Science topics: Chemistry
Science topic
Chemistry - Science topic
Chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds.
Publications related to Chemistry (10,000)
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Join Us in Shaping the Future of AI in Chemical Analysis!!
CALL FOR CHAPTERS for the book “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Analysis”, to be published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
A novel method for synthesizing carbon-containing graphene
nanosheets (CCG) from corn cob (CC) waste was developed.
Resumo As atividades de mariscagem e malacocultura produzem uma grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos compostos por conchas marinhas. O impacto ambiental do descarte inadequado pode ser atenuado com estratégias de reaproveitamento. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a viabilidade do uso de resíduo de conchas marinhas com substituintes parciais...
Este estudio examina los sistemas de propulsión química empleados por em-presas líderes en el sector de micro lanzadores espaciales. Se presenta una lista detallada de empresas, sus respectivas tecnologías de propulsión y una explicación de los compuestos químicos utilizados, como LOX, RP-1, metano líquido, y otros. Este análisis destaca las propie...
This study aimed to present a step-by-step procedure on how to develop and validate Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) for Senior Secondary Two (SS2) students. In this study, two hundred and fifty (250) SS2 students offering Chemistry were used for the trial-testing of 80 objective test items developed. The sample size used for establishing...
Photoswitchable imines demonstrate light‐dependent dynamic covalent chemistry and can function as molecular ratchets. However, the design of aryliminopyrazoles (AIPs) has been limited to N‐pyrazole derivatives with ortho‐pyrrolidine motifs. The impact of other functionalization patterns on the photoswitching properties remains unknown. Here, we pre...
Resumo: Com o objetivo de compreender as concepções de Química de alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola privada, foi realizada uma atividade no primeiro dia de aula, que consistiu em um texto com a seguinte inquietação "O que vem na sua mente quando se fala em química?". Os dados foram analisados por meio da metodologia de análise de...
Numerous studies have delved into the application of augmented reality (AR) in chemistry education, focusing on specific topics, equipment requirements, and advantages. However, there remains a notable dearth of research examining the evolutionary characteristics of AR in this context. This study, employing bibliometric analysis on 66 articles span...
Optical Nanomaterials for Biomedical and Environmental Applications
The article describes the practical implementation of the course titled “Good Chemistry: Methodological, Ethical, and Social Implications” available on the EuChemS e-learning platform. This MOOC course has been used in various ways at several European universities and through blended learning at Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland), which is...
Resumo O atomismo é indispensável para a química moderna, carregando diversos aspectos epistemológicos e históricos de tal ciência. No ensino, o conceito de átomo permeia os currículos de maneira transversal, sendo abordado diretamente no conteúdo de modelos atômicos. Tendo isso em vista, esse artigo apresenta uma análise qualitativa do modelo atôm...
College-level introductory chemistry has a high impact for predicting students’ early success and long-term academic outcomes. Students from traditionally underserved communities are disproportionately held back in this course. To improve student success, the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program at a public four-year Hispanic-serving institution w...
Apresentação realizada como projeto final da disciplina de Ciência Computacional de Materiais e Química, ministrada pelo professor Juarez L. F. Da Silva.
Este trabalho consiste em uma introdução a simulação de bulks e superfícies utilizando DFT e VASP.
Este artículo explora la integración de conceptos de alquimia y química moderna en los arquetipos de la corte del tarot, centrando el análisis en el equilibrio ácido-base y su correspondencia con las figuras del tarot. En este enfoque, los Reyes y Caballeros representan ácidos y bases, los cuales, al encontrarse, se neutralizan para formar sales y...
MXene and MBene, with diverse and adjustable surface and bulk structures, show many unique chemical properties and are applied in various energy storage technologies, and the latest developments for them are reviewed respectively. However, the current reports on the synthesis of the two materials and the application of related devices are still sep...
The transformation of CO2 into chemical building blocks for various industries is considered a key technology in a net-zero energy future. To realize this, plasma discharges are one of the most promising approaches thanks to their electron-driven reactions and high operational flexibility. Most studies focused on room-temperature and vibrationally-...;
Crocus sativus L.;
biological targets;
therapeutic approaches;
This research purposes, a new area of research in economics, it is called Econochemistry. Econochemistry is using models and experiments from chemistry in economics. This new research field in economics can help to understand complex and dynamic economic phenomena from a Chemistry point of view. Chemistry offers so much to economics and finance. He...
