suggest, where/how I could find these data? Has anyone downloaded these data from internet. I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Thank you in advance!
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Dear Asmita Subedi , maybe you can find you the data you are looking for in the CR2 database:
  • asked a question related to Chile
5 answers
We've been writting to epsteineducation with no answer. Need delivey to Chile. Thanks for any info you can provide.
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
Hay dos pasantes que vuelven este fin de semana a Madrid, Marta y Lucia. ¿Tienes un grupo de Facebook para ex pasantes en Santiago de Chile?
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Muchas disculpas. No vi sus mensajes. No hay un grupo, pero quedo a la disposición si es necesario
  • asked a question related to Chile
5 answers
I need to classify a group of participants according to their English language proficiency level. If anyone in Chile had a placement test I could borrow, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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  • asked a question related to Chile
8 answers
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to participate in a study that we are running together with the Federico Santa Maria Technical University (Valparaíso, Chile), the University of Concepción (Chile), the University of Valparaíso (Chile) and The Ohio State University (United States).
For this reason, I would like to ask for your help in answering this survey, which is aimed at:
- Professionals from any discipline.
- With at least one years’ experience in the professional field.
The project was initially considered for Chile, but now it will be extended to English speaking people worldwide.
The survey will take you no more than 15 minutes. This is its link:
It comprises two parts:
1) the first one asks about previous experience in design and co-creation activities, and
2) the second asks about the role of interprofessional work in specific situations involving the elderly.
Please, if you have never taken part in design activities, co-creation activities, or those related to the elderly, do answer the survey because this information is also very valuable for us.
I would also ask that you pass this survey on your colleagues, friends, and acquaintances because I am a little cut off in the academic world, and the idea is to cover the population in general.
If you can’t or don’t want to do so, I understand. For those who can, I truly thank you.
Thank you very much for your time!
Juan Carlos Briede-Westermeyer Ph.D.
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Dear Aditi, thank you very much!
  • asked a question related to Chile
4 answers
The distribution of daily PM2.5 concentration (hourly) is bimodal in the city of Coyhaique (South of Chile). Coyhaique is the city more polluted by particulate matter accord the WHO. The major source of emission is the burning wood used for cooking and heating, principally at the night. The health risk estimation using longitudinal models could be biassed using the arithmetic mean each 24hrs as an exposure variable. Exist another function for PM2.5 different from the arithmetic mean?.
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For ambient air quality data, log normal distributions are commonly used for some of the reasons you are concerned with. In many cases, in my opinion, the mode may be a more conservative measure risk and exposure analyses. Unfortunately I do not have references to peer reviewed work comparing the errors of one or the parameter used.
  • asked a question related to Chile
8 answers
I am studying the prevalence of SARS-Cov-2 in a tertiary hospital in Santiago de Chile, my first data report an 11% prevalence in a highly complex hospital in the northern area of ​​Santiago. (Pre-print study)
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It is basically a case study report depending on residential country for real life experiance .
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
Hi there,
I'm looking for one or several documents from a trustworthy source that describe the impacts of the 2017 wildfires on the water supply of Chilean municipalities, Santiago in particular. Documents in Spanish, French, or English are fine (I mean, I understand them :-))).
Thanks for your help.
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Merci Nico! Je vais checker avec Alex.
  • asked a question related to Chile
9 answers
My PhD includes a remote sensing survey of the Atacama Desert using freely available satellite imagery to detect archaeological sites. So far, I have not found any source of historical aerial photography for my area of study.
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Hi Adrian,
Maybe interesting sources of High Res imagery are:
Google Earth
Zoom Earth gives near real-time High Res imagery for Northern Chile from 1999 till now. That's a 21 years time-lapse. Maybe that's enough for your multi-temporal study. You can apply different techniques to find urban land-use changes for Northern Chile.
You can use Google Earth to find the exact geolocations of places which show strong land-use changes at street level.
  • asked a question related to Chile
8 answers
Dear RG community, I am wondering:
  • How astronomic/astrophysics (A&A) teams are being assembled nowadays with data science in mind?
  • Is deep learning having a crucial role in processing data powered by high tech astronomy?
  • How countries where thousands of astronomical observations are made, participate in data science A&A projects?
  • How big data transform A&A discoveries.
Thank you all for participating, following and reading this discussion.
Screenshots for the thread powered by NASA images.
Thread upgrade: May 2020:
A year ago, I peer-reviewed a paper on the subject, it was about Chile role in data science collecting, since Chile grounds major observatories, it becomes a state policy to endure its participation. Then, I became a reader on the subject.
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Dear thread participants, I provide a external link about Data-Driven astronomy.
Quoting [1] "...Data-Driven Astronomy (DDA) is the production of astronomical knowledge based on archival data sets. DDA is similar to industrial data science in that the data sets are not taken with the experiment in mind, but rather are a byproduct of other processes or investigations..."
  • asked a question related to Chile
19 answers
Dear community
Different models of these chambers have been installed in many countries in order to combat COVID 19. In South-America, such as Peru and Chile, mobile disinfection chambers have also been built. However, the respective health authorities have pronounced about it claiming that these chambers are not adequate, may harm people skin among other things, and may promote the infection at a faster rate. Finally, they added there is no evidence about their effectiveness. In contrast, countries such as China and Vietnam are promoting their use. What do you think?
Thank you for your opinion in advance.
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Early studies at the laboratory level had shown that the virus can survive for a long time on different surfaces. I think this was the motivation behind these disinfection chambers. However, these laboratory conditions have nothing to do with reality: in the city of Heinsberg / Germany, many surface tests were taken in the homes of infected people and, despite finding the genetic material of the virus, it was no longer capable of reproducing. As these chambers are installed outdoors, where it is even more difficult for the virus to survive, I think they are totally useless.
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
I am doing research in confined masonry field where i need different western masonry building codes. If any one has access to them please share.
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I found the following link useful:
  • asked a question related to Chile
7 answers
I am looking for information/articles about the development of this sector in Chile; the abandoned sites; the economic exploitation of the area...
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I went to read a bit about Sewell and now I understand it was part of the development of El Teniente.
I'm guessing you will focus on the environmental or social aspects of the "regeneration"? If so, some of the prior suggestions are very geologically oriented and perhaps not applicable. Surely Codelco should have some archives that might be one source to investigate. But you will need other points of view.
If you confirm the orientation of your interest more specifically, you will get more useful feedback. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Chile
9 answers
The complexity is raised as an important question of how to implement it in the curriculum of the medical schools of Chile and the world
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Some work I did a few years ago for the Health Foundation in the UK suggested that reframing medical education and professional learnign in terms of various habits of mind (one of which is systems thinking) it can help
Hope this gets you thinking helpfully!
  • asked a question related to Chile
1 answer
Estamos trabajando sobre la migración de la especie en el norte de Argentina, especialmente números de aves migrantes hacia el norte
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I wish I had what I was looking for but I had no good luck
  • asked a question related to Chile
27 answers
Dear all,
I would like to know your opinion about travelling by plane to go to conferences and actually the whole idea of having conferences where everybody in the world meet to learn what is going on.
I am very concerned as just some weeks ago I learnt that Greta Thurnberg decided to come to Chile BY SHIP to attend the COP25. After that I realized my already scheduled trip from Chile to an european country equaled 10 years of using my bike instead of driving my car.
In this context the question arises of should we scientist be promoting global meetings? How we can reduce our share? Should we make them more regional? How we engage more regions of the world that need to advance more in science and/or the ones that need more development and sustainable solutions but at the same time make the whole process more sustainable?
Personally, I feel I should not travel by plane any more, but it is a kind of selfish solution as I already had an important international experience. How we can provide that experience without large emissions or trying to avoid plane flights? I imagine that in some situations it is better that 1 person travels than 100, particularly if that 1 person can engage people to find solutions in the long term. Although in the same line I think I read James Hansen also decided not to travel at all by plane even though he would very likely be that 1 person.
I hope you take a minute to comment. I really think all scientific societies should take this question seriously.