Many pupils who study chemistry in Scotland and intend to progress to university undertake a final capstone practical research project as part of their Advanced Higher chemistry qualification. This project work was suspended for several years due to COVID-19, then reintroduced in 2023/24. We surveyed 47 Scottish teachers during this first project y...
2020. Випуск 2(16) 20 энергосбережения учащихся основной школы на уроках физики. В статье описана структура культуры энергосбережения учащихся основной школы на уроках физики, которая включает четыре компонента, мотивационно-ценностный, когнитивный компонент, деятельности, рефлексивный. Кратко описана суть каждого из аспектов структуры культуры эне...
Teaching the rich and unique chemistry of poly- and perfluorinated organic compounds should go hand-in-hand with the awareness of their future impact on environment and health.
The influence of nonmigrating diurnal tides on Na layer variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere regions is investigated for the first time using data from the Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System (OSIRIS) on the Odin satellite and Specified Dynamics Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SD-WACCM) with metal chemistry. T...
This research aims to produce a learning product in the form of a flipbook-based e-module that is valid, practical, and effective for X students in the odd semester. Chemistry lesson This development research is based on the unavailability of innovative teaching materials that meet the demands of the merdeka curriculum. Development procedures using...
Microplásticos (MPs) são genericamente definidos como partículas inferiores a 5 mm, e originam-se de duas fontes principais: podem ser derivados a partir da degradação de detritos plásticos maiores (MPs secundários), ou podem ser produzidos em tamanho microscópico e introduzidos diretamente em ambientes aquáticos e terrestres (MPs primários). Devid...
Questo studio analizza le proprietà termiche delle celle agli ioni di litio, con particolare attenzione al fenomeno della Thermal Runaway. Sono stati utilizzati metodi di analisi termica e cinetica per calcolare parametri cruciali come il calore specifico e i parametri cinetici del catodo di celle Panasonic 18650 NCA al 50% di carica. Il metodo pro...
Los docentes comprometidos con el mejoramiento de praxis pedagógica al integrar la didáctica de las ciencias como alternativa procedimental favorecen apropiación de los contenidos conceptuales de la asignatura de Química y Física en el alumnado de bachillerato que supere solo la adquisición de contenidos, sino que se promueva un cambio conceptual a...
It is now becoming clear that oxygen and its species being highly reactive that it may have been instrumental in getting the prebiotic chemistry going during the emergence of life on the Earth.
Chemistry has a habit of surprising us. As we dig deeper, sometimes what we find will change the course of our research.
A pesquisa destaca a importância da gestão ambiental nas estratégias operacionais das empresas, impulsionada pela conscientização sobre os impactos ao meio ambiente, enfatizando o papel da gestão de operações na integração de práticas mais sustentáveis. De abordagem qualitativa e estudo de caso único, essa pesquisa foi realizada em uma empresa quím...
Low‐Density Polyethylene (LDPE) reactors have the potential for rupture because of thermal runaway from auto‐accelerating chemistry. Pockets of unmixed, highly reactive, LDPE constituents, called hot spots, are often generated by conditions within the reactor and are the main source of thermal runaway. Because of this, there is a need to define thr...
In this paper attention is directed toward one of the key measures of performance, State of Charge (SoC) for vanadium and other battery chemistries. Explored are its simple definition, as well as a more complete examination of just what is meant by this terminology. Developed is a more sophisticated exposition of how to calculate it properly, inclu...
El río de San Jerónimo Amanalco, Texcoco, México, es una zona de relevancia por las prácticas de piscicultura y por ser un área de recreación. Se realizó un análisis de las condiciones fisicoquímicas que posee un cuerpo de agua para plantear como objetivo el determinar si las características fisicoquímicas del río cumplen con la normativa aplicable...
La tecnología de Realidad Aumentada llevada al aula favorece la alfabetización científica porque refuerza la motivación, despierta el interés por aprender, mejora la comprensión de fenómenos y conceptos complejos de Ciencias Naturales y, en particular, de la Química. A través del presente artículo se busca revelar las posibilidades educativas que o...
The 57th SCS Conference on Stereochemistry, better known as the Bürgenstock Conference, brought together a diverse range of chemistry expertise in Brunnen, Switzerland. image
O entendimento da descontinuidade da matéria é basilar para a compreensão das teorias químicas, mas há muitos obstáculos para sua compreensão. Não obstante, as propostas de ensino com base na história da química para o ensino dos modelos atômicos não enfatizam a descontinuidade como uma parte importante desses modelos, nem são suficientes para comp...
En la primera entrega de esta serie, “GALIO, Gaming: Aprendizaje Lúdico de Química Inorgánica y Orgánica Parte 1”, mostramos los diferentes trabajos realizados por profesores de la Facultad de Química de la UNAM en el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias lúdico-didácticas. Presentamos diferentes herramientas, juegos de mesa educativos y en particular j...
Na busca por novas estratégias de ensino na disciplina de Química, as atividades lúdicas mostram-se como uma alternativa que pode contribuir com a motivação do aluno em busca da conscientização da importância de se estudar esta disciplina, o que representa uma quebra de paradigma com o ensino tradicional. Para que o ensino do diagrama de distribuiç...
هدفت الدراسة الحالية إِلى معرفة مدى تضمين معايير العلوم للجيل الثاني (NGSS) في كتاب الكيمياء للصف العاشر من المرحلة الثانوية في الجمهورية اليمنية؛ إذ أعدد الباحثان قائمة معايير العلوم للجيل الثاني NGSS، في تخصص العلوم الفيزيائية، ومُؤشراتها المُقترحة، لمجال المادة وتفاعلاتها، وقد اتبعَّت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي؛ لأنه المنهج الذي يتناسب مع طب...
Las teorías de la conspiración sobre los chemtrails o estelas químicas proliferan en el entorno digital y parecen sintomáticas de un clima de sospecha hacia las instituciones científicas y políticas en relación con la geoingeniería. Este artículo analiza, desde un punto de vista teoricoanalítico, cómo estas narrativas pueden estar impactando negati...
En este estudio se desarrolló una propuesta para enseñar estereoquímica con estudiantes universitarios de la carrera de química y farmacia, con el objetivo de identificar las representaciones de estructuras orgánicas que son más sencillas para el estudiantado utilizando una estrategia didáctica para la identificación, asignación de la configuración...
Considerando a grande relevância das questões relacionadas ao impacto ambiental, o desenvolvimento de solventes ecológicos ligados à Química Verde, que foca na aplicação de processos químicos em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, tem se tornado cada vez mais importante. Os Solventes Eutéticos Naturais Profundos, solventes verdes com propriedades...
Este trabajo muestra algunos de los resultados de una tesis de grado de la carrera de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales en la UNED de Costa Rica, sobre el diseño de una secuencia didáctica (SD) para el abordaje de la temática Valoración Ácido-Base bajo el modelo del Laboratorio Extendido con estudiantes de undécimo año del Colegio Científico Cost...
A Iniciação Científica (IC) consiste numa modalidade de pesquisa acadêmica na qual é possível aprofundar o conhecimento em torno de um tema delimitado. O incentivo à pesquisa por meio da IC promove o desenvolvimento de diversas habilidades e competências necessárias ao estudante pesquisador. Ainda no Ensino Médio, pode ser usada como potencial ferr...
The chemistry of tetraarylammonium salts has long been a dormant field of research. This, however, is now changing. The review gives an overview of the early development of the research field and points out which directions current research takes.
O potencial terapêutico dos produtos do metabolismo secundário de espécies vegetais tem sido alvo de pesquisas e desenvolvimento de produtos farmacêuticos inovadores. O Brasil apresenta uma natureza exuberante, que se destaca pelo grande número de compostos bioativos com propriedades físico-químicas de interesse cosmético e medicinal. O araçá-verme...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear a distribuição das variáveis dendrométricas e definir Unidades de Manejo em plantios comerciais de teca, por meio da krigagem com deriva externa, considerando os atributos químicos do solo. Para isso, o presente estudo foi conduzido em plantio comercial de teca situado no município de Nossa Senhora do Livramento...