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University of California, Santa Barbara, home to 2,749 academic staff and 25,976 students (Fall 2018), regularly calculates the size of its carbon footprint. (The assessment includes the immediate campus and the facilities and activities that support it, including campus housing, as well as the vehicle fleet.) The university has discovered that roughly one third of its carbon footprint comes from faculty and staff flying to conferences, talks, and meetings, equal to the total annual carbon footprint of a city of 27,500 people in the Philippines.
  • Experiment with virtual platforms;
  • Organize regional hub conferences;
  • Hold fewer conferences;
  • Hold conferences in airport hubs;
  • Limit overseas conferences;
  • Experiment with coordinating conference timing;
  • Invite speakers to give talks remotely;
  • Invite fewer distant speakers and ask for more work from each one;
  • Focus on making a single flight serve multiple purposes;
  • Build carbon offsets into the funding of conferences;
  • Minimize the carbon impacts of the conference itself;
  • Envision new ways to build community online;
  • Convene online reading or discussion groups; and
  • Make best use of the setting.
  • asked a question related to Chile
4 answers
Dear community,
I've been studying drug consumption and health events in Chile on individual-based approach from mutiple 7-year span datasets, so I want to publish a research protocol of my project, in terms of context, objetctives, methods, funding, ethics, analysis plan, etc. However, I found that many of the journals that publish protocols are mainly focused on clinical trials, so do you know journals that publish protocols of empirical studies based on administrative data?
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For methodological and data publications you can check the journal Data in Brief (Scopus Q2)
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
Comparing the recent reforms undertaken in the health sector by the governments of Argentina, on the one hand, and Chile on the other and to evaluate the role played by politics in these choices thru the different implementation of the digital revolution in the last decades.
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Thank you very much for your help. We have tried to get informations from health ministery and their digital branches of both countries about the development of digitization and the impact to it (more tv or mobile phones or pc oriented) and how the sensibilization campaigns about health programs were perceived (including the reactions) from the population but had no reply. In the end it would be enough for us to be able to get data from some dataset so that we can combine them but at the moment nobody from the latin american's establishment seems interested or have time to help us doing a job that could be useful for them too. Will try again to contact the addresses (Chile) and somebody from the National Director office of Health Information Systems in Argentina (got them after long researches) that at the moment did not reply to my mails. If you have any info or more hints that could help us please let me know. Thanks again. You have been very kind to contact me. Have a nice day
  • asked a question related to Chile
8 answers
I refer to air pollution in the city of Santiago, which also has poor ventilation.
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Hi Marcelo. Sound like you're interested in both impact from particles and carbon dioxide. Particles have local effects in contrast to CO2 and are a concern for employees and other projects have also studied this, e.g.
  • asked a question related to Chile
4 answers
DNA now and archaeology shows a movement from the southern part of South America to Meso-America and long before it could have been possible for them to come from the north. Cocoa is three thousand older in Bolivia than among the Maya for one example. And of course Cape Verde in Chile.
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As I understand it, the oldest dating of Monte Verde that surely shows human presence is from 14,500 to 18,500 cal BP. The older dates (33,000) are still not sure or even questioned. Please see here:
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
El contexto STEM se especifica porque en estas áreas la matrícula de educación superior de mujeres es menor que de hombres, en Chile.
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  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
Hello everyone, I'm looking for some sources to write my thesis. The topic will be the role of the Catholic Church in Chile in 1973 with respect to the ruling power and the military. I'm interested in understanding whether and how the local Church was involved in the preparation of the coup and how it reacted afterwards. Thank you very much for your attention!
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This paper may be interesting for your research:
  • asked a question related to Chile
1 answer
Climate change should have the potential impact on the fruit productivity in temperate regions
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Thanks a lot sir
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
Does anyone know of any international seminar or international conference, where can I present my Phytostabilization Project for a tailings dam in Copiapó, Chile?
The species used in the dam was Schinus polygamus.
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You can find the list of conferences held in the world on this site.
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
Hi colleages,
I am correcting a points in my manuscript in revision process.
i have a doubt about the n that i need to report in my table.