This study focuses on exploring pre-service science teachers’ conceptual integration understandings in explaining the subject of metabolism with the concepts of physics and chemistry. Action research was employed in this study. Nine pre-service science teachers taking the General Biology II course participated. Participants were taught metabolism c...
This Research Topic is dedicated to the extraordinary scientific contributions of Prof.
C.N.R. Rao to the field of Chemistry generally and to solid state/material chemistry in
Si en el Eje Cafetero queremos un aeropuerto de alcance transoceánico para hacer viable el ecoturismo como estrategia de desarrollo, se requiere de un proceso regional soportado en el liderazgo colectivo. Lo anterior obliga a pensar en las posibilidades del Paisaje Cultural Cafetero, sumadas al termalismo y el aviturismo como fortalezas de la Ecorr...
Resumo Este trabalho, para as terras do Estado da Paraíba, objetivou modelar e estimar o estoque de carbono superficial utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. Utilizou-se dos dados das análises físicas e químicas descritos nos perfis representativos de do Levantamento Exploratório e de Reconhecimento dos Solos do Estado da Paraíba e do Zoneamento...
Geopolymers, as a cement-free alternative in construction, present a promising and sustainable option for modern material science. This paper discusses the essential role of sodium silicate (waterglass) and metakaolin in producing these advanced materials. We explore the chemical properties, reactions, and structural characteristics of waterglass-m...
The integration of technology in the classroom has significantly transformed the teaching of basic sciences. This article explores the challenges and opportunities teachers face in adopting innovative technology tools to enhance learning in subjects such as mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry. Through a bibliographic review and a field stu...
NanoString’s patented molecular barcodes provide a true digital detection technology capable of highly multiplexed analysis. CodeSet chemistry uses a Reporter CodeSet and a Capture ProbeSet to bind to the target. Excess probes are removed, and hybridized probes bind to the cartridge. The target-probe complexes are immobilized and aligned on the car...
Prospective chemistry teachers play an important role in implementing Discovery Learning through the learning tools they develop. It is important to evaluate the quality of discovery learning-based learning tools utilised by prospective chemistry teachers in order to provide constructive feedback and improve their competence. This study aims to des...
I have tried to cover the basics of star formation. Since the time I started growing my enthusiasm for research, I have always tried to make the scientific explanation easy to understand. I am truly thanking Mr. Andrew M. Shaw for his amazing book Astrochemistry: From Astronomy to Astrobiology, I am very inspired by the stellar chemistry presentati...
Practicum is essential to learning because it provides practical learning opportunities in building students' knowledge. Learning using the practical method can explain abstract theories into concrete ones and can be analyzed in more detail so that this method can improve cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills. Practical activities in schools...
Program Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat dilakukan bekerja sama dengan SMK Karmel yang berlokasi di Permata, Kuta Jaya, Kec. Pasar Kemis, Kabupaten Tangerang. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh sekitar 20 siswa kelas XII yang mendapatkan pelatihan tentang desain grafis menggunakan Canva. Pelatihan ini bermaksud untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan...
In the following study we will point out a VISUAL PRESENTATION signifying the following aspects .
1. Drinking water pollution from deep tube well .
2.Student Pedagog on chemistry course curriculam.
El acceso al conocimiento científico es fundamental para el desarrollo de la formación profesional de los docentes de Química, es crucial en este proceso, ya que son responsables de promover la cultura científica en sus estudiantes. Esta investigación se propuso desarrollar y evaluar una estrategia pedagógica para lograrlo. A través de un enfoque m...
The synthesis, isolation, and characterisation of well-defined low-valent actinide complexes are reviewed with a main focus on compounds featuring uranium and thorium metal centres in formal oxidation states ≤ +3. The importance of the ligand environment in enabling access to these highly reactive species, as well as its influence on ground state e...
Este estudo investigou os benefícios da Aloe Vera para fins dermatológicos, focando em suas propriedades químicas, biológicas e aplicações clínicas comprovadas. A pesquisa se justifica pelo crescente interesse em tratamentos naturais que aliam eficácia e segurança, posicionando a Aloe Vera como uma alternativa promissora para diversas condições cut...
Over the past few years, there has been a surge of interest in the chemistry of bicyclobutanes (BCBs). Although BCBs have been used to synthesize bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes and bicyclo[3.1.1]heptanes, the synthesis of bicyclo[4.1.1]octanes has remained elusive. Herein, we report the first Lewis acid‐catalyzed unexpected (4+3) annulation of para‐quinonem...
This study explores the reflection and dialog feedback of preservice teachers (PTs) in a one-semester chemistry teaching design and practice course with the aim of improving their situated and dynamic pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Using a collective case study method, reflections and dialogs from 18 PTs across six teaching cycles were analyz...
Se presenta la segunda síntesis de ondansetron, fármaco antiemético, de acuerdo al análisis retrosintético presentado anteriormente y por química de flujo.
MICROPLASTICOS SECUNDARIOS MICROPLASTICOS < 5 mm TRANSPORTE CUERPOS DE AGUA INGESTION Estos se forman por la degradación, química (oxidación), física (calor, luz, UV, acción mecánica) y/o degradación microbiana. Son plásticos manufacturados con un tamaño menor de 5 mm. Desde materiales industriales y hasta productos para el hogar Malas gestión de l...
A prestação de contas, seja no setor público ou privado, tem sido um elemento crucial na manutenção da transparência e da confiança pública. Este conceito e prática têm raízes antigas, estendendo-se de volta às primeiras sociedades civis onde a distribuição e utilização de recursos necessitavam de algum nível de supervisão e justificação. Ao longo...
The following audio graphic interview presents the alarming situation for participation of student to learn chemistry in undergraduate ( Major ) / Post graduate course curriculum . The number of student doing graduation / post graduation are becoming less to less .
The Speakers Present ;
Dr. Harasit Kumar Mondal ( Assistant professor in Chemist...
Communication in the natural science classroom is crucial for learning. This research analyzed
the semantic code “semantic gravity” in chemistry classes of four teachers in the city of Manizales,
Colombia. The main goal of the research was to identify how the semantic gravity of the teacher
is related to the semantic gravity of the students and the...
Structuring of collagen and obtaining the desired properties of new materials, studying the chemistry of these reactions has been little studied. The field of creation of new nanotechnologies and the use of new halogen-collagen systems in soil compositions for leather finishing has not been studied deeply enough. This work is devoted to obtaining a...
Transition metal-containing zeolites have received considerable attention, owing to their application in the selective catalytic reduction of NO x . To understand their chemistry, both structural and mechanistic aspects at the atomic level are needed.
Transition metal‐catalyzed carbonylation functionalization reaction of alkenes is an attractive research area in modern organic chemistry. However, there have been very few reports on silver‐catalyzed reactions in carbonylation reactions. Herein we developed a silver‐catalyzed carbamoylation and carbonylative cyclization of alkenes with oxamic acid...
With the extensive deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs), ensuring their safety has become increasingly critical. However, existing defense methods often struggle with two key issues: (i) inadequate defense capabilities, particularly in domain-specific scenarios like chemistry, where a lack of specialized knowledge can lead to the generation o...
Some polynomials find their way into chemical graph theory less often than others. They could provide new ways of understanding the origins of regularities in the chemistry of specific classes of compounds. This study’s objective is to depict the place of polynomials in chemical graph theory. Different approaches and notations are explained and lev...
Character tables represent an invaluable tool for applications of group theory in physics and chemistry. They are useful, among other applications, to carry out the projection of functions which later on constitute the basis to simplify the calculations and establish the selection rules. However, the physical interpretation of the character tables...
La nueva versión de la plancha 263-Ortega, aporta nueva información cartográfica como la separación del Granito de Ortega de edad pérmica del Batolito de Ibagué, con base en información de campo, petrografía, química de ronca total y geocronología U-Pb
Using multiple evaluation methods and systems give a comprehensive assessment. A computer-based multiple-choice assessment system was designed, implemented, posted online, and used to assess students as part of their final evaluation marks for a discipline. The online system of evaluation was intended to be used multiple times for evaluating the as...
El propósito del estudio consistió en comparar dos tipos de ambientes virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje: la enseñanza ostensiva por medio de videos y la enseñanza por instrucciones, en el aprendizaje de relaciones de clase de elementos químicos en estudiantes universitarios, mediante un arreglo de igualación de la muestra de primer y segundo orden...