The data is the National health survey from Chile, but one of the problems with this data is strata is not specificed in the data and it is impossible to obtain.
For this reason, i am using this sintaxis in STATA to consider survey design in the results:
svyset _n [pweight=FEXP1], vce(linearized) singleunit(missing)
svy linearized : tabulate stress_financ Depression_1, count column
the results i obtaind with this syntaxsis are expanded, but i was thinking is better to report weighted but not expanded (how i can do it in STATA?) .
Or should i simply report raw "n"? I think this last option could be the best because readers could estimated power analysis or consider the real validity of result. For example, in this data two men are houseworkers and they had depressive episode.
Thanks for advice, whatever recommendations or reference about this issue.
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Hi sir
If u cant get the the exact data you can made exploratory resarch works from different strata in your survey in order to approximate in your results
  • asked a question related to Chile
27 answers
Special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean (Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana)
Heads up! We are intending to publish a special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (BSGM, The BSGM is a completely free access semi-annual journal, the oldest strictly peer-reviewed journal on Earth Sciences in Mexico and one of the oldest in Latin America, and is included in the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, SciELO, Scopus, and in many other instruments. We do not aim to restrict our scope to any type of deposits or type of studies, and all contributions related to the formation of mineral deposits in Latin America, the Caribbean or conterminous regions are most welcome, from the regional to the mineral-association scales of observation and analysis. Both original research papers and original thematic reviews are welcome as either full-length papers or short notes. Both Industry and Academia authors are encouraged to submit their contributions. Contributions focused on mineral deposits from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Rep. are so far lined up! The guest editors to this special issue are · Joaquín A. Proenza (Universitat de Barcelona), · Lisard Torró (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and · Carl E. Nelson (Recursos del Caribe S.A.). All inquiries associated with this special issue or the journal itself are be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the BSGM (Antoni Camprubí, Contributions can be written in either English or Spanish, and must adhere to our instructions to authors ( We apply no restrictions with regard to number of pages, number of figures or tables (other than those determined by our valued scientific reviewers), and we do not charge for coloured figures of for any other matter. First, we need to have a precise idea of how many contributions can be effectively expected for this call for papers; therefore, we need the interested contributors to kindly provide a tentative title, a list of authors (with their institution names and contact emails), and a 300-word synopsis of their intended contributions. Important dates: · November 3, 2018: deadline for submittal of tentative title, author list and synopsis. · May 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of original manuscripts · August 31, 2019: deadline for all revisions by peers of submitted manuscripts. · October 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of revised manuscripts. · April 30, 2020: deadline for online publication of all accepted contributions. The dates above are only tentative and may be corrected depending on the amount of contributions to this issue. Any changes in schedule will be notified to all contributors as soon as necessary. Do not hesitate to forward this message to any colleagues you may consider to have a potential interest in this special issue. We will surely be most grateful to you for your help in disseminating this information.
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It is all about mineral deposits of any type in Latin America and the Caribbean and that is the only restriction we have thought of. One may send contributions at any scale of study regardless of their focus, whether it is mineralogy, the characteristics of mineralizing fluids (or their sources), timing of mineralization, local metallogeny, regional metallogeny, etc. Or all the above at once.
  • asked a question related to Chile
2 answers
I just received from ILL the paper below, but without figures. I will appreciate if you could send me the figures. Thank you!
Hustedt, F. (1927). Fossile Bacillariaceen aus dem Loa-Becken in der Atacama-Wüste, Chile. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 18(2): 224-251, pls 7-9.
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Species Achnanthes chilensis Hustedt, 1927 † (unassessed)
Synonymised names
Planothidium chilense (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot, 1999 †· accepted, alternate representation
You can access World Register of Marine Species at:
The following figures are for the type species P. lanceolatum as Lewis stated that previously, Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Chile
4 answers
We are interested in comparing patterns of plant species richness and endemism on geologically recent calcareous, coastal dunes in Mediterranean climate regions. Data are readily available for the Mediterranean Basin, the Cape, California, and South-Western Australia, but are sparse and difficult to access for central Chile. A key paper by Alexander Kohler was published in 1970 (citation below), but I have been unable to retrieve a copy thus far. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions of other data sources.
Kohler, A., 1970. Geobotanische Untersuchungen an Küstendünen Chiles zwischen 27 und 42 Grad südliche Breite. Bot. Jahrb. 90: 55-200.
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Hi ADrian:
I am afraid there is no a simple answer to the question, and you must dive in several papers and book chapters, many of them in spanish (english abstracts).
Some papers, available in internet, are:
ltalo Serey, Cecilia Sillard, N. Pizarro & J. Rodríguez. 1976. Diversidad de la vegetacion de dunas de Concon. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural Valparaíso, 9: 23-28.
R. Caldichoury. 2000. Analisis de la Vegetación en Cronosecuencias Dunares Campo de Dunas Santo Domingo - El Yali. Investigaciones Geográficas, Chile, 34: 17-28.
Sebastián Teillier & Jorge Macaya-Berti. 2018. Cinco Nuevas Especies de Chorizanthe (Polygonaceae—Eriogonoideae) del Norte de Chile. Novon, Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 26(1):37-52.
Mary T. Kalin Arroyo, Paul H. Zedler, & Marilyn D. Fox (Editors). 1995. Ecology and Biogeography of Mediterranean Ecosystems in Chile, California, and Australia. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Also look for the works of Julio Gutierrez and Francisco Squeo from University of La Serena, specially the Red Books (Libros Rojos) with information on the plant species for three arid regions in Northern Chile:
  • asked a question related to Chile
5 answers
I want to examinate intraspecific variation in Phellinus sp. and its relationship with other members of the Hymenochaetaceae family.
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The ITS region is generally a good marker for differentiating species. However, the intraspecific variation might not be enough and it is not phylogenetically conserved.
If you plan to do any phylogeny at family level as you mention, I wouldn't recommend it, at least not by itself. The D1-D2 or D1-D3 sections of the LSU have been used more and more in the last years for being more variable than the SSU, but unlike the ITS is more phylogenetically consistent. Otherwise, the EF or alpha-tubulin might do, but I have no experience with them so I can't tell you for sure.
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
I´m student PhD in biocontrol pest in Universidad Católica de Chile, so I am interested in applying! Thks
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Dear Solange Benitez
Possibly, you want to do your project about biological control against pest... but, it is necessary to mention what kind of pest you like to work with and what bio-agent you are interesting to apply?
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Chile
3 answers
I had a research to do about the suprimes crises and his impact on Chile, so i have to research if the chile receive any financing external help?
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  • asked a question related to Chile
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Hello, I´m currently working in Fraunhofer Chile Research developing new natural supplements for the aquaculture industry under DISCO project "High Value Plant Products – From discovery to final product" ( 
I would be very appreciated if you can answer a short survey focused on Willingness-to-pay and Willingness-to-accept. Just let me know if are willing to participate and I send you the survey. Do not hesitate if you have any question or comments.
Best regards,
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I would be interested in the products and also participate in the project. Send to
  • asked a question related to Chile
4 answers
I'm working in my thesis to explore personality traits and cultural values as moderators of early adoption behavior of Startup's Innovations in Chile. Although there are plenty literature regarding a relationship, I haven't been able to find consolidated instruments or methodologies to recognize these aspects in early adopters.
Thank you
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Thank you Marco for your input.
The attached paper is helpful to framming the Start-up context, althogh the search continues on consumer behavior related to what authors like Rogers and Blank described as particulary behavoirs that distigush Early Adopter from regular consumer.
  • asked a question related to Chile
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This is to extend the work done by Dr. Saiz and myself several years ago.
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Téllez, C., Galleguillos, T., Aliaga, A., & Silva, C. (2006). Seasonal variation of sexual abuse in Santiago de Chile. Psychopathology, 39, 69-74.
Ceccato, V. (2005). Homicide in San Paulo, Brazil: assessing spatial-temporal and weather variations. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25, 307-321